

    Sri Vasantha Sai

    Copyright 2012 Sri Vasantha Sai Books & Publications Trust

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or stored in a retrieval system or translated into any language for any means without written permission of the author, except for excerpts or quotations used for personal use. This version is made available as an electronic book (e-book) in a protected file that should not be reproduced in any website other than without written permission from the author.



    CHAPTER 1 Mind and Body………………………………….. 1

    CHAPTER 2 Phd to Kindergarden………………………….. 4

    CHAPTER 3 Swami’s Promise……………………………….. 7

    CHAPTER 4 The Struggle for Truth……….………………. 12

    CHAPTER 5 Good Luck………………………………………… 15

    CHAPTER 6 Gita Group………………………………………. 18


    Rishis, Siddhas, and Devas come to Mukthi Nilayam!


    At the time Swami left His physical body, He told me He would return once again in the same form.

    He then told me to consult the ancient Nadi texts. Here the Maharishis and Siddhas declare the same. All tell

    that Swami will return in the same form. Our Lord is Sathya Sai, His words can never be untrue. In May this

    year, we again saw Swami’s and my Nadi. I will reveal highlights of these in the next book.

    Who can know God’s mystery? The Rishis and Siddhas see but one drop of His Reality. Let us see some

    revelations from their nadis:-

    Rajarishi Viswamitra Nadi

    Though His Atma left His physical body, the same Atma will come again and attain the same physical form.

    This is destiny. It will show the power and strength in Swami’s body. When Swami comes again, He will not be

    in an aged body or a young body, but middle aged.

    Brighu Nadi

    The Lord is no longer in the physical body. He will come again in a new body. How you saw Him then, you will

    see Him again.

    Macchamuni Nadi

    He will then descend here, His body being the age of 58 to 60 years of age. He will be reborn on this earth in a

    body of this age. Only then will He reveal Himself to the world and all will know the truth.

    Puskan Nadi

    He will come again to the earth through a new happening, a new event.

    Gorakka Nadi

    At the time of taking this Nadi, He is in the Atmic state. He will come again to earth.

    Agastya Nadi

    Though the Lord has discarded His body, there is not even the slightest decrease in the flow of His grace.

    Whatever the Lord has so far declared will come to pass and will not change in the slightest. After Saturn

    enters Libra on the day of the full moon, the Lord will give a vision of Himself in His present form. This will be

    a true vision of His real body.

    Devarishi Nadi

    He will once again descend on earth, giving happiness to all.

    *These are excerpts from the book Sacred Nadi Readings – Sri Sathya Sai Baba and Sri Vasantha Sai


    Swami named this book ‘Struggle for Truth’ – this is correct. It is only Swami who has named all my

    books, from the first, ‘Liberation Here Itself Right Now’, to this latest one. My entire life is only a struggle for

    Truth, Sathyam. Thus it is a very suitable name. I have been crying for God from birth itself. I was brought up

    listening to the stories of devotees and like Andal, wanted to marry Krishna. I would always sing Andal’s

    dream verses, imagining my marriage with Krishna. A marriage took place, after being told marriage with God

    was not possible. Swami then began to speak with me in meditation. He told He is Krishna, I am Radha and

    asked me to write books. In 2001, Swami gave the Mangalya. In 2003, He asked me to compare His photo and

    my marriage photo, proving that He alone married me. Swami proved that God’s Shakthi cannot marry

    another. Yet, He did not prove this outside. This is why I am struggling. This truth must be revealed, only by

    His mouth. My life is only a struggle for Sathya, Sathya Sai. My Nadis and Swami’s Nadis are proving this. I am

    living on this earth, but in my own separate world with Swami. My body lives on the earth, but my mind is

    always living with God in a separate world. I have a double life. It is for this reason Swami came in two forms.

    One form lived in Puttaparthi, another form was with me. Swami has asked me to write, so I am writing.

    These are all God’s New Truths. If you read my books in order, then you will be able to understand. If not, at

    least, you can try to understand. May God’s blessing always be with you.

    This is a struggle for world liberation. It is the struggle to redeem mankind from all sorrows. This

    struggle will continue until my body becomes a jyothi and merges with Swami’s body.

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    Chapter 1

    Mind and Body

    4 May 2012 – Yesterday Swami gave a small printed picture of Swami Turiyananda. Today I asked Swami

    about this.

    5 May 2012 Morning meditation

    Vasantha : Swami, why have You given a picture of Turiyananda?

    Swami : An operation was performed on Turiyanada without using anaesthetic, he separating

    the mind from his body. You separated body and mind from birth itself. Your body in

    one place, your mind lived in another. Your mind is not touched by anything. You write

    about this.

    Vasantha : I understand Swami, I will write.

    End of Meditation

    Now let us see about this. Swami Turiyananda was a disciple of Paramahamsa Ramakrishna. Once he

    had to undergo an operation on his stomach. The doctors wanted to anaesthetise him during the operation

    so he would feel no pain. But Turiyananda told them, ‘You tell me ten minutes before the operation and I will

    meditate for the length of time the operation will last’. Accordingly ten minutes before the operation the

    Swami began to meditate. When the doctors touched his stomach ten minutes later, there was no reaction

    and they began to perform the operation. Turiyananda only regained consciousness at the time he was told

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    the operation would last for. I have written about this in Sai Gita Pravachanam, where I use his example to

    show how we can separate the body and mind. Swami has now asked me to show how I have separated the

    mind and body in my life. From birth itself my mind and body functioned in a different way. I was born from

    Swami. As I was separated from Him I have cried from birth. I could not live in this world and was always

    crying. I would always listen to the stories of God and live with Him in an imaginary world. The body lived on

    the earth, the mind lived with God. There is no connection between my mind and body.

    A patient is given an anaesthetic according to the length of time of an operation. This may be one or

    two hours. When the patient is unconscious, a knife is taken and the body cut open. Then using the knife all

    unnecessary parts are cut away and removed. The two torn parts of skin are then stitched together.

    Whatever happens during the operation, no pain is felt. Usually, if we get a tiny thorn we shout out in pain,

    ‘Ooh! Aah!’ Yet, whatever is done during the operation is not felt by the patient; he is in an unconscious state

    without feelings. Thus he does not feel any pain. It is only after one or two hours he returns to a conscious

    state. In my case, I have had the anaesthetic of Sathya Sai for the last 73 years. My mind and feelings are

    always living with Him, only the body living in the world. Ordinarily one separates the body from the mind for

    a few hours of meditation, for me it is 73 years of meditation. How much this body has suffered? How many

    diseases, insults and difficulties? Yet, nothing has affected me. I have no I. It is with Swami. He kept my I with

    Him and made this ‘I without i’ body born in the world. It is this I demonstrate. For all, the mind is in one

    place and the body another. Man’s mind is in one place, his body in another. This is the Man’s Principle.

    There is no harmony in his thought, word and deed. Swami came and for 85 years preached that whatever

    work we do, it should be done wholeheartedly. If not then all is a waste, whatever we do is not perfect and

    there is no purity. This is what happens when we perform action with the mind roaming everywhere, in

    someplace or other. Yet, whenever there is any small pain in the body, or some disease comes, the mind

    immediately roams in the body. It will not leave or go anywhere without the body. From this we see the two

    qualities of the mind. When the body is performing some action, the mind roams outside. The moment a

    small thorn pricks, it roams in the body. What is the reason? The mind is not stable; it is a monkey mind. We

    must control it. The body is perishable. We should not think about the body, but think of God. The mind is

    always thinking about the body and those who are connected with it; we must change this and make it think

    of God instead. If we do not show interest in spiritual life, we will be born again and again. If we connect our

    mind with God, then life in a body becomes sweet.

    It is our feelings that are the reason for all. When feelings are connected with the body, we are

    affected by pain, sorrow, the good and bad. When we are asleep, nothing affects us. I have no body

    consciousness; it is like being asleep or unconscious. My body is suffering carrying the karmas of the world! I

    now want to change my body and offer it to Swami. My mind, intellect, consciousness, senses, I and mine

    have all merged with Swami. As I want that the physical body also to merge with Swami, I am now thinking of

    the body. All the saints and sages left the body, connected their Atma with God, and finished the cycle of

    birth and death.

    In the Bhagavat Gita, Sri Krishna declares,

    ‘‘MMaammaaiivvaammssoo jjeeeevvaallookkee jjeeeevvaabbooootthhaa ssaannaatthhaannaahhaa’’

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    All on this earth are verily aspects of Krishna. It is this the saints and sages have proved. Their aspect

    is the Atma. Thus their Atma merges with the Paramatma. I have a thought... The body is useful to carry

    Krishna’s amsa. It is through the body that one performs sadhana, proving they are aspects of Krishna. Yet,

    the body used as an instrument, is finally discarded and one merges with God. If the body carries God’s

    aspect, is it not God also? Why then should it be discarded? Why we throw it away? This is why I thought I will

    connect the body also with God. It is for this I am praying to Swami for now. As this body is only born from

    Swami, it must once again attain Him.

    First we must negate and push the world away through ‘neti neti’, not this, not this. This is the period

    of sadhana for the spiritual aspirant. At the time of sadhana the world is seen as Maya. All relationships are

    Maya, I and mine are Maya. You must push all these away. God alone is the permanent and immortal. All

    other things are perishable. It is in this way that all must be pushed away. At the end of sadhana we see all as

    ‘Vishnu Mayam Jagat’, ‘Eshavasyam Idam Sarvam’ – the world is verily filled with God. One must see God

    everywhere. This is the last stage of Sadhana. I have done in this way.

    Now, let us see about the body. In the beginning, I hated the body and disregarded it. I did sadhana

    without thinking of the body. I performed sadhana with the one and only aim of attaining God. Now, I think

    ‘Why should the body be thrown away and discarded? It too must attain God’. This body is given by God, so it

    must attain Him. I now perform sadhana to make this body merge with Swami’s body. This is my state.

    The body in one place and the mind in another is the way I lived. This is because I have not been born

    in a body before. I have never been born in this world before. I have never had a body either. It is for this

    reason I cannot live in this body or the world. Yet, as Swami is here, I have the unquenchable thirst to attain

    Him. As I cannot get Him, I vowed to bring our world down to the earth, so we can both live here together. It

    is for this reason alone Vaikuntha descended on earth as the Viswa Brahma Garbha Kottam in Mukthi

    Nilayam. Now where my mind lives, that world has become my body world.

    I wrote about my anaesthesia, this is also mentioned in Brighu Nadi. The Sage tells, ‘Seeing Kanha in

    her young age, she became enchanted; this enchantment has no faults. All this is Mayava’s play’. This is what

    the Nadi tells. It is due to this attraction and enchantment for Him, that though I was in the world, I lived with

    God. The spiritual view is that I am enchanted by Swami, yet in the world’s view, I have been anaesthetised.

    Yet, I am unconscious of world but fully Conscious of God; this is Cosmic Consciousness.

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    Chapter 2

    PhD to Kindergarten

    Swami gave three words, ‘Knowledge, Free, God’ and asked me to write about them. Let us see.

    There are two types of knowledge, worldly knowledge and spiritual knowledge. There is no use in only

    having worldly knowledge. It is only through spiritual knowledge that we can know and reach God. We can

    then become free from the cycle of birth and death. How many years have we been caught in this cycle? In

    order to become free, spiritual knowledge is required. What did Paramahamsa Ramakrishna and Ramana

    Maharishi learn? Saints do not learn worldly knowledge. Many saints show this through their life. Human

    birth is only to attain God. We should not waste it. When we know of God, it is Brahma Jnana or wisdom.

    When we acquire this wisdom we attain Mukthi. Mukthi means freedom. Man is a slave of ‘I and mine’, and is

    enslaved by the senses and mind. It is only when we are free from this slavery that we attain Mukthi. My life

    shows this. From birth I have cried for God. I wrote thousands of songs and poems, filled with wisdom. I have

    had this wisdom from a very young age. Swami reveals great wisdom to me, which I write in a simple way.

    Before, I would give talks in the many places I visited. In the ashram as well, I would talk during

    satsang. After some time, I could no longer speak. This happened gradually, step by step, in stages. I then

    began to write a book every two months. Now we publish a new book every month! Yet, whatever I write in

    the morning I forget in the evening. The wisdom is erased from the mind, like the teacher who cleans the

    blackboard after the lesson. After cleaning the board, the teacher again writes, ready for the next lesson. This

    is my state. I am writing ever new wisdom, which I then forget. Here wisdom is also wiped away. When we

    attain the higher states, one must become free from wisdom also.

    Today is the Chitra festival in Madurai and celebrates Lord Alagar coming down the Vaigai river. Every

    year our Trust offers free food to the devotees as Annadhana. At 5 am, all were to leave from the Ashram to

    help serve food. After abhishekam at 4.30 am, I began to meditate at 5 am. As soon as I sat, I began to cough.

    Yet, I was able to manage and began to meditate again. Suddenly, I began to sneeze. As I could not meditate,

    I lay down and chanted Swami’s name with a japamala. When I looked again at the clock, it was 5:30am. I sat

    up, Amar came in and said that all had left to Madurai. I showed him the japamala and said, “Do you see I

    have come down from PhD to kindergarten!’

    I again sat for meditation.

    Vasantha : Swami, why can I not meditate? I am always sneezing and coughing. Why I have

    become like this?

    Swami : What is meditation? What do you say when you cough or sneeze?

    Vasantha : I say, ‘Swami, Swami’.

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    Swami : What then is the problem? If you cough it is meditation, if you sneeze it is meditation. If

    you lie down or write, it is always only meditation. It is only if you stop thinking of Me,

    it is not meditation.

    Vasantha : Swami, I cannot write wisdom as I did before. There is no peace in meditation.

    Swami : You are Prakrithi. You have 19 qualities, which are ever changing. They come

    and go. Yet wisdom, happiness, peace are all there, as it is. This is our natural state.

    End of meditation

    Now let us see.

    Why could I not meditate? It is for this Swami has given the reply. Whenever I sneeze, I call, ‘Swami

    Swami’. If I cough, sneeze or whatever I do, it is meditation. It is only if I am not in thoughts of Swami it is not

    meditation. Here it is constant integrated thought. These thoughts are changing the world. Happiness, peace,

    wisdom and truth are all within me, as it is. They neither decrease, nor increase. This is the natural state; it

    does not come and go. This is Poornam, Completeness, Totality. If you take Poornam from Poornam, it is still


    At first, I spoke in many places and in different countries. This came to an end. I then began to write

    the wisdom Swami told me as books. This wisdom has now revealed Avataric secrets, God’s Secrets. I have

    revealed that the God who has left His body, will come again in a feelings body. It is in this way, I have written

    so much. Now all is finishing and coming to the Poornam state. However much I write, it never decreases, it is

    always Poornam. It is Sathya Poornam, Jnana Poornam, Shanti Poornam, Happy Poornam. I am in a state of

    peace, free from all. It is for this reason Swami now says ‘you are a free bird’. There is no fear, doubt,

    suffering or difficulties. Here there is the satisfaction that Swami’s task is being completed. I wrote all and

    finished my PhD! Now it is the state of nothingness. It seems that I am coming down from the state of PhD to

    Kindergarten, but all is Poornam. This is the state of nothingness, the state of Pure Consciousness. Here there

    are no differences of I, mine, possessiveness, the mind, senses, intellect, all are the same. This is the barren


    This greatest Avatar came here and showed the highest wisdom to the people. He showed through

    my life the heights of wisdom a man can attain. How much benefit we have through this human birth which is

    given to us? We can attain the Poornam state. My body, mind, senses all are here, yet do not touch the

    world. This is the empty state. It is the Suddha Satwa State. The Cosmic Consciousness state body is there,

    but in an empty state; it does not touch anything. It does not touch worldly or spiritual things. Now it goes to

    the Being state from the Becoming state. This is not ordinary people’s state or the state of saints and sages. If

    they attain this state, they will leave the body. My state is different. My body is here but the body’s nature is

    not. The body and Cosmic Consciousness are in union. These are two different states. The Cosmic

    Consciousness can never be in the body, but my state is different.

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    Ordinary human state is different, saints and sages are different. In my state, the Cosmic

    Consciousness is in the body. This is the God state. This is the Avatar’s state. Though Swami was in this state,

    He cannot change the Universe. He cannot change the Universal feelings. I have Cosmic Consciousness, but

    the body is also here. However, there is no identity, there is no ‘I’. If I had I, I too am Avatar. Then I could not

    change the world or the feelings of all. So my state is unique, it is not connected with human beings and not

    connected with the saints and sages. It is not connected to the Avatar. It is a unique and different state; it

    cannot be explained. It is for this reason Swami said I am Prakrithi. Thus my feelings expand as the Universe.

    It is for this reason my name and form will finally become nothing; this is the state of being everything and


    Even wisdom has an identity. Every Upanishad that was ever written can be traced back to the sage

    who wrote it and how it was revealed to him. Purusha Prakrithi wisdom is different, as it does not stop with

    the revelation of wisdom but brings forth a New Creation and a New Yuga. It changes the Kali to Sathya Yuga.

    I wrote this in more than 100 books. How can it be contained in one Upanishad? This wisdom has no identity.

    The name and form, which writes it, disappears. It expands as the universe, so, where is the identity? Where

    is the limitation of time? Is it past, present or future? Even Rishis, saints and Avatars are bound by time. Yet,

    the universe has no time, it is always here. God and the universe are always here. God is called an Avatar only

    when He comes in a body.

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    Chapter 3

    Swami’s Promise 5 May 2012

    At night in the Gita Govindam manuscript in the chapter, ‘Swami’s Promise’, Swami wrote ‘Closer Swami’, in English. When we looked inside the books, we saw that the chapter is not included there. 31 December 2004 Afternoon meditation Vasantha : Swami I want to stay here. I want Your nearness. How much You praised mother

    Sita in Your speech… Rama told Sita, ‘Do not come to the forest, there are many wild animals there’. You told many things. How much You praised the reply given by Sita in Your discourse. Rama told His mother Kausalya that the wife must always be with the husband. When Sita told the same to Rama, You praised her. Is there no justice for me? You said that I am Your wife. You told You alone married me. You gave the Mangalya. Why am I alone in separation from You? You praise Mother Sita’s refusal to be separated from Rama! Is this not suitable for me? Am I not Your wife? Did You not tie Mangala Sutra around my neck? Is justice different for me? What will happen if I stay with You?

    Swami : As you are always telling and crying in this way, one day I will come running to you! Vasantha : I am very happy Swami. You come. We will stay together. Swami : We will stay together. We will live together. Yet, the time has not come for this. Vasantha : Swami, what is time? In the Mahabharata, did You not perform rituals the day before The New moon? The sun and moon then came and said, ‘Tomorrow is New moon day’.

    Yet You said as they had both come together, that day was New moon. In the same way, when we come together, that is the right time. So why are You telling the right time has to come?

    Swami : I cannot gain victory speaking with you. Why do you speak in this way? Do

    you know? You tell in Satsang that you do not know what to speak. However, here how you talk carefully, without making any mistakes. How is this possible? Do you know? It is because your mind, intellect, consciousness, ego, senses are all only focused on Me. As You are yearning for My nearness, you talk in this clever way.

    Vasantha : What is achieved through this clever talk, if I cannot get Your nearness Swami? Swami : I promise you, in front of the 5 elements, the sun and moon that sure I will come to

    you and give My nearness. End of meditation

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    This is what I wrote in 2004. It is only now I understand the meaning. Before Rama was to go to the

    forest, His mother Kausalya asked to accompany Him. Rama said to her that it was the duty of a wife to be with the husband. Kausalya must be with Dasaratha. Sita then told Rama that she wanted to go with Him in the forest. Rama told her that there are many wild animals and it would be very difficult. Immediately Sita asked Rama, ‘Is there one justice for mother Kausalya and another for me?’ Rama could not reply. In His discourse, Swami praised Sita’s cleverness. When I heard this in Swami’s speech I cried to Him, ‘There is one justice for Mother Kausalya and Sita and another for me? Why can I not stay with You? I will come to Puttaparthi and stay there as an ordinary devotee. It is enough for me. Every day I will have Your darshan. This is enough for me’.

    Swami said that I am His wife and asked me to write books. Yet, why has He not told the world directly

    who I am? Why does God have this hidden marriage? I could not understand. Rama told Mother Sita, ‘Life in the forest will be very difficult with many wild animals. You are used to life in a palace in a royal family. Forest life is very difficult’. Yet, why has Swami made me live in this worldly forest with wild animals? I was also in heaven. I am not a princess in a palace or the queen of a palace. I am the Empress of Vaikuntha. Why did He leave me in the wild animal forest of the world? He alone is the Emperor! What is this justice? I am crying and wailing. It is for this reason Swami said, “You tell like this and cry continuously, changing My heart. One day I will run to you!” Yet, at that time I did not understand. It is only now that I do. Swami left His Avatar’s body. He then went to heaven and again ran to me. It is from the 7th February, that He has been in my room. Swami, this greatest God, has now kept His promise. He promised in front of the 5 elements, sun and moon and has now fulfilled it after 7 years. Whatever Swami tells can never become untruth. One day the meaning will be known. He Himself is Sathyam. How then can He slip from Truth? He is here. When the correct time comes He will come out. Swami also told another matter and said that He could not win in our conversations. It was at that time, I was not able to speak in Satsang. I was only able to argue with Swami in meditation, in a very clear way. I would speak with Him without making any mistakes. Swami said that this was because my mind, intellect, senses and consciousness were all fully focused on Him. When the mind is yearning for one thing, then all senses, the intellect and consciousness are focused on achieving it; the mind finding ever new ways. This is suitable for all.

    In worldly life if we desire something or someone, the mind then rounds this one thing and tries to

    find different and new ways to get what it wants. For me this has been 73 years of continuous desire. Thus my mind is always rounding and around Swami. I can speak with Him carefully without making any mistake. It is for this Swami wrote the words, ‘Closer Swami’. O Swami! It is through Your Omniscience You show things now that we have spoken about before from my diary. As I have no I, I do not know anything. I have forgotten all that I have written before. How can I remember what we have spoken about 7 years ago in meditation?

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    6 May 2012 - Today Swami gave a divine message in a white card.

    On the front of the card was a pink heart, which was inside a small net bag, tied with a white and gold

    ribbon. The same ribbon formed a border at the bottom of the bag. At the bottom of the card were six boxes, each containing different things. The first had a big bunch of pink and red roses, 37 light pink and 3 dark pink. In the next box two roses joined together, one pink and one orange. In the third square was a golden box divided in two sections. In the right hand side was a dark brown heart, and the other side it was written Dave & Sheila. In the squares underneath was a pink heart, then the letter L with a pink background, the third box was the letter S V on a white background. On the back, were two mountains, on top of each a flag. On one of the flags was Mukthi Nilayam and on the other SV and underneath,

    We love you. 6 May 2012 Afternoon meditation Vasantha : Swami, why have You given this picture? Swami : The entire world will know about Mukthi Nilayam, Sai and Vasantha. There fame will be spread. Vasantha : What is the pink heart and the word Shelia on the front mean? Swami : That is you heart. Your Prema is innocent and childlike. It spreads throughout the three

    worlds and becomes pink colour roses. Your divine qualities are Sheelam. The Mukthi Nilayam flag, Sai Vasantha flag are flying on Mount Everest. So that the entire world says ‘we love you’.

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    Vasantha : What is the heart inside the box and the heart inside the net? Swami : This bag is woven with the net of Sudha Satwa. This is Sathya Yuga. Inside is the

    Prema heart. Thus it is through your Prema all are heart creations. The box is the Sathya Yuga box. Inside are your beautiful divine Sheelam, characteristics, of the heart universe.

    Vasantha : Okay Swami. It is beautiful. Now I will write. End of Meditation Now let us see about this.

    Inside the white net bag was a pink heart. This is the Sathya Yuga bag made by the net of Pure Consciousness. Inside is my heart creation, which is full of my Prema feelings. Swami’s and my heart unite in Pure Consciousness, in the state of Sudha Satwa. It is from the Viswa Brahma Garbha Kottam that our feelings emerge through the Stupi and make the New Creation. There was the same golden border on the white net bag as the box in the other square. In one side of the box is my heart Universe, which is filled with beautiful characteristics. I expand as the creation. So all are like me. In the Gita Govindam, Krishna sees Radha and says she is,

    CChhaaaarruusshheeeellaayy PPrriiyyaa CChhaaaarraasshheeeellaayy One who has beautiful divine characteristics

    It is this that Radha’s 19 qualities show. My heart feelings only arise for Swami and not for anyone or

    anything. My feelings expand as the universe. As they expand as the universe, all will have the same feelings. Swami creates a New yuga based on Radha Krishna feelings. Here Swami shows Sathya Yuga as a box. Swami has shown the coming of the New Age in many different ways. Here it is through the bunch of roses. Prema spreads throughout the world and makes all as roses. There were 40 roses; three of dark pink.

    This indicates Shiva, Shakthi and the Creation are one; three are one. 40 indicate that the 4 yugas are

    Poornam. All the shortcomings of the different ages are removed and become Poornam. Now the next square. This square had a yellow background with two roses; one orange and the other dark pink. The yellow is for the colour of my saris, for the eternal bride. The two roses are the orange for Swami and pink for me. All marriages in Sathya Yuga are between Swami and I. All men will have Sathya Sai’s feelings and all women Vasantha’s feelings. Let us see the bottom three boxes. The first one with the heart in had a white background, the middle with the letter L, a pink background. This show’s Swami’s and my Love. The third with the S and V, on a white background is for Sudha Satwa. It is here that Swami’s and my Prema unite. Now the next page. On top of Everest’s peak, flies the Mukthi Nilayam flag and on another mountain, S and V; this is for Sai and Vasantha. Swami said that the entire world will know about Mukthi Nilayam, of He and I. Our feelings spread throughout the world. This is the victory flag raised for Swami’s Avataric task. It is from Mukthi Nilayam alone that the world changes. Swami drew four lines inside the first peak, this indicates the shortcomings of the four ages are removed. Then underneath the mountain with Sai Vasantha flag were 5 lines. This indicates the 5 elements. When the 5 elements change all will be transformed and the entire world will know who we are and will all love us.

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    On the front page beside the white net bag, were 7 pairs of eyes. It is showing the curves of the

    Kundalini. It indicates every chakra, drawn as a curve. They were also in a pink colour. It is through Kundalini, the New Creation is coming. When I was writing this, they found a picture of Swami cut out in front of Viswa Brahma Garbha Kottam by the steps that lead to the fifth prakaram.

    On the back was written

    PPrreemmaa lliivveess bbyy ggiivviinngg aanndd ffoorrggiivviinngg..

    In this picture of Swami, He wears an orange robe, but in this picture which Swami cut out the robe was blue. Here the face, head, body, all were blue in colour. At the bottom the colour pink seemed to be mixing in and emerging from the bottom of the picture. This is Sai Krishna form. Through Radha Krishna Prema the Yuga Changes. This is the proof for that. Our Prema is giving and forgiving only. Now we forgive all in the world, remove their Karmas and give world liberation. Krishna called Radha ‘Charusheelay Charusheelay’. It is her 19 qualities alone that change the world. It is for this Swami showed Krishna’s colour changing.

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    Chapter 4

    Struggle For Truth 9 May 2012 Morning meditation Vasantha : Swami, my Prabhu, tell something like You told before? Swami : Come let us talk. Once, when Rama and Sita were in the Dandakaranya forest they sat near a lake and talked. Rama asked Sita, Rama, ‘Sita, tell of something that happened in your young age?’

    Mother Sita replied, ‘Swami, in my young age my sisters and I learned lessons from our clan’s Guru. One day, he told the story of King Harischandra. He told how in order to protect truth, he lost his kingdom and sold his wife and child. I wondered, ‘How can there be such a person like him? Is it possible?’ Guru then said that it is in the same lineage that King Dasaratha now rules his kingdom. How I wondered about this lineage! I have now come to the same lineage.

    Swami : It is this way Sita and Rama spoke. After this, Rama also left His wife and child in

    the forest adhering to Raja Neeti, the rule of a King. In your young age, you thought that this action was unjust. You wrote this as dramas and made the children act in them. You now make the Avatar stand in the witness box and argue for justice and truth. Thus you said, ‘I make Adi as the Avatar’. It is this you are doing.

    Vasantha : Swami, for me it is the same. You left me and the children! Swami : For that only you do all; you change Me and bring Me back. Vasantha : Shall I write this Swami. Swami : Yes, yes you write. You write all of this as Struggle for Sathyam. Vasantha : Okay Swami I will write. End of meditation Now let us see about this. When Rama and Sita were in the Dandakaranya forest, He asked her about the events, which were imprinted in her mind. Sita then told of the story of Harishchandra. In order to protect truth, Harischandra renounced his country, and sold his wife and child. This was imprinted in the mind of Mother Sita. The emperor of a country refused to tell a single lie and became a watchman of the cremation ground. His wife the empress and son the prince became servants in a house. As these events became deeply imprinted in the mind of Sita, she became the wife of Rama, who was born in the same lineage. The same Rama went to the forest with His wife in order to protect His father’s truth. After Rama

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    became king, hearing the words of a dhobi, He left His wife in the forest. The one who renounced His kingdom for truth, now listened to the words of an ordinary dhobi and in doing so placed a question mark on the chastity of His wife. Why? Rama asked Mother Sita to enter the fire in front of all, before accepting her back. It was at this time, the Devas, Agni Deva and Dasaratha told Him to accept Sita. Why then this oisonous test? Finally, Lava and Kusa sang Rama’s epic, which had been taught to them by Valmiki. It was only then Rama realised and called Sita again. Yet, the time had passed and Mother Sita entered the Earth, leaving the world. The Rama Avatar time finished and Sri Rama went to heaven. It is this injustice to Mother Sita that is deeply imprinted in my mind at a very young age.

    When I was very young, I heard the story of Andal and like her, wanted to marry Krishna. A marriage happened. Yet, Swami separated from me after children were born. I then began searching for God intensely and performed continuous sadhana. It was after this that I wrote many dramas telling of the shortcomings in the Ramayana and Mahabharata; I would make the children act in them. Avatars come for the wellbeing of the world and to establish dharma. Yet, they do not do anything for their family. It is for this Swami said that I argue for the justice and make the Avatar take the witness stand. A few years ago Swami wrote this as a poem. I wrote that my state is the same. The greatest Avatar came, married me and after children were born separated. Swami made me write books telling who I am. He took all books in a hidden way, doing nothing directly. Thus there is a question mark over my chastity also. At least Mother Sita lived together with Rama for some time. For me there is nothing. Thus I am struggling for Sathyam. God is Sathyam. He descends as Avatar is Sathyam. Then why has He hidden things? Rama is born in the lineage of Harischandra, is it not? For the sake of keeping His father’s promise Rama renounced a kingdom, but, did not protect His wife’s truth. Swami is also coming in the same lineage of Avatars. He has proven who He is. Yet, He says, “All happens for the task of the Avatar.” This greatest Avatar came and removes all the shortcomings of the previous Avatars. Just as a thorn is used to remove another thorn, the shortcomings are removed by the same Avatar’s shortcomings. He changes all through the same state and circumstance. He made me like Mother Sita, He kindled my feelings and made me cry. It is through this and my feelings Swami brings a New Yuga. Thus He left the body and comes again to establish the truth. My entire life is struggle for truth. The life of all is a struggle for truth. Yet, they will continue to struggle in the cycle of birth and death, until they attain God. Their struggle will never come to an end until this time. This is life for ordinary people. However, in my life I remove the Avatars shortcomings and reveal truth. It is for this reason I have been born. On the 25 June 2006, Swami told a poem.

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    I have written about this before. I am born here from Swami as His half. I roamed here and there looking for justice. This is seventy two years of roaming. I argue that as the Avatars have made mistakes, I will destroy the Kali Yuga and bring a new Sathya Yuga. I will then make the Primal Soul, come as Avatar. It is for this Swami left the world. He now comes in a new body, Full and Complete. We show the world that the Adi and Padi, the Primal Soul and His half are the same. We come, show the world and return to our place. This is the Avataric task. It is for this alone we have descended here. My struggle for truth began at birth itself. I thought, ‘Why do people behave opposite to truth? Why do people talk in that way? Why is the world like this?’ I could not understand. I performed Sadhana. Okay, human beings are like this, but why the Avatars? Why do they behave in this way? What is the reason? It is only now I understand. Avatars are also affected by the ignorance of people. Thus I vowed to make a world free from the ignorant.

    Mother Sita


    Through her deep impressions she married Rama. Through my deep impressions and desire,

    Sai Krishna came and married me.

    Harishchandra’s Sathya touched the mind of Sita. The injustice of Rama to Sita touched my mind.

    Thus my struggle for truth continues and Sathya Yuga is born. The Mahabharata was finished in 18 days, this is Maha World Truth war, it only comes to an end in 80 years.

    Sita’s deep impression about Harischandra’s lineage gave her a marriage with Rama, who was from the same lineage. In my young age, my deep impression was to marry Krishna, thus I married Sai Krishna, the Avatar’s lineage. I always had a question in my mind ‘Why did the Ramayana not end with Rama’s coronation?’ This is all the Avatar’s master plan. It is only now I understand why it tells in my Nadi that Swami will declares me as Sita. This is because Radha did not marry Krishna, only Rama and Sita had marriage. Yet, it is only the Prema and Oneness of Radha and Krishna that is used for Sathya Yuga.

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    Chapter 5

    Good Luck

    Today Swami gave a piece of paper with drawing on. There was written ‘GOOD LUCK’ – in different colours.

    The G was green, two O’s white, D orange. Swami drew the O’s like two eyes. Under the two O’s was a

    pink L; the U in purple, our merger colour and C green and K was blue in colour. Underneath all this in red, a smiling mouth. L pink colour took the form of the nose which is for breath. In the New Yuga, Prema is the breath of all. U is for union, and for the union of K is Krishna’s blue and Radha’s pink colour, C is green for Creation. K, blue for Krishna. Two eyes are white, Pure Consciousness and G is for God. D, orange, Swami – so this is Divine. The head had golden hair all made up of S and V’s, this is touch feeling. This is one face. Above the top 8 hearts; the first and last pink coloured, the 6 in the middle, orange. It was the same 8 hearts at the bottom of the page, but they were connected with green S’s, five in total. On the right side of the paper there were three blue and three orange colour lines - this is Swami and Krishna. As this universe becomes Vaikuntha, it connects with 8 hearts; 8 for Mahavishnu and 8 for Mahalaxmi. In the four corners, pink hearts. This is a new universe, which comes through Swami’s and my Prema heart. This is a Golden Yuga. Here touch feeling only touches God. It is God’s divine Creation. For the coming of the New Creation Swami tells ‘Good Luck’. The face was also like Swami’s. The New Creation is God’s Divine Creation. As the universe comes from Swami, He shows by drawing in this way. The New Creation comes with Sathya Sai and Vasantha’s Sai’s Prema, with the basis of Radha and Krishna Prema. It will be evergreen; all is connected with Sathya Sai’s Sathyam. In how many different ways Swami shows how New Creation and the Sathya Yuga come! Yesterday Swami gave a small yellow bag. There was written:-

    OM SRI SAI RAM Shiva Parvathi Kalyana Mahotsava

    September 2010 Swami has given several yellow bags like this before. However, this one was very small. On the top

    was a Poornakumbha, down the two sides were decorated pillars in the form of banana palms, and musical

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    instruments indicating Nadaswara. The mango leave bunting was made of 6 groups of 7 mango leaves. The bunting was strung between the two banana palms. In 2010 they performed Shiva Parvathi marriage in Prasanthi in September. After this, we performed the marriage of Shiva Parvathi here. In 2009, for Krishna Jayanthi, Swami asked us to perform Krishna and Andal’s marriage here. Then in Prasanthi Nilayam the following week, Andal Kalyan was performed in front of Swami. The bag that Swami gave then, has only appeared here now. September is the month of the Stupi function. Swami indicates this only. It is from the Garbha Kottam our feelings go out to the world filling the Space through the Stupi. Everywhere Siva Parvathi marriage will be performed. Everyone’s Kundalini Mooladhara Parvathi will unite with Shiva in Ajna Chakra. This is Shiva Parvathi marriage. Shiva’s Kaamadahana that burns lust and Parvathi’s penance, come together and change mankind; the New Creation is born. This is a strange creation. Here, Kaamadahana and penance come together and make the creation. This is feelings connection, feelings creation, without body connection. It is through feelings alone man is born. It is man’s every feeling, which becomes deep impressions that decide his birth. It is Swami’s Avataric task that shows this. This creation is made by Sathya and Prema together. Kaamadahana is the state where there is not a single trace of desire. This is called Sathya. Prema means penance, Prema itself is the penance. When love is shown to all, it becomes penance. 10 May 2012 Morning meditation Vasantha : Swami today we put the book on the internet, I want Your blessing Swami. Swami : Sure My blessings are there, You release. Vasantha : Swami, you tell something. Swami : You see from this Garbha Kottam our feelings are going out. Ordinarily in temples,

    in the inner sanctum, the Cosmic Consciousness is invoked within. Then those who offer worship there, according to their faith, benefit comes to them. But this is not like that. Your feelings and My feelings are going from here outside and make the Cosmic Consciousness.

    This is not pulled from the Space, we send it from here to the Space. We send our own feelings.

    Vasantha : Now I understand Swami End of meditation Let us see about this.

    The inner sanctum of a temple is built according to Agama Shastras. Then according to scriptures and

    worship, divine powers come to the deity. Then those who worship the deity, receive fruit according to their faith. The Cosmic Consciousness, which is in Space is pulled within. But the Viswa Brahma Garbha Kottam is not like this. This is Cosmic Womb, the womb of God. Here Cosmic Consciousness is not pulled inside, but is instead sent from here to Space. Here, it is Swami’s feet and my hands only that are inside the inner sanctum. It shows this is Vaikuntha. It is from here the New Creation is coming through our feelings. Generally the

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    temple deity does not do anything. They all are Witness Gods, and only function according to the faith of the devotee. It is the good and bad qualities in all, which is the reason for their happiness or suffering. Those who worship God wholeheartedly have their problems solved and their suffering comes to an end. Through this the faith of the people and worship increases more and more. In turn, the powers of the temple god and goddess also increase. I have written about this before and compared a small temple in a village with the temple at Tirupathi.

    Here, it shows how Swami’s and my feelings function. Swami is now not God in the witness state. He

    is feelings God. I have poured my feelings in more than a 100 books. This is our heart temple. In this world, a heart temple has never been built anywhere before, until now. It shows how our heart functions. It fills the Universe with our feelings. The Stupi, which is my Kundalini pulls the feelings and pours them outside as Cosmic feelings. Ordinarily, a temple’s Cosmic feelings are pulled from the outside within, Yet, here the Viswa Brahma Garbha Kottam pushes the Cosmic Consciousness outside. All Avatars, like Rama and Krishna have temples, yet it is according to the bhavana of all that it gives fruits. This is Swami’s temple. This is also an Avatar’s temple. Yet, this temple does not give benefit according to the bhavana of individual devotees. This temple brings my bhavana into action. All other temples are Yath Bhavam Tat astu. Whatever is asked for Swami tells, ‘I bless, it will happen’. What the Bhavana, that will happen. He blesses and it happens. All temples are blessing temples and tell ‘Tat astu’, but this Viswa Brahma Garbha Kottam temple is Yath Bhavam Tath Bhavathi temple. This temple brings my bhavana into action. It gives world liberation, a New Creation and the Sathya Yuga. Through my Bhavana, Swami brings Vaikuntha to Earth. It is from here that the New Creation comes from Swami. This has never happened in the world so far. All temples in the world invoke Cosmic Consciousness, but this temple spreads the Cosmic Consciousness outside. That is all.

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    Chapter 6

    Gita Groups

    For the last two days, Amar has been working continuously on the computer to place the book on the internet. Thus he did not have time to search for the divine post. At night during satsang, I said, “No message from Swami for two days!” He immediately went to the office and brought a paper. It said, ‘Books and Publications Trust Invoice’. On it were two photocopied pictures of my two hands. On the back of the paper was written Gita group

    All of us saw. Again he brought another paper. There Swami wrote six words in an orange colour pen. Let us see the first paper. 11 May 2012 – In the morning I asked Swami about this. Vasantha : What are my hands and Gita group? Swami : You always catch hold of Swami with your hands. You make all like

    you in this world as Vasanthamayam. You make all in the world practice the Gita as you have; you make all like you. All are Gita groups.

    Vasantha : How Swami? Stitaprajnas, Karma Yogis…like this 18 groups? Swami : Yes, like that. You write. End of meditation Now let us see about this. From a young age too, I caught hold of Krishna. Krishna then said that He was Swami. I then caught hold of Swami and His feet. I began to read the Bhagavad Gita when I was young.

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    My father taught this to me. Swami then gave me the 108 names and asked me to then connect them to the 18 chapters of Gita, showing how I practiced them in my life. I compared each chapter of the Gita with my life and wrote. The natural life I lead became the Gita; how I naturally lived. After I found out about Swami, it was He who asked me to write. It was only then did I know that my life had become the Gita. My life is unknowingly the Gita.

    Vishada Yoga - 1st Chapter

    The yoga of worldly sorrows. In this world wherever you look there are problems, disease, difficulties and so rrows. The Gita was born to redeem humanity. When Arjuna saw the battlefield before him, he became tired. It was then that Bhagavan Krishna preached the Bhagavad Gita. It is similar now. This is a very difficult period of Kali. Kali Yuga is verily a battlefield. Here Swami descended as Avatar and preached the Gita for all. He did this for 84 years, but who has changed? Swami brought me for His task. Through the Prema I have for Him I change the world as Vasanthamayam. I want to live with Swami; I want that all are like me and catch hold of God alone. Then only they will never interfere in the life of God. I said at first that two hands were not enough to catch hold of His feet; I asked for a 1000 hands. This was not enough for me also, and I performed penance for the entire world to become like me and catch hold of Swami. This is Vasanthamayam.

    Here all will practice the Gita as I have in their life. In this world all have many different qualities. Here

    some want to live as Stitaprajnas of the Gita’s second chapter. They are always steady in the mind, never wavering in anything. There are three qualities of Stitaprajna:- he knows that the body is perishable, Atma is imperishable and what a man’s duty is. These are the qualities of the Stitaprajna. The body will perish. All our difficulties and sorrows are because we connect ‘I and mine’ to the body. Thus we are born and die again and again. We do not take anything with us when we leave this world. We must be firm and strong in this thought. The Atma is imperishable, it connects us with God. Thus we must connect it to God. What is man’s duty? It is only to attain God. Man has been given human birth for this only. We must realize this and perform sadhana, lead a spiritual life. We are born here not to be reborn. For those who realize this correctly, whatever happens to them, they never waver in life. In the new Sathya Yuga those who have this mentality live as Sankya Yogis, Stitaprajnas. They will lead their life based on this principle of wisdom.

    Karma Yoga - 3rd Chapter

    Here one performs all Karmas as Yoga. Whatever is done from morning to night, all actions, they do

    with the bhavana, feeling or attitude they are doing it for God. I wrote in the book ‘Sai Geetha Pravachanam’ how I lead my life as a Karma Yogi. The best example for this are the Bhaktha Vijayam devotees. All of them had different jobs and professions. One was a pot maker, another weaver, a barber, a merchant, a housewife. Whatever they did, whatever profession they had, they performed each action as Karma Yoga. It is in the same way all will do in Sathya Yuga. Karma Yoga is the easiest path. We cannot live without performing action; even eating, breathing, sleeping, all is Karma. Without Karma we cannot live, so we do all as Yoga. We do all as offerings to God; then whatever we do becomes Karma Yoga. This is Karma Yoga. Those who have this mentality live as Karma Yogis.

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    Jnana Karma Sanyasa Yoga - 4th Chapter

    Jnana here means Brahma Jnana, knowledge of God. God taught this to Surya first. It is the Sun god who teaches us this Jnana Karma Sanyas Yoga. Here, Karma becomes Akarma, actionlessness. This means we perform all actions, but we do nothing. Whatever Karma we do it does not touch us. When we perform an action many different feelings arise, ‘I am doing this, he told like this’. Many feelings of lust, anger, hatred, jealousy, lying, many different feelings arise. If we do without these feelings it is Akarma, and nothing touches us. When we do the work for God wholeheartedly, it is Vikarma. When we do Karma, as Vikarma, a great power emerges. This power is Akarma. I have lived for God alone since birth itself. Thus for the last 72 years whatever I do, everything, I do in thoughts of God. So no Karma touches me. I have not touched the world and am alone. The ordinary karmas which are done daily, like eating, sleeping, talking, writing etc these ordinary Karmas did not touch me. Then my studies, marriage, the children, family, the children’s studies, their marriage – none of this has touched my mind either. This is life. Thus I did all Karmas only in thoughts of God, as Vikarma. As I performed all actions as Vikarma, great Akarma exploded and a huge power arose. These powers multiplied and become the big bang. The power from my Sahasrara exploded and becomes the Cosmic explosion. From this, the amrit comes out and becomes the New Creation. There is this much power contained in Akarma; it makes Kali Yuga into Sathya Yuga. When we perform action, we do the Karma as an offering to God with no reaction. This then becomes Akarma. My life is the example to show the power of Akarma. The Stupi and Viswa Brahma Garbha Kottam show how my mind is. The Gita teaches awareness to the individual. At the society and world level it becomes big Akarma. Since I performed all actions like this, I became one with Swami. In Sathya Yuga, the ordinary Karmas of people become Karma Yoga and Akarma. All becomes awareness, then all becomes Sathya Yuga. Here the one who wants to perform actions is as a Karma Yogi. All become Jnana Karma Sanyasa Yogis. This is all one group.

    Karma Sanyasa Yoga – 5th Chapter

    This chapter teaches how one should perform action as a Sanyasi, renouncing all. Those who are in this state, whatever work they do, they do in thoughts of God. All is Maya, God alone is Truth. All is done in this state. It in this state, he merges in God’s state. He has no attachment to anything. Except God, all is perishable. His mind is like this; one of total renunciation. A stage is then reached where the Karma Yogi and Sanyasi are the same. He does all work as a Karma Yogi, but is in a state of not doing anything. This is Sanyas Yoga. For this, God gives the example of the sun. In the morning the sun rises and the world awakens. All begin their work. When the sun sets, it is nighttime, and all go to sleep. Yet, the sun does not do anything; it does not move. It is there in the same state, as it is. It is the world, which moves around the sun and functions. We say that the sun rises in the morning and sets at night. Yet, in truth it does not do anything. This is the Sanyas state. He does all, but does nothing. My life is this state. I do all, but I do nothing. It is for this reason World liberation is coming. This is doing all, but doing nothing. This is the state of Sanyas. Those who have this type of mentality will live in this same state in the New Creation.

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    Dhyana Yoga – 6th Chapter

    It is with one-pointedness and a focused mind we meditate. This is meditation. If we sit only in namesake and close our eyes, this is not meditation. For meditation, one pointedness, training, dispassion and good vision are all very much needed. In this chapter, Sri Krishna says,

    … ‘He who sees Me everywhere and sees all things in Me, does not lose sight of Me, nor I of him’

    This is the final stage of Dhyana Yoga. Seeing God everywhere and in everything is what the scriptures

    declare. All know of this. Many saints, sages, yogis have seen. However, Swami and I have now come to demonstrate this. I saw Swami everywhere, in everyone and everything. Yet, I thought, Swami must also see me. My life is a demonstration of the above verse. It is Truth, 100% truth.

    Krishna tells that He also sees us everywhere. Yet, has He demonstrated this? Swami must prove that

    He will see me everywhere. It is for this alone we have come and demonstrate. Each and every word in the Gita is Truth; it is that which God Himself has told. I saw Swami everywhere and in everything. Now Swami sees me in everyone and everything. This is the New Creation, where only we two will be. I have not only seen Swami in all living beings, but I see Him in the non living objects also. Prahalada said that God is everywhere; to prove His words are true Lord Narasimha appeared from the pillar. Prahalada saw Narasimha Avatar, Narasimha Avatar saw Prahalada, that is all; it finished. Prahalada said that God was in all, from the pillar to the blade of grass. Now as I say I see Him throughout the entire creation, He must see me. Thus the New Creation comes as Sathya Mayam Vasanthamayam. Wherever Sai is, there Vasantha is. This is Dhyana Yoga. Meditation is to separate the mind and body. 11 May 2012 Afternoon meditation Vasantha : How I write Dhyana Yoga? Swami : Your life is verily meditation, what I tell other than this. We are living together in your meditation world, separately from the world. End of meditation

    Now let us see. My life is meditation. Even though my body is in the world I live with Swami in my meditation world alone. From my young age too I lived with Swami in an imaginary world. After that I lived with Swami, I lived with Him in my meditation world. First I lived on Silver Island. Now I am living in Suddha Satwa, Pure Consciousness. My meditation world now comes to the earth. It is in this way, that all those who are keen and eager to meditate, will to separate the mind and body. Turiyanada separated his mind and body for the time of his operation. In Sathya Yuga, those who want to live a meditative life, their entire life will live with the mind and body separate.

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    Swami gave a card written in merger colour, He wrote:-

    Thank you dear Amma Prema Sai Diana Stella

    When I asked Swami about this He said, “The world is telling thank you dear Amma.” The A in Amma and P in Prema were both heart shape. Diana indicates dhyana, meditation and stella means star. Thus it is through the conversations that Swami and I have in meditation that our heartfelt feelings go out to the world in the star vibration and fill up everywhere. Prema Sai indicates, Prema Swami is now coming. A and P indicate the union of our hearts in the Viswa Brahma Garbha Kottam. It is from here, our feelings go to the Stupi and are sent out in the star vibration.

    Jnana Vijnana Yoga – 7th Chapter

    Next is, ‘Jnana Vijnana Yoga’, this is the path of Prapatthi, the Yoga of Absolute surrender to God. What is wisdom? It is to contemplate and get clarity. Vijnana means to put into practice the wisdom in life that has been gained through contemplation. We must not stop at knowledge, but practice the wisdom in our life. We must do this. There is only One Atma that functions in all. God and creation are the same. The entire world is connected to God, like beads strung on a single thread. Yet, due to ignorance we only see differences. There is only One Atma that is all pervading. There is only one Atma Chaitanyam throughout the entire creation. Yet, due to Maya we separate all as, I, mine and yours. God alone is Truth. It is this that must be realized and contemplated on again and again. It is through this contemplation that clarity comes. This is wisdom. Yet, it is not enough just to know wisdom; we must show it through our actions and practice. Wisdom is not mere bookish knowledge, it must be put into practice in life. This is Vijnana. This is the union of Jnana and Vijnana. In this chapter Sri Krishna tells of three types of devotee. They are the Aartha, Arthaarthi, and Jignasu. Let us see.

    Aartha has a melting heart thinking of God. Arthaarthi means the one who desires for gain, this is not

    only material gain or for an object, but he desires well being and goodness, spiritual wealth. The Jignasu wants to use his intellect. They have thirst for knowledge and analyze everything intellectually. They analyse all on their search for truth. Finally Krishna tells of the Jnani. He does not desire anything, but only shows devotion and Prema for God. Here Sri Krishna declares that He likes the Jnani above all others. Then in the 18 verse Krishna says, “In My view the Jnani is verily My own Self.”

    The Jnani is His form. They are both the same. As I practiced this chapter in my life, Swami said ‘You are half of Me, you and I are One’. I was born from Swami. Swami Himself told me wisdom that has so far not been revealed to the world and asked me to write all. I demonstrate these three types of devotion. Like the Aartha, I have cried for Swami from my birth to now. Like the Arthaarthi I want the wealth, well being for all. I want to know the real meaning of all. Like Jignasu I want the intelligence to make all like me. I want all to be like this. There will be no ignorant dhobis like the one who separated God’s family. All will become men of knowledge; all will be philosophers. Lastly the Jnani state. The Jnani and God are one. This is the Samadhi state. How can the Jeeva who attains this state write? Swami said there are two states that lie beyond the Anja Chakra in Sahasrara. One is where the Jeeva merges with Shiva in Samadhi. The devotee who attains this state leaves his body within 21 days. The other state is Brahmarandra. Here the Jeeva and Shiva are in a state of merging. They remain as two, but are in the One Atma, One body state. Here Ida Pingala Nadi are entwined together. They are like two snakes twisted together, facing each other.

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    Swami said that I must be in this state for His Avataric task. I wrote about this in detail in Sai Gita

    Pravachanam. This is my state; the state I am in each time I write. Though I am merged with Swami, I am alone. This is so I am able to write these higher truths. It is only now I understand what I have written in Sai Gita Pravachanam. I am in the Brahmarandra state.

    13 May 2012 Morning meditation Vasantha : Swami, You tell about the Ida Pingala. Swami : This is our state. We never separate, from birth we are together. We have come to

    demonstrate this for the sake of the world. It is for this alone I wrote ‘O lonely lotus’. You are not in this Supreme state through sadhana. It is our natural state. We are always in the same state, the Brahmarandra state.

    Vasantha : Now I understand I will write Swami. End of meditation Now let us see. When I was writing the 7th chapter, I wrote of the two states in Sahasrara. One is the Samadhi state, where the Jeeva merges with Shiva. One who attains this state, leaves the body within 21 days. The other state is that of Brahmarandra, this is the merging state, where one experiences in the body. A Jeeva who attains God, merges with Him leaving his body, the other state is Brahmarandra. The Jeeva is in the body in a merging state. This is my state. I merged with Swami in Vashista cave in 2002. My body is in this merging state for the last ten years. However, Swami has now said this state is from my birth itself. I was born from Him; I cannot live without Him. I am in a merging state with Swami. All those who merge with God cannot stay in the body. For me, I could not remain in the body without this moment to moment merger; this state of merging. My body could not stay. I am crying and performing sadhana for Him, is all to show the

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    world. For that only Swami said He is with me in seven chakras and wrote the poem. Here He tells that Shiva and Shakthi are together and cross all chakras. Those who perform sadhana finally unite with Shiva in Ajna chakra. Then in Sahasrara, they merge in Samadhi state. Swami has only revealed this truth in this last period. Before I have written I performed sadhana and attained the Sahasrara state. This is God’s task. It is for this Swami separated Himself in two. He came as my form and showed all. Otherwise, how could an ordinary human being’s Kundalini come outside as the Stupi? I am always in the state of merger with Swami. We are like the Ida Pingala, entwined together; we cannot separate. This is Swami’s task. This is what is told in both Swami’s and my nadi. The Stupi and Garbha Kottam function to show all. It is through these that the New Creation and Sathya Yuga are coming. This is a new concept, so far not known by the world. In both Swami’s and my Nadis, it tells we have ‘Sarpa Yoga’, snake union. This is the Brahmarandra state of God.

    Akshara Brahma Yoga – 8th Chapter

    The Yoga of eternal life. Here Sri Krishna describes the moment of death and the Jeeva’s state at the time. After death, the Jeeva continues his journey and takes with him whatever he earned in the previous birth. Whatever we have done throughout our life comes to our mind at the time of death. Those are on their death bed who desires something to eat, have spent their whole life only eating and tasting. This is the proof. A man who wants to see his son on his deathbed, earns the wealth of attachment to son only. Whatever we have yearned for our entire life, comes to us at the time of death. This is shown through Parikshit’s life. Parikshit was cursed to die in seven days. He immediately left his kingdom, without wasting one moment, to stay alone. It was then Shuka Maharishi related the Bhagavatham to him; all around the saints and sages sat listening. Shuka narrated continuously for seven days, without taking a break. Parikshit left his body listening to the glories of God. For the saints and sages it was satsang, Parikshit attained Mukthi. Nowadays doctors are told to continue treating a patient until his last moments. The thought that must come at death, has to be practiced the whole of life.

    Who knows when death comes? Thus we must live always in thoughts of death. The seven days

    Parikshit listened to the Bhagavatham, also has a symbolic, inner meaning. All must realise this. Parikshit remained listening to the glories of God, for seven days without thinking anything else. It is in this way, we must perform Sadhana even if we are in worldly life. It is through the sadhana we perform that each chakra is crossed. If we cross all, we attain Mukthi. This is the common essence of this chapter. Human birth is given to us to attain God only. Parikshit was head of the Pandava lineage, and a great king. Yet, he left his kingdom in a single moment, preparing himself for death. Yet, all in worldly life only think of their wealth, house, and jewels, that they should be left to their children. They say, ‘I will write a will!’ All should realise that when we leave this world no one comes with us. Why then all this attachment? Only God, only God. For this Swami preached for 84 years. We must be ready to welcome death. What is important is how we die. We control the senses and mind, and turn them toward God. I was afraid of death and old age; I thought that it should not come to me. It is due to my wailing and crying for this that my body has no death. It will merge with Swami’s body. This is not only for me, but all in the world, will attain this deathless state. This is the boon which I secured from this greatest of Avatars. Knowing of His greatness, I thought I must use Him to get this boon for all. Thus I asked for World Liberation.

    In this chapter it tells of the Sun, Moon and Agni. It is through the help of these three that one attains

    Mukthi. This is what is told at the end of the chapter; these three are important at the time of our death. What is Agni? It is yagna. If we are doing some work at the time of death, then this is Yagna. Sun means wisdom. In our last moments, the intellect should be illumined. We should leave the world conscious, and in

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    thoughts of God. This is not like those who leave the world in an unconscious state. Moon means bhavana, our feelings for God. We must have holy feelings for God in our heart. They must be there. Swami showed me this as Silver Island. There, the two of us were talking or doing something, this is

    Agni, this is yagna. It is not touched by anyone and nothing touches it. This is God and His Shakthi. The Sun which is there is the Sun of wisdom. This is the wisdom that is so far unrevealed to the world. Sun is feelings god. It is Swami’s and my Prema feelings which are giving the world liberation. These three make all as Jeevan Mukthas. For my Akshara Brahma Yoga this Silver Island is the evidence. This comes first as Om Akshara, and then comes the New Creation.

    Raja Vidhya Raja Guhya Yoga – 9th Chapter

    This is the king of all Vidyas, King of all secrets. In this chapter Krishna tells of Pratyakshavagam, this

    means that which is directly realised. This chapter teaches how we get direct experience of God. Krishna tells to Arjuna that He is able to tell him of this chapter as he is without jealousy. It is only the one who is without jealousy that is eligible to listen to this chapter. Also Krishna tells,

    ‘‘AAnnaannyyaaaasscciinnttaayyaannttoo mmaaaamm yyee jjaannaaaahh ppaarryyuuppaaaassaatthhee

    TTeesshhaamm nniittyyaabbhhiiyyuukkttaaaannaaaamm yyooggaakksshheemmaamm vvaahhaaaammyyaahhaamm……’’

    To those men who worship Me alone, thinking of no one else, who are ever devout, I provide gain and


    Krishna declares here that for those who think of Him and no other, He will take care of all their needs. For this person God alone will do all. This is my state. From birth too I have had no other thoughts other than those of God. As I have childlike mentality, it is Swami alone who does all for me. Have you seen anywhere a being who has no hunger? This is my state. If there are no feelings of hunger, then what other feelings are there? All is only God feelings, feelings of God. It is only if we have other feelings, will other thoughts arise in us. Thoughts and feelings are like inseparable twins. If you think of anyone, then a feeling will immediately arise in you about them. This is the meaning of the above Sloka, ‘Ananyaascintayanto maam…’ to have no other thoughts other than those of God. You will then have no need of anything else. Thus Swami takes care of me like a Mother. I am born from Him. I experience Swami every minute. This is the Pratyakshavagam direct experience. For the last three and a half years, Swami has written poems, songs, a few lines and then asked me to write. He has given pictures and pieces of cloth. He told about them and then asked me to write all. It is in this way that I am having minute to minute experience. This is the direct experience of Swami. This is not only for me, but all here in the Ashram also experience. Let us see an example. Seeing that my body is suffering more, all here worry about me. All know the reason is as Swami is not in the world. In order to know when Swami will come again, SV and Yamini went to see the Nadi. On the 12 May 2012, Swami a paper with a divine message, which was in the form of a question and answer.

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    Please write your thoughts and feelings on Amma’s sacrifice and the task for transformation. Without Amma’s sacrifice 99% of mankind, would have had to have many more births. A lot more suffering for the majority has been avoided, due to the compassion of Amma. But Amma has had to sacrifice her state of bliss, and also undergo physical and mental suffering. This is how Swami has written. Someone first asks the question to Swami, who wrote the answer in a different handwriting. In the answer He gives three points, through which He reveals His thoughts and feelings. This is direct experience. Without my sacrifice 99% of the world’s population would have many more births. It is only one in a 100 who escapes from being reborn. The Gita declares the same. God redeems one out of a million from the cycle of birth and death; and this is one who tries to attain God. It is due to my sacrifice of Swami Himself that world liberation is coming. Swami tells that it through ‘Amma’s compassion’, the majority of peoples suffering is avoided. My compassion is with me from birth itself. Whatever I get, I want to share with others. I never experience anything alone. This is from a small thing to God Himself. I also did not experience the state of Mukthi I attained, until all experience the same. I said, ‘Otherwise I do not want it!’ Swami is now not here, so I am crying and wailing more. It is for this reason Swami gave a poem to me on His birthday, in the form of a letter,

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    My dear Vasanthu, Generation after generation I meet you! My honey, why do you ask for amrit? I gave Myself to you but through your compassion, you make Me as the Father of all and you become Mother. My Daya Devi. My dear inseparable one. We have no separation I tell, but you fall at My feet and pour and shower tears, why?… This is how Swami wrote before. I gave Swami, the one who belongs to me, to all. It is like this I give to all whatever I earned and through my compassion, I sacrificed Swami also. I gave to all and am now suffering physically and mentally. Let us see another verse where Krishna tells

    ‘Whatever you eat, whatever you do, do as homam. Whatever you give to others, whatever penance you do, offer to Me…’

    It is in this way I made my entire life an offering to God, my whole life is an act of worship. The last verse of the chapter tells, Fix your mind on Me, be devoted to Me, adore Me, bow down to Me. Thus making yourself steadfast in Me

    entirely depending on me you will come to Me This is my life. I have had no other thoughts other than worship to God. He has taken all my responsibilities. Why is it when there is this easy path open to all of us that we suffer? At least after reading this, you give all your responsibilities to Him and live only in His thought.

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    Vibhuti Yoga – 14th Chapter Sri Krishna tells of the different ways to see God easily. In this world God is the Primal cause. From God, the Sapta Rishis and fourteen manus have come. It is from them the Creation began. It is in this way the whole Creation has come from God. All qualities are from Him. Thus all of us are born in the lineage of the Saptarishis and Manus. The blood which is circulating in our body is Saptarishi’s blood. If this is so, why are we unable to do anything and are ever roaming in the ocean of Samsara? The Saptarishis can be compared to the seven chakras in the body. This is the seven chakras of Kundalini. It is through them we climb upward and attain Sahasrara. I compared the seven Rishis to the Chakras in the year 2000. God is present in all creation. In this chapter Krishna tells of the many different fields of life where He is present. He tells, ‘I am the Sama Veda of the Vedas. Of those who give light I am the Sun. Of Devas I am Lord Indra. Of Rishis I am Brighu. Of sounds I am Omkar, rivers the Ganges, of mountains, I am Meru. Of seasons, I am Vasantham, Springtime. Krishna tells here of all the important things He is. Yet, through my life I say, He is not only the Himalayas, but also the ordinary hill. He is not only the mighty Ganges, but also the gentle stream. In this New Creation, Swami becomes and emerges from all. Krishna told that He is the Primal cause of the Creation; this is now Swami. In this chapter, Krishna tells of His form in exceptional things are the Ganges and Himalayas; they are His forms. Swami and I now demonstrate that Swami is in all. There is no place without Him; where He is not. It is in this way, I saw Swami in each and everything. I said that it is not enough if I only see, I will show to all in the world. It is for this reason only that through my penance I am showing New Creation and Sathya Yuga. For those who see God everywhere, in everyone and in everything, and practice this, they are the Vibhuti Yoga groups. God is everywhere and in everything. Swami preaches the same as Krishna has, yet, the important thing here is that we will practice it. After translating, we saw an ant hill in the canteen made of sand. It was a perfect heart shape. There was also an S and V seen. This is the correct proof for the Vibhuti Yoga I have practiced.

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    Vishwaroopa Darshan –11th Chapter This chapter shows the Lord’s endless, limitless glories. Here, Arjuna tells Krishna, after hearing each chapter, that he is now free from delusion. He now desires to see Krishna’s Sampoorna form. How did he realise the glories of God, who is the Creator of the 14 worlds? God descended as Avatar, with a name and form as an ordinary human being. Arjuna felt Krishna was a relative, his brother in law. Yet, hearing each chapter of the Gita he was filled with wonder. How much wisdom Krishna is teaching? Thus he asks Krishna to show His Sampoorna form. God showed His Brahmanadam. Arjuna saw it in front of his eyes, rising higher and higher from earth to sky. It was the brilliance of million Suns. In that body all Devas, all creations and the 84 lakhs of living beings are there, the 14 worlds, Brahma, Arjuna saw all. He saw humans and all living beings being crushed in the mouth of Krishna. He saw the fierce form of the Lord, which made him and the three worlds tremble and shake. Arjuna then asked Krishna to show again the sweet form he saw before. The Rishis, Siddhas and Devas all prayed to God to pacify Him, to become calm and peaceful. This is Krishna’s form of Time. It is in this mouth of God’s form of Time, that the four Yugas are crushed and ground down. Seeing this Arjuna became clear. Krishna said, … ‘By Me alone have these been slain already. O Arjuna, you are merely an instrument. Therefore fight and

    attain fame’

    Krishna told Arjuna that in this great battle He has already killed all, and Arjuna should become free from delusion and fight. This is what Swami has preached, ‘Do not be deluded by ‘I and mine’ like Arjuna, it is I who does everything’. Yet, who has listened to Him. Though Swami came in a sweet form, roaming freely

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    among man, you also do not think Him as ordinary. How much Krishna has shown, His glories, killing the asuras in His young age? He lifted the Govadhana giri as a child! How much He has done, yet no one knew of His glory. It was only in the episode, He showed His Viswaroopa. In the same way, Swami showed so much of His glory. He brought back life to the dead. He has declared that He will lift an entire mountain range! How much He has said? Yet people think Him an ordinary man. They think He died. The Swami who brought back the dead, can He not come again? He is now coming to show His Viswaroopa form like Krishna; His cosmic form. He is coming in a Sampoorna form and will show His full ruling and controlling power. He will show His Viswaroopa. There Krishna showed His form of Time as the God of destruction. Swami does not show His Time form here. If He wants to show this form, He will come as the Kalki Avatar and destroy all in one second! Swami is the Viswaroopa of patience. Earlier Krishna patiently bore the 100 insults of Sishupala. Now, Swami has been patient with millions of people’s millions of faults. Unknowingly many talk in a wrong way about God. Those who believe that Swami is fully God also commit faults. Those who are near Him make more mistakes. Now some of those who are very close to Him committed faults. How much patience? Even a mother punishes the child when it commits a mistake. If a mother has two or three children she will lose her patience and punish them. But Swami is the embodiment of all the worlds’ mothers. He is the Viswaroopa of compassion. This is His compassion Viswaroopa. Some people judge the actions of God. How and who can judge the deeds of God? We have no right to judge His deeds. Swami has told this many times. However, we criticize His actions, and judge ‘this is right, that is wrong’. It is in the same way we criticize the creation also. God’s Creation is pure, yet man through his bad thoughts pollutes it. This is the God’s Viswaroopa of forbearance. However much we tell of this greatest Avatars Viswaroopa, it is something if the gods cannot know! What then of Kali Yuga man? World Liberation is one proof for His Viswaroopa Shakthi. It is also one drop from the ocean of His Powers. It is this one drop I explain and write. Those who understand this one drop are in the Viswaroopa groups. Agastya took the water of the ocean in one palm and drank. We drink one drop from the ocean of His compassion and are happy. Swami is all. In this birth and death struggle we can live like instruments in His hands. No ‘I and Mine’. All belongs to Swami’s, all belongs to God. Let us live like an instrument in hands of God. I have written on this very elaborately in Sai Gita Pravachanam. This is ordinary Gita. I then wrote Jnana Gita, for Sadhakas who are in higher states. This is the essence of Gita.

    Bhakthi Yoga – 12th Chapter This chapter is the answer to a question that Arjuna asks Krishna. Arjuna asks, ‘Which is better Saguna Upasana or Nirguna Upasana?’ Saguna upasana means worship of the form; Nirguna Upasana is worship of the formless, the Primal Soul. To worship without form, we must always be in thoughts of God. We must be without likes and dislikes and perform all actions skillfully. The mind should not look to the fruits of action; all must be offered to God. Krishna declares, … Jnana is superior to the practice of concentration; meditation is superior to Jnana; superior to meditation

    is renunciation of the fruit of action, renunciation leads to supreme peace…

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    Krishna then tells of the qualities of the Bhaktha:-


    This is to not show hatred toward any living being, from insects to man. Do not have hatred for any. It is through hatred many bad qualities ensue

    Maitre You must be a friend to all. If any of our dear

    friends make a mistake we do not care about


    Karuna evacha Showing compassion

    Santhushta Satatam Yogi He accepts both happiness and sorrow with an equal mind. Such a person is a Yogi. He is the one who is always satisfied.

    My father taught the Gita’s 12th chapter to us. We would chant it every day, learning it by heart. It is in the same way, my children also learnt. All of us knew the 12th, 15th and 2nd chapter of the Gita. In our village, my father taught the young boys and girls different verses. As I am always repeating the qualities of a bhaktha, they merged in my blood and become my very nature. Every day, at the time of prayer, my father would make us chant these verses. We also chanted Narayana Suktham, Vishnu Sahasranaman, the Azhwars 4000 verses and the verses of Namaazhwar, which are considered a Tamil Veda. This was what we practiced in our lives.

    These qualities of a Bhaktha are declared by God Himself. Krishna tells that they are Dharma Amritham, meaning that for those who read and practice in their life are very dear to God.

    It is through my devotion to Krishna that I composed thousands of songs and poems. I wrote yearning, crying and wailing. I practiced these qualities the Dharma Amritham, of this chapter in my life. It is due to my continuous calls, crying and yearning that my Sahasrara opened. The nectar that pours outside makes the world Amrit Mayam. For the one who wholeheartedly practices Bhakthi Yoga of the Gita, can surely change the world. He can make the world fill with nectar. There is this much power in God’s words. If we learn the lessons taught by a teacher in school and benefit, we can attain a good degree and get a high position in life. However, all these are perishable. This is the lesson, which God Himself, Lord Krishna teaches us. If we learn this lesson from the Gita, we can be redeemed from the cycle of birth and death; all our suffering will come to an end. Ordinary teachers instruct us, helping us to lead beneficial lives. What they teach may be helpful to attain perishable comforts. However, it is God Himself who teaches this lesson! This bestows immortality and gives that which is imperishable. Let us see Swami’s explanation from my meditation of:- 26 June 1998

    Vasantha : Swami! A person on the Advaitha path will read this book and say that it is all very ordinary.

    Swami : What is ordinary? Advaitha can be understood only after reaching a Supreme state.

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    Dvaitha is not like that. It can be understood at every moment. Advaitha is a fruit, which yields the result at the end. Here one can taste it every moment. In Advaitha, one should have control over all qualities. Here we can direct each of these towards God. A Bhaktha sometimes feels angry and happy other times. He has a deep desire for God’s love. He is peaceful, only after directing whatever feelings he has towards the Lord. Both are immersed in the union of love.

    This is your state. Even Radha did not attain this state. Every moment, every thought and feeling of yours
