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M I T C H E L L S U . 6 6 0 1 9 2 S T U D I O C . A B P L 9 0 0 1 4 2T O P O L O G I E S O F D E S I R EA S E L E C T I O N O F W O R K S

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Page 3: Studio C Weekly Tasks Portfolio

D I S T I L L I A T I O N N O L O C A T I O N W E E K O N E L E M E P R I S ( C O N T E M P T ) I N D I V I D U A L P R O J E C T

The framing and scene composition of Le Mepris is a particular point of symbolism in the film and has lends

itself to the conveyance of emotions and mood within the film. The five models create a body of work that is

quintissentially a distillation of five key scenes in the film that ultimately set the pace and tone of the film. A

minimalist composition highlights one piece of key furniture from that scene - the focal point in which the

event takes place, an icon of some sort.

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L O S T S H I B U Y A , T O K Y O , J A P A N W E E K T W O L O S T I N T R A N S L A T I O N I N D I V I D U A L P R O J E C T

The peculiarites of the Japanese culture are ones unique from the world, moreso when it comes to the

juxtaposition of it with Western cultures. ‘Lost in Translation’ by Sophia Coppola explores the fast paced nature

and delirious culture of Japan in the simple expression of two very disassociated who are in search of a more

substantiated and fulfilling experience in Tokyo. In losing themselves within the environment of the city, the

two protagonists find not only themselves, but also each other.

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L I G H T | S H A D O W V A L S , S W I T Z E R L A N D W E E K T H R E E T H E R M E V A L S I N D I V I D U A L P R O J E C T

To convey the timelessness and monolitihic nature of Peter Zumthor’s Therme Vals, a form of atmospheric tone

and light mapping has been applied to the bathing levels of the baths. Light appears to break through gently

in the areas of circulation, drawing towards a more dark and time agnostic space deeper inside the building’s

spatial parameters. The increasing darkness into the building seems to play on the concept of a ‘building inside

the hill, a building out of the hill’.

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D U A L I T Y V A L S , S W I T Z E R L A N D W E E K F O U R L E M E P R I S G R O U P P R O J E C T

The section perspective is based on a combination of Peter Zumthor’s Therme Vals and Jean Goddard’s Le

Mepris, which in their very essence of their spatial qualities are not too dissimilar, in fact, much of their tone

relies on the premise of an absence of time within the confines of an enclosed space. The positioning of Paul

upon the sundeck of Therme Vals reflects the openness and confidence of the character with blue tending to

be the main color portrayal of Paul. Meanwhile the resting rooms of the bath are closed, secluded, individual

and filled with a warm dim red tone, a reflection of Camille’s character and disposition at this point of the film.

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