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Page 1: Static Analysis

Daniella Lopez (41834598)

Dr. Dimas / MAE152

February 9, 2015

HW#5 [Ch.9]: Static Analysis of a Hanger

A hanger made of AISI 304 is loaded at the circular faced end with a force of 1000N normal to

the face. It is fixed to the back face of the bar where in the image the orange arrows indicate. An

important characteristic of this hanger is its connections with each component. The objective of this static

analysis is to use the proper contact set to allow SolidWorks to apply the proper calculations and


The first type of component contact applied is a bonded type. The automesher bonds common areas and

nodes located on touching faces are shared by elements on both sides. This analysis resulted in a

maximum displacement of 0.676 mm. Bonded contact set seems the most realistic.

(Bonded Contact Set)

The second analysis uses the option of allowable penetration. The selected faces are disjoined and can

freely go through each other with no interaction. It is possible that loads can cause interference between

parts, but if it doesn’t then this would save solution time and make results simpler.

The maximum displacement for this analysis was 6.799 mm. This seems correct because the angled bar is

able to go through the vertical bar which allows more leeway and displacement. This is not a good option

to use because it is not realistic for a real hanger to act in this manner and be able to avoid penetration.

Page 2: Static Analysis

(Allow Penetration Contact Set)

The third analysis had the option of no penetration. This contact type prevents interference between

source and target entities but allows gaps to form. The presence of sharp re-entrant edges and a coarse

mesh makes this a good model for displacement analysis, but no good for stress analysis. The maximum

displacement was 2.490 mm.

(No penetration Contact Set)

Page 3: Static Analysis

(No penetration Contact Set Close up)

There is also the option to use the Contact Visualization Plot in which SolidWorks shows all contacts in

the model.
