Page 1: Stewarding and Maximizing the “New Wave” of the World Prayer Assembly

Envisioning the Future Together

Stewarding and Maximizing the “New Wave” of the World

Prayer Assembly

Page 2: Stewarding and Maximizing the “New Wave” of the World Prayer Assembly

How can we work together under the leadership of the Holy Spirit to steward and facilitate the flow of the “New Wave” from the WPA throughout the Earth?

What is the Lord of the Church saying to us about the best way to go forward with all three generations working and praying together?

Stewarding the “New Wave”

Page 3: Stewarding and Maximizing the “New Wave” of the World Prayer Assembly

Challenges for the future – unfinished business

Global gates & international cities God's strategy for the 'dark places' Technology & language for prayer information Prayer support Finance – Transformation foundation Seeing events as part of a process Identifying objectives and measuring fruitfulness What is our 'calling'? Priorities for next 5 years Stewarding the “New Wave” Wineskin for tri-generational global praying

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1. Indonesia, “the Asian nation God has chosen to be the epicentre for the world-impacting global revival” (Dr. Leslie Keegel)

Model of unity, humility and connection of Christ’s Body in prayer and action

2.”The great move will start at the WPA and cascade to the nations…God-ordained movement orchestrating a global revival…on crest of wave emerging into a new global move of the Holy Spirit…a new emerging wave of fresh young global leadership”

Indonesia’s Role

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3. To WPA leadership team- “You will lead with confidence, assurance and boldness to mentor a new generation of emerging leaders to gather the end time harvest.”

4. The WPA is the Womb, birthing forth and depositing, imparting His seed, power into individuals…the place of conception…a holistic wave of prayer and action…The enemy will seek to abort it. (L. Loo, Malaysia)

Prophetic words to WPA

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To see Christ’s Church renewed and our world transformed by Holy Spirit-empowered, globally connected prayer and mission efforts for the glory of the Lord

A Developing VisionKey Objective

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1) To work with the Lord and one another to raise up a global movement of transformational prayer for the spiritual revival of the church, reinvigoration of the mission movement, and reformation of the marketplace.

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2) To especially focus on nurturing, mobilizing and connecting youth and children worldwide through prayer so they become leaders for Christ’s cause in church, mission and marketplace.

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Main Partners  IPC, World Prayer Assembly International Coordination Team especially with Youth and Children’s Tracks, Indonesian and Korean national committees, plus prayer, mission and marketplace networks and renewal movements sharing a similar vision who want to take this journey with us.

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Some stepping stones towardsthe fulfillment of Habakkuk 2:14:  1. Convene a “New Wave” Strategic Prayer Consultation, October 24-27, Hong Kong. WPA and IPC leadership with WPA youth track, other youth leaders and Children in Prayer leaders to seek and hear from God together Acts 13-style and to plan for the future of the international prayer movement. (Done!)

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2. Form a World Prayer Coalition

Bring together prayer and renewal movement leadership from all Christian traditions (Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox) in ongoing, coordinated prayer for our world in fulfillment of Jesus’ prayer “that we may be one as He and the Father are one” so the world will come to know the Lord.

Please PRAY for Global Christian Forum and this

process now. Lord, bring it forth according to your will and way!

Habakkuk 2:14 Stepping Stones

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3. Encourage existing networks to arrange regional prayer assemblies uniting adults, youth and children to pray for their regions inter-generationally in follow-on to the WPA (2013-2017 and beyond):

1) Connect national and regional prayer ministries and networks to become an integrated movement in each region

2) Pray for regional and national issues for His breakthrough

3) Connect mission and marketplace 4) Connect three generations to nurture and

encourage youth and children as partners and present/future leaders

5) Carry out strategies for mission that God gives through corporate listening and deliberation

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4. Hold a Children in Prayer Global Consultation (2014)

To extend and multiply the CiP movement worldwide by connecting children and those adults involved in CiP internationally

5. Arrange an International Youth Prayer Assembly (2015)

Planned by youth to mobilize and connect youth in prayer worldwide (age 15-29)

Vision 2020 Stepping Stones

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6. Organize a second World Prayer Assembly (2017?)

1) Facilitate and steward the “New Wave” of the Spirit in the global prayer movement, continuing towards fulfillment of Habakkuk 2:14 and John 17:21. 2) Learn from and build upon the the last WPA (2012), linking more prayer, mission and marketplace ministries from those 86 nations that participated in 2012 plus over 100 additional nations that not yet been able to participate.

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7. Coordinate and connect “New Wave” action plans and partners

Provide leadership and coordination for WPA 2012 participants and follow-on process, implementing Holy Spirit-given strategies and action plans to deepen and expand the international prayer movement until it covers every nation, connecting all three generations and undergirding mission and marketplace ministry efforts throughout the world.

Stepping Stones for Global Revival and Transformation!

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1. “New Wave” planning/coordinating team with youth, children and IPC/WPA leadership continue Skyping, praying and deliberating and reporting back

2. Meet next year at the United Nations or in a regional prayer gathering (Middle East) to continue process

3. Appoint media/technology team to extend tri-generational prayer

Suggested Next Steps

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4. That youth and children as point of the arrow begin planning world youth and children’s prayer assemblies with support and involvement from all three generations

5. Form a task force uniting people with special expertise to focus on prayer deliverance for global spiritual strongholds (eg. Mecca/ kaaba, Freemasonic “New World Order” network, Lucis Trust, etc. and for global gates (UN, World Econ Forum, IMF, etc.)

Next Steps

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6. Work on gradual generational transfer of management, coordination and organization to 50’s, 40’s and 30’s leaders so seniors (over 60) can be “light as a feather” to provide encouragement, support, counsel and availability as mentors when desired

7. Create a global, interdenominational eldership or “council” (Jer. 23:18,22; Acts 13:1-3) to listen to God, watch and pray and be a corporate prophetic voice for Him

Next Steps

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1. Seeds sown through prayer, unity and the power of the Spirit that become immense in their impact through His multiplication (Matthew 13:31-32)

2. Great river with tributaries flowing together towards the sea (Habakkuk 2:14) e.g. Amazon

Prayer movement connecting and uniting mission and marketplace efforts worldwide

Two Images

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1. Prayerfully expect the Lord to continue speaking to us.

2. Cover this group and process in regular prayer for protection and guidance.

3. Send any words, impressions, suggestions to Carla Harding and Isaac Lee with copy to Brian Mills and John Robb

4. Pray and trust God for Ephesians 3:20!5. Carry and share the vision for the tri-

generational prayer movement widely!

Prayer and Further Input
