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BOOK CLUB Boy by Roald Dahl

The story Boy is an autobiography of Roald Dahl’s childhood. The majority of the

story is set from the time Roald Dahl was born to the time he was 20 years old.

The start of the story is a short biography that explains a little bit about the lives

of Roald Dahl’s dad and uncle. The main character is Roald Dahl but the rest of

his family, mostly his mum, get mentioned in the story as well.

One of the major events in the story and Roald Dahl’s life was when his eldest

sister Astri and his father died. Astri died from appendicitis then Roald Dahl’s

father got pneumonia and didn’t fight to survive because he wanted to join his

daughter in heaven. When Roald Dahl’s dad died his mother decided to move to

a smaller house a few miles away in Llandaff. Roald Dahl went to kindergarten

when he was 6 years old and it was called Elmtree House. Roald Dahl went to

his first school, called Llandaff Cathedral School, when he was 7 years old.

When Roald Dahl and his friends got thrashed by the principle for putting a

dead mouse in the mean sweet shop ladies lolly jar, Roald Dahl’s mom decided

he should go to another school.

Every summer holidays, Roald Dahl and his family went to Norway to catch up

with the rest of the family. When Roald Dahl was 9, he went to the boarding

school St Peters. At St Peters, he sometimes felt a bit lonely and was scared of

doing anything wrong in front of the strict masters, (teachers). The final school

Roald Dahl went to was called Repton. He was 13 years old. At Repton, he was

a sort of servant to the senior captains, did photography and was the captain of

Eton-Fives and Squash sports teams. When he left school he applied for a job

at the Shell oil company. Out of 107 applicants for the job he was one of the 7

people to get it. After two years of intensive training at the Shell Oil Company, he

was sent off to his first assignment in East Africa. He was supposed to only be

away for 3 years but then the big war broke out and he trained as a fighter pilot

in the RAF. Roald Dahl’s next book Going Solo is about all this and the rest of

Roald Dahl’s adulthood.

I understand how Roald Dahl felt when he spent time away from his family

because I only see my mom and my brother once a week and I spend the rest of

the time with my dad. I don’t relate to Roald Dahl in any other way because he

lived in a different era and most things were done a bit differently back then.

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Term Reflection

This term I made few more friends and got to know the school a bit better. The main

thing that happened this term was Cross Country. I came 16th in 2.4km run in which

we ran all around the school. The hardest bit of the course for me was heartbreak

hill because it is a steep hill in the middle of the course and I felt like dying when I

was half way up. I was running with Abdul the whole time and even though he isn’t in

my house it was still good running with him because we supported each other when

one of us fell back. In the last 100m I sprinted and ended up beating Abdul. On

Fridays we play interschool sport. Interschool sport is when you play the sport that

you got to choose which was either football, soccer, newcombe ball or t-ball. The

sport that I chose to play was footy. It was my first time ever playing a proper game of

AFL so I was a bit nervous when the first game started. I didn’t get any goals but I

enjoyed having a kick of the footy and getting into the spirit of the game.

Unfortunately our team didn’t win any games but we only lost the first game we

played by one point! The only sports that did win were newcombe ball and t-ball. On

the second last Friday of term we competed in our first game in the Lightning

Premiership. We lost the first three games but came back and on the last one. We

had another Harmony day this term but me and Soham missed it because we were

at G.A.T.E.W.A.Y.S maths program in Toorak College which is a day of extension

maths. Some of the rotations were a bit boring but others were a bit better and I

learnt some things which I didn’t even know existed. This term wasn’t as busy as last

term but was still as fun.

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