
It all began with a magical night in designer

Cinzia Moniaci's hometown of Torino, Italy. This is a picture she took during the spectacular celebration

of the patron of the city. The moonlight was overshadowed by a waterfall of fireworks

pouring into the river Po...

...inspired, Cinzia drove from the North of Italy down to the factories where she makes her ideas come to life, in the center of Italy...

..driving through the countryside she took several shots of the beautifully manicured hills that lead to the amazing

places where she produces her handbags...

..she went to her office

in the heart of the sample production facility and began to draw and look

through the pages of magazines to find

possible treatments that could be applied to

leather and convey the idea of a new way to interpret fringe in a cascade of luxurious


...she ran across the image of the collar

of an organza shirt evocative of "dandy" and found a way to reproduce

the seductive movement of it in leather. She chose the prototype in

canvas of a very simple handbag body as the base of her design...

...only the best leathers were chosen and cut by hand...

...a day later the

Cascade and Blossom clutch (but that's another story ;-)

were born and the trick was to make sure they

could withstand the washing and dying

techniques typical of the Moni Moni

"vintageing" process...

...after being handsewn, washed and tinted in the new beautiful neautral shades of the 2010 spring season, the

"Cascade" was born and ready to wear by girls and moms

all over the world...

...and by Hollywood celebrities alike ;-)