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  • A Guide To Stress Management DISCLAIMER: This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read. Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

  • We are constantly struggle to avoid overwhelming stress every day. In this

    guide, we are going to help each of you to find the best stress management strategies that work for you. We will also educate you about stress, stressors, and what triggers stress.

    Bad Habits causing Stress

    When a person has bad habits, you can bet that this person will have stress throughout their lifetime. For example, if a person smokes cigarettes it increases the vitals functioning capabilities, which gradually affects the heart, lungs, and other vital organs. An autopsy will tell if a person smoked or not when the person is internally evaluated. If the person was, a smoker it will show on the bodys organs and the persons lungs will be black. Now we know that a persons internal organs are pinkish and when black is current then problems occurred in the persons life. When a person has problems, stress is obviously overwhelming. Likewise, if a person drinks heavily it affects the central nervous system and reduces a persons ability to cope with stress. Heavy drinkers put their self in harms way by destroying the body and potential going to jail in the future. As you can see, bad habits can cause stress and will cause stress. When a person is born, they are often healthy and if this person avoids bad habits that cause harm then the persons life will be rewarding. If you are free of chemicals and substances that can cause you harm you will have the ability to make good decisions that offers you a successful future. Eating too much is also a bad habit that needs modified. If a person overeats regularly and avoiding exercise then this person is subject to obesity, heart failure, strokes, diabetes and so forth. We see this causes problems and problems are one of the elements that cause our stress to increase. One of the obvious bad habits that create potential dangers is stress itself. When a person is lacking the ability to manage his or her life and becomes stress every time an expectation presents itself then this bad habit too can cause harm to the body. Coping means we have the ability to manage our lives successfully without creating stressors that cause our stress to increase. Minimizing stressors can help us to live a more productive lifestyle and provide us hope when times are hard to deal with. It is never easy to eliminate a bad habit since it is obviously a ritual, but it is possible to work toward reducing and finally eliminating the habits that cause us stress. If you are use to smoking a cigarette after each meal then tell your self that today you are going to drink water instead of smoking after a meal. If you drink coffee and it opens your smoking cravings up, then start drinking orange juice, milk or some other healthy beverage. If you are a heavy drinker, tell your self every day that you are worth saving. Sit down and review with your self the many problems you are facing and if some are less severe than others are. If you are often late paying your bills then you know that this is a problem, so you will need to learn and practice paying your bills on time. When you do not pay your bills on time, late charges occur or shut-off notices following. As you can see, we all cause many of our own problems, which initiate stress. Sitting down and evaluating our situation and decisions can help bring forth rewards by seeing the problems we created and learning how to eliminate the problems in our lives. For example if you are often late for work then you know you have a bad habit that can cost you your job. You may think that loosing your job is not a problem, since someone else will hire you, but loosing your job is not the only problem in the picture. If you continue to adhere to your behaviors by being late for work, you are going to get a bad repetition with businesses. Business owners talk amongst other owners. Now you can permanent displacement is potential, poverty, potential crime, and so forth. We are adding to the list of problems by ignoring or not accepting that our bad habits are the leading cause of uncontrolled stress. Our decisions are at the top of the list that determines if our stress is overwhelming or not. When behaviors cause stress, it is time to make some changes.

  • Behaviors causing Stress

    Do you believe in predictions? Well, if you were educated you would know that no man or woman could predict our future. However, we all have the ability to predict our future. Sounds contradictory does it. Behaviors help us to determine how our lives will turn out. Behaviors are the manner in which we conduct our self on a daily basis. Behaviors are organisms that react to stimulus producing action and response. Behaviors are formed when we first arrive in the world and the more we practice a certain behavior the more attached that behavior comes. How does behavior cause us stress? It depends on the person and the teachings the person endured throughout his or her lifetime, but many of us lack in development in one way or another. Since, we have religion, law, parents, teachers, siblings, employees, employers, peers and so forth playing a part in our life we often become confused since all of us have our own beliefs. The best teacher in the world is your self. If you take the time to study, learn, listen, hear, practice good, and so forth you will have the ability to see your future is successful. You have a stress management that is surpassing any other management scheme, since no one can lead you if you choose to reject. It is good to consider other peoples beliefs, however, investigating and collecting evidence that proves a fact is more beneficial than accepting everything your are taught or told. For example, I am a logician. I take extremely complex problems and break them down to simplicity. This means I analyze each problem carefully weeding through the pile and eliminating any areas that produce negative results. I also collect and gather evidence to support my claims when I am finished, and this is a healthy practiced behaviors, since I do not lie, steal, or do anything that will cause person harm. As you can see from my example, my problems were minimized, since my behaviors are positive and my stress level is not controlling my life. We can review behaviors and teachers to grasp hold of a better understanding how behaviors cause stress. For example, his or her parents teach a child that speaking out of term in inappropriate. The child is punished each time he or she disobeys the parent. We see a series of problems developing, since this teaching will tell the child during his or her development that it is not ok to speak up when someone hurts, violates, or induces other types of fears on this person. The person will go through life with the fear of punishment if he or she asserts self. How can we help this poor wrongfully taught individual find a way to reduce stress and avoid stressors? First, our parents are important people in our life that we believe in most cases that will not lie to us and believe these people have our best interest at heart. Now we see another problem, since this person will trust the parents before listening to someone else that tells him or her that they are safe and it is ok to speak your mind. We can teach this person to practice self-talk first since self-talk is an approach that helps us to rely on self, rather than others. Self-talk is a method that tells us that we have control and that we have a right to determine what we think, feel and believe. The method teaches us to take responsibility and learn communication that is effective, since our thinking habits are in the process of change. We can also help the person by offering him or her the tool known as visual display. Visual display is helpful since it allows us to stroll back into the past and review our learning so that we can sort through the facts and eliminate the lies. It teaches us to display a pictorial event in our mind and then role-play to see if what we were taught is true. Think of a time in your life that you spoke up and no one hurt you or punished you for your action. Think about how many times this happened and what the consequences of your behavior led to. Practice these techniques daily to learn a new method that benefits you and your life. If you do not see prediction by now in behaviors,

  • then you probably never will. Learning how to break down the walls of stress can benefit us all.

    Breaking Down the Walls of Stress

    Breaking down the walls (stressors) of stress is the key to living a more productive lifestyle. If we learn and practice stress management techniques we are reducing stress by minimizing stressors. Your communication, thoughts, beliefs, decisions, behaviors and so forth play a role in how you life is arranged. If you believe that nothing ever good comes to people then you are building a wall of negative believing and thinking. To rearrange your thinking you can review all the good rewards of your past and acknowledge all the good that came to many people around the world for doing good deeds and making wise decisions. You could also review the bad that came in your life for making bad decisions and also review the history of humankinds and how their bad decisions affected many, including them self. After you are done weighing the scale, you will then see that good does come to people. Life can bring us many rewards if we have the right stress management tools. When a person is stressed, common sense should tell them to take a few deep breaths and relax. If a person is overwhelmed with stress exercising can minimize the stress and help clear the mind. When the mind is cluttered, we are at risk of making bad decisions. I want to share my stressful situation with you. Writing is a great gift and art, but sometimes it is the most frustrating task to handle. Writing articles, books and other publishable pieces has many steps to follow. However, I minimize my stress by viewing writing as a gift and a source for learning. My goodness I have written around 50 articles on stress management and you would think that I am ready to blow a fuse. I am writing the articles from my own experiences and it sometimes brings forth a wealth of stress, since I have to pull up all my resources. I am learning from this experience however and it has proven to be a great source for me, since I am not only writing about stress, I am studying human behaviors, the human mind and the human body, as well as producing helpful tips for relieving stress. Therefore, I turned my negative stress upside down producing a positive reward. This is all part of breaking down the walls of stress. How we view, stressors can also determine our ability to cope with stress. Stressors are a stimulating force that causes stress. Stressors include, financial obligations, family pressures, life pressures, results from bad decision making, medical, mental, and so forth. We can see how we can break down the walls of stress by looking at examples. Pretend you are working at a high-paced job that has overwhelming demands of you. Your job involves arranging meetings, meeting deadlines, and overseeing an area of the business. Each day you are expected to handle each task sufficiently to avoid complications. Now your boss has asked you to handle a particular task that will include increase of revenue for the business, since your responsibility is to produce an effective advertisement slick that will focus on a specific product. You begin the task and consider all details required to make the advertisement slick effective. Once you begin the process, you decide that other products of interest to you might benefit the source in question. Therefore, you begin designing and creating additional information jumping completely off track of the subject. You have spent several hours of companys time and finally finish the task and hand it to the boss for review. The boss approaches you and asks you what were you thinking when you designed these slick? You tell him what you goal included. Now you have a problem since you made a bad decision. You are already pressured from the job and now the pressure increases since your boss is angry that you did not follow plans as instructed. If you would have handled the task as instructed the results would probably proved fruitful, however, you are adding stressors to your life and increasing your stress. Breaking down the walls of stress includes making good decisions

  • and following the guidelines that help us to do what is right. How do we compile stress tactics to survive an ongoing challenging world?

    Compiling Stress Tactics

    Just one more report of bad news and I am going to explode like a stick of dynamite. We all feel like this from time to time. Right now I am feeling this way myself, however, I am considering the entire picture to eliminate areas that causes my stress. For example, I have child that needs punishment for inappropriate decisions and a meeting to attend this evening that requires focus. I have people expecting me to do my best job so this is a stressor in my way. I am letting some of my worries go for now, since it is not pressing, however, the serious issues I need to address first since others were affected by the childs decision. Do you see how one decision from one human being affected at least two different people? Decisions are an essential element required in compiling stress tactics. If we make good decisions, it often produces minimal if any consequences. However, if we make bad decisions then we are affected our own health as well as the health of others in most cases. For example, I could decide to go out on the town tonight, ignore my responsibilities, ignore my problems, and drive to a local bar. When I arrive at the bar, I relax releasing my stress and drink until the night ends. Now I failed to ask a friend to designate my evening, so now I am expected to get home by driving myself. I get in my car and everything seems finding when suddenly white, red and blue lights shine in my rearview mirror. I stop my vehicle and the officer asks me for my registration and driver license. He smells the aroma of brew on my breath and asks me to step out of my vehicle. He forces me to submit to a series of tests and I slip through the process more than once. He slaps handcuffs on my wrists and drives me to the county jail. Now I have a big problem. I thought my problems were overwhelmingly stressful, but now I know that I did not have it bad at all. I made a bad decision and guess who has to deal with the stress in the situation? First, I will be overwhelmed with stress, but I affected the life of everyone around the country, including my child, friends, family, and so forth. The laws increase every year due to these types of decisions, and fees are increased. We have a problem since the country claims to eliminate poverty, but it continues as decisions such as this continues. As you see decisions are the key to reducing stress and compiling stress tactics that benefit us all. We can see how decisions caused stress for thousands of people by reviewing GMs decision to cut back on healthcare cost. The company was stressing over the increase in healthcare and was overwhelmed loosing money as a result. The company supposedly was at risk of going out of business. Now the decision affected each employee and will affect everyone in the country in both positive and negative light. Now we see overwhelming stress in the picture. Let us take a moment and discuss the decision that stressed millions. The company was at risk of loosing status in the world and if the decision were not decided upon then hundreds or even thousands of people would be unemployed. Weighing it out we can see that it appears stressful anyway we view it, however, cutting back on healthcare cost could lead to lower prices in medical expenses and lower prices in Insurance Policies for healthcare. Now the people sweating healthcare issues have a failure in their time management scheme since they relied on someone else to predict their faith in life. If the stress management schemes were sufficient they would have saved money for healthcare, since there was no guarantee while relying on someone else. Looking at the positive can help us look ahead and avoid undue stress. If it has not happen yet, then what makes you think the worst will arrive? Wait until the end comes and then you will have real worries, instead of expecting the worst out of every stressor that comes your way. Next, we can learn how to cope with Posttraumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD).

  • Coping with Posttraumatic Stress and Learning Techniques to Manage Stress

    When a person has posttraumatic stress disorder, this person endures a higher degree of stress than the average individual does. A survivor of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) will endure flashbacks, avoid society, suffer panic attacks, run from stress, and so forth. This person has a higher level of stress since trauma provoked the attacks and caused the psychological break. I have nothing but sympathy for a person diagnosed with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, since I too am a survivor. In this article, I am going to help you, by informing you how I handled the situation. Most of all it is important to learn stress management techniques that teach you to think positive. The positive will outweigh the negative and help you to cope when stressors present them self to you. Another helpful stress management technique is learning to relax. Take a few moments out of each day and spend time with you. If you are overwhelmed with stress go visit a friend or take your mind into a wonderful place where you are safe from harmthis is a method known as disassociation. This means you will disassociate your self from all your problems, people, and even your self. Close you eyes after you found a comfortable position and vision your self in an imaginary land where everyone is loving, kind, and there is no stress allowed. Have a few imaginary friends join you in a peaceful room and sit with them talking through your problems. Remember there is no fear of anyone hurting you so you have full control. Avoid the problems that exist that are causing you extreme stress by allowing the other person (s) in the room to tell you how they are dealing with their problems. Let them share with you the many problems they face and role-play between scenes so that everyone can see a solution. Pretend that you are living in a world that is centered on you and that everything is positive and friendly. There are no wars, violence, crimes, or natural disasters that can touch you since the world you live is nearly perfect. The only problems you have are everyday living, which includes a job, house, family, friends, and so forth. The world is moving accordingly. Now you will talk to your friends and help them to see where they are making mistakes and help them to find a solution to resolve their issues. Remember, the issues are common, no violence allowed. After about a half hour, you should come to see a positive road to take to eliminate your problems. Repeat and recite if necessary until you find relief. This pictorial is not for everyone so find what works best for you. NOTE: Multiple Personality Disorder includes symptoms of disassociation, which is distinct from the common person. There is no imaginary world involved since the person is living in a world where real tragedy occurred and dealing with it by utilizing segments of a personality. This type will utilize the entire brain, rather than the common usage of brain 25% or less. There is nothing wrong with going into an imaginary land as long as you realize when you come out that the problems are real. Another helpful stress management technique for PTSD survivors is to workout regularly, eat a proper diet, stay consistent, and avoid areas were triggers are targeted. For example, if you have a friend that is known for hitting your triggers each time you visit this friend needs to go. It is important to avoid areas where loud sounds can trigger the emotions, cause flashbacks and increase stress. You may want to read all the material available that helps you to understand your diagnose, since this will provide you the tools for handling stress and problems. It is important to stay clear of alcohol and drugs since this will only increase the stress level and promote interruptions of the emotions. When a person drinks, that person thinks. This means what you were trying to avoid in the first place may crop up in between. Alcohol attacks the nerves. The nerves are already affected if you have PTSD; therefore, you want

  • to avoid stressors that increase your level of stress. Dealing with stress and mental ill minds is often challenging to us all.

    Dealing with Stress and Mental Ill Minds

    Dealing with stress is common, however, when a person has a mental illness, or else we are a parent of the mentally disturbed then stress takes us to a completely higher level. If you feel like you want to jump off the nearest bridge and end your miseries, then you are at wits end with stress. Get a hold of your self now because I am about to take you on a journey that will help you to see how you can learn to cope with stress even if you have mental illnesses or dealing with the mentally ill. First, it seems unfair to raise a child or live with a spouse that has mental illnesses. We often feel like why someone singled me out to torture. We may even feel that we are not professionals so why is everyone expecting me to cope with this level of stress. There are no easy answers; however, you were not singled out. Unfortunately, we live in an imperfect system where humankind brings ruin to all our lives. The many chemicals in the air and water, along with the warfare pollutions and other pestilence bring harm to us all. Some of us have hereditary diagnoses, while the violence, war, poverty, and other negative forces in life affect others. In most cases it seems like we can never win no matter how hard we try, however, we can win if we remember that we have control of our stress, emotions and life. First, if you are dealing with a mentally ill person then you have to pay close attention to this persons needs more so than your own. It depends on the person and the diagnose, but few mentally ill persons can bring forth an overwhelming amount of stress coupled with the stresses we have to deal with just to survive. There are mental health experts available to help families learn how to cope with mental illness. If you have, a mental illness or living with someone suffering a mental ailment then you will need to realize that you are not a superman or woman. You will need to learn how to control your emotions and stress since negative anger can cause more harm than good. Similar to the common people in society where you throw honey instead of fuel on the fire a mental ill person needs the same actions. If you are stressed because the person is acting out immaturely, realize that the person is calling for help. In most instances if you learn how to work with the persons behaviors, attitudes, mental, and emotions then you can see techniques to help you avoid stress. Mental health issues require common sense in most instances. If you learn stress management skills that teach you to stay calm in unrelenting situations then you can benefit both you and the mentally ill by remaining cool, calm, and collected. It is important to learn stress management skills to help you stay alert. When a person has mental illness (not all mentally ill persons), they may have symptoms including skilled manipulation. If you stay alert then you will observe the signs and be prepared when the person triggers your stressors. It is important to learn stress management techniques that teach you how to avoid taking anything for granted. When we take a person for granted we are allowing them to cloud our thoughts by believing their words are true. If the person is telling you that, no one loves them this can become frustrating and cause stress. Therefore, we need stress management solutions that help us to ignore from time to time. In other words, stop taking everything personally. One of the best solutions for this type of problem is to realize that the world is not out to get you, nor has anyone centered you out as a target. Reciting and repeating can help you to put into practice positive thinking. When we are dealing with stress and mental illness then we need techniques that are specially designed to help us all deal with stress. The person with mental illness or the person living with mental illness has to endure thousands of time more stress than the average individual does. Our decisions can lead to stress.

  • Decisions leading to Stress

    Our decision process determines how our life will result. If we are making bad

    decisions then we are increasing stressors that stimulate stress. On the other hand, if we make good decisions our life will produce good rewards most times. After studying the human race my entire life, I noticed that the world is ready to believe a lie before hearing the truth. This makes it difficult for honest people to cope, since most people will frustrate us. Now we have a choice to decide whether we want to continue a life of truth, or resort to lying bending down the most people in societys standards. Lying causes more problems than what it is worth, so we know if we lie then a bad decision was made and the results will be an increase of stressors. Therefore, keeping it real is the only choice you have that will not eliminate all the stressors since others are going to make you angry, but it will help free your mind of guilt. We all have decisions that include which course we will take in life. Do you want to go down the road of failure or do you wish to travel the road to success? If you choose failure, you might find your self-overwhelmed by stress throughout your life time. On the other hand, if you choose the road to success you ending results will be rewarding and challenging since you are aware that potential risks are involved. If you are deciding on buying a new car and undecided of which car you will buy, then you have a big decision that can affect your life forever. If you choose to buy an expensive car and later find that you cannot afford the vehicle then your decision will prove stressful. None of us really needs an expensive vehicle, only few of us want the material that costs a fortune to repair. Expensive vehicles include higher insurance coverage, higher maintenance and so forth. As you can see, you are adding stressors to your life unless you are filthy rich. What about a house are you intending to purchase a new home? When you sit down to make the decision calculate the insurance costs, lawyer fees, mortgage repayment, and other details of the transaction. If you have the money to move forward do not jump at the first offering available to you. Research the marketplace carefully to learn about the different types of mortgage loans that can bring you less stressors in the future. You never know how tomorrow will turn out so do not take it for granted that your security will always be existing. Are you planning to marry? If you are having, you calculated the increase of financial responsibilities, increase of stressors and so forth. Are you ready to get married? Making the wrong decision can lead you to an over surpassing amount of stress. If you think before you act, you can save your self some heartache in the end. Maybe you and your mate are considering a child. Do you know what this entails? You can hang up freedom, because rearing children takes a lot of time, responsibility, pain and suffering and so forth. Can you financial afford another person in your life at this time? Are you only thinking of the rewarding feeling of having a child? Are you considering opening up your own business? If so have you sit down and evaluated all responsibilities, include taxes and other details and expenses? Is the business a source that will produce good results? Making good decisions plays a part in everything we do. If we are learning stress management techniques that help us to cope with stress and minimize stressors, we have a chance of surviving a healthy, full life. A good decision may not always prove rewarding in all cases, however, in most instances good decisions bring us a life filled with happiness. We have to consider many areas when making decisions and this may cause a small amount of stress. Other people affect our lives also, so we might make good decisions and feel persecuted because of other peoples actions. Understanding fears that cause us stress can help us to minimize stressors.

  • Fear causing Stress

    Fear is the root of all problems in our life and it is the reason stress occurs. When a person feels threatened, the emotions are often tangled in a web of confusion that hinders a person from seeing the problem in full light. Many of us fear the worst possible will happen, when a threat presents itself. This is where stress management comes into focus, since most fears are explainable and exaggerated. If a person is at risk of loosing his or her job then the person has a legit reason to fear, however, if the person has stress management techniques in place the he or she would know the next move. We know the person is at risk of loosing a job, so we have question the person since we do not know why he or she is at risk. We can assume that the person violated a policy in the workplace, or else the employers are laying off workers. If the person violated a policy in the workplace, we know that he or she made a bad decision in a certain area, acting on her or his emotions rather than using the head. Now we see that the person is potential threatened by stress since this person has a failure in their stress management schemeOn other hand if the person is at risk of lay off then the situation was out of his or her control to a large degree. If the person would have been working to their fullest potentials their fellow employee may be the person at risk. On the other hand, if the person has not worked at the business for a long time then it is completely out of their control. Assuming this person has a stress management plan, including a saving account established for potential risks, we know that this person can live off this account until he or she finds a new job. We see a stress management scheme if a saving account is established, simply because planning and preparing played a part in this decision, as well as expectations. Now we see that expectations are a part of life and this is often the reason a person fears. A well-constructed stress management scheme would appear if this person knew ahead of time that a potential risk of unemployment existed. Now if this person was searching the job market to establish a new career we know that he or she is on their toes and reducing potential stress. On the other hand, if the person waited until the last moment to search for a new job then this person was obviously relying on someone else, believing a potential threat was non-existing. If the person had a well constructed stress management scheme in place he or she would have prepared, planned, put forth effort to eliminate stressors and stress, made a wise decision, and so forth. We can never determine our future and living for today is all we have, however, we do have a choice to prepare in the event fear comes our way. What about exaggerated fear? What if this person feared that he or she could never get on their feet again if they lost the job? This person is obviously stressed out, since hope and stress management is non-existing. We know that the person has hope, since jobs are available and since the person has education, experience, and skills, we know someone will hire this person. We can see that the persons fear is exaggerated and that he or she lacks confidence, self-esteem, hope, and so forth. Now we need a stress management scheme that works with the behaviors, attitude, personality, and believes. Practicing a technique can help us to build confidence, change behaviors and attitudes, and even alter our personality and believes. Therefore, we need in this scene learning skills, practicing positive influences, a better understanding of how stress works, and readjustment tools that can help the person learn how to think accordingly to lifes demands. We might even include a technique that focuses on the persons history to see if any hidden fears exist, that is promoting this persons behaviors and thoughts. How does stress link to mental illness?

  • How does Stress fit into Mental Illness?

    Stress is a normal part of life and we all deal with stress in our own way. However, stress is on two different levels in some cases, since mental illness fits into the equation. Everyone deals with stress and even the so-called normal minds are subject to break mentally. This does not mean the person has a mental illness, rather it means the person is dealing with complicated problems that are not a common part of a day. When a person has a nervous breakdown, it is a temporary state of mind and the person is often capable of returning to a normal lifestyle after receiving temporary treatment. Therefore, we see no mental illness is involved. On the other hand, if you are suffering stress daily and it affects your life dramatically then you more than likely have an underlying mental illness involved. Stress can cause us to think suicidal, flee normal thinking patterns temporarily, cause us health problems, impair our judgment, and even cause delusions and paranoia as well as other mental health related symptoms. The differ between common stress and abnormal stress is that the symptoms of stress in a common standpoint is temporary, while the symptoms of mental ill are ongoing. Even the so-called normal may need medications to treat stress, but most times when a mental illness is involved, the person will need long-term medicines. Stress affects both the body and mind and can lead to a series of problems. Stress is a force that forces one part of the mind against another part of the mind, pulling and pushing against the positive forces or compressing emotions and thoughts. When this occurs, a person feels as though they are loosing control of their life and will often lead them to lean on their emotions for solving problems. When a person leans on the emotions that create anger or sadness then it often leads to a negative thought pattern. Now it is up to the person to decide when they had enough and take charge doing something that resolves their problems. If the person fails to initiate the decision-making process in the mind and dwells consistently on negative emotions then the person is subject to mental illness, providing it linger for longer than a few weeks or even months. What happens is stress changes the equilibrium in the brain and this applies pressure to the mind. When the equilibrium is not re-instated then the mind is subject to chemical imbalances, tumors, diseases and so forth. If the mind has a faulty area, it makes it difficult for a person to cope with stress. This creates additional thinking patterns, including suicidal tendencies or thoughts, and consistent negative thinking. When a person feels negative or suffering and is, unaware of the cause it often creates a higher level of stress for the individual, decreasing the persons coping mechanism. However, a person may not have a disease, chemical imbalance or tumor and still suffer beyond more than normal stress. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) for example is a psychological reaction that reoccurs consistently after a person has witnessed or experienced a high level of trauma. This person will suffer anxiety attacks, depression, reoccurring nightmares, night sweats, flashbacks, and will do everything in their power to avoid social gathering, and triggers that link their minds back to the tragedy. This person suffers abnormal stress daily and will do everything in their power to avoid stress at the same time. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is a mental health issue, since the person endured extreme trauma. This marks the person as a candidate for heart attacks, strokes, high-blood pressure, and other medical related illnesses. As you can see, there is a fine line between common stress and mental illness and stress. The levels of stress for the common society are often tolerable, while the mentally ill have to fight a million times harder to avoid stress and/or cope with stress. If you or someone you love is

  • suffering stress, you may want to consider stress management techniques that can benefit everyone. There are many techniques that help a person relieve stress, including techniques for high-intense stress levels. Instigating stress is often frustrating.

    Instigating Stress

    No one expects to incur problems, but problems are always in existence. Sure, we all know that bad can come our way, but few of us believe it can happen to them. If you are one of those people that believe it cannot happen to you then you are open to failure when overwhelming stress comes knocking at your door. We are all subject to danger, harm, failure, rejection, fear, and so forth. This is all a part of life, but it is how you prepare to manage any situation is what makes a difference when dealing with stress. Americans are a fine example, since many individuals in the world thought at one time or believed that it could not happen to them. When disaster hit they were unprepared and frantically disturbed. If we look at the hurricanes that destroyed entire cities and see the resulting then we know that stress management was not fully developed since panic took over an entire city and affected many around the world. Now I am not centering out these people, God bless them all, but I want to point this out since we need to learn stress management to survive. We also need to learn stress management to prevent total failure. Stress management is techniques that are utilized to help us all cope with problems, which include our fears. When we learn how to cope with stress and understand the stressors, we are prepared to face the worst-case scenario. We can review the failure in stress management by over viewing the circumstances in question. Now we can see that we have no control over natural disasters to a large degree, however we know that we have resources. The government will often set up programs to help those enduring natural disasters. This is a great stress management strategy, but how can we expand to reduce stressful situations. We know that natural disasters are unpredictable and can attack our environment at any time. We have weather reports that inform us a natural disaster may hit the area. When you turn on the news and hear the weatherman telling you natural disaster is on its way, why you sitting there are expecting nothing to happen. If your stress management were planned, you would be prepared to pack a few belongings, or even have a suitcase already packed and take your family to a safe area ahead of the game. Weathermen may not always be accurate, but why gamble with life. If a natural disaster is about to hit, waiting until it hits is not the time to take action. Panic will make the situation worse. Waiting for something to happen can harm us or help us. If we are expecting the best to happen when natural disaster is in process then we are definitely setting our self up for failure. Therefore, we see we need preparedness, planning, decisions, thinking, and stress management to deal with disastrous stressors. Forget natural for a moment. We can look at another example where disaster is in view. Pretend that you are working at a gas station and a man walks in the door with a loaded revolver and demands you to give up the money or die. What are you going to do? Do you have stress management in place? If not, let me give you a word of advice. When we talk guns, we are talking for real, since guns can kill. First, we know we are in danger, which means a stressor is triggered and stress is existing. Now we are going to weigh out the problem and solution carefully so that no one is hurt. First, you never loose eye contact with a person holding a gun. You stay firm and maintain a direct focus, looking into the persons eyes consistency. This lets the party know that you are alert and paying attention to his or her demands. Next, you give the person the money, since your life is at stake. DO NOT try to be the hero, since there are no heroes when it comes to life and death. You will notice the perpetrator is panicky; therefore, you have the upper hand if your emotions are in control. If you fail to adhere to the golden rules, your life is in your own hands. If you think it cannot happen to you then you are instigating stress. Therefore, be

  • prepared, keep it real, plan, and manage your stress. When we work to change, our patterns it can help reduce stress.

    Life Changes Reducing Stress

    How can changing our life reduce stress? First, if we understand that changes are constant and understand what each change means to us we will have a hope. Change is a replacement tool that is required to survive throughout life. Changes come in many forms and when we learn to deal with changes positively we are reducing stress. Changes can be good or bad and it all depends on the decisions made to make the changes. If we are practicing behaviors that cause us problems, then changing your opinions, beliefs, thinking and so forth is a good thing, providing the decision made will enhance your life. When your life is enhanced, it helps to reduce stress since problems (stressors) are the leading cause of stress. Let us examine your life. Do you have friends? Are these friends positive influences or junkies that create chaos for you? If you friends are good then you are fine, however if your friends are not beneficial for teaching then it is time to make a decision to change your life and reduce stress by eliminating stressors. Are the friends causing you chaos worth keeping? Is there a chance that you can talk to them about their negative behaviors and get results? If you cannot find any positive from your self-talk then you know that eliminating your friends is a change in your life that will reduce your stress. What about your job? Does your job offering you the potential you deserve? Does your employer appreciate the effort on your part? Are you struggling everyday to make ends meet? If you answered any or all of the questions then you know a change is needed. Obviously if you answered the questions with a yes, you know stressors and stress exist. So how can we change this to a more positive outlook and reduce our stress? If we are lacking education then we might want to apply for a Pale Grant that will provide us the funds for attending college to better our potentials. We can hold our current job while we work toward a better life. After we reach a certain level in school, we can then work toward finding a better job. We could also search for a job in between in case someone is hiring and you can handle the position and more pay is offered. Do you have goals? Are those goals reachable or are you putting more demand on your self to reach the impossible? If you have, higher demands of your self you might want to reduce your goals to a more reachable level. This will eliminate stress and remove stressors. What about your family life? Are you married? Do you have children? How can you revise your decision process to produce a more stable environment? Obviously, you have stress from family issues, since income is minimal. How can we change this to make our life more productive? What about your bills and expenses? Are you spending more than you make? IS there an area that we can eliminate for now to save extra funds? Maybe we could cut back on certain necessities to increase our funds. If you see the changes and how they can benefit us by reducing stressors and stress then you no your next step is to get started analyzing your situation to determine what changes need to be made to reduce stress. Life is complicated enough without adding to the complications. If we make positive changes in our lifestyle, we are often rewarded for making a good decision. Our decisions then are the leading cause that presents stress. If we are making good decisions and acting accordingly then our life is less a hassle. When our problems are, minimized life runs smoothly most of the time. Learning stress management that teaches us how to minimize problems, cope with stress and learn coping skills it the tools that lead us to a successful life. Do not fear changes; rather consider them as a tool for living with less stress and enjoying a fuller life. Living happy and avoiding stressors can also save our help, thus reducing stress and eliminating more problems. Life deals us all a fair amount of stress.

  • Life Deals us all Stress

    Life deals us all a measure of stress. We can be focusing on handling our tasks according to schedule when all of a sudden another issue brings itself forward. For example, if a person is writing a report that is due tomorrow and all of a sudden, the phone rings and a friend is on the other line asking us to join them in an evening of fun. This is a stressor, since the person may feel like he or she let their friend down if they say no. On the flip side if the person is torn between two engagements, he or she might weigh the questions in their mind and see that the report is most important to finish. When the person decides to finish the report and turns it in on schedule, he or she will feel good for the accomplishment. Now if that person sits around the entire evening trying to decide whether to join the friend or finish the report he or she is adding stress. Therefore, decision plays a large part in stress. If we are making good decisions most likely, the stress in our life will decrease. We can see from the picture that had the person made the choice to hang out with friends rather than hold up to his or her obligations that stress would have followed, since the person would be penalized for failure and possibly re-assigned. Another example can be seen when a mother arrives home from work, the babysitter is telling her about the days events, the baby is crying and she is rushing to prepare a meal for the family. We can see this woman is weighed down with stress and stressors, but how she handles it will make all the difference to her health and mind. Let us review and think about a common situation and how stress can be reduced. Ok, mom arrives home, the babysitter is cramming her head with the days events, the baby is crying and a meal needs to be prepared. What can the mother do to avoid stress? First, the baby needs attention since he or she is upset for some reason. Now the mother could ask the babysitter to attend to the child, or else she could put the babysitter on hold and attend to the child herself. The baby is quiet. Now, mom can return to the kitchen and tell the babysitter what she is trying to achieve, and tell her that she may inform her of the days events, providing she does so while she works to prepare the meal. It might be helpful for the mother to relax for a few minutes and prepare herself for the upcoming tasks by taking a few short breaths. She then can return to the kitchen, listen to the babysitter while she prepares a meal. Now if she planned what she would cook for that day she is already one-step closer to relaxation. On the other hand, if the mother continued rushing her nerves would be on edge and stress would wrap itself around her for the rest of the evening. This is part of lifes demands and it all depends on how we deal with each situation that comes our way to determine the level of stress we will endure. The two examples are less extreme, however, even if stressors present itself to us on a complex level our decision will determine how much stress we will endure. For example, a mother rushes home from work to find her children unattended. The babysitter is nowhere in site and the welfare people were contacted. The mother is expected to have dinner on the table for her family. What can she do to remove stressors and stress? Wow, I wound not want to be this mother. However, if the mother thinks throughout the complex situation she will see an outing. If the mother questions the children to see if any valid excuse is available for the babysitter ammunition will be available, but since the state is now involved the mother needs some valuable resources that will protect her children. She knows that dinner is not the most important problem in front of her; therefore, sometimes we have to put somethings on the back burner for the time being. Therefore, we see that thinking and decisions all play a part in reducing stress. Limiting stress is our ticket to success.

  • Limiting Stress

    How can we limit stress in a fast pace world? Learning is one of the best tools available for managing stress. When we have an education and research the marketplace when something is not clear to us then we are strapping our self with armor that stress will not defeat. Education provides us the knowledge to learn facts that will gear us up when someone attempts to bring us down. Stress is a limiting force that influences when fear presents itself. We all have to deal with fear and fear is the leading cause of all of our problems, since emotions are triggered by fear. This is where education comes in since it can help us to determine right and wrong and help us to avoid encounters that can lead us to fear and danger. Stress can benefit us if we view stress as a challenge rather than a fear. When we are educated, we are aware of the potential roadblocks ahead and the dangers lurking around the corners. A wise man with consistent stress management strategies will not walk into a dark area where known gangsters hang. Rather a wise man will take all precautions to avoid such dangers because his stress management scheme is focusing on current, potential, and life in general. A young mother with a tight fitting stress management scheme will investigate before leaving her children in the hands of strangers. She will weigh out the consequences, potentials, and analyze the person in question carefully before making a decision. Education helps us to stay focus and us our head in all situations, including each decision we make. Danger exposes us to harm, injury, death, pain and loss. Therefore, a stress management plan backed with education can reduce the exposure of danger involved, minimize fear and control stress. On the other hand, stress can hurt us. If we are not educated, lacking coping skills, and have difficulty making good decisions then danger is lurking around the corner. We can look at many examples to see how decisions can increase stress levels. We can see how overwhelming stress can affect one or more life when decisions are made impulsively. One man came home from work to find his wife gone. He suspected that the wife was having an affair so he went to the location where he thought she might be since he found her there before. When he reached the location, he observed his wife and her ex-husband getting in his sports car. Instead of confronting the problem logically, he drove off on his motorcycle, went to the bar, drove off in an outrage and hit a pole. The man was in a coma for several months and when he became alert in the hospital he had no memory and to date he limps. The man had children, so we can see his illogical decision caused stress for several lives. He has difficulty managing his stress level more than ten years later simply because the nervous system was affected reducing his ability to cope with stress and stressors. Now how did he affect everyone? The healthcare system was touched by his decision, the children suffered from his decision, the doctors were stressed trying to keep him alive, and he lost everything he owned due to his illogical decision. This is fear, danger, stress, emotions, decisions, and logic all tied into one bad decision. As we can see, decision plays a large part in stress management. When we have education, our decision process is easier since we have knowledge and knowledge contributes to our behaviors. A well-educated individual makes bad decisions, since we are all humans, but for the most part education presents us from walking in harms way. There are other techniques available that help us limit stress, including breathing techniques, visual, self-talk and so forth. If you are feeling frustrating take a few deep breaths can help release your anxiety and reduce your stress. You may want to learn more about the symptoms of stress, since this will help you to understand when you are overwhelmed. Getting the facts is the only GREATEST stress management tool that will lead us to the road to

  • success. Learning to manage stress in a high-paced world can help us to survive all storms.

    Managing Stress in a High Intense World

    Today millions around the world are finding it difficult to manage stress. That doctor over there the one that supposedly shrinks your thoughts formatting them to comply with a standard rule may have some of the solutions for minimizing stress, but you are the one with the ability to take control of your life. When we are growing up, we are taught to take responsibility, adhere to a standard set of rules, and develop behaviors that are consistent with our personality and societys way of thinking. As the years progress however, more people are finding it difficult to deal with terrorism, violence, natural disasters, abuse, and so forth. Many people in society claim that they are fed up with the way the world is headed. We have men ruling the world and must comply to their demands even if those demands are causing more problems. We all struggle with religious teachings that tell us that the world is nearing its end, which cultivates a fear that lingers throughout our lifetime. Even if we do not believe in religion, there are existing fears since every one of us will die at some time in our future. Some people believe that their time will end when God says it is finished, while others believe their life is in faiths hands. When a person is entangled with fear, it often leads that person to stress, depression, anxiety, phobias, paranoia and so forth. The key to a successful life then is mastering your fears. You see many people do not realize that fear is the root of all mental problems, or even common problems. A person may not realize that fear exists, but it is underlying the source of all humankinds problems. Fear comes in all forms, including fear of heights, fear of disease, fear of death, and so forth. When we reach inside searching for the buried fears, we are taking one-step closing to removing stress from our lives. In fact, I am taking it one-step further and let you know that fear is the master of everyone. When the tables turn however, you are taking fear by the horns and taking charge of your life. When you have control and stressors present itself then you will know the next step to follow to minimize your suffering. We can break down fears in order to review how it is the root of all mental health and common issues. However, we can do this in another article since time is closing in on us, but for now, we can understand how fear controls our stress level by defining fear itself. Fear is expecting something to happen in a short time that may be legitimate or not. For example if you are, expecting a paycheck on Friday and the check does not arrive to Monday you are promoting fear and contributing to stress. Of course this was a normal routine for you, but suddenly that routine changes. Now you are afraid, since your bills are late and your mortgage is due. This is setting your self up for both fear and stress. If you were prepared, you would have said stayed alert to the stressors and stress is a high intense world. We should never allow expectancy to take charge of our life. When we are expecting something that is regularly we must always realize that life changes. Therefore, to find a stress management solution that works best for you, you must reach inside, pull up those fears and expectations, and modify them so they work accordingly to a high intense, fast-paced world. The world is not going to stop changing, and we all are expected to die, therefore worrying over what you have no control over is only wasting your time and energy and building your stress level beyond its ability to cope. In conclusion, if you think everyone else has the answer to your problems and that the world is getting better then you are setting your self up for a great fall!

    Realizing stress and stressors will remain can help you to learn how to take hold of your fears, taking control of your life. Managing stress is healthy!

  • Managing Stress

    What is stress and how does it affect us? Stress is a reaction to a fear that affects both our body and mind. We are constantly dealing with changes in society, workplace, home and so forth. Stress targets our mind and sends the residue to our body, influencing the nervous system to explode. Stress is either positive or negative, since stress can lead us to address problems, or it can lead us to loose control when problems occur. Stress can open our minds to resources, or else stress can close our mind, leading us to reject options, distrust our self and others, cause depression and even enforce our anger. When stress is negative and continuing it affects the body promoting heart attacks, strokes, high-blood, diabetes, and similar medical related problems. Stress becomes active when stressors present itself. Some of the stressors include death, loose of job, childbirth, divorce, normal daily responsibilities and so forth. Stress is consistent to a degree and we all deal with everyday stress that helps us to function properly at home, in society and at a workplace. When we are challenged, meet head-on, aggravated, or simply emotional stress plays a large part. We can never terminate stress completely, but we can learn stress management techniques that help us to cope when stress escalates. If you stomach is in knots, your mind is boggled, and your body is tensed then you know stress has reached its limit. Then to manage stress one must understand how stress affects our body and mind, relate the mind and bodys responses to stress, and become acquainted with the stressors that trigger the stress. If you notice tension of the body, chaotic in mind, or stomach tension then you are over your limits and need to sit down and review to recognize the problems and why they exist. If you are over your limits, you must realize that it takes you to eliminate the problems. If you are in a building and your stress limits has reached its limit you might want to leave the building if possible to collect your thoughts. You can change most things in your life by contrast, comparing, analyzing the problems and pulling up your resources to deal with the problems. However, you cannot change all things in life, therefore let go and let someone else deal the problems that you cannot change. Fear is the underlying source of stress; therefore, we know your problem is stemmed from fear. To manage your stress you will need to review your fear, searching for valid reasons that the fear exists. What are you expecting to happen because of your problem? Do you expect the worse, or do you see there is a solution in front of you? Fear is a strong emotional stimulus that is triggered when danger presents self. Fear is triggered by an expectation. Some of us fear the worst will happen and fail to see that most common dangers are solvable. Unless you are on a plane with high jackers, or in another dangerous situation most fears are exaggerated to a large degree. For example if you are afraid of heights, you are expecting the worst believing you will fall if your feet are not on the ground. You might avoid going aboard an aircraft, climbing a ladder, or even standing on a chair. The truth is most plane rides are safer that traveling by motor vehicle and most ladders are sturdy if you position the ladder accordingly. Now if you stand in an unstable chair then of course your fear of falling is real, but if the chair is sturdy and you are not subject to dizziness then how are you going to fall? As you can see, fear of heights is both exaggerated and real. Therefore, you must review your problems, deduce the fears and find a solution to handle the problems in front of you. Deducing, analyzing, weeding through problems and resources are the key to managing stress. Of course, we have to consider planning, preparing, organizing, lists, and other details when it comes to stress management. Stress can make your life a rewarding place to live, or stress can destroy your nerves, body and mind. Next, we can learn how some medications can cause stress.

  • Medications causing Stress

    Some of us may require medications to relieve stress; however, scientists have recently discovered that some medications cause stress. Effexor XR is prescribed to patients that suffer depression. The patient also has an underlying diagnose and is prone to breaking when stressors trigger stress. Effexor XR is also a medication that treats OCD or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders that often have high degree of stress levels. This medication may work, but if the patient suddenly stops the prescription then the person may endure suicidal tendencies, thoughts, homicidal tendencies, thoughts, and so forth. As you can see, the medication can cause stress since it opens a potential to danger. The stress may be obvious in the patient, but for the people the patients life touches is at risk of high levels of stress. Medications then can cause us all stress in a way since it causes more trouble for our futures. Neurotin is another drug used to treat epileptic seizures, but has been used to treat patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Bipolar and other stress related diagnoses. The medication is currently under investigation since Neurotin has been linked to suicide. It has also caused homicidal thinking. Now we have so-called experts providing patients with stress management solutions that claim to make a person deal with stress. What I am looking at is a failure in the stress management schemes that the so-called experts are providing. Stress management is designed to help us cope with problems, search our minds to find answers to our problems, and prepare us to deal with stressors and stress effectively. I do not see any of this in this picture therefore when you are suffering stress at intolerable levels then you better be questioning the mental health experts of medical experts when medication is involved. Of course, you should never take their word, rather research the marketplace to find out more information about the medications offered to you before agreeing to take the prescription. You have a choice and your choice includes bringing to attention the disasters that the so-called stress management pills bring. Stress management is eliminating problems not adding to them. When the experts are prescribing medications, that is affecting the entire system then we have a real problem. these same people tell us that alcohol and drugs is an increase to stress and only creates additional problems, but the hypocrites need to pluck the needle from their own eyes before they attempt to pluck a needle from someone elses eyes.

    If you are suffering stress, they may be a logical explanation that can be eliminated quickly. Do not assume that you are crazy and head off to a mental health expert until you learn more about your symptoms. Stress is common and we all deal with stress every day. Stress is an influence that constrains the mind from achieving. Stress can cause tension, anxiety, knotting of the stomach, tension to the muscles, cluttering of the mind, and tension to the heart and chest area. If your symptoms last more than a few days or week then you might have a medical problem or else a mental ailment. Be wise and get a physical to eliminate medical before you go to the mental health experts. Not all medications are bad. In fact, Zoloft is great for treating patients with anxiety and depression and is known to have little side affects. It is important to learn your stressors since this can help reduce your stress. Exercise, eating healthy, avoiding chemicals and substances that cause harm and increase stress, and setting up a consistent routine for survival has proven worthy of relieving stress. We all want to learn how to avoid stress rather than adhere to the causes in life that increases our stress level. Obviously, some medications cause stress to the point of death. Personally I will research the marketplace and learn all I can about any medication, mental health diagnose and so forth to stop these experts at the door when they attempt to offer me something that causes more harm

  • than good. These people may have a PHD, Masters or Bachelors but it does not mean they have all the answers. We can next look at stress management techniques that help MPD patients cope.

    MPD Stress Reducers

    The marketplace is saturated with helpful tips to avoid stress. The many articles, books and reports available that offer us tools to cope with stress and minimize stressors are valuable gifts. The problem is the general subjects speak only for the so-called normal society, mentally ill in certain ranges and medically ill. What about the patients diagnosed with MPD-Multiple Personality Disorders? No one has touched this subject to date that I am aware of and since I know the diagnose is factual I am going to write this article specifically for the special people in life with Multiple Personality Disorder. This disorder requires special techniques since stressors and stress can cause the person to alter. When the person alters, amnesia takes control and another personality takes the spot. As you can see this person will have extreme difficulty, following a specific set of stress management techniques, since amnesia is the main symptom and all the personalities have a different life, including behaviors, thoughts, friends and so forth. The mind of alters are often brilliant individuals that have been hurt beyond the capacity that one human being could take. These people had to create a tool or mechanism to help them survive. Therefore, we can toss out the breathing techniques, since most of the personalities will consider themselves as extraordinary and beyond human. This means they do not always recognize that they are human beings, since all of these types were dehumanized beyond reality. It is next to impossible to set up a stress management scheme that will work for this diagnose, since we are dealing with more than one person in one body. The person probably already has a degree of exercise set up in their life, since some of the alters like to dance, while others may lift weights. We need to establish techniques that can keep the individual on a routine diet that provides healthful nutrition. Since diet plays a large role in our medical and mental state, then dieting plans can benefit this person immensely. This specific diagnose often endures timeframes where anorexia and bulimia take control of the person on the spot. We also need stress management techniques that helps the person avoid triggers that forces amnesia and this causes altering to take place. Multiple Personality Disorder patients often have special gifts including sharing pain, sixth senses, and other abilities beyond normal that creates a measurable amount of stress. It is important that people with this diagnose set up a routine sleeping habit, since most are unaware of what they do or say when altering takes place. It is important that each personality hear the stress management techniques to help them find a source of relief. In most instances, if a therapist tells the personality how to do something they generally comply. Integration eventually must take place for this type to enjoying a peaceful life. It is also important to help the patient see that they are now safe and ask them to repeat this daily. We need a stress management scheme that also helps the patient to construct their memories and this will need careful consideration, since these patients are survivors of prolonged abuse and neglect. As you can see stress, management is blown away when you consider Multiple Personality Disorders. It is often difficult for these types since very little help is available to them. Unfortunately, shallow minded individuals saturate the system and more than not disbelieve this diagnose exists. However, I am aware of this diagnose and now that these people will reach out quicker than anyone of the so-called normal to find help to relieve their symptoms and stress. Stress and stressors are the leading cause that interrupts these peoples life. Therefore, it is more important that these people are treated by a qualified counselor and avoid medicating these people since it often causes more harm than good. Only an inexperienced therapist will try to induce medications on these people. Therefore, we see

  • that stress management schemes with medications included does not work here. We also need a stress management scheme that promotes hope, since in most cases hope is non-existing. The only effective solution then is bringing these experts into a state of mind and helps them to understand these types, since they are people too. MPD patients can also benefit from music.

    Music Soothing Stress

    Music is helpful for soothing stress. When a person is overwhelmed by stress, they often feel like a victim in a continuing storm. When a person feels down and out they often neglect responsibilities, fail to do their best, and ponder over their problems using the emotions to weigh them down. The sound of music can often help us to appreciate the finer things in life. If you are ready to get started relieving stress then have a seat in a comfortable area of the room and let your mind wander, focusing on nothing bad. Place a set of headphones over your ears, choosing your favorite tunes and rock and roll with the band. Singing along with the musicians is also helpful for relieving stress. Pretend you are a musician in a band and ready to entertain the world. Pretend that everyone loves your music and voice and let the lyrics flow. JamJamJam. After you do this for a short while, you will feel the tension release from your body and mind. Let the music take you in and keep you until you feel you got it all under control. If you like to dance then by all means, do so. This is great for relieving stress since you are exercising the body and mind. Dance the night away if you choose, just do not forget that you have obligations and loose track of the time. Rest is also important to relieving or minimizing stressors that cause stress. You have the floor so hold it like it is gold. You belong in this world of fantasy, fun and illusion. The sound is pounding in your head de-voiding you of any thoughts that causes your stress to override the night. Feel the beat as you listen to the sounds and allow it to take you into a problem-free environment. If you are not having fun yet then your stress level is in full control. How much better can it get than leaving the world and its problems behind temporarily to find a source of peace? Your mind is free, your body is flawless of tension and your world is fabulous. Great fun for everyone! There are many types of music in existence, but mostly what we enjoy is the best technique for relieving stress. If you prefer to listen to music without sound, then lie back on your bed, kick out your feet and let the music take you into a journey of fantasy. Soundless music is great for relaxing the mind and often puts us to sleep where problems are buried in the subconscious mind temporarily. Hey, I know it is hard and everyone of us has to deal with stress. The upside is stress is useful when we keep a positive outlook on life. We can vision our self in a world of fun and entertainment or we can vision our self in a troublesome world. There are many techniques for relieving stress but I found that music helps everyone that is suffering stress more efficiently than any other source. The gift of music provides us a release and a source for getting in touch with our creative and artistic side. You may claim you cannot draw, write, or even dance but when you let the music set you free then you might find yourself on a Big Screen TV dancing for a major band. Do not underestimate your abilities or talents. Music is a feeling and feelings are emotions. Therefore, music puts you in touch with your feelings and emotions. Now get up on the floor and dance like a stark raving manic if you like.

    Finally, we can look back through the history of music and see how music has helped millions relieve stress. The musicians might feel overwhelmed but in thousands of homes worldwide, their music set someone elses mind free. Music teaches us to let go of things that are out of our control and helps us to learn how others think, feel and believe. We can hear between the lines that everyone has stress when we listen to the thousands of voices blaring music in our ears. Obsolete stress is impossible, but minimizing stress is healthy.

  • Obsolete Stress

    Obsolete stress is no longer useful or available when a person dies. That is right you can never terminate stress permanently since stress plays a large role in our lives. Understanding stress can help us to cope with the symptoms. If we have a busy schedule, we know that stress can creep in at any time. There is not one day in a lifetime that does not present stressors that instigate stress, so instead of thinking obsolete learn to manage. If you have, a busy schedule and feel like the world is tumbling down on your shoulders you might want to review your demands. If you make a list of tasks and mark them off handling each task one by one then you can minimize stress since after the first task the rest is often easier. Lists provide us an inclination, a craving to listen and a master plan. The list will remind us that we have responsibilities. Therefore, lists can help us to stay focused. If our mind is cluttered it increases our chance of meeting overwhelming stress. The list can help us to focus, while eliminating expectations. When people expect more of us than we can handle, or when we expect more of our self than we can deal with it often increases stress. Stress may not hit at the moment, but somewhere down the road, you will break if you are overwhelmed with expectations. The world is a crazy place to live, since everyone expects us to act in similarity and uphold the same beliefs as the majority. Therefore, we already have unrealistic demands so why add to the list of expectations. Now that we have an understanding about lists and how lists can benefit us, we can move forward and learn a few helpful tips to cope with stress. Fear is our master. Fear is healthy when we learn that fear is respect or a profound awe toward a specific danger. Fear becomes the master when we allow fear to control our lives. We allow fear to take control by failing to see clearly. If you can fear as a stressor, you can then examine your mind searching for any fears that determines your coping abilities to manage stress. You may be able to manage stress now but if you do not examine your self and weed out the fears then you will endure stressful situations in your future. One of the best techniques for locating fears is to learn how to use your subconscious mind and understand it. The subconscious mind is where your fears are often hidden blinding your conscious mind of the information available to help you cope with stress. The subconscious mind is the mental activities and is the point a psychological or physiological result develops. Underneath this powerful source is a wealth of information waiting to explode. When the subconscious mind is ignored and misunderstood our stress level increases. If you are ready to learn a technique that can help, you get in touch with your subconscious mind to learn about your fears (stressor) then have a sit in a comfortable area of the room. Close you eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax your nerves. If you are feeling tension, pressure, anxious, or aggravating do not start the technique yet. It is important to get your body and mind totally relaxed before starting the stress management technique. If you are still stressed then practice a few stretching exercises to relieve your tension. After you are relaxed, you can return to your comfortable area, take a few deep breaths, close your eyes and vision yourself in an open room. Try to call up your past going as far back as you can and review your life looking for problems and how you dealt with the problems. Think of the worst events in your life, or the most stupid action you did when you were a child. Scope the scenes carefully analyzing all angles of the account. After you finish reviewing search for any hidden fears that may instigate stress in your futureAre you afraid of heights? Are you afraid of disease? Are you afraid of death? After you locate your fears carefully consider all

  • logics and illogic ideas you have to see if your fears are worth stressing your out for the rest of your life. Next, we can learn the problems that increase stress.

    Problems Increasing Stress We all have our share of problems without having to worry about all the

    problems that the system brings us. Common problems include financial obligations, family stressors, relationships stressors, and so forth. We often learn how to cope with our stress while growing, but some of us missed the benefits of full development. We have poverty, wars, crime, and other stressors that make it difficult to think positive, therefore, we need to learn stress management techniques that help us to cope with stress by reducing the stressors. We can do this by making good decisions, practicing healthy tasks, exercising, eating healthy foods, and avoiding negative stressors that present a risk to us. We know most of us have no control over wars and other political rites, since society will often sit down and wait for others to handle the major problems in life and alone we cannot protest the troubles. Therefore, if we have no control why bother worry about something that is going to happen regardless of how we think. Why stress over problems that are not in your hand when you have a full plate already. Problems are existing and learning to accept the problems as they come our way can help us to reduce our stress. We can also review our life to see if areas of our behaviors and thinking play a part in our decisions and the results of our mistakes. We are imperfect human beings so it is impossible to make good decisions all the time, however, it is not impossible to make good decisions most of the time. When we make bad decisions negative results follows in series. This is when problems are increasing stress, since stressors are accumulating. We can look at examples to understanding the process of making bad decisions and reduce stress by staying focused on the results. A young man has a history of sleeping around with a number of women. He has two children in which he is paying child support each week and twins on the way. Now this might appear fun for this young man, but his bad decisions lead to more bad decisions that resulted for him to pay out his earnings for the remainder of his life. His decisions affected many lives, since now we have single parents, and children that may or may not know their father. What a chaotic situation for making one bad decision. The persons have life to go with many stressors along the path. We know that marriage is the only answer to avoiding problems in our life to the magnitude of sleeping around brings. Life is already troublesome so why add more problems to your life and possibly the life of others. If you are experience stress then you might want to write up a list of thoughts, emotions, actions taking, problems, decisions made and so forth for review. Search the list looking for areas that you may have the ability to change to eliminate problems. For example, assume you went out to visit a friend and a fight broke out at his place. Is there something you could have done differently to avoid this problem? IS your friend prone to associating with persons that are troublesome? If so, you know that avoiding this type of association could have spared you the trouble of dealing with the law as a witness and engaging in violence to help your friend. Maybe you made a decision in your life that changed your life forever. Assuming you made a decision to drop out of high school in your younger years. The world has changed dramatically making it virtually impossible to survive without a degree. Now you know that this decision presented a major problem for your life, but there is an answer to the problem. If you make a wise decision and take, courses to get your degree you have a chance of a better future and the ability to reduce your problems avoiding stress. You can see clearly that most problems can be minimized by making wise choices. When you make the choice to complete school your self-esteem, confidence and other

  • personal needs, increase and your chances of surviving an expensive world can become successful. We also need to learn how to record our stress.

    Recording Stress and Stressors

    When we feel stress, it is often because a stressor presented a potential threat. When stress is overwhelming it hinders our ability to see a way out of the situation. Recording your thoughts and emotions can help you to find a source of relief, since you can look back to see what you were thinking at the time the stressor occurred and what you did to handle the situation. Your thoughts and emotions should be recorded and reviewed daily to help you understand how stress can be minimized. Take a few minutes out of each day to record and review your situations to see if there are areas that you can focus on and help you learn from your mistakes. You can also record an expectation list writing down the list of expectation placed on your self. If you are saying I have to be at work by 7am then you are placing an expectation on your self. Of course this is a responsibility, but you are telling your self that you cannot be trusted if you do not stay focused on the hour you must be at work. As you can see doubt is in the picture so a list can help us to minimize our thinking patterns and learn to trust our self. You will need to learn self-talk techniques, since lists are designed to make us think. When you see an area in question that causes you stress then decide if this can be eliminated. Do you need to remind your self-daily that you must be at work by 7am? Have you failed to meet your bosss expectations in the past? Are you responsible? If you are responsible and have not let your boss down then why are you worry about something that has not arrived yet? As you can see self-talk plays a large part in recording your stress and stressors. Self-talk is having the ability or skill to rely on your efforts without another individual instructing you. Self-talk can help you get in touch with your emotions and understand your self-better since the subconscious will become active. We are going to make a list of expectations and perform self-talk techniques to help you grasp hold of the potentials when you practice the techniques. I have to be at the bank before five or I am in big trouble. We can pull out the words have to and big trouble since these is major stressors that cause stress. Can we reword this to provide us a more effective source for minimizing stress? Yes, we can. I really need to make it to the bank by five so that I can take care of my responsibilities, however, if this is not possible I will try to get this done the first thing in the morning. We still have expectation, however we are aware of our demand, but realize we may not have the choice to get the task completed today. Therefore, we are not putting a high demand on our self and realize that we have a degree of control and a means to handle the task now or later. Now we can strike the negative from the sentence and offer our self a more relaxing mind. If I am late tomorrow for my appointment, someone is going to be mad at me. This sentence poses stressors that causes stress, since we are threatening our emotions, by telling our self that expectations are risky and that we lack the ability to meet appointments. We can reword the sentence for a more relaxing approach. First, take a piece of paper and write down the hour you are expected to meet your appointment. Place the reminder note in an area that you visit regularly. Next reword the sentence to I created my self a reminder list so I am out of harms way since I have control of the situation. Why does a person have to be so irresponsible? If you see this sentence presents a worry since you are focusing on something that is out of your control. Some people are irresponsible, but not everyone is irresponsible. Therefore, we can drop the generalized statement in the sentence and say,

  • some people are so irresponsible, I am glad we are not all this way. Recording stress and stressors and learning self-talk techniques is where stress management works best. Relating to stress can help us find a way to manage.

    Relating to Stress

    I cant take it no more the voices in your head scream out in anger. It has to stop somewhere. Why am I going through this? If one worse thing happens to me, I am going to jump off a bridge. Does this sound familiar, if so then you are stressed at your limits and you need stress management. IT is time to sit down and relax your mind. If there is nothing you can do now to relieve your problems then do not give up, rather prevent stress from causing you harm. When a person feels over stressed, it affects the heart, mind, and body in many ways. Stress is going to happen, but we can find a way to minimize the source. Learning and relating to stress is the only possible solution for managing stress, unless you are made of steel. After you rest for a while, clearing your mind then you can take a few deep breaths and review your problem carefully weeding through the details. Are your bills due and the funds low? Is your banking account nearing overdrafts? Is your childs behaviors causing you stress? Decide what the problems are and review them one at a time to see if you can pull up resources that can benefit you and minimize stress. We know that the list is stressors, since it causes anxiety, tension, depression, pressure, and so forth. Therefore, we need to find a way to minimize the stressors. Maybe there is no solution now; however, it is not the end of the world. You might be expecting money from your job and the check is late, so you know the money is coming. This should provide some relief. However, bank overdrafts have consequences and sometimes the price is high. Now we have a real stress factor in front of us. What can we do? Can we borrow money from a friend or family member? NO. Then can we find a way to make a few extra bucks to hold the bank off until the check arrives? Maybe. What if we cannot find the money to cover the checking accountthen we might be in trouble. The trouble however is not life threatening, it only sits us back temporarily. This means we have to budget in the future to prevent this from happening again. Sometimes there are no answers to our problems. Unless the problem is life threatening then worry is only causing more problems, since negative stress affects our body and mind. If you mind is chaotic and your body is fighting to control the stress, then it will take all your energy and turn it into a health issue eventually. If you cannot change your situation, now then worry is not the