
Striving to Create Wonderfully Designed Apps | iPhone Application Development India – Hyperlink InfoSystem

The fact that India is emerging as one of the most sought after markets in the World of today is no surprise. Especially when it comes to technology India has always been ahead of the line in showing interest. Both be it as a consumer of products and services or as a provider of IT services. With the passage of time and the increase in disposable income has created a huge market in India for consumer goods and product at hand, the iPhone. If more than 50% increase in sales over the past year is any indication. Then it can be said that it surely is a pretty good day to be an iPhone Application Development India professional.

From being clearly non-existent just a couple of years ago, Apple has giving it's BRIC country promotions a turbo boost. BRIC stands for emerging potential markets Brazil, Russia, India and China. And rightly so, because in business time is money and therefore, one has to be very aware of the environments in order to take full advantage of it. Apple's decision to ferociously go after these emerging markets has definitely been because of the immense competition from Android. Which not only offer cheaper solutions but also better specs, which people found hard to resist.

But Apple has it's own marketing plus points and strategies and isn't just going after coming out with products to sell. With Apple products like the iPhone and the iPad, the number one selling point is it's brand value. And people in India for example, do place that in high regard. Plus, comparing the external look and feel of say, an iPhone, it does

give off more of a premium feel.

Continuing with this aspect of Apple's design, even the interfaces are quite consistent across devices and generations. The company believes that it's a big part of consumer comfort because it thinks users do not like to have to learn things over and over. iPhone App Development India professionals need to follow the guidelines and practices in creating a product for the platform as well. As mentioned before, Apple likes its consistency and only recently did it come out with an updated user interface.

There needs to be a familiarity and a need to create an environment that grabs the attention of the users but only to focus it onwards to the relevant areas. This is what the newest interface and design is all about, according to Apple's developer website. iPhone Application Development India professionals and enthusiasts when designing their product be well aware of these in order to create a product that not only integrates seamlessly with the device's interface but creates that premium experience for the user.

Here are some design guidelines that will help create a visually rich UX. To start off you need to remember that a good design will surely add to the positivity in results than a functionally rich app that looks poorly designed.

iPhone App Development India professionals need to get rid of the color rich designs and move to a palette that is more on the lighter side that helps bring focus, subtly to the content at hand without being too intrusive.

When creating dialogs and elements wherein user interaction is needed, creating a UI element that melds into the background of the app creates a much smoother and nicer feel that to it entirely block out the view behind.

Remember that empty space is your friend. Use it to your advantage and you are left with a interface that is not only breathable and clear but one that communicates with the user more efficiently. When dealing with more visually heavy elements, it is necessary that the iPhone Application Development India professionals use the entirety of the screen, craft-fully executing the full area of the available space. This point also borrows from one of the above points that discusses empty spaces.

These are but some helpful tips that can be used to create visual apps that speak more the user.

————————A member of the prestigious GESIA, Hyperlink InfoSystem has been providing Software Development solutions like Android Application Development, iPhone Application Development, Windows Mobile App Development and Website Designing, since 2011 and has clients spread all over the US, UK, Canada, Germany, and India. If you’d like, you can follow us on Twitter , Facebook , G Plus and Tumblr.