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Page 1: Storyboard

A view of the moon in the night sky.

Name of the production/studios comes up at the front of the moon.

The girl is sleeping in bed.

Zooms out as she’s sleeping in bed.

She moves/turns over as she’s asleep.

Alarm starts beeping.

Page 2: Storyboard

Close up of the hands turning off the alarm clock.

Then Suddenly the door shuts.

She instantly wakes up

She looks at the door suspiciously.

Her facial expressions look confused/concerned.

There is a blackout, which means it fades to black, continuing to the next scene.

Page 3: Storyboard

She waits at the bustop for the bus.

She then gets on the bus. She sits down in the bus.

A view of Sainsbury's is seen from the bus.

Close up of the sign ‘bus stop’.

She presses the bell.

Page 4: Storyboard

Killer’s hand is also seen at the top of her hand as she presses the bell, indicating that he is present behind her and holding unto the bus.

She gets off the bus (close up of her feet)

She’s at the bus stop while the bus leaves, waiting to cross the road.

She enters Sainsbury's. She goes into the lift whilst the killer goes up the stairs.

She’s in the lift.

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Killer waits for her in front of the lift.

Killer enters the lift, while the girl in already in the lift. They are both now present in the lift.

She constantly presses the buttons in the lift all of a sudden, as she thinks of the man being quite suspicious.

Close up of her concerned/worried facial expression.

Close up of killer’s eyes, as he leaves the lift (One brown eye, one red eye)

Shot taken sideways with a close up of the killer’s mouth (stitches drawn on).

Page 6: Storyboard

Killer gets out of lift with blood on shoes and the girls bag, indicating that he has killed her and left her behind.

Title/credits then appears.