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Stress is fact of daily life. The way of responding by our body to any kind of demand or situation is stress. It may be cause both the way of experiences, positive/good and also negative/bad. At what time we feel stressed as a result of something unusual going around them, our bodies also respond quickly and releasing in our blood. These reactions in our blood give us much more energy and power or potential.

“Stress is the trash of modern life – we all generates it but if you don’t dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life” (Pace,?)

Stress management can be defined as an imposition designed to reduce the impact of stressor in the work environment. Managing the stress in an organization is always helpful to increase the productivity and efficiency of the worker. Stress management includes calm, fully confident and cleared thought.


The four Main type of stress

Chronic Eustress: Chronic Eustress or long lasting, recurrent good stress. Dopamine and Oxytocin hormones comes out whenever we feel very high level and these hormones makes to have high level self-esteem and strong relationship.

Acute Eustress: on a stress scale of 1-10, with 1 being bad and 10 is good this stress between 6-7. This happens when you get some wonderful news; you are really engaged in fantastic work.

Acute Distress: it is a worst type of stress and it is terribly dangerous. In case of shock or threatened or fight or accident we feel acute distress. It is classified as a bad stress.

Chronic Distress: It has long-lasting effects. This is the worst type of stress in our life. Emergency response hormones constantly flood in your body and that much of the hormonal activity was not intended to process.


Stress has a very dramatic impact on life. It can on either side worse or better it depend on the type of stress. Stress keeps on building until we manage to cope with life and if we fail its build until we explode or collapse.

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Stress may affect your mind and body and cause specific disorders. Whenever the level of stress hormones increases it causes headaches, eating disorder, fatigue, and other illnesses like cold and flu. Due to stress our body gives up the fight and more significant problems takes place like heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and other illness. These all happens whenever we get stuck in the flood stressful situation and at that time our mind stop working in decision taken & our body don’t have the time to adjust.

Emotional stress can be very brutal for human being and this type of stress can become long term stress and chronic stress. Stress becomes unnoticeable, hopelessness, anxiety, depression and mental aberrations and delusions. Suicide is the worst case of the stress.

How much a human can handle the stress, there is no set of limits. Every individual has their own thermometer to measure the stress. To manage stress we need to have a planned strategy


Support management: In many organizations, managers are overworked, stressed out, and frustrated by competing demands and pressure from their peers.  HR can train overworked managers to improve their ability to delegate or guide staff or hire freelancers or staff who are qualified to absorb the managers' extra workload.

Support a healthy life style: In addition to regular corporate training, employees should also be trained for safety and encouraged to seek help if a task appears unsafe or causes pain. Wellness programs can also improve overall employee health and cut back on stress and sick-day losses.

Give little reward: Team building can also be encouraged among staff members by developing a rewards system.

Encourage staff to create fun: Parties and activities are a common way for staff to bond outside of their comfortable roles and given duties, and such events allows time for some fun. But controlling fun from the top down doesn't always work.  Spirited staff will help bring suggestions to the table, such as organizing social events, sports or talent competitions, or community-service fund-raisers, and these individuals are more likely to get everyone involved in the fun. 

Working conditions: should provide opportunities for personal and occupational development as well as for self-determination.

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Technology: the organization of work, and job contents are to be designed so that the employee is not exposed to physical and mental loads that may lead to ill-health or accidents. Forms of remuneration and the distribution of working hours are taken into account.

Pay systems: (such as piece work) and work schedules that involve an appreciable risk of ill health or accidents are not to be used.

Strickness: strickly controlled work should be avoided or restricted.

Opportunities: Employees are to be given opportunities to participate in the arrangement of their own work situation. Work should afford opportunities for variety, social contacts, cooperation, and a connection between individual tasks.

Provide for Job Security and Career Development: Frequently, workplace changes occur in a climate of job insecurity or downsizing. From the perspective of occupational stress, changes that are intended to eliminate jobs are usually incompatible with efforts to improve the quality of the working environment. Employees are particularly resentful of participating in changes that may well lead to their own job loss such as time and motion studies.


Notice something about nature every day. Feeling connected to our world is part of any spiritual practice. Even if you live in the city, you can notice the sky, the phase of the moon, the shape of a tree.

Laugh, since studies have shown that laughter actually strengthens your immune system.

Take deep breaths spending some time each day focused on deep breathing. Stress has long been known as a significant contributing factor in disease progression of all kinds. Incorporating a program of breathing exercises during stretching will increase oxygen flow and promote relaxation.

Be Prepared: stress is often caused by a particular situation we are in. Many people, for example, have a fear of public speaking. An effective strategy is to prepare well in advance. Ways to do this may include visiting the location ahead of time to familiarize yourself with it and rehearsing your speech in front of a family member or friend. In the longer term you may want to join a Toastmasters group to overcome the fear of public speaking.

Take Breaks Each Day: many of us work in a fast-paced environment and its easy not to notice the signs that its time to rest. We can pace ourselves throughout the day by monitoring our levels of stress and energy, and taking breaks when we need them.

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Think of the way in which children need their naps in order to behave well. Whenever possible I like to go outside to the park on my lunch break to clear my head.

Meditate or pray daily. There are a variety of types of meditation, but they all involve quieting the mind, giving it a break from the usual ceaseless chatter. Many people say they don't have the time or the inclination to sit and meditate or to pray, but you can bring mindfulness to your everyday activity and achieve similar stress reducing results.


Stress management plays an important role in our daily life. It is implement in every situation. As mentioned above some stress are good, and some stress are bad but we need to find that optical stress, which will motivate but not beat physically us. By learning how to identify the stress factors in your life and strategies to cope with these factors you take control of life. A person that is stressed takes so much away from his or her health and performance level. Reducing stress could be as simple has adding exercise to you day or making new friends. To make the most of your life, limit your stress and of course for that stress that you can diminish, learn to manage it.


Stress management is designed to reduce the impact of stress or in the work

environment. It includes calm, fully confident and cleared thought. It can also be

defined as a strategic and operational concern for all organization to accept.

Stress has a very dramatic impact on life. It can be better or worse depends on the

nature of the stress.

There are mainly four types:-

# Chronic Eustress

# Acute Eustress

# Chronic Distress

# Acute Distress

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Which are explaining in brief as we further moves in this topic.

Another aspect which is explained in this study is organizational efforts. Which

means what are the major factor that are used at organization level to reduce stress in

the organization.

In this study we learn how to manage the stress to overcome from them in our daily

life. In this study several factors are given that helps to reduce the stress in our life.

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Jackson L. A., (2004). Relax, relate release. Black Enterprise, 35(2). Retrieved November 5, 2007, from Pro Quest database

Types of stress, (Online) (Cited 04 September 2012)

Effects of stress, (Online)(Cited 04 September 2012)
