Page 1: Student Financial Aid 2016-17 Institution: University of · Image description. SFA Overview End of image description. Student

Image description. SFA Overview End of image description.

Student Financial Aid 2016-17Institution: University of Washington-Tacoma Campus (377564)User ID: 88G2561

OverviewIPEDS Student Financial Aid Component Overview

Public Academic Reporters Welcome to the Student Financial Aid (SFA) component. The purpose of the SFA component is to collect informationabout financial aid provided to various groups of undergraduate students and military/veteran educational benefits forall students at your institution.

Changes to This Year’s SFA ComponentThere were no changes implemented for the 2016-17 data collection period.

Data Reporting Reminders

Undergraduate Student GroupsYou will be asked to report information for different groups of students.

• Group 1: All undergraduate students• Group 2: Of Group 1, full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students• Group 3: Of Group 2, students who paid the in-state/in-district tuition rate and were awarded

any grant/scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or theinstitution

• Group 4: Of Group 2, students who paid the in-state/in-district tuition rate and were awardedany Title IV federal student aid

COA RevisionsRevisions to Cost of Attendance used to calculate the net price of attendance can be made in this component.

Consult the instructions and screens to make sure you are reporting the correct aid amounts for the correct groups ofstudents.

College Affordability and Transparency ListsNet price amounts calculated in SFA will be used to populate the Department’s College Affordability and Transparencylists.

Interactive Edits and Error MessagesSFA contains interactive edits that will check for blank fields, invalid values, or values that fall outside expectedranges. Some error messages will require you to confirm or explain the values that you entered. Some errormessages are fatal and will require you to contact the IPEDS Help Desk at 1-877-225-2568 for resolution.

Context BoxesYou will find optional text boxes throughout SFA. Context boxes allow you to provide more information about the datayou enter. Some of these context boxes may be made available to the public on College Navigator, so make sure thatthe information you enter can be understood easily by students, parents, and the general public.

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To download the survey materials for this component: Survey Materials

To access your prior year data submission for this component: Reported Data

Page 3: Student Financial Aid 2016-17 Institution: University of · Image description. SFA Overview End of image description. Student

Institution: University of Washington-Tacoma Campus (377564)User ID: 88G2561

Section 1: Part APart A - Establish Your GroupsPart A establishes the number of students in various groups. Note that the numbers on this screen will be carriedforward to other parts of the Student Financial Aid component.

In the fields below, report the number of students in each of the following groups. Fall



Fall 201401Group 1

All undergraduate students 3,921 3,809

02Group 2Of those in Group 1, those who are full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking

448 415

02a Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded any Federal Work Study, loans tostudents, or grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/localgovernment, the institution, or other sources known to the institution

382 365

02b Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded any loans to students or grant orscholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution

382 358

03Group 3Of those in Group 2, those who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate and were awardedgrant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institution

344 329

04Group 4Of those in Group 2, those who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate and were awardedany Title IV federal student aid

301 301

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Institution: University of Washington-Tacoma Campus (377564)User ID: 88G2561

Section 1: Part BPart B - Enter Information About Group 1Part B includes information about Group 1. Group 1 students are ALL undergraduate students (including first-timestudents) enrolled in Fall 2015.For this part, report:

For These Students The Following Type(s) of Aid Awarded in This Period• All undergraduate students

enrolled in Fall 2015• Grant or scholarship aid

from the federalgovernment

• Grant or scholarship aidfrom state/localgovernment

• Grant or scholarship aidfrom the institution

• Grant or scholarship aidfrom other sourcesknown to the institution

• Loans to students fromthe federal government

• Any time duringacademic year 2015-16

In the fields below, report the number of Group 1 students and the total amount of aid awarded to thesestudents for each type of aid. Information from Part A: Fall 2015Group 1All undergraduate students(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 01.)


Aid Type 2015-16

Number ofGroup 1

students whowere awarded


Percentage ofGroup 1 students

who were awardedaid

Total amount ofaid awarded to

Group 1 students

Averageamount of aid

awarded toGroup 1students

01 Grant or scholarship aid from the federalgovernment, state/local government, theinstitution, and other sources known tothe institution (Do NOT include federalstudent loans)

2,733 70 35,646,339 13,043

02 Pell grants 1,886 48 8,250,712 4,37503 Federal student loans 1,689 43 12,504,256 7,403

The notes below provide context for the data you've reported above and may be posted on the CollegeNavigator website. Choose one option that best explains your data or choose "Non-applicable" if you do notwish to provide context notes. If none of the options provided explains your institution’s data, then choose"Other" and write your own context notes. Notes should be written to be understood by students and parents.For example, institutions may report here other sources of private aid not included in the categories listed. Non-applicable

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Institution: University of Washington-Tacoma Campus (377564)User ID: 88G2561

Section 1: Part C, Page 1Part C, Page 1 - Enter Information about Group 2Part C includes information about Group 2. Group 2 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seekingundergraduate students enrolled in Fall 2015. In the fields below, report the number of Group 2 students paying in-district, in-state, and out-of-state tuitionrates. If your institution does not offer different rates, report all students as paying in-state tuition rates. Information from Part A: Fall 2015Group 2Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seekingundergraduates(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 02)


Group 2 students: YOUR PRIOR YEARDATA

Fall 2015 Fall 2014Number of Group

2 studentsPercentage of

Group 2 studentsPercentage of

Group 2 students01 01a paying in-district tuition rates 0 0 0 01b paying in-state tuition rates 434 97 98 01c paying out-of-state tuition rates 14 3 2 01d Unknown (calculated value)

This value is calculated using the followingformula: [A02-(C01a+C01b+C01c)]

0 0 0

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Institution: University of Washington-Tacoma Campus (377564)User ID: 88G2561

Section 1: Part C, Page 2Part C, Page 2 - Enter Information about Group 2Part C includes financial aid information about Group 2. Group 2 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in Fall 2015.For this part, report:

For These Students The Following Type(s) of Aid Awarded in This Period• Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-

seeking undergraduate studentsenrolled in Fall 2015

• Grant or scholarshipaid from the federalgovernment

• Grant or scholarshipaid from state/localgovernment

• Grant or scholarshipaid from theinstitution

• Loans to studentsfrom the federalgovernment and fromother sources,including private orother loans

• Do not include grantor scholarship aidfrom private or othersources

• Do not include PLUSloans or loans madeto anyone other thanthe student

• Any time duringacademic year2015-16

• For programreporters, this isthe aid yearperiod from July1, 2015 throughJune 30, 2016.

In the fields below, report the number of Group 2 students and the total amount of aid awarded to thesestudents for each type of aid. Enter unduplicated student counts within a category (e.g., Pell grants). However,a student can appear in more than one aid category. Information from Part A: Fall 2015Group 2Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 02)


Group 2aOf those in Group 2, those who were awarded any Federal Work Study,loans to students, or grant or scholarship aid from the federalgovernment, state/local government, the institution, or other sourcesknown to the institution(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 02a)


Group 2bOf those in Group 2, those who were awarded any loans to students orgrant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/localgovernment, or the institution(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 02b)


Group 3Of those in Group 2, those who were awarded grant or scholarship aidfrom the federal government, state/local government, or the institution



Fall 2015 Fall 2014Number of

Group 2students whowere awarded


Percentage ofGroup 2

students whowere awarded


Total amountof aid awarded

to Group 2students

Averageamount of aid

awarded toGroup 2students

Averageamount of aid

awarded toGroup 2students

01 Grants or scholarships from thefederal government, state/localgovernment, or the institution

350 78 4,591,857 13,120 12,470

02 Federal grants 232 52 1,035,635 4,464 4,789 02a Pell grants 232 52 988,412 4,260 4,510 02b Other federal grants 149 33 47,223 317 549

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Imagedescription.Thesecontext notesmay beposted onthe CollegeNavigatorwebsite. Endof imagedescription.

03 State/local government grants orscholarships(grants/scholarships/waivers)

189 42 1,874,389 9,917 9,372

04 Institutional grants orscholarships(scholarships/fellowships)

282 63 1,681,833 5,964 5,352

05 Loans to students 169 38 817,925 4,840 5,172 05a Federal loans 168 38 783,103 4,661 4,955 05b Other loans (including

private loans) 4 1 34,822 8,706 14,531

The notes below provide context for the data you've reported above and may be posted on the CollegeNavigator website. Choose one option that best explains your data or choose "Non-applicable" if you do notwish to provide context notes. If none of the options provided explains your institution’s data, then choose"Other" and write your own context notes. Notes should be written to be understood by students and parents.For example, institutions may report here other sources of private aid not included in the categories listed. Non-applicable

Page 8: Student Financial Aid 2016-17 Institution: University of · Image description. SFA Overview End of image description. Student

Institution: University of Washington-Tacoma Campus (377564)User ID: 88G2561

Section 1: Comparison ChartComparison Chart

Based on the information reported on the previous screens for Group 1 (all undergraduates) and Group 2 (full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates), this comparison chart seeks to help institutions check their reporteddata. Assuming that the information on Groups 1 and 2 are correct, then the calculated fields for ‘All OtherUndergraduates’ should be the balance (Group 1 minus Group 2). If the balance does not check with your institution’scalculations, please correct your reported numbers for Groups 1 and 2 before moving forward with the completion of theSFA survey component.

Note: Data for the 'All Other Undergraduates' will appear in the IPEDS Data Center for data users, but not in CollegeNavigator. Number of

students Pell grants Federal Student Loans

01 Group 1 (all undergraduates) 3,921 02 Number of students who were awarded

aid 1,886 1,689

03 Percentage who were awarded aid 48 4304 Total amount of aid awarded 8,250,712 12,504,25605 Average amount of aid awarded 4,375 7,40306 Group 2 (Full-time first-time

undergraduates) 448

07 Number of students who were awardedaid

232 168

08 Percentage who were awarded aid 52 3809 Total amount of aid awarded 988,412 783,10310 Average amount of aid awarded 4,260 4,66111 All other undergraduates

(Line 01 - Line 06) 3,473

12 Number of students who were awardedaid(Line 02 - Line 07)

1,654 1,521

13 Percentage who were awarded aid(Line 12 / Line 11)

48 44

14 Total amount of aid awarded(Line 04 - Line 09)

7,262,300 11,721,153

15 Average amount of aid awarded(Line 14 / Line 12)

4,391 7,706

Page 9: Student Financial Aid 2016-17 Institution: University of · Image description. SFA Overview End of image description. Student

Institution: University of Washington-Tacoma Campus (377564)User ID: 88G2561

Section 1: Cost of AttendanceCost of attendance for full-time, first-time undergraduate students:Please enter the amounts requested below. These data will be made available to the public on College Navigator. Ifyour institution participates in any Title IV programs (Pell, Stafford, etc.), you must complete all information. Estimates ofexpenses for books and supplies, room and board, and other expenses are those from the Cost of Attendance reportused by the financial aid office in determining financial need. Please talk to your financial aid office to get thesenumbers, to ensure that you are reporting correctly.These numbers are carried forward from Institutional Characteristics and should only be changed if an error was madein the reporting.Charges for full academic year 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16Published tuition and required fees: In-district Tuition 11,305 11,305 10,768 Required fees 597 957 1,137 Tuition + fees total 11,902 12,262 11,905 In-state Tuition 11,305 11,305 10,768 Required fees 597 957 1,137 Tuition + fees total 11,902 12,262 11,905 Out-of-state Tuition 30,879 32,424 33,072 Required fees 597 957 1,137 Tuition + fees total 31,476 33,381 34,209 Books and supplies 1,206 1,206 1,206On-campus: Room and board 10,752 10,833 10,833 Other expenses 3,561 3,561 3,789 Room and board and other expenses 14,313 14,394 14,622Off-campus (not with family): Room and board 10,752 10,833 10,833 Other expenses 3,561 3,561 3,789 Room and board and other expenses 14,313 14,394 14,622

Off-campus (with family): Other expenses 3,561 3,561 3,789

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Imagedescription.Thesecontext notesmay beposted onthe CollegeNavigatorwebsite. Endof imagedescription.

Institution: University of Washington-Tacoma Campus (377564)User ID: 88G2561

Section 1: Part DPart D - Enter Information about Group 3Part D includes financial aid information about Group 3. Group 3 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in Fall 2015 who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate and were awardedgrant or scholarship aid from the following sources: the federal government, state/local government, or the institution.The information you report in this part will be used in Part F to calculate average institutional net price.For this part report:

For These Students The Following Type(s) of Aid Awarded in This Period• Full-time, first-time

degree/certificate-seekingundergraduate studentsenrolled in Fall 2015 who paidthe in-state or in-districttuition rate and were awardedgrant or scholarship aid fromthe following sources: thefederal government,state/local government, orthe institution

• Do not include students whowere awarded only grant orscholarship aid from privateor other sources, or studentswho were awarded only non-grant aid

• Grant or scholarship aid from thefederal government

• Grant or scholarship aid fromstate/local government

• Grant or scholarship aid from theinstitution

• Do not include grant or scholarshipaid from private or other sources

• Any timeduringacademicyear 2015-16

In the fields below, report the number of Group 3 students with each type of living arrangement and the totalamount of grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institutionawarded to these students. Information from Part A: YOUR






Group 3Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who paidthe in-state or in-district tuition rate and were awarded grant or scholarship aidfrom the following sources: the federal government, state/local government, orthe institution(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 03)

291 329 344

01 Report the number of Group 3 students with the followingliving arrangements:



2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 01a On-campus 24 39 44 01b Off-campus (with family) 146 168 183 01c Off-campus (not with family) 119 112 108 01d Unknown (calculated)

This value is calculated using thefollowing formula: [A03-(D01a+D01b+D01c)]

2 10 9

02 Report the total amount of grant or scholarship aid fromthe federal government, state/local government, or theinstitution awarded to Group 3 students

3,660,381 4,113,380 4,567,022

03 Average grant or scholarship aid from the federal government,state/local government, or the institution awarded to Group 3students (calculated value).This value is calculated using the following formula: [D02/A03]

12,579 12,503 13,276

The notes below provide context for the data you've reported above and may be posted on the CollegeNavigator website. Choose one option that best explains your data or choose "Non-applicable" if you do notwish to provide context notes. If none of the options provided explains your institution’s data, then choose"Other" and write your own context notes. Notes should be written to be understood by students and parents.For example, institutions may report here other sources of private aid not included in the categories listed. Non-applicable

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Page 12: Student Financial Aid 2016-17 Institution: University of · Image description. SFA Overview End of image description. Student

Institution: University of Washington-Tacoma Campus (377564)User ID: 88G2561

Section 1: Part EPart E – Enter Information about Group 4Part E includes financial aid information about Group 4. Group 4 students are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in Fall 2015 who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate and were awardedany Title IV federal student aid, including federal grants or federal student loans. The information you report in this partwill be used in Part G to calculate average institutional net price by income level.For this part, report:

For These Students The Following Type(s) of Aid Awarded in This Period• Full-time, first-time

degree/certificate-seekingundergraduate studentsenrolled in Fall 2015 whopaid the in-state or in-district tuition rate andwere awarded any TitleIV federal student aid

• Grant or scholarship aid from:◦ federal government◦ state/local government◦ institution

• Do not include:◦ grant or scholarship aid

from private or othersources

◦ loan amounts◦ Federal Work Study


• Any time duringacademic year 2015-16

In the fields below, report the number of Group 4 students with each type of living arrangement and the totalamount of grant or scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local government, or the institutionawarded to these students by income level. Information from Part A: 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16Group 4Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduatestudents who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate and wereawarded any Title IV federal student aid(This number is carried forward from Part A, Line 04)

288 301 301

01 Report the number of Group 4 students with thefollowing living arrangements:



2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 01a On-campus 25 38 41 01b Off-campus (with family) 141 159 158 01c Off-campus (not with family) 120 104 102 01d Unknown (calculated)

This value is calculated usingthe formula: [A04-(E01a+E01b+E01c)]

2 0 0

Number ofstudentswho wereawardedany Title

IV aid(Group 4)

Of those inColumn 1, thenumber who

were awardedany grant or

scholarship aidfrom thefollowing

sources: thefederal


government, orthe institution

Of those inColumn 1, the

total amount ofgrant or

scholarship aidawarded fromthe followingsources: the


state/localgovernment, orthe institution

Averageamount of



grant orscholarship

aid awarded toGroup 4students

2013-14 Col. 1 Col. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4

02 Income level 02a $0-30,000 102 102 1,469,846 14,410 02b $30,001-48,000 60 60 1,002,909 16,715 02c $48,001-75,000 62 62 808,286 13,037 02d $75,001-110,000 35 23 144,370 4,125 02e $110,001 and

more 29 13 40,218 1,387

02f Total all incomelevels

288 260 3,465,629 12,033

2014-15 Col. 1 Col. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4

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Imagedescription.Thesecontext notesmay beposted onthe CollegeNavigatorwebsite. Endof imagedescription.

03 Income level 03a $0-30,000 108 107 1,666,035 15,426

03b $30,001-48,000 67 67 1,067,684 15,936 03c $48,001-75,000 50 50 700,980 14,020 03d $75,001-110,000 45 35 262,257 5,828 03e $110,001 and

more 31 16 58,892 1,900

03f Total all incomelevels

301 275 3,755,848 12,478

2015-16 Col. 1 Col. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4

04 Income level 04a $0-30,000 93 93 1,568,797 16,869

04b $30,001-48,000 69 68 1,086,402 15,745 04c $48,001-75,000 75 73 1,063,818 14,184 04d $75,001-110,000 34 26 236,958 6,969 04e $110,001 and

more 30 8 22,745 758

04f Total all incomelevels

301 268 3,978,720 13,218

The notes below provide context for the data you've reported above and may be posted on the CollegeNavigator website. Choose one option that best explains your data or choose "Non-applicable" if you do notwish to provide context notes. If none of the options provided explains your institution’s data, then choose"Other" and write your own context notes. Notes should be written to be understood by students and parents.For example, institutions may report here other sources of private aid not included in the categories listed. Non-applicable

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Institution: University of Washington-Tacoma Campus (377564)User ID: 88G2561

Section 1: Part FPart F – Net Price Calculation for Group 3The following net price calculation is based on information that your institution reported in the InstitutionalCharacteristics component and the Student Financial Aid component. For more information about the data yourinstitution reported in the Institutional Characteristics component, please contact your institution’s IPEDS Keyholder.



2013-14 2014-15


Components of cost of attendance 01 Published tuition and required fees (lower of in-district

or in-state) 11,902 12,262 11,905

02 Books and supplies 1,206 1,206 1,20603 Room and board and other expenses by living


03a On-campus 14,313 14,394 14,622 03b Off-campus (with

family) 3,561 3,561 3,789

03c Off-campus (not withfamily)

14,313 14,394 14,622

04 Number of Group 3 students by livingarrangement

04a On-campus 24 39 44 04b Off-campus (with

family) 146 168 183

04c Off-campus (not withfamily)

119 112 108

04d Unknown 2 10 905 Weighted average for room and board and other

expenses by living arrangement (excludingunknown values)See instructions for the formula for this calculation

8,881 8,689 8,704

06 Total cost of attendanceThis value is calculated using the following formula:[F01+F02+F05]

21,989 22,157 21,815

07 Average amount of grant or scholarship aidawarded to Group 3 students from the followingsources: the federal government, state/localgovernment, and the institution

12,579 12,503 13,276

08 Average institutional net price for Group 3studentsThis value is calculated using the following formula:[F06-F07]

9,410 9,654 8,539

As required by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, these amounts will be posted on the U.S. Department ofEducation’s College Navigator website and used in the U.S. Department of Education’s College Affordability andTransparency Lists.

The notes below provide context for the data you've reported above and may be posted on the CollegeNavigator website. Choose one option that best explains your data or choose "Non-applicable" if you do notwish to provide context notes. If none of the options provided explains your institution’s data, then choose"Other" and write your own context notes. Notes should be written to be understood by students and parents.For example, institutions may report here other sources of private aid not included in the categories listed. Non-applicable

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Institution: University of Washington-Tacoma Campus (377564)User ID: 88G2561

Section 1: Part GPart G – Net Price Calculation for Group 4The following net price calculation is based on information that your institution reported in the InstitutionalCharacteristics component and the Student Financial Aid component. For more information about the data yourinstitution reported in the Institutional Characteristics component, please contact your institution’s IPEDS Keyholder.



2013-14 2014-15


Components of cost of attendance 01 Published tuition and required fees (lower of in-district or in-

state) 11,902 12,262 11,905

02 Books and supplies 1,206 1,206 1,20603 Room and board and other expenses by living


03a On-campus 14,313 14,394 14,622 03b Off-campus (with family) 3,561 3,561 3,789 03c Off-campus (not with family) 14,313 14,394 14,62204 Number of Group 4 students by living arrangement

04a On-campus 25 38 41 04b Off-campus (with family) 141 159 158 04c Off-campus (not with family) 120 104 102 04d Unknown 2 0 005 Weighted average for room and board and other

expenses by living arrangement (excluding unknownvalues)See instructions for the formula for this calculation

9,012 8,672 8,936

06 Total cost of attendance by income levelThis value is calculated using the following formula:[G01+G02+G05]

22,120 22,140 22,047

07 Average amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded toGroup 4 students from the following sources: thefederal government, state/local government, and theinstitution

12,033 12,478 13,218

07a $0-30,000 14,410 15,426 16,869 07b $30,001-48,000 16,715 15,936 15,745 07c $48,001-75,000 13,037 14,020 14,184 07d $75,001-110,000 4,125 5,828 6,969 07e $110,001 and more 1,387 1,900 75808 Average institutional net price for Group 4 students

This value is calculated using the following formula: [G06-G07]

08a $0-30,000 7,710 6,714 5,178 08b $30,001-48,000 5,405 6,204 6,302 08c $48,001-75,000 9,083 8,120 7,863 08d $75,001-110,000 17,995 16,312 15,078 08e $110,001 and more 20,733 20,240 21,289As required by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, these amounts will be posted on the U.S. Department ofEducation’s College Navigator website.

The notes below provide context for the data you've reported above and may be posted on the CollegeNavigator website. Choose one option that best explains your data or choose "Non-applicable" if you do notwish to provide context notes. If none of the options provided explains your institution’s data, then choose"Other" and write your own context notes. Notes should be written to be understood by students and parents.For example, institutions may report here other sources of private aid not included in the categories listed. Non-applicable

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Institution: University of Washington-Tacoma Campus (377564)User ID: 88G2561

Section 2: Military Servicemembers and Veteran's BenefitsSection 2: Military Servicemembers and Veteran's BenefitsIMPORTANT NOTE: Report for Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits: July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 and Report for Departmentof Defense Tuition Assistance Program: October 1, 2015 - September 30, 2016

• Report the total number of student recipients and the total dollar amounts for each program.• Student recipients can also include eligible dependents.• Consult with your campus certifying official, who may not be in the student financial aid office.• For Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits, do not include the matching institutional aid provided through the

Yellow Ribbon Program if your school participated.• Information reported to IPEDS is only what is known to the institution.• Enter zero (0) if your institution did not have beneficiaries for that student level or program.

Please do not leave a cell blank.Type ofbenefit/assistance

Number of studentsreceiving


Total dollar amount ofbenefits/assistance

awardedthrough the institution

Average dollar amount ofbenefits/assistance

awardedthrough the institution

Post-9/11 GI Bill BenefitsUndergraduate students 349 3,191,550 9,145Graduate students 57 683,909 11,998Total 406 3,875,459 9,545 Department of Defense Tuition Assistance ProgramUndergraduate students 12 34,119 2,843Graduate students 5 14,920 2,984Total 17 49,039 2,885

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Institution: University of Washington-Tacoma Campus (377564)User ID: 88G2561

Prepared by This survey component was prepared by: Keyholder SFA Contact HR Contact

Finance Contact Academic Library Contact Other

Name: Email: How long did it take to prepare thissurvey component?

hours minutes

The name of the preparer is being collected so that we can follow up with the appropriate person in the event that thereare questions concerning the data. The Keyholder will be copied on all email correspondence to other preparers.The time it took to prepare this component is being collected so that we can continue to improve our estimate of thereporting burden associated with IPEDS. Please include in your estimate the time it took for you to review instructions,query and search data sources, complete and review the component, and submit the data through the Data CollectionSystem.Thank you for your assistance.

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Institution: University of Washington-Tacoma Campus (377564) User ID: 88G2561Summary

IPEDS Student Financial Aid (SFA) Survey Summary

IPEDS collects important information regarding your institution. All data reported in IPEDSsurvey components become available in the IPEDS Data Center and appear as aggregated datain various Department of Education reports. Additionally, some of the reported data appearsspecifically for your institution through the College Navigator website and is included in yourinstitution’s Data Feedback Report (DFR). The purpose of this summary is to provide you anopportunity to view some of the data that, when accepted through the IPEDS quality controlprocess, will appear on the College Navigator website and/or your DFR. College Navigator isupdated approximately three months after the data collection period closes and Data FeedbackReports will be available through the Data Center and sent to your institution’s CEO inNovember 2016.

Please review your data for accuracy. If you have questions about the data displayed belowafter reviewing the data reported on the survey screens, please contact the IPEDS Help Desk at:1-877-225-2568 or [email protected].

Total grant aid received by all undergraduate students $35,646,339

Number of undergraduate students who received a Pell Grant 1,886

Percentage of FTFT students receiving any financial aid 85%

Percentage of FTFTstudents receiving grantaid by type

Average amount ofgrant aid received bytype

Total 78% $13,120

Federal Government 52% $4,464

Pell 52% $4,260

Other Federal 33% $317

State/Local Government 42% $9,917

Institutional 63% $5,964

Percentage of FTFTstudents receiving loansby type

Average amount ofloans received by type

Total 38% $4,840

Federal 38% $4,661

Non-federal 1% $8,706

Average net price for FTFT students who receive grant aid $8,539

Average net price for FTFT students who receive Title IV federal studentaid

$0 – 30,000 $5,178

$30,001 – 48,000 $6,302

$48,001 – 75,000 $7,863

$75,001 – 110,000 $15,078

$110,001 and more $21,289

Military Servicemembers and Veteran's Benefits Number of

students receivingbenefits/assistance

Total dollaramount of

benefits/assistanceawarded through

the institution

Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits

Undergraduate students 349 $3,191,550

Graduate students 57 $683,909

Total 406 $3,875,459

Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program

Undergraduate students 12 $34,119

Graduate students 5 $14,920

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Total 17 $49,039

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Institution: University of Washington-Tacoma Campus (377564) User ID: 88G2561Edit Report

Student Financial Aid

University of Washington-Tacoma Campus (377564)

Source Description Severity Resolved OptionsScreen: Part C, Page 2 - Enter Information about Group 2


Based on the data reported, the average amount of state/localgovernment grant or scholarship aid awarded to Group 2students is larger than expected. Please correct your data orcontact the IPEDS Help Desk for assistance. (Error #7107)

Fatal Yes

Reason: Overridden by administrator. This inst offers the Washington State need-grant and the Washington State College-Boundscholarship and the Washington State Opportunity grant. The average grant aid is over 9K. SSD


The average amount of this type of aid awarded to Group 2students is outside the expected range of between 11,625 and17,437 when compared with the prior year value. Please checkthe number of students and the total amount of aid awarded tothese students, and correct or explain the discrepant values.(Error #7147)

Explanation Yes

Reason: With such a small number of recipients, year-to-year averages will vary widely. One or two of the four recipients willcause this kind of expected fluctuation.


The average amount of this type of aid awarded to Group 2students is outside the expected range of between 440 and 658when compared with the prior year value. Please check thenumber of students and the total amount of aid awarded tothese students, and correct or explain the discrepant values.(Error #7147)

Explanation Yes

Reason: This average varies from year to year depending on how we spread our limited SEOG funding, splitting it between all Pell-eligible students.

Screen: Cost of AttendanceScreenEntry

This value is expected to be within 40% of the prior yearamount. Please correct your data or explain. (Error #7247)

Explanation Yes

Reason: Fees increased related to full opening of the new University Service Center and fitness facility.ScreenEntry

This value is expected to be within 40% of the prior yearamount. Please correct your data or explain. (Error #7247)

Explanation Yes

Reason: Fees increased related to full opening of the new University Service Center and fitness facility.ScreenEntry

This value is expected to be within 40% of the prior yearamount. Please correct your data or explain. (Error #7247)

Explanation Yes

Reason: Fees increased related to full opening of the new University Service Center and fitness facility.Screen: Part D - Enter Information about Group 3


The number entered is outside the expected range of between 1and 33 when compared with the prior year value. Please correctyour data or explain. (Error #7169)

Explanation Yes

Reason: This campus is working to increase on-campus options for students, so there is an increase in this number.Screen: Part E - Enter Information about Group 4


The number entered is outside the expected range of between18 and 32 when compared with the prior year value. Pleasecorrect your data or explain. (Error #7169)

Explanation Yes

Reason: This campus is working to increase its campus-controlled housing options as it seeks to grow enrollment.ScreenEntry

The calculated average amount of grant or scholarship aidawarded to Group 4 students from the federal government,state/local government, or the institution for this income level issmaller than expected in comparison with the other incomelevels. Please check the values reported for the number ofthese students who were awarded any Title IV aid (Col. 1) andthe total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to them(Col. 3) and correct your data or explain the discrepancy. (Error#7317)

Explanation Yes

Reason: The average grant here is correct. In 2014-2015 on this campus lower income student were more likely to be part-timeduring part of the year, or to live at home, having lower costs. This results in lower average grants


The calculated average amount of grant or scholarship aidawarded to Group 4 students from the federal government,state/local government, or the institution for this income level issmaller than expected in comparison with the other incomelevels. Please check the values reported for the number ofthese students who were awarded any Title IV aid (Col. 1) andthe total amount of grant or scholarship aid awarded to them(Col. 3) and correct your data or explain the discrepancy. (Error#7317)

Explanation Yes


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Although the average might be expected to be higher for this group than the next income band, this data is correct. Theoverall number of students is relatively small, and this group of students seems more likely than others to enroll part timeor part of the year.
