Page 1: Step up 1 : exercices en lien avec les Check & go · en lien avec les Check & go Vous trouverez des exercices sur les points de grammaire des Check & go de Step up 1 : Present continuous

Step up 1 : exercices

en lien avec les Check & go Vous trouverez des exercices sur les points de grammaire des Check & go de Step up 1 :

Present continuous

1 Write down the –ing form of the following verbs and put them in the correct column.

to sit – to wait – to do – to play – to watch – to lie - to cut – to come – to drink – to walk – to run – to

lose – to travel – to die – to study

+ing e +ing +consonant+ing ie +ying





























2 What are the people in the pictures doing? Complete the sentences with verbs from the list.

Use the present continuous.

to carry – to call – to cycle – to have – to listen – to play – to shop – to sing – to visit – to wait

………………… ………………… …………………

Page 2: Step up 1 : exercices en lien avec les Check & go · en lien avec les Check & go Vous trouverez des exercices sur les points de grammaire des Check & go de Step up 1 : Present continuous


………………… ………………… …………………

………………… ………………… …………………


3 Make the sentences from exercise 2 negative.

1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………

2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………

3 ……………………………………………………………………………………………

4 ……………………………………………………………………………………………

5 ……………………………………………………………………………………………

6 ……………………………………………………………………………………………

7 ……………………………………………………………………………………………

8 ……………………………………………………………………………………………

9 ……………………………………………………………………………………………

10 ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Page 3: Step up 1 : exercices en lien avec les Check & go · en lien avec les Check & go Vous trouverez des exercices sur les points de grammaire des Check & go de Step up 1 : Present continuous


4 Write questions in the present continuous and answer them with a short answer.

1 you / to do / an exercise / ?



2 the sun / to shine / ?



3 your parents / to work / at the moment / ?



4 your teacher / to speak / now / ?



5 the children / to run / in the playground / ?



Present simple (forme affirmative)

1 Underline the correct form of the verb.

Welcome to the Smurfs’ village!

1 The Smurfs live / lives in a secret village in the forest.

2 They speak / speaks a strange language, the “Smurf”.

3 Papa Smurf look / looks after all the Smurfs.

4 All the Smurfs love / loves Smurfette.

5 Gargamel want / wants to catch the Smurfs.

6 He always gos / goes in the forest to find their village.

7 Papa Smurf studys / studies spells° to fight Gargamel.

° spells: sorts

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.

A day in the life of a young football player

1 Every day, I (to get up) … at 6 am to go to the football pitch. ……………

2 At 7 am, I (to meet) … my coach and my team. ……………

3 Together we (to train) … for one hour. ……………

Page 4: Step up 1 : exercices en lien avec les Check & go · en lien avec les Check & go Vous trouverez des exercices sur les points de grammaire des Check & go de Step up 1 : Present continuous


4 Our coach (to give) … a lot of exercises to do. ……………

5 The training session (to finish) … at 8 am. ……………

6 After that, we (to dress) … and (to go) … to school. ……………

7 School (to start) … at 9 am and (to finish) … at 3 pm. ……………

8 My best friend (to go) … home but I (to play) … football again. ……………

9 At 7 pm, I (to come) … back home and (to eat) … with my family. ……………

10 I (to do) … my homework and then (to go) … to sleep at 10 pm. ……………

Present simple (forme interrogative)

1 Underline the correct form of the verb.

1 Do / does you have two minutes to answer my questions?

2 Where do / does you live?

3 How do / does you go to school?

4 And how do / does your friends go to school?

5 Do / does your father or mother drive you to school?

6 Do / does I have time for other questions?

7 Does / Do it bother° you?

° bother: ennuyer

2 You are writing to your pen friend. Ask him/her questions.

1 you / like chocolate? ……………………………………………………

2 where / your brother / study? ……………………………………………………

3 how / you / go to school? ……………………………………………………

4 what time / you / wake up? ……………………………………………………

5 your parents / speak French? ……………………………………………………

6 when / you and your family / go on holiday? ……………………………………………………

7 you / do sports? ……………………………………………………

Present simple (forme négative)

Page 5: Step up 1 : exercices en lien avec les Check & go · en lien avec les Check & go Vous trouverez des exercices sur les points de grammaire des Check & go de Step up 1 : Present continuous


1 Underline the correct form of the verb.

1 I don’t / doesn’t like grumpy° people.

2 My friends and I don’t / doesn’t like Gargamel.

3 Gargamel don’t / doesn’t like us.

4 Gargamel and his cat don’t / doesn’t catch us very often.

5 We don’t / doesn’t live in big houses.

6 I don’t / doesn’t like parties.

° grumpy: râleur

2 Look at the pictures and write sentences.





Page 6: Step up 1 : exercices en lien avec les Check & go · en lien avec les Check & go Vous trouverez des exercices sur les points de grammaire des Check & go de Step up 1 : Present continuous




3 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs.

Mary (1 to be) … an American girl.

She (2 to live) … in Los Angeles,

California, with her family.

Her day (3 not - to start) …

before 7.30. At that time,

she (4 to get up) …,

(5 to go) … to the bathroom,

(6 to have) … a shower,

(7 to brush) … her teeth

and (8 to get) … dressed.

She (9 not – to eat) …anything for breakfast. At 7.45 she (10 to leave) …

home and (11 to catch) … the bus to school. Her sisters (12 to take) … the bus with

her. After school, at 4.35, they (13 to go) … to the gym together. Then they (14 to

come) … back home and (15 to do) … their homework. At 7.30, the whole family

(16 to eat) … together.

(17 to think – you) … her day is over? No, because Mary (18 to be) … a very

helpful girl, so she (19 to help) … her mother cleaning up everything after dinner.

1 ……………

2 ……………

3 ……………

4 ……………

5 ……………

6 ……………

7 ……………

8 ……………

9 ……………

10 ……………

11 ……………

12 ……………

13 ……………

14 ……………

15 ……………

16 ……………

17 ……………

18 ……………

19 ……………

20 ……………

21 ……………

22 ……………

Page 7: Step up 1 : exercices en lien avec les Check & go · en lien avec les Check & go Vous trouverez des exercices sur les points de grammaire des Check & go de Step up 1 : Present continuous


Then she (20 to watch) … TV for a while. What (21 to watch – she) …? Usually a

movie. At about 9.30, she (22 to brush) … her teeth again, (23 to put) … on her

pyjamas and (24 to go) … to bed. Her parents always (25 to kiss) … her goodnight

before she (26 to get) … asleep.

23 ……………

24 ……………

25 ……………

26 ……………

Present simple vs present continuous

1 Choose the correct answers to the questions.

1 What do you do?

2 What are you doing?

3 Where do you work?

4 Where are you working?

5 What language do you speak?

6 What language is he speaking?

7 Does his sister play the guitar?

8 Is his brother playing the guitar?

a No, he isn’t. That’s the radio.

b I’m interviewing this man.

c I’m a journalist.

d I’m in London for the moment.

e In a company in Brussels.

f It sounds like Dutch.

g Spanish, I’m from Barcelona.

h No, she doesn’t. She plays the piano.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ………

2 Underline the correct form of the verb. Tick if it is a routine or an action going on now.




on now

1 Every day, school starts / is starting at half past eight. ……… ………

2 This year, I study / am studying Spanish. ……… ………

3 I usually have / am having breakfast before going to school. ……… ………

4 Oh, look at the picture! Lisa doesn’t listen / isn’t listening

to the teacher. ……… ………

5 In that picture, the teacher talks / is talking about

Shakespeare. Do you know him? ……… ………

6 Every Wednesday, I go / am going to football practice. ……… ………

7 And for the moment, I have / am having drama lessons too. ……… ………

Page 8: Step up 1 : exercices en lien avec les Check & go · en lien avec les Check & go Vous trouverez des exercices sur les points de grammaire des Check & go de Step up 1 : Present continuous


3 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs, using the Present Simple or Continuous.

Dear Diary,

Today is my second day of hiking in the Highlands. I’m tired, my legs

(1. to shake) … and my feet (2. to bleed) …! But I

(3. to want) … to continue. Scotland is such a beautiful country!

Every day, I (4. to meet) … different people. They are so nice!

I (5. to try) … to learn Scots but it’s really different from English.

And unfortunately, as you know, I (6. not to learn) … foreign

languages quickly. For the moment I (7. to travel) … with John, a

student from the USA. He is nice but very impatient. He always

(8. to walk) … ahead of me and (9. to say) … I’m too slow…

Anyway, now it’s time to sleep! See you tomorrow!

1 ………………………

2 ………………………

3 ………………………

4 ………………………

5 ………………………

6 ………………………

7 ………………………

8 ………………………

9 ………………………

Les prépositions de lieu

1 Look at the picture and choose the correct prepositions.

1 The bed is in the middle of / in the corner of the room.

2 The plant is near / far from the television.

3 The heater is under / on the window.

4 The table is on / near the carpet.

5 The television is in the middle of / in the corner of the room between / behind the two windows.

Page 9: Step up 1 : exercices en lien avec les Check & go · en lien avec les Check & go Vous trouverez des exercices sur les points de grammaire des Check & go de Step up 1 : Present continuous


6 The desk is in front of / opposite the window.

7 The newspaper is under / on the table in the middle of / in the corner of the room.

8 The armchair is opposite / in front of the desk.

2 Look at the map and read the sentences. Are they true or false? Put a cross

True False Correction

1 The hotel is opposite the bank. …… …… ………………………

2 The restaurant is between the clothes shop

and the post office. …… …… ………………………

3 The clothes shop is opposite the pub. …… …… ………………………

4 The bank is on the corner of High street. …… …… ………………………

5 The pub is in Bond street. …… …… ………………………

6 The man is inside the hotel. …… …… ………………………

7 The woman is in front of the restaurant. …… …… ………………………

8 The butcher’s is next to the bank. …… …… ………………………

9 The post office is on the left of the restaurant. …… …… ………………………

10 The park is near the railway station. …… …… ………………………

Page 10: Step up 1 : exercices en lien avec les Check & go · en lien avec les Check & go Vous trouverez des exercices sur les points de grammaire des Check & go de Step up 1 : Present continuous


3 Situate the following things. Write sentences starting from the picture and the words.

1 the van / the family ……………………………………………………

2 the balloon / the suitcase ……………………………………………………

3 the woman / the man ……………………………………………………

4 the van / the palm trees ……………………………………………………

5 the boy / the shoulder of the man ……………………………………………………

6 the starfish / the van ……………………………………………………

La forme interrogative

1 Tick the correct questions.

1 Her name’s Judith.

a What's her name? … b What's your name? … c How’s your name? …

2 She’s a doctor.

a What's his job? … b What's your job? … c What's her job? …

3 It’s a stethoscope.

a What's this in English? … b What's in English? … c What's it English? …

4 Yes, she does.

Page 11: Step up 1 : exercices en lien avec les Check & go · en lien avec les Check & go Vous trouverez des exercices sur les points de grammaire des Check & go de Step up 1 : Present continuous


a Has she got children? … b Does she like her job? … c How is she? …

5 She’s from Scotland.

a Where's he from? … b Where is she from? … c Where does she live? …

6 She is visiting a patient.

a What is she doing? … b What is he doing? … c What does she do? …

2 Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

Your mum is talking to your brother on Skype. What is she asking?

1 feeling - how - today - you - are?


2 New Zealand - is - how?


3 you - did - evening - yesterday - do - what?


4 restaurant - eat - that - well - did - at - you?


5 are - you - back - when - home - coming?


6 Christmas - you - come - visit - we - for - and - can?


7 again - call - you - soon - will?



1 Choose the correct answer.

4.45 Quarter to four

Quarter past four

Quarter to five


8.25 Eight past twenty-five

Twenty-five past eight

Twenty-five to nine


6.30 Six past half

Half to seven

Half past six


Page 12: Step up 1 : exercices en lien avec les Check & go · en lien avec les Check & go Vous trouverez des exercices sur les points de grammaire des Check & go de Step up 1 : Present continuous


11.10 Ten past eleven

Eleven to ten

Ten to eleven


7.15 Fifteen past seven

Quarter to seven

Quarter past seven


4.35 Thirty-five past four

Thirty-five to five

Twenty-five to five


2 What time is it? Write the times in words.

1 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

5 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3 Look at Yasmin’s timetable and answer the following questions in full letters.

1 2 3 4 5

Page 13: Step up 1 : exercices en lien avec les Check & go · en lien avec les Check & go Vous trouverez des exercices sur les points de grammaire des Check & go de Step up 1 : Present continuous


1 What time does Yasmin start school every day?

2 What time does she have English on Tuesday?

3 What time does she finish school on Wednesday?

4 What time does she have a break in the morning?

5 What time does she finish school on Thursday?

6 What time does she have Spanish on Monday?

7 What time does she have French on Friday?

1 …………………………….

2 …………………………….

3 …………………………….

4 …………………………….

5 …………………………….

6 …………………………….

7 …………………………….

Le cas possessif

1 Possessive case or to be? Tick the correct answer.


case To be

1 Jennifer’s sister has got a guitar. ………… …………

2 Her sister’s name’s Iris. ………… …………

3 Jennifer and Iris’s rooms are big. ………… …………

4 Jack’s her cousin. ………… …………

5 Jack’s eight years old. ………… …………

2 Tick the correct sentences and correct the wrong ones.

Correct Corrected version

1 The teacher’s T-shirt is green. ……… ……………………………………

2 The children’ books are open. ……… ……………………………………

3 The girls’s hair is long. ……… ……………………………………

4 The classroom’s tables are round. ……… ……………………………………

5 The boy’s shirt° is blue and white. ……… ……………………………………

° shirt: chemise

3 Reformulate these sentences using a possessive case if possible.

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The door of the house. The toys of the children. The book of James.

……………………………… ……………………………… ………………………………

The car of Sue. The ball of the boys. The capital of Belgium.

……………………………… ……………………………… ………………………………

Le pluriel

Look at the picture. Complete the sentences using these words:

book pen dictionary chair pencil rubber school diary

Page 15: Step up 1 : exercices en lien avec les Check & go · en lien avec les Check & go Vous trouverez des exercices sur les points de grammaire des Check & go de Step up 1 : Present continuous


1 There are seven blue … . ………………………

2 The pink pot contains six … . ………………………

3 There are … in the left cupboard. ………………………

4 Two … and two … are on the table. ………………………

5 Two … are open. ………………………

6 Six green … are on the right shelf. ………………………

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Step up 1 : exercices

en lien avec les Check & go :Correction Present continuous

1 Write down the –ing form of the following verbs and put them in the correct column.

to sit – to wait – to do – to play – to watch – to lie - to cut – to come – to drink – to walk – to run – to

lose – to travel – to die – to study

+ing e +ing +consonant+ing ie +ying waiting















2 What are the people in the pictures doing? Complete the sentences with verbs from the list.

Use the present continuous.

She is shopping. They are visiting London. She is carrying an umbrella.

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She is having a cup of tea. She is cycling. He is playing tennis.

She is listening to her iPod. She is singing in the rain. He is calling a taxi.

She is waiting for a plane.

3 Make the sentences from exercise 2 negative.

1 She isn’t/is not shopping.

2 They aren’t/are not visiting London.

3 She isn’t/is not carrying an umbrella.

4 She isn’t/is not having a cup of tea.

5 She isn’t/is not cycling.

6 He isn’t/is not playing tennis.

7 She isn’t/is not listening to her iPod.

8 She isn’t/is not singing in the rain.

9 He isn’t/is not calling a taxi.

10 She isn’t/is not waiting for a plane.

Page 18: Step up 1 : exercices en lien avec les Check & go · en lien avec les Check & go Vous trouverez des exercices sur les points de grammaire des Check & go de Step up 1 : Present continuous


4 Write questions in the present continuous and answer them with a short answer.

1 you / to do / an exercise / ?

Are you doing an exercise?

Yes, I am.

2 the sun / to shine / ?

Is the sun shining?

Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

3 your parents / to work / at the moment / ?

Are your parents working at the moment?

Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

4 your teacher / to speak / now / ?

Is your teacher speaking now?

Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn’t.

5 the children / to run / in the playground / ?

Are the children running in the playground?

Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

Present simple (forme affirmative)

1 Underline the correct form of the verb.

Welcome to the Smurfs’ village!

8 The Smurfs live / lives in a secret village in the forest.

9 They speak / speaks a strange language, the “Smurf”.

10 Papa Smurf look / looks after all the Smurfs.

11 All the Smurfs love / loves Smurfette.

12 Gargamel want / wants to catch the Smurfs.

13 He always gos / goes in the forest to find their village.

14 Papa Smurf studys / studies spells° to fight Gargamel.

° spells: sorts

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.

A day in the life of a young football player

1 Every day, I (to get up) … at 6 am to go to the football pitch. get up

2 At 7 am, I (to meet) … my coach and my team. meet

3 Together we (to train) … for one hour. train

Page 19: Step up 1 : exercices en lien avec les Check & go · en lien avec les Check & go Vous trouverez des exercices sur les points de grammaire des Check & go de Step up 1 : Present continuous


4 Our coach (to give) … a lot of exercises to do. gives

5 The training session (to finish) … at 8 am. finishes

6 After that, we (to dress) … and (to go) … to school. dress / go

7 School (to start) … at 9 am and (to finish) … at 3 pm. starts / finishes

8 My best friend (to go) … home but I (to play) … football again. goes / play

9 At 7 pm, I (to come) … back home and (to eat) … with my family. come / eat

10 I (to do) … my homework and then (to go) … to sleep at 10 pm. do / go

Present simple (forme interrogative)

1 Underline the correct form of the verb.

8 Do / does you have two minutes to answer my questions?

9 Where do / does you live?

10 How do / does you go to school?

11 And how do / does your friends go to school?

12 Do / does your father or mother drive you to school?

13 Do / does I have time for other questions?

14 Does / Do it bother° you?

° bother: ennuyer

2 You are writing to your pen friend. Ask him/her questions.

1 you / like chocolate? Do you like chocolate?

2 where / your brother / study? Where does your brother study?

3 how / you / go to school? How do you go to school?

4 what time / you / wake up? What time do you wake up?

5 your parents / speak French? Do your parents speak French?

6 when / you and your family / go on holiday? When do you and your family go on holiday?

7 you / do sports? Do you do sports?

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Present simple (forme négative)

1 Underline the correct form of the verb.

7 I don’t / doesn’t like grumpy° people.

8 My friends and I don’t / doesn’t like Gargamel.

9 Gargamel don’t / doesn’t like us.

10 Gargamel and his cat don’t / doesn’t catch us very often.

11 We don’t / doesn’t live in big houses.

12 I don’t / doesn’t like parties.

° grumpy: râleur

2 Look at the pictures and write sentences.

He doesn’t want to eat. / He doesn’t eat.

She doesn’t listen to her mother.

She doesn’t drive safely. / She doesn’t look at the road.

The baby doesn’t want to sleep. / The baby doesn’t sleep.

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They don’t speak.

They don’t see.

3 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs.

Mary (1 to be) … an American girl.

She (2 to live) … in Los Angeles,

California, with her family.

Her day (3 not - to start) …

before 7.30. At that time,

she (4 to get up) …,

(5 to go) … to the bathroom,

(6 to have) … a shower,

(7 to brush) … her teeth

and (8 to get) … dressed.

She (9 not – to eat) …anything for breakfast. At 7.45 she (10 to leave) …

home and (11 to catch) … the bus to school. Her sisters (12 to take) … the bus with

her. After school, at 4.35, they (13 to go) … to the gym together. Then they (14 to

come) … back home and (15 to do) … their homework. At 7.30, the whole family

(16 to eat) … together.

(17 to think – you) … her day is over? No, because Mary (18 to be) … a very

helpful girl, so she (19 to help) … her mother cleaning up everything after dinner.

Then she (20 to watch) … TV for a while. What (21 to watch – she) …? Usually a

movie. At about 9.30, she (22 to brush) … her teeth again, (23 to put) … on her

pyjamas and (24 to go) … to bed. Her parents always (25 to kiss) … her goodnight

before she (26 to get) … asleep.

1 is

2 lives

3 doesn’t start

4 gets up

5 goes

6 has

7 brushes

8 gets

9 doesn’t eat

10 leaves

11 catches

12 take

13 go

14 come

15 do

16 eat / eats

17 Do you think

18 is

19 helps

20 watches

21 does she watch

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22 brushes

23 puts

24 goes

25 kiss

26 gets

Present simple vs present continuous

1 Choose the correct answers to the questions.

1 What do you do?

2 What are you doing?

3 Where do you work?

4 Where are you working?

5 What language do you speak?

6 What language is he speaking?

7 Does his sister play the guitar?

8 Is his brother playing the guitar?

a No, he isn’t. That’s the radio.

b I’m interviewing this man.

c I’m a journalist.

d I’m in London for the moment.

e In a company in Brussels.

f It sounds like Dutch.

g Spanish, I’m from Barcelona.

h No, she doesn’t. She plays the piano.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

c b e d g f h a

2 Underline the correct form of the verb. Tick if it is a routine or an action going on now.

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on now

1 Every day, school starts / is starting at half past eight. X

2 This year, I study / am studying Spanish. X

3 I usually have / am having breakfast before going to school. X

4 Oh, look at the picture! Lisa doesn’t listen / isn’t listening

to the teacher. X

5 In that picture, the teacher talks / is talking about

Shakespeare. Do you know him? X

6 Every Wednesday, I go / am going to football practice. X

7 And for the moment, I have / am having drama lessons too. X

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3 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs, using the Present Simple or Continuous.

Dear Diary,

Today is my second day of hiking in the Highlands. I’m tired, my legs

(1. to shake) … and my feet (2. to bleed) …! But I

(3. to want) … to continue. Scotland is such a beautiful country!

Every day, I (4. to meet) … different people. They are so nice!

I (5. to try) … to learn Scots but it’s really different from English.

And unfortunately, as you know, I (6. not to learn) … foreign

languages quickly. For the moment I (7. to travel) … with John, a

student from the USA. He is nice but very impatient. He always

(8. to walk) … ahead of me and (9. to say) … I’m too slow…

Anyway, now it’s time to sleep! See you tomorrow!

1 are shaking

2 are bleeding

3 want

4 meet

5 am trying / ‘m trying

6 don’t learn / do not learn

7 am travelling / ‘m travelling

8 walks

9 says

Les prépositions de lieu

1 Look at the picture and choose the correct prepositions.

9 The bed is in the middle of / in the corner of the room.

10 The plant is near / far from the television.

11 The heater is under / on the window.

12 The table is on / near the carpet.

13 The television is in the middle of / in the corner of the room between / behind the two windows.

14 The desk is in front of / opposite the window.

15 The newspaper is under / on the table in the middle of / in the corner of the room.

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16 The armchair is opposite / in front of the desk.

2 Look at the map and read the sentences. Are they true or false? Put a cross

True False Correction

1 The hotel is opposite the bank. X next to

2 The restaurant is between the clothes shop

and the post office. X

3 The clothes shop is opposite the pub. X

4 The bank is on the corner of High street. X

5 The pub is in Bond street. X

6 The man is inside the hotel. X in front of / out of

7 The woman is in front of the restaurant. X behind

8 The butcher’s is next to the bank. X opposite

9 The post office is on the left of the restaurant. X on the right of

10 The park is near the railway station. X

3 Situate the following things. Write sentences starting from the picture and the words.

1 the van / the family The van is behind the family.

2 the balloon / the suitcase The balloon is in front of the suitcase.

3 the woman / the man The woman is on the left of the man.

4 the van / the palm trees The van is between the palm trees.

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5 the boy / the shoulder of the man The boy is on the shoulder of the man.

6 the starfish / the van The starfish are opposite the van.

La forme interrogative

1 Tick the correct questions.

1 Her name’s Judith.

a What's her name? X b What's your name? c How’s your name?

2 She’s a doctor.

a What's his job? b What's your job? c What's her job? X

3 It’s a stethoscope.

a What's this in English? X b What's in English? c What's it English?

4 Yes, she does.

a Has she got children? b Does she like her job? X c How is she?

5 She’s from Scotland.

a Where's he from? b Where is she from? X c Where does she live?

6 She is visiting a patient.

a What is she doing? X b What is he doing? c What does she do?

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2 Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

Your mum is talking to your brother on Skype. What is she asking?

8 feeling - how - today - you - are?

How are you feeling today?

9 New Zealand - is - how?

How is New Zealand?

10 you - did - evening - yesterday - do - what?

What did you do yesterday evening?

11 restaurant - eat - that - well - did - at - you?

Did you eat well at that restaurant?

12 are - you - back - when - home - coming?

When are you coming back home?

13 Christmas - you - come - visit - we - for - and - can?

Can we come and visit you for Christmas?

14 again - call - you - soon - will?

Will you call again soon?


1 Choose the correct answer.

4.45 Quarter to four

Quarter past four

Quarter to five

Quarter to five

8.25 Eight past twenty-five

Twenty-five past eight

Twenty-five to nine

Twenty-five past eight

6.30 Six past half

Half to seven

Half past six

Half past six

11.10 Ten past eleven

Eleven to ten

Ten to eleven

Ten past eleven

7.15 Fifteen past seven

Quarter to seven

Quarter past seven

Quarter past seven

4.35 Thirty-five past four

Thirty-five to five

Twenty-five to five

Twenty-five to five

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2 What time is it? Write the times in words.

1 Twenty-five past two

2 Quarter past four

3 Twenty to one

4 Half past ten

5 Five to twelve

3 Look at Yasmin’s timetable and answer the following questions in full letters.

1 What time does Yasmin start school every day?

2 What time does she have English on Tuesday?

3 What time does she finish school on Wednesday?

4 What time does she have a break in the morning?

5 What time does she finish school on Thursday?

6 What time does she have Spanish on Monday?

7 What time does she have French on Friday?

1 At half past eight.

2 At (a) quarter past eleven.

3 At ten to one.

4 At five to eleven.

5 At (a) quarter past four.

6 At twenty past nine.

7 At ten to two.

1 2 3 4 5

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Le cas possessif

1 Possessive case or to be? Tick the correct answer.


case To be

1 Jennifer’s sister has got a guitar. X

2 Her sister’s name’s Iris. X X

3 Jennifer and Iris’s rooms are big. X

4 Jack’s her cousin. X

5 Jack’s eight years old. X

2 Tick the correct sentences and correct the wrong ones.

Correct Corrected version

1 The teacher’s T-shirt is green. X

2 The children’ books are open. The children’s books are open.

3 The girlss’s hair is long. The girls’ hair is long.

4 The classroom’s tables are round. The tables of the classroom are round.

5 The boy’s shirt° is blue and white. X

° shirt: chemise

3 Reformulate these sentences using a possessive case if possible.

The door of the house. The toys of the children. The book of James.

The door of the house. The children’s toys. James’s book.

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The car of Sue. The ball of the boys. The capital of Belgium.

Sue’s car. The boys’ ball. The capital of Belgium.

Le pluriel

Look at the picture. Complete the sentences using these words:

book pen dictionary chair pencil rubber school diary

1 There are seven blue … . chairs

2 The pink pot contains six … . pens

3 There are … in the left cupboard. books

4 Two … and two … are on the table. pencils / rubbers

5 Two … are open. dictionaries / books

6 Six green … are on the right shelf. school diaries / books
