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2nd Year Design Project

2nd Year Design ProjectHalls Of Residence

Table of Contents1.0-Executive Statement41.1-Summary 42.0-Introduction52.1-Design Brief52.2-Preliminary Site Investigation62.3-Further Site Investigation72.4-Desktop Study72.5-Site Visit92.6-Ground Investigation103.0-Planning113.1-Introduction113.2-Project Plan113.3-Project Planning table133.3-Design144.0-Concept154.1-Architecture154.1.1-Arkwright House164.1.2-Commercial Viability164.2-Summary of design goals:174.3-Initial Concept sketches184.4-Concept 2194.5-Concept 3204.6-Concept 4214.7-Final Design Decision: Concept 4225.0-Floor Plan235.1-Site Plan245.2-Structural Design245.3-Structural Calculations for Steel Framed Design276.0-Interior Layout346.1-Furnished Ground Plan346.2-3D Model356.2-Interior Renders387.0-Construction437.1- Construction Plan Timescale447.2.1-Construction Phase Plan477.2.2-Welfare and Storage Facilities487.3-Method Statement487.3.1-Foundation Method Statement497.3.2-Timber Frame Method Statement528.0-Foundation 568.1-Introduction568.2-Foundation Calculations 588.2.3-Method 1588.3-Method 2 639.0-Sustainability649.1-Introduction649.2-Definition649.3-BREEAM659.4-CHP(Combined Heat and Power)659.5-Solar panels679.6-Rain Harvesting679.7-U-values689.8-Solar Chimney6910.0-Construction materials7010.1-Timber Frame7010.2-TimberFlooring & CLadding7010.3-Concrete7110.4-Masonry7310.5-Steel7310.6-Metal roof7410.7-Material Costs7511.0-References76

1.0-Executive Statement This report contains information on the project schedule, building systems, pricing, client information, project delivery system and method statement.The new student accommodation on the university campus will have accommodate 20 students and will lead to a better quality student learning experience with an emphasis on own personal areas. By using a sustainable and environmental friendly timber frame in the hopes of driving down construction cost, the new student accommodation will be built under budget and delivered within a year. Each bedroom contains a second level to provide a personal are for the student. Dining and kitchen areas will be provided in a communal area for socialising with other residents. The actual Building is being built in accordance with the universitys sustainable development plans with an emphasis on sustainable energy sources CHP systems and solar panels.The facility is being built to enhance student experience with an idea of own personal space and should be scheduled to be built in 1 year and should be open for 2017-2018 academic year.1.1-Summary [footnoteRef:1] [1: Shamraiz & Matt]

The aim of this project, was to design a halls of residence from ideas to a fully designed building with structural calculations to back up the integrity of the structure. Once having an idea of the brief provided by the client, ideas can be passed around for different ways to achieve what the client is looking for. This will bring about the making of different sketches, which will be developed into the concept design once a specific design idea has been approved by everyone. The client is looking for a halls of residence that has a minimum of 20 rooms per floor, which should also have the welfare facilities to accommodate. The client has also requested that the building have a maximum height of 16m and we are able to accommodate the building around the site investigation, which gives an outline of the depths of the material. Since sustainability is high on the agenda throughout the University of Bradford campus, proof that our building will fit the principles of sustainability is a must, especially as the Green campus is highly sustainable. Timescale of the construction of any building is highly important, so, planning ahead will greatly reduce risks, this will be shown by the creation of a construction phase plan and a method statement. The best way to show timescale in construction, is a Gantt chart.To also show professionalism, a 3D design model will be incorporated into the project, as well as structural design, building layout and floor plans, having a 3D model can really help the client see the ideas that are being put forward. 3D modelling is mainly used in the construction industry, especially now that BIM is being incorporated into the design of every building/structure.2.0-Introduction[footnoteRef:2] [2: Matt]

Due to a higher demand for students to come to the University of Bradford, the university wants to expand on their student accommodation. Availability of good quality and affordable accommodation is important to attract students from outside the immediate area and is an additional source of income for the university. Privately owned student halls and shared housing are readily available in the area surrounding the University Campus, of varying price and quality. Providing good quality accommodation that offers value for money has allowed the Universitys own developments to compete with local companies and private landlordsThe University have recently constructed the Green, which is situated on the North East of the University campus, but still wanting to expand, they have requested to build another halls of residence along Richmond Road, where the ice cream factory used to be. It is important that this new development meets the high standards of sustainability and student lifestyle that The Green has become so well known for. Some additional factors must be considered during the planning of the new building: Site location: The location of the site is positioned very near the University campus and several local businesses including a technology park. The surrounding roads are relatively small and there is a high volume of pedestrian and road traffic in this area, especially during term time. Careful consideration should be given to Health and Safety during the construction of the new building as well as disruption to University activities and parking. Due to the small area of the site, the location of the welfare facilities, storage and offices locations will have to be assessed. Ground Conditions: The ground conditions of the site are quite soft, especially due to the fact that from 1-3m deep is alluvium soil. Alluvium soil is loose unconsolidated soil or sediments. Alluvium soil is formed by the reshaping and eroding of water which is then redeposited in a non-marine area. This means that cost effective foundations will have to be carefully considered.

2.1-Design Brief

A short design brief has been supplied for the project: Student accommodation suited on the university campus, comprising of student bedrooms, storerooms, study/dining room. Each floor has to have a minimum of 20 bedrooms per floor level. Other facilities such as storage, kitchen, dining, study, common room should also be provided on each floor level. The land area of the building is 60m x 15m at the location shown in figure 1.0. Columns are not permitted within any bedrooms, or other including common areas 16m is the maximum height of the overall building and each floor is to have a height of 2.6m from floor to ceiling. There should also be a 150mm raised floor void required for services.

The total area of the site is 900m2, which should be fully utilized to be able to meet the requirements of the design brief. Figure 1.0 shows that the building has to be a simple rectangular shape, which puts constraints on the architectural side of the design. Innovative use of the internal space would be required to make the most of the site while staying within the requirements of the brief.

Figure 1.0-Proposed area of site

2.2-Preliminary Site Investigation[footnoteRef:3] [3: Matt]

The design brief, included a preliminary investigation of the site. This allowed the possibility to make predictions for foundations and a timescale for groundwork. Figure 1.1 shows the depths of the different soils within the site, it clearly shows that the top layer; top soil, is found to a depth of 1m. After top soil, alluvial deposits occur to a depth from 1m 3m; as mentioned in the summary, alluvium is a soft river based soil, which could cause a few constraints in the latter part of this project, there are many possible approaches if alluvium becomes an obstacle. From a depth of 3m 8m sand and gravel follows, this material is much more versatile due to its properties, and could be used to support the foundations if the Alluvium proved too weak for the weight of the building. The layer of clay is quite deep at a depth of 8m, but its firmness will become a great benefit if pile foundations are needed for our building. The site investigation also mentioned that water was found at a depth of 4m.

Our first course of action based on the preliminary information was to seek some professional advice from a geo-technical professional, Simon Tyrell, who advised us on the limitations of the ground to support larger steel structures. See Appendix 2

Figure 1.1-Site Investigation Material Depths Diagram[footnoteRef:4] [4: Matt]

2.3-Further Site Investigation[footnoteRef:5] [5: Shamraiz]

A site investigation is carried out before construction to gather information and to assess whether ground conditions are suitable for the proposed development. This goes on to assist both the design elements of a project and construction phase of the said project; for instance the effect of ground water conditions to the construction phase of a certain design. A site investigation is then a very important aspect of a design project, as it helps to identify the suitability of a site to a design therefore saving both time and money if a project is not suitable for it. In our design project our site investigation consisted of 3 stages; desktop study, site visit and ground investigation

2.4-Desktop Study[footnoteRef:6] [6: Shamraiz]

The desktop study was the first stage and one of the key part of the site investigation as it enabled us to gather information on the location, topography and history of the site. Using tools such as google maps we were able to analyse our site from an aerial view and gather knowledge on the current state of our site. From the elevated view (Figure 1.3) we were able to see observe the site had a warehouse situated in the centre of the site and was located next to road and was also accessible from the private university entrance. Also accessing historical maps abled to see the site had previously had a building on it in 1938 (Figure 1.4) therefore we were able to assume that the ground had some previous excavation, and also that the present warehouse may be situated on top of the old foundation. Also using a geology map (Figure 1.5), rough information on the type of soil conditions that is apparent on site such as alluvium deposits and bedrock geology.Figure 2: Aerial View of the site highlighted in green in 1938.Figure 1: Aerial View of the site highlighted in red

Figures 1.3 & 1.4-Elevated view and Historical map

Figure 1.5- Geology of the site marked in red

2.5-Site Visit[footnoteRef:7] [7: Shamraiz]

The site visit was a key aspect of the site investigation as it gave an insight on current site condition which was not available from information gathered from the desktop study. The site visit allows the team to confirm decisions on the design of the project, accessibility, and demolition of the site.

Figure 1.6- View of the site

The site visit allowed (Figure 1.6) us to confirm final decisions of the design which may have been susceptible to change. For example, due to our design having an emphasis on the use of the sun as a natural light source, to maximise the exposure of the building to the sun we orientated the building so forth. However an unexpected circumstance that can only be acknowledged from a site visit, such as the shadows of nearby trees or building, may have had an impact on the design of our building so our design would have to adjust accordingly. This demonstrates how a simple act of visiting the site discloses key information that can have an effect on the design of a project.The site visit also allowed us to approve how we would access the site when construction commenced. With the site nearby the road, a decision was made that there wouldnt be a need to construct an alternative access point as the site was not an isolated area. However due to the narrow nature of the roads precautions would have to be made to allow the access of heavy duty vehicles to the site. Also a decision was made to store the construction materials needed for the site nearby the site on university premises to allow easy accessibility for workers.From the site visit an idea was made on what would be needed to be demolished would have to be dealt before and in construction. With the site having an industrial warehouse, proceedings would have to be made to demolish the building and surrounding fencing before construction could be done. Also the industrial warehouse foundations would have to be excavated due to the lack of documentation of the foundation used and what effect time has had on the foundation.2.6-Ground Investigation[footnoteRef:8] [8: Shamraiz]

Once the desktop study and site visit stages were completed it was time to analyze internal site conditions. Analyzing the ground conditions of a site ultimately decides the suitability, constraints and what foundations can be applicable to a site. A ground investigation typically includes geology and an analysis of any contamination of the land.To gain information of the geology of the site, boreholes would be drilled on the site to extract a soil sample. The sample extracted by said bores would be analyzed by external labs and processed into information that engineers can analyze and use to calculate the ultimate bearing capacity of the groundwork. Also boreholes can uncover the presence of water in the soil that may affect the physical properties of the soil therefore saving time and money in the long-term. From the borehole analysis we were able to categorize the soil layers and properties (figure 1.7).

Figure 1.7- Soil Analysis of site

Being aware of the site previous uses a strategy can be completed on what contamination would have to be dealt before and whilst constructing the project. Depending on previous usage of the site land can be contaminated by heavy metals (e.g. lead), chemical substances, gases, asbestos, or radioactive substance. From the information that was uncovered by the desktop study, the site has been occupied by a building since the early 19th century and due to the fact that neighbouring buildings have an industrial background we have to assume that there has been some form of contamination. Due to this we have to take precautions and test the ground for any seepage that may have taken place overtime.

3.0-Planning[footnoteRef:9] [9: Matt]


When starting any project, planning is a vital to ensure the project is runs to schedule and to keep up to date on tasks. It also shows others the start dates for task, the duration, who is assigned to which particular task and when it needs to be finished. Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort. By Paul J. MeyerCommitting to a plan can result in higher productivity to the project, functionality can increase, as well as morale; as stated in the quote above by Paul J Meyer. A true project manager can produce a realistic schedule and plan, whilst also having back-ups in case any unnecessary circumstances delay certain tasks. For any big contracts and projects (like the construction and design of a halls of residence) they will need a good plan to designate task to push the project forward at a reasonable pace, while also achieving the best practicality for workers. Communication between departments is also a crucial part of reducing risk in any project. This does depend on what stage the project is at; for example, at the beginning the client and architect must work together to be able to create what the client is looking for. The next step is to select a method of procurement, this will be completed by the client and construction manager, with which they will compose a strategy which will fit the long term objective of the project, which includes; speed, cost, quality, specific project constraints, risk, asset ownership and financing.3.2-Project Plan

For the beginning of this project, a plan for getting the project started was needed. First of all, someone was required to take control of the planning to get others that would be less willing; or even not sure what to do, directed into their specific tasks. Also when commencing a new project, persons that may have never worked together before, will need to get to know each other, this can help them by getting the best out of each others strengths, while also helping out on the group weaknesses. The best way to start off any project is research. This allows everyone to work together and discuss what they have found and bring their own ideas to the table. Research is normally a long period that can carry on for long durations of time throughout the design stage, this is because of the ever evolving design of the building, resulting in more research of certain ideas, which will need to be backed up to be pushed through the group. This has happened many times during the project and will continue till the concept design has started.The plan for this project had 12 stages, starting off with research, which then proceeds to architectural and structural design. To ensure that everyone is fully aware of the evolving plan, an updated schedule with a checklist is sent to every member at the end of each week. This allows every member to see the progress of the project and shows if the project is falling behind schedule.


TaskAssignedChecklistDate StartDate FinishedSet DaysPredecessorsDuration


Main Building SketchesStuartFinished24/01/1629/01/1676d

Final Building DiscussionEveryoneFinished01/02/1601/02/16221d

DesignStuart, Saleh and Tabish02/02/1612/02/161239d

Structural DesignStuart and Matt04/02/1611/02/1686d

3D Design (Revit)Mobien and Shamraiz07/02/1617/02/16119d

Applied Load EquationsMatt, Tabish and Mobien18/02/1619/02/16462d

Soil EquationsSaleh and Shamraiz18/02/1618/02/1611d

Foundation DesignStuart, Saleh and Shamraiz22/02/1623/02/1647, 82d

Landscape DesignMatt, Shamraiz and Mobien24/02/1624/02/16191d


Individual ReportsEveryone01/03/1614/03/161410d

3.3-Project Planning table3.3-Design[footnoteRef:10] [10: Matt]

Design stage is a phase in the project where the development of the design brief given by the client, becomes a more detailed specification. The detailed specification is to allocate the requirements into in fully implemented model to satisfy the client. There are different stages which evolves from the original sketch while defining the specification.Architectural design takes the clients design brief, and makes an adapted model with floors plans for an artistic approach to please the client, while also putting the model within its proposed scenario. The architect also proposes some of the building materials, for example the roof, internal and external walls, this is so the architect can work out the U-values of the building; which becomes important for sustainability. The architect has a major role in the design stage, the role of the model is just one part of their contribution. Once the rough sketches are approved by the client, the architect refines the drawing to a more detailed design, this involves the structure, ventilation, plumping and electrical. This allows the architect to apply for permit and budget marketing.The detailed/concept design allows for the structural, mechanical and electrical engineers to create their side of the building drawings. For engineers to work efficiently, communication has to be developed between each faction, especially due to them not normally being in the same companies. The structural engineer creates a structure that will support the building, while also keeping with the clients and architects brief, yet sometimes, compromises have to been made between the two for structure stability or the buildings aestheticism. These drawings have to be very detailed, enough that a contractor will be able to build from them, one of the reasons why all parties should keep in communications and have regular meetings (normally a monthly bases). Finally the architect has to create documentation, a budget and financing of the project. For financing, the architect has to compare the estimated projects expenses so far, with the actual cost to makes sure that they reflect each other, while also estimating any future costs including any risk factor that may cost extra. The budget is the amount of the overall cost of the project with risk assessment incorporated, similar to the financing process. The documentation of the project is making sure that none of the paperwork has not been missed out, which is one of the reasons why BIM is being made a necessity with any project. Some of these documents have been made by the quantity surveyor, which will be bills for quantities from the materials, production and other construction needs the architect had compiled. One of the most important is contracts, these are very important documentations, which shows that all contractors have agreed to perform a certain job to a standard; while also keeping with the vision of the project and fines are implemented if contractors do not live up to the contracts obligations.

4.0-Concept[footnoteRef:11] [11: Stuart]


Bradford University campus includes many modern, sustainable developments that influenced our design concepts.The Green:The Green is a purpose built student village which provides accommodation for over 1000 students in a sociable environment. Most notably, it is one of the most sustainable developments of its kind in the world and the first halls of residence in the UK to achieve a BREEAM accolade of outstanding. Our aim was to design a new building which would achieve a similar standard. (, 2016)1.7-1.7-1.7-Figure 1.8-Re:CentreThe Re:Centre is one of the most visually striking buildings on campus, with a large glass front, exposed wooden beams and contrasting white and wooden cladding. It is also built with sustainability in mind, with an innovative approach to energy management, air flow and heating. (, 2016)4.1.1-Arkwright HouseFigures 1.9-1.12-Arkwright House

This private development on the edge of the campus offers a more luxurious option for student living. It offers more privacy then other student accommodation, with 2 to 6 students sharing a flat, but also provides spacious social areas. (Prodigy Living, 2016)

4.1.2-Commercial Viability

Bradford University offers some of the cheapest student accommodation in the country. To be commercially successful, the final design would need to be cheap to build, economical to run, and either offer many low priced rooms, or a smaller number of luxury rooms that could attract a higher rental price.4.2-Summary of design goals:[footnoteRef:12] [12: Stuart]

Sustainable & Green Design to achieve BREEAM accolade of outstanding Compliment modern campus architecture. Commercially Viable. Offer something Different/Unique. Privacy and personal space, integrated within a social environment.

4.3-Initial Concept sketches[footnoteRef:13] [13: Stuart]

Our initial concept sketches can be seen in the project notebook (see appendix). These ideas were condensed into 4 main conceptual designs. Concept 1:[footnoteRef:14] [14: Stuart]

Figure 1.13- Design 1

The initial design took elements of existing campus buildings such as the green and Arkwright House. It offers 60 en-suite rooms over 3 floors, linked by a glass stairwell front and rear. Each floor would have a shared kitchen and living space, which would look out over an indoor garden area at the southern end of the building. Roof mounted solar panels would be used for water heating. There is an area allocated for a small number of parking spaces or a secure bike storage.The design was later rejected due to the long hallways which may feel crowded when shared between 20 rooms and would require people living at the northern end of the building to walk up to 40m to reach the kitchen.4.4-Concept 2[footnoteRef:15] [15: Stuart]

Figure 1.14-Design 2

The second design split the building into two separate blocks with a connecting bridge between them. Each block provides 10 rooms, a kitchen and living area per floor, providing a total of 60 rooms.Dividing the building in this way would slightly reduce the room size and increase construction cost, but the facilities would be shared between fewer people and would feel less crowded. The green wall cladding and glass stairwells compliment the other halls of residence nearby and the roof space could again be used for green features such as solar panels and rainwater collection.Balconies on every floor would give residents an outdoor/garden space without taking up a large area of land.4.5-Concept 3[footnoteRef:16] [16: Stuart]

Figure 1.15-Design 3

Our third option was a centralized living area and kitchens which surrounded an internal courtyard. 60 rooms are spread over 3 floors. Each corridor of 10 rooms would have its own kitchen and living space.The courtyard and surrounding balconies connect the living areas on each floor and give a sense of community and allow plenty of natural light into the center of the building.

4.6-Concept 4[footnoteRef:17] [17: Stuart]

Figure 1.16-Design 4

Our geo-technical research highlighted that a tall steel & concrete structure may require significant ground work and expensive piling foundations. This design moved away from the conventional multistory design, in favour of 4 linked barns, each housing 5 student rooms and an open plan kitchen and living space.Each of the 20 rooms would consist of a bedroom and en-suite, with a study room above it which opened out onto a small balcony area. This provides the residents with ample privacy and a comfortable living space, with a large social area and outdoor areas. The parking facilities included in previous designs were removed in favour of maximizing room sizes and living areas.4.7-Final Design Decision: Concept 4[footnoteRef:18] [18: Stuart]

Concept 4 was chosen as the design which most closely met the design goals.A timber frame building provided several advantages. It would significantly reduce the cost of construction and provided a much lighter design that could be built on simple pad foundations, avoiding the need for expensive groundworks. A timber framed building would also be substantially quicker to build which would minimize disruption around the campus, and start generating an income sooner.Sustainable materials would be used throughout the building which also provides excellent u values, making the building energy efficient and keeping running costs low. Numerous green design features would be included, such as roof mounted solar panels for water heating, rain water recycling, a CHP system and innovative ventilation.A combination of wooden cladding and white rendered walls, with large glazed sections across the front of the building complements other buildings on campus.The unique room layout offers privacy and personal space within a social community environment, offering residents their own apartment instead of the standard cramped rooms of other accommodation. An alternative design was also proposed which used a steel frame and concrete flooring.5.0-Floor Plan[footnoteRef:19] [19: Stuart]

5.1-Site Plan[footnoteRef:20] [20: Stuart]

(, 2016)

5.2-Structural Design[footnoteRef:21] [21: Tabish]

Figure 1.17-Plan view showing pad foundation placement (under each column)

Figure 1.18-Front view of the structural elements with the pad foundations showing

Figure 1.19 & 1.20-Front and Rear view of structural members[footnoteRef:22] [22: Tabish]

5.3-Structural Calculations for Steel Framed Design[footnoteRef:23] [23: Mobien]

[footnoteRef:24] [24: Mobien]

[footnoteRef:25] [25: Mobien]

[footnoteRef:26] [26: Mobien]

[footnoteRef:27] [27: Tabish]

[footnoteRef:28] [28: Tabish]

[footnoteRef:29] [29: Tabish]

6.0-Interior Layout[footnoteRef:30] [30: Stuart]

6.1-Furnished Ground Plan

Figure 1.21-Ground plan

The full model can also be found at

6.2-3D Model[footnoteRef:31] [31: Stuart]

Figure 1.22-Bedroom

Figure1.23-Study[footnoteRef:32] [32: Stuart]

Figure 1.24-Living Area

[footnoteRef:33] [33: Stuart]

6.2-Interior Renders[footnoteRef:34] [34: Stuart]

Figure 1.25-Living area viewed from entrance

Figure 1.26-Breakfast Bar & Kitchen

[footnoteRef:35] [35: Stuart]

Figure 1.27-Lounge

[footnoteRef:36] [36: Stuart]

Figure 1.28-Bedroom[footnoteRef:37] [37: Stuart]

Figure 1.29-Study[footnoteRef:38] [38: Stuart]

7.0-Construction[footnoteRef:39] [39: Matt]

Construction stage is where all the pre-construction planning time and effort is put into reality, all operations are now on-site and left to the site management which comprises of the site and project manager, who keep the project going. But they still have regular meetings with other parties, such as the architect, structural engineer, client and other major contractors, to make sure the project is going as scheduled.

A timescale to know how long the construction stage will take is essential, this is done by breaking down the work and defining a scale to those particular operations, this is done in order in which the construction will take. Due to some operations starting before some jobs are finished; such as internal work, these can be separated into different timelines to stop any confusion. The timescale for the operations can help the planning and keep the project on track, this is important due to the fact that all construction runs over time, it gives the managers a visualization of how the project is scheduled, just like a PERT diagram. A PERT diagram is normally used for smaller projects, but its a good way of breaking down and giving an understanding of critical operations and path, while also offering an average time frame.

A construction plan was created for this project to show the direction the construction is going and the amount of planning put in, up to this point. Section 8.1 shows this process. Due to how big the project are, and the amount of operations, a PERT diagram would not be feasible; instead, a Gantt chart (see appendix) has been created which also shows the critical path by having arrows joining up to the relevant tasks. The critical path is exhibited in the predecessors column. This column has a number in the task row, meaning that this particular number represents the task thats needs to be completed before this task can start (the number in this column represent the task number), this is similar to how a PERT diagram would work, using the predecessor column to identify the different branching paths and finish with the overall critical path.

7.1- Construction Plan Timescale[footnoteRef:40] [40: Matt]

TaskDate StartedDate FinishedPredecessorsDuration

External Work30/05/1602/11/16113d

Break Ground30/05/1630/05/161d


Remove soil31/05/1601/06/1622d

Lay Fill02/06/1603/06/1642d

Compact Fill06/06/1607/06/1652d


Excavate for Foundations08/06/1610/06/1663d

Concrete Forms08/06/1616/06/167d

Pour Foundation Wall17/06/1621/06/1693d

Concrete slab Pour22/06/1627/06/16104d

Allow for Concrete to Cure28/06/1604/08/161128d







Set up Crane04/08/1604/08/161d

Erect Timber Columns, Beams and Joists05/08/1609/08/1612, 19, 73d

Assemble Frame10/08/1616/08/16205d

Erect Frame17/08/1623/08/16215d

Erect Roof24/08/1630/08/16225d


TFS (Timber Framing System)07/09/1613/09/16245d



liner panel14/09/1615/09/16252d

Acoustic Fillers16/09/1619/09/16282d


VCL (Vapour Control layer)22/09/1622/09/16301d

Aluminium Top Sheet23/09/1623/09/16311d

Eaves Details26/09/1626/09/16321d


Rainscreen Cladding28/09/1625/10/1620d

Cementicious Board28/09/1630/09/16343d

Tophat Bracket System03/10/1607/10/16365d

Taped Insulation10/10/1613/10/16374d

Helping Hand Brackets14/10/1619/10/16384d

Cladding Panels20/10/1625/10/16394d

Lightning Protection26/10/1602/11/166d

1st Fix26/10/1628/10/16403d

2nd Fix31/10/1602/11/16423d



1st Fix28/09/1603/10/16274d

2nd Fix04/10/1607/10/16464d

Mechanical Systems10/10/1629/11/1637d

1st Fix10/10/1614/10/1645, 475d

2nd Fix17/10/1629/11/164932d

Lighting and Electrical30/11/1619/01/1737d

1st Fix30/11/1606/12/16485d

2nd Fix07/12/1619/01/175232d


Dry Wall03/02/1716/02/175410d



Curing Time21/02/1722/02/17572d

DPM (Damp Proof Membrane)23/02/1724/02/17582d



Erect Room Pods03/03/1716/03/1756, 5510d






Windows15/03/1728/03/1763, 6710d



Mist Coat10/03/1716/03/175d



Finish Lighting and Electrical17/03/1727/04/177330d

Finish Plumbing17/03/1727/04/177330d


Hard Landscaping15/03/1704/04/1715d

Soft Landscaping05/04/1725/04/177715d

Snagging28/04/1728/04/1774, 751d


7.2.1-Construction Phase Plan[footnoteRef:41] [41: Matt]

One of the construction planning component is the construction phase plan, this involves the health and safety aspect. The basic principle of a construction phase plan is to ensure that the health and safety regulations are properly considered with every task; even the most minor risk to health and safety, to allow for the projects development to proceed with all risks reduced.The construction phase plan is broken up in to different areas: Overall health and safety aims meaning, reduce risk which could lead to any accidents, this involves keeping the site clean and tidy as well as facilities. Health and safety should be enforced by all management and breaches should be dealt with adequately. Site Rules (see appendix for an example site rules) all sites should have rules, these are the companys on-site laws that should be followed by all workers. Site rules normally comprise of these; Hard hats and hi-vis should be warn at all times, Each worker is responsible for keeping their work area clean and tidy, smoking only allowed in designated areas, all workers must be inducted before working on site, appropriate PPE must be worn, all accidents and near misses must be reported and recorded, etc. Regular monthly meetings between project team members which normally happens on the site itself for progress purposes, weekly meetings should be held for site management team, to update on work progress Site induction site induction is extremely important, all sites enforce that all workers must be inducted before they work on site, this includes copying their CSCS card, which tells them that the worker has passed the CITB health and safety test. A site induction can last from a few hours to a week, depends on the company, but the site induction goes through the essential knows for the worker, this is done by explaining the site rules, showing them the welfare facilities and areas of danger, alarms that will be sounded for particular fire and evacuations while also showing them the fire assembly point, all workers must them sign and have proof they have been inducted by this particular site, normally a sticker is put on the hard hat By law, all sites should provide welfare facilities, these include rooms for changing, eating/relaxing and toilets, also offices need to be provided for site, to accommodate for the management team. Fire and emergency procedures this means that a step by step guide of what happens when there is a fire or emergency.

The Full Gantt chart of the Construction Phase Plan can be found in Appendix

7.2.2-Welfare and Storage Facilities[footnoteRef:42] [42: Matt & Stuart]

Due to the size of the site for this project, it will be a struggle to fit in the welfare facilities, so a proposed plan has been implemented, which can be seen in the image below. University parking areas just off Longside Lane are conveniently positioned next to the site (bordered in red), if the university gives permission, the car park can be used for storage and for the welfare facilities. Another proposal is the wasteland area opposite the site (bordered in purple), if the owner allows the use of the area for a fee, then a contract can be composed and the land can be used for the purpose of welfare and storage facilities.

Proposed Area for Welfare and Storage Facilities

7.3-Method Statement

A method statement details how particular tasks are carried out, while also detailing possible associated dangers and risks to these tasks and the methods of control to reduce the risks (safe system of work). Method statements are used a lot in the construction industry, by sub-contractors given the contractors their method statements, all sub-contractors employees must sign to say that they will perform their task to the steps within the method statement, which will reduce any dangers and risk posed to them. Another reason why method statements are used a lot, is because of the detailed guide of how the company operate. They demonstrate how the company provides a good service while also accomplishing these task in a safe and secure manor. Attached to an appendix, is a method statement example provide by health and safety works NI and also, where the template was founded to produce a method statement for particular tasks within this project.7.3.1-Foundation Method Statement[footnoteRef:43] [43: Matt]

Method StatementTitle: FoundationSite detailsContractor name and contact details: N/AProject name and site address: University of BradfordSite manager name and contact details: N/ATransfer of information from client / contractor to relevant sub-contractor Site Investigation should be provided prior to start of work including the engineering properties of the ground and provide bearing capacity. Any contamination identified on the site investigation should be provided. Where work is carried out close or beneath overhead lines, enquires will be made to make sure the overhead lines can be made dead or diverted. Where lines are still live make sure the right plant (Machine) is selected or modified so it can't reach the lines. Ground works sub-contractor to comply with guidance note GS 6 Avoidance of danger from overhead power lines. All details must be provided to the sub-contractorAttendancesPrior to any work taking place on site the client / contractor shall: -- Any cables or services are located by a detection tool- Ensure that vehicle routes are clearly marked so the plant doesn't approach the edge of the excavation.- Consider site access from the public road for the regular visits of vehicles by taking in account of traffic management.- Make sure there are designated areas for delivery vehicles and materials, which should be clearly communicated to sub-contractors- Welfare facilities available for sub-contractors

Work activityPre-start checks: Ground conditions should be checked, plant availability and proximity hazards.Description of the contract: Casting of foundationsSequence of work: Layer of blinding laid at a thickness of 150mm, no admittance while concrete is being poured, rack once all of concrete has been poured to create even layer. Mark outline of foundations on top of blinding. Lay and erect wooden casting walls on foundation outline on top of the blinding, making sure walls are to the height of the foundation and place reinforced cage making sure everything is secured properly. Pour concrete into casting using concrete mixer and smooth out to top of foundation, take concrete cubes for testing. Remove casting walls Leave to cure for 28 daysPlant details: 360 digger for inserting steel cages, concrete mixers, concrete rigDeliveries and site access: Concrete deliveries via concrete mixerPersonnelForeman: N/AOperatives, Banksman, chippies, rig driver:Training: All operatives must be trained in their appropriate field with their CSCS cardHealth and safety management and control measuresPersonal protective equipment: All operatives will wear the following when working with concrete: Safety wellington boots, gloves and safety glasses, all operatives at all times must wear a safety helmet and a high visibility vest Site rules: All operatives must go to office to be inducted before working on site and apply to contractors site rulesSpecific site hazards: Bits of timber and steel maybe lying aroundAccess to the work area: Access to site will be monitored by the foreman/gatesmanWelfare facilities: Welfare facilities will be providedAmendments and additional informationAmendments to the method statement:Should any part of this method statement require amendment or alteration, this must be notified for agreement to all relevant parties prior to it being enforced.Communication of method statement:Communicate this method statement to all relevant parties (via toolbox talk) and ensure it is signed by all personnel. This method statement was prepared by: Matthew Wilson Date: 13/03/2016d statement recordPlease sign to confirm you have read and understood this method statement.Name:Company:Signature:Date:

7.3.2-Timber Frame Method StatementMethod statementTitle: Timber FrameSite detailsContractor name and contact details: N/AProject name and site address: University of BradfordSite manager name and contact details: N/ATransfer of information from client / contractor to relevant sub-contractor Attendances Person responsible for crane must be agreed Where work is carried out close or beneath overhead lines, enquires will be made to make sure the overhead lines can be made dead or diverted. Where lines are still live make sure the right plant (Machine) is selected or modified so it can't reach the lines. Ground works sub-contractor to comply with guidance note GS 6 Avoidance of danger from overhead power lines. Traffic Management must be arranged prior to crane arrival. Any obstacle which will hinder or foul the safe operation of the crane must be removed and replaced by the contractor who is responsible for obtaining approval from the structural engineer. Weather conditions which could effect safe conditions will be agreed by trained personnel. Work activityPre-start checks: Provide and maintain hard access roads, hard standing for the crane (a 12m x 8m consolidated, level hard standing, capable of carrying the outrigger loads as specified in the Lifting Plan) and stacking area / off-loading area. Consider site traffic management plan from public road onto and around the site before crane arrives, also designated work area and storage area, clearly identify and communicate to the flooring sub-contractor. Provide and maintain perimeter scaffolding of the working area, together with handrails, guardrails, platforms or staging required for safe access and to prevent operatives from falling. Welfare facilities shall be made available to the flooring sub-contractor. The provision of passive fall protection must be agreed and in place this can be achieved by working platforms, staging, crash decks, safety nets, air bags or other soft landing systems. Description of the contract: Erecting of a timber frame structureSequence of work: Beam/column must be fastened securely to the crane and fall precaution measures must be activated Place beam/column in accordance to the drawing, making sure there is a banksman watching out for obstacles and other personnel. Workers must be fasten with a harness when working at height place the beam/column in the place accordance to the drawing and bolt each component together. A pole and zip line should be erected to the trailer and a harness with a fixed lanyard be worn to create a work restraint system, if no other fall system is in place. Crane details: Details of the crane type will be provided give details such as, weight, contract lift or plant hire, name of crane supplier. Communication to crane driver and banksman must be through a two way radio. Approved lifting equipment with a test certificate to be used. Documents must be inspected before use by the crane foreman.Maximum component weights and crane working radius: Maximum weight/radius for each component must be stated and recommendation on lifting techniques must be considered from crane supplier. The heaviest lift must be within the crane safe lifting radius.Deliveries and site access: Timber beam/columns to be delivered to site and stored at designated areas by directing the delivery drivers. The contractor is to give details of number of deliveries and access requirements. Structural StabilityStability: The contractor must test and sign off that the frame meets the structural requirements and results.PersonnelForeman: N/ACrane Driver, Banksman: N/ATraining: All operatives will be trained and certificates of their training will be provided.

Health and safety management and control measuresPersonal protective equipment: All PPE will be worn by the operatives: - safety helmet, high visibility vest, gloves and safety footwear. Site rules: All operatives will be have a site induction and comply with the site rules.Specific site hazards: All hazards must be identified and dealt with prior to lifting operations commence on site. eg. provide suitable protection to up-standing steel reinforcing starter bars or provide adequate bearing for props. Positioning of components: Consideration to the robustness of the bearings to withstand the standard methods of positioning to determine the need for properly designed temporary support to the components or additional bracing of the bearings. Work at heights: Perimeter scaffolding must be provided within high working areas, together with handrails, guardrails, platforms or staging required for safe access and to prevent operatives from falling. Leading edge protection: This is provided by using a passive and collective system e.g. safety nets / air bags etc. Air bags and associated inflation equipment to be installed by flooring sub- contractor. Air bags must be installed so as to ensure appropriate coverage of the work area. The absolute minimum coverage should be 4.8m ahead of the leading edge and 2.4m behind or to the side where the storey height is less than 4m. The system must be continually monitored during the operation to ensure the air bags are fully inflated and work suspended immediately in situations of non-compliance. Welfare facilities: Welfare facilities will be providedAmendments and additional informationAmendments to the method statement:Should any part of this method statement require amendment or alteration, this must be notified for agreement to all relevant parties prior to it being enforced.

Communication of method statement:Communicate this method statement to all relevant parties (via toolbox talk) and ensure it is signed by all personnel. This method statement was prepared by: Matthew Wilson Date: 13/03/2016d statement recordMethod statement recordPlease sign to confirm you have read and understood this method statement.


8.0-Foundation [footnoteRef:44] [44: Saleh & Shamraiz]


Foundation is the main structure of the building, it is the connection between the ground/soil and the building. It is used to transmit the load from the support of the building (columns, walls, and sometimes beams) directly to the under layers of the ground (rock, sand, gravel, clay). Foundation is divided into different types and sizes, it is based on the type of the soil, how deep in the soil it is going to be and size of the columns. The main 2 parts of foundations are shallow foundation and deep foundation.

Shallow Foundation Shallow foundation is used to transfer the loads of the building to the soil, those founded near the fished ground surface, it mostly depends on the surface loading or any other surface conditions will have an effect on the bearing capacity of the soil. There are 3 main types of shallow foundation that can be used for early surfaces of the soil which are strip foundation, raft foundation, and pad foundation.

Strip Foundation Strip foundations are concrete structure that is spread over the entire perimeter if the project, it goes all along the project in one attached piece, it is usually used for light/average project loads and in good bearing capacity soils and doesnt need to be placed deep in the soil. Placing strip foundation is simple and easier than other types of foundations, but it acquires a lot of construction work and invested large material. The main function of the strip foundation is to spread the concentration of the load sideways over the foundation to reduce the load over one point. There are different type of strip foundation, the main ones are the masonry, plain and reinforced, and the rectangular and tee beam strips.

Raft foundation Raft foundation is a large concrete slab the support columns and walls of the building, it is mainly used for poor bearing capacity soils as is spread the load over the whole pad. One of the most advantages of the raft foundation is that it doesnt require a lot of excavation in the soil, saves time and material, and easily installed, they are commonly used in the UK for commercial buildings more than houses, and offices but can still be used for both.

Pad Foundation Pad foundation can be under both shallow foundations and deep foundations, it depends on the properties of the soil and how good/poor the soil conditions are. They are used to support individual or multiple columns by placing the pad under the point loads from the columns. There are more than one type/shape of pad foundations, but the most common one is the square one.

Deep Foundation/Pile Foundation Deep foundations are different from the shallow foundations that they need to be excavated into deeper layers in the earth to transfer higher loads of buildings. The main deep foundation used is the pile foundation, which is basically a long cylinder of a strong material, mostly used as concrete, the is excavated deep in to the ground, usually it goes down to the clay based on the UK standards, and acts steadily to support the whole structure. Pile foundation are commonly used for big buildings as every pile, that is hammered and casted in the ground, has its own zone of influence in the ground. There 2 main types of piles, end bearing pile and friction pile.

End bearing pile End bearing piles behaves as a normal column that is placed deep inside the soil and the end of the pile rests on a layer of rock, which takes most of the load. The key principle of the end bearing pile is the pile intersect with the strong layer creating a pass for the load to go from the weak layer, the pile, into the strong layer, which is the rock.

Friction Bearing Pile Friction piles differs from the end bearing piles by having a different principle of transforming the load of the building, the friction piles depends on the friction to transfer and decrease the load through the height of the pile. The main key of the friction pile is the length of the pile and how much deep inside the soil it can be, the higher the length the more load it could take.

Summary Based on the calculations of the building and the low load applied on the foundations, pile foundations wasnt needed as it will take more time, increase the cost and waste the material, in the other hand the pad foundations were the best fitted option for such a structure. Based on the designed structure the foundation will be excavated 4 to 5 m in the ground to the second soil layer (sand and gravel) as given In the brief, that has an acceptable bearing capacity for the load given and based on previous calculations of the columns load on the foundation as will be shown in the calculations below.

8.2-Foundation Calculations [footnoteRef:45] [45: Saleh & Shamraiz]

For the calculations there were more than one method, the first method was based on assuming the Length, width and depth of the pad to work out the bearing capacity of the soil and reconsider if the dimensions of the pad are acceptable for the load of the building, while the 2nd method is about considering the numbers and values of the bearing capacity from the Euro code (euro code 7) and working it way up to the dimensions.

8.2.3-Method 1

In this method it was assumed that the foundation would be placed 5 m into the ground, in the sand and gravel layer with that included of water in it, which was taken into consideration. The minimum area of the foundation equation:

Based on previous calculations the columns total load was = 79 KN per columnGiven the penetration test value of the sand and gravel soil in the brief (N=15), the allowable bearing capacity was calculated through 11 steps as shown below

Assume the depth, width, and length of the foundation just for initial calculations, these are usually not 100% correct based on different needs of foundation or columns sometimes.

Width: 0.424 m = 42.4 cm Length: 1 m = 100 cmDepth: 1 m = 100 cm

Apply the N value with the diagram to get the value of the penetration resistance.

Figure 1.23-Graph Showing Standard Penetration Resistance

Based on the diagram with the given N value = 15, the penetration resistance = 32 degrees, which is approximated to 35 degrees for safety and calculations reasons.

Calculating the effective surcharge of the base level of the foundation,

q = *Df where,q = he effective surcharge Y = the unit weight of the soil = 1922 kg/ca.m provided Df = depth of foundation = 100 cm q = 1922*100 = 192200

Using the penetration resistance () = 35 degrees, the bearing capacity factors can be obtained from the table shown below.

Figure 1.31-Table Showing Bearing Capacity Factors

Nc= 46.12Nq= 33.30Ny= 48.03

Since isolated square pad footings was decided the shape factors are the followings,

Sc= 1.3Sq= 1.2Sy= 0.6

Calculating the depth factor: dq= d= 1+0.1(Df/B)(N)1/2(for >100)For N= tan2[(/4)+(/2)] = tan2[(/4)+(35/2)] = 0.33So, dq= d= 1+0.1(Df/B)(N)1/2= 1+0.1(100/100)(0.33)1/2 = 1.01089

Calculating the inclination factors using the following formulas. iq = (1-a/90)2 & iy = (1-a/)2 a = 45oiq = (1-45/90)2 = 0.25iy = (1-45/35)2 = 0.08

Calculating the correction factor for the water table (which is located 4.0 m below ground level) W = 0.5+0.5[Dw/(Df+B)] = W = 0.5+0.5[400/(100+100)] = 1.5

Calculating the ultimate bearing capacity using the following formula:

qd = 19200*(33.3-1)*1.2*1.01089*0.25 + 0.5*100*1922*48.03*0.6*1.01089*0.08*1.5 qd= 2218648 KN/cm2 = 222 KN/m2So with taking the approximations into consideration the ultimate bearing capacity is = 222 KN/m2

Calculating the allowing bearing capacity.Since the building is only about 2 floors of height and doesnt have a high load existing and the max design load is unlikely to happen, the factor of safety taken is 2.0.

Allowable bearing capacity = Ultimate bearing capacity*factor of safety = 222/2.0 = 111 KN/m2

Finally using the formula above for the minimum area required,

Minimum area of foundation = 250/111 = 2.252 m2Since its square shaped, Each side of the pad (square) is going to be around 1.5 m long, to satisfy a depth/thickness of 1 m of the pad and carry the load.

8.3-Method 2 [footnoteRef:46] [46: Saleh & Shamraiz]

In this method it was assumed that the foundation will be placed between 3.0 m to 4.0 m without getting close to the water in the depth of 4.0 in the ground to avoid a water table calculation. Most of the calculation was based on given numbers from Eurocode 2 based on the usage of sand and gravel soil in this case. From table 5, Eurocode 2 and according to BS: 8004 the bearing capacity of sand and gravel should be equal or less than 200 KN/m2 Area = Load/Bearing Capacity = 250/200 = 1.25 m2Which gives the minimum dimensions of the pad of the square root of the are = 1.12 mBy increasing the dimensions to reduce the pressure of the load on the bearing capacity from ultimate to allowable, 1.12*1.12 to 1.2*1.2 which gives an area = 1.44 m2 1.44 is acceptable as its higher than the minimum which is 1.25

'Qu' bearing capacity = 200/1.44 = 138.8 which is approximated to 140 KN/m2The thickness of the pad was calculated using the following formula:H = P/Y ( 1-sin/1+sin) For 'Y' the unit density of the soil it was given to be 1920 for sand and gravelH = 250/1920 ( 1-sin(35)/1+sin(35))H = 0.12 m

So based on the 2nd method the length and width of the pad are equal to 1.2 m and the depth/thickness of the pad is equal to 0.12 m.

9.0-Sustainability[footnoteRef:47] [47: Mobien]


History shows, engineering has always progressed to meet the needs of a more demanding and growing population.Because of increasing pressures new goals are being developed that embrace economic, social and environmental issues in a mutual way.In recent years, many engineers and architects have focused primarily on prolonging the service life and design life of structures. They have gone about thisideaby considering an eco-friendly design- i.e. putting sustainabilityon the forefront.With the knowledge and understanding gained from background reading an attempt will be made toapply knowledgeto the student accommodation building in attempt to fulfil the clients requirements- to embody the principles of sustainable development.


There is no clear definition of the termsustainability;howevermanyresearchers have come upwithideas in how to achieve sustainability within a design concept.Sustainability can be broken down into two key termsSustainable DevelopmentandSustainable Construction."Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."BruntlandReport for the World Commission on Environment and Development (1992)The pressure state response modelillustrates the environmental impacts of humans on the planet and links well with Bruntlands definition in the sense that there are pressures on the natural resources caused by the growth in human population.How peoplerespond to these pressures is what is becoming increasingly important,especially in the building industry as mentioned in the introduction, an attempt to define new policiesis an example of a response to environmental impactsSustainability in constructioni.e.building industry is dependent upon social, environmentaland economic factors as illustrated in figure 1. How well these factors have beentaken into considerationina design, can help clients decide whetheror not a particular design is sustainable, andpossiblyweatherpermission is given to build it. The architects and engineers have their say in designing, but environmentalists will also have an input at an early stage of the project life cycle.

Economic sustainabilityTheaim is to keep the costing of thebuilding to a minimal,as wellas making it look aesthetically pleasing and installing new technology.Inthis instance, since Bradford is relatively cheap in comparison to other cities keeping the construction costs minimal will help to reachbreakeven.Since the location of the site is so close to the university and the fact that it would be a new build allows high price for rent to be charged.

Social sustainabilityThe aim is to try and design a building that is new but also needs to fit in with the surrounding environment. For this case our proposed design is located side by side with the Green student accommodation located on the university campus, which suggests that it would look appropriate.

Renewable Energy MethodsRenewable energy, isenergygeneratedfrom sources that will never run outi.e.theycome from natural resources. This includes sunlight, wind geothermal heat etc. In general the installation costs are relatively high for all renewable energy methods, but can be beneficial in the long run.Below are some examples of methods that have been incorporated into the student accommodation.


Building Research Establishment Environment Assessment Method is worlds leading sustainability assessment method; it inspires designers and developers tomake effective use of current resources.We are confident that our proposed sustainability features would achieve a BREEAM rating of Outstanding

9.4-CHP(Combined Heat and Power)[footnoteRef:48] [48: Stuart & Mobien]

This is a method which involves the use of a heat engine to generate electricity and heat at the same time.We know in most energy conversion processes heat is given as a by-product, this system enables the heat to be reused,for example, for space heating or water heating. Electricity from traditional sources is a relatively high cost, high emission energy due to distribution losses and the poor efficiency of most power stations. Only around 40% of the energy used in electricity generation is delivered as electricity. By generating electricity on site, these distribution losses can be drastically reduced. These two factors make CHP systems very efficient.CHP systems are most efficient when used in situations where demand for heat and power is relatively constant throughout the day, and where there is a demand for heat all year round. This is an ideal system for a Student residence as the distribution of lecture times and a busy student lifestyle means that the building will almost always be occupied and requiring heat and power. The building will not be in use during much of the summer, when demand for heat is at its lowest, and the CHP system will not be in operation.Bradford University already operates a Biomass fueled CHP system and it was our initial aim to include a biomass system in our building, however there is not sufficient site space to accommodate the fuel storage, and so a gas powered unit was included in the final design. The CHP system would be installed in the small external room located under the balcony walkway at the southern edge of the building.Based on a case study at Elizabeth House in Rochester, where CHP was used to power and heat 21 sheltered accommodation flats, we estimate our building would require a 10 kW CHP system such as the Synchro 10kw unit pictured right. (

9.5-Solar panels

A solar water heating would be installed on the roof of the building. Flat plate collectors would be used to collect solar energy to partially heat water which is then stored in hot water cylinders. The CHP system would then heat the water further to the required temperature if necessary. (

9.6-Rain Harvesting

This involves collecting water from surfaces on which rain falls and subsequently creating a channel for the water to flow so that it can be stored for later use. Our building design incorporates 2 large pitched roof areas which are ideal for collecting rainwater and a small exterior room at the north end of the building will house the water storage tank. The water can then be used for toilet flushing NOTE:A green roof was considered, however research suggested that it is not suitable for a timber frame structure due to moisture being absorbed by the timber frame, also maintenance can be expensive, time consuming and the design had no easy roof access.

9.7-U-values[footnoteRef:49] [49: Stuart & Mobien]

U-values give a good indication of how good a building can retain heat.They are measured inwatts per square metre per degree Kelvin (W/mK), so that is the amount of power transmitted over a squaremetre.A low U-value suggeststhat heat is lost a lot slower through thematerial which means that it acts as a better insulator and less energy is required to maintain comfortable conditions for those living inside the building.The timber frame design of our building offers significantly better U-values than a steel framed or brick building.

9.8-Solar Chimney[footnoteRef:50] [50: Stuart]

The final design incorporates a solar chimney in the roof of each barn to assist in efficiently ventilating the building.A solar chimney uses convection currents generated by passive solar energy to naturally ventilate a building. During the day, solar energy heats the chimney, aided by south facing glass panels, to creat an updraft of air. The suction created at the base of the chimney, pulls cool air in through windows or exterior vents, whilst warm air is drawn upward and is eventually expelled. Louvers can be automatically operated to control the air flow and to seal off the chimney on colder days and at night. The louvers and vents are the only mechanical components, making this a very energy efficient system. (, 2016)

Airflow within the proposed building design10.0-Construction materials[footnoteRef:51] [51: Tabish]

10.1-Timber Frame

One of the benefits on timber construction is that it can be assembled quickly. There is no setting time involved. The material can be cut to size on site or can be prefabricated before construction starts. This reduces the time wasted because of having wait for the equipment to arrive etc. Also this means that other workers for example plumbers painters plasterers can be brought in earlier hence speeding up the process further. Reduced time of construction means that the worker and everyone related to the build is exposed to hazards of a building site for a shorter period of time. It also reduces the noise and traffic disruption caused.Since timber is significantly lighter than steel, it requires less machinery and labour to assemble. For example where a big crane might be needed for the steel beam, a similar sized timber beamed be moved into position using manual labour. This saves on cost of equipment hire as well.Timber is easier to source locally since steel production plants are less common and spread further apart than forests. Also the energy consumption for production of a wood component is far less. A steel beam would require mining, transport, the smelting and refining and then forming. A timber component will simply have to be cut to size and machined. In addition as the tree grows it absorbs a lot of carbon dioxide making consumption of trees carbon neutral.One of the keys to sustainable design is for building to last a long time. Timber can be expected to last safely upwards of 60 years. This is plenty of time for the build to break even as well as reduce the impact that would be if the building lasted longer and needed replacing.The timber inherently has a high u value meaning it will be well insulated even without use of insulation. Also since the thermal mass is low the building is faster to heat up and cool down. This is useful, given the life style of student that often involves short stays throughout the day, moving between university and residences.A key sustainable feature of timber is the fact that is renewable. It can be replaced simply by planting more trees while cutting trees for consumption and results in zero carbon footprint10.2-TimberFlooring & CLadding

Aesthetics- The main reason for choosing timber as the material of choice for theoutercladding and most of the interior not structural elements isaesthetic. Its looks can be cheaply enhancedthroughapplication of varnish. Even without it exposed wouldcreatea light atmosphere perfect for almostany residential setting.Light weight-Wood is around 4 times less dens than masonry so for purely architecturalcomponentslikedividerwalls and claddingitis ideal when it comes to saving weight while improvingaesthetics. It can be usedon itsown unlike masonry thatwouldrequirefurtherplasteringand tilingetc.tolooks pleasing as wood would on its own.Environmental- Wood is a renewable source that will haveminimumimpact specially whenincorporatedwith forest plantation schemes. A goodsourceof such wood is FSC approved wood.Such wood is sourced in a way that theenvironmentaland ecological effects ofloggingin aparticularforest are kept to a minimum.The closest FSC approved forest to the location is West wood forest as indicated on the map.The woodencladdingon the exterior would need to be treated every other year to ensure maximum lifespan for theminimumcost. The treatment is not expensive but does carry health andsafetyrisk for the user which can beavoidedwith the correct safety procedures. It would addslightly to the cost of themaintenancebut this would be offset by cheaper running costs due to its U-values, and savings in the construction phase.

10.3-Concrete[footnoteRef:52] [52: Tabish]

Concrete is used in the foundations of our primary design, and would be a primary construction material in the alternative steel framed design. Concrete is almost the default material for foundations. This means that doing so is often much more convenient as well as economical compared to other options like steel foundations. Which could be a viable option for a heavier building. For a building our size they would be far too expensive. In addition the repairs that could arise considering the existence of a water table, the repairs are extremely expensive.Reasons forchoosingit as foundation material as below;Durability and long life- Concrete on its own is arenowneddurable material. It is resistance to much of chemical andweatheringattack offered in the condition of the sight. It will be further enhanced by theuse ofadmixtures. This doesaddextra cost to the build but it is a worthyinvestmentas foundations are a critical part of the building.Admixtures-Furthermoreadmixturescan be used to accelerate the setting of the concrete. This costs more but a suitable trade off can be found between cost of admixture and extra cost associated with waiting around forit to set. The extra cost can be incorporated in the pert diagrams (foundation stage). Corrosion resistance can also be improved with admixtures but it wont be required in the soil conditions we have.Strength- the compressive strength of concrete is high at around 20-40 MPa. It is however weak in flexure and tension at around 2-5 mPa. Since the building is only one story high; average strength of 30mPa is sufficient.Regardless of the loads being generally vertical, there is bound to be flexure and tension. Toremedythe low tensile strength the foundation concrete will be reinforced. Using previous knowledge the ideal position to place the reinforcement bars is close as possible towards the bottom of the element assuming the loads are being applied form the top. This ensure maximum tensile of the steel bar is use, hence lower steel requirement which translate to a more economical design.The diagram, shows thegeneralpositioningof the reinforcement bars, ties and the cage of thereinforcementfor concrete foundations.Workability- Concrete is easily poured into almost any shape. Increasing water contentgenerallygiving a more workable concrete. Optimum water andother contentsratios can be found using the guidelinesattachedin the appendix. The shapes the concrete need to take for foundation are simple meaning relatively lowworkabilityis sufficient.On site theworkabilitywould be determined using a slump test, requiring basic equipment.The criteria for choosing the flooringthat spans between beams of the first floor wasdifferenttothat of concrete. The properties making it ideal are listed below;Sound proofing- Concrete has good acoustic performance. It will notnecessarilybe good atstoppingnoisetraveling between rooms but it will however reduce theamountthat is reflected around. Also the slabs are hollow core,meaningthere are voids in the slab structure further improving acoustic performance like foam insulation.Fireresistance- Concrete retainsitsstrengtheven at very hightemperaturesand is often the material ofchoicefor constructing vesselsoperatingathightemperature. The first thing to fail in concrete would be the steelreinforcements. Since none areused,the concrete will retain most of its strengthin caseof a fire.Thermal performance- Concrete has good insulation and has a high U value ofaround.75 for a slab around 150mm.the slab we used boasts a great U value of 0.35This ensure minimum heat is lost. The moresignificantvalue ofconcrete howeveris the k value. This is often known as the admittance, or in simple words,theamount of energy amaterialabsorbs per metre squareW/m2K. This means that in summer the concrete absorbs the heat and releases it slowly over time when it gets cold. The same applies to colder temperatures in winter. The over effect is regulation of temperatures at a comfortable level.Since speed of construction is a main aspect of our design, quick setting concrete is also considered as an option that could be used. It is the accelerated option that would be taken in our foundation stage of the PERT diagram. That being said quick setting cement does have a lower strength compared to one of similar content.The precast concrete floor slabs will also save significant amount of time in assembly.Light weight concrete is another consideration for the design but its cost is not likely to be worth the relatively small weight saving and its effect on overall build. Also the heavier conventional concrete has better thermal performance in the case of the floor slabs. The floor slabs themselves will be precast and this will dramatically increase build speed.The sight has a watertable as a depth of 4m. This will mean that the concrete will need to be water proof. This can be done by reducing the water cement ratio. This will result in smaller pores and hence the concrete is less open to water or chemical attack. Also the increased workability will aid pouring. Combined with addition ofadmixturelike those use in Hanson concrete and proper compaction effects of surrounding water can be minimized.10.4-Masonry[footnoteRef:53] [53: Tabish]

Masonry is used in the low retaining wall that runs around the exterior walls of our design.Masonry shares many of the benefits of concretelike, fireproofing, acoustic performance, high compression strength and good thermal performance. In addition to thatmasonryis rot,mouldand fungus proof. This is ideal since the bottom 30 cm of all theexteriorwalls will be masonry. One of the overarching aims of the building was to be light weight. Masonry is heavy compared to timber for example,however the protection it offers against water mouldetc.outweighs the increase in weight.Masonryis also very low maintenance. If the bottom 30 cm of the exterior walls was to be wooden cladding this would result in costly repair due to mould, fungus and even expansion of wood which can exert unexpected pressure on adjacent component. An example would be a door opening becoming fractionally narrower due to wood expansionrenderingthe door useless.In addition one of the criticisms of the building design was will it be heavy enough to withstand the horizontal loading from the wind and would this uproot thebuilding. This is partially remedied by use of masonry adding more weight, though not enough to significantly change thefoundations.One of the disadvantages of masonry however is that its construction speed if slow and also vulnerable to changes in weather. For instance newly laid bricks would need to be protected until they have sufficiently set otherwise there optimal strength will not be achieved. Also as a general rule on site construction is slower and more labour intensive than offsite like the precast concrete slabs.


Steel is the keystructuralcomponent of oursecondary design. It is used to form the beams, columns and girders of the building. Steel is heavy, but itsadvantagesfar outweigh theadditionalweight. The properties that make steel theidealmaterial forour build are listed below;Strength per unit mass- Thestrength thesteelprovidesper unit mass is far better than many others likeconcreteand timber. Theaveragesteel being around ten timesstrongerfor thesameweight than concrete.Uniform quality- Steel is a materialwhosestrength is very reliable fluctuating only around 5%, giving itssafetyfactor of 1.05. This is mainly down to the fact that it is fabricated offsite in condition far better controlled then that of aconstructionsitas is the case for concrete.Fabrication speed- Steel is currently thepreferredmethod of choice incommercialconstruction, and thisstrandhas been steadily becoming moreprevalent. This is because more often than not tight deadlines need to be met. There is no setting time or waiting for it toachieveits amaximumstrength. It can simply be craned into positioned and bolted and welded intopositionwith relative low labour costs. This means are more reliable construction schedule because there are no delays thatcanbe caused by adverse weather conditions.Durability- Inmostcases the steel used is stainless steel and if not it canbe treated with coating to get the same results. It does not entail the problems associated with timber like rot and termites.Span length- spans lengths can be much larger then concrete off timber. This means less number of individual componentswe needto be put together saving time and hence money. Thisalignsperfectly with our concept of cheapaccommodationsof highstandards thatwill break even and even generate income for the client.Transportation and storage- steel can be stored and transported inrelativecompactspaces. This is due to its uniformity, that means it can be stacked in a compact manner saving the amount of space required forstorageand in case of transportation the amounts of trips required for thedeliveryof the required amount of building material. Also since the site is in a busy location, it is ideal to minimise traffic hence disruption to other road users and also the surrounding studentaccommodations.10.6-Metal roof[footnoteRef:54] [54: Tabish]

Majority of thesuppliersof metal roof provide a warranty of around 30 years reflecting thelongevityof such roof. They are protected against rot, mildew, insects etc.They also much better at reducing theaccumulationof snow due to its slippery surface.Lightweight-they arearound1/3 of theweightof roof ofcomparableperformance. Despite metals having high densities, since the thick off the roofing material is small the weight is much less. This complies with our aim of alightweightbuilding requiring the minimum amount of work of foundation whc9ih are a major costFabrication speed- The speed ofinstallationis almost insignificant compare d to otheroftypes. It simply needs to bejoinedin its correct potion once the structuralcomponentsare installed. Thisreducesbuild time and cost.Alsosince its installationisnteffected by adverse weather it will save even more time.Fireresistance- In case of fire the roof is going to be thecauseof least concern as metals are practically fire proofespeciallyas a non-structural component.

10.7-Material Costs[footnoteRef:55] [55: Shamraiz]

Primary Structural Timber Costing for oak Fresh sawn Construction (QPA)Cross sectionQuantity Price each ()Line Price ()

200 x 200 x 5000211603360

200 x 200 x 250021801680

200 x 200 x 3250211042184

( Costing for Concrete Steelwork and windows along with cladding. MaterialCost ()Reference

Quickset Concrete 22kg6.15

Normal Setting Concrete4.79

Air Dried Oak Featheredge cladding 150mm x 22mm/5mm23.99 per m^2

Reinforced Concrete Slabs (36 x 53) $109.34

Metal roof alluminiumEnquiry Based


8.64 per SQM

Windows Double Glazing 1800mm x 1200mm259


143.64 (300 per pack)

Steel Beams

UC 203 x 203 x 52 (3m length)


Green Oak Beams 3000mm x 150mm x 150mm 41.99

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