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S T E M C A R E E R S M O D U L E : S T E M M OV I N G O N


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For this project, Careers company, Babcock and Centre for Science Education conducted a wide ranging baseline survey in 2008/09, published Jan 2010

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THE SURVEYSWho was surveyed?

• Yrs 9,10,11• Parents and carers• Careers practitioners and STEM Teachers• All surveys were anonymous, with questions tailored to the audience

• The purpose was to measure the potential impact of project activities:• Development of STEM curriculum careers related resources• CPD for teachers • IAG professional support resources• An Economic Wellbeing resource• Work placements, mentors and work experience resources

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3,729 respondents were evenly spread across year groups and roughly equal in gender termsResponse rate was 71%

• Students rated themselves on:• Personal skills and capabilities• Enjoyment of subjects• Views on STEM subjects• Progression in STEM • Choices in STEM careers

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STUDENT RESPONSES • Students viewed themselves as good team

workers and creative.

• Girls had a less positive self image than boys..

• Students most enjoyed PE, art, English and science.

• Enjoyment of STEM subjects varied: 32% enjoyed ICT, 26% maths, 7% engineering

Preferences fell within gender lines : girls liked food tech, art English; boys liked maths, science, ICT, engineering.

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WHAT ABOUT STEM?• Students were more positive towards science and

maths than technology & engineering

• Technology & engineering perceived as being more suitable for boys

• Responses towards engineering included lots of ‘don’t knows’ implying a lack of information/understanding

• 50% want edto continue to study science; maths the most popular and engineering the least

• Apart from Biology, more boys than girls wanted to continue in STEM.

• Interest in further study of STEM declined between years 9 and 11

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STEM CAREERS• Between 40% and 50% of students

agreed that STEM careers are highly paid, enjoyable, have prospects and need qualifications

• 29% indicated that STEM careers were no different to others and 20% thought they were ‘for boys’

• 15% thought STEM careers were ‘easy’

• 49-34% of ‘don’t knows’ implied a lack of knowledge about STEM careers. 30% wanted to know more

• Internet, role models, parents and teachers were the most influential sources of IAG

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• There were 880 parent respondents, mostly mothers, evenly distributed across year groups. Response rate was 19%• 95% wanted their child to

stay in learning post 16.

Technology perceived as more useful than separate science subjects

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• Parents were positive about STEM careers, with gender differences, e.g. fathers more positive about engineering than mothers.

• Virtually no parents said they would discourage their child from considering STEM careers, but most felt they needed more information. Fathers were most confident in discussing STEM careers with their child

• Parents perceived the 3 most useful STEM careers activities as work experience, STEM-related activity days, and visits to STEM employers

• Few had seen anything in the media promoting STEM careers

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• Total of 98 responses.

• 47% of respondents taught combined science.• 25% taught one of biology, chemistry, or

technology. • Physics was taught by 7%, • 21% taught maths• 5% engineering.• Most taught yrs 8-11. 78% taught 4 year

groups or more, indicating the sustained impact a teacher can have.

• 46% had STEM related careers before teaching (but not always related to the subject they now taught)

• 42% had 11 years or more teaching experience

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• Teachers thought that ‘focussed hard workers’ are successful in STEM and those less so had ‘personal, support, or learning difficulties’• 11% of respondents were involved in placing

students in work experience, placements or tasters• 49% said students explored STEM careers beyond

the classroom, but mostly this was via work experience. Problem solving, Taster days and FE/HE visits were the next most mentioned• 31% used STEM careers resources - mostly

posters, websites and the Connexions service

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BARRIERS TO STEM• Teachers saw main barrier to

participation in STEM as the male domination of these subjects, especially in engineering and science, but not so much in technology and maths

• Teachers said that the limited exposure students get in school to the range of jobs and careers related to STEM subjects, and their subsequently poor understanding of the range of careers available were also barriers to participation in these subjects.

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CONCLUSIONS• Boost STEM participation, particularly in

engineering, by engaging more girls.

• Work experience is very influential in turning young people on to STEM.

• Informing parents about STEM opportunities is very important.

• Students need more exposure to STEM careers whilst at school.

• More teachers should be involved in placements and work experience, especially those who have worked in STEM careers prior to teaching.
