

Which strategies are used by social activists to shift the balance?

To be a feminist in 2017 is still walking a thin line

Yet, no matter the critics, there is still plenty of work to do

To prepare people to this world, we carve them into boxes

We trap people into narratives

Even our meta stories are biased.The Matrix goes very deep

And when our stories are about women, it is through the male gaze

But what do they see?

Toxic masculinity shooting people everywhere

We are reaching the limits of our system

So what can we do?

We need to start acting at individual level

What is the story you want to tell about yourself?

And then at collective level, what are the strategies we can use?

Strat #1: Humour

Her response to discovering that she only earns 78 percent of what her male colleagues earn is simple: shell only do 78 percent of her work. Easy!

Strat #2: Small claims

Strat #3: Naming


Strat #4: Street actions

In Pakistan

Strat #5: Speak up

Strat #6: Spread best practices. Concrete tips and manuals

Strat #7: New superpowerTrain women in a new skill


Strat #8: Leverage the power of the crowd

Strat #9: Use technology


Strat #10: The power of the image



Strat #11: Leverage new mediaPodcasts, newsletters, graphic design, youtube channel, buzzfeed, AJ+, ATTN short videos, Social media campaigns

The ultimate strategy #12: change the stories!

We need more female storytellers

We need more stories of loving and caring men

Because at the end of the day