Page 1: Stillness Junior School Newsletter 2020... · 2015-10-13 · UNICEF: Article 23: (children with disability) A child with a disability has the right to live a full and decent life

Value of the Month: Self-belief

Welcome Back

I would like to welcome everyone back for the

start of the spring term.

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas break and

return feeling refreshed and ready for the start of

the spring term.

Please remember that we do offer free porridge

every morning between 8.45am and 8.50am for

the children to enjoy.

I take this opportunity to thank you all for your

continued support and I am sure that together

2020 will be even more successful than 2019.

Yours sincerely

Mrs M Nichol


Stillness on Instagram

Keep up to date with all the news and updates at

Stillness by following us on Instagram.

Check out photos from school; have a peek

behind the scenes for a preview of what the

children and staff are working on.

Elvis, our visitor from Lapland, as returned

home after the month of mischief he caused in

the school throughout December!

UNICEF: UNICEF: UNICEF: UNICEF: Article 23: (children with disability)

A child with a disability has the right to live a full and decent life in

conditions that promote dignity, independence and an active role in the

community. Governments must do all they can to provide free care and

assistance to children with disability.



If you wish to contribute to the newsletter, the

deadline to submit your articles for the next

publication is the penultimate week of every



Lewisham Food Bank Christmas Appeal

Thank you to everyone who kindly sent in donations

for this year’s Lewisham Food Bank Christmas


The items were put into Santa sacks by the Stillness

Elves (!) and collected by Carol Bostridge

(Lewisham Food Bank) on Friday, 13 December

2019 to be distributed to families over the festive


Carol will be coming in to talk to all the children in

January about the donations and the local families

that benefitted from everyone’s generosity.

Thank you.

Stillness Junior School

Newsletter January 2019

Page 2: Stillness Junior School Newsletter 2020... · 2015-10-13 · UNICEF: Article 23: (children with disability) A child with a disability has the right to live a full and decent life


Before the Christmas holidays a variety of

events took place that were made possible

with the help and support of a number of


Thank you to Father Bates for opening his

beautiful Church for the whole school to come

together for a service and to sing some of our

favourite carols.

A special thank you to “teams SCA and

FOSI” and all the parents and carers who

came together to put on a Christmas singalong

and Christmas fair. We are sure you would all

agree – it was a lovely afternoon and a great

prelude to the Christmas festivities!

Thank you to everyone who came in to help

serve the children and their teachers Christmas

dinner this year – your help really was


Also thank you to Chartwells and SCA/FOSI

for kindly providing all the children with

plastic free crackers this year!

Thank you also to all the parents and carers who

supported all of these events and helped to make

them such a success.

And last but not least, thank you to Chef Cleveland

and his staff for providing the children with a

lovely Christmas dinner; they cooked over 500

dinners and were still able to smile at the end (just


More photographs available to view on the school


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Page 3: Stillness Junior School Newsletter 2020... · 2015-10-13 · UNICEF: Article 23: (children with disability) A child with a disability has the right to live a full and decent life


Another big “shout-out” to our wonderful “team

SCA” who kindly paid for the children to enjoy

an in-house Christmas production of The Snow


The children and staff thoroughly enjoyed the

show and it definitely brought some early

Christmas cheer to Brockley Rise.

Thank you “team SCA”.

Stillness Elections

As some of you may be aware Stillness were

holding our own Junior Elections alongside the

General Elections. The children who wanted to

be a part of a party registered and were randomly

selected to join. Manifestos were drawn up and

the children went canvasing around school. The

children voted on our own polling day on 13

December 2019, and the school council did a

great job running it.

The whole process was a great success and it was

great to see the children (and parents) engaged in

school and via Instagram. The winning party

was the “Tomorrow Party”.

Thank you everyone who took part!

Miss K Liston

Curriculum Intent Statement

At Stillness Junior School we have designed our

curriculum with the following main goals in


• To encourage pupils to become ambitious,

curious learners who can make a positive

contribution to the school and local


• To develop pupils’ skills and knowledge by

providing a coherent, progressive


• To build rich ‘cultural capital’

• To ensure learning experiences are

memorable and aid long-term retention

• To develop word power among our pupils

so they are well equipped with a wide range

of vocabulary

If you feel we have omitted any goals, please let

us know!

Please visit our website for further information:

Farewell to Mrs Savage

It was with great sadness that the staff and

children said farewell to Mrs Savage before the

Christmas break.

Mrs Savage has worked at Stillness Junior School

for 11 years.

She worked in the classroom as a teaching

assistant for some of those years, was a lunch

time supervisor and also accompanied the

children in Y4 for their swimming classes.

Mrs Savage was extremely kind and very popular

with the children and staff alike and will be


A big thank you also to Coach Ross and

Coach Gilbert who came to say goodbye looking

extremely handsome in their dinner suits! Move

over James Bond…!

We wish Mrs Savage a long and healthy

retirement and thank her for all her hard work.

Playground Apparatus

Please do not let your children climb on any

apparatus before or after school. As they are not

supervised by school staff, they are not covered

on our school insurance.

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Page 4: Stillness Junior School Newsletter 2020... · 2015-10-13 · UNICEF: Article 23: (children with disability) A child with a disability has the right to live a full and decent life

Stillness Sports Page

Netball Club

Stillness netball club were given the opportunity to take

part in Lewisham Games High 5 Netball Tournament,

although this is not the same 7 aside netball they are

used to playing buty a different rotating 5-aside version,

they were all up for the challenge. We were fortunate

enough to enter two teams into this thrilling new

competition. The teams had excellent attitudes and

sportsmanship all day despite the change in the weather

and having to play in the rain!

Both teams last game of the day ended with a win, which

really showed how quickly they had got used to the

different format and worked together as a team!

One of our teams came third and the other team fourth.

Well done Stillness netball: Aisha Lulu, Nancy, Evie,

Isla, Dasy, Ciara Shylah, Lena, Elkie, Layla, Olive,

Emma, Meredith, Amy, Zoe and Fritha.

The Daily Mile

This academic year we have introduced an exciting,

competitive new competition, the “Stillness Junior

Daily Mile Challenge”. In this competition, all

classes from all year groups are competing against

each other to uphold the most laps completed round

the daily mile track.

This competition will run all the way through till the

end of the academic year, where the class with the

most amounts of laps run will win an exciting trip

with their whole class and class teacher.

Every Friday the week’s top four classes are

announced in assembly, so ensure you ask you

children how the competition is going!

This is a great initiative to get the children (and staff)

active and fit, so let’s keep it up everyone!

Page 5: Stillness Junior School Newsletter 2020... · 2015-10-13 · UNICEF: Article 23: (children with disability) A child with a disability has the right to live a full and decent life

Year 6: Slowglobe by Amy Wilson

Stillness School Plants Trees!

On January 24th Stillness School will be taking

part in Just One Tree’s grow a forest challenge.

Trees are vital to our local and global ecosystem,

they clean the air we breathe, filter the water we

drink, prevent soil erosion and flooding, give life to

the world's wildlife. They also absorb carbon from

the air -- excess carbon is one of the main causes of

climate change. Scientists tell us that, along with

cutting our carbon output, planting more trees may

be one of the best ways to manage our climate and

ecological crisis.

Just One Tree is a non-profit initiative focused on

planting trees in areas that have suffered severe

deforestation such as Madagascar, which only has

10% of its original forests remaining. Along with

helping to stabilize our climate, the trees planted

help to revive the natural habitat, protect

endangered species, provide jobs and improve the

quality of life for the local communities.

On Friday, January 24th, children are invited to

come to school dressed as a tree or wearing brown

and green clothing and to donate to Just One Tree.

With £1 you can plant one tree!

Karin and Stillness Eco Warrier!

Dinner Money

The cost of a school dinner is £2.30 per day.

The dinner money 7 January 2020 to 14 February

2019 will be £66.70. Can parents/carers please make

every effort to pay in advance.

To improve the service we provide, Stillness Junior

School is a cashless school and does not accept

cheques or cash as payment.

This can be done online using a very secure website called ParentPay. You all have your individual ID

and Password to access this facility.

Please note: if you wish to change your child from

packed lunch to school dinners or vice versa please

inform the school office in writing to avoid being

charged. Children can only change this option at

half term break.

Please Note: Dinner accounts that are more than

one week overdue or in arrears will result in your

child having to bring in a packed lunch or going

home for their lunch.

Stillness Junior School Website/Instagram

We are pleased to inform parents/carers that we work

extremely hard to ensure that our website is up to date.

Please take a minute to have a look and catch up with

the latest news and holiday dates.

Stillness Junior School is also on Instagram.

If you do not wish photographs of your child/ren to

be posted on this website, on Instagram, in the

school newsletter or in articles that may be

published in the press, please notify the school

office in writing.

Upcoming Diary Dates:


7.1.120 – Children return to school

20.1.20 – Parents Evening

21.1.20 – Parents Evening

24.1.20 – Just One Tree Grow a Forest Day

31.1.20 – RE Day

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