Page 1: Stevedoring Industry Award [MA000053] Pay Guide

1 Effective: 01/07/2021 Published: 01/07/2021

Pay Guide - Stevedoring Industry Award


Published 01 July 2021

Pay rates change from 1 July each year, the rates in this guide apply from 01 July 2021.

Information about the definition and operation of allowances, penalties and overtime can be found in the award and the Pay and Conditions Tool.

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Page 2: Stevedoring Industry Award [MA000053] Pay Guide

2 Effective: 01/07/2021 Published: 01/07/2021

Rates of pay

Adult If Electrician's licence or Operational and clerical allowances apply, please use the Pay and Conditions Tool to calculate minimum rates, penalties and


Full-time & part-time

Table 1 of 5

Classification Weekly pay rate

Hourly pay rate Day shift - Saturday

Day shift - Sunday

Evening shift - Monday to Friday

Evening shift - Saturday

Evening shift - Sunday

Grade 1 $772.60 $22.07 $44.14 $55.18 $33.11 $44.14 $55.18

Grade 2 $800.80 $22.88 $45.76 $57.20 $34.32 $45.76 $57.20

Grade 3 $843.40 $24.10 $48.20 $60.25 $36.15 $48.20 $60.25

Grade 4 $893.00 $25.51 $51.02 $63.78 $38.27 $51.02 $63.78

Grade 5 $911.70 $26.05 $52.10 $65.13 $39.08 $52.10 $65.13

Grade 6 $972.20 $27.78 $55.56 $69.45 $41.67 $55.56 $69.45

Grade 7 $1,094.60 $31.27 $62.54 $78.18 $46.91 $62.54 $78.18

Table 2 of 5

Classification Night shift - Saturday

Night shift - Sunday to Friday

Overtime - Monday to Saturday - day work

Overtime - Sunday and public holidays - day work

Overtime continuous with shift - evening shift - Monday to Friday

Overtime continuous with shift - day or evening shift - Saturday

Overtime continuous with shift - day or evening shift - Sunday

Grade 1 $55.18 $44.14 $44.14 $55.18 $55.18 $66.21 $77.25

Grade 2 $57.20 $45.76 $45.76 $57.20 $57.20 $68.64 $80.08

Grade 3 $60.25 $48.20 $48.20 $60.25 $60.25 $72.30 $84.35

Grade 4 $63.78 $51.02 $51.02 $63.78 $63.78 $76.53 $89.29

Grade 5 $65.13 $52.10 $52.10 $65.13 $65.13 $78.15 $91.18

Grade 6 $69.45 $55.56 $55.56 $69.45 $69.45 $83.34 $97.23

Grade 7 $78.18 $62.54 $62.54 $78.18 $78.18 $93.81 $109.45

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3 Effective: 01/07/2021 Published: 01/07/2021

Table 3 of 5

Classification Overtime continuous with shift - night shift - Saturday

Overtime continuous with shift - night shift - Sunday to Friday

Overtime not continuous with shift - Monday to Saturday - shiftworker

Overtime not continuous with shift - Sunday - shiftworker

Overtime continuous with shift - public holiday - day and evening shift

Overtime continuous with shift - public holiday - night shift

Public holiday

Grade 1 $77.25 $66.21 $44.14 $55.18 $77.25 $88.28 $55.18

Grade 2 $80.08 $68.64 $45.76 $57.20 $80.08 $91.52 $57.20

Grade 3 $84.35 $72.30 $48.20 $60.25 $84.35 $96.40 $60.25

Grade 4 $89.29 $76.53 $51.02 $63.78 $89.29 $102.04 $63.78

Grade 5 $91.18 $78.15 $52.10 $65.13 $91.18 $104.20 $65.13

Grade 6 $97.23 $83.34 $55.56 $69.45 $97.23 $111.12 $69.45

Grade 7 $109.45 $93.81 $62.54 $78.18 $109.45 $125.08 $78.18

Table 4 of 5

Classification Public holiday - night shift

Double header - evening shift - Monday to Friday

Double header - evening shift - Saturday

Double header - evening shift - Sunday

Double header - evening shift - public holiday

Double header - night shift - Monday to Friday

Double header - night shift - Saturday

Grade 1 $66.21 $55.18 $55.18 $66.21 $66.21 $66.21 $66.21

Grade 2 $68.64 $57.20 $57.20 $68.64 $68.64 $68.64 $68.64

Grade 3 $72.30 $60.25 $60.25 $72.30 $72.30 $72.30 $72.30

Grade 4 $76.53 $63.78 $63.78 $76.53 $76.53 $76.53 $76.53

Grade 5 $78.15 $65.13 $65.13 $78.15 $78.15 $78.15 $78.15

Grade 6 $83.34 $69.45 $69.45 $83.34 $83.34 $83.34 $83.34

Grade 7 $93.81 $78.18 $78.18 $93.81 $93.81 $93.81 $93.81

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4 Effective: 01/07/2021 Published: 01/07/2021

Table 5 of 5

Classification Double header - night shift - Sunday

Double header - night shift - public holiday

Overtime not continuous with shift - public holiday - night shift

Overtime not continuous with shift - public holiday - day and evening shift

Grade 1 $55.18 $77.25 $66.21 $55.18

Grade 2 $57.20 $80.08 $68.64 $57.20

Grade 3 $60.25 $84.35 $72.30 $60.25

Grade 4 $63.78 $89.29 $76.53 $63.78

Grade 5 $65.13 $91.18 $78.15 $65.13

Grade 6 $69.45 $97.23 $83.34 $69.45

Grade 7 $78.18 $109.45 $93.81 $78.18

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Table 1 of 5

Classification Hourly pay rate Day shift - Saturday

Day shift - Sunday

Evening shift - Monday to Friday

Evening shift - Saturday

Evening shift - Sunday

Night shift - Saturday

Grade 1 $27.59 $49.66 $60.69 $38.62 $49.66 $60.69 $60.69

Grade 2 $28.60 $51.48 $62.92 $40.04 $51.48 $62.92 $62.92

Grade 3 $30.13 $54.23 $66.28 $42.18 $54.23 $66.28 $66.28

Grade 4 $31.89 $57.40 $70.15 $44.64 $57.40 $70.15 $70.15

Grade 5 $32.56 $58.61 $71.64 $45.59 $58.61 $71.64 $71.64

Grade 6 $34.73 $62.51 $76.40 $48.62 $62.51 $76.40 $76.40

Grade 7 $39.09 $70.36 $85.99 $54.72 $70.36 $85.99 $85.99

Table 2 of 5

Classification Night shift - Sunday to Friday

Overtime - Monday to Saturday - day work

Overtime - Sunday and public holidays - day work

Overtime continuous with shift - evening shift - Monday to Friday

Overtime continuous with shift - day or evening shift - Saturday

Overtime continuous with shift - day or evening shift - Sunday

Overtime continuous with shift - night shift - Saturday

Grade 1 $49.66 $55.18 $68.97 $60.69 $71.73 $82.76 $82.76

Grade 2 $51.48 $57.20 $71.50 $62.92 $74.36 $85.80 $85.80

Grade 3 $54.23 $60.25 $75.31 $66.28 $78.33 $90.38 $90.38

Grade 4 $57.40 $63.78 $79.72 $70.15 $82.91 $95.66 $95.66

Grade 5 $58.61 $65.13 $81.41 $71.64 $84.66 $97.69 $97.69

Grade 6 $62.51 $69.45 $86.81 $76.40 $90.29 $104.18 $104.18

Grade 7 $70.36 $78.18 $97.72 $85.99 $101.63 $117.26 $117.26

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Table 3 of 5

Classification Overtime continuous with shift - night shift - Sunday to Friday

Overtime not continuous with shift - Monday to Saturday - shiftworker

Overtime not continuous with shift - Sunday - shiftworker

Overtime continuous with shift - public holiday - day and evening shift

Overtime continuous with shift - public holiday - night shift

Overtime not continuous with shift - public holiday - night shift

Overtime not continuous with shift - public holiday - day and evening shift

Grade 1 $71.73 $55.18 $68.97 $82.76 $93.80 $82.76 $68.97

Grade 2 $74.36 $57.20 $71.50 $85.80 $97.24 $85.80 $71.50

Grade 3 $78.33 $60.25 $75.31 $90.38 $102.43 $90.38 $75.31

Grade 4 $82.91 $63.78 $79.72 $95.66 $108.42 $95.66 $79.72

Grade 5 $84.66 $65.13 $81.41 $97.69 $110.71 $97.69 $81.41

Grade 6 $90.29 $69.45 $86.81 $104.18 $118.07 $104.18 $86.81

Grade 7 $101.63 $78.18 $97.72 $117.26 $132.90 $117.26 $97.72

Table 4 of 5

Classification Public holiday Public holiday - night shift

Double header - evening shift - Monday to Friday

Double header - evening shift - Saturday

Double header - evening shift - Sunday

Double header - evening shift - public holiday

Grade 1 $60.69 $71.73 $60.69 $60.69 $71.73 $71.73

Grade 2 $62.92 $74.36 $62.92 $62.92 $74.36 $74.36

Grade 3 $66.28 $78.33 $66.28 $66.28 $78.33 $78.33

Grade 4 $70.15 $82.91 $70.15 $70.15 $82.91 $82.91

Grade 5 $71.64 $84.66 $71.64 $71.64 $84.66 $84.66

Grade 6 $76.40 $90.29 $76.40 $76.40 $90.29 $90.29

Grade 7 $85.99 $101.63 $85.99 $85.99 $101.63 $101.63

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Table 5 of 5

Classification Double header - night shift - Monday to Friday

Double header - night shift - Saturday

Double header - night shift - Sunday

Double header - night shift - public holiday

Grade 1 $71.73 $71.73 $60.69 $82.76

Grade 2 $74.36 $74.36 $62.92 $85.80

Grade 3 $78.33 $78.33 $66.28 $90.38

Grade 4 $82.91 $82.91 $70.15 $95.66

Grade 5 $84.66 $84.66 $71.64 $97.69

Grade 6 $90.29 $90.29 $76.40 $104.18

Grade 7 $101.63 $101.63 $85.99 $117.26

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Guaranteed wage employee

Table 1 of 5

Classification Hourly pay rate Day shift - Saturday

Day shift - Sunday

Evening shift - Monday to Friday

Evening shift - Saturday

Evening shift - Sunday

Night shift - Saturday

Grade 1 $22.07 $44.14 $55.18 $33.11 $44.14 $55.18 $55.18

Grade 2 $22.88 $45.76 $57.20 $34.32 $45.76 $57.20 $57.20

Grade 3 $24.10 $48.20 $60.25 $36.15 $48.20 $60.25 $60.25

Grade 4 $25.51 $51.02 $63.78 $38.27 $51.02 $63.78 $63.78

Grade 5 $26.05 $52.10 $65.13 $39.08 $52.10 $65.13 $65.13

Grade 6 $27.78 $55.56 $69.45 $41.67 $55.56 $69.45 $69.45

Grade 7 $31.27 $62.54 $78.18 $46.91 $62.54 $78.18 $78.18

Table 2 of 5

Classification Night shift - Sunday to Friday

Overtime - Monday to Saturday - day work

Overtime - Sunday and public holidays - day work

Overtime continuous with shift - evening shift - Monday to Friday

Overtime continuous with shift - day or evening shift - Saturday

Overtime continuous with shift - day or evening shift - Sunday

Overtime continuous with shift - night shift - Saturday

Grade 1 $44.14 $44.14 $55.18 $55.18 $66.21 $77.25 $77.25

Grade 2 $45.76 $45.76 $57.20 $57.20 $68.64 $80.08 $80.08

Grade 3 $48.20 $48.20 $60.25 $60.25 $72.30 $84.35 $84.35

Grade 4 $51.02 $51.02 $63.78 $63.78 $76.53 $89.29 $89.29

Grade 5 $52.10 $52.10 $65.13 $65.13 $78.15 $91.18 $91.18

Grade 6 $55.56 $55.56 $69.45 $69.45 $83.34 $97.23 $97.23

Grade 7 $62.54 $62.54 $78.18 $78.18 $93.81 $109.45 $109.45

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Table 3 of 5

Classification Overtime continuous with shift - night shift - Sunday to Friday

Overtime not continuous with shift - Monday to Saturday - shiftworker

Overtime not continuous with shift - Sunday - shiftworker

Overtime continuous with shift - public holiday - day and evening shift

Overtime continuous with shift - public holiday - night shift

Overtime not continuous with shift - public holiday - night shift

Overtime not continuous with shift - public holiday - day and evening shift

Grade 1 $66.21 $44.14 $55.18 $77.25 $88.28 $66.21 $55.18

Grade 2 $68.64 $45.76 $57.20 $80.08 $91.52 $68.64 $57.20

Grade 3 $72.30 $48.20 $60.25 $84.35 $96.40 $72.30 $60.25

Grade 4 $76.53 $51.02 $63.78 $89.29 $102.04 $76.53 $63.78

Grade 5 $78.15 $52.10 $65.13 $91.18 $104.20 $78.15 $65.13

Grade 6 $83.34 $55.56 $69.45 $97.23 $111.12 $83.34 $69.45

Grade 7 $93.81 $62.54 $78.18 $109.45 $125.08 $93.81 $78.18

Table 4 of 5

Classification Public holiday Public holiday - night shift

Double header - evening shift - Monday to Friday

Double header - evening shift - Saturday

Double header - evening shift - Sunday

Double header - evening shift - public holiday

Grade 1 $55.18 $66.21 $55.18 $55.18 $66.21 $66.21

Grade 2 $57.20 $68.64 $57.20 $57.20 $68.64 $68.64

Grade 3 $60.25 $72.30 $60.25 $60.25 $72.30 $72.30

Grade 4 $63.78 $76.53 $63.78 $63.78 $76.53 $76.53

Grade 5 $65.13 $78.15 $65.13 $65.13 $78.15 $78.15

Grade 6 $69.45 $83.34 $69.45 $69.45 $83.34 $83.34

Grade 7 $78.18 $93.81 $78.18 $78.18 $93.81 $93.81

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Table 5 of 5

Classification Double header - night shift - Monday to Friday

Double header - night shift - Saturday

Double header - night shift - Sunday

Double header - night shift - public holiday

Grade 1 $66.21 $66.21 $55.18 $77.25

Grade 2 $68.64 $68.64 $57.20 $80.08

Grade 3 $72.30 $72.30 $60.25 $84.35

Grade 4 $76.53 $76.53 $63.78 $89.29

Grade 5 $78.15 $78.15 $65.13 $91.18

Grade 6 $83.34 $83.34 $69.45 $97.23

Grade 7 $93.81 $93.81 $78.18 $109.45

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11 Effective: 01/07/2021 Published: 01/07/2021

Apprentice - Started before 1 Jan 2014

Table 1 of 5

Classification Weekly pay rate

Hourly pay rate

Day shift - Saturday

Day shift - Sunday

Evening shift - Monday to Friday

Evening shift - Saturday

Evening shift - Sunday

Apprentice 1st year $375.06 $10.72 $21.44 $26.80 $16.08 $21.44 $26.80

Apprentice 2nd year $491.15 $14.03 $28.06 $35.08 $21.05 $28.06 $35.08

Apprentice 3rd year $669.75 $19.14 $38.28 $47.85 $28.71 $38.28 $47.85

Apprentice 4th year $785.84 $22.45 $44.90 $56.13 $33.68 $44.90 $56.13

Table 2 of 5

Classification Night shift - Saturday

Night shift - Sunday to Friday

Overtime - Monday to Saturday - day work

Overtime - Sunday and public holidays - day work

Overtime continuous with shift - evening shift - Monday to Friday

Overtime continuous with shift - day or evening shift - Saturday

Overtime continuous with shift - day or evening shift - Sunday

Apprentice 1st year $26.80 $21.44 $21.44 $26.80 $26.80 $32.16 $37.52

Apprentice 2nd year $35.08 $28.06 $28.06 $35.08 $35.08 $42.09 $49.11

Apprentice 3rd year $47.85 $38.28 $38.28 $47.85 $47.85 $57.42 $66.99

Apprentice 4th year $56.13 $44.90 $44.90 $56.13 $56.13 $67.35 $78.58

Table 3 of 5

Classification Overtime continuous with shift - night shift - Saturday

Overtime continuous with shift - night shift - Sunday to Friday

Overtime not continuous with shift - Monday to Saturday - shiftworker

Overtime not continuous with shift - Sunday - shiftworker

Overtime continuous with shift - public holiday - day and evening shift

Overtime not continuous with shift - public holiday - night shift

Overtime not continuous with shift - public holiday - day and evening shift

Apprentice 1st year $37.52 $32.16 $21.44 $26.80 $37.52 $32.16 $26.80

Apprentice 2nd year $49.11 $42.09 $28.06 $35.08 $49.11 $42.09 $35.08

Apprentice 3rd year $66.99 $57.42 $38.28 $47.85 $66.99 $57.42 $47.85

Apprentice 4th year $78.58 $67.35 $44.90 $56.13 $78.58 $67.35 $56.13

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Table 4 of 5

Classification Overtime continuous with shift - public holiday - night shift

Public holiday

Public holiday - night shift

Double header - evening shift - Monday to Friday

Double header - evening shift - Saturday

Double header - evening shift - Sunday

Double header - evening shift - public holiday

Apprentice 1st year $42.88 $26.80 $32.16 $26.80 $26.80 $32.16 $32.16

Apprentice 2nd year $56.12 $35.08 $42.09 $35.08 $35.08 $42.09 $42.09

Apprentice 3rd year $76.56 $47.85 $57.42 $47.85 $47.85 $57.42 $57.42

Apprentice 4th year $89.80 $56.13 $67.35 $56.13 $56.13 $67.35 $67.35

Table 5 of 5

Classification Double header - night shift - Monday to Friday

Double header - night shift - Saturday

Double header - night shift - Sunday

Double header - night shift - public holiday

Apprentice 1st year $32.16 $32.16 $26.80 $37.52

Apprentice 2nd year $42.09 $42.09 $35.08 $49.11

Apprentice 3rd year $57.42 $57.42 $47.85 $66.99

Apprentice 4th year $67.35 $67.35 $56.13 $78.58

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13 Effective: 01/07/2021 Published: 01/07/2021

Apprentice - Started after 1 Jan 2014 - Did not complete year 12

Table 1 of 5

Classification Weekly pay rate

Hourly pay rate

Day shift - Saturday

Day shift - Sunday

Evening shift - Monday to Friday

Evening shift - Saturday

Evening shift - Sunday

Apprentice 1st year $450.07 $12.86 $25.72 $32.15 $19.29 $25.72 $32.15

Apprentice 2nd year $539.73 $15.42 $30.84 $38.55 $23.13 $30.84 $38.55

Apprentice 3rd year $669.75 $19.14 $38.28 $47.85 $28.71 $38.28 $47.85

Apprentice 4th year $785.84 $22.45 $44.90 $56.13 $33.68 $44.90 $56.13

Table 2 of 5

Classification Night shift - Saturday

Night shift - Sunday to Friday

Overtime - Monday to Saturday - day work

Overtime - Sunday and public holidays - day work

Overtime continuous with shift - evening shift - Monday to Friday

Overtime continuous with shift - day or evening shift - Saturday

Overtime continuous with shift - day or evening shift - Sunday

Apprentice 1st year $32.15 $25.72 $25.72 $32.15 $32.15 $38.58 $45.01

Apprentice 2nd year $38.55 $30.84 $30.84 $38.55 $38.55 $46.26 $53.97

Apprentice 3rd year $47.85 $38.28 $38.28 $47.85 $47.85 $57.42 $66.99

Apprentice 4th year $56.13 $44.90 $44.90 $56.13 $56.13 $67.35 $78.58

Table 3 of 5

Classification Overtime continuous with shift - night shift - Saturday

Overtime continuous with shift - night shift - Sunday to Friday

Overtime not continuous with shift - Monday to Saturday - shiftworker

Overtime not continuous with shift - Sunday - shiftworker

Overtime continuous with shift - public holiday - day and evening shift

Overtime not continuous with shift - public holiday - night shift

Overtime not continuous with shift - public holiday - day and evening shift

Apprentice 1st year $45.01 $38.58 $25.72 $32.15 $45.01 $38.58 $32.15

Apprentice 2nd year $53.97 $46.26 $30.84 $38.55 $53.97 $46.26 $38.55

Apprentice 3rd year $66.99 $57.42 $38.28 $47.85 $66.99 $57.42 $47.85

Apprentice 4th year $78.58 $67.35 $44.90 $56.13 $78.58 $67.35 $56.13

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14 Effective: 01/07/2021 Published: 01/07/2021

Table 4 of 5

Classification Overtime continuous with shift - public holiday - night shift

Public holiday

Public holiday - night shift

Double header - evening shift - Monday to Friday

Double header - evening shift - Saturday

Double header - evening shift - Sunday

Double header - evening shift - public holiday

Apprentice 1st year $51.44 $32.15 $38.58 $32.15 $32.15 $38.58 $38.58

Apprentice 2nd year $61.68 $38.55 $46.26 $38.55 $38.55 $46.26 $46.26

Apprentice 3rd year $76.56 $47.85 $57.42 $47.85 $47.85 $57.42 $57.42

Apprentice 4th year $89.80 $56.13 $67.35 $56.13 $56.13 $67.35 $67.35

Table 5 of 5

Classification Double header - night shift - Monday to Friday

Double header - night shift - Saturday

Double header - night shift - Sunday

Double header - night shift - public holiday

Apprentice 1st year $38.58 $38.58 $32.15 $45.01

Apprentice 2nd year $46.26 $46.26 $38.55 $53.97

Apprentice 3rd year $57.42 $57.42 $47.85 $66.99

Apprentice 4th year $67.35 $67.35 $56.13 $78.58

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15 Effective: 01/07/2021 Published: 01/07/2021

Apprentice - Started after 1 Jan 2014 - Completed year 12

Table 1 of 5

Classification Weekly pay rate

Hourly pay rate

Day shift - Saturday

Day shift - Sunday

Evening shift - Monday to Friday

Evening shift - Saturday

Evening shift - Sunday

Apprentice 1st year $494.72 $14.13 $28.26 $35.33 $21.20 $28.26 $35.33

Apprentice 2nd year $584.74 $16.71 $33.42 $41.78 $25.07 $33.42 $41.78

Apprentice 3rd year $669.75 $19.14 $38.28 $47.85 $28.71 $38.28 $47.85

Apprentice 4th year $785.84 $22.45 $44.90 $56.13 $33.68 $44.90 $56.13

Table 2 of 5

Classification Night shift - Saturday

Night shift - Sunday to Friday

Overtime - Monday to Saturday - day work

Overtime - Sunday and public holidays - day work

Overtime continuous with shift - evening shift - Monday to Friday

Overtime continuous with shift - day or evening shift - Saturday

Overtime continuous with shift - day or evening shift - Sunday

Apprentice 1st year $35.33 $28.26 $28.26 $35.33 $35.33 $42.39 $49.46

Apprentice 2nd year $41.78 $33.42 $33.42 $41.78 $41.78 $50.13 $58.49

Apprentice 3rd year $47.85 $38.28 $38.28 $47.85 $47.85 $57.42 $66.99

Apprentice 4th year $56.13 $44.90 $44.90 $56.13 $56.13 $67.35 $78.58

Table 3 of 5

Classification Overtime continuous with shift - night shift - Saturday

Overtime continuous with shift - night shift - Sunday to Friday

Overtime not continuous with shift - Monday to Saturday - shiftworker

Overtime not continuous with shift - Sunday - shiftworker

Overtime continuous with shift - public holiday - day and evening shift

Overtime not continuous with shift - public holiday - night shift

Overtime not continuous with shift - public holiday - day and evening shift

Apprentice 1st year $49.46 $42.39 $28.26 $35.33 $49.46 $42.39 $35.33

Apprentice 2nd year $58.49 $50.13 $33.42 $41.78 $58.49 $50.13 $41.78

Apprentice 3rd year $66.99 $57.42 $38.28 $47.85 $66.99 $57.42 $47.85

Apprentice 4th year $78.58 $67.35 $44.90 $56.13 $78.58 $67.35 $56.13

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16 Effective: 01/07/2021 Published: 01/07/2021

Table 4 of 5

Classification Overtime continuous with shift - public holiday - night shift

Public holiday

Public holiday - night shift

Double header - evening shift - Monday to Friday

Double header - evening shift - Saturday

Double header - evening shift - Sunday

Double header - evening shift - public holiday

Apprentice 1st year $56.52 $35.33 $42.39 $35.33 $35.33 $42.39 $42.39

Apprentice 2nd year $66.84 $41.78 $50.13 $41.78 $41.78 $50.13 $50.13

Apprentice 3rd year $76.56 $47.85 $57.42 $47.85 $47.85 $57.42 $57.42

Apprentice 4th year $89.80 $56.13 $67.35 $56.13 $56.13 $67.35 $67.35

Table 5 of 5

Classification Double header - night shift - Monday to Friday

Double header - night shift - Saturday

Double header - night shift - Sunday

Double header - night shift - public holiday

Apprentice 1st year $42.39 $42.39 $35.33 $49.46

Apprentice 2nd year $50.13 $50.13 $41.78 $58.49

Apprentice 3rd year $57.42 $57.42 $47.85 $66.99

Apprentice 4th year $67.35 $67.35 $56.13 $78.58

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17 Effective: 01/07/2021 Published: 01/07/2021

Adult Apprentice - Started before 1 Jan 2014

Table 1 of 5

Classification Weekly pay rate

Hourly pay rate

Day shift - Saturday

Day shift - Sunday

Evening shift - Monday to Friday

Evening shift - Saturday

Evening shift - Sunday

Apprentice 1st year $375.06 $10.72 $21.44 $26.80 $16.08 $21.44 $26.80

Apprentice 2nd year $491.15 $14.03 $28.06 $35.08 $21.05 $28.06 $35.08

Apprentice 3rd year $669.75 $19.14 $38.28 $47.85 $28.71 $38.28 $47.85

Apprentice 4th year $785.84 $22.45 $44.90 $56.13 $33.68 $44.90 $56.13

Table 2 of 5

Classification Night shift - Saturday

Night shift - Sunday to Friday

Overtime - Monday to Saturday - day work

Overtime - Sunday and public holidays - day work

Overtime continuous with shift - evening shift - Monday to Friday

Overtime continuous with shift - day or evening shift - Saturday

Overtime continuous with shift - day or evening shift - Sunday

Apprentice 1st year $26.80 $21.44 $21.44 $26.80 $26.80 $32.16 $37.52

Apprentice 2nd year $35.08 $28.06 $28.06 $35.08 $35.08 $42.09 $49.11

Apprentice 3rd year $47.85 $38.28 $38.28 $47.85 $47.85 $57.42 $66.99

Apprentice 4th year $56.13 $44.90 $44.90 $56.13 $56.13 $67.35 $78.58

Table 3 of 5

Classification Overtime continuous with shift - night shift - Saturday

Overtime continuous with shift - night shift - Sunday to Friday

Overtime not continuous with shift - Monday to Saturday - shiftworker

Overtime not continuous with shift - Sunday - shiftworker

Overtime continuous with shift - public holiday - day and evening shift

Overtime not continuous with shift - public holiday - night shift

Overtime not continuous with shift - public holiday - day and evening shift

Apprentice 1st year $37.52 $32.16 $21.44 $26.80 $37.52 $32.16 $26.80

Apprentice 2nd year $49.11 $42.09 $28.06 $35.08 $49.11 $42.09 $35.08

Apprentice 3rd year $66.99 $57.42 $38.28 $47.85 $66.99 $57.42 $47.85

Apprentice 4th year $78.58 $67.35 $44.90 $56.13 $78.58 $67.35 $56.13

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Table 4 of 5

Classification Overtime continuous with shift - public holiday - night shift

Public holiday

Public holiday - night shift

Double header - evening shift - Monday to Friday

Double header - evening shift - Saturday

Double header - evening shift - Sunday

Double header - evening shift - public holiday

Apprentice 1st year $42.88 $26.80 $32.16 $26.80 $26.80 $32.16 $32.16

Apprentice 2nd year $56.12 $35.08 $42.09 $35.08 $35.08 $42.09 $42.09

Apprentice 3rd year $76.56 $47.85 $57.42 $47.85 $47.85 $57.42 $57.42

Apprentice 4th year $89.80 $56.13 $67.35 $56.13 $56.13 $67.35 $67.35

Table 5 of 5

Classification Double header - night shift - Monday to Friday

Double header - night shift - Saturday

Double header - night shift - Sunday

Double header - night shift - public holiday

Apprentice 1st year $32.16 $32.16 $26.80 $37.52

Apprentice 2nd year $42.09 $42.09 $35.08 $49.11

Apprentice 3rd year $57.42 $57.42 $47.85 $66.99

Apprentice 4th year $67.35 $67.35 $56.13 $78.58

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Adult apprentice - Started after 1 Jan 2014

Table 1 of 5

Classification Weekly pay rate

Hourly pay rate

Day shift - Saturday

Day shift - Sunday

Evening shift - Monday to Friday

Evening shift - Saturday

Evening shift - Sunday

Apprentice 1st year $714.40 $20.41 $40.82 $51.03 $30.62 $40.82 $51.03

Apprentice 2nd year $772.60 $22.07 $44.14 $55.18 $33.11 $44.14 $55.18

Apprentice 3rd year $772.60 $22.07 $44.14 $55.18 $33.11 $44.14 $55.18

Apprentice 4th year $785.84 $22.45 $44.90 $56.13 $33.68 $44.90 $56.13

Table 2 of 5

Classification Night shift - Saturday

Night shift - Sunday to Friday

Overtime - Monday to Saturday - day work

Overtime - Sunday and public holidays - day work

Overtime continuous with shift - evening shift - Monday to Friday

Overtime continuous with shift - day or evening shift - Saturday

Overtime continuous with shift - day or evening shift - Sunday

Apprentice 1st year $51.03 $40.82 $40.82 $51.03 $51.03 $61.23 $71.44

Apprentice 2nd year $55.18 $44.14 $44.14 $55.18 $55.18 $66.21 $77.25

Apprentice 3rd year $55.18 $44.14 $44.14 $55.18 $55.18 $66.21 $77.25

Apprentice 4th year $56.13 $44.90 $44.90 $56.13 $56.13 $67.35 $78.58

Table 3 of 5

Classification Overtime continuous with shift - night shift - Saturday

Overtime continuous with shift - night shift - Sunday to Friday

Overtime not continuous with shift - Monday to Saturday - shiftworker

Overtime not continuous with shift - Sunday - shiftworker

Overtime continuous with shift - public holiday - day and evening shift

Overtime not continuous with shift - public holiday - night shift

Overtime not continuous with shift - public holiday - day and evening shift

Apprentice 1st year $71.44 $61.23 $40.82 $51.03 $71.44 $61.23 $51.03

Apprentice 2nd year $77.25 $66.21 $44.14 $55.18 $77.25 $66.21 $55.18

Apprentice 3rd year $77.25 $66.21 $44.14 $55.18 $77.25 $66.21 $55.18

Apprentice 4th year $78.58 $67.35 $44.90 $56.13 $78.58 $67.35 $56.13

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Table 4 of 5

Classification Overtime continuous with shift - public holiday - night shift

Public holiday

Public holiday - night shift

Double header - evening shift - Monday to Friday

Double header - evening shift - Saturday

Double header - evening shift - Sunday

Double header - evening shift - public holiday

Apprentice 1st year $81.64 $51.03 $61.23 $51.03 $51.03 $61.23 $61.23

Apprentice 2nd year $88.28 $55.18 $66.21 $55.18 $55.18 $66.21 $66.21

Apprentice 3rd year $88.28 $55.18 $66.21 $55.18 $55.18 $66.21 $66.21

Apprentice 4th year $89.80 $56.13 $67.35 $56.13 $56.13 $67.35 $67.35

Table 5 of 5

Classification Double header - night shift - Monday to Friday

Double header - night shift - Saturday

Double header - night shift - Sunday

Double header - night shift - public holiday

Apprentice 1st year $61.23 $61.23 $51.03 $71.44

Apprentice 2nd year $66.21 $66.21 $55.18 $77.25

Apprentice 3rd year $66.21 $66.21 $55.18 $77.25

Apprentice 4th year $67.35 $67.35 $56.13 $78.58

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Allowances If any all purpose allowances apply (marked *), they should be added to the minimum rate before casual loading, penalties and overtime are


Allowances Rate

Apprentice training fees and textbook costs reimbursement reimbursement of training fees for prescribed courses and the cost of prescribed textbooks

Apprentice travel to block release training reimbursement reimbursement for the excess reasonable travel costs incurred in the course of travelling to and from the training

Bulk grain allowance - stevedoring operations not terminal operations – barley and oats

$3.13 per hour

Bulk grain allowance - stevedoring operations not terminal operations - others

$2.41 per hour

Car allowance - Grade 7 employees $77.98 per week

* Electrician's licence allowance $1.16 per hour

Explosives allowance - stevedoring operations not terminal operations $2.32 per hour

First aid allowance - not grade 3 employee with primary function of first aid $0.54 per hour up to a maximum of $19.02 per week

First aid employees allowance - stevedoring operations not terminal operations

$4.29 per hour

Freezer cargoes allowance - stevedoring operations not terminal operations - temperature below 12°C

$2.05 per hour

Freezer cargoes allowance - stevedoring operations not terminal operations - temperature -12°C and above

$0.98 per hour

Laundry allowance $9.20 per set of clothing up to a maximum of $18.40 per week

Leading hand allowance - in charge of 3-10 employees $1.04 per hour up to a maximum of $36.43 per week

Leading hand allowance - in charge of 11-20 employees $1.55 per hour up to a maximum of $54.21 per week

Leading hand allowance - in charge of more than 20 employees $1.98 per hour up to a maximum of $69.30 per week

Licence, trade certificate or other qualification reimbursement reimbursement for the cost of obtaining and maintaining the licence, trade certificate or qualification

Meal allowance - shiftworker $14.69 for a meal

Meal allowance - Saturday, Sunday or public holiday - day worker $20.52 for a meal

Nickel concentrates allowance - stevedoring operations not terminal operations

$6.61 per hour

* Operational and clerical specialist functions allowance - Grade 3 and 4 employees

$0.73 per hour

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Allowances Rate

Overnight accommodation reimbursement - outport - accommodation and meals provided

$36.16 per day

Overnight accommodation reimbursement - outport - accommodation and meals not provided - transfer for a defined number of days

$124.58 per day

Overnight accommodation reimbursement - outport - accommodation and meals not provided - transfer for a flexible number of days overnight accommodation reimbursement - outport

$169.62 per day

Phone reimbursement - Grade 7 employees reimbursement for phone rental, business local and long distance calls

Protective clothing and footwear reimbursement reimbursement for the cost of the protective clothing and footwear

Remaining in outport allowance - Saturday, Sunday or public holiday $108.77 per day

Roll-on and roll-off vessel allowance $1.61 per hour to compensate for noise exposure

Telephone allowance $0.35 per hour up to a maximum of $12.14 per week

Terminal operation allowance - Grade 3 - Security $0.49 per hour up to a maximum of $17.06 per week

Terminal operation allowance - Grade 3-5 - Clerical $0.33 per hour up to a maximum of $11.52 per week

Terminal operation allowance - Grade 1-5 Operational and Grade 6-7 Supervisory

$0.63 per hour up to a maximum of $22.15 per week

Terminal operation allowance - Grade 4, 6 and 7 - Maintenance $1.13 per hour up to a maximum of $39.38 per week

Transport after evening shift reimbursement - usual or reasonable means of transport unavailable

reimbursement for the cost of the transport

Transport after overtime reimbursement - usual or reasonable means of transport unavailable

reimbursement for the cost of transport

Training costs reimbursement (not apprenticeship training) reimbursement for the training costs

Training travel costs reimbursement (not apprenticeship training) reimbursement for travel costs in excess of those normally incurred in travelling to and from work

Travelling time allowance - outport Payment at the minimum hourly rate per hour for travel time to and from an outport

Travelling time allowance - outport appropriate rate to the first shift worked for the outward journey and last shift worked on the homeward journey

Vehicle allowance $0.80 per km

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Disclaimer The Fair Work Ombudsman is committed to providing advice that you can rely on.

The information contained in this guide is general in nature. If you are unsure about how it applies to your situation you can call us on

13 13 94 or speak with a union, industry association or workplace relations professional.
