  • 5/28/2018 Statutory Audit Presentation


    Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved

    Tally.ERP 9

    Auditors Edition

    Statutory Audit

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    Statutory Audit using Tally.ERP 9 AE


    Definition & Audit Objective

    Audit & Analysis-Features

    Audit Journals

    Financial Statements

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    The Tally.ERP 9 AE offers many benefits to Auditorsperforming a Statutory Audit.

    Enables faster and easier data analysis - saves timeand cost

    Generates Exceptions for Accounts, Stocks, Balances,etc.

    Perform General Ledger review / scrutiny and assignSampling Methods for verification of vouchers

    Perform Analytical procedures, Fixed Asset Analysis Finalise book of account through Audit Journals

    Aids in preparing Schedule VI Balance Sheet and Profit& Loss A/c

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    Definitions & Audit Objectives

    Statutory Audit refers to examination/verification activitiesperformed by a Chartered Accountant to ascertain:

    a) Whether books of accounts prepared, conform to theaccepted accounting principles, policies and

    law/statutesb) Reflect a true and fair view of the businesss state of

    affairs to interested parties

    The Chartered Accountant certifies whether the accounting

    information recorded in the books:a) Conform


    b) Does not to above requirements

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    Audit & Compliance Menu

    Open Tally.ERP 9

    Auditors Edition.

    Select the requiredCompany to display

    Gateway of Tally.

    Select Audit &

    Compliance under

    Audit to access theaudit features.

    Tally Main -> Gateway of Tally

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    Access to Audit & Compliance Menu

    When the Client activates the Security ControlScenario 1

    Click Alt+F3:CmpInfo in Gateway ofTallyto display the

    Company Alterationscreen.

    Under SecurityControl:

    Select Yesfor UseSecurity Control Enter details for

    Name ofAdministrator&Passwordfields

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    Access to Audit & Compliance Menu

    When the Auditor provides the access details Scenario2

    Click Audit &Compliance inGateway of Tally

    screen todisplay CompanyAlteration-EnableSecurityscreen.

    Enable access to auditfeatures by entering: Name of

    Administrator Password

    Accept and savethe login details foraccess.

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    Audit & Compliance

    Access theStatutory AuditMenufeatures byexecuting the


    Tally Main>GatewayofTally> Audit&


    Features coveredare: Audit


    Audit &Analysis

    Audit Journals Financial


    Main features of the Statutory Audit Menu.

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    Audit Programme

    Click AuditProgrammeunderStatutory Auditmenu

    Select YestoSet/Alter Client &Auditor DetailsinAudit Programmescreen

    Select defaultarea(s) to beaudited underAreas of Audit.

    You can alsodefine your ownarea of audit(User DefinedArea of Audit).You can alsoremove the areaof audit defined(Remove UserDefined Area of


    Prepare the programme for conducting the audit. Selected areaappears underAreas of Audit.Period: Entertime details afteraudit completion.Verified By:Enter Auditorsname.Extent of

    Verification:Enter scope ofverification.VerificationRemarks: Enter

    any remarks.

    The details ofNameand Addressare automaticallypicked up from theCompany Creationscreen under ClientDetails.

    Enter other detailsunder Client

    DetailsandAuditor Details.

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    Audit Programme

    You can alsodefine audit areasas required andsave them under

    List ofAuditAreas window.

    Select UserDefined Area of

    Auditunder Listof AuditAreasto define.

    Define audit programme as per your requirements.Define therequired areas ofaudit under theAddingUser

    DefinedArea ofAuditwindow.

    The user definedarea of audit isnow saved underAreas of Audit

    and is availablefor selection inthe current andfuture audits.

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    Data Analysis

    Perform a set of verification/analysis steps to ascertain certainattributes about Client data by comparing two years data

    Change period toview previousyears data for

    comparison withcurrent year.

    ClickF2: Period-to change period.

    Note: Use thismenu when thedata of both yearsare available in asingle folder.

    Enter the currentyear againstBeginningto

    display itsdashboard.

    For example,enter 2009todisplaydashboard forcurrent year2009-10.

    The Audit &Analysisscreenafter the change

    of period.

    The Dashboards topsection, DataAnalysis- provides

    information on dataexceptions, errors ordiscrepancies,mined out of theunaudited data.

    The Auditingdealswith verification ofvoucher details andtransactions likeMSME, Forex,etc.

    The dynamicinformation underAuditing are:

    Total: totalvouchers to beaudited.Audited: thenumber to beaudited.UnderObservation:vouchers underauditorsobservation.

    Under Clarification:vouchers to beclarified by client.

    Clarified: clarifiedvouchers to be re-audited.Altered: vouchersmodified afterupdating audit status

    to be re-audited.

    Other importantmenus includecontrol/support

    centers, etc.

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    Data Analysis

    Compare currentyears Clients datawith the previousyear.

    ClickCtrl+F3:Compare Cmp-to select data of theprevious year for

    comparison withcurrent year.

    Note: Use this menif data of both yearsreside in separatefolders.

    Study trends in data between current and previous year andconfigure ledger accounts.

    Mention the pathwhere theprevious yearsdata is located

    Select the data ofthe previous yearin CompareCompanyscreen.

    The Audit &AnalysisDashboard aftercomparison.

    ClickCtrl+F9:MasterConfigto displayStatutory Audit


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    Data Analysis

    Access all featuresunder StatutoryAuditmenu

    directly from anyof its features.

    Click Alt+F10:Audit Reports.

    Access Stat Audit all features directly from any where in thedashboard.

    Select therequired stat auditfeature directly

    under AuditReportsin AuditReportsscreen toperform thedesired auditprocess.

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    Verification of Chart of Accounts

    The Chart of Accounts is the starting point of a statutory audit.Select All Itemsagainst ShowLedgers havingStatusin


    Accept entries forother fields.

    The report providesinformation on theexceptions in theledgers of data.

    ClickF12:Configureandselect All Itemstodisplay all types of


    The Chart ofAccounts after theconfigurationprovides information

    on all exceptions inthe ledgers.

    Note that a newexception, No

    Changeis displayedalong with others.

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    Verification of Chart of Accounts

    Features in Verification of Chart of Accounts.Out of the theseexceptionsgenerated, considerthe following


    Only Balances,No Transactions


    Only Balances,No Transactions:

    Auditor can advise

    the client to writeoff: considering the

    age of thebalance

    other factors

    Regrouped:Auditor can verifythe reason(s) forregrouping the

    ledger account.

    For Example, theselected ledgeraccount was

    grouped underSundry Debtors inYr 08-09but in Yr09-10, groupedunder Sundry


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    Verification of Stock Items

    Displays stock related exceptions in the data to be audited.Display ofexceptionsrelating to stockswhen data of two

    years arecompared.

    For example,consider theexception.Negative


    The Auditor canverify/find thereason(s) for thenegative stock.

    Difference inOpening Stock

    The Auditor can

    verify/find thereason(s) for thedifference in thecurrent yearsopening balancewhen comparedwith the closingbalance of theprevious year.

    Not Used.

    The Auditor canverify/find the

    reason(s) for thenil activity in thestock items.

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    Verification of Stock Items

    Configure display of details in Verification of Stock Items.ClickF12:ConfigureConfigure displaydetails for stock

    items, Exceptions,Groups, AuditNotes and Names.

    The display afterconfiguration. Notethe display of newexception-No


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    Verification of Balances

    Verify differences in op balances in ledger accounts.

    Investigate ledgeraccounts whoseclosing balances inthe previous year

    do not tally withthe openingbalances in thecurrent year.

    Consider theExceptions of theFixed AssetsGroup.

    Analyse and findreasons for thedifferences in theclosing and

    opening balancesof ledgeraccounts forappropriateaction.

    Note: If data ofboth years are inthe same folder, thedifferences in op

    balances are notrelevant.

    The differences arerelevant only when

    the data of bothyears are found inseparate foldersand are compared.

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    Verification of Balances

    Examine change in default/normal behaviour of ledger accountsConsider an accountGroup-DirectExpenses, whoseamount is displayedin red colour underTransactions(rightside of the report).Verify the change inthe normal behaviourof the ledger account.

    Place the cursoron the right sideand drill down tothe ledger leveldisplay.

    Select the ledgeraccount(s) withcredit closingbalances.

    Select thetransaction for audit(press Spacebar).

    Click F9:Audittoaudit it.

    Select the value forAudit Status andenter observationunder Audit Note.

    Values available forAudit Status: Unknown Audited Need Clarification Under Observation

    Explanation for AuditStatus values:

    Unknown: Thisvalue is used whenthe Auditor wants tochange the earlieraudit decision taken.

    Audited: This value

    is chosen when auditof the transaction iscompleted and theAuditor has arrivedat a decision.

    Need Clarification:This value is chosenwhen the Auditorrequiresadditional/moreinformation from theClient beforecompleting the audit.


    Observation: Thisvalue is chosen whenthe Auditor is still inthe process ofauditing and has not

    completed it.

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    Verification of Balances

    Perform General Ledger review / scrutiny by configuring display.Left side detailshighlighted in reddepict opening /closing difference

    and right sidedetails highlightedin red depictbehaviouralchanges


    Analysedifference/variancein closing balancesin amount and


    Click Alt+V:BalanceVariance-


    F12:Configure-Configure howdetails have to

    be displayed inthe feature.

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    Analytical Procedures

    Study behaviour between two different entities, e.g., A Group to GroupLedger to Group, Ledger to Ledger, etc.

    Select the requiredinformation togenerate the

    comparison report(see image).

    Compare the SalesGroup with theIndirect Expenses


    Discuss with theClient on adversevariances and planthe required auditsteps.For example, adecrease in Salesvalue with increasein expenses is not a

    good sign.

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    Pending Documents

    Generate pending status of orders, bills and outstanding.Find the numberand value oftrading transactiondetails:

    Pending salesand purchaseorders

    Goods received

    without bills Goods delivered

    but not billed Outstandings-

    Receivables &Payables

    For example,generate thePending PurchaseOrder Summary

    to ascertain: Number of

    pending POs

    Opening value

    Value of receipts

    Closing value

    Plan the audit stepsaccordingly.

    Perform the audit othe pending order(e.g. PO).

    Select any ordertransaction bypressing theSpacebar.

    Click F9: Audittoperform the audit otransaction.

    Select the valueunder Audit Statuand enter thedetails under Audit


    Values available forAudit Statusare: Unknown

    Audited Need Clarification Under


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    Pending Documents

    Ascertain the age of the pending orders/bills.Select anytransaction type(e.g. Receivables)under


    Click Receivables.

    Click F6: Age wisein ReceivablesSummary(Outstandings)

    screento age thereceivables.

    Select any ageingmethod (Ageing byBill Date/Ageingby Due Date) in

    Ageing Analysisscreen.

    Define the ageingranges/periods inCompanyAgeingAlterationscreen.

    The receivablesamounts and theiraged details aredefined in the


    Click Alt+X:Exceptions to list allSundry Creditors withdebit balances

    Click Alt+F12Range to filter foronly debtors in orderto generate relevant

    ageing report

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    Statutory Payments

    Ascertain statusinformation onstatutory/tax


    What amount ispayable?

    How much ispaid?

    What is thebalance payable?

    To use this feature,it is necessary thatinitially the various

    statutory & taxationfeatures areactivated in F3:StatutoryunderF11:Featuresand

    relevant entrieshave been passedin Tally.ERP 9.

    Gather key information on Statutory Paymentsfor audit.

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    Fixed Assets Analysis

    Verify information onfixed assets opening balance

    additions disposals closing balance number of days for


    Aids in preparingdepreciation schedulewith provision toexport this to Excel

    Analyse important information relating to fixed assets duringthe year

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    Periodic Payments and Receipts

    Verify information onpayments/receiptswhich are periodic innature.

    E.g. Rents, Salaries,Interest income,telephone bills, etc.

    Verify variance interms of amountsand vouchersrelating to

    payments/receipts foraudit.

    Examine payments that are made periodically anddetect variances.

    ClickCtrl+F9:MasterConfigtoconfigure ledgers

    as PeriodicLedgers.

    Select PeriodicPayments andReceiptsunderMaster

    Configurationinthe StatutoryAuditConfigurationscreen.

    Select requiredledgers and clickCtrl+ A: Changeto configure them

    as Periodic Ledgers.

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    Repeated Value Transactions

    Verify the repeatedvalues accounted inthe report asconfigured.

    Probable duplicate entry of transactionsConfigure the displayof transactions basedon amount range: equal to

    greater than lesser than

    Sort the transactionsas required.

    Click F12:Configure-to configure thereport display.E.g.-Amounts aboveRs.5000 in

    ascending order.

    Investigate for agiven ledger ofsame transactionvalue how manyinstances arerepeated

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    Relative Size Factor (RSF)

    Relative Size Factor (RSF) is a forensic tool used by auditors todetect any anomalies in transactions of a ledger account.

    Click Relative SizeFactor (RSF) inAudit & Analysis


    A report of the ledgerswith the respectiveRelative Size Factor

    (RSF) is displayed inthe Relative SizeFactor (RSF) screen.

    Click F4: Grouptoexamine ledgeraccounts to review the

    amounts debited.

    Select any ledgeraccount (e.g.Electricity Charges)

    and examine thetransactions withrespect to RSF.

    The RSF factor is theration of the highestand the 2ndhighest

    ledger amounts.

    The RSF ratio isverified taking intoconsideration the

    nature of ledgeraccount and thebusiness activity.

    Click F9: Audittoperform the audit ofthe transaction.

    Select the requiredvalues for AuditStatusand Audit


    The values availablefor Audit Statusare: Unknown

    Audited Need Clarification Under Observation

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    Auditing/VouchingPerform steps ofVoucher verification,Sampling, Forex,Payroll and MSMEaudits using the Audit

    & Analysisfeature.

    View the number oftransactions/vouchersaudited under:

    Total Audited Under Observation Need Clarification Clarified Altered

    Auditing status:TotalThe totalnumber of vouchersunder audit for theyear.

    Audited The numbeof vouchers audited.Under Observation The number ofvouchers under


    Need ClarificationThe number ofvouchers sent to theClient for Clarification.Clarified(To be re-

    audited) Thenumber of vouchersclarified by the Clientto the Auditor and hasto be re-audited.

    Altered(To be re-audited)The numbeof vouchers which havbeen altered by theClient after audit andhas to be re-audited.

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    Verification of Vouchers

    Select vouchers byany samplingmethod in theSampling Detailsscreen.

    For example, selectAll Vouchersunder SamplingMethodsandreturn to the

    previous screen.

    Note: Samplingcan be 100%/based on


    Select any Group(e.g. Fixed Assets)for sampling bypressing Spacebar.Click Alt + S:

    SamplingConfigtoselect a sample.

    Verify vouchersselected usingdifferent methodsfor audit.

    Select therequired Group forverification ofvouchers in theVerification ofVouchersscreen.

    Click Ctrl+ A:Accept.

    The details ofsampled vouchers

    are displayedunder SampledVouchersin theVerification ofVouchersscreen.

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    Verification of Vouchers

    View sampled transactions and voucher types audited.

    View details ofsampled vouchers

    Click F7:Show


    View the details ofvoucher types andthe auditedvouchers.

    Click Ctrl + V:VchType Audit.

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    Related Party Transactions

    These aretransactionsbetween theclient and other

    parties whereeither has someinterest/stake.

    Click Ctrl+ F9:Master Config.

    Configure therelated partyledgers byconsulting

    the client.

    Select requiredledger Account(s).

    Click F9: Update

    to configure theledgers as relatedparties.

    Select any ledgerDrill down tovoucher level andselect for audit

    the transaction.

    Select the required related party ledger for audit.Perform the auditof the transaction.

    Select the value

    under AuditStatusand enterappropriateremarks underAudit Note.

    You canalternativelyconfigure theledger accounts

    as related partythrough ledgercreation underMasters menu.

    Configure thedisplay detailsunder OtherInformation in


    Click F12:Configure.Select Yesagainst UseOtherInformationfor Ledger


    Select Related Party Transactions.According toAccountingStandards, AS-18, a party is

    considered asrelated, if it hasthe ability tocontrol the otherparty or exercise

    significantinfluence over theother in makingfinancial and/oroperatingdecisions.

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    Forex Transactions

    Verify the exchange rates used for foreign currenciestransactions.Select anyVoucher Type(e.g. Payment)by moving cursorto the right underForex Vouchersand drill down tothe voucher level.

    Note: To use FEtransactionsfeature, activatethe multi currencyoption in


    Perform audit of anytransaction/voucherClick F9: Audit.

    Select Forex Transactions.

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    Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise (MSME) Txns

    Buyers of goodsand services fromMSME have to payinterest at 3 times

    the bank rate forlate payments.

    Configure selectionof MSME ledgersby discussing withthe client.

    Click Ctrl+F9:Master Config toselect the ledgersfor audit.

    Verify the timely payments to micro, small and medium enterprises(MSME) for goods and services.Select Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise (MSME) Transactions.

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    Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise (MSME) Txns

    Display age wise amounts due to MSME parties.Generate ageinganalysis foroutstanding billsof MSME.

    ClickF6: Agewise.

    Generate ageingreport by bill ordue dates.

    Define the ageingperiods to displaythe report.

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    Salary / Wages PaymentsAudit the employee headcount and their salaries details forthe year.

    Headcountdetails: Opening


    New joiners Resigned/Retir

    ed Closing


    Salary details: Gross

    earnings Deductions Net earning

    Place the cursoron the right sideof the reportunder

    Earnings,Deductions,Net Salary.

    Drill down to

    display themonthlyemployeeearnings.

    Select a salarytransaction foraudit.

    Press spacebarand click F9:Audit.

    The MonthlySummary ofSalaries/Wagesis displayed.

    Select Salary / Wages Payments.To use thisfeature, youhave to activatethe Payroll

    option indefaultTally.ERP 9 andaccount thepayroll


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    Salary / Wages Payments

    Generate report on movements in Headcount based on Officeand Dept.

    Place the cursoron the right sideunder HeadCount.

    Drill down todisplay theheadcount detailsfor Offices &


    Filter data todisplay headcountdetails for aselected Officeand Dept.Click Ctrl+ F7:EmployeeFilters.

    Configure the display of details in Salary/Wages Payments.

    Configure displayof details.ClickF12:Configure.

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    Audit Journals

    Use Audit Journals to close Books of Accounts forpreparing final accounts as per Sch VI ofCompanies Act.

    Pass Entries for: Appropriation-record entries such as Dividend,

    Dividend Tax, Reserve & Surplus Depreciation- record Depreciation entries

    Set up provisions for: Interest-pass provisional entries for interest Tax-pass provisional entries for tax

    Finalisation- entries passed in P&L before interest,depreciation and Tax

    Others- entries passed by client affecting P&L A/c

    AppropriationsExample:Appropriationof net profit

    for Dividenddistribution.

    OthersVerify the entries passed by Client which affectthe P&L A/c.

    Click AuditJournals underStatutoryAudit in Audit& Compliance

    to display theAudit JournalSummaryscreen.

    These entriescan beexported forimport intoclient data

    Click F7: AuditJrnl to displaythe AccountingVoucher


    Select requiredappropriationvalue underList of

    Appropriationsto pass thefinal entry.

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    Financial Statements

    Perform audit of the two main financial statements:1. Balance Sheet2. Profit & Loss A/c

    Advantages the Auditor Edition offers:

    Generate final accounts statements by click of button

    Define schedule numbers (numeric, alpha-numeric,roman)

    Regroup group/ledgers as per your requirements(regrouping does not affect the groupings in defaultTally.ERP 9)

    Aids in preparing Schedule VI Balance Sheet andProfit & Loss A/c by exporting to Excel

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    Schedule VI -Balance Sheet

    Define numbers forthe accountingschedules as peryour requirements.

    Click F9: Sch.No.tonumber/renumberSchedules.

    Define Sch No for account heads.

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    Schedule VI -Balance Sheet

    Move Tally ledgers/Groups from one Schedule VI Group to anotherRestore default settings.Drill down and movea ledger fromSecured LoanstoUnsecured Loans.

    Note: You can onlymove a defaultgroup/ledgercreated in Tally from

    one Schedule VIGroupto another.

    Click Ctrl+Enter:Config: Select aledger underSecured Loansto

    move toUnsecured Loans.

    Click F10:Restore Deftorestore originalsettings.

    Select UnsecuredLoansunder List ofGroups and accept.

    The ScheduleSummaryforSecured LoansGroup after the


    Click ScheduleSummaryofUnsecuredLoansto view the

    movement of theledger accountfrom SecuredLoans.

    Click YestoRestoreDefault?

    Click any key torestore defaultsettings.

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    Schedule-VI Profit & Loss A/c

    Click F9:Sch.No.Define/Renumberschedules as peryour


    Define Sch No for account heads.

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    Statutory Audit in Tally.ERP 9

    Thank you