Page 1: Student Teaching Introduction Letter

Hello Parents and Students!

My name is Brittany Nyhus and I will be student teaching with Mrs. Gilchrist for the next seven weeks! I am so excited to be a student teacher at Walnut Hills Elementary and can’t wait to get started. I thought I would introduce myself and tell you a little bit about my background.

In 2012 I received a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Public Service and Administration in Agriculture from Iowa State University. The summer before I was to graduate, I realized how much I loved teaching and education. Because of this, I decided to pursue my teaching license and master’s degree from Drake University. In May I will graduate with a K-8 teaching license with endorsements in reading, science and middle school (language arts and science).

I grew up in the small town of Rockwell, Iowa on your typical Iowa farm. We had pigs, corn, soybeans and the occasional 4-H or FFA bucket calf and lamb. I still love agriculture and enjoy helping on the family farm today. In my spare time I enjoy reading, cooking, and being outside.

Getting to know your students and help them to learn and grow will be an excellent opportunity over the next seven weeks. This will be a great experience for me, and I hope to learn as much or more from the students as they learn from me.

Please let myself or Mrs. Gilchrist know if you have any questions. Thank you for this opportunity!


Brittany Nyhus
