Page 1: Student Reflections: Senegal

Stu de n t R e fle c tio n s

Senega l

Students from the Casamance Region reflect on the importance of leadership

Page 2: Student Reflections: Senegal

“I am ready, if you agree with me, to lead a fight together to solve all the problems we encounter in our institution.”

-Vincent Mendy

Page 3: Student Reflections: Senegal

“As a leader I would be able to confront and help resolve many problems that can create terrible violence in our society.”

-Moutsapha Badiane

Page 4: Student Reflections: Senegal

“We must remember that a leader is an indispensable person for the development of a country or region as he occupies a very important place in the country or region.”

-Ouneissima Alice Noelli Manga

Page 5: Student Reflections: Senegal

“The leader must have the ability to motivate, involve, boost, guide, inspire, and influence those around him.”

-Awa Ba

Page 6: Student Reflections: Senegal

“Leadership training in my school has created hope to now have a spirit of negotiation and dialogue.”

-Fatou Badiane Kaken

Page 7: Student Reflections: Senegal

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