
Attachment 25th January, 2017 To the Secretary QGBOTA Dear Members

In the best interest of myself, I have decided to resign from the QGBOTA committee due to the  bizarre decisions that have been made recently  by others. I believe these decisions can only be best described as unconstitutional. Therefore  & understanding my position as a committee member for this association, I simply cannot support these actions considering I've had limited correspondence from the secretary, including no say SINCE the November resignation of the then president Brenton Wilson. I personally feel I've been made redundant since that moment, which is very disappointing, as I thought I had a lot of direction to offer this organization, due to my experience in this sport, dating back to 1976.

I therefore have no choice but to regrettably table my resignation due to those reasons, effectively immediately. I wish the association all the best for the future.

Yours sincerely

Steve Martin