
1. STEPS, RECEIVING AND GIVING COSNTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK 13:11:13 2. WHAT ARE THE STEPS OF GIVING FEEDBACK Inquiry Activity 13:11:13 3. Constructive feedback THE STEPS According to Cheri 13:11:13 4. Constructive Feedback: A Step- By-Step Guide Content What do you say? Manner How do you say it? Timing When do you say it? Frequency How often? Brounstein, 2000 5. Activity Draw a picture or diagram to depict how students should interact in the class. Use not more than five words or one sentence. Use COMATIF to give the feedback 13:11:13 6. Was COMTIF Followed? Discuss 13:11:13 7. Feedback Formula Let the students see what they have done. Show the effect of the behavior. Agree on a change. Brounstein, 2000 8. Activity Exchange roles The provider of feedback should receive feedback on his(her) feedback 13:11:13 9. Was LSA Followed? Reflect 13:11:13 10. Learning objectives Describes the components of constructive feedback. Defines the formula for providing constructive feedback. 11. Word Wall Write in one word what you learnt to day? The Words should be continuous like in a crossword. 13:11:13 12. constructive feedback from teachers, including deserved praise and specific suggestions, helps students learn, as well as develop positive self-esteem (What Works: Research About Teaching and Learning). 13:11:13