Page 1: Stephen Gough LPN Manager 28 March 2014 Context and Regulations PNA

Stephen GoughLPN Manager

28 March 2014

Context and RegulationsPNA

Page 2: Stephen Gough LPN Manager 28 March 2014 Context and Regulations PNA


• Legislative Background

• Definition of Pharmaceutical Services

• Minimum information to be contained in a PNA

• Publishing a PNA

• Matters to consider when making an assessment


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Legislative Background

• From 1 April 2013, every Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) in England has a statutory responsibility, under the Health and Social Care Act 2012 to publish and keep up to date a statement of the needs for pharmaceutical services for the population in its area, referred to as a ‘pharmaceutical needs assessment’ (PNA).

• Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Regulations 2013 set out the requirements for PNAs


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Definition of Pharmaceutical ServicesThree Tiers of Pharmaceutical Services

1. Essential Services (must provide)2. Advanced Services (choose to provide)3. Enhanced Services (locally commissioned)

Four Types of Contractors (Reg 3 (2))4. Held on pharmaceutical list (standard contract)5. LPS (local pharmaceutical services)6. Dispensing Appliance Contractor7. Dispensing Doctor Services


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Information to be contained in a PNARegulation 4 Schedule 1

1. Current Provision

2. Gaps in Provision

3. Other relevant Services current provision

4. Improvements and Better Access

5. Other NHS Services

6. How the assessment was carried out

7. Map of provision


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Publishing and Updating PNA

1. HWBs First Assessment by 1st April 15

2. Revised Assessment within three years

3. Revised assessment, in light of significant change in need

4. Supplementary Statements

NHS | Presentation to [XXXX Company] | [Type Date]6

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Matters to consider1. Demography

2. Sufficient Choice of Pharm Services

3. Differing Needs of different localities

4. Provision in neighbouring HWBs

5. Provision of other NHS services

6. Likely Future Needs

