
Misplaced Persons

Read the blog post here:

5 Pieces of Practical Advice for Dealing With

Misplaced Persons

Hire Thoughtfully

Many “mis-match” issues derive from bad hiring practices. Be VERY clear

about the skills and traits needed for each role, and be very reticent to

compromise when hiring.

Don’t be in a hurry to hire. You’re building a company, not filling a slot.

Don’t Assume People are Infinitely Malleable

Just because someone is effective in one role, it does not follow that they

will perform well in another. People are not interchangeable parts.

Square peg. Round hole. Not just a toddler’s game…

Watch out for “Musical Roles”

When you (arbitrarily) change the job role/description under which someone

was hired, you almost guarantee dissatisfaction and failure.

If the company needs change, make sure in advance that someone is willing AND able to take on a new role.

Embrace the Dynamism of Growth

A person that is a good “fit” at one stage in a company’s evolution may not be the right player in a different stage.

It’s OK. Be careful about emotional attachments.

It’s a company. Not a family.

Hire People Who “Get” the Mission

Ultimately, employees have to fit with the company’s purpose and

environment. Wholeheartedness goes a long way when some skills may need to

be developed.

On-board only those who are “on board”!

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