





NIM. TE140987










Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain

S. Pd Degree (S.1) in English Education


NIM. TE140987







In the name of Allah SWT the most gracious and the most merciful,

who has given the researcher mercy and blessing, health and ability to finish

thesis. Sholawat to the Prophet Muhammad SAW his coming really change the


Special Thanks to:

My Parents, my beloved father Muhamad Sapar and my beloved mother

Siti fatimahwho always give me everlasting love, guidance, motivation,

always praying for me and supporting me to finish this thesis and to be

successful in the future.

My beloved young brothers,myfirst youngerbrotherFaishol Khusaini, my

second youngest brother Fanji Alfarizi who always supporting, motivation

and praying for me.

My first advisor Mahyuzar Rahman, M.Ag and My second Advisor Faiqah

Mahmudah, M.Pd who guided me, advised me and supported me to finish

this thesis.

My Close friendsDian DwiAtmaPutriAmin,Dian mustika,ErniYusnita, Ires

Sepri Yesi andEmma Mariska special thanks for you all who always

guidance, always besides me when happiness, sadness and all condition.

My beloved sister Wilda Rusmawati Tumanggor Amd.Kebthat always

give me support, and never bored listen my complain to finish this thesis.

All of my beloved classmate in D class of English Department, I thank

them for the spirit, motivation and togetherness thanks for your sharing

and participant.

All of my lecturer who teach me since i don‟t know anything till i


All of people who keep supporting me wherever you are.

May Allah SubhanahuWaTa‟ala bless us.



وٱلزسخون فى ٱلعلم يقولون ءامنا وما يعلم تأويلهۥ إلا ٱلله

بهۦ كل من عند ربنا وما يذكز إلا أولوا ٱلألبب

“And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allah. But, those firm in

knowledge say, "We believe in it. All [of it] is from our Lord." And no one will be

reminded except those of understanding”(Q.S Ali Amran : 7)


Alhamdulillah, firstly, the researcher expresses to Allah SWT the

greatest gratefulness for all the blessing and chances given so that I could finally

finish this thesis as one of the requirements to get undergraduate degree

(S.1).secondly, sholawat and salam always be given to my prophet Muhammad


The researcher realizes that this thesis would have not been completed

without the help, advice and guidance frommany people. Therefore, in this

opportunity the researcher would like to express thanks and gratitude the

following paties and their contribution:

1. Dr. H. HadriHasan, MA., as the Rector of the State Islamic University of

SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr. Hj.Armida, M. Pd as the Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher

Training of TheStateIslamic University of SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi.

3. Dr. H. Lukman Hakim, M.Pd. as the Vice of Academic Affair Dean Faculty of

Education and Teacher Training, Dr. ZawaqiAfdhalJamil, M. Pd.Ias the Vice

of General Administration Dean Faculty of Education and Teacher Training,

and Dr. H. KemasImronRosadi, M. Pd.,asthe Vice of Students Affair Dean

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training.

4. AmaliaNurhasanah, M.Hum as the Chairwoman of English Education


5. Mahyuzar Rahman M.Pd my first advisor, thank you for your guidance

6. Faiqah Mahmudah M.Pd my second advisor, thank you for your guidance.

7. All lecturer of the English Department for teaching precious knowledge,

sharing philosophy of live and giving wonderful experience.

8. The headmaster and all of teacher in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Laboratorium,

thank you for your guidance.

It is expected that this thesiswill give contribution to the Students of

English Education Program especially in learning process. Then, the researcher

realized that this thesis is still far from being perfect.

For that reason, the researcher hope constructive critics and suggestion

from readers for the perfection of this thesis. May Allah SWT always gives

guidance and blessing to us. Amin YaRabbalAlamin.


Nama : Fatma Ramyani

Jurusan : PendidikanBahasaInggris

Judul: Students‟ Difficulties To Speak English Of Ninth Grade Students‟ Of

Madrasah Tsanawiyah Kota Jambi.

Kata Kunci :kesulitan, kemampuan berbicara

Penelitian ini tentangSiswa mengalami kesulitan dalam

berbicarabahasainggris. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Madrasah

Tsanawiyah Kota Jambi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui

kesulitan siswa dalam belajar keterampilan berbahasa Inggris. Desain penelitian

ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini

adalah siswa kelas sembilan (Kelas A) di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Laboratorium

Kota Jambi. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan observasi,

wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa

mengalami kesulitan dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris seperti: Rendahnya

penguasaan kosakata, rendahnya grammar, kesulitan pengucapan, Rasa Malu Rasa

takut dan takut membuat kesalahan, Kurang percaya diri, Terbatasnya latihan,

Peluang minimum, Faktor Lingkungan, bahasa ibu dominan, Motivasi rendah dan

Buruk strategi mengajar bahasa Inggris. Dari masalah, kesulitan yang paling

dominan adalah pengucapan. Kebanyakan dari mereka menyatakan bahwa mereka

takut berbicara karena tidak bisa mengucapkannya. Sebagian besar dari mereka

takut jika mereka melakukan kesalahan dalam mengucapkan kata-kata.


Name : Fatma Ramyani

Study Program : English Education Program

Title : Students‟ Difficulties To Speak English Of Ninth Grade Students‟

Of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Kota Jambi.

This research is about Students‟ have difficulties to speak English. This

research was conducted inMadrasah Tsanawiyah Laboratorium Kota Jambi. The

objective of this research is to find out students‟ difficulties in learning English

speaking skill. The design of the research is by using descriptive qualitative

method. The subject of this research is the Students‟ ninth grade (Class A) at

Madrasah Tsanawiyah Laboratorium Kota Jambi. The data of this research were

collected by using observation, interview and documentation. The result showed

that students have difficulties in speaking English such as : Low of vocabulary

mastery, Grammar as a stumbling block, Pronunciation trouble, Shyness

Nervousness and fear of making mistake, Lack of confidence, Limited of practice,

Minimum opportunities, Environment Factors, Mother tongue dominantly, Low

motivation and Poor of teaching English strategy.From the problems the

dominantly difficulties is pronunciation. Most of them stated that they afraid to

speak because they do not know how to pronounce word. Most of them were

afraid if they made a mistake in term of pronouncing the words.

Key words : Speaking skill, Difficulties.


TITLE COVER .......................................................................................... i

PAGE TITLE .............................................................................................. ii

OFFICIAL NOTE ....................................................................................... iii

ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT ........................................................ iv

DEDICATION ............................................................................................. v

MOTTO ....................................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................... vii

ABSTRAK ................................................................................................... ix

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................. x

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................ xi

LIST OF TABLE ........................................................................................ xiii

LIST OF PICTURES ..................................................................................

LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................


A. Background of Problem .......................................................... 1

B. Limitation of Problem .............................................................. 4

C. Research Question ................................................................... 4

D. Objective of the Study .............................................................. 4

E. Significances of the Study ........................................................ 4


A. The Definition of Speaking ...................................................... 6

B. Teaching Speaking .................................................................. 9

C. Principles of Teaching Speaking .............................................. 10

D. Aspect of Speaking .................................................................. 11

E. The Elements of Speaking ...................................................... 13

F. Difficulties in Learning to Speak ............................................. 14

G. Review of Related Literature ................................................... 18


A. Design of Research .................................................................. 21

B. Setting and Subject of Research .............................................. 21

C. Source and Kinds of Data ....................................................... 22

D. Data Collection Techniques ..................................................... 22

E. Technique of Data Analyzed .................................................... 23


A. Research Finding ...................................................................... 25

B. Discussion ................................................................................ 33


A. Conclusion ............................................................................... 41

B. Suggestion ................................................................................ 41

C. Schedule of Research ............................................................... 43

BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................... 44





A. Background of Study

In learning english, there are four skills of language that actually reality must

be mastered by all of the students. There are listening, speaking, reading and also

writing. All of this skills cannot be saparated each other. Among these skills,

speaking is one of the most important skill that become the focus of the study

since the students learn English. Fitriani, (2015) stated that speaking is one of

language major skills. Speaking is regarded as the most demanded skill on

learning a language. In addition, speaking is one elements of communication.

Speaking is communication skill that enable students to expresses their ideas.

Melia (2011) stated that speaking is an oral communication that expresses the

meaning of words between two or more persons which can be observed direcly. In

addition, speaking is the active use of language to verbalize meanings so that

other people can make the sense of them. Alhosni (2014) state that speaking is the

active use of language to express meaning, and for young learners, to spoken

language is the medium through which a new language is encountered,

understood, practiced and learnt. Rather than oral skill being simply one aspect of

learning language, the spoken form in the young learner‟s classroom acts as the

prime source of language.

Mastering a speaking english is important in our modern society and global

area. Fitriani, (2015) stated that speaking skill is important aspect to acquire

when learning a second or foreign language, and the success of learning the

language is measured from the performance of learners to speak the language

learned. In addition, speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning

that involves, producing, receiving and processing information. Brown (2004:140)

stated that speaking is the product of creative constrution of linguistic strings, the

speaker makes choices of lexicon, structure, and discourse.

Speaking is important in students areas. Beacause, if the students have a

good compentecy in speaking skill it this can make them easy to communicate

with other. Al-Roud (2016) state that speaking is considered as the most means of

communication. In addition, speaking skill is the ability in using oral language to

explore ideas, intentions, thoughts and feelings to other people as a way to make

the massage clearly delivered and understood by the listeners.

Speaking is the most difficult for english foriegn language. To use an

english speaking is not easy, there are many factors that cause difficulty in

speaking. Paakki (2013) stated that speaking english is a difficult task, understand

the language and knows a lot about its grammar and lexicon, but when to speak,

seems to be at a loss of words. Students usually get difficulty in learning english

speaking, they get to difficulty to make setences. The students should have the

ability of english speaking in order that they can communicate with other.

The element of speaking is not about to speak english with appropriate

grammar, beyond everything is to build students‟ confidence firts to speak.

Maulana, (2016) stated that the most problems that they faced in learning

speaking skill are lack of vacabulary, poor pronunciation, less confidance to speak

and afraid of making errors while speaking. In addition, students felt shy to speak

english and to express opinions and ideas because they were afraid of making

mistake in pronouncing to words. So, that students became not confidance.

Floriasti (2013) stated that students faced some obstacles, which came from

internal problems, such as anxiety, worried about making mistakes and lack of

self confident, and external ones, lack of speaking practice and input from

receptive materials listening and reading.

According to some facts which found in the real life, it shows some

phenomena of speaking itself especially in the students‟ areas. Most of the

students have difficulties in learning english speaking. After doing grand tour at

Madrasah Tsanawiyah Laboratorium Kota Jambi the researcher found that most of

them are unable to speak english well because of many factors included. In

addition according to the short interview with students, the researcher got the

admission that they were too shy to make permission by using english. Moreover,

they have to speak it in front of the class and it is watched by their friends that

reflexively will laugh to them if they made a mistake.After the researcher made an

observation to the students of Mts Laboratorium Kota Jambi at ninth grade,

which conducted on october 24th

2017 until december 18th

2017, the researcher

found that most of the students were unable to speak english although in very

simple phrases or sentences.

Infact, Madrasah Tsanawiyah Laboratorium Kota jambi is one of

favorite schools in the Kota jambi. It proved by some achievement they get

especially in english. such as, 1st

runner up story telling in Al-Azhar 2017, 3rd

Runner up winner spelling bee 2016, 4th

runner up winner story telling in SMAN

01 2015, Etc. And also in this school has been supported by some complete

facilities, like mosque, 12 classes, MIPA laboratory, computer multimedia, library

and so on. Althought it is a favorite school but they still have problems, especially

in the learning of English. Many of students at the ninth grade consider that

English is a boring and uninteresting subject to learn. This situation will influence

the student‟s speaking ability. Looking at the fact in the first year student of

Madrasah Tsanawiyah Laboratorium Kota jambi, many students can not speak

English fluently. There are lot of reasons why they have bad ability in English


Taking into consideration what the researcher has described, the researcher

would like to conduct a research entitled “ STUDENTS‟ DIFFICULTIES TO



B. Limitation of the Problem

The Limitation of The Problem In this research, the researcher limits the

study deal with the title, “ Students’ Difficulties to Speak English of ninth Grade

Students’ of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Laboratorium Kota jambi” into some points.

First, the researcher limit the study based on the learning process. Learning

process it at least consists of listening, speaking, reading and writing. But here,

the researcher limits the study only for speaking process.

C. Research Question

Based on the background above, the researcher formulates the research

question as follow “ What Difficulities of Speaking English face by Students of

ninth grade of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Laboratorium Kota Jambi?”

D. Objective of the Study

The purpose of this research is to identify students‟ difficulties to Speak

English speaking skill at Madrasah tsanawiyah laboratorium kota jambi .

E. The Significance of the Study

1.The Student

The student would be evaluate themselves after they know about their ability

in learning speaking English and its difficulties then develop their ability in

speaking English.

2. The Teacher

After the teacher knows about the students‟ difficulties in learning

speaking English, she/ he can use better strategy of learning speaking

English to make the students get the good achievement.

3. The School

The school can plan the new programs exactly the new English program as

a solution of the students‟ difficulties especially in speaking English.

4. For the Researchers

This finding can be used as a reference and other considerations to

investigate the problems in further research.



The next significant thing in doing the study was the theoretical

framework. This part gives the explanation about the theories used in this study.

The theories used in this study must be able to answer the problem of the study..

A. The Definition of Speaking

Speaking is one way to communicate where people can share knowledge,

information and ideas. Melia (2011) stated that speaking is an oral communication

that expresses the meaning of words between two or more persons which can be

observed direcly. Alhosni (2014) stated that Speaking is the active use of language

to express meaning, andfor young learners, the spoken language is the medium

through which a new language is encountered, understood, practiced, and learnt.

Rather than oral skills being simply one aspect of learning language, the spoken

form in the young learner‟s classroom acts as the prime source of language


Speaking is an activity in which someone is talking about something or tells

others about something that interested. Morris (2011) stated that talk serves as a

natural way of communication between member of the communinity , both for the

expression of te mind as a form of socialk behavior and as a natural way of

communication. Talk can be done if there are two or more peopkle in the field of

communication. In speaking, the speaker is not only known about the

compentence of speaking but also performance os speaking so that other people

can catch the idea of the speaker ( Melia.2011).

Speaking the language is a skill that is developed in a child‟s life, which is

produced by the skills of listening, the speaking skills of the period studied. In

speaking, students find it difficult to talk evev though they have a lot of

pronunciation. The problem is that students are not familiar in speaking english,

however speaking is a productive skill. It is part of listening. When speaking, it

will produce text that should be meaningful. In the nature of communication, there

must be a speaker, listener, massage and feedback. Speaking of pronunciation

cannot be sparated because it encourages leaners to learn English voice. In Englis

teaching and learning, speaking is a crucial skill, since it required more than

knowing. Its grammar and vocabulary (Khameis, 2006). Thornbury (2005:4) also

stated that speaking is an interactive and requires the ability to cooperative in the

management of speaking turns. It implied the speaking in an interactive activity

where the speakers have to be able to manage te speaking turns, when to speak

and when stop. In general, speaking can be defined as the process of the ability to

say the sounds of language to express or receive idea orally.

So, in short Speaking is one of the most demanding skills in the daily life.

Every person needs to communicate with others through speaking. Speaking plays

an important role in making a social interaction with another people in order to

gain information. Thus, it is necessary for every people to have a good speaking


The succes of speech is measured by one‟s ability to conduct a conversation

in the language. We recognize that there are many contributing factors that

influence the succes of teaching speaking and there are many factors why

obstacles are not going well. According to Bailey (2005), speaking is the

productive oral skill. It consists of production systematic verbal to convey

meaning. Brown (2001) defined speaking ability in language class is the ability to

express ideas, fellings, opinions, and whishes in carrying out speaking task in the


When someone talk to someone else, there will be a relationsip. Relationship

it self is known as communication. Hayriye (2006) stated that speaking is to select

appropriate words and sentences according to the proper social setting, audience,

situation, and subject matter. being a fluent speaker requires many knowledge

towards the language learnt itself and its usage in the real communication.

Learning to speak is considered more difficulty by the students than learning

to understand the spoken language. This simply that in learning to speak the

students not only listen to speakers but also practice their speaking ability in real

communication. There are three main reasons for getting students to speak in the

classroom. The first is, speaking activities provide rehearsal opportunities, chance

to practice real-life speaking in the safety of the classroom. Secondly, speaking

tasks in which students try to use any or all of the language they know provide

feedback for both teacher and students. Harmer(2007:123).

Speaking is related to communication. Through speaking, people can get many

kinds of information from many kinds of sources. So, it needs good ability in

speaking to get succeed communication. Related to thecommunication,speaking is

expressing something in words. While ability is the mental or physical capacity,

power or skill required to do something. In other words,speaking ability Is the

capacity of someone o express his feeling, his thought to others. The important of

speaking ability is not only in daily life, but also takes important roles in the

process of language learning. According to the Oxford Advanced learner‟s

Dictionary (2008: 426), speak means to say words; to say or to talk something

about something, to have a conversation with somebody; to address somebody in

word etc. People do communication for some reasons.

According to the Oxford Advanced learner‟ s Dictionary (2008: 426), speak

means to say words; to say or to talk something about something, to have a

conversation with somebody; to address somebody in word etc. People do

communication for some reasons. Jeremy Harmer (2002: 46) states the reasons

why everyone need to speak, as follows:

a. They want to say something

What is used here is general way to suggest that the speakers make definite

decisions to address other people. Speaking may, of course, be forced upon them,

but we can still say that they feel the need to speak, otherwise theywould keep


b. They have some communicative purpose

Speakers say things because they want something happen as a result of what they

say. They may want to charm their listeners; to give some information, to express

pleasure; they may decide to be rude or flatter. To agree or complain in each of

these cases they are interested in achieving this communicative purpose what is

important the message they wish to convey and the effect they want it to have.

c. They select from their language store

Speakers have an infinite capacity to create new sentences. In order to achieve this

communication purpose they will select (from the “store” of language they

posses) the language they think is appropriate for this purpose.

B. Teaching Speaking

The goal of teaching and learning English in Indonesia is to develop

communicative skills that include the skill of listening, speaking, reading and

writing proportionately. Therefore, the teacher should provide the students with

speaking task and give them opportunities to use the target language to

communicate with others. Al-Sibai (2004) stated that The use of English as a

second language (ESL) or foreign language (EFL) in oral communication is,

withouta doubt, one of the most common but highly complex activities necessary

to be considered when teaching the English language especially because we live

at a time where the ability to speak English fluently has become a must,

especially who want to advance in certain fields of human endeavor.

The focus of teaching speaking, of course, is to improve the oral

production of the students. Therefore, language teaching activities in the

classroom should aim at Maximizing individual language use . Speaking as the

most important skill among four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing)

because people who know a language are referred to as speakers of that language.

This indicates that using a language is more important than just knowing about it

because there is no point knowing a lot about language if you can‟t use it

(Scrivener, 2005).

C. Principles of Teaching Speaking

Nunan (2003) stated that there are five principles of teaching speaking such


1. Consider about second and foreign language learning context. It is to

clarify about the target language of second language context is language of

communications in the society since they use the target language almost

every day. Whereas in the foreign language context, the target language is

not in the language of communication in the society. So that learning

speaking in this context is very challenging.

2. Give the opportunities for the students to develop both fluency and

accuracy. Fluency is the extent to which speaker uses the language quickly

and confidently with few hesitation or unnatural pauses. Accuracy is the

extent to which student‟s speech matches what people actually say when

they use the target language.

3. Give the opportunity for the students to talk by using pair and group work.

Those activities used to increase the time of students‟ speaking practice

and to limit the teacher to talk.

4. Consider about the negotiating for meaning. It is to clarify and confirm

whether the student have understood each other or not. It can be done by

asking for clarification, repetition, or explanation during conversation to

get the understanding.

5. Design the classroom activities involve guidance and practice in both

transactional and interactional speaking. Transactional speaking involves

communication to get something done, including the exchange of goods

and services. Interactional speaking is communication with someone for

special purpose. It includes both establishing and meaning social


D. Aspects of Speaking

A speaker should determine some aspects of speaking when they want to

speak. Syakur in mora (2010 : 3) say that there are at least four components of

speaking skills, namely pronunciation, grammar, fluency and vocabulary.

1. Pronunciation

Pronunciation is the way for people to produce clearerlanguage when they

speak. It deals with the phonological process that refers to the component of a

grammar made up of the elements and principles that determine how sound vary

and pattern in a language. Pronunciation includes the segmental features

of vowels, consonants, stress and intonation patterns. The speaker is required to

pronounce english word correctly.

2. Grammar

Grammar and speaking have a close relationship. In addition to the sound

system learners must be taught by using a structuren system of language.

Learners must be given insight into word order. Infelction and derivation into the

other meaningful features of the english language. It will help students to speak


3. Fluency

Wolfe-quinter in koizumi (2005 : 46) defines that fluency is how fast and

how much a learner speaks without frequent pause because of fuctionless

repetitions, self corrections, and false starts in coping with the real

timeprocessing. Fluency is as the quality of being capable to speak without


4. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is range of words known or used by a person in a trade,

profession, etc. If students have many vocabularies, it will be easier they to

express his ideas.

And also Brown (2001) stated there are four aspects of speaking that the

student could consider in speaking, they are :

1. Pronunciation

Pronunciation refers to the problem of sounds that we used to make

meaning. It includes attention to the particular sounds of a language (segments),

aspects of speech beyond the level of the individual sound. Such as intonation,

phrasing, stress, timing , rhythm (suprasegmental aspects), how the voice is

projevtive (voice quality), and in its broadest definition, attention to gesture and

expressions that are closely related to the way we speak a language.

2. Grammar

Grammar is one of the important language component in learning languae.

Speakers and writer can communicate and convey their messages clearly and

meaningfully because of their ability and understanding of grammar.

3. Fluency

Fluency is the area of language ability which related to the speed and ease

with which a language learners perfomers in one of four core language skills of

speaking , listening, reading, and writing. Altought the concept of fluency relates

to all four language skills, it tends to be most closely associated with speaking.

4. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is knowledge of words and word of meaning. However,

vocabulary is more complex than this definition suggests. First, words come in

two forms : oral and print. Oral vocabulary includes those words tat we recognize

and use in listening and speaking. Print vocabulary includes those words that we

recognize and use in reading and writing. Second, word knowledge also come in

two forms, receptive and productive. Receptive vocabulary includes word that we

recognize when we hear or see them. Productive vocabulary includes words that

we used when we speak or write. Receptive vocabulary is typically larger than

productive vocabulary, and may include many words to which we assign some

meaning, even we don‟t know their full definitions and connotations or ever use

them ourselves as we speak and write.The researcher use the speaking aspect

above in assesing students‟ perception in speaking skill.

E. The Elements of Speaking

Jeremy Harmer (2003:269) states that the ability to speak English

presupposes the elements necessary for spoken production as follows:

a. Language features

The elements necessary for spoken production, are the following:

1. Connected speech

In connected speech sounds are modified (assimilation), omitted

(elision), added (linking r), or weakened (through contractions and stress

patterning). It is for this reason that we should involve students in

activities designed specifically to improve their connected speech.

2. Expressive devices

Native speakers of English change the pitch and stress of particular parts

of utterances, vary volume and speed, and show by other physical and

non-verbal (paralinguistic) means how they are feeling (especially in face

to– face interaction). The use of these devices contributes to the ability

toconvey meanings.

3. Lexis and grammar

Teachers should therefore supply a variety of phrases for different

functions such as agreeing or disagreeing, expressing surprise, shock, or


4. Negotation Language

Effective speaking benefits from the negotiator language we use to seek

clarification and show the structure of what we are saying. We often need

to ask for clarification when we are listening to someone else talks andit

is very crucial for students.

b. Mental/ social processing

Success of speaker‟ s productivity is also dependent upon the rapid

processing skills that talking necessitates:

1. Language processing

Language processing involves the retrieval of words and their assembly

into syntactically and propositionally appropriate sequence.

2. Interacting with other

Effective speaking also involves a good deal of listening, an understanding

of how the other participants are feeling, and knowledge of how

linguistically to take turns or allow others to do so.

3. ( On the spot) impormation processing

Quite apart from our response to other‟ s feelings, we also need to be able

to process the information they tell us the moment we get it.

F. Difficulties in Learning to Speak

Students are lack on English usually because they have low motivation in

learning English. It was carried out by Nauli (2014) that there are three parts of

difficulties in speaking English. They are cultural difficluties, English difficulties

and communication problems. According to Syakur (1987 as cited in Nauli 2014)

explained that speaking is complex skill because at least it is concerned with

components of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. Like Nuraini (2013)

indicated that the main challenges factor that English teacher faced in teaching in

this research are academic factors they are students demotivating and low

students‟ basic English ability. English speaking is also not easy for students,

because they must study hard if they want fluency and good comprehension to

speak therefore they must learn more about Vocabulary, Pronunciations,

Grammars and they must have willingness. Based on Chens‟ research (2009)

entitled: A Pilot Study of some ROCMA Cadets‟ Difficulties in English

Speaking‖ students‟ common difficulties are they did not confident, limited

fluency and limited vocabulary.

In addition, Raba‟ah (2005:15) pointed out that there are many factors that

cause difficulties in speaking English. Some of these factors are related to the

learners themselves, the teaching strategies, the curriculum, and the environment.

For example, many learners lack the necessary vocabulary to get their meaning

across, and consequently, they cannot keep the interaction going. Inadequate

strategic competence and communication competence can be another reason as

well for not being able to keep the interaction going.

Among many problems related to learning speaking English, there are

some of them that can be found in almost all journals and research discussing

about difficulties or problems in learning speaking English. Here are some of


a. Lack of pronunciation

Many students think that good english spaeker assessed by the correct

grammar and good pronunciation. Speaking is the most important language skills

that need to be controlled, and it assess learning achievement based on mastery of

speaking skills. Speaking skill is considered as a hard skill to master-the most

complex and difficult skill to master. Hinkel (2005:485). According to Syakur

(1987 as cited in Nauli 2014) explained that speaking is complex skill because at

least it is concerned with components of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.

A speaker who constantly mispronounces a range of phonemes can be

extremely difficult for a speaker from another language community to understand.

Gerard (2000:11). In addition, the problem which is often faced by the students is

about pronunciation. They felt difficult to pronounce certain words because in

English, between pronunciation and writing are different.

Pronunciation refer to the production of sounds that includes attention to

the particular sound of language (segment), such as intonation, phrasing, stress,

timing, and rhythm. Centre (2012). Students‟ lack of pronunciation also can

effects students problem in speaking. In English pronunciation, it has some

components that students should understand such as vowel and consonant sounds,

timing and stress pattern, intonation and rhythms and also spelling. For instance,

learners with goiod pronunciation in English are more likely to be understood

even if they makew errors in other areas, where as learners whose pronunciation is

difficult to understand will not be understood, even if their grammar is perfect.

b. Lack of Vocabulary

The students‟ difficulties when speaking English were vocabulary.

According to Sheila (2015), the students do not know the vocabulary, then they

use Indonesian language when they have to speak English. It is too pity because

they will use Indonesian language for several time. It is an evidence that

conversation requires vocabulary mastery. A students have not confidence in

speaking English because they are afraid if they choose the wrong word.

According to Rohmatillah (2017), Vocabulary plays important role in

language learning. Vocabulary is also an essential skill for learning to read, speak,

write and listen. Without sufficient vocabulary, people cannot communicate and

express their feeling both in form of spoken and written effectively. The more

people master vocabulary the more they can speak, write, read and listen as they


Nauli (2014) said that without having a sufficient vocabulary, one cannot

communicate effectively or express their ideas in both oral and written form.

Nirana (2015) explained on her thesis that the difficulty which participants found

in learning English, such as English translation, pronunciation, vocabulary,

speaking even one of them admitted she did not like arranging the words and

English formula because it is difficult to understand. The majority of the

participants admitted that they have difficulties in translation and vocabulary.

Vocabulary refers to te words that speakers used when speaker want to

talking. So in this case, the students should habe much vocabulary to get

successful communication. For instance, when student talking and then get stuck

caused she/he do not know what words that they should to say, so the point of

communication cannot deliver to listener. In conclusion, in other to get

conversation run well, the speaker should must much vocabulary.

c. Lack of Grammar

Grammar and speaking have a close relationship. Grammar is the system

of language. People sometimes describe grammar as “rules” of a language.

Grammar is one of the important language component in learning languae.

Speakers and writer can communicate and convey their messages clearly and

meaningfully because of their ability and understanding of grammar. Coghill and

magendanz (2003) stated that the grammar of a language is the set of rules that

govern its structure. Grammar determines how are arranged to form meaningful

units. Swan (2005) stated that the rules that show how words are combined,

arranged or change to show certain kinds of meaning.

d. Lack of Confidence

Dina A & Ghadeer A (2014) in the analysis of their study entitled an

investigation of the difficulties faced by EFL Undergraduates in speaking skills

that used qualitative method reveals that the 566 undergraduate students in the

sample possess low self-efficacy perspectives, which means they have low self-

confidence in their ability to communicate in English. Similarly, Nauli (2014) in

his thesis explained that students feel inferior when people don‟t welcome them if

they speak English they also think that mockery coming from people around them

reduces their desire to speak and practice English, especially speaking skill. They

said that self-confidence becomes the important thing of having passion to

practice and speak English outside the classroom.

Chang & Cho (2003) state that they reported that the demotivating factors

in English language learning were learning difficulties, threats to self-worth,

monotonous teaching, poor teacher-student relationship, punishments, general and

language-specific anxiety, lack of self-determination and poor classroom


Being a shy will influences students confident in speaking. Students who

lack of confident will get difficulty to delivered a sentence. It might cause, they

afraid to make a mistake. Besides, the students afraid get mockery from friends.

Students‟ mockery also influences students confidents in talking. One example, a

student master linguistic knowledge in speaking, but she/he shy to speak in

English because she/he always get mockery from their friend.

Anxiety appears from te students‟ inner felling spontaneously when they

are speaking English. For instance, the students believe that other students are

smarter than him/her. This phenomenon will disturb their psychology, as a result,

student‟s wilingness in speaking will be down. Attitude in speaking activity is

very important, based on context students have to choose the appropriate attitude

in other to get the good speaking situation. Attitude involves evaluation by which

to attack good or bad qualities to a topic, an organization or a person. Attitude

contain the way expressing felling. For one example, the students give

information about bad news but the information without expressiveness of sad, in

this case, the information is not too convicing.

To sum up, language need expressiveness in other the listener easy to

understand what the speaker says. Emotion refers on students‟ mood to speak up

at particular time. If the condition of students is un-mood, it also influenced

students‟ willingness to say someting or short conversation will be happen.

Sometimes, short conversation cannot create clear message to the listener. So, in

conclusion, not only shyness, anxiety and attitude that influence effective

communication, but also „mood‟.

G. Review of Related Literature

There have been many studies that have investigated the difficulties in

English speaking skill that the students face. One of them is conducted by Swary

(2014). With his research entitled “ A study of students‟ problems in learning

speaking english at the second grade of smpn 1 Telaga” her research is about

students‟ problems in learning speaking english. The speaking English ability of

the students of SMP Negeri 1 Talaga was in low level and need to be increase.

Most of the students were unable to speak English clearly and they also were

difficult to produce words, phrases and sentences in English. In learning speaking

English, most or even all of the students have problems. Those problems make

them feel so difficult to say everything by using English. That problems itself can

be caused by many factors. It can be caused of the teacher‟ s factors, the class

factors, the environment factors, or even their own factors.

The same research is carried out by Nauli (2014). With his research

entitled “Speaking practice problems: an investigation of last semester students‟

perspective in a public university”. Found that there are three parts of difficulties

in speaking English. They are cultural difficulties, English difficulties and

communication problems. The first part is divided into two, social acceptance and

the English status. The second part, English difficulties are divided into English

elements problem and personal problem. The last part is communication

problems, it divided into two. They are self-confidence and speaking opponent.

His participants are the eighth semester university students in one of national

university in Jambi. The way he collected the data.

Another research has been conducted by Yunita (2014). With her research

entitled “Speaking problems of students non english course and english course at

one senior highschool in jambi city. Jambi University”. She indicated the

problems that students face in learning English speaking skill were grammar;

vocabulary; pronunciation; shy; anxiety; emotion, students‟ motivation. From the

finding the researcher conculed all the participant faced some problems in

learning speaking but students who take english course more had problem in

speaking than students who don‟t take english course. So, student who take

english course doesn‟t gurantee students could fluently in speaking. was through


Compare to the previous researches discussed above. This research has

different participants, which is junior high school students. They might face

different difficulties than university students. And geographically, with they way

the teacher teach the students, the situations, the result that will be gotten in this

research might also be different. The researcher tend to not only found the

students‟ difficulties but also to give suggestions that can improve or at least

encounter those difficulties itself.

In this research, about speaking English difficulties are really wide, the

difficulties that the researcher might be found can be more than three discussed

above because the circumstance, facility and other external factors of the students

as the target in this research are different with them in other researches




A. Design of Research

This research used qualitative descriptive as a design of research.

Sugioyono (2015:40) stated that Qualitative descriptive is presupposition

cause/effect relationship between behavior and outcome, however this method

will only let you hypothesize about problem and describe them. The purpose of

qualitative descriptive is to identify and provide evidence to support the fact that

certain part/variables exist.

Therefore, researcher used qualitative descriptive design to identify the

students‟ difficulities in learning english especially in speaking skill at the second

grade of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Laboratorium Kota Jambi based on evidences.

B. Setting and Subject the Research

1. Setting

Setting of the research of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Laboratorium which is

located in Telanai Pura Kota Jambi. This research is conducted at this place

because the students at the ninth grade of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Laboratorium

can‟t learning english well especially speaking skill. They were sometime

confused to speak english because they can‟t make a sentences.

2. Subject

Subject of the research will be conducted at the students of the ninth grade

students‟ (class A) Madrasah Tsanawiyah Laboratorium Kota Jambi that consist

of 30 students‟ . Researcher takes 12 students who interview with purposive

sampling technique. Suders (2012:288) stated that Purposive sampling is a

sampling technique in which research relies on his/her own judgment when

choosing members of population to participate in the study. It is for making time

more effective.

C. Source and Kind of Data

1. Source of Data

The researcher have collected the source of data to this research from some

sources. There are the interview of second grade students‟ Madrasah Tsanawiyah

Laboratorium Kota Jambi and the observation of students‟ in learning and

teaching activity.

2. Kinds of Data

First data aretaken by the researcher from respondent and irformant. The

problem is about dificulties that happen in learning english especially speaking

skill by second grade students‟ Madrasah Tsanawiyah Laboratorium Kota Jambi.

In first data researcher uses observation of student in learning and teaching


In the second data researcher used students‟ interview. Researcher asks all

about difficulties in learning speaking english and the researcher will record to

easy the reseaecher identify about the difficulties in learning speaking english by

second grade students‟ Madrasah Tsanawiyah Laboratorium Kota Jambi.

D. Data Collection Techniques

1. Observation

In this research the researcher used observation to known the applying of

practicing English in difficulities in speaking skill. For collecting this data

researcher used observation non participant. Sugiyono (2012:204) stated that

nonparticipant observation of the researcher is not involved and only as an

indepent observers. The reseracher noted, analyze and then can make conclusions

about learning English.

Field note is a records used by researcher to describe the recording of

events occurring in the field. In qualitative research, researcher is the main

instrument in research. At the time, the researcher conduct the research by

observing or conducting the interview, researcher will be as soon as possible to

record all events in the form of description into the field notes.

In observation process, the observer filled the field note to appear the problem at

the reserach. In this observation, researcher observer the learning activity students

in the class because it can support this research in order to find what the

difficulites in speaking skill.

2. Interview

Latief (2015:201) stated that interview is a data gathering instrument that

involves direct verbal interaction between individuals. In addition interviews are

used for researchers to know the things of the respondents more deeply. this data-

gathering technique based itself on self-report, or at least on personal knowledge

and beliefs.

In interview, researcher took 12 students at third grade (class A) students‟

Madrasah Laboratorium Kota Jambi. Researcher chose them in order to represent

30 students at class A third grade students‟. Then it also make the time of

interview more effective. Here, researcher used indonesian because it can prevent

the misunderstanding when the interview is going on.

3. Documentation

The last technique is documentation. Documentation is used to know the

accurate data about location, profile of school, and photos.

E. The technique of Data Analyzed

The research used qualitative data, so it will be analyzed by using

technique of analysis of descriptive qualitative. The analysis of descriptive

qualitative gives predicate to reseacrhed variable according to real condition.

1. Data Reduction

Sugiyono (2016:92) stated that reducing data means summarizing,

choosing the essentials, focusing on the things that matter, looking for the

themeand the pattern. In addition in reducing the data, each researcher will be

guided by the goal to be achieved. the main purpose of qualitative research is on


1. Data Display

Data display is the second major activity which the researcher should go

through, and this means making the reduced data and displaying it in organized,

compressed way so that conclusion can be more easy drawn. Sugiyono (2016:95)

stated that by displaying the data it will make it easy to understand what is

happening, plan the next work based on what has been understood. performing

data displays, besides to narrative text can also be graphics, matrices, network,

and chart. the presentation of the data in this research was using formal method

based on problem, concept and theoretical framework presented using tables or

graphs to classify the data.

2. Conclusion

Conclusion drawing and verification is the the final analytical activity for

the qualitative researcher. Here researcher begins to decide what things mean.

Researcher attempt to draw conclusion and verifies by searching for the meaning

of each symptom is derives from the field, recording the possible order and

configuration, the causal flow of the phenomena, and preposition.

In one study, data analysis was done on the statement or statement presend

by the informants. This is done in a way. The researcher read the entire transcript

of the interview and describes all the experiences found in the field.

So, the researcher takes a conclusion and verification based in the result

from the research. Researcher takes the conclusion and verification from the flied

note ob observation and students‟ interview, then researcher will compare the data

with some previous studies about difficulties in learning english especially

speaking skill at second grade students‟ Madrasah Tsanawiyah Laboratorium Kota




A. Research Findings

In this chapter the researcher explained the research finding about “students

difficulties tospeaking English”. The researcher used depth observation and depth

interview to collect the data.

In the previous chapter, the researcher has explained about the ability of

Madrasah Tsanawiyah Laboratorium which in low level. Most of them were

unable to speak English. So from the previous finding the researcher has been

known that there were some problems among the students. The are some

difficulties of students in speaking English from this research there are : Low of

vocabulary Mastery, Grammar as a stumbling block, Pronunciation trouble,

Shyness Nervousness and fear pf making mistakes, Lack of confidence, Limited

of practice, Mininum oppoturnities, Enviroment factors, Mother tongue

dominantly, Low motivation and Poor of teaching english strategy. Difficulties

have found :

1. Low of Vocabulary Mastery

According to the depth observation and the depth interview about 1 months,

the students were so difficult to speak by using English even in very simple

sentence. There are some problems that the researcher found during the

observation. When the researcher tried to make a conversation in English withs

ome respondences, they were looked so difficult to answered questions by

questions. When the researcher tried to ask them about their difficulties, they

answer that they did not knew how to say a word in English that actually they

want to say. And after made some depth interview with some core despondences

students or teacher, the main problem that faced by most of the students were the

vocabulary mastering. Their knowledge in English vocabulary was needed to be


“ In my opinion their speaking skills are still lacking because the average students

here still lacks mastery of vocabulary” (Interview teacher). The teacher of English

states that generally the students vocabulary mastering was limited. Its mean that

most of them in low ability in English speaking too. “One or two of them are still

difficult. There are only one and two people who can ” (interview teacher). Of

course that was not only the duty of themselves (students) but also the big duty

for the teacher, especially their English teacher how to make them got any kinds

of vocabularies as much as possible.When the researcher tried to make short

conversation with the students the researcher also found that their vocabulary was

limited. Most of them just use a little of vocabulary when they were speak in

English. Actually,it was not only the problems in vocabulary but also in other

elements of speaking namely pronunciation, fluency and grammar. It would be

logic when they were in low mastering of vocabulary them also in difficulties of

other English components. Because how can they speak in good pronunciation, in

good grammar and also in fluently if they were not mastering vocabulary at all.

Actually, there were also some students who have a good ability in English

speaking. “the majority of their speaking skills are still low but there are some

students who have the ability to speak English even though little by little”

(Interview teacher). According to her statement there were some students that in

good ability of English, although the researcher believes that the numbers of those

students were not as much as the students who have low ability of English

speaking. It could be analysed from some observation and some short

conversations with some students there.

Almost all the students thus agreed with the view that this vocabulary problem

was the major reason why they sometimes could not express themselves clearly

and appropriately. After the researcher made an interview with the respondents,

some of the students who has good enough ability in speaking English was the

students whohas been joined the English course. According to Miss Jusni

explanation also, the students who has ever joined the English course or other

they were better interm of pronounce the words and others. But actually it cannot

be a

measurement in term of their ability in English speaking. However, some students

were notjoined the English course before but they still have excellent ability of

English,especially English Speaking.

2. Grammar as a Stumbling Block

It was not different with problems of mastering vocabulary, almost all

ofthe students were in low mastering in English grammar. “in front of the teacher

afraid of the test talking fear of wrong grammar” (interview 2 ). Sometimes, they

were made mistakes in some simple grammar points like a verbs third-person

singular form, and others. For example they used do‟ when the subject is he, or

they were not used verb 2 when they made some sentences in past tense

forms.Sometimes some people think that in terms of speaking, someone will not

think too much about what she/ he going to say.

Actually she/ he will have no time to think, and they have to improvise. But

however, they have to be right in English grammar, because if they made a

mistake in grammar, their teacher will say that they were making mistakes. There

were some grammatical errors there. But according to the teacher‟s statement, she

said that it was not a big problem of them in the process of learning English

speaking because their material and their knowledge in grammar would be

increase in the next steps of their study in the next level that going to passed by

them. But because of grammar is one of the English components, so it was still be

a problem of speaking English although in this term the subject matter was the

students of junior high school. But at least they have been studying English

grammar, the simple one of course. The researcher also has check the material on

their books and there were so many materials about English grammar, such as the

simple past tense, and another material of English grammar.

3. Pronunciation Trouble

In the interview sessions, some students mentioned that they have problems

in pronouncing some English words. Sometimes they made mistakes of it, even

when they have to repeat what the teacher uttered before, they still in false

pronunciation. It also happened when they tried to read a text in English.They

faced difficulties when they do not know how to pronounce that words.Even if

they were knew how to pronounce it, sometimes they were not believe in

themselves. “don't know how to pronounce it” (interview 2). “I don't know why,

sometimes I want to speak English, but I don't know the English, and if I find it,

it's often not possible to pronounce it “ (interview 2).

Most of them were afraid if they made a mistake in term of pronouncing the

words. Most of them were lack of confidence to pronounce the word in English

because according to the students explanation before, when they make some

mistakes in pronouncing the English words, authomatically their classmates will

laughed them. “when I said I was afraid of being wrong, nervous, embarrassed

laughed at friends ” (interview 1). “I've ever been laughed at, so I'm afraid to be

laughed at again “ (interview 1). While according to one of the English teacher

there, the students who has been joined the English course, they were pronounce

the English words better than another students. But once more it cannot be

measure by it. Both the students who joined the English course or not, they would

be good in English especially in English speaking if they were in good motivation

to learnit.

4. Shyness, Nervousness, and Fear of Making Mistakes

According to interview with almost of the respondents, most of them were

felt shy, nervous and fear of making mistakes when they tried to speak English.

Italso could be seeing when the researcher made the observation class and

thespeaking test before. They were afraid if the teacher would be angry if they

made some mistakes when speaking English. ”afraid of being laughed at by other

people who are listening ” (Interview 4). All of that feeling was hinder them to

speaking by using English. The researcher also often found that when one student

try to speak and she or he made a mistake, automatically another students would

be laughing to her or him. That situation of course psychologically gave the

negative effect for the students who tried to show themselves up in front of their

friends. Those students may never be tried to speak in front of another people

again. It was like a traumatic for some students, because everyone know that the

characteristic of every students were so different. So the teacher has to doctrine

the students that making mistakes was the very natural process of learning. And

amistake was not a joke that must be laughed. The researcher thinks it was very

simple but important thing that sometimes both students and even teacher were

forgot it.

Another problem they faced during learnt to speak English was about

nervousness. “ Most of the respondents that the researcher interviewed explained

that when they were came forward and have to speak in front of their friends and

also their teacher, they were so nervous.” when he said he was afraid of being

wrong, nervous and nervous” (interview 1). That problem creates the new

problem.When they were felt nervous, it would be really possible for them to lose

theirwords in their mind. Although they were prepared before but when the time

to speak was coming, nervous would also appear.

5. Lack of Confidence

The important key in speaking a language is self confidence. When someone

tries to speak English, they should have big confidence because it can help her/

him at least to still stand up and trying to continue their speaking as good as she/

he can. No matter how bad their speaking, but when they have high confidence it

would be helped them. But the problem was most of the students have not

confidence to speak English. Some problems that have explained beforegave the

big contribution to create their new problems in learning English speaking.

Because they felt that their ability in speaking was not good, so they have no

believeness that they actually can speak English clearly if they were inhigh

confidence. It was the obligation of the English teacher especially toincrease their

confidence to speak English in front of the other people.

6. Limited of Practice

Some people state that language is a practice. That statement was agreed by

the researcher and also some respondents. How could someone master in

alanguage, not only English actually but every language if they were never be

practice. Even if they saved so many vocabularies in their mind, even if they were

mastering all of the English grammar and others but if they were never made

apractice it would be useless. They would be unable to speak English at all. Some

the respondents told the researcher that most of the students were practice to speak

English rarely. And after gave that information, the researcher tried tomake the

depth observation. During the observation, the researcher finally thought that one

of the basic difficulties in English speaking was about practice. During the

observations also, the researcher knew that the teacher gave so many kinds of

speaking materials and it was so varieties. The teacher gave the many kinds of

expressions such as the expression of asking and giving opinion, the expression of

sympathy, and many others of expressions. But in the process, she just asked them

to read it after her without made a practice to make a dialogue orother. Then the

researcher made some short interview with some students and they were told the

researcher that in every meeting, the teacher just gave them thematerial, then read

and answered the questions. “usually just transleting,rarely told to practice”

(interview 4). They almost never practice tospeak in front of the class. But even if

like that, the teacher was ever gave themsome exercise in group. They were

together with their group to answer the teacher‟s questions.

7. Minimum Opportunities

Sometimes the students have to give the opportunities as much as possible.

Because another factor that may be influence in learning English speaking is

about the opportunities. Sometimes, some students just have a little opportunity to

speak up in front of their friends. It may because the teacher her self that does not

gave them time to speak. Based on the researcher interview with some

respondents, they told that they were rarely to asked by the teacher to speak

English. Even some of them were never asked to speak English. Based on the

researchers observation class, there were some dominant students in class.They

were speaking much during the learning process and very active. While the other

students were passive and saying nothing during the process. They just looked

into their teacher and doing some exercises without saying much. Theyhave not an

opportunity because all of the class process was domination by the minority


Yes, that was true there were some students who have good ability in English,

not only in English speaking but also in English reading or writing. But however,

majority of the students was still in low level of English. Every studentneeded

many opportunities in their class. According to the researcher observation during

the teaching and learning process, the class was dominated by some students who

have more bravery to be active in the class. While other students were only keep

silent and follow the students who have the higher level.The false thing was the

teacher was not care about them. Precisely she was more care about the active

students and always gave them many opportunities to show them selves up. The

researcher believes that this case was not only happened in that class or in that

school but also in the other class and in the others school. The teachers were

usually more pay attentions to the clever and active students.

8. Environment Factors

Another problem according to some respondents was about the environment

and the habitual. It was right that the environment was not support them to be

good in English speaking. There was not a habitual to speak English there. In the

teaching and learning process, the teacher used Indonesian dominantly. Whereas,

it would be better for the teacher to used English at the class activity to make the

students habituate with English. That would be helped them to increase their new

vocabularies and then they were be able to speak English.While although in the

class process they were used English, but when they went out of the class or

event the change schedule with another subject automatically their English

speaking would not used again. There are no reasons for them to speak English in

their day dominantly because their environment, their friends, their teacher and

also their parent in home, all of them were notused English but Indonesian or even


9. Mother Tongue Dominantly

Actually, the problems itself came from both the teacher and the students

themselves. During the class observations, the researcher has not found the

teacher asked the students to speak English intensively. The researcher also has

not found the teacher used English dominantly in the learning process. She always

used Indonesian in every time of the process. According to her explanation, she

told that it just an alternative way for her to makes the students understood what

she is talking about because if she used English more than Indonesian, it would be

impossible for them to catches the materials. She also added that it just the way to

helped them. While in the researcher‟s point of view,if both teacher and students

used mother tongue dominantly than the target language, it would make them

more passive and unable to speak English and would still have low ability of it.

Ideally in every meeting of English subject, everyone in the classroom have to

speak English altough in very limited of speech. But however, speaking English

have to be something habitual in all of the English subject‟ s activity.

10. Low Motivation

Mrs. Jusni was explained that one of the problems in learning English

speaking was because their awareness about English was quite low. There were no

motivations of the students to learnt English harder and seriously. That was in the

same line with Miss helda statement that the students‟ interest in English is

needed to be increasing. Most of them were have not big motivation to study

especially study English. “need motivation, so we are passionate about learning”

(interview student ). But however, according to the researcher observation and

interview with almost all of the students, they were knew that learning English

was so important in this era, because they believe that everything need English

and they have to be good in English. Not only in speaking but also others. Then

according to the interview with almost all of the students, the researcher got the

point that most of them were not like English so much and also not hate English.

Their feeling of English was changeable, it as depend on the material, the teacher,

the method used by the teacher and also the time. When the material was so

difficult, they would be do not like English. But the material was easy and it was

easy to understand they would be like English. Another condition, the students

would like English if the teacher was kind and the method was interesting. But if

the teacher was not kind according to the students rating and the process was not

interesting, the students would hate English. However, the students of the ninth

grade of junior high school were just children that everything could be changed


11. Poor of Teaching English Strategy

According to the researcher observation and also interview with some

respondents, the teacher not used an interesting strategy when they teach English

to make them interest. The teacher only used an ordinary strategy of teaching.

Itwas like the teacher asked the students to write some materials then they have to

translate it in to English, and then they will read it together after the

teacher.Sometimes the teacher just used group work then they have to translate

something in groups. While, to make students have good ability in English

speaking, the first thing that have to be got the attention is their interesting to

English. Because how can the students get the good achievement in English if

there were not interest on it.

B. Discussion

Problem, according to Oxford Learners Pocket Dictionary (2008:350) is thing

that is difficult to deal with or understanding. So, the students English problem is

the students difficulties to understand everything in English, in this term of this

research is the English speaking skill.

Harmer (2007: 1996) states that every student will make mistakes when they

are trying to speaking or even writing in English. Some of them will make slips or

errors when they are try to uttered words, phrases and of course sentences. Some

students make mistakes and can correct themselves, it called by slips. And error is

when the students make mistakes and they are unable to correct it by themselves.

Every student will make both slips and errors. Ideally, the teacher has to make a

feedback and correct every students mistakes. Based on the researchers

observation and interview for about 1 month at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Kota

Jambi, most of the students or even all of the students made some mistakes during

the English speaking process.

Different things between one student and the other student is their degree

of mistakes. If there were some mistakes, there also some problems that faced

them during the process of learning English speaking that has been explained

before. According to the research findings bellow, there are some problems that

faced by students in English speaking. One of those problems is the problems in

English component.

Four components of English according to Brown (2001) are

pronunciation, Pronunciation refers to the problem of sounds that we used to

make meaning. It includes attention to the particular sounds of a language

(segments), aspects of speech beyond the level of the individual sound. Such as

intonation, phrasing, stress, timing , rhythm (suprasegmental aspects), how the

voice is projevtive (voice quality), and in its broadest definition, attention to

gesture and expressions that are closely related to the way we speak a language.

Second is grammar, Grammar is one of the important language component in

learning languae. Speakers and writer can communicate and convey their

messages clearly and meaningfully because of their ability and understanding of

grammar. Third is vocabulary Vocabulary is knowledge of words and word of

meaning and last is fluency, Fluency is the area of language ability which related

to the speed and ease with which a language learners perfomers in one of four

core language skills of speaking , listening, reading, and writing. Altought the

concept of fluency relates to all four language skills, it tends to be most closely

associated with speaking.

The researcher has explained that one of the problems in learning English

speaking is not only about mastering vocabulary but the other mastering

component of English. Kamil and Hiebert (2005) state that generally, vocabulary

is the knowledge of meanings of words. But, the vocabulary mastering was

explained more than another component because most of the respondents only

focus on it. According to one of the teachers statement also, that the most

important thing for the students of junior high school is vocabulary although the

component of English is not only vocabulary but also grammar and the other.

Some students reported that to ensure grammatical accuracy, they would think

about the particular grammar item being involved before producing the utterance.

Under such circumstance, their learned grammatical knowledge serves as an

editor or monitor.

When the researcher found that they were lack in vocabulary, it would be

automatically they were lack in pronunciation, grammar and also fluently of

speaking. Besides that, shyness, fear of making mistakes, nervous also were the

problems of the students that hinder them to speak by using English. That findings

are in the same line with Susilawati (2007) in her thesis, that in oral discussion,

shyness, nervousness, feeling afraid of making mistakes, not knowing how to

pronounce certain words, can hinder the students to speak English. Same with

her, according to the researchers observation and interview with some

respondents, she also found that some students are not know how to pronounce

the words. Not only do not know the words in English but also do not know how

the way to pronounce it correctly. They also told that they were feeling nervous

when they were trying to speak English. Sometimes they also felt shy to speak

everything in English, because when they were making mistakes, other students

would laugh her/him. Brown also, in the same line in term of the students

problems in English speaking.

Brown (2002: 345) states that students are often reluctant to speak English

because they are shy and not predisposed to express themselves in front of the

other person. Some students also worry about speaking badly and then they lose

their face in front of their classmates. Almost all of the students explained that

they were feeling shy, nervous and fear of making mistakes then they going to be

laughed by their friends during the learning process of English speaking. With

regard to the cause of shyness, Bowen (2005) and Robby (2010) stated that so me

shy learners are caused by their nature that they are very quiet. In this case, the

students are not very confident and tend to be shy because most of them find it

very intimidating when speaking English in front of their friends and teacher. In

addition, Saurik (2011) indentifies that most of English students feel shy when

they speak the language because they think they will make mistakes when they

talk. They are also afraid of being laughed at by their peers. This fact is also found

in the data of this study that students‟ shyness is their perception on their own

ability. In this sense, they are afraid of being laughed at by their friends due to

their low ability in speaking English.

The researcher also found the students lack confident to speak English.

Students who lack of confident will get difficulty to delivered a sentence. It might

cause, they afraid to make a mistake. The result revealed that many of the

participants had inhibitions about speaking that impaired their ability to speak

English. These students worried too much about making mistakes and had a fear

that people would laugh at them if they failed to speak English correctly.

He and Chen (2010) stated that the main cause of students‟ confidence is

their low ability in speaking English. In this case , as they add, many students

think that their English is bad and feel that they cannot speak English well. The

other cause of students‟ lack of confidence also deals with the lack of

encouragement from the teacher (Brown,2001). In this context, many teachers do

not think that convincing students that they are able to speak English is

important As a result, as Brown add s, students find the learning demotivating

rather than motivating. This suggests that encouragement becomes a vital thing

in order to build the students‟ confidence. Therefore, giving students

encouragement and showing that they will be able to communicate well in English

plays a role in students‟ success of learning.

This may be due to the fact that they may have had bad experiences learning

English, they may have been laughed at by their peers because of their

pronunciation or they may have had a teacher who placed too much emphasis on

speaking grammatically correct English. As a result, these students found it

difficult to improve their English because of their own fears an inhibitions about

speaking. Based on Chens‟ research (2009) entitled: A Pilot Study of some

ROCMA Cadets‟ Difficulties in English Speaking‖ students‟ common difficulties

are they did not confident, limited fluency and limited vocabulary.

Most of responses indicate that students‟ have difficulties in learning English

speaking skill. For the students, they are afraid that people or their friend will

laugh if make some mistakes while speaking english students do not want to

speak English with the correct intonation. The students also lose her/his self

confidence when make a mistake and someone correct it.

There are some problems of students in speaking according to Dash (2012)

Problem of speaking refers to knowledge of communicative competence that

consists of student‟s linguistic knowledge such as grammar, vocabulary and

pronunciation. Besides, Floriasti (2013) added problem of students often faced in

speaking related student‟s personality such as being shy, anxiety, emotion,

attitude, students motivation, speaking material.

Another problem in learning English speaking according to the researchers

depth observation and interview was about motivation. (Songsiri, 2007) stated that

It is mentioned in the literature that motivation is a key to students‟ learning

success The students motivation was low. Although they were told the researcher

that they were though that Learning English is important, but the fact showed that

their ways and their motivation to learn it especially learning English speaking

was need to be increase. Zua (2008) further stated that motivation is an inner

energy She says that no matter what kinds of motivation the learners possess it

will enhance their study interest. It has been proven in many studies that students

with a strong motivation to succeed can persist in learning and gain better scores

than those who have weaker motivation of success showing that building students

motivation to learn is urgent for every teacher inspired teaching, boredom, lack of

perceived relevance of materials and lack of knowledge about the goals of the

instructional program. These four, as he further says, very often become source of

students‟ motivation Uninspired teaching, for example, affects students‟

motivation to learn.

In this context, monotonous teaching, in many cases, reduces the

students‟ motivation due to their feeling of boredom. This shows that paying

attention to those four factors is vital. Inresponse to the issue of motivation, Babu

(2010) stated that lack of motivation in learning causes students‟ hesitation to

speak English in the classroom. He says that the background of this situation is

that students are not motivated by the teachers towards the communication in

English. In line with what Babu says, Siegel (2004, in Aftat, 2008) believes that

motivation is a product of good teaching. In his further explanation, Aftat

emphasizes that to motivate students to learn well and actively communicate in

English, teachers should have passion, creativity and interest in their students. In

other words, students‟ motivation is really influenced by the teachers‟ teaching

performance. Therefore, it is important that teachers also show enthusiasm in

their teaching performance

The teacher has to find the strategies to make the students in high

motivation in learning English speaking because the high of motivation is one of

the successful speaking activitys characteristics. That is true that most of the

students were in low motivation to learnt English speaking, but the researcher also

found that there were some students whom actually not only have a good ability in

English, but more important than it also they have a good and high motivation to

learn it. That was proved by their involvement in the process of learning English

in their class. They always active to speak everything both English and

Indonesian. They also always active to made an interactions with the teacher. But,

actually it could be another problem in learning English speaking.

Another problem that faced by the students in the process of learning

English speaking is low or uneven participation, where only one or two

participant can talk at a time. That condition gives the effect for other students.

Some of them would lost opportunities to speak English because of their friends

more active in the process. This problem is compounded by the tendency of some

learners to dominate, while other speaks very little or not at all. Here, the teacher

has to be smart to find the way to solve that problem. In one hand, that was good

because there were some students who joined the class and the materialactively.

But in the other hand, it was like a deep problem for the other students whom

cannot be active like some of the students.

Another problem was about mother tongue dominantly. The students used

Indonesian in high intensity. And the worst thing was the teacher also dominantly

used Indonesian in the learning process, not English. It was about the mother

tongue used. It was rational and so reasonable if the students were unable to speak

in English. How can they speak in English if they were not habitual to use it. one

of the main problems in learning to speak, mother tongue in use. In class activity

where all of the students share everything and speak anything by using their

mother tongue, not using the target language bbecause it was easier for them to

understand each other. Every word even every sentences can be produce without

feeling afraid of making mistakes. If they have to explain everything in front of

their friends by using the mother tongue, it would be easier for them and also for

other students who have heard it. It would be really different if they were using

English when they tried to explain something. It would be very difficult both for

them and for their friends also.

From the problems above the dominantly difficulties is pronunciation.

Most of the students stated that they afraid to speak because they can‟t how to

pronounce. Most of them were afraid if they made a mistake in term of

pronouncing the words . Most of them were lack of confidence, shy and nervous

to pronounce the word in English because according to the students explanation

before, when they make some mistakes in pronouncing the English words,

authomatically their classmates will laughed them. And they said that speaking

English is very difficult because how to write and how to speak in English are

different and that made them confused. A speaker who constantly mispronounces

a range of phonemes can be extremely difficult for a speaker from another

language community to understand. Gerard (2000:11). Pronunciation refer to the

production of sounds that includes attention to the particular sound of language

(segment), such as intonation, phrasing, stress, timing, and rhythm. Centre (2012).



A. Conclusion

The speaking English ability of the students of MADRASAH

TSANAWIYAH KOTA JAMBI was in low level and need to be increase. Most of

the students were unable to speak English clearly and they also were difficult to

produce words, phrases and sentences in English. But however, there were some

students who have good ability in English especially in speaking English.

Unfortunately, the numbers of students who have good result in speaking English

were only minority. The class was dominated by the students who have been in

low skill of speaking English.

The result showed that students have difficulties in speaking English

such as : Low of vocabulary mastery, Grammar as a stumbling block,

Pronunciation trouble, Shyness Nervousness and fear of making mistake, Lack of

confidence, Limited of practice, Minimum opportunities, Environment Factors,

Mother tongue dominantly, Low motivation and Poor of teaching English

strategy. From the problems the dominantly difficulties is pronunciation. Most of

them stated that they afraid to speak because the can‟t how to pronounce. Most of

them were afraid if they made a mistake in term of pronouncing the words. Most

of them were lack of confidence, shy and nervous to pronounce the words. The

students said that speaking English is very difficult because how to write and how

to speak in English are different and that made them confused.


Finally, it is known that there are so many difficulties that faced by most

of the students in learning speaking English. It can be seen from the result and

finding of this research. Based on that finding, the researcher gives some

suggestion for the school, the teacher, the students and also the next researcher

1. For the Teacher

Giving motivation and stimulating students' opinion are very important to

increase students' attention in leaching learning English especially

speaking, Choose the most interesting method that is suitable with the

condition of class and the material given. So that, the students will not feel

bored to accept the material frm the teacher.

2. For the Student,

Students should study hard and do more practice in speaking because it is

the key to be able to communicate in English. Students should not be shy

to express their ideas. Students should not be afraid of making mistakes

3. For the Next Researcher

As good researchers, they must be creative to make something new in the

way of teaching learning process in order when they do the research to the

students and teachers can take positive effect.

No Activities Months

february march april july september october Nov



1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 Preparatio

n of



2 Improvem

ent of



3 Preparatio

n of



4 Improvemen

t of Seminar


5 Research



6 Preparation

of Research


7 Improvemen

t of research


8 Collecting

the Data


9 Analysis

The Data


10 Thesis



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Appendix I : Interview

Pedoman Wawancara Siswa

NO Question

1 Apakah anda menyukai pelajaran bahasa inggris?

2 Apakah anda sering mengalami kesulitan saat memulai pembicaraan

dalam bahasa inggris?

3 Apa yang membuat anda kesulitan dalam menggunakan bahasa inggris?

4 Kesulitan seperti apa yang anda alami saat berbicara dalam bahasa


5 Seberapa besar kepercayaan diri anda berbicara dalam bahasa inggris

6 Apa yang membuat anda tidak percaya diri saat berbicara dalam bahasa


7 Apakah cara pengucapan kata/kalimat dalam bahasa inggris menjadi

hambatan untuk anda berbicara bahasa inggris?

8 Jadi kesulitan seperti apa yang sering anda alami saat berbicara dalam

bahasa inggris?


Appendix II : Interview

Pedoman Wawancara guru

NO Question

1 Apa penyebab siswa susah sekali untuk berbahasa inggris?

2 Apakah lingkungan berpengaruh terhadap speaking siswa?

3 Langkah apa yang harus dilakukan untuk meminilisirkan masalah


4 Bagaima cara memotivasi siswa agar mereka semangat untuk belajar?

5 Apakah ibu sering memakai gruop work untuk English speaking?

6 Bagaima cara ibu memancing siswa untuk berbicara bahasa inggris?

7 Apa dan bagaimana cara meminilisir masalah siswa dalam English


Appendix III : Interview Transcription

First Interview

Name : GT

Status : Student

Location : Class 9.A

Date : Setember 02nd


Text interview

R1 Assalamualaikum,wr.wb? selamat pagi dek

GT1 Waalaikum salam wr.wb, selamat pagi kak

R2 Oke langsung aja ya dek kakak nanya, sebenarnya suka engga sama

pelajaran bahasa Inggris?

GT2 Suka sih suka bu tapi dalam translate, ngisi soal itu masih kurang

mengerti. Sering nanyain sama guru.

R3 Pernah engga mencoba atau disuruh oleh guru untuk berbicara bahasa

Inggris di kelas?

GT3 Pernah sih mau izin ke toilet

R4 Terus apa lagi?

GT4 Membaca tesk

R5 Berarti pernah ya

GT5 Iya pernah

R6 Nah selama adek mencoba untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris menghadapi

masalah atau kesulitan engga?

GT6 Sering sih kak. Disaat ngucapinnya takut salah, grogi, malu

ditertawakan samateman-teman

R7 Malu, grogi, trus selain itu ada lagi engga?

GT7 Kadang ragu-ragu juga

R8 Ragu-ragu gimana maksud nya?

GT8 Iya mau ngucapin tapi takut salah takut ditertawakan gitu

R9 Terus kalau takut dimari guru, pernah ada perasaan seperti itu tidak?

GT9 Iya ada perasaan tapi udahlah biasa aja gitu

R10 Jadi intinya masalah utama dalam speaking English itu berarti apa?

Malukah? Nerveskah? Atau apa

GT10 Kaya nya nerves sih

R11 Oke menurut adek sendiri dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris itu

inginnya seperti apa? Misalkan ingin belajar pake drama, lagu-lagu atau

games-games bahasa Inggris, pinginnya apa?

GT11 Eeeuu...drama sih pake bahasa Inggris yah berbicara bersama guru

dengan bahasa Inggris biar kitanya tuh terbiasa gitu berbicara bahasa

Inggris pada saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris

R12 drama, dialog, mungkin itu yah. Sebagian besar anak-anak yang ibu

wawancarai pasti bilang malu. Memangnya malu kenapa sih?

GT12 Ya malu kak takut salah ngucapinnya, terus juga kalau salah tuh nanti

suka diketawain sama yang lain.

R13 Malu karena nanti ditertawakan? Memangnya pernah kejadian seperti

itu? Ditertawakan?

GT13 Iya pernah bu makanya jadi takut nanti diketawain lagi.

R14 Jadi sekarang tidak pernah mau berbicara bahasa Inggris lagi di kelas?

GT14 Ya kadang- kadang kak. Kalau misalkan disuruh ya pasti ngomong bu.

R15 Berarti harus disuruh ya. Kalau belajar bahasa Inggris gurunya pake

bahasa Inggris atau bahasa Indonesia?

GT15 Campuran, bisa bahasa Inggris bisa bahasa Indonesia

R16 Menurut adek harusnya pake bahasa Inggris apa bahasa Indonesia? Dan


GT16 Harusnya sih bahasa Inggris bu soalnya biar kitanya terbiasa dengan

bahasa Inggris, tapi enaknya pake bahasa Indonesia lebih gampang gitu

kak buat mahamin materinya.

R17 Oh gitu? Oya, biasanya belajar bahasa Inggris tuh ngapain aja sih? Suka

disuruh maju kedepan gitu engga?

GT17 Jarang, paling disuruh nyatet dulu terus dibacain sama gurunya terus

kita ngikutin

R18 Terus gimana lagi? Apa Cuma seperti itu?

GT18 Iya terus kitanya disuruh ngisi soal kak, atau menterjemahkan gitu kak

R19 Jadi kesulitan adek dalam English speaking apa?

GT19 Disaat ngucapain takut salah, malu dan grogi kak

R20 Oke baik gustin, terimakasih ya sudah menyempatkan diri buat

Interview dengan kakak.

GT20 Iya kak sama-sama


Second Interview

Name : MR

Status : student

Location : Class 9.A

Date : Setember 02nd


Text interview

R1 Assalamualaikum,wr.wb?

MR1 Waalaikum salam wr.wb.

R2 oke kita ngobrol-ngobrol sebentar ya dek?

MR2 Iya kak boleh

R3 Dalam bahasa Inggris itu kan ada Reading, Writing, Listening,

Speaking. Nah ngomong-ngomong speaking, pernah tidak adek

mencoba berlatih berbicara bahasa Inggris atau misalkan disuruh sama

guru untuk berbicara bahasa inggris didepan kelas?

MR3 Belum, tapi kalo nyiapin pas ada guru masuk itu disuruh.

R4 Berarti pernah yah disuruh untuk berbicara pada saat menyiapkan

memulai pembelajaran yah?

MR4 Iyah

R5 Pernah mencoba memperkenalkan diri engga dalam bahasa Inggris?

MR5 Pernah

R6 Nah berarti pernah yah belajar berbicara bahasa Inggris. Nah pada saat

berbicara bahasa Inggris apa sih yang adek rasakan? Atau ada masalah

engga pada saat adek berbicara bahasa inggris?

MR6 Ada takut salah

R7 Maksudnya takut salah gimana?

MR7 Eeeuuu...kalau didepan guru gituh yah mau dites speaking didepan

guru nanti takut salah gimana grammar nya dan cara pengucapannya


R8 Kemudian selain takut salah grammar dan pengucapan apalagi?

MR8 Takut ditertawakan kak

R9 Takut sama teman-teman ya, sama yang lain kalau misalkan ada salah

takut ditertawakan. Terus ada lagi mungkin yang lainnya ?

MR9 Iya, grogi juga kak

R10 Kenapa grogi?

MR10 Grogi takut salah juga gitu kak

R11 Ohh intinya tetap takut salah gituya?

MR11 Tidak tahu cara pengucapannya juga

R12 Tidak tahu pengucapannya misalnya gimana?

MR12 Eeeuu...kalau mau tes speaking gitu yah yang ini gimana cara


R13 Oh jadi misalkan ada tulisan atau kata dalam bahasa Inggris tapi aduh

ini gimana yah cara bacanya. Seperti itu?

MR13 Iyah

R14 Oke berarti ada beberapa kesulitan yang dialami yah ketika belajar

berbicara bahasa Inggris

MR14 Iyah

R15 Pertanyaan terakhir ini, adeksendiri dalam pembelajaran (Speaking) it

pengen belajarnya seperti apa sih ? Misalkan pengennya ada games

bahasa Inggris, drama, atau apa?

MR15 Pengen nya sih ada drama sama lagu lagu juga

R16 Biar lebih bisa banyak latihan mungkin yah.

MR16 Iya biar bisa bernyanyi bahasa inggris juga.

R17 oke, biar lidahnya terbiasa juga dengan bahasa Inggris gitu ya.

MR17 Iyah

R18 Baiklah mungkin Cuma itu ya, jadi intinya ada beberapa kesulitan dan

kesulitan yang paling mendasar buat Ridho sendiri apa tadi?

MR18 Tidak tahu pengucapannya

R19 He‟eh tidak tahu cara pengucapannya ya itu intinya. Oke trimakasih

banyak atas waktunya yang telah diluangkan yah untuk bsa sharing

bersama kakak disini. Terimakasih banyak ya.

MR19 Sama-sama kak


Third Interview

Name : RK

Status : Student

Location : Class 9.A

Date : Setember 02nd


Text interview

R1 Assalamualaikum,wr.wb? selamat pagi dek

RK1 Waalaikum salam wr.wb, selamat pagi kak

R2 Kakak mau ngobrol-ngobrol bahasa tentang English speaking ni dek,


RK2 Iya kak bisa

R3 Menurut adek pelajaran bahasa Inggris itu sulit, sedang, atau mudah?

RK3 Gampang-gampang susah sih tergantung materi

R4 Adek sendiri suka engga sama pelajaran bahsa Inggris?

RK4 Eeeuuu... kadang suka kadang engga tergantung materi ajah.

R5 Pernah enggak adek itu mencoba berbicara atau disuruh guru untuk

berbicara dalambahasa Inggris

RK5 Pernah cuman waktu mau ke toilet sama waktu mau berdoa dikelas.

R6 Nah ketika belajar berbicara bahasa Inggris apa sih masalah atau

kendala yang dihadapi ?

RK6 Mungkin masalahnya dari cara pengucapannya kak. Kalo salah

ngucapinnya takut ditertawakan sama teman-teman, suka lupa


R7 Ada lagi mungkin?

RK7 Iya kak sering lupa kosa katanya kak

R8 Oh kosakata ya, kenapa bisa lupa jarang mengahapalkan kosakata ya?

RK8 Iya kak jarang

R9 Pernah ngak disuruh menghapalkan kosa kata

RK9 Pernah kak, tapi ya kadang lupa lagi

R10 Oh gitu ya, Kemudian, menurut adek inginnya belajar bahasa Inggris

itu seperti apa? Misalkan ingin diadakan drama, games-games bahasa

inggris atau apa?

RK10 Pengennya drama aja bu supaya terbiasa kalu berbicara bahasa Inggris.

R11 Biar sering menghapalkan kosakata juga ya?

RK11 Iya kak

R12 Jadi kesimpulan nya kesulitan nya apa saja yang adek temukan dalam

berbicara dalam bahasa inggris

RK12 Iya cara sering salah pengucapan dan banyak enggak tahu kosakata kak

R13 Oke adek terimakasih banyak atas waktunya

RK13 Sama-sama kak


Fourth Interview

Name : RR

Status : Student

Location : Class 9.A

Date : Setember 03th


Text interview

R1 Assalamualaikum,wr.wb?

RR1 Waalaikum salam wr.wb

R2 Kakak mau ngobrol-ngobrol bahasa tentang English speaking ni dek,


RR2 Iya kak bias

R3 Menurut adek bahasa Inggris itu penting tidak? Kalau penting kenapa,

kalau tidak penting kenapa alasanya?

RR3 Penting kak, karena biar bisa nambah wawasan.

R4 Kalau penting, berarti adek seneng dong belajar bahasa Inggris?

RR4 Biasa-biasa kak

R5 Loh kenapa? Apakah adek kurang suka pelajaran bahasa Inggris?

RR5 iyah

R6 Kenapa bisa tidak suka?

RR6 Susah dan tidak mengerti kak

R7 Susah dan tidak mengerti. Oke, tapi pernah kan berbicara bahas Inggris

didepan kelas gitu?

RR7 Iya, pernah

R8 Nah bagaimana tuh perasaannya ketika berbicara bahasa Inggris?

RR8 Biasa-biasa aja

R9 Tidak ada masalah gitu? Misalnya susah ngucapinnya atau mungkin

malu sama teman-teman?

RR9 Iya tidak bisa ngucapinnya, malu juga sama teman-teman, takut salah

terus ditertawakan.

R10 Selama ini pernah ditertawakan?

RR10 Tidak, tapi sering lihat teman-teman yang lain ditertawakan

R11 Oh jadi karena melihat teman yang lain ditertawakan akhirnya takut

sendiri ya, takut ditertawakan juga?

R11 Iya kak

R12 Oke jadi masalah yang dialami adek berbicara dalam dalam bahasa

inggris apa saja selain cara pengucapan?

RR12 Iya kurang percaya diri kak soalnya disini sering memakai bahasa

daerah jarang menggunakan bahasa inggris jadi ngak percaya diri mau

bicara bahasa inggris kalau kita menggunkan bahasa inggris sering

ditertawakan kak

R13 Oh jadi itu ya masalah-masalah yang dihadapi adek

RR13 Iya kak

R14 Oke adek Terimakasi banyak ya atas waktu nya

RR14 Iya kak, sama-sama


Fifth Interview

Name : RA

Status : Student

Location : Class 9.A

Date : Setember 03rd


Text interview

R1 Assalamualaikum,wr.wb? selamat pagi dek

RA1 Waalaikum salam wr.wb, selamat pagi kak

R2 Kakak mau ngobrol-ngobrol bahasa tentang English speaking ni dek,


RA2 Iya kak bias

R3 Menurut adek pelajaran bahasa Inggris itu sulit, sedang, atau mudah?

RA3 Gampang-gampang susah sih kak

R4 adek sendiri suka engga sama pelajaran bahsa Inggris?

RA4 Hmm, agak kurang suka sih kak

R5 Loh kenapa?

RA5 Sulit dipahami kak

R6 Pernah ya disuruh berbicara bahasa inggris dikelas

RA6 Jarang kak paling suruh baca tesk

R7 Menurut adek kesulitan-kesulitan seperti apa yang adek temukan dalam

English Speaking?

RA7 Grammar kak terus kurang tahu banyak kosakata kak karna jarang

praktek kak

R8 Kenapa dengan grammar kurang bisa menepatkan thensis ya

RA8 Iya kak kadang mau bicara tapi takut salah dalam membuat kalimat yang

benar kurang percaya diri kak

R9 Terus kalau kosakata?

RA9 Iya kak disini sering menggunakan bahasa daerah kak jadi jarang bahasa

inggris dan jarang juga menghapal kosakota

R10 Pernah disuruh mengahapal kosakata?

RA10 Pernah kak tapi ya lupa lagi karna jarang digunakan sehari-hari

R11 Jadi kesulitan yang adek temukan dalam berbicara bahasa inggris

grammar sama kosa kata ya

RA11 Iya kak, terus dilingkungan sekolah pun jarang menggunakan bahasa


R12 Banyak menggunakan bahasa jambi ya?

RA12 Iya kak

R13 Oke adek terimakasih ya atas waktunya

RA13 Sama-sama kak

Transkip Interview Guru

Name : Hj. Jusni Fery, S.Pd

Status : English Teacher

Location : Office of teacher Madrasah Tsawiyah Laboratorium

Date : Setember 03rd


Text interview

R1 Assalamualaikum,wr.wb?

P1 Waalaikum salam wr.wb

R2 Sebelumnya terimakasih telah menyempatkan diri untuk sedikit

berbincang dengan saya, bu.

P2 Oh,ya

R3 Jadi begini, disini saya sedang melaksanakan penelitian tentang kesulitan

kesulitan yang dihadapi beberapa siswa dalam pembelajaran Bahasa

Inggris khususnya dalam English speaking. Menurut ibu, bagaimana

kemampuan speaking siswa disini?

P3 Kemampuannya rata-rata masih kurang, masalahnya mungkin takut salah


R4 Jika masih kurang, pastinya ada penyebab atau ada masalah disitu.

Menurut ibu sendiri, kira-kira masalahnya itu apa bu sehingga

menyebabkan mereka susah sekali untuk berbicara Bahasa Inggris?

P4 Kalau menurut ibu, intinya mereka tidak menguasai vocabulary. Kata-

kata Bahasa Inggrisnya mereka kurang tahu

R5 Kira-kira kalau lingkungan itu berpengaruh atau tidak bu terhadap

Kemampuan speaking siswa?

P5 Oh pasti, karena tidak ada waktu-waktu tertentu untuk belajar using

English. Tapi disini tahu sendirilah situasinya seperti apa

R6 Iya sempat bertanya kepada beberapa siswa bahwa masalahnya itu karena

mereka merasa takut salah dan takut ditertawakan

P6 Iya iya

R7 Dari beberapa masalah tersebut, menurut ibu langkah apa yang mesti

dilakukan untuk meminimalisir masalah-masalah tersebut?

P7 Kalau keinginan ibu, dikelas juga kan kadang ibu suka ajak mereka

berbicara bahasa inggris tapi mereka justeru tidak tahu artinyaYa dari

kemauan mereka sendiri kurang faham bahwa belajar Bahasa Inggris itu


R8 Berarti kalau untuk mewajibkan siswa untuk berbicara Bahasa Inggris

pada jam pelajaran bahasa Inggris itu masih belum mungkin ya bu?

P8 Belum. Satu dua katapun mereka masih sulit. Hanya ada satu, dua atau

tiga orang yang bisa tuh.

R9 Ya, intinya masih banyak masalah utamanya masalah dari diri mereka


P9 Iya harus ada motivasi untuk diri sendiri.

R10 Masih banyak yang harus dibenahi ya bu ya.

P10 Disekolah juga ada Ekstrakulikler Bahasa Inggris

R11 Bagaimana itu buk

P11 Ya sama, susah mesti sabar

R12 Bagaimana bu cara ibu memotivasi mereka agar semangat mereka untuk


P12 Sebenarnya ibu sudah sangat sering yah memotivasi mereka di kelas agar

mereka mau belajar, belajar, belajar. Terutama belajar berbicara bahasa

Inggris ini ya neng. Kan kebanyakan itu malu, takut dan sebagainya untuk

berbicara bahasa Inggris. Tapi susah juga kalau misalnya dari diri mereka

sendiri tidak ada keinginan yang kuat.

R13 Kalau untuk malu, takut, nervous, itu gimana bu menurut ibu?

P13 Iya untuk malu, nervous dan segala macam itu sebenarnya sangat wajar

yah. Memang itu karena mereka belum terbiasa untuk berbicara bahasa


R14 Apakah ibu sering memakai group work dalam pembelajaran English


P14 Untuk group work saya memang sering menggunakan, tidak hanya untuk

pembelajaran speaking ya sebenarnya tapi juga untuk materi yang lain?

R15 Efektiv tidak bu hasilnya?

P15 Kalau masalah efektif engga memang semuanya pasti ada plus dan

minusnya ya . Kalau memakai group work itu plusnya memang harusnya

mereka bisa kerjasama dan sharing tanpa adanya rasa malu, tidak enak

dan sebagainya. Tapi kalu misalkan tidak terkontrol mereka justru akan

asyik dan ngobrol sendiri. Kadang hanya orang-orang tertentu saja yang

bekerja, seperti itu

R16 saya kan sudah beberapa kali observasi di kelas ya bu yah. Nah di kelas

itu ada beberapa siswa yang dominan, sementara yang lainnya diem aja.

Yang aktif berbicara bahasa Inggris tuh yang itu lagi itu lagi. Gimana itu


P16 Iya memang neng, tidak hanya di kelas IX.A yah sebenarnya tapi juga

disemua kelas pasti begitu. Pasti ada dua atau tiga orang yang

mendominasi kelas, sementara yang lainnya ya cuma ngikut begitu.

R17 Nah itu gimana bu, dibiarkan saja atau biasanya dikasih treatment seperti

apa bu?

P17 Ya ibu pasti lebih memotivasi mereka untuk yu sama-sama belajar bahasa

Inggris, belajar berbicara jangan hanya diam dan ngikut gitu yah. Tapi ya

susah, ujung-ujungnya mah itu lagi itu lagi

R18 Itu kenapa bu bisa seperti itu?

P18 Mungkin karena memang mereka merasa tidak bisa sehingga percaya diri

mereka pun kecil yah makanya di kelas punc diem saja. Sedangkan yang

aktif di kelas itu biasanya mereka yang memang motivasi belajarnya

cukup tinggi.

R19 Kira-kira yang paling memancing mereka untuk berbicara bahasa Ingris

itu apa sih bu?

P19 Mungkin materi yah, atu juga cara penyampaian materi

R20 Terakhir nih bu, kesimpulannya berarti yang menjadi masalah siswa dalm

belajar English speaking itu apa dan bagaimana cara meminimalisirnya

P20 Baik, sebenarnya ada banyak sekali yah masalah dalam speaking ini.

Selain karena motivasi belajar mereka yang masih kurang, ditambah

dengan vocabulary yang terbatas, belum lagi keadaan sekolah baik sarana

maupun prasarana yang kurang mendukung. Itu semua memang menjadi

faktor pemnghambat bagi siswa disini. Dan untuk penanganannya

mungkin ibu memberikan banyak motivasi kepada merka untuk terus mau

belajar dan berlatih. Karena bahasa Inggris itu perlu dilatih yah, tidak

cukup dengan belajar di kelas saja. Begitu mungkin dek.

R21 Motivasi yang tinggi dan berlatih yang giat ya bu, itu kuncinya?

P21 Betul, karena kalau sudah punya motivasi yang tinggi pasti belajar pun

rajin, latihan berbicara bahasa Inggris pun semakin rajin

R22 Baiklah bu, terimaksasih banyak atas informasi-informasi yang sangat

membantu bu.

P22 Iya sama sama dek

Appendix IV : Field Note Observation

Date : August 20th




Place : Class 9.A


Students Low of Vocabulary


The students were so difficult to speak

English even in very simple sentence.

The students did not knew how to say a

word in English that actually they want

to say. The main problem that faced by

most of the students were the

vocabulary mastering.

Students Grammar as a Stumbling


The students were made mistakes in

some simple grammar points like a

verbs third-person singular form, and

others. For example they used do‟

when the subject is he, or they were not

used verb 2 when they made some

sentences in past tense forms.

Students Pronunciation Trouble

Most of students were afraid if they

made a mistake in term of pronouncing

the words. Most of them were lack of

confidence to pronounce the word in


Students Shyness, Nervousness, and

Fear of Making Mistakes

Almost of the respondents, most of

them were felt shy, nervous and fear of

making mistakes when they tried to

speak English. They were afraid if the

teacher would be angry if they made

some mistakes when speaking English

Students Lack of Confidence The students felt that their ability in

speaking was not good, so they have no

believeness that they actually can speak

English clearly if they were in high


Students Limited of Practice The students were practice to speak

English rarely during English learning

Students Minimum Opportunities Some students just have a little

opportunity to speak up in front of their

friends. There were some dominant

students in class.They were speaking

much during the learning process and

very active. While the other students

were passive and saying nothing during

the process. They have not an

opportunity because all of the class

process was domination by the minority


Environment Factors In the teaching and learning process, the

teacher used Indonesian dominantly.

Whereas, it would be better for the

teacher to used English at the class

activity to make the students habituate

with English.

Mother Tongue Dominantly

During learning English the teacher not

asked the students to speak English

intensively and also hasnot found the

teacher used English dominantly in the

learning process. She always used

Indonesian in every time of the process

Students Low Motivation There were no motivations of the

students to learnt English harder and


Poor of Teaching English Strategy the teacher not used an interesting

strategy when they teach English to

make them interest. The teacher only

used an ordinary strategy of teaching.

Appendix V : Documentation Pictures

Picture 1 : siswa sedang belajar bahasa inggris

Picture 2 : suasana siswa belajar bahasa inggris

Picture 3 : siswa mengerjakan tugas bahasa inggris

Picture 4 : researcher mewawancari siswa

Picture 5: researcher mewawancarai siswa

Picture 6: researcher mewawancarai siswa

Picture 7 : researcher mewawancari guru

Picture 8 : researcher foto bersama siswa


Name : Fatma Ramyani

Gender : Female

Place/date of the birth : Sungai pandan, 10 Desember 1996

Address : Sungai Pandan,RimboUlu, Tebo.

Email address : [email protected]

Contact person :0813-5252-5267

Education background :

No Education Graduated year Place

1 SDN 01 Rimbo Ulu 2008 Tebo Ulu

2 MTS Raudhatul Iman Rimbo Ulu 2011 Tebo Ulu

3 SMAN 9 Rimbo Ulu 2014 Tebo Ulu

4 UIN STS JAMBI 2019 Jambi

Jambi ,2019

The Writer

Fatma Ramyani

Te. 140987
