Page 1: Staying Connected with God's Principles: Overcoming FEAR

Staying Connected With God’s Principles: Overcoming FEAR

Copyright © Christiandrive 2011

Page 2: Staying Connected with God's Principles: Overcoming FEAR


Page 3: Staying Connected with God's Principles: Overcoming FEAR

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Copyright © Christiandrive 2011

Page 4: Staying Connected with God's Principles: Overcoming FEAR

For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear... (Romans 8:15)

Copyright © Christiandrive 2011

Page 5: Staying Connected with God's Principles: Overcoming FEAR


Fear is our ultimate enemy and an unwelcomed guest, but to many operating outside the circumference and fortress of God’s word it’s a sickness without cure, to

them every second, every minute and every hour is subject to the dictates of fear.

Copyright © Christiandrive 2011

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The Cure to FEAR is believing, living and complying with every word of God.

God’s word invalidates the fear and provides the much needed comfort and Power to encounter foes and dangers; power to bear up under trials; power to triumph in persecutions

Copyright © Christiandrive 2011

Page 7: Staying Connected with God's Principles: Overcoming FEAR

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27)

Copyright © Christiandrive 2011

Page 8: Staying Connected with God's Principles: Overcoming FEAR

But of power - Power to encounter foes and dangers; power to bear up under trials; power to triumph in persecutions.

Copyright © Christiandrive 2011

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Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me. (Psalms 23:4)

Copyright © Christiandrive 2011

Page 10: Staying Connected with God's Principles: Overcoming FEAR

What is What is FEAR?FEAR?What is What is FEAR?FEAR?

What is What is ANXIETY?ANXIETY?Why do Christians Why do Christians WORRY?WORRY?

Fear Busting Fear Busting Bible ScripturesBible Scriptures

Alternatives to Alternatives to Voices Of FEARVoices Of FEAR

Let the infallible word of GOD be your source...

Copyright © Christiandrive 2011

Page 11: Staying Connected with God's Principles: Overcoming FEAR

What is What is FEAR?FEAR?What is What is FEAR?FEAR?

What is What is ANXIETY?ANXIETY?Why do Christians Why do Christians WORRY?WORRY?

Fear Busting Fear Busting Bible ScripturesBible Scriptures

Alternatives to Alternatives to Voices Of FEARVoices Of FEAR

A heart without an understanding of God’s word is but an empty territory waiting to

be exploited by fear... –Christian Drive Network

Copyright © Christiandrive 2011

Page 12: Staying Connected with God's Principles: Overcoming FEAR

What is What is FEAR?FEAR?What is What is FEAR?FEAR?

What is What is ANXIETY?ANXIETY?Why do Christians Why do Christians WORRY?WORRY?

Fear Busting Fear Busting Bible ScripturesBible Scriptures

Alternatives to Alternatives to Voices Of FEARVoices Of FEAR

Fear is one of the ruthless weapons in Devils armoury

Copyright © Christiandrive 2011

Page 13: Staying Connected with God's Principles: Overcoming FEAR

What is What is FEAR?FEAR?What is What is FEAR?FEAR?

What is What is ANXIETY?ANXIETY?Why do Christians Why do Christians WORRY?WORRY?

Fear Busting Fear Busting Bible ScripturesBible Scriptures

Alternatives to Alternatives to Voices Of FEARVoices Of FEAR

The Bible offers powerful alternatives to the voices of FEAR, The Bible repeatedly says "Do

not be afraid.“ and “Fear NOT”

Copyright © Christiandrive 2011

Page 14: Staying Connected with God's Principles: Overcoming FEAR

NAVIGATE FROM POSITION OF POWER Meditating on God’s word on regular basis can:

Change your toxic way of thinkingChange your attitude to fear (a mind detox)Stop you from carrying around negative and crippling thoughts. Help you achieve your goals and not keep you in a state of misery. Help you reclaim your peace and sense of calmness. Push the boundaries of your coping strategy and fighting spirit to the next level. Unfreeze your frozen faith and provide recipes for healthy spiritual growth and development. Provide spiritual ammunitions

Copyright © Christiandrive 2011

Page 15: Staying Connected with God's Principles: Overcoming FEAR

What Does Courage Mean to You?

Courage means having control over fear, reclaiming peace and staying calm when your world is flooded with negative and toxic thoughts, crippling circumstances and situations.

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Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.

Deuteronomy 31:6

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Remember Jesus countered Satanic forces and forces of darkness, Satanic lies and temptation, with the truth of God's Word