Page 1: Stradbally Tidy Towns and Biodiversity

Stradbally and Biodiversity

Stephen McCormack Stradbally Tidy Towns [email protected]

Page 2: Stradbally Tidy Towns and Biodiversity

Biodiversity Action Plan 2010-12 Local Heritage Grant from Heritage Council Raise awareness walks and talks, printed material and signage school visits Biodiversity inventory surveys – habitats and species Create a biodiversity map Create a biodiversity action plan (BAP) Launch it

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Wildlife Walk, wildflower walk, dawn chorus, explore the shore, school visits

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Southern polypody

Polypodium cambricum

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Stradbally is the only

site in county

Waterford for this

rare plant, Mackay’s


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Bat walks + bat boxes in each school An Taisce Green communities

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Launch of Biodiversity Action Plan - Art Session with Don Conroy

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Silver-washed fritillary

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Daubenton’s Bat

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[email protected] Find Stradbally on facebook

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