
As we continue to go through the book ‘Steps to Personal Revival’ together, let’s open with a word of prayer.


Today we are going to continue to look at: “WHAT IS THE CENTRE OF OUR PROBLEMS?”

Last time we reflected on what it means to be a carnal church member.


Let’s read what the apostle Paul had to say to carnal church members in 1 Corinthians 3:1-4 (NKJV):


Can you clearly see here that the criteria for the designation into this group is the personal relationship with the Holy Spirit?

In these few verses the apostle Paul mentions 4 times that they are carnal. What does carnal mean?


It means: this person lives from the power of the flesh, that is the normal strength and abilities a person has.

Furthermore, it means that he isn’t filled with the Holy Spirit or isn’t sufficiently filled with the Holy Spirit.

Some people think this group only consists of people who live in blatant sin. But that is only one of the many shades within this group.

But remember that Paul addressed the carnal people as “dear brothers”.



Paul couldn’t speak to them “as to spiritual people”. That means that: They weren’t filled with the Holy Spirit or weren’t sufficiently filled with the Holy Spirit. He had to speak to them “as babes in Christ”. This shows that they haven’t grown in faith as they should have. A person can have great biblical knowledge and still not grow spiritu- ally. Spiritual growth has to do with our complete dedication to Jesus and a constant life in the Holy Spirit.


Many carnal Christians feel dissatisfaction, disappointment, purposelessness or are under constant stress in their spiritual life.

Other carnal church members have gotten used to this condition or are satisfied with this condition. They might say: “We are just sinners! We can’t do anything about it!”

Again other carnal Christians might be enthusiastic. They are glad that they know Biblical truth. Carnal church members can be very active and even have leading positions in the local church or even in the church administration. They may even do a lot for God.


Where did the problem lie? Jesus said that He didn’t know them. They didn’t have a real relationship with Christ, but rather only a feigned rela- tionship. Either there hadn’t been a real commitment or it hadn’t been maintained.


Jesus didn’t live in their hearts through the Holy Spirit. Thus they had no personal relationship with Christ. “So there may be an apparent connection with Christ ...” (Desire of Ages p. 676)

When is Christ NOT in us?


But praise God – this can quickly change by the grace of God.



God’s Word says:



Our ego is offended, jealous, annoyed, resentful, etc. God wants to free us of these attitudes.


Ellen White goes on to say:


God answers our basic commitment with rebirth (John 3:1-21). After that it has to do with staying surrendered (John 15:1-17). We’ll talk about this more in the third section.

Morris Venden says about surrendering our lives to God:

“There is no such thing as a partial surrender. It’s no more possible to be partially sur-rendered than it is possible to be a little bit pregnant. Either you are or you aren’t. There is no middle ground.”



So a person can be in the church and still be lost. How tragic!

The parable about the 10 virgins and the message to the Laodicea church also illustrate this.


Perhaps today you recognize that you’ve been a carnal Christian?

Today, you can pray and ask God to make you a Spirit-filled, 100% dependent on Jesus, Christian J

Let us continue pray earnestly together and privately for the baptism of the Holy Spirit in our lives.


