
States of Consciousness


• The organism’s awareness of, or possibility of knowing, what is going on inside or outside itself.

States of Consciousness- Freud’s work• Conscious Level- completely aware

• Preconscious Level-not present in consciousness but capable of being recalled without encountering any inner resistance or repression

• Subconscious Level- just below our present awareness • Unconscious Level- Contains thoughts, information, or

desires about which we have no true or direct knowledge of.

Sweet Sleep………

• Sleep is a state of consciousness.• We spend a 1/3 of our lives sleeping• We are less aware of our surroundings.• Circadian Rhythm- The cycle based on an entrained “a

trained” 24-hr cycle. • Every living thing on Earth has its own circadian rhythm

for the most part based on light and darkness.• We can adapt our cycle if needed. Ex. Working different

shifts at work, daylight savings time, and 24hr of light

Function of Sleep

•Memory consolidation• Energy conservation •Preservation from predators•Restoring bodily functions• Sleep deprivation can alter immune function and

lead to early death• Sleep deprivation can also lead to hallucinations and

perceptual disorder

Sleep need comparison

Sleep Cycle- Stage 1

• Kind of awake and kind of asleep.• Only lasts a few minutes, and you usually only

experience it once a night or at school..• If you have ever jolted in your seat? Yup, state uno.• Your brain produces Alfa Waves.

Stage 2• More Alfa Waves get progressively slower and disappear • Twilight state • We are relaxing

Stages 3 and 4

• Slow wave sleep.• You produce Delta waves.• If awoken you will be very groggy.• Vital for restoring body’s growth hormones and good

overall health.• From stage 4, your brain begins to speed up and you go to stage 3,

then 2….then ……

And then………..REMMMmmmmmmmm• Rapid Eye Movement• Often called paradoxical sleep.• Brain is very active.• Dreams usually occur in REM.• Body is essentially paralyzed.

Sleep Disorders

Sleep apnea • Person’s breathing stops during natural

sleep cycle. • Disrupted sleep, restless sleep, awaken

with gasping and choking• Can cause death in some case.

Insomnia• Persistent problems falling asleep• Effects 10% of the population• Many causes for insomnia:• Stress• Depression• Bad sleep habits

• Primary versus Secondary Insomnia• One is medical, the other is not


• Suffer from sleeplessness and may fall asleep at unpredictable or inappropriate times.• Directly into REM sleep• Less than .001 % of population.


Somnambulism/parasomnia- Sleepwalking

• Abnormal behavioral or physiological events during sleep or sleep-wake transitions• Sleep Walking- Associated with NREM • Most often occurs during the first few hours of sleeping and in

stage 4 (deep sleep).• If you have had night terrors, you are more likely to sleep walk

when older.•

Other disorders

• Night Terrors- Horrible dreams that is quite vivid and real.. • Sleep Paralysis



•Usually story-like: most dreams have some degree of likeness to daily activities including know locations, family and friends.•Yet, a dream typically has a weird twist•Some tend to be just bizarre and unrealistic- Mr. Chavez fighting along side The Walking Dead crew…

Themes across cultures Ten most prevalent dream themes in a sample of Chinese students according to Yu (2008):

• Schools, teachers, studying (95%)• Being chased or pursued (92 %)• Falling (87 %)• Arriving too late, e.g., missing a train (81 %)• Failing an examination (79 %)• A person now alive as dead (75%)• Trying again and again to do something (74%)• Flying or soaring through the air (74%)• Being frozen with fright (71 %)• Sexual experiences (70%)

Ten most prevalent dream themes in a sample of Canadian students according to Nielsen and colleagues (2003):

• Being chased or pursued (82 %)• Sexual experiences (77 %)• Falling (74 %)• Schools, teachers, studying (67 %)• Arriving too late, e.g., missing a train (60 %)• Being on the verge of falling (58 %)• Trying again and again to do something (54 %)• A person now alive as dead (54 %)• Flying or soaring through the air (48%)• Vividly sensing . . . a presence in the room (48


•What sociological factors could play a role in what a given culture would or could dream about?

Dreams Questionnaire based on 1000 Psychology Today readers • 95% said they remembered their dreams• 39% said they could control their dreams “lucid dreaming”• 68% said they had recurring dreams.-What do recurring dreams

mean?• 28% said they had died in a dream• 45% said they had dreamed about celebrities

So why do we dream? Theories •Wish Fulfillment: Sigmund Freud suggested that dreams

provide a safety valve to discharge unconscious wants and desires. That way they don’t come out in our everyday lives• According to Freud there is a manifest content( remembered

story-line) and a latent content or (underlying meaning of dreams)• Ex. Manifest- You are running through an empty school.• Latent- Why are you running through an empty school?

Information processing and organization • Dreams may help sift, sort, and fix the day’s experience in our

memories for future use.• As your brain is organizing the info it may just dump the info it might

find useless and irrelevant.• It is those pieces of random junk that many believe cause those crazy


Symbols in dreams

Information gathered from the Huffington Post.


•Water frequently represents our emotions or our unconscious minds. •The quality of the water (clear vs. cloudy; calm vs. turbulent) often provides insight into how effectively we are managing our emotions

Being Chased

• This is one of the most commonly reported dreams. •Often, the reason for these dreams comes not from

the fear of actually being chased, but rather what we're running from.• Chase dreams help us to understand that we may not

be addressing something in our waking lives that requires our attention.


•Although death is often perceived as negative, it's often more directly related to dramatic change happening for the dreamer.• the end of one thing, in order to make room for something new.

People• Seeing other people in your dream often is a reflection of the

different aspects of the self. • The people in dreams can relate to characteristics that need

to be developed. • Specific people directly relate to existing relationships or

interpersonal issues we need to work through.• Dreaming of a significant other, in particular, is frequently

symbolic of an aspect of ourselves, from which we feel detached.

Food•Food symbolizes energy, knowledge or nourishment and is directly related to our intellect, emotions and spirituality. •Food can also be a manifestation of idioms like, "food for thought," and reveal that we may be "hungry" for new information and insights.


•Not all falling dreams are scary and negative. •Some dreamers report a type of slow falling that indicates serenity and the act of letting go. •Often, falling uncontrollably from a great height indicates something in waking our life that feels very much out of control.


•Just plain awesome!!


• 1. Read articles• 2. Respond to questions in notebook• 3. Discuss your responses at your table
