




Ioannis Vardopoulos

Division of Environmental Conservation and Management, Faculty of Pure and Applied

Sciences, Open University of Cyprus.

Department of Home Economics and Ecology, School of Environment, Geography and Applied

Economics, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece.

[email protected]

Zoi I. Konstantinou

Division of Hydraulics and the Environment, Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle

University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

Abstract While humanity confronts the results of past policies in economic, social and

environmental terms, attempting to mitigate the evident impacts on the environment and human

life, this study attempts to explore the possible relationship between unemployment rates and

their affect on climate change through carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from human economic

activity. It is certain that issues of this magnitude are deeply interdisciplinary and their

profound understanding requires complex and multi layered approach, in conjunction with the

ensuing impacts in all different aspects. In this study, the formulation of a correlation between

those two variables is attempted, through statistical processing of international data. Results

are indicating towards a moderate correlation to an extent sufficient enough to allow research

on the causes. The objections attribution is based on sample survey, using predefined

assumptions. The aggregated results of the survey, acknowledging the delimitations set for the

scope of this study, did not provide an unequivocal correlation on cause basis, but revealed all

the parameters needed to be included in a future statistical analysis and survey in order for

robust conclusions to be reached.

Key Words: Climate Change, CO2 Emissions, Environmental Footprint, Unemployment

Acknowledgments: The study was initially presented at the 1st International Workshop on

Economic Growth and Sustainable Development on 9-10 September in Athens, Greece. We

thank the workshop participants and anonymous referees for helpful comments and



What is ultimately more important for a modern society, Climate Change or

unemployment (ILO, 1982)? This is an important dilemma created as a result of the proposed

shutdown of a large steel plant. Such industries release large amounts of CO2, but are also the

main foundation for several modern economies (Worldsteel, 2014). A similar situation applies

to coal. Burning coal releases large amount of CO2 (Pacyna et al., 2016), but for the extraction

hundreds of thousands people are employed (Chung, 2016). Whereas coal is not extinct, but

instead inactive in the ground, formed millions of years ago (Taylor et al., 2009), it would be



theoretically possible for the coal-mining industry to employ hundreds of thousands of workers

again sometime in the near future. Thus, those advocating against unemployment will naturally

want to open the mines again, but those supporting awareness against climate change and

global warming will seek to keep carbon in the ground forever.

Both the major issues of Climate Change (Zhang et al., 2011; IPCC, 2014) and

unemployment (Rontos et al., 2016) cause global concern (IPCC, 2014) under the modern,

fragile, socio-economic regime of completely free market (Bockman, 2011). The correlation

between the two under the current, globally evolving, social and political conditions may

constitute keynote knowledge for understanding and mitigating both. However, the theoretical

mechanism that connects those two social and economic variables, for the scope of this

research, lies within the context of Cato’s diagram indicating the relationship between the three

pillars of sustainability (Scott-Cato, 2008).

Figure 1: The 3 pillars of sustainability (image from UTSC Sustainability Office)

In this context, this research approaches Climate Change through the probable causes of

human economic activity, which increases greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere

(Janssens-Maenhout et al., 2011), in relation to unemployment rates and ultimately, the extent

on which the latter affects or not CO2 emissions. While the relation between economy and

climate change has been thoroughly studied (Pie et al 2013, 2014) and the effect of

unemployment and inflation in an economic system have been also analytically investigated

(Alogoskoufis, 2016) (see Okun’s Law, Philips Curve, Kuznets Curve Keynesian economics),

the possible correlation between unemployment and Climate Change (through CO2 emissions)

remains unidentified.

Within the context of efforts in finding a joint solution, if Climate Change and

unemployment proved to be mutually exclusive then how should these two issues be

addressed? If employment is found to increase CO2 emissions per capita, then would it make

sense to promote, as a measure of mitigating Climate Change, to deliberate exclusion -under

welfare state insurance benefits- of a percentage (say 30%) of the individuals currently in the

labour force; i.e. be paid not to produce? Or, if this question is posed differently, is it possible

that the extent of the retirement age has a specific environmental impact and, thus, may have

an indirect cost that has not been taken under account yet?



Accordingly, parallel to the current market ethics (Weber and Parsons, 2013) on which

most modern western societies are built on, should there be incentives for job creation even if

it leads to increased CO2 emissions?

The so-called green economy and/or green job, is for many researchers a myth, or better

an illusion, for many and different reasons, but mainly because it employs a small number of

people whose wages are overwhelmingly subsidized by government funds. Thus, most green

industries are simply unprofitable or not economically viable without those funds. Funds,

though, resulting from the state revenues, ie. taxes. (indicatively Morriss et al., 2009; Musu,

2010; Mulvaney, 2014). The current European policy and strategy in support of the so called

green jobs and renewably energy sources, dates back at least a decade and has become at some

point a primary proposal from the USA. However, considering the case in Europe revealed that

these policies are terribly damaging and economically unproductive (Green, 2011). Hence,

following these studies, one can conclude that the green job agenda actually contributes in

losing jobs, regarding the jobs lost per green job created and the environmental impact occurred

with each MW of renewable energy installed. Therefore, is there in the current economic

situation in Europe, an ally for employment besides green jobs?


The selected methodological approach for this research had two major steps. A

quantitative comparative statistical analysis was applied to CO2 emissions data1 and

unemployment rates data2 of 38 countries around globe, for a time period between 1980 and

2014. Countries selection was made upon listing the top 20 countries in the world in CO2

emissions, the top 20 countries in the world in unemployment rates as appeared from data1-2

extracted during this research, and the countries which were included in the survey research.

Statistical data analysis included the calculation of the average, mode, media, mean and

standard deviation, as well as the calculation of the correlation coefficient between the

variables of each country throughout the whole time period, and the development of scatter-

grams and trend-lines for the data-sets. The aforementioned correlation was used to develop

the initial hypothesis, which has given the delimitations set for the scope of the current research,

that CO2 emissions correlate with unemployment.

In order to investigate further if there is a causal relationship between unemployment and

CO2 emissions, and hence with climate change, an online survey was designed and conducted

in March 2016 with a single month duration. In accordance with the guidelines of this research,

duration was subject of the response rates and the sufficiently large data acquired for analysis.

1 Global per capita CO2 emissions from human economic activity, 1980-2014. Emissions: 2015 update with 2014 emissions of fossil fuel use and industrial process emissions (cement production, carbonate use of limestone and dolomite, non-energy use of fuels and other combustion). Substance: CO2 country totals excluding short-cycle biomass burning and excluding large-scale biomass burning. Unit: ton (Mg) CO2 per capita and per year. Date: 25/11/2015. Sources: EDGARv4.3, EC, JRC, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. The EDGARv4.3FT2014 emissions are calculated based on the energy balance statistics of IEA (2014), BP (2013-2014) data of BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2015, Chinese coal consumption data of the China Statistical Abstract, October 2015, UNDR (2013) World Population Prospects, the 2012 Revision Report United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. Reference: Olivier, J.G.J., Janssens-Maenhout, G., Muntean, M. and Peters, J.A.H.W. (2015) Trends in global CO2 emissions: 2015 Report. PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, The Hague; European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES). JRC98184, PBL1803, Internet:, November 2015 2 Global Unemployment Rates, 1980-2014. Units: Percent of total labor force. Source International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, April 2015, CIA World Factbook.



The questionnaire was drawn up to record the environmental footprint of those who are

working/employed in relation to those unemployed. As certain aspects were beyond the scope

of the current research, the latter were not separated in respect to types of unemployment

(Skenderi and Uka, 2015). Delimitations were also set in regard to geographic, economic and

social data. For example, there was no distinction between those leaving in a city centre and

those leaving in suburbs regarding their needs for public transportation use, or between those

leaving in different geographic latitudes regarding their needs for electricity (i.e.


The developed survey was mainly based on closed-ended questions, with the exception

of some questions regarding demographics. The main type of questions included in the survey

were factual ones, i.e. respondents were invited to answer how they think, feel and express an

opinion or intention regarding specific things that concern them, that are familiar with or that

can easily estimate, eliciting knowledge and attitudes in relation to climate change,

environmental values, behaviours and demographics.

The survey consisted of two essential parts: a) one focused in questions through which

to determine the environmental footprint and b) one to identify the demographic profile of the

survey responders. The environmental footprint determination questions were developed in

accordance with the Global Footprint Network measuring the supply of and demand on nature

(Global Footprint Network, 2016). The order in which questions became available, took under

account the levels of comfort of the responder, as well as attraction factors. The first part

introduces the respondent directly to the scope of the research with questions both general and

specific content, i.e. Do you believe global warming is caused by humans?; Do you consider

“thinking green” an economic luxury?; What is the level of carbon dioxide increased by?;

What is the unemployment rate today?; Are you currently employed?; The second part basically

separates the respondents to employed and unemployed. For the employed respondents,

clarification questions regarding their working environment follow, while for the unemployed

respondents, the questions try to determine their type of unemployment. Although, as

previously mentioned, the type of unemployment variable was beyond the scope of the current

research, it was deemed necessary to be recorded for statistical accuracy and probable future

use. The third section is focusing on examining the environmental footprint of each respondent,

i.e. How often do you eat meat, fish, diary?; How much do you spend on clothing and household

equipment?; What is the size of your house?; Do you recycle and use energy saving lighting?;

How far do you travel by car, public transportation, boat and airplane?; The last part was

dedicated to examine certain demographic characteristics of the sample, i.e. the gender, the

age, the education status, the income, the political affiliations (McCright, 2010), the relevance

to environmental science.

The questionnaire was send via e-mail to a random sample of people all around the globe

in about 4,500 e-mail addresses from OUC’s e-mail data base for surveys and was shared in

social media networks with estimated engagement of about 5,250 users (N=510; response

rate=5,23%). In some participating countries the response rate is moderate to low.

The questionnaire was developed in a neutral manner, without leading and influencing

the respondents, hence demographic questions were placed in the last section, aiming in

excluding any possible emotional responses (Watson and Greer, 1983). Upon completion of

the survey, processing and statistical analysis of the data followed. A first analysis separated

the complete questionnaires and excluded those who did not meet certain criteria3. Thus from

the total 510 initial questionnaire replies, 110 were excluded meaning that 78.4% of the sample

answered was utilise for this research.

3 Criteria included the exclusion of those aged less than 16 years old, of those not stating their age, of those not

stating their country of residence, and of those that did not answered in all the questions of the survey.



For this study and further to the initial analysis, a separation of the responders was applied

regarding their country of residence in order to deeper investigate and analyze the demographic

profile characteristics in relation to some specific country characteristics and the environmental

footprint in an attempt to additionally recognize potential patterns with regard to the initial

hypothesis. The two countries that were selected for additional study were the second and third

by rate of responds, thus Cyprus and United Kingdom. Greece, the first country by rate of

responds, was not selected due to the presence of certain characteristics in the under research

time of period of the political and financial state of the country that could affect the final

outcome (ex. supernumery elections, extreme variations of the unemployment rates, prolonged

economic crisis with effects in society, etc.). Moreover, it is an attempt to recognize if the high

respond rates from Greece have or not misleadingly shaped the final outcome.


The comparative statistical analysis from the data regarding the CO2 emissions and

unemployment rates are presented in Table1. Furthermore, a scatter-gram with the trend-line

of all the above mentioned values of the data is presented in Figure1.

The analysis between the variables, prove correlation. In the future, a more empirical

evaluation, based on regression analysis, can be implemented in order to derive more confident

conclusions. The correlation consists of a general tendency, but there are also different

indications on particular countries. Those findings come to link directly CO2 emissions and

unemployment, in fact, relate each one’s economic activity to climate change through his

environmental footprint. However, despite the significance of those results, which help to

identify potential causes, it is not possible to determine a causal relationship between the two

variables; correlation does not imply causality. Therefore the survey research was necessary.

Table 1: Correlation coefficient in absolute terms of per capita CO2 emissions values1 and

of unemployment rates2 per country. Statistical indicators.

Country R Country R Average

Australia 0.689 Japan 0.659 0.392

Austria 0.627 Mexico 0.152 Mode

Bahrain 0.843 Netherlands 0.368 0.610

Belgium 0.174 New Zealand 0.060 Median

Brazil 0.276 Norway 0.005 0.366

Bulgaria 0.378 Pakistan 0.607 Mean Deviation

Canada 0.512 Poland 0.303 0.227

China 0.679 Portugal 0.253 St. Deviation

Cyprus 0.105 Russian Federation 0.057 0.269

Czech Republic 0.234 Slovakia 0.001

Denmark 0.011 South Africa 0.316

France 0.607 Spain 0.741

Germany 0.260 Sweden 0.412

Greece 0.038 Switzerland 0.383

Hungary 0.904 Taiwan 0.793

Iceland 0.598 Turkey 0.518

Indonesia 0.827 Ukraine 0.264

Iran 0.019 United Kingdom 0.364

Italy 0.281 United States 0.570



In order to develop a reliable measure of the environmental footprint of the two social

groups under study, the statistical analysis of the survey responds, discussed below, focuses on

three sets of variables, i.e. quantitative demographics; qualitative demographics and lifestyle

measures including education, knowledge and political orientation; quantitative environmental

behaviour of the sample.

Figure 2: Scatter gram of all values1-2 of per capita CO2 emissions and of unemployment

rates of all countries included in this research of a time period of 1980-2014.

In order to develop a reliable measure of the environmental footprint of the two social

groups under study, the statistical analysis of the survey responds, discussed below, focuses on

three sets of variables, i.e. quantitative demographics; qualitative demographics and lifestyle

measures including education, knowledge and political orientation; quantitative environmental

behaviour of the sample.

Table 2: Demographic profile of survey respondents for the total sample and for Cypriot

and UK respondents.

Total Cyprus UK


Female 60.8% 63% 76%

Male 39.2% 38% 24%


18-30 33% 28% 57%

30-45 52% 64% 33%

45-60 13% 6% 10%

>60 2% 3% 0%


Basic Education 0.6% 0% 0%

Secondary Education 4.3% 4% 0%

Higher Education 39.3% 29% 19%

Master of PhD Education 55.8% 67% 81%

Relation to Environmental Science

No 77.8% 75% 86%



Yes 22.3% 25% 14%

Political Affiliation

Centre 27.5% 25% 24%

Left 26% 13% 33%

Extreme Left 2.3% 0% 0%

Right 12.8% 11% 0%

Extreme Right 0.2% 0% 0%

Don’t know/No opinion 31.2% 51% 43%

Monthly Income

0-500€ 22.8% 13% 24%

501-1000€ 26.1% 22% 0%

1001-1500€ 23.3% 26% 14%

1501-2000€ 11% 22% 10%

2001-2500€ 6% 8% 14%

2501-3000€ 3.2% 6% 14%

3001-3500€ 2.8% 3% 10%

3501-4000€ 1.4% 0% 5%

4001-4500€ 0.4% 0% 0%

4501-5000€ 0.4% 0% 0%

>5000€ 2,6€ 0% 10%

Currently Employed

Yes 77% 81% 76%

No 23% 19% 24%

Survey’s included demographic measures are presented in Table2 (qualitative and

quantitative). Table3 presents a synthesis of the environmental footprint of those responders

unemployed and those that are currently working in terms of the highest percent of the given


Table 3: Environmental footprint comparison table of those currently employed and those

currently unemployed, as recorded from the survey’s highest percent responds for each one of

the two groups of people for the total sample along with Cypriot and UK respondents.

Total Cyprus UK

Currently employed? No Yes No Yes No Yes

How often do you eat meat? Occasionally 48% 57% 57% 57% 80% 56%

How often do you eat fish? Infrequently 61% 68% 64% 64% 100% 44%

How often do you eat eggs,

milk and dairy?

Often 43% 43% 29% 41% 40% 50%

What clothing and footwear

goods do you buy each


Not at all, unless

it is an absolute


48% 50% 50% 41% 80% 38%

How much do you spend

per year on household

furnishings and appliances?

Very little

(around 200€) 74% 0% 71% 41% 60%


Not very much

(around 600€)

17% 63%

How much of your paper,

cardboard and plastic waste

do you recycle?

All possible 30% 38% 21% 33% 80% 44%

Most 43% 26%



How many people live in

your household?

Two 26% 29% 7% 24% 20% 56%

Three 36% 10% 40% 6%

Four 36% 41%

What is the size of your


Small (around


43% 38% 60% 31%

Medium (around


43% 34%

Do you use energy saving


All the lights in

my house are

energy efficient

30% 45% 43% 48%

Half of the lights

in my house are

energy efficient

40% 44%

I do not know 60% 6%

What do you typically

spend per month on

electricity for your home?

Around 60€ 43% 54% 36% 52% 80% 56%

Around 120€ 43% 40%

How far do you travel by

car each week (as a driver

of passenger)?

Around 80km 39% 41% 57% 40%

I never ride a car 100% 63%

What is the fuel

consumption of the car you

travel in most often?



57% 55% 79% 67% 60% 31%

Very Low


40% 63%

How often do you drive in a

car with someone else?

Occasionally 30% 36% 36% 29% 40% 50%

Often 21% 34%

How far do you travel by

public transit each week

(bus, rail, subway, etc)?

1 to 10 km 26% 21%

0 km 22% 43% 79% 97%

11 to 40 km 80% 31%

How many hours do you fly

each year?

3 hours trip(s) 26% 20% 21% 29%

I do not 22% 22% 36% 19%

30 hours trips 40% 19%

15 hours trips 20% 38%

How many hours do you

travel by boat each year?

I do not 43% 43% 71% 88% 100% 38%


Given that Climate Change does not concern in an equal, horizontal manner all parties

(Parry et al, 2007), vulnerable points of societies and economies must be studied among

countries through the anthropogenic social, psychological, economic and cultural background,

with its resulting biophysical alterations and dynamics, regardless of their geography location.

How do economic losses from unemployment affect greenhouse gas emissions in relation

to losing jobs in core labour industries, accumulating non-productive population mainly in the

city centres and how does this reflect in attitudes, perceptions and behaviours? This article

offers a view on the insufficient opportunities to work (unemployment) -as a major issue and



challenge facing both developed and developing countries (Ashford et al., 2012)- and the

probable caused environmental effects, in order to arrive to an informed judgment concerning

whether, or more appropriately under what conditions, a deliberate boost in job opportunities

makes sense for a region in crisis. Our stating point is not a focus on reducing consumption,

but on emphasizing that social and environmental sustainability require sustainable earning

capacity for poor and middle-class people.

Global Warming affects both local and regional market’s risks and opportunities

worldwide (Dell et al., 2009, 2012, 2014). The main impact occurs, as expected, in industries

depending on climate (eg. agriculture, fisheries, forestry, tourism, insurance, health care, etc.).

Climate Change affects global employment and economic instability, extending far beyond the

industries’ most sensitive to climate (Field, 2014). Climate Change is absolute and every aspect

of human life is affected to some extent by the patterns and the changes (Baldwin, 2014).

Therefore, as the effects of Climate Change accumulate, people will be obliged in changes to

their lifestyle. In specific parts of the world, the changes to occur will be essential and extensive

(Clark et al., 2016) opening up new investment values (Webster et al., 2003) and realignments

in employment. In other parts of the world, those changes may be of less importance, but even

then, if the will occur within a short time of period (Clark et al., 2016) may become an

aggregating force for rearrangement in business opportunities.

The optimum interpretation of unemployment, as expressed, is an environmental tool to

break the constantly accelerating GDP growth as to maintain the sustainability levels in the

context of resource consumption and environmental impacts (McVittie et al, 2008). Full

employment condition, aiming at developing more environmentally efficient production and

consumption patterns, could potentially provide an important and constantly cumulative

environmental benefit, combined with reduced consumption of resources (Friedman, 2008).

Maybe so, the future of the economy and manpower will benefit from the resultant structural

increases in living standards and GDP growth.

In this study, the survey was not targeted to a sample of the total population and was

conducted as previously mentioned via e-mail written in English. Hence, the high

representation of Greek and Cypriot responders (i.e. 77%) along with the high percentage (i.e.

95%) in high educational qualifications –(see foreign language speakers) aligned with the

wider literature findings stating that educated people are more likely to complete a

questionnaire (Curtin et al., 2000; Singer et al., 2000)- are partly justified. Although the study

is limited, it is important to note that is one of the first studies on the subject. From that

perspective and in parallel with the scope of this research the level of representativeness was

considered enough. Indeed though, for conclusive results perhaps the survey should have been

left available longer time of period and should be addressed in one or two more language


Consistent with the wider literature (indicatively Lorenzoni and Pidgeon, 2006;

McCright and Dunlap, 2011; Nisbet, 2009; Weber and Stern, 2011), findings from this study

suggest widespread knowledge and concern about climate change. However, this, does not

translate into personal engagement namely in terms of cognition, affect and behaviour

(Lorenzoni, Nicholson-Cole and Whitmarsh, 2007).

Indeed, many of the participants/responders do not consider “thinking green” an

economic luxury (61.5%), believe global warming is caused by humans (89.5%), see a

relationship between unemployment rates and climate change (46.5%), even though their field

of studies or occupation is not related to environmental science (77.8%), recycle (90.8%), use

energy saving lighting (86.5%), use cars with fuel consumption below 10L/100Km (84.3%),

and consider as a top priority growing a sustainable economy (52.5%).

Accordingly, for Cyprus, it is clear for those currently unemployed that are not prevailing

a raising awareness, but rather are confused.16% of the responders consider “thinking green”



an economic luxury, just 22% believe that global warming is caused by humans, they are not

aware of the level of carbon dioxide increase (since the industrial revolution), but do consider

environmental protection (global warming mitigation) and growing a sustainably economy top

priorities, compared to decreasing unemployment rates. According to the same sample

responders are not aware of the current unemployment rates, while they don’t identify a relation

between employment status and climate change.

In parallel UK citizens responders that are currently unemployed do consider “thinking

green” an economic luxury by 60% and they strongly believe that global warming is cause by

humans (100%). Similarly to the Cypriot responders they are unaware of the level of carbon

dioxide increase (80%) but they consider decreasing unemployment rates (60%) as a top

priority even if they are not aware of the range of these rates, in conjunction with those currently

working, who consider top priority growing a sustainable economy (75%). UK responders also

do not identify a relationship between employment status rates and climate change (40%),

unlike the currently employed (50%).

As the goal of this article is not to conduct a cross-country comparison of the effect of

unemployment in climate change, but to examine this relation independently from country

characteristics, to further indicate the absence or presence of some categorical effects that may

be expected to shift the outcome (ex. country characteristics, occurrence of wars, major strikes,

financial crisis, etc) the use of dummy variables should be an appropriate approach for further


Observations of the aforementioned findings indicates that the environmental footprint

of the two community groups under study is common. Furthermore, the examination of the two

separate countries showed none significant alternations in consumer habits and life style

choices, hence in the total environmental footprint. This research’s result though, can be

challenged taking into account the delimitations set for the scope of this research. The fact that

from this research do not arise a clear causal relationship to the initial hypothesis, does not

imply it does not exist, especially if in the future the research emphasises in the comparison of

developing countries as well. Besides, the most optimistic interpretation of Kuznets

environmental curve states, growth in income is itself the solution to environmental problems

(Andreoni and Levinson, 1998).

In the current literature and the scientific field of environmental science, appears to be

none research on the questions raised in the current study.

The political, economic, social and even biological correlation and interpretation of all

indicators that arise, such as per capita GDP, per capita CO2 emissions, unemployment rate,

long-term unemployment index, education index, geographical features, political conditions,

are subject to further investigation, evaluation and correlation. Given the combination of all

parameters from a new methodological approach and statistical analysis, it will become

possible to address conclusively this multidimensional theorem. Further research on this

subject should include, besides the obvious gradual removing of the delimitations set for the

scope of the current paper, a cross-country comparison, the use of an econometric technique

based on probabilistic models and a more mathematical approach (empirical curve equation).


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