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Love digital marketing? Left confused by all the jargon? Well you’re in the right place. Welcome back to the MARS A-Z of Digital Shopper Marketing. Now, the world of digital is always brimming with new and confusing terminology, and it can be difficult to stay up-to-date. Our weekly glossary will

keep you right on top of the key terms that you need to know, and this week you’re in for a treat as we give you the pick of the crop of digi-buzzwords that begin with...

Link rot refers to what happens when you click on a link and receive an error message that the website has been moved. This is detrimental to SEO as spiders can’t keep up with the changes. A ‘redirect’ link solves the issue.

Link Rot

Providing useful, attention grabbing content that encourages link shares from other web pages. Particularly applicable when creating content that appeals to social networks and/or bloggers.

Link Bait

A symbiotic advertising initiative where two businesses promote each other’s services and websites on an exchange rather than paid basis. Also known as Banner Exchange.

Link Exchange

The very first page a user reaches when clicking on a search engine listing or a banner ad. The pages that have the highest success rates are those that match up as closely as possible with the users search query.

Landing Page

Files that are automatically created by a web server as user actions occur. Log Analyzers analyze the log files to map visitors’ data. When used in conjunction with cookies they provide rich, in-depth information.

Log File

LAN stands for ‘Local Area Network’. It’s a network of workstations sharing a server within a relatively small geographic area, like in an office. Any device in the LAN network can access the server.


A software like Google Analytics that provides information about a site’s visitors, activity statistics, accessed files, click-through paths and other analytical data based on the user’s behavior.

Log Analyser

An open source operating system based on the most popular server operating system. Linux is used to run web servers and desktops, and because it’s open sourced can be developed by coders.


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