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Page 1: Sterling family



Page 2: Sterling family

This is our favorite, by favorite I mean the best auntie you could have. I just wanted to let you know Mama :D She thee best auntie you could eber ask for (: Wubbles Woo Auntie Hazie! Mama she thwe best lol. Pf!

-Sterling Sisters and Jacey Poo xD

Page 3: Sterling family

-giggles- Mama this is Lulu, she is very quiet and shy but sometimes she get super crazy. Lol. xD We all wuv Lulu!

-Sterling Sisters and Jacey Poo<3

Page 4: Sterling family

LARA!! Hehe she is so crazy and funny. Just like Maddie Lol she is also shy at times too. Lara is a liddo froggy she even hab the outfit too xD She also super sweet and loves to see people happeh not sad, she can’t stand people being sad.

-Sterling Sister and Jacey Poo

Page 5: Sterling family

Hehe these are the Sterling Sisters, some are missing :/ But no matter what we still figure out a way to spend time with each other, we don’t care about our different time zones we all work it out and Love each other. JaceyPoo missing too :L

-Sterling Sisters and JaceyPoo

Page 6: Sterling family

This be Maddie, she the newest member of the family and she fits in so prefectly. She so silly, nice, and awesome :D lol. Eberyone Wuvs Maddie so much. Especially since she’s the youngest of the family. <3

-Sterling Sisters and JaceyPoo

Page 7: Sterling family

Sunny, the one sister who brings Sunshine into everybody’s day, we wouldn’t know what we would do without her we love her so much<3!! Sunny, hab a twinnie her name is Biancca lol :D Sunny, super shy and quiet most of the time but she could be loud too xD Wuv woo sunny!

-Sterling Sisters and JaceyPoo

Page 8: Sterling family

-giggles- This is mwe Biancca, hehe I describe my self as someone nice and sweet xD. Lol I am Sunny’s twinnie :DD and we about to turn 2 I lub mwe mama so much I’m making her this<3 oh and mwe nickname is Bee, Bumble Bee, or sometime just Biancca :D

-Sterling Sisters and Jacey Poo
