  • Guides to Microjilmed Records

    ojthe German Navy, 1850-1945, No. 4





  • Guides to Microfilmed Records

    ofthe German Navy, 1850-1945, No. 4








    vii Inlroduclion

    x Gloss:u-y or ScIl,.",led Terms :lIld Abbn . .'vialioos

    xii CaPIUn.>d Gcrm:m and Kclalcd Kecords in Microform in lhe Nalional Archivl.."S

    Ja( ii Suggcslions for Ching National Archives Mierofwll of Capn,red Gcrman and Kclall..>d KI.."Cords

    XX" Ins lruelions for Ordcring Microfwn

    Guide Entril-s

    I F/oUtmkommmlllo (Ge/"/I/(w N(wy Fleet eo",mmul (///(I SlIbon'IImtl! eommmuls, 1924-45)

    H UcfchJsh:dx:r der l':ul7.crschiffe (BdP) (Conlm~nder,Armorcd Ships) 8 UcfchJshabcr der Schl:lchtschiffe (BdS) (Commander, B:mJeships)

    1 I Ilcfchlsh:tlx:r dcr AufkJrungsstrcitkrftc ( BdA) (Commandcr, Scouting I'orccs) 13 Ilcfchbhaber dcr 2. K:Ullpfgruppe/ Kampfgruppc TIlicic (Collinlander, 2d or "'I1licle"1ask Force)

    I .~ USt o rT I022 Ro lls Cited

    14 Mmilleg,."pptmkommmulo Ost/West/NoNI (Nmml GrollP eommfltllis lillst,,"'e~t/NOrllJ)

    15 Marim:gruPIX:llkommalldo Ost (Na"al Group Command E2st )

    16 1\larinL-gtuppcllkommando Wesl (Na\'al Group Command WI..'SI) 20 MarincgruPIx:nkommando Nord (Na\':!J Group Command Nonh) 22 USI ofT! 022 Rolls CiK-d

    23 Scb/ffsko/llm(lntlos ('W(lrsblp s mut Smj(lce Gon/lmt Fm-ces)

    23 Uault:ships 25 nicnschiffc (Old U:mlc.:ships) 25 I'lugl.cugtriiger (Aircraft Carriers) 26 P'Jnzerschiffc ("Pockel IkLllleships")

    27 llca\, ' Cnliscrs 29 !.iglu Cn ,iSCI'll 30 Hilfskreuzer (Auxili:lr)' Cnliscrs, Oeean Commerce R:,ide rs)

    34 Hilfskreuzcr not ens:'gN in commercc warf:trc

    .5'1 [)cstro)'ers 36 TOIlx:do HO:lls 38 Schnellboote (5-Bootc, MOIorTorpcdo Boots, or "Elx,:u,s")

    42 Fleet A".\"ilim"ies 42 Minel:' ),cl'll 4:i Tro. und Vcrsorgungsschiffc.Tankem, IliIfstroSchiffc. Ulockadebrechc r, I'riscnschiffc (Suppl)' Ships,

    Tankers, Auxiliary Ships, Ulockadc-runncrs, I'nzc-ships)

    47 USt ofTI022 Rolls Citt-d

    48 N(INII Air Gom",fl/Ull' fmd Lltftll.'affe Malerials

    48 Fiihrcr der SccluflSlrdtkrfte (F.d.Luft) 49 Naval Air Units

  • 53 Genmll/ N twy: Au xIlItII)' COlllllltlluls 53 Mi lll:sl/!(!'L1x'rs 53 Mincswecper Commanus

    54 Mincnsuchnol\i llcn (Minl."Swt:cpcr l'I()(i1bs)

    59 MincnsuehboOlc

    60 Rumbo()(snOtlillen (MOlOr Min{"Sw{ocpcr l'l(l(illas)

    62 (Provisional) RiiumbOOlsgruppcn

    62 Ku11lboOlstx:glcitschilTe (MOlOr Min{"S\\'L"(:I>cr ])q>Ot Sh ips)

    62 MillenrJum(boolsrllllller)schiffc (MOlOr Mincsweqx:r Dq>Ot Ships)

    63 SIx:r rhrechcr, Sperrbrcchcrgruptx:n. SIx:rrbrechertlol lillcn (Auxi li,!r)' MinC"iweClxTS)

    67 Sperrb recher not all:tchtxl 10 SperrlJIL'('/Jelf/ollllfell

    67 l"t il(smincnsuchb(MJ! "/rmga (ltalian E:tst Africa)

    67 Ust ofTl022 Rolls Ci leu

    68 Sid.x:nlllgSSfreilkr("if/e (SI..'C/lrify/ lJe[eIlSt' I'orc .'s)

    68 fhrer derVorpostcm'erhande (Fd. \1:) (Co11lm:uldcr. l~trol lXxii Units)

    68 Sichcrungsdi\'isionen (S(:curi l ),/Ddcnsc Dh'isioos)

    70 Sich{-nmgsllouitlen (pickcl Boal/Es(;on l'IOI iIl:ls)

    72 Vorposlenf1ouillen (I~~ lrot IJoat F1otillas)

    74 Kriegsfllljeblicl.x!r. l '(!rllfSI- III/d Ce'.ft'ClJlsberlclJ/c' eil/zell/er V0/1JOSte"bool e ( lI'itr I)((I/"i('$, Action al/tl I.oss He/KJr/s o[ '1/(/iI 'llull PalroJ 80(lts)

    75 Gdcilflou illcn ( Escort I'totillas)

    76 UboN (u')-}ag(!j1ulIlIle/l (SI/bll/arill /! Chase,. HOlIlIas)

    77 Krieg.o;lagebikher, Vertust- lind GefL-dl\socrichl t: dnzdllcr U_-Jb't:r (W:.r Di:!riCS.lktion :md Loss Ikpons of Indh'idu:.1 Submarine Chascrs)

    78 Anilkrit:tr'jgtrtlOll illen (AmonomollsAnitlc rr I'k)li ll:b )

    7on I-'olillas)

    82 USI ofT I022 Ho lI.~ ( iled

    8.~ Nmvil A,.lille,.y COIl/ll/(fI/(I.~

    S:~ Coastnl Anillcry Commands

    87 j\ntiaircrnft (Flak) Comm:mds/Slalion!i;lscd

    92 Ant iain::raft CoIll IlJ~lIus/Ship- IJ;!scd (M:lrine-nord -Ftak:lbtcilunj,,'Cn)

    94 OIIJl!,. J\'(l VY Gml/lul Cml/llUIIU/s

    95 u st on'1022 Holts Cil t-d

    96 M (trilwoberko"",,,,,,,IQ NQlYfsee/ Oslsee (Nm'tll ClJit,/ eollllllmuls Nm11J Setl lll,,1 &,Itic Setl) 96 Marincobcrlw lIl lllando (MOK) Nordscc (Naval Chief Commanel Nonh Sea)

    97 I'rincip.11 Sul>Ordinatc Comlllands

    98 Regional anu 1.IX'a] Command~-Dcnm:uk

    99 Region:11 alld 1..C'.I] Commands-Germ:m)'

    100 Region:!1 :md !.nc:.1 COllllll:tllds-HoJl:l1ld

    102 Marincobcrkommando (MOK) OSISCC (N:I\~tI Comm:iIlu llahic Se:!)

    103 "rind]):.1 Subordin:tlC Commands

    107 Loctl Commands-Gcrm:I1lY anel western/central Ibl tle

    109 I.oc:d Commanilii- :lltic Slatcs and nonhem Russia

    109 Ust o fTl022 Holls CitL-d

    110 Germ(", Nml/d eo"",umlb" 111 Occllpied "-n mc;e tmllile/g i"",

    1 t I Marinegruppcnkommando/Marineobc.rkommando WL'SI

  • III Kommandierender Admiral Fr:mkn::ich 112 Befehlshaber der Sichenmg West (B.S.W.)

    I 14 Marinebcfehlshabcr Non.lfmnkn::iehiMarinebcfehlshaber Kanalklistc/Kommandicrcnder Admiral Kanalkste

    1 18 MarinebcfehJshabt-r Brctagnc/Marinebefehlshabcr WcslfrankrcichlKommandicn::nder Admiral Atlantikkiistc

    119 Admiral der frallZsbchen Sdkste

    119 PrinciJY

  • INTRoDucnoN

    R ecords of Germ cIII N a vy Op eraliOltal Co",,,,umls i" World Will- 1I

    T his guide idemifks the priucipal rt.'Cords of Gcml~n Na\'y (or Krle/{smarille) Opcr:ltion:ll commands dllring Wodd War 11, induding records of surfacc comb:n forces and or regional commands throughoUl occupied Europt:. The reconls are reproduccd on approxi-matdy 1,600 of thc currem total of 4,317 rolls of National Archives Mkrofilm Publicatioll TJ022, Records oj /!Je GemUII/ Nm')" /850-/915, Recell'fHl jrum t!Je Unlted States N(IL'(// flistor)' DII'/slon.1111: arran,,:; been given to the prcsumed location of Ihe Original in the BlIlI(les(lrclJit~AVt. Mili/mrc:biv. As the I'olume :md disarrangemem of filmcd materials precluded the prcp:lI':n ion of comprehensi\'c or detai1cd record dcscript ions, some additional records fo r opcr.Jtional command~ ma)' be reproduced dscwhcrc onT1022.

    111C original Gemlan N:lI'}' archives wen: maintaincd at the nav:d ht":1dquaners building on the TIrpil:w[er in crlin umil March 1941, when Ihe risk or air al1:tck led 10 thc tr.msfer or the rccords tO Casrle Tamb:tch ne:lr Coburg, Gcrman)'. 1'herc naval archivists bcgan the initi:.1 arrangement of World War JI-CL""J materials according to l1umerical registers undc:r the dcsignat ions "KJ." (for Kril'gslf'issellscbaflliclJe Abtelfl/llg) or "Kr" ([or Kriegs-gescb/clJtlIc!JI' Abtellllllg) , Ihe hc:tdquaners SCCtiOIlS Ihat

  • fin;t rcvk"wed Ihe rt"Cords fOf thcir mili tary or hisloriClJ signifiClIlCC. No perlanent arr.mgement scheIne had been detefm ined , howen~r, when Ilritish naval imclligenct: spt:dtlbLS sdzcd tll!: ~cords al l :mlbac h in Apri l 1945, ConsiSlcnt with :1 poHey agrcCme m betWL"G " ft"Conl itcm numbers rcprcscm a nume riC"oI l ft1;islr}' systcm uSL't:llu:r la'l;e blocks of scqllemial 1'(; numhcrs :Iccording 10 gcner:Ll Gerlllan N: .... y 0'll:lJli7~uion , [n 1965 Ihe I\ri l i ~h Ministry or Ddencc puhl ishcd for imcrnal use a lw'volume finding :Iid, ClIl(/log/le 0/ the 1IIicmfllllls o/ IIJ/! ClI/JllII1!il Germflll Nm 'al A rchi l 1!s l leftl b)' "Je "'''''fit IlislorlclIl IJl1Il/cb, JUII/istr)' 0/ Oe/eI/cI!, 10 thd r own microfilming of Gcnn:tn N:",l' :(:onls. :ur.1Ilgt."d org:mizationalt)' and with specific rcfen:n('cs 10 " 1'(;" n..'Co 1 ite llis. o rigin:tI file lks, :lI1d Indusi\'e d:ltes . 111e U,S, N:II')' microflJm ing te:1l11 illl.ondon, undlT thc d ircctiol1 orclpt. Ro land Krausc. prcpaf\:d liSt, .. of the filllll"d "I'C" n.."Cord itCIllS whic h still prol'idc ro ll,br, ro lliistings of the coments ofT 1022.


    Mr. Harry Rille}" who workcd wilh the microfilnu.'el.!r/('gs/ellllllg (most contmOnl)' trJnslatcd .. ,~ Ihe Gcrman N:I \~tI Staft) :lIld othcr OfWlIlS o f Ihe n3\~11 suprt.:mc COllllll:lIld d uring World \V:lr 11 , Itccord.~ o fGcrm:m submarine 0llCr:lI ions in World War 11 arc dcscribcd in Gllitles to Alicroflll/n'it N('COrrls of Iw Ger",all Nml); 1850- 1945 , No, 2: Ih'COrrls Ne/tl lil//!. 10 l).llool ln"ftm!. 1939-1945 (Washington,I>C, 1985).

    Addilional inforlll:L1io!1 on the histor)' Illd n:uun: Of GCntl;\Il Navr rceonls rOT Ihc ""orld W:lr 11 ])criod is pro\'idcd in Ihe following :mick s: l'aul IIdllSiu;, "'kr Vt'n>lcib dt"S Aktcnlll,uerials der dClllschen Kriegsmarine ," [)enlrdJi/1tI/', VIII. 2 (April 1955). pp. 75-86: CharlL"S lIurdiek, " Ille

  • Tambach An:hh'e-A Research Note; "'//Iwr)' A1!tlirs, XXXVI, " (I>c:ccmbcr 1972), pp. 124 26: Ho\vard M. Ehnnann, nlC Gennan Nav;tl Archives (farnbach)," and Emest M. Eller, Unlted SUtes N;I.\" Microfllm of thc ~man Na\-al Archh'cs; both in Roben Wolfe, cd., Caplflrerl Germtll/ tlml Ne/(lterl Necords: A Nm[ontll Arcblves COllferellCl! (Athcns. O ll , 1974); :and Michael Salcwski, "Das Kricgstagcbueh der deutschen SeSist(.'"d in lhe preliminary kk'lltificalion of pc:nincm German Nal')' l"l."COrds for this list.

    '1iIllOlh)' ~ MuUigan ~,1I11/" O'f""" .. 1 Cri'mUUl lIIu/llelillf'


    Adm.iral: :1 specific scnior rJnk wi thin thc Gemlan N:I\'Y, and a prol'isional designation for a eornm:rnd level wi th specific oper.l\iofl:l1 o r :lurnini!;tra.tile rtilxmsibi lity for:l dcfi lK"d gcogr~phic:lre!

    Aklen : su l>iL~1 corI'CSl)()ndencc filcs

    Anlagen ( KTU): Appendl:.:es (10 a war d i:lry), usu:llly copics of orders. messages. :!Ild rtpo rts

    1L\o\lA: nundcs;u'Chi lArn ." l ilil:ir~rchil'. l hc princip;lt rt:posilOry for origin:11 Genn:1Il N:I\'}" n:conls, 10(:;lIcd :1I 1:rt: iburgllJr.

    Ik:Je hlshahc r : Comrnanucr. prol'isional dcsign:ll iotl for a comm:md level o f sc:! o r co:!:;!a] forccs SUI>erior 10 Ih:1I of I:iihrcr bUI suhortlinatc 10 thaI o r 01>erbcfehlshabcr.Adrn irJI

    lk:stand: Bundedo Uo:IIS

    F.d.T.: F(ihrer dcr Torpcdobootc . ConUllandcr,lo'lx."(]o nalls

    F.d . V.: F\ihn:r dcr V()rposlenbootc. Commander, 1';lIroV Picket o:IIS

    I'.d"Z.: Fiihn:r der Z( rSl~r. Comm:mdcr, Deslrorcrs

    Flottenko mmando: ~lecI Comrnand

    Fhrer: Cornm:lIlder, prol'isiunal dcsign:uio n for a comm:lIld level or scI'eldl unils o f ~ or c():lsta l forccs, subordinate 10 th:u of lk fchlshabcr

    Gkdos.: Geheime Komm:mdos:u;:hcn, a seeuritycrsl:lffel: cO:lstal air squ:ldron . sen'r.d of which togel.ller constilllt

  • M.A.A.: Marineartillerie:lbteihmg, Nav;tl Anilkry St:c:tion

    Marinebefehlshabcr: liter:diy "NaV!li Comm:mder," term used for a senior officer a~igJl(:d operational or administ!"Jti\~ rcsponsibi lity for a specifk regio

    Marinc:."WUppcnkommando: Na\0:11)



    "['he N:uional Archin:s holds o\'er 70,000 roll s o f mierofihll rcproducing '-'apIUn.:t.l German ami rel:tted reeords. as dt:seribed bclow. Rclercnee eopies of Ihe microfilm 111:1)' bc \~cwed fl'l:e or ell:1I1:e in Ihe Mierofilm Research H.oom, Nalional ,\ rchi\'C:s al CoIl,-'b'C I"Jrk. 860 1 Adelphi RO:ld. Coll q;!(~ l"ark. MI) 20740.600 I . Phone: (301) 837-2000; I'ax: 30 1.s37.()483


    8:45 :UII. 10 5 p .m . Monda)' :md Wedn'-'Stla)'

    8:45 a.m. 1O 9 p.m . Tuesd:I)',Th lirsday :1(1(1 Fridar

    RA5 a.m. 1O 4:45 p.m .. Saturda)'

    Natlon:11 Archives Micrufilm l'ubl iC3.l ion ~ are nOt :11"Jilablc \'ia inlerl ibr.lry loan, bul SIX."Cific roll s o r emire scr i,-'S. exeept lhose cont'linin).: l)ri vik1;tu m:lIerial ( "Ie rolls), 111

    !Vtll;mUlI A,.cb;'.'es Collectioll of Fm-eigll Recm -(Is Seizcd, Recor-tl GrolfP 242

    'n le mierofilm public:U.ions in this record grollp :U'I. listed bclow ~ecording 10 the pbee whcre Ihc n:c::ords wen.: filmed. Nearl)' ;1 11 Ihe origin~1 paper records hal'c beeil rclurIled 10 their rcslX.'CI;'T coumrics or origin.A rclati\'d y small number of these P:IPCrs lila)' h:IH' been of priV"~ t e origin. but Ihe fact of thcir scizurc is 1101 bdie\'cd to di\'csl their origin:11 owners of any lilera~' propen)' righ ts in thelll .AIl)'om:. thcreforc, who publishcs thell) in whok or in p:1n withoUl pcrmission m~y bc held liablc for infringelllCm of propen)' rights. For suggestions on citing C".I I)t llrcd German :Iml rckllcd sec P:lges 14- 16 hdow.

    C"'p",,.c(1 Ge'-"w" R cconl ... M;c ,.ofllme tl (11 iVhtultlm, H all. u. K. ,\ Iierofilm pllbl i,-~u.ions of rccords or the Germ an I'orcign Ministry. 1867- 19-15: papers of sornc Gcrm;lJ\ diplom:us. 1833- 1931 _ ;LIId rceords of the Reichs Ch:lIlccUcry, 1919- 1915. ~rc l isl'-'d imm,--diatcly belo\\'. llIl

  • Records or lhe German )'ordgn Officc Reccil'ed b)' the Depanmcnt orState from SI.Anton)"s College (O)(ford). MiCrofilm Publicuion Tl36. 144 roll.\.

    Records or the Gcmlan Foreign Office Receil'ed by thc Dcpanmcnt or Statt: from the Unil'crsity or Miehig:m Microfilm l>ublication T137. 53 rolls.

    Rc(:ords or the Gerrnan Fordgn Office Rcceil'cd by Ihe Dcpanment or State from lhc Freneh MiniSlry or Forcign Af(;tirs. Mierofilm )'ublication T138. 31 rolls.

    Rccords or Ilu' Geml:1O Forcign Office Received by lhe Departmcnt of Stalc from the University of Californ (AIlA, I'rojeet I). Microfilm Publication T139. 4')2 rolls.

    Records of Ihc Germ:m Foreign Office RecCived by thc Dcpartment of State from the Unil'ersil)' of C.1lifomia (AI lA, Project 11). Microfilm Pliblicmion 1"1 40. 17 rolls.

    Records or the German Foreign Office Reccived by lhe [)cp;lnmcm or State from the Unil'cTliiry of C.1lifomia (Sp(:cial Scries).l\ l icrofilm l>ublication T1 41. 26 rolls.

    German I'orcign MiniStry An::hives, 186-::--1920, Filmed by the American Hbtorical Associ.1lion. Mierofilm Publication Tl 49. 431 rolls.

    Records or the Gcrm:tn Foreign Officc RL""Cci\'cd by the Dcpanmcm of State from the National de la Rcchen::he Scientifique Bclge.Microfilm Pllblication 1'246.16 rolls.

    RCl"Ords or the German Foreign Office Rcccin'd by the DcIYJrtmenl of State from the British Museum. Microfilm Publication T264. 2 rolls.

    Record~ of lhe German Foreign Office Filmed for the Uni\"crsity of London. Microfilm Publication 1'1026. 25 rolls.

    RecoRb of the Gernmn ForciWl Office Pl'rtaining 10 China, 1919-1935. (Filmcd at onn for the Unh'cTliity of WashingIOn). Microfllm Publication T1141. 3 1 rolls.

    Records of the Gcrm:Ln Foreigtl Office Rccci\"cd br the Dcpanment of Statc on lhl' German Whit!: Book, 1939. :md from the Swi~ GOI"emmcnt.AuSlralian Govemmcnt, London ScllOol or Economics, and for Dr. W. Carlgren, 1888- 1920. Microfilm Publication T249. 7 rolls.

    FI"tll"g {I/d' MsI o/tlrclJ;I'(lf Rc/el"el/ces 10 Matcl"itll/I/ lbe Gel"11/al/ r"Ore/gll M/I//sfryArclJ/L'I!s FilII/cd Um/er Gml/f From the Ollll)olll;lIioll IYJlllldatiOIl (American Historieal Association COlllmittee for the Stud}' ofWar Oocumcots, Whaddon 1lall. U.K., 1958).

    An::hi\"(~s of the German Eotbassy :It Washington. 1921 - 1938 (American llistorkal Assoc.iation, Pmjcel I). l\1icrofilm Publicalion T290 . 52 rolls. ( Roll SI :wailablc)

    i':Lpers of German Diplotmus (Nachlsse and Asservate), 1833-1931 (Amcrican HislOrical Association.l'roject 11). MicrofiLm PubJication 1"291. 25 rolls. (Roll Ust)

    CtljJlllrel/ Germflll NlWY Recon/s Mlcrofilmed /11 Lo"dOl', EIIgflllul, u. K. Rcco".b of lhe German Na.,.)', 1850-1945. Rccdvcd from the Unilcd S\:Lles Na\".d Hbtory Dil'bion. ,\Iicrofilrn Publication

    T1022A.316 rolls.

    FI"l/ill& lIitls: GIIIlies 10 l}Je Mlcroflllll~'{1 Rec()ITL~ of lI)e Gel"/l/llI/ Nllfl): 1850-1945:

    NO.I: UBOl/ls (l1Il1 T.Hallls, 1914-1918 (National An::hi\"C!>, 1984).Also a\~til:l ble as Microfilm Public:uion M 1743, I roll .

    NO.2: Recol"fls Rela/illg to UBoaIIHIlji"II"l', 1939-1945 (N:uional Archives, 198;). Sec also Microfilm Public,ltion M1 743.

    No.3: RecOl"fls of tbe Gerll/(II/ N(/l'(/I Higb Comlllmul. 1935-1945 (NARA, 1999). Sec Mierofilm Publil ... ' iol1 T1022, rolls 1-2. for othcr Gcrm:m navy rccords prior 10 1930.

    See a/SO:A Cal(l/oglle 0/ Selecte(1 Flies O/Ibe Gerll/(II/ Nmllll ArclJiVl's JillcrofilmCll (11 tbe AlImlmlly, l.olldoll fiw tlx' Ull iversity 0/ ClIlI/brldgc ami 11M UllftJersily of Mfcbfg(/II.l'roj('C1 No. I (Lol/(lolI: 1959).A Calaloglle 0/ Selectel/ I'"iles oJ lI}e C'el"mllll NlIl)(ll Arc}Ji,.'I!s Microfilmed (lt lbe Admimlty, wIldoll /01" /}Je UlliI'Crsity oJ ClI lIIIJridg(' will tbe lJllil'f!rsff)' 0/ MiclJlg(lI/. ProjL'C1 No. 2 O.QI/(lolI; 1964).A Usf of Gerlll(/ll Nm'lIl Files Mlcrnfllmed ;/1 lbe At/mlmll)' Jor AlIstmllll (l.olldon: /959).A Ust af Gerlllf/ll Nt/lVII Flies Mlcrofllmed 111 lbe Admimlty fvr tbe lJTliloersfty of Ilml'llii (London: 1959).


  • C"/J"' re,( Ger",,,,, Recm ",ls Mlc ,.ofllmed /1' Be,.IIII, Gel"""my

    Nonbiogr~phic n:cords of se~'c r:1I oflk,,'S of the NSDAI' and somc of its format ions, " mliated associations :md supcnist."d org:miu lion s: pri .... ~te papers of som", Nazi Il .... den. l'l"Cords of somt: Rdc h ministriL'S :md (her b,

    Ahne ncl1x: des Rcic hsfllll:: r SS ...

    Diar}' of Ahnc: ne rt~ Aml~hcrWo l fr.1111 Sie\"ers, 194 t - 1945

    Deutsche Arbeitsfront , G,IU Uayr. Ostnl,lrk ( EWZ) Fiihrungsst:tb, "'.J ris

    l'ricdrich FlickKom:ern

    G:lulci te r I'ril1. W:ic htler (IloL yrcuth) ... , ....................... .. .......... ..

    G:lUlei tung Fr:tnken .................. .

    11:lUptamt fr Kommunalpolitik

    Ib upt:tmt Ss-Gericht ..................................... .............. .

    l-l illerJugend Gau Schw'llx:n ........ "' ... ,." .............. .

    Krupl)-Druckenmltlkr GmbH

    ... 120-2 11

    ................ .462-463

    ...... 992 -998

    ....... , ..... 700-743

    ....................... 933-934

    ........ , .... 346-347

    .. ....... 92 1-933

    .. ................ , .. ,.884 - 905

    .............. .. ... 2 12-2 15

    . .................. " ... 347-354

    .. .......... 935-939

    Nachl:issc ....... " .. , ... . , .. """".,,,. ..... .................... ............... .,215-5 13 ( Kurt Daluq;e. 215-230; R, W:L1 te r Oarr~, 250- 254; Dr. 'I:ms Fr~nk , 254-264; Fr.Wilh. Krueger, 264-265: Dr, Hans 1.:lIu mers. 265- 266;j. \n:ss,


  • Captured Geml:m Documems Filllled:lt eriin (Universii}' of Nebr.tSka). M)crofllm l>ubliollion T611 roll I. P:u1i:tI list of topicS, roll numbers:

    55 Dien!>lallerslisten (I Oe!. 1942-1 July 194-i) .. ... .. .. ... . ... ....... . Mise. 55 Ordner (426.429-435.441-417, 458-46 1:1,474-489) . RasseundSiedlungs-Hauptamt (RuSHA) Ordner ...... .... ...... .. , ... .

    t9 roUs. Hnding :dd:

    . ... 1-2 .2-18

    . ............ ... .. 18-27 ,\lisccll:inl,."OIiS SS Maleri:al ..... ......... ... .... .... ....................................... ............... . ............. 27-29.43-47 Reichslmmmissariat ruf die Festigung deutschen Volkstums (RKt"DV) Benin Documem Cemer Ubr.HY Malerial .... ..

    .29-43 ......... .48-49

    Name Index of Jews Whose Gemun Nalionali tyWasAnnuJled by lhe Na:rJ Regime (lkrlin Documem Cemer). Microfillll l>ublk"'3tion T355. 9 rolls.

    [)ocuments Concerning Jews in the Herlin [)ocuml'nt Center. Microfilm Pul)lit'lIIion T457. I" rolls. Ifficrofllmel/ Records Receilletifrom tbe Berfj" Documetll ee,lIer

    The so-calkd "biographie" n"(."Onb of the Berlin Document Center COnsiSl of pcrsonncl and rdatc..-d reconb of the NSDAP and i~ affi liatc..-d olWlnizaliOns and acth'i1ies from the founding of the Plny in 1920 unti1 19i5.111e R."COrds are arrangt'd into gener.11 l"OIlc.."Ctions by Otglni:r.;nion, b)' scrie.~. and then alphabctically (or. in same casc.."'S, phonetiolll)') h)' f:ullily n:une of lhe individu.11(s) concenK-d.

    Fi"dlng (tll": 11JC 1I0ldillgs 0/ I/Je tierll/l /Jo(/I11/C/l1 Ce/lle/':A GI/Me 10 IIJe Coffecllol/s tl/uI11)e lI/)f(lI"gs 0/ lhe Herll" Docullle/ll Ce/lIeI~A GII"'e Iu lhe Microflllll (OOlh b) the Berlin Documcnt Center. 1994) . . \et> (/Iso the unpublishc..-d gUidcs, rolllists anti 1>:lmplc documenl!> in the Microfllm Research Room.

    NSDAI' Onsgruppenkanei. Microfilm PubliclIion A3340, SeriubliC'.nion A3}4o, Series OI'G 1.292 r. NSDAI' OPG

    Nachsortierung, MicroflJm Public:nion A3340, Senes OPGNA 67 ruHs.

    NSDAP Partei Korrcspondem:. Microfilm Publication A3340. SeOl"'S PK. 6 , 182 rolls.

    NSDAP Volk!>."ocrichl!>hof Nummenl. MicroflJm Publication A3340, Series VGH, 448 rons.

    NSDAP Rek\\~.mdercramt. MicroliJm I'ublication A3340, Seriell RWA 123 roUs.

    NSDAP RdchsacrlIck:unmcr. ,\1icrofilm l'ubJication A3340. Scrics KAK. ;2 rolls.

    NSDAP Misccllancous Collection. Mierofilm PubliC".lIion A3340, Scries NS-OG. 14 roll!> and Series NM)R. r rolls. Others, 10 roUs.

    NS Lehrcrbuntl Kartei:lnd Akten. MicroliJm l'ubliclIion A3340, Serit'S MF. 38'5 roUs.

    Reichskulturbmmer_ Microfilm l>ublication A3339, 5eries RKK. 2,466 roJis.

    SA Pcr!lOnne1 Files. Microfilm Puhlic..":llion A3341. Scrics SAKartci, 7]6 rons,

    SA Pcr!lOn:11 & PruzcssAktcn. Microfilm Publication A3341 , Scrlc..'S SA. 300 rolls.

    Other SA ColkClions. Microfilm Pub1ication A3341, Serics SA. 67 rol1s.

    Einwanderer-I.cmr.tle. MicroflJm Public..":ltion A3342, Seriell EWZ. 7,320 rolls.

    55 Officer Pcrsonncl Files. MicroliJm Publication A3343, Scries SSO 909 rolb

    SS Enlistcd Men Pcrsonne1 Ries. Microfilm PubliclIion A3343, Series SM. 1 ,n8 rolIs.

    55 Women l'cr..onncl Files. Microfilm Publicalion A3343. Seric..'S SF. 99 roUs,

    SS UsIS. MicrofiJm Publicalion A3343, Senes ss.26 roll!>.

    Rassc.. ... und-Sicdlung:.-H:lUptamt (Ru5I1A). Microfilm I'ub. A3343, Senes RS. -.81] rolls ,

    NS Fr.tuemchaft/Fr.tuenwerk. Mierofilm Publication A3J44 , Serio FS. 2,4 18 roll!>

    MiscdJaneous Collc..-ctions, Microfilm Publication A3345. Sent";. B. OS, F, W. 1.393 rolls. (includcs HOC !.ibmI')' collcction . See also page xref for other NSDAP R."Cords)

  • Q '/Jt,,,.ed GCI -IIUm Hecol"(ls Jl licrofil",e d a t A le _wlIub-/(t, Vil-gil," UStl

    RL"COroS of \':l.rious GcrOlan ccntml. regional :md oc.ll go\'crnment :Ib't:ncics, mil it:lry he~dquancrs , comm3nd.~ :md unitS; the N:lzi 1 ~lrt). I':I"}' formations. aflili:lIcd associat ions :ll1d supcrviscd 0rwtn i7~lt ions; p:lpCrs or SOOlC pr iv:ltc busint:SSCS, instiltllions :md lx:rsons.Thc pcriod co\'crcd is chidl)' from 1920 to 1945.

    ",,,,,UlI!; aids: Gu/I'S to CCn//(1II R(xOrtts M icrojill//C(I at Alt'.WlI/llr;(I, Virginia (Nation:11 Archi\l "li. 1958-1993), Nos. 1-98: l1le CII /dcs :m~ oUl-of-print bm :Ire : .... ailablc for usc or purch:I.SC 0 (1 Microlilm I"ublicltion '1733. ro ll I (Guidublit,,:uion 170. 133 rolls. (GG 22, 93 and 'I'l76/mlls 10 & 24)

    Itecords of the Reich Ministry of EcOllomics ( Rcichs-wirtsch:lflsministeriUll l I RWMJ). Mierofilm l'ubliC:t1 ion 17 1. 149 rolls . (GG 1 :md T176/rolls 1 ~'" 24)

    Rt"Cords of the Reid 1 Minislr}' for MmamcllIs amI W:lr l'roduClion (Rcidlsminislerium fiir Rlistung lind Kriegsproduklion). Microfilm I'ubtit":uioll 173. 193 rolls. (GG 10)

    Rt"COM or the Office o f the Rdch Coillmis.~ioner for the Strengthening or Gcrmandom ( Rcichskommissar rur die Festigung

    Rceords of lhe Reich OffiL'C for SOil Exp[or.llion (Reichsaml fii r lJ.odCllforschung). Mkmmm I'lIhlicallon '1'40 I . 7 rolls. (GG 26 and1'l76/1'01I 16)


  • Records of the Reich MiniStry for {he Occllpicd &stern TerrilOrics (Rc:ichsministcrillm fr die bcsctZIL"II Qstgebic1C) 19-11 - 19,i5. Mlcrofilm Ptlblicalion T454. 167 roUs. (GG 28,97 andTl-6!rolis 20 & 24)

    Records of lhe Reich Commissioncr for the Baltic Slatcs (Rcidllokommissar fr das Ost1:lnd). 19-0 - 1945.l\Iicrofilm Ptlblkation T459.45 rolJs. (GG 31 &TI-6/roll 16)

    Mflilmy Recort/s

    Rl.'t.'OnIs or Ikadqu:lnCrl>. German Amll."'(I Forces High Command (Obcrkomm:lI1do der Wchrmaclu/OKW). Microfilm Public:llion T77. 1,687 rolls. (GG 7, 17- 19.78.80, 84-86, 94, 98 andTl76/rolb 2, 26-27)


    lkcords or I le:Ldqu:lncrs, Ge rman AmlY I ligh Command (Oberkommando des I 1ceres/OKII). Microfilm Publll.-ation 178 . 9931'0115. (GG 12,2

  • M;scell :I1WO ll~ SS Rccord~; mll\V:lndcrcrl.cntral~tc[Jc . W:l ffcnSS. Ss.0bcmhschninc. Microfilm Puhlication " 354 . 799 roU s. (GG 27. 75.79,95 :uuI Tl 76/rolls 19 & 24)

    Ik'Cords of the Ik utsc:he Winsch:,ftshctricbc of lhe SS \X'in SIiC-.IliOIl M958. 2 m lls.

    Moltke. Uclmuth Carl Ikrnhard (jrJf I'on ( 1800- 18

  • Olber Captured Record ...

    Trnnscript of Cossman v. Grubcr (Dokhstoss-ProlCSS). Munich, Oct. 19-Nov. 17, 1925. Microfilm Publit-:.tion Tl 173. 2 roUs.

    MisccUaneous SIS and Registers of Gennan ConcemrJtion Cnmp Inmales. Originaled or ColJeclcd by the [ntcrn:uionaJ Trncing Service. Microfilm I'ublication A3355. 189 roUs. (RoH st a":lilable)

    Chccklbl of Microfilm Reproductions of Se1ecled Archives of Ihe )apancM: AnTI}'. N:tv~', :md Olher Go\'emmcrtl Agencies. 1868-1945. Microfilm Publit'ation 1..\1022. 1 roll.

    Sdeeted Records and M:lterials of Miscdl3neous Non-Germ:m Foreign Go,'cmmcnts, 1900-1948. Microfilm 1'l.lhliC"J(ion M2036. 13 roUs.

    MisccUancous Russian Rccords CoJ1cction. Micrortlm Publication T88. 4 roUs.

    Rccords of Ihe Smolensk Oblast of fhe All-Union (ommunist Party of Ihe Soviel Union, 19 17- 1941. Microfilm l'ubliCilion

    T87/rolls 1-69;I\licromm PubJication TS4!rolls1.7- 28; Microfilm Publicalion T88/rolls 1-4.

    F/"d/Ilg tiM: GI//(/e 10 tbe Hl-'Colrls o/Ibl' SIIIO{{>USI.! Ob/fisl 0/ l/Je AII-Ullloll COII/llliluisi Pllrly 0/ tbe 50/'lel UII;O//. 191--/5)4/ (Nntionnl An::hi"cs, 1980). Sec also 1'87/roll I

    C.ollcction of Ilungarian 1'olilicaJ and Mililar)' RL'Cords, 1909-1945. Microfilm Publicalion 1"973. 2 I roUs.

    Fi/ldl"g (litL' GI/Me /0 t/Je ColI,-'Ctioll 0/ HIIIIgUblk~nioll TI 20).

    Olbe,' Re/l,letl Recmtis Recortls of V.S. AI'my, J::llrope

    Record GrolljJ 549

    Ik-corUs Relating to Sp:lnd:m Prison. 1947-191.0\7. Microfilm PubliC"JtiOn A3351.. 36 roUs. ( Ro ll iJ~1 a\!;.lilnhk)

    Forcign Milifary Studics, 19~5- 1 954. Microfiche Publication 1\11035. (Catalog)

    Manuscripts prcp:lrcd by former Gcmlan officers for Ihe Hi~torit~d Division, Unitcd SlatesArmr. Europe.TIle slUdics ('0I1Si~1 of sc\'en scries as followK ETHIN]' (EuropC:lIl'l1lcalcr [nter~uion~) 1-80;A 855-1000; Il 00 1-850; ( 1- 102d; D 001-431: P 001-217 andT 1a-123K3,111ere are 1.737 ilems in Engl ish and 2,169 item~ in German (Gltalog aV;libblc on paper and microfihn). M:my of Ihe studics have been publi:.hed in \f'o/"ltl \1"(" 11 GcnJ/(/1l Alilil{/1)' 5l1ulies, 24 \'ols. , Domild S. Dctweilcr. ,-xl., (Ncw York; Garland Publishing, 1979).

    Gelleral Records of lIJe Departmellt of Siale Recortl Grottp 59

    Records of Ihe Dcpanment of State Special [nterrogation Mission {Q Gemlany. 1945-1946 (DcWiu C. Puole Mission). 1\1icrofilm l>ublication 1\-1679.3 roUs. (Roll iJSt)

    Nal"imull Archives Collecliml of Wol'lt[ Wm'J1 Wa,. Crimes Records Recortl Grollps 153,238, mul549

    TIle Unilcd SlalCS conducttxl war crimes trials in Europc under Ihrec jurisdiction~: the International Military Tribunal (L\IT) at Nuefllbcrg (RG 238). U,S, military tribunals :11 Nuembe~ eRG 238) and U.S.Army court.:. (RG 1;3 & RG 549). 111C Nucrnbcrg Irin1 n.eords includt: tmnscripts of proct:edings. proSt:culion anti tlcfen!>C exhibil~ , imcrrogation record~,

    document books and coun papers, including offidal coun files, minule books, order and judgmellt books and dClllcnq'


  • petitions. In addi tion. the Nuern!>el}; trial rt."Recorf/!o' of71JI! /lIIer,wIiOlltl/ MilitlltJI Triblltwl ( 1ltIT) lIt N ller,,(Jm-g

    '1111: nearly compk lc u-Jnscripl of proc(:l~ings of 111(' L\lT. :md mosl of Ihe documentary e\'idcncc submilled 10 il. ha\'c been publishl-d in Trial o/II,H! Major IHlr Crilllil/als 1k1u"" I/,H! 1/lIt'nulI/o/lal Millu/t) ' 'l'rilJlllw/ (1\'ucrnhcrg, 1947) 42 \'Ois. NAHA I'ublk":ttion 1'1 21 . l 'I\'III11I/1or)' 11II'f!lIfory 0/ rl,H! f(('COlYls o/II)(! Ull i iN/ Slol l!s COIIIISI!/ fi,r /I)( ! /'ron'C/llioli 0/ IIxls Crim//lUlily , i~ also a'~t i lablc . PhOlogrJphs, motion piclu" :s and sound rccoruings of Ihe IM1' flTOCt:cd ings an: held b)' the Spccial Mt'(j ~1 Archives Scrvk'es Division (NWCS).

    I 'i tullllg (lid: Mkrufilm l'ubl ic~lioll 0\1 1137, 73 micru fichc C:lruS ( in the MiI.:mfilm Room) .

    I'roSt.'CUliol1 Exhibi tS $Ilbmillcd lO Ihe ImtTrI:lIioll:11 Mili t:lryTrihullal. Microfihn PllbliC:lI ion '1'988. S4 rolls. (Holl list :tl~li l:tblc)

    W:lr Di:lril'S :tnd Corrcspondem:e o f Gene ..... 11 AIr,,:

    Unilcd Sta((~s Trial Briefs and DocumcllI Hooks. Mk'rofihn l'ublicJl ion 1'99 1. I roll .

    Oiar)' of Il an~ Frank, 1939- 1915, Mkrofilm l'ublk":tlion '1'992. 12 roI ls. ( Roll List)

    Imef'fOg:tlion Rt'COms l'rep:m.:

    Rt:.ocords o f Ilw Office of the Unit t..;1 Stal t"S Chief of Counscl for War Crimt'S, Nucmocl}; Mililary1'r iblln:tls. llelaling to Nazi Indllstri:tlisls (NI Scries). Microfihn I'uhlicalion T30 I . 164 rolls. (Roll list a\'ailable)

    ReCOl'f/S of Ibe u. !.I: N IICI'"be l"8 1VfII' C,-imes 1',.;(/1 ...

    NOKW !kries, 1933- 1917. Microfilm I'ublic:ll ion '1'111 9.47 rol ls.

    1\'G Scries, 1933- 1948, Microfillll I'ubl ic:tl ion '1'11 39. 70 rolls.

    NM Sc:r it-s. 1874- 1946. Microfil lll I'uhlil":llion 0\1936. I roll . ( 1)1

    NI' Sc:ri('S, 193lk'3.lion 0\1978. 3 rolls. (DI')

    Imerrogal ions. 1946- 1949. Microfi1m Pllblicllion 1\1 I 0 19. 9 1 roUs. (DI')

    R~gistcr Car

  • jo,~(:f Altstoettcr et td, (Casc II J), I'cb, 17-Dcc. 4.1947. Mlcmfilm l'uhlication M889 Oustiec C:1Se) 53 roUs,(OI')

    Os,"'/dtl PoI)1 el aL (Ca:.c lV),Jan, 13, 1947-Aug. 11 , 1948. Mit.:rofilm I'ublk:nion M890 (PohJ ' Qls(,-s5) 38 roUs. ( lW)

    Frletlrlcb Flick ct IIL (Cai>C V), Mar. 3-Dcc. 22. 194-. Microfilm l>ubliC'Jt ion M89 I. (Flick Casc Industri:llht). 42 roUs, (1)1')

    Ci,,-I KrtUlcb et (IL (Ca...cVI),Aug. 14. 19..\ - -July 30, 1948. Microfilm Publicalion M892 (I,G, Farben Casc-Jndustrialist) 113 mlls. ( 01')

    Wllbel", List el IIL (Case VIJ), July 8, 194--Feb. 19, 1948. Microfilm l'tIblicalion M893 ( llosuge C.'"lSCl i8 rolls, (01')

    IRrleb Grelfefl el IIL (Case VIII),OcI. 10, 1947-Mar. 10, 1948. Microfilm l>ublication M894 ( RuSIIA Case---SS).38 rotb. (DP)

    Dito Ob/etltlatjet aL (Casc 1:\), St;p. 15. 1947-Apr. 10, 1948.Microfilm l'ublicalion M895 (Einslltzgruppcn Case--SS). 38 rolls. (01' & Spt:pcci:11 wOlr crimes :.cetions of the Judb>e Advocalc Gcner-:tl (lAG), Europc. IlccauM- these M.'t:liOIll< SCIl! rcpon!o and olhe r 1ll31crials to Washington, some of thc same rccords an: in RG 153, Recorrls 0/ tbe }1I(I.r.:e /ldl~x'ttle Geilem/ (/lnll1'), which has pro"cn 10 bc a u~ful sourcc for limng gaps in lhe RG 549 rt..'COrd!>. Most of Ihe n:cortls filmcd in the publkations bdow comc front RG 5i9 r.tthc r lhan RG 153, howcver.

    Re,'it .. -v.'s or U.S.Aml)' War Crin1l..'"STrial~ in Europe. 19-iS-1948. Microfilm l'ublit.::uion M 12 17 5 roUs. (lW)

    Gemlan DocumentsAmong the War Crimes Records or the Judgc Ad\'OClIIC Di\'ision, Jlt.'1ldt:luancr., ( 'ni leU SlalC!>Aml)'. Europc. ,\Iicrofilm I'ublication TI021 , 20 rolls.

    US./I'"1'~)' Im'f!stigatioll (//u/ Trial RL'C(Jrr/s o/ lft lr Cn'mlllllls: U"It(!(/ SIlIres 0/ AII/a/m I ~:

    AlfulIS Kleill et at , Oel. 8- 1 5, 194'5 (Case No. 12449 and ()O(). 123 1), MicrolilJn l'ublication M 1078 (Jladamar Case). 3 mUs (01')

    Km1 Antlme et aL .Apt 27, 1 915-June 11 , 1958 (Case No. 12481 and 0()0.5().37). Microfilm I'ublicatlon M 1079 ( Nordhausen Cascs). 16 mUs. (01')

    Frtmz Aller et (lL , Nov. 19..\ 3-July 1958. Microrllm PubliC'.llion MI093 (MuchldorfCasc) 13 roUs. (lW)

    jllerstm Stroop et aL ,Mar, 29, 1945-Aug, 21, 1957, Micmfilm l'tIblication MI095 (Superior Orders Casc) 10 rolls. ( 01')

    t 'r"sl Drtra el aL,Junc 9-23, 1947. Mkrofilm Publical ioll M1100 (Wlcncr-NeudorfOulcamp 1 rolls. (DP)

    Kill" Goebell ct IIL , Feh. 6-M:lf. 21, 19-i6 and August lIac~iker, Junc 26, 1947, Microfilm l'ublkalion M 11 03 (80rkum lsL1nd Casc).7 ro lls. ( lW)

    0110 SkorzeltJ' et IIL .July 13, 19i5-lkc. 13, 1948. Microfilm Publication l'tIll06 (Skor.l.eny C.1!oC) 2 1 rnicrofichc c:mis. (01')

    jobt",,, HIlider el (/L , Sepl. 3- 12. 1947. Microfwn PubliC'_lI ion M 1139 (Haider Case). l roll!.. (lW)

    Mari/" Gotl/rletl Weiss et IlL . Nov. 15. 1945-Dec. 13, 19-i5. Microfilm Publiolion MI174 (Oachau Concenlr-atiOIl Camp easc). 6 roJls. ( 01')

    Allcbl/ef Vogel cl IIL.Jul)' 8-1 '5. 194- MicrofiJm Publication MI 173 ( Muehldorf Ring-"\'ogcl~-Ca!.c). 2 rolls. ( lW)

    Iltlnsjoacbim Georg Geiger et llL .July 9-Aug. 5.19-17. Microfilm PubliC' ... tion MI191 (Ebcnsec Ou!(."amp easc). Z rolls.(DP)

    .. I

  • p"ietlril;h &'Cke ,. et tll . jullt: 12. 1946-j:lIl. 22. 1947. Microfi lm PuoliC:llion M 1204 (I' !osscllbu'1l Conccn t .. :ation C:II11P c.'1SC). 16 ruUs.(IW)

    E""$' , I"gerer e' nl. , NO\!. 26-lkc. 3. 1946. Microfilll1 "ublk-ation M 1210 (An~>cI"C " Casc). I roll. (lW)

    NI/cI/li" e,.Sitl. c l (,I. . Mar 16- 18. 19i6. (Accesskmcd Microfilm 6&'57) ( Mahnt..'i:ly Mass:u;:rc C'lSC. 6.24) 6 rolls .

    ...... li


    At'iD REu..l'ED RECORDS

    Records: Bccausc of the W'C"Jt \:triel)' an

    nie following nample~ MI~'CSt J'lO!>1>ible initial and subst:quent cltations of the same documcnt for each or fi\ 'e major mierolilm projrtlS reprodocing captun.-d Gernlan and rdued rt."Con:ls.

    1. CaPlUred Records Mjcrofilmt.-'d at Alexandria. Virginia

    II/ill(ll C(tatioll. Cds!Aml IVA I, !::relgl/{smeltltmg ljtlSSR. Nr. 19-'. ZO April 1942. EAP 17}.ato/22a.l\ational Archi\'t'1> Microfilm PublicationTI-5,roIl 235. rrJmc 2- 24202.


  • 4. IIccrcsarchivPotsdam R~'Curds MicrofwllC.."d :It the Nat ional Arc hiv


    Mierofilm COI)ies of microfilm rol1s may be purchast.-d :11 the currem priel' of $6S per roll for U.S. orders :md $68 per roll for foreign orders from the National Archives Trust Fund, P. 0_ Box 100793, AtllUlIa, GA 30384-0793; or calI 1011 frtt I-&)6.Z7Ui272 (in theW:lShington, oe, metroJXIlil:m an:..':1 ,30 1-837-Z000).111(.~ pri~ indu

  • xxvi


    Flottellko",,,,alulo (GerIlUllI N tllJ)I Fleet Comm(l1ul (lIu l SubOl'(/i"ate Com"'(I1uls, / 924-45)

    The Flottenko m mando (Gennan Nav}" Aeet Command), l"Stablishl-d in April 1925 ~ Sllcccs.sor tO the posilion of Obcrbefeblslmbcr der Seeslrt>l1krri/fe cf'C:Itcd in Februar) 1923, constitllted commam.l of the na"y's principal ~urface comb:lt force!> Under the dln:ction of the Fleet Commander (Flottenchef), who rcpon

    The in AugU!>1 1910 inchtdeibility for\'c funetions. Subordinated to the HOlteflchef throughoUl Ihe war were the following comnunus: ni}J,-el" der AUfleflscbl.De (Conullander, Mine Vesscls), p,.lbrcr der Troscblff-l'f!wmule5 (Comm:l.ndcr, SUPl)I), :,hips), an

    InJune 19il, following the loss ofAdmiralluljens with the balllc!t.hip /JIsmorck, Gcneradmir.11 0110 Schniewind :tS!>umt.-d Iht, duties of Hol/el/cbe/. lnd l new posl of lJe[eblSbflber der Scblachtscblffe (dS, C.omm:1I1dcr, B:mJc!t.hips) was Crc-.tlt"d. In March 19-H th~ offi~e of IWlfl'IIclJef was combined wilh that or Marincgruppcn , komm ando Nord; Inili."lll)' ItCpar.l te, the ~latT!> or the twO eomlll.tIld~ gr.ldu;l lI)' m~rged anti Ihe group comm:Uld was form~lIr di~sol\'ctl in Jul)' 19,i4. I'rom Ih:1I d:ltc 10 thl' end of the \\':t r Vi7.e.tdmir:lI WilhcJm Mecnd~n-nohlkcn scn'l-d as HQlfellclJ4'[

    RL'COrdS of the Flottellko"lIIllllulo are ." for the inten\'3r period-doc:umcfII:llion not equalcd cL~\ hcrc :lmong German Na,,), mlteri:lb. 1111' sllbjt.-ct maUer of these filcs \'3.rics from as.-.cssmenlS of Gcnn~n panies lnd Communhl inl1uencc within Ihe n:t\') Ihrough infonnation on IL'Chnol~k"JI e\'Olulions in n:tval ordnlnee, c1ectronic l,ignal SC(;urit). Also doc:umcntcd are naV'JI maneu\'ers and war games, opemtlOml1 sludics, :Ind perl>l.mnel planning, mobilil.ttion plans, an fOT Ihe 1923-39 period, is hdd b)' the undc~rchi\'Aht. Milit;imn:hh' (BA-.\IA) in Freiburg/Ur a!> 8es/(llul RM 48. Addiliol1:l l uniquc rrulterials are found in Ihe pcr..on:l.l paper; of Admiral Hochnl (~achJ..a. !\ l"'2 in Ihc A-\tA) Rl'Cords of the prindp'~1 ~ubon1inate eommamb eoft~tilute &51((11(1 RM 50 The HOlfellkoll/lI/(//ulo rceord~ an: \cl') doscl) rel:tted 10 Ihrn.c of Mf/rlm"grIlIJfJf.'lIkfllllllllllulo II1'"St and !larlllegrllpfJelll..'O/II"IlII/(IQ Ao/"(I, dc!>Cribcd dscwhcrc :tI1wng German N~V}' unding .tl(ls. ~ignificant materials :an' :II~ 1000'1.I led among the :cords of Ihe I/St.'ekrit"gsicifllllg, espcci:llly Ihe Kricgst:tgebttch ( I'eil U, I kfle 1-1101; Teil C, Ikftc 1- lIb, VII: Tcil 0, Heft]) 1 a; and Handlkten) and ~ubject filcs of Referate I op (OpcI"Jtionsrcf.) lnd I K (KrcUZC(ril-g); and reconf.., of the Krit'g.S/t'iSseflsclNljllicbe Ab/el/mlg, both of \\hich an: described in G,,/(/es 10 Recorrls of/be Gen"lll/ Sm" \o.J. Nt'cmrls o[lbe GenlUlI/ \(U'(IllIlgh COllllIIllllll, 19:\';-19-1';.

  • Kriq,\stagdllich (KTB) dt:s &'t:bcfchlsh:.I)Crs WCSl-23Aug- 15 (1 3464~-655, roll 4276

    ] ~1 :.r- 1 )unc 19-m : I'G 34656-66 1. ro ll 3960 1-30 )un 1910: PG 3'1662-664, rolls 4072-73

    ] )ul- 30 Sep 19-10: I'G 34665-670,1'011 4072 ] 8

    bersichi Ober das KTB des Flottcnkommandos fr j:lf1U:lf 1945: in PG 34757. roll 2325

    l :.gcslx:fehle d ... 'S FloucnkommandOS,Aug 1939-Occ 19.14: PG 34768-773, rolls 233 1-32

    KTB des 2.Admirals

    Spccifk prt:war files of !lnle, SOUl

  • Akte Gkdos.-Waffe n- und Funkwesen (n.1V'd1 o rtln:mce lmd radio cipher issucs)-

    1929-31 : PG 34457. roUs 2302-03

    1932: I'G 34430-43 1, roll 2279

    "Blau' Gkdos. (plans for the "muc" sidc in the 1928 nav:tl mancu\cr.;): P{; 34472, roll 229 1

    ~louenkril.-gsspiclc (Oect maneu\cr.;), 1929-32: PG 34458. roll 2303: 1>(; ~434. roll; 2280

    "mau" PLw O,"N" (plan~ for lhe "Blut."" siek in the 1931 naval m~ncu\'cr.;): PG 3-0-4-1. roll 291

    Flug ..... esen/Marincluf'tstn.:nkl'ftc (organizaLion, train ing. pcrsonnel. t'dctics. ain:rafl, aod t."quipnlt:m of the na\;u air 5Cn'ke). 1928-33: PG 34'159-461. roUs 2303-05: PG 34432, rolls 2r9-8O

    Luftschutz (air defense organil.atioo :Iod measurcs). Oet 1931- Ixc 1932: PG 34433, roll .2280

    Org.-Ern~tf:tIVKrie~~f:11l (mobili1..'dllon plans for nav)' organil_1t ions and comm:mds)-

    1931-33: PG 34435-436. rolls 2280-81 1933-34: PG 34439. roll 2282

    Akte I.Allgemeines (induding organilalional, administrJt ivc, budgt!tary. 'dnd pcr~mncl data)-

    1934: PG 34440. roll 2234

    1935: PG 34443, roll 2235 1936: PG 3-1447. roll 22fr

    1937 : in PG 34-452. roll 227 1

    1938: in PG 34454. roll 2272 1939: 1>(; 34455/b-c, rolls 3869--0

    Akte 11. W:lffen u. WaffcnalisriiSiung (including mim.'"S, ordn:mcc iSSUl'"S, chemical warfart:)-

    1937: in PG 34452,ro1l 2271

    1938: in PG 34454. roll 2272 1939: PG 34455/d. rolls 38-0-71

    Akte 111. Luftwescn-.\Iarinc ( including information on the navaJ ;lir service.:air defense iSSUl'S. ;lnd t.-oortlioation with the Luftwaffe)-

    1933-34: PG 34438, roll 2282

    1935: PG 34445. roll 2236 1936: PG 34448. roll 2288.:md PG 34487, roll 2305

    1937: in PG 34453, roll 2272 1938: in PG 34..J51,roIl2273

    1939: in PG 344551f. roll 3897

    Akte Iv, Funk, llorch, und Nachrichten\Ve~n (includ ing documcntation regartling r.ldio cquipmcnt, ciphcr... radar. acoustic t.,

    1934: PG 34411,ro1l2234

    1935: PG 3444~. rolls 2235-36 1936: in 1>(; 34H9, roll 22- 0

    1937: in 1>(; 34'153. roll 22'"":Z

    1938: in PG 34454. roll 22'""3

    1939: in PG 34455/f, roll 3896

    Akte VI, ,\!obilis;Uioll-Vorarbcitcn u. ,\!a:,snahmell-

    1934: PG 3444:2. rolls 2234- 35 1935: PG 34446, rolls 2236 :md 2287 1936: in 1>(; 3H50--15 1 ,rolb 2270-71

    19r: in PG 34453. roll 22- 2

    1938 (prior to Czt.'Ch Crisi~):in I"G 34455. roll 2273

    Akte Geld/Geldb,,:


  • Abwehr. Spiomge (COUl11erinteJligence L~ISt.'S :lIId doculllent:uion f'\.~ll\l ing enemy espiona~,.e and tn::I.'\On a'l101l1; Gerlmn nationals). 1927- 33, I !XH-38 : PG 34469/;1. . roll 3% I; PG 34467-469. ro1ls 2290-9 I; J'G 34427/57. roll .~94

    l b rpc':d olnboc1q:,enhciteI1 (n:pons o n tL'SIS lnd de\'dopmeIllS in IOllx'f.IOCS and rdaled LXluipmc nt). Apr 1937- No\' 1938: 1'(; 34427n5. roll 38

    Gkdos.Aktcn {gt.l 1Cr:d corn::sl)()nden

    I'G .H514- S24 , roll.~ 2324-25:

    1>(; 3'1525-526, roll 22(,0:

    I'G 345r-530. 34533-556. rolls 2310- 13:

    I'G 3453 1-532. 1011 2348;

    1'(; 34624-626. j 462R- 632, roUs 2294 - % , 2j4.~ -44;

  • PG ~1633~638. 3.'16 2344-48;

    PG YJ-57767, rolls 2325 29;

    PG 31804809, roll 2298

    ArrJngmem or these n::rocbt "'(ISS in Apri l 1910), Feb-Mal' 19'10 I"G 3 1633. rolls 23 15 ~46

    Ikk. 5-6 (induding repons 00 U-boat organi/.atiOn, operat ions. and ,rdining; c.. .... ~llu:nions of torpcdo accumcy :lIld reli:lbili ty: an asscssmcllt of the 1055 of thc

    lkIe. --8 (including d:Ul on U-boat IOrpWO firings; repon!> on the IO~i of troop transpon Plollier. U 5-, S ~3 and T 6: d ua on the oUlfiuing or flcct tankers: infonnation on reassignmcnts and training of personnel: 2nd reporu on the :lccidental firing on U 30 b)' At/mlmillip/X?r ~nd a deslrorcr.Apr 1940),Aug- NOl 19{0: PG 34635. rolls 2}46-47

    Ud. 9 , howcver (rcproduccd wi thin I>G 34635, roll 234"7), deals wilh the more spccifie topie Of"Atlantik Kriegfithrong" ;Uld cspcciall)' details the o utfitting :lnd c..-q uipping of German C1pi tall>hi[)~ f()f Atl:mtic ()pcr:lt i()n ~,Aug 1939-Mar 1940.

    In 19'11 , fleet correspondcnee files were arrangcd in :I numerihips in port) ,Jul- lX"C 1941 : I"G 34506, roll 2286

    G 10a, .... 'TB Scbanlborsl ,jul-Dt."C 1941 I"G 34507, roll 2286 G lOb. KTB Glle/rem"" Sep-Oet 1

  • G 17,Mim:nschulz und SI)Crrwt$Cn (use of mincswccpcrs, dc.:gaussing, and proIL"Clh~ nelS liSl cncml' mincs).Jul-No\' 194 1: I'G 34521 , roll 2324

    G IH, !'unk, Sign:ll , und Nachrichtenwcsen (indudinJ.: d:lla on r.ld io (."t\uipmc nt and dphcrs. inst.tllation or "Deli:" :lIu l "EM 11" r'Jdar on 00:1(\1 ships)-

    Mar-Oel 194 ]: I'G 34626, roIl 22'J5

    jlm-No\' 19-H : I'G .H522. rolI2325

    G ] 9, 1:lug7.cugwescn und l.ufisdnllz (lIIoStl)' pen:l ining 10 anliaircr'Jft dcfcnSt:, I>:tni(:u l:lrly fo r German capi l:" ships :11 IJrcsl),Aug-Scp 194 1: I'G 34523. roll 2325

    G 20. Navigation (dala o n routes amI channcls for USt: in entering :md Icaving po n s).Jul-Oet 194 1: PG 34524 . roll 2325

    G 2 1, .\I :~'K:hinc (planncd o\..:rh:lul or b:Utlcship Sc/XI/"I/!Jors(s c nginc::s, rcpon .\o on um:omplctL-d trials and englnc prohlc::ms o n b:lltlc::ship 1/rpitz ),jul -OcI 19f I : PG 31525, roll 2260

    G 22.JahrcsilbllngScriehte. 7,citdntdlungen, Schies~bcriehte ((; 34528, ro1l23 10

    G25, SchlScluntcrl"gcll ( rex :ciplS fo r r.ld io eiphcr m:uerials). jul- Dt."C 194 I : 1>(; 34529. roll 23 10

    (; 26.AHgemeincs (including timctablcs for thl' ('ommissioning o f new w:trships),Allg- lk"C 19-i 1: PG 34530. roll 23 10

    G 27, I>crg:tbcn und Priifungs\"crh~ndlung (cenifit.:ations reganling sccuring o f classificd nmteri3Is), Jul - Dt.."C 194 1: 1>(; :H53 I , roll 2348

    G 28. Yernichtungs\"erh:lIldlullgen (ccnifkations of the dcslfuelion of cl:ts..~i f1cd m:llcri:t ls).jlll- Ikc 19" I: 1>(; H532, roll 2348

    G 29, Komm:mdierungen, Erne nnungen, VCfSCt7.Unb'(;n , pp. (a ll()(-:llkms or communicltions !>crsonncl 10 suppl )' ships, l'Stim;u c,s o f prizc c' 10 man G1pum::d mcrchantmcn). Jul- OL'I 194 1: PG 34533, roll 23 10

    G 3 1.1':Ikl ik. Mob.Angdenhdlen ( inclllding organi1.:11ional eomingeney plans in thc el'C11l o f an ,\lIied Iandlllg, :1 lis ting of Kriegsmarine org;mi7~lI jon:11 dcsij.:nalions :md their rcsl)C."t:tiw authoril)' :t~ of jul 19-i l , and ~n asscssmcnl o flhe I>ossiblc compromisc of nl\~J.1 cipher 'M: jun 19-4 1),Jun- OcI 194 1: PG 34534. roll 23 10

    G 32. PersondIe Ik~itschaft (I>t:rsonnd ;tspcCtS in the manning of German battleshi~. including aSSL-ssrnenlS or Ihc cffec t of tr;llIsfers. training :tssignrncms, 3nd promotions of pcrscmnd o n the opcrJt ional rt.~JdinCS5 or Ihc ,varships), Scp-Oct 191 I: 1>(; 34535. roll 23 10

    G 33. Schriftwechsel be tr. Kricgscrf:lhrungcn (guidclincs for Ihe prcparalion of e\~Jlualions or 1cs..o;ons IC"'Jml-d in Nonh Atlamic o pc rations o f battk'Ships :md cruiscrs, 1000'(;lhc r with e "lx:ricncc., in :mliaircr:lft dcfensc ;md cOll tinucd 1:IClical sehooling of OmCtrs. including copies of (he 1937/39 "l:lgeskriq.;sspid cn -),jlll- cI L9f I: I'G 34536, roll 23 10

    G 55a. Kriq;.'iCrf:thnt%'(;1I II.S.W (c"pcricnccs of Ik:fchlshat>Cf de r Sicherung Wc.~t in Ilrolccl ill~ convors in the [ nglish Channc\), 1\:0\' 19 '1 I: 1>(; 3-i537, roll 23 11

    G 34. lnstandsctzung Scbt"'/I1XJrM (rq>airs to Sc!Jarll/)orst in llrcst),Aug- Ikc L 9.-1 I: I'G 54538, roll 23 1 L

    G 35. InStandsetzung GIII,:ls( ! lIf1l/ ( rcp:lirs 10 ( ,"lIei.W: //(1/I in Ilrcsl).Aug 194 1-jan 19-12: I'G :H5J9, roll 23 1 1

    G 36, ~cildntdlllng (ti llllt:lblts for rcp:lirs and 0 iollal rL'"Jdint..'SS of t..~lpit:1I ships).OeI-No\' L9.-1 I : PG 34540, roll 2J 11

    G 37, Feindlab~ No rdat l:llItik (intcll iJ.:ence n::pons on Ilritish nccl (l iSposi lioll~), Oel t9~ I-j :m 1942: PG 34541. roll 23 LI

    G 38. Cbersichlen ber Alllriebsid stungen (colllpar'Jli\'c :tSSl'SSIllCIllS of c nginc c'lp:lbilitics .md c ruising r.lng

  • Other .... ";Jnime materials iocludc the foUowing-

    OpcrJtionsbdehJe und Weisungen (Opcr.!tional orders :lod direcrhu for spceifle opcrJtions. l"SlX"Ciall) in the Atl:Ullic)-

    Sep-Dee 1939: PG 34569. mUs 2Z-4-- 5: PG 345"2,mJl 230-Dec 1939-)an 19iO: 1>(; 31573. mlls 23(}--08

    )an-jul 1940: PG 31(; 31576-577. roll!. 2859-60 and 4040

    OpcrJtiOnell Nordnorwegen (oper.nions in nonhern Norwegian waters related 10 the scizurc of Na"ik), Feb-jun 1910: 1'(; 345"'t, rolb 2308-09

    Opelmioncn Atl;mtikKriegfiihrung (including a summary of lessons Ic:lrned In the ScJNII"'JONf.cllelse/lf1U sonic. jan-Mar 1941. extenSive documcmation of Opcnuion " I~hcinb\lnlot" the by /JIsl/u/I'ck ;md Prinz EI/gell. Ma)' 19i I , d:It;1 on rcfucling opcnnions at ltI.:a, an asses~ment of IIritbh I'3dar l':lpabilitles rc\'ealcd in the HISIJI(lrck opcrJtion, and dat:1 on the IlSC of na\';!] bascs in Fr.lllce),Apr-SCp 1941 : I'G 31627. roll 2295

    Opcr:uivc Webun~n und 1k;ll'3chtunb't:n (optTJ.lional dirccliH:s and e\':Ilualion~)

    jul 1940- Dt."C 19-11 I'G 31639, mUs 2309 ami 2313

    jan-lk"C 1942:1>(; .H58 I-582.ro1l2292 ):II1-Apr 19H: 1>(; 3-i610, roll 2321

    Weisungen. Planun~:en . Obcoegungen (operalional dJrttth'es and nlC$..(; 31803. roll 2298

    Komm3ndit:nll1~'en "Sc.:c1Owc" (I't:quisitioos of n:sscls for possible u:.c in planncd il1\".lSion of Brit-ain),)ul-Oct 19-10: 1>(; 3-1502. roll 2285

    (jdcchtSbcriehlc und lal,ik (action I"CportS.ICClurcs, rcports, 3ml other materials rt-Wlrtling slx"Cific acrions. lorpc1 Allied Arelie convors, eooperntion with the Lurtw:lffe. and 5-1JQQI operalions againstAllied shippinlot in [he Shetl:lIld h1ands): PG .:H78"i-791, rolls 2317, 2358.2348

    01)cl'3ti\(; 3i580.mIl2292 jan-\I:lr 1943: PG 316-1\. roll 2321

    Sondcrunlernchmungm im Nordl" (Ordl'Th and mosa~,'es: rt--g.-.rding pO~$ihlc commando-Irpc operJ.lions by Ihe Abwchr'~ "randenburg Rl"giment" on Iceland).jul-Aug 19-'3: 1'(; 3-1-98, roll 2333


    "Ccrlx:ru~" ("ChanncJ dash" of Gernlan capital ships from n."St 10 the Nonh Sca. Fcb 19,12): PG 34583. roll 2292

    "Ros.selspn.lng" (oper:lIions agaiosl CoIl\'O)' PQ-I'" in Aretie ..... aters,jun-Aug 11).12): I"G .'1'1586-

  • (Note: Prindp;1l S(lURX ror doclLlIle ntation o r Ihis 0 lx:r.ll ion :lIId subsequelll los:~ or Ihe Sch(lm lJQlll consists o r "11:mdaktc 'Sch:lm horst' ," IOC;lIed :IS;III Anb~;c 10 Ihe KTn u r IlSkl,Tdl C, I-Icfl 113. rcproduccd as PG 32S(,o. roUs 1784-85)

    Minc no pcr.llionen im Nordrneer (minclaying ope rations inArct ic w:llers)-

    )ul -Sep 19-U: PG 3459 1. roll 2293 Jul 1942-Aug 1943: I'G 34000. roll 2297

    "l i rp ilz- Kldrt>ttJ-Uoot:;augriff. ""crflJicb'el.eit u, Sichenlllg ( rcport.s and n H.:s.o;; lg(~ o n damab'C surrercd br TirfJilZ in midgct subnlarine attack. SeI' 19-i3, :md subSl.:q ucm rcpairs and incrcaSl.:d prolecli\'e mc-.lSUrcs). Sep 19H - Oc.'C 1944: I'G 3f197, roll 2333

    Luftstreitkrfte Norwegen (:Ii r rcconrmissanec :md suppo rt operations. relmed tr.tining isslles)-

    M:ry-Jun 1942: PG 34548. roll 23 11

    M:rr- O(; 48747 (pan ) , roll 3008

    Be fehls habe ... d e r Schbch tschiffc ( IklS) (Comm:I1l

  • aod ~ubsc(luentlr n.:designated Befehlsh.aber der Kampfgruppe (Ycbmary 1943) and then as 1. Kampfgruppe (July 1914) before its di~sol ution in OclOber 1944. Vizcadmiral Ouo Ciliax served a~ UdS fmm June 1911 thrullgh May 1942; he W-JS succccded as BdK hrVll.

  • Gkdos, 30, Funkspiel I'orsa (COlinterintdligence/dcceplioll opcr.uion),)lIn- Ckt 1944: PG 48583, nOI fil med :md :!\~lil:l blc o nly :11 lhe BA,;\IA

    Chefsache I , Opcr.lli\'t~ Angelegenheiten (din;cti\'L'S on Org:tni:talion:ll issllcs. opcr.uional on:krs am' mess:tgL'S n:1:uing 10 plannL'tl 0 1)CrJlions ag.1.inM AIliL'd :lIld Russian forccs), Bdc_ 1-3 , Feb 1942- Aug 19-'4 : PG 48>86- 588_ rolls 3003-04

    Chefsac he l a- Ie. Umcrnchmungcn-

    la - Rssd spmng - (all:lcks on Comuy 1'Q 17},Jun-Jul 1942: PG 48589. roll ~

    I b "Sccm\'e:'Kuni~undc:"G lobus- (tl"J.nsrcrs of .... "arships 10 Trondheim and Narvik),jun-Ocl 19-i2: PG 48590. roll 300,j

    Ic - Eisp:llasl:-Regen!;l.;hi rm:- t-\offnung:"SiJbc r:streir (pl:lIlned :lIlacks on Corwor s I'Q -I!I and QI'-15 and associatcd prelimin:lr)' mO\'emems),)ul- lx :c 19-12: PG 4859 1, roll 3004

    1 d "WieS('ngrund" (pl:mlled sci7,ure or 1'i.S(:her l'cninsul:1 o n I{ussi:tn mainland),)tHl- Dee 19,j2: PG 48592, roll 3004

    1 C ' Wunderl:lIld- (p l:lIllll'd :lItac k o f Ar/mlral Scl)(.>er :Ig:tinsl shipping in Ihe Kar:1 Sca},jul-Sep 1912: PG 48593. roll~

    Chefsache 1 f. Kricgsl:tgebfiche r (excerpis or " ".Ir d iaril'S o f Ihe Kalllpfgmppc :md or indi\'idu:d w::Ir:ships panidp;tting in spt:clfic aClions) (Lide, 14)-

    &1_ 1 (Sep 19-i 2-jan 1943): I"G 48594, rolls 3004-0 5

    Ud, 2 (M:lf- St:p I9-H): I'G 48595, roll 3005

    1kI. 3 (Sep 19.013- Apr 1944): I'G 485%, roJis 3005-06

    1kJ, 4 (lun- Ckt 1944): I'G 48597, roJl 3006

    ChefS:lche 1 h- I j, Ul11cmehmllrlgcn-

    I h. "DoppclSl.:hl:lg" (all:lc k b)' !Ir/mim/ Sclx>er,!ldmlmllll{JfN!r, and destroycf'S :1g:linSI Shipl)ing in Ihe KarJ Sca), Aug-St-p 1942: I'G 48 598, roll 3006

    1 i, "i\1dSCIlb,.ll 7, - (planllCd :utack b)' A(/m;m/llipper,!ll/m;m/ Scht'('r, cmiser Km" , and dc~l rorc f'S ag.1.insl Coll\uyQI'-14) .Scp 19-12: PG 48599. roll 3006

    1 j, "Zarin"(planncd minclar ing 0pcl"J.lion b)' Al/mim/llipper and dClilrorcrs off NO\"J}"J 7.cml}'2), Sep 19-i2: PG 4S(JOO, roll 3006

    Chefsache I k. \'erschil'tlcllcs (onlcrs. rl:ports. and mCSS:1b't.'S rl:lat ing 10 planned oper.llions, an

    ChefS:lche I k I "Ostfront " (orders for plannt'tl :11I:ICk on :1 Itussian-I>ound col1\'o)'). Mar 19'i3: Pl i 4S()()2 , mll Z79/:J

    ChcfS:1Chc 1 J.-lqu, Unterndnnun b'Cn-

    1 L, "Ausscll," Uorkumrifr (planned !>ornbardlllCtlt b)' TirjJilz . ScI)(I/'IIbo Y1i1 :tnd (Iestrorc rs or Russi:1Il land 1:lrgels). M:l)'-Scp 1943: I'G 48603, ro ll 2798

    1 m. -Wulldcrl:lnd 11:"ll usar" (pl:ultlcd 01>CT"Jlion or I.litzow :1g:linsl Russian shipping 1>C1\\'l-Cn the KaT"J Sll and no nhcm Siocria), Ma)'-Scp 1943: PG 'i86CJ.i , roll 2798

    In. "Si7j lill, .--Zitrondl:l- (pl:mned attack on Russi:m (;lcilil1clj on Spil7.oc'1,'Cn),Aug-Oct 19-{j: 1"Ci 48605, rolls 2798-99

    10. - lIans.;t - (return of UIlZOIll and two dl"Stro)'ef'S to Gcrmauy) , Scp- Oct 1943: I'G 48606. roll 2799

    J p, "''\'a llenslc11I/Fricdl:md"(plamll'tl usc or Iket unilS in Ihe e\'Cnt orAllied 13ndings in StJulhern Non\':I}' :lIld Dcnnwrli:). Scp 194 3- &:P 1944: I'G 48607, roIl 2799

    1 qu, "K:ttharin:t/K:lktcctl7,llcht :" Feodor.l- (planncd mind :l)'illg opcr.u ions off the Sovie l coasl). Oet 19-13- AI1I,; 1944: I'G 48(')(). roll 2799

    Chd s.1.che 1 r,AlIgelllcincs (h'CIICr.11 cI:lla, including the SI:lIe of read iness or 17rpitz, and infonmllon on the )ul)' 20, 1944 allemp1 on lIiller's lire),Apr-Ckt 1944: 1"Ci 48609. roll Z7')9

    Chcfs.1.chc IS. 01>Cl"J.tio llc n KampfgnIppe ( inchlding sl:mdillg COUlb:U instnlCtiollS and pl:ulIIcd OpcT"Jtion "Ko m um: .. S-"\'l-CP ur the Uan:nts Sca) ,)un-Ocl 19-i-I: I'G 48610, roll 2799

    ChefS:lche It , ( bungen Kamprgnlppe im freien Sccr:tum (group cxcrcises at M.l) . j ul -AuJ; 1?-i4: I'G 4861 L roll 27')9


  • ChdS:lche 1 u, Veriq;ung K:Ul1pfgruppe TIrpitz nach Uogcnbudll (tmnsfl~r or Tirpilz amI accomp:mying units from Altaftonl to Bogen Itty, Narvik).Aug-Scp 1944: 1>(; 48612, roll 2791)

    Chefsache 1 v. Opernth'er Einsatz der Kampfgruppe (standanl comb:u din:ctiycs and in~trul..'tion~; a liSt of operntional code \",onls; mea5t1I'CS tO bc taken in thc C\'ent of enern)' in\";l.sion: oper:ttional onkrs for l'bO:lt~ in Arctic w:tter(;18571-';"2. rolls 2811:1-11)

    4e. Torpedo (antitorpt."lIo mt."asl.lrcs). No\' 11)-t3-Aug 19H PGiS';'73. roll 2819 4f, Wabowerfer (1i.'iC or depth-charge weaponry).)ul 1943-Scp 19+-1. PG 4H'i"4. roll :zgll)

    fg, Ncbel (u!oC ofsmokc scrcens), IX'C 19.f3-Scp 19-11 PGi8S~'S, roll 2819

    Chefsache 5, J>e;:r.;onaJ:Ibg.1bc lirpitl (rclc:ase and trnn~fcr or Tir/Jitz crcwmcn to other dutie .. ). Ou 19+1: PG 18617, roll 2800

    Chefsache 7, Stlitzpunktan~cJcgcnhdlen (rcpons. messages. :md chafts rcg;lnlin~ 11:1\".11 ha!ot.'S c .. t~blbhed in Allaftord, LanWjon1, K:I:'ftOn1, ;md oll1"r localions along Ihe nonhem wasl of Norw:I~. indudin~ dal:' on bcnhs and anliaircraft dcfen!oCs; PG f8621 indudcs some dal:1 on l)'00:1l bascs al l-IammcrfL'S1 :mu '\::11"\ ik). IkIc. 1-3,Jun 1942-)un 19'14: 1>(; 486 19-621. roUs 2800-01

    Chefsache 8. KriejplaJ,'(.'bikher KJ.J.mpfgruppe,"Tp: i 7_"'011 (exI..'erpts from Ihe war djlriC~ of the Kampfgruppe. Tirpitz, and the 4th De.tro~er Fllill3), I .\b.}'-I S JUni' 19j j . PG 18S-8, roll 2802

    Chefsache ?C, Inst;md~tzung1irpil1: (rLlJOHS. II'lCS:>lb"CS. and photographs rebling to the CXlen~l\e I't"pair. pcrformcd on 17rpitz following the mK.lgct ~ubm:uine aHlek o( Sep 19.o:U1d ~1Irn.c.."

  • n lC I)()SI of Adlll.iral NOfdmCCf was c~I :l hlished in Oelobcr 194 1 10 d ill:

  • Ue fe hlshaber der 2, Kampfgruppe/ Kampfgruppe Th lclc (Commandcr, 2d or "'111iclc"Task Force)

    nie Befchlshaber der 2, Kampfgroppc!Kampfgrop pe 'Ih iclc l.:o mmandl.'t1 a group ofwal'!>hips (including Prillz Ellgell, At/miml ScJJt'et; AdmlmllllpP(,'r. and Llitzow) withdrawn from the l'(nxmtl der AlIsblldllllgsluvllzer in JuI)' 1944 tO provldc suppon fO!" Gemlan Ami)' forces along the Salti

    2233-36 2907-09 2258-60 29\8 22~0--5 2918-52 2277-98 3003-09 2W I-14 30165 2316-29 ,-94 233 1-33 3"" 2336-38 3867-71 2343-49 3894-97 2358 3939 2368 3960-61 2623 3995-99 r98-9') 40iZ-73 2800-02 4276--8 281-19


  • Ma,.i-ueg,.lIppe" kommamlo Ost/ West/ Norrl (NIlIml G'VUj) Com"ul luls E(lst/1Vesl/ Nortb)

    The Mari llcgrull~lIkommaudo (Nl\'al Group Comm:mds) wert:: est:Illlishcd to conduci Ih" 0 1)Crnlions of SUITdCe forccs :md a~lmle rcsponsibilil)' for the dcfensc of Ihe German CO:iSI. Ma riu'-"grllppc:nkommaudo Osl (Na\':11 Group CO I11I1l:lIld b~l). est:lblisht.:ilitr for 01x:r.llions in thl' Nonh Sca :md Ihe Allam1c Occ:m. :md Ihcrefore :lss ltlllcd g.rcatcr signilicancc :tfler the l'olish c :tll1paign . 1'hc laller command, 10 wllo m the HQflcllcbtf (I:kct Colllm;lnder) "~IS sul)l)rdinaled . dil'{:ctcd lla\~,1 oper.nions associalcd wilh Oper.nion WcscriillunS" (t lw in\':1siOll o f Dcnm:u'l, :md NOI'\\~LY) amJ cOlll nLercer-did in~ oper.uions of German hJllleships and hca"), cruiscrs. [n August 1940 Ma riu(."grllppcnkomm:lIldo West Irnnsfcrrcd its head quaners 10 I':Lris 10 roc\l~ on planning for lhe im'asion of EngJand :md on ,\l1:1I11 ic 0lx:r.nions; :1\ the S:LlllC time the headquarlerl> of Marim,"gruppcnkOllllll a. ndO Osl W:lS IrnnsfclTt'd to Wi1hdllshaw n w herc it W"dS rcdesign:II L'

  • M.arincgruppcnko mmando Ost (NavaJ Group Command East)

    Kriegstagchuch (RTB) and Anlagcn-

    23 AUj.:-15 Dcc 1939: PG 38643, roll .f039 161)pondenee on mobi l i~A1tion of reserye ... and conlluLssioll-ing 01 officcrs). 1937-39: PG 38629-630. roll 2637

    Polen (onk:r.. and org;tni:t.:uional maUCrs rcl:uing 10 nallal operalions during tlll: Polish campaign). Scp-Oct 1939: pr; }H647, roll 2601

    ' We-.crilhung" (opt..T.l!ion ... rebting to !he invasion of '\orwar and Denmark), \lar-Apr 1940: PG 398-. rull266-f 1'(; 3CS, including opcl'"~ t iona l instnlctiolls, r~dio mcss,'lges, w:Ir diaI')' CXCCrplS of panidp:lting unilS, and J>ostexcrcisc commen taria), 1931 -39. as follo"' ... -

    Fiihrerkri~picl 1932 (war ,'s Poland and Fmnee, 1'011 1931). \'\lnter 31/32 (\\0"31' \"S. Poland and I'raJlCc, Oct 1931). \'\ Inter 32/33 (war \"S . Poland :md France,)an 1933), Winter 33/3'1 (war \'s. Poland and I'rancc.Apr 1933). Kricgs...pieJsstudie 1936 (mining of Baltic in war \ .... I'l'"aJlCc and Russia): PG 38648-649. rolls 260102

    Filhrcrkricgsspicl 1934r.i5 (dcfcnsc of Bahic in w:Ir agains! Francc onl)'. Nov-Dc:c 1934)-

    lid. I:.-b: I'G 38651-652, roll 2603 IkIc. 11111: PG 38653-654, roUs 2595-96

    Opcr:nin:s Kri~J>id "G" der \tarincstation der (h1!oc:."C 1938 (B.'llc.k ponion or Krit-"gSSpiclc 1937/38 mancu\'ers on prcmbc ofw:u- with France and Russia, Oe1 and .DienSI,I>cc 193R-'\lar 1939)-

    Band 1 PG 38656. roll 26~5--'6 Anlagcheft I' PG 3860;~. roll 26-3

    Anl:lgehcft 2: PG 38658. roll!. 26~3-"'.f

    Anbgeheft 3: PG 38659, roll 26-4 Anla~chcft 1: PG 38660, roll... 26-::-4-"'''j

    Slr:ncgischc 1'r:I~l:n lind Hmweise (strategie planning n.:g.'lruing comlllcrcc warfare :lgaillSt l'oland and the possible minilll,: of Dan:tjg Ba\.Jan anlal arc:c.,lx'(: 1933-Apr 19~): PG 38650, rolb 2602-03

  • M:lrhu."gnlppcnko mmando West (Nav:tl G roup Command Wes!)

    KllJ and Anla~lI-

    23 Aug- 15 Oel 1939: !'G 37465-467, m ll 3985

    16 0e1-3 1 Ikc 1939: I'G 37468-472. roll 4279 I )an- 15 !'!ar 19-iO: I'G 37473-477, rolls 4027-28

    16-3 1 !'!ar 1940: 1'G 37478, roll4279

    l - j OApr 1 940: I'G 37479- 480. rull 4280 1 May 19-iO-j l !'!ar 194 1: I'G 37481 -502. rolls 4028-30

    1- 15Apr 19-il: l'G 37503, roll 4031

    16 Apr- I 5 M:l)' 19-i I : 1>(; 37504-505, ro ll 4280 16 ~by-j l AuS 194 1: 1>(; 37506-5 12, roll 3%2

    1 Sep 194 1-3 1 Mar 19-_2: I'G 37513-526, rolls 4070-7 1 1 Apr-30 Nov 19,'12: 1>(; 37527-542, rul1s 3973-75

    1 J)cc 1942- j 1 Mar 1943: 1'G 37543- 550. rol1 4008 1 Apr 1913- 15 Jan 19-i4 : 1>(; 3755 1- 56'), rolls 40973-74

    16 )an- 19 )un 19-i4: PG :H570-585, roll 4075 20 )lIn- 15 )111 1944: I'G 37586-592 . roll 4032

    16- 28 )11\ 1944 :1'G 37593-594, rolls 2340. 5973

    29 Jul-30 S(; 37595-609. rolls 4009. 2.HO. 397 .~ : A nlagl: ,\II!: 1944: I'G 3762 1. roll 4073 1-20 Oet 1944: I'G 37610-6 11 . ro ll 4008 2 1 OcI- 12 Nov 19(; 376 12-6 15. roUs 23'10. 4008

    13 Nov- 15 j an 19-1:5: PG 37616-620, rolls 4073, 2}40-4 1

    Akte n-

    Aufgaben und Organis.'llio n des M:lrinegruppc:nko mmandos Wesl.Aug 1938: I'G 37665. roll 2379

    Organisalion~rr.l1,'t."n der Verbndc ,jul 1')40-May 19-i l : PG 37i 14-715, roll 2394

    5p:lIlllullgszci t: llefchl e und Manahme n (indllding information on mobili7.:tlioll , .... "~r plans, conmillnic:niuns insl.nlclions, :lJld cool)Cr:uion Wilh Ihe Lufrwaffc). Aug 1938-Aug 1939: PG 37765-769. roll 2406

    Abwehr (imdli~nce rcqllcSICU. c .g., Uri lish mineswceping L"(; 37770. roll 2406

    Chcfaktc "I" ( " I,S;l bclJa ," l lon:I :"Allil:t :- Fdb:~) (conlingcnc)' 0 lx:ralional planning for Ill~ miJilar} oecup:lliOns of 5P:lill . soulhem FF~n('c , :Uld Gil)F~Jt a r), M~r 194 1-&p 1942-

    I'G 37622-623. roll 2401 1>(; 37903-905, roll 2432

    ,\kte "Attil:l- (contingcllq o pcr:lIjoll:ll pl:lnning for Ihe oecupalio n of soulltcrn Fr:mcc). No\' 1941- l\ug 1942: 1>(; 37920. roH 2413

    Q lefakle "r (-Gisela") (eont ingcney operational planlling for Ihe occupalion of Ilte Spanish :1111.1 l'ort ugucsc Al lanlle Co;L~1S in Ihe (.'n :nt or :1I1 AIlit."tI l~ndil1g lhcrc), Aug 1942- Aug 19i3-

    1>(; 37624 -626 , roUs 2401 -02 1>(; 37651; roll 2403

    1>(; 376j2-633. ro ll 4280 I'G 37634, roll 2334

    Akle -Gisda Neu" (rc\'iscd conti llgcllC)' p lan for occllpalion of Ilorthcrn Spain), Mar-Jul 1944: I"G 37635-636, 37638-639. roll 2334

    ,\ l; le li Luftw:l ffe/Marinduft~ lrcitl;riifte (rcpons Oll Luftwaffe parlicip:uion in lIa \':l1 :Ind U-bo:u o pc r:lI ions, n:l\'al :li r service 01)C r~t ions and aircr.tft , shipbonlC :Iircr~fl . intd1igencc Il."g:t rd ing e nem)' ai r follXS. organizalionai liala. and ai r dcfc nse of n:l\'31 baSCS).AIIg 1940-Jun 1944: I'G 3764 1-663. rol Ls 2335, 23n-79


  • lIali "Wcbs" (plans and o pcrat ions for the conqueM of l'ol:lnd, induding Group Colllllland WC!>1 start' confl,,cnecs). Apr 1939-Feb 1940: PCi :\7"61, 3776j-i64,377'74, rolls 2405-0-

    "Wcscriibung" (im~.iSion of Dcnm;ui;: and Norway). Mar-Ma) 19:10-

    Wei!>ungen der SkI: PG r84S-&i9. rolb 2:1-1S, 24 jO Befehle und Wdsungen Gnlppe West: PG rS50-851. roll 2i30

    Gruppe Ost: PG rS52-S53. roll 243(}

    OperJtion!>bcfchle: PG r8~-855, roUs 243(; rsS6, roll 2:131


    Opcr:llh'cWcisungcn u. UcfchJc: PG r879. roll 2400 Opcr:uionsbcfehl NI'. I. Ourchfhrung des Tr:lnsIXJrl.\ fr 0 1)Cr:llion Scelwe: PG j773B-739. rolb 2384-85

    Kriftezmcilung. Ude. 1-2: PG 3"880-88 1, roll 2400

    Kslcnvcrtcidij,:ung u. FI:lkschutz: PG r882. roll 2400 1-2: PG rB83-884, rolls 2-100 and 24 18

    Ilfcn u. Stulzpunkte: PG rB85, roll 2418

    Seetransportc.lkle_ I-3: PG r886-888.roll 2i18

    Personal. Bde. 1-2: PG r889. roll 2419; PG 3/32. roUs 2383-84

    lJ.oote: PG 3"'890. roll 2416

    Heer: PG 3"891-892. roll 2446 Minen. Sperren: PG .\789j. roll 2447

    ~7.arcltschjffe : PG 3"702. roll 2383 NachrichlenweSen: PG :\77 19-720. roll 23-5 Fahr','c. lklc. 1-3 (Sc]) 1940-Scp 194 1): PG 3,,26-727/b. roll 2429 , Iklc. 1-2 Oun 1941 - Feb 1942) PG 3T735-736, roll 2384 Erflhrung:.bcrichle (Marinc.Scp-Oec 1940): PG 3"89';, roll 2101'" Soostib'Cli und Erfahrungsbcrichle (Oel l')oiO-}uJ I!)-i I): 1>(; 37733. roll 23&1

    " ~l crbSlrei"c" (planncd di\'cl'!>ion to in\'aSion of Britain).Aug 19-10-Jan 194 1: PG r899. roUs 21'17-f8

    "Harpunt.'-Sud" (pl:mncd in\'aSion/di\'ersionat1 opcr~lion for in~';I;.ion of southern England). \lay-Sc]) 1941: I'G 3'94 1-943. roll 2'139

    "Ilaifisch" (plannei(Jn of ( ircat BritainJdlvcrsional') opcrJlion fo r invasion of l1SSR. 194 1 ).Apr-Scp 1941 . PG 379Q6-909. roll!> H32-33

    ",'lrbaross;l ~ (i1l\':I.!>ion of U~R). M;lr-Jul 19-H: PG 33901-902. roll 2432: PG 33931. roll 2119

    Chefsache "Gnln" (colllingcnq plans for the in\-asion of Ircland.Aug 1940): I'G 373(}1. roll .23i2

    Operationen. Fjnsat7.bcrcil:;chaft der Streitkrlfte/ llandebkrit.1I/ Sicherung der l'ionisc..'C (including opct'ationaJ n:.-adiness rcpons for !>urfJCC uni(5 :md data on U-OO;U operation!> in the North St':l).Au~ 1939-Occ 1940: PG r-90-792, roUs 24';4-5';


  • Ope ..... ll iontn Non.lsce (o])cr.l(ion:11 on.lcrs, n:ports. and mcss:lges regarding 11:11':11 ope ..... llions in the Non h S.:a and Atlantic, including minclaying ope ..... nions. commerce warfan: :Iccon.ling tO prizc nd(s. plannl-d operations or b:mlcships in the I'.troc Isl.mds area. and plans for Ihe usc of ,Iiremft ('''arrier Gm! Zeppc/(II II'G 377851),Aug 19J9- A\lg 1940-

    PG 3m8-785. rolls 2565- 67 I'G r786,1'01I24OaIS),Aug J939- M:I)' 1941: I"G 378%~898. m ll .N47

    Opcr.ll ioncn: Sonderf;Ihn ellge (cM:Qn dlltiL"S fOT blockade rllnner~, auxili:lry eruiscrs. suppl)' ships, and m her \'c ,,"-"-'iCJS), OeI 1939- 0\I :lr 1942: PG 37793- 795. runs 2455. 240ti; PG 37819, roll 2397

    Opcr.llioncn: J;in- und Au~I:lUfen IliIfskfl:m:cr (n:pons and m(,'l'Sab' f\."g:uding 3rri \':I1s and departurcs of commcrce. r.liderl> :md olher :lIIxili:tr)' cruiscrs)-

    ScIJIff 13.}:tn - Mar 19-11: I'G 37820, ro ll 2397 Scb iff .s6.Jun- Sc:I) 19i I: I"G rl:lj I. roll 2385 Sch iff 4';. 5c:p 19.J l - o\Iar 19.12: 1>(; j7832. roUs 2385-86

    Scbiff 10 . Sr" 1941 -5

  • OperJtionen. Holland/lklgkn/FrJnkreich (repons of naval operations in support or ground operalions in Ihc \'(htem thC'Jler. incJuding mineb)ing operations), Oct 19}9-Dcc 19oi0: I'G 3--96-- 97. roll 2-i08

    Opcr:uionen, Frankreich (incJuding data on opcrJtlons by light forccs and S-boau, in Ihe Englbh Channcl),)un 1940-Aug 19i I: Pe 37799-37800. rolls 2408~09; PG 3769'), roll 2391

    Norwc~ .. e n/ Frankrcich: AJl~emein (lncluding d:1Ia on CO:I~la1 and antiaircraft dcCcnscs in Norwayand 1'r:lI1ce). Ma) 1940-Scpt 1912: PG r868-869, roll 2389

    lagcbcurtdlun~ .. cn (.!Iitu:llion c..'2lwtion rcpons), Mar-Dcc 1942: PG 37;21 ~24 . 1'0115 23- 5-~6, 2 129

    TItigkdlSbcrichl 1942 (surwy or operJtional C\l:nts,janDt.'C 1942): Pe 3-6~5. roll 2380

    l.ageutx:r-icht September 19-13 (summ:I." of silU:llion on At1:mlic coast): I'G r6-6. roll 2380

    lagetx:richle: II :mdcb~hiffe (.!Iiwation rcporu; on mcrchant shipping in Gcnmny :lI1d occupicd coumrics),Aug 1910-):111 1941 : I'G }774I 747, roll 2403

    I'rio;cn (merchant ships caplured :lS prizcs by Gcmun .!Ih ips),jan 1941-;\t:ly 1942: PG 3--;:28. rolb 2i29~3O

    Sceuansporte (con\"oying and prou:aion ofGerman mcrchant trame in the Englhh Channel).Oct 19./0- Nov 1942; Pe 3T25. roll 2429

    Minen- und Sperrwesen; Spcrrmcldungcn.May 193'"'- "':11' 1941: PG 3-- 6:2, 3-71 - -~}. }-- -6wT':1, rolLs 2405-0-, 2446

    tuftmlnen, Nov 1939-l'eb 1941 ' PG 37865, roll 2389

    Minenm:llerial. Verteilung. Ik:l.IJ.m.Jc.Aug 19.f0-jul 19-11' 1'G }-:716-7IS, ro lls 2394-95

    .\linenuntemehmungcn S-BoOle (minelaying oper.l.lions b) S-Boote off the English coast).Apr 19-i I-_\lar 1942: PG 37712-7 13, rolls 2393-9-1

    5-0001C undT-BoOle (allgemeines),Aug-Dcc l'}JO: I'G r686. roU 2382; PG 3,-00, roll 2342 l\'ersoll.'err rroschiffe (fleet tankers ,md stlppl) .!Ihips), l)ce 1939-)un 1914; PG r682-684, roUs 2381-82; Pe

    r692, roll 2356

    Blockadebreche r (orders, fCl)Ons, :md communiC:lIions rcgarding arrivab and depanurcs of blockade runners).Aug 1940w Nov 19"2~

    I'G r693-698, rolls 2356-57,2391

    Pe r912-919, rolls 2H3-3f. 24r -38.24 13 PG 3-928-929, rolis 2414- 15

    PG r930-936, rolls 2420-22

    Chcfakle "Allgemeine: Bnde 1 w 7 (general corrcl>pondt'nce files on V'Jrious Mlbje.:cts, including personncl poli

  • EinsatZ der KFlouillen 21 1.362 :Iuf Im'l!5iOllsstrdtkriiftc (rq x)Ms on oper:ll ions of midgt:t suhmarines :md Illalllx:d IOrpcdoc."S againSt AI1i~"tI fort."CS off Nomlalldy),Aug 1944: 1>(; 37677, roll 244H

    K11\ alld Aldagcn,Admir.11 Kanalkiistc (copics of war di3ry for the l1a\':l1 com l1l:lnd respolisiblt fo r Ch:lllnci CO:ISI:I I dcfcnses),Jul-Scp 1 944: Pe 37752-7SS, roUs 2403-04

    Ikfchlc f r Feindlandu1\J; (col!(; .HI7- H45. rolls 3920 , 59j8- 39

    16 No\' 1911 - 11 )ul 1912: 1>(; .H846-862. roUs 3947-48 12 )ul - 30 Sep 19-12: 1>(; 34863-867, ro lls 3950, 3946, 2245

    I ()cl 1912-28l'cb 1943: 1>(; .H8(>8-S77, roUs 3970-71 I Mar- 14 Apr 1913: PG 3487R- t:I8O, mlb 4004- 05

    (Coml>illl"tl KTU andAnl:lgen d .. 'S Marint.-gntppcnkonlillandos Nord und Flot tenkommando. 14Apr 1943-30Apr 1944: 1>(; :H718-739. rolls 39.;9, 2:n6-37; additional dcscriptions with those for lhe FlOtlenkommando, dscwhcn: in th iS Guide)

    Akten (glncr.t! corrcspo ndc ncc and n:I>ons Oll the conduct o r b:Ullcship anu c rlliscr oper.ll ions, 0 IJoC rJtions :1g:linst "I'Q" eOl\\"o)'s b)' suff:tc

  • Schl3chtschiffc und Kreuzer (including rcpol'b on a ritish commando 3tt3ck on the Tirpitz, Nm' 19-t2).Aug 1940-Oct I9-H: PG 36-09. roll 2208

    Zcr:.trt:r,To~dobootc, Schnellboote (d3la on SI3bility tests, fuel rcquircments, and :.pcdfie:. or the "" 35- class or torpedo Ixxlts),Aug 1940-Oct 1943: PG 367 10-7 12, roUs 2208-09

    KrkgsgJicderun~;en/OrganiS:llion (organil.:1tiOmd data on Germ'ln na\~II forces, including u.tX)3( cOnlnlands),Aug 1940-OcI 1943: PG 36673-6-8, roUs 2150-52

    Einsatz und Opcr.J.Uonen \'On Oberwassersln:i.tkr:J:fien 1912-

    I. PI:mungcn, Weisungen, berlegungen, Feb 19H-Feb 1943: PG 36-95, rolb 2262-63

    11. Einsatz u. Oper,lIionen '" (trJnsrer or crui.::,er Llilzow I(J Norway), "7~'1ubcrf1ote" (retum of Pr;IIZ lillsell to Gennany)," Rssclsprung' (opcrJlioos ag.'1insl Allied Convoy I'Q-I-).Apr-Au).: 1942: PG 56-96, rol1s 2 195-96

    1[1 . Eins:ttz u. OpcrJtloncn "Ebp:tl:tSt ' (p[anncd attack on Con\'OYl> I"Q- IH and QI'.14). "\o;'undcrland" "Doppclschbg" (planrn.:d usc or Admiral Sebrer 3g.'1inSI :.hipping in the K3rJ Sc:l.lalcr rcpbc ... 'chen In~ln (rt:pon on Ihe successful ('rernlan amphiblous 0pcr.J.tions on se..-er.J.I islands off Ihe EslOnian CO:lSI), Sep 19-i I : PG 39515, roll 4280

    B1ockadebrt."Cher, Mal' 19-12-Feb 1944: PG 36-90-791, rolls2185, 2261

    Opcr:ltion 'Wiesengrund" (p1:lOnl'(] scizure of thc Rschcr I't!ninsula), Feb"Dce 1942: I'G 36800. roUs 2197-98

    Kriegsspiele "lcuthen" (induding W'Jr games hYPolhcsizing Alticd inv;Isions of the pcni n~ul:I in Dcnmark and Norwal'), 1943-44: I'G 36804-806, roll 2173

    FunkmegerJt (the opcr.ltiOnal US(: ofr.J.dar).OcI 1940-0

  • List of Tl 0 22 Molls Citcd

    2 109- 11 2454-55 2148-5 1 2595-96 2 1n-74 ~H-03 2177-85 2635-37 2195-98 2673-76 2~1- l l 39l1l 22 19-29 3938-40 2261-67 ",16-48 2334-37 ~)5() 234M2 3$170-7 1 2356-57 3973-75 2,365-67 3985

    2"" 4039-41 2575-99 400'-05 2100-9 -."., 2413-15 4027-32 2418-22 45 , 2f29-34 4070-7 ' 24.)7-39 4fm-77 2446-48 4279-!()


  • SCl1iJ[skomllll"lllos ( W(,rsbips (md Sm:facc Combtll Forcc3)

    attlcshjps ( Beslwlll ltM 92, BAMA)

    111.H"'"-ck. Kriegsta~,.ebuch ( KTD) :md Akten


  • Kl1! I jul-30 Sc."P 1944: PG 485'14 , roll 2(:tion of he r ancho mge are localLxl :llllong the n:cords of the Holfellkollllllllll du :1Ilossibly nOl mainl:linL"

  • Gefo;::chtsberidlle-

    Ueridu fIIx:r den Torp(.'doudfer:lm 6.4.4 I : f'G 479')8. roll 2997

    Ikriclu Ober d ie Lufl:lbwehrkimpfe im K:ln:ll:lm 12. febnl:!r 19.-12.' I'G 47992. roll 29')7

    Ik ridue flbcr noml:x::n- und Minentrdfcr. 12. u. 26.- 27.2. 1942: I'G 479')6/be, 47er (Allgemd ne "aklik): 1'(; 32952, roll 1895: wanime dOCllmentalion i5 cspccially pcninclll in Ihe foltowiug SOIln;::c.."S-

    I /Skl Kl11TciI A (p:lMicul:lrly for 111(' pcriexls 20 Sc::p - 10 Oel 1939.8 Feb 1940. 28~ 29Apr 19.-10. 5- 11 Jul 19-40.8 No\' J 940. 14 May-6 Jun 194 1. 23-25 )ul 194 1. 5 No\'-8 Dc..x: 1911. 9 J:II1-4 Feb 19i2. and 12 Mar- 2; AuS 1942), 1'G 32022ff. ro lls 1660-62

    ,. -,

  • I/Skl KTIJ Teil C, lief! V t uftkrieg, I'G 32 177-779, rolls 1725-26

    I/Skl lkf I I. Akte "Anfragen , Ersuchen, Wdsllngt:n und Hcfehle"(Nov 19-iO-lkc 1941), PG 32969. rolls 1949-50

    M:trinegruppeflkollllllando Wesl ,.\klen " ionen Nordsce: I'G 3n85. roll 2367.

    Additional rclc"am document:lt ion is IOC:ULxI among the rccorUs or German naval air COllllllalllls descrilx:d d sewhcrc in this Gui

    Atlmind GnifSjJee

    KTB 24 Au); 1936-2 Aug 1937 (with j;.'' for spt:cifrc crlIiscs assodated with the Sp:mish Civil W:tr): I'G 80626-632, ro ll :

  • l)ellhchl(llul/ Ui/ZQ/II (ship ren:Lnlcd :md redestgll;)!ed as a hc~vy eruiscr Feb 1940). KTB :md AnJ:I);en

    23 Jul 1936- 10 Jun 1937 (wi th g~ps. only for spceifk enliscs associau.;d with the Sp:lI1bh Civil War): PG 80844-849. rolls 3425-26

    24 Aug-1 5 Nov 1939: PG 479 11 -912, rolls 2857- 58 (duplieated as 1>(; 48281 . roll 2794)

    16- 30 Nov 1939: no information av:lilable

    1- j I Oee 1939: I'G 48282. roll 2794

    1- 15 Jan 1940: PCI 48483 (?). not filme

    16 Jal1 - 7 Aug 1940: J>(; 484811- 293. rulls 2794-95

    ,\ lIg 1940-Mar 191 1: ship in drydock for cx tended rcpairs, K'm apparently not maintained fur this poCriocl

    31 "'lar-3 1 Dec 194 1: I'G 48206-218, roU 27311

    I J:1Il 1942- 3 }an 1943: PG 1182 19-2112. roll 2791

    I ):111- 3 1 )111 1943: 1>(; 48244- 257, roUs 2999-3000

    I AIII;-1 5 Sq) 194 3: I'G 48258- 2('(), roll 2734

    16- 30 Sep 1943: 1>(; 48261 , roll 4289

    Oet 1943-Jun 1944: ship in drrdock for cxtended o\'erhaul and rcpairs. KTB apl>:lrcntl)' not lIlaintained for th iS p(; 4S014 - 026, roll 2734

    1-1 3 Apr 1910: no infonmtion : .... .!i lab1c

    Anlage: Gcfedlt>lx;ridll der Gruppe 11 und des Kreuzers "Admir.11 I-!ippcr" fr die Oper."uiontn von 6.4.- 12..1.110: 1>(; 48092, roll 4269

    14 '\pr- 3 1 M:IY 1910: 1>(; 48027-029. roll 2734

    1 Jlm- 3 1 Aug 1940: PG 48030- 036, roll 2902

    1 Sep-2 Oet 19-10: PG 48037, roll 4269

    1 Oet 19(; IIW)O. roll 2905

    5ki7.7.e Geschoss- lind Mincntrcffer auf"Admiml IIII)/JC'" Jahreswende 1942/43 (di:lgr:lI11 of hits SUSlained br Ai/Illim/Itip/JC' during a nal'31 engagement 011 3 1 Dce 1942). M:I)'-)ul 1943: 1>(; 48089. roll 2905


  • Umerlagcn zu Vorgehen gegen l'el$amo-l'I:lI1dcl (rcporls :md I11L"SS:lgL"S rt:g:mlillg cornmcrec \\~lrf:m! opcr:lIion by Admiml Ili/I/O(!" in Arelic w:ltcrs belwccn North C lPC :ll1d Spilzbergcn), jul-Aug 1940: I'G 4809J. roll 2905

    Rckm:u'sch "Hipper" (mcss~ges reg:mling Ihe re turn \"O)':Igc or "'((I/Iimt lIippi!I" frum Ilrel>l . I'r;mce. 10 Gcrm:1I1 homc "~Ilers). Mar I

    l J1ilc/J/! I". K'm and Anla!:,'en-

    13 No\" 1939- 31 Mar 1(Nolc:,\dditional TCj)!)nS of IJlfic/)er's Ioss:t~ coll1:tincd in:1 Mflrlllt'fJberkoll/lI/wulo Nor/l~"'f!1I hiSlorkal fik reprodtlced :tS I'G 47493. roll 271:12.)

    I',.i"z EI/gell, KTI~ :lIId Anl:tj.!ell -1 Apr 1 941 - :~ 1 Ike 1 1944): I'G 48366. roll 2816

    2 1- 24 Sep 19-14: PG 48.~7, roll 2816 (dllpliL":Ilcd on roll 4269)

    10-1 .~ O(."! 1944: I'G 48368. roll 2816 (dupliennl on ro ll 4289)

    13- 15 Oet 1 (; 4Hj69, ro ll 4289

    1S, :md mess.:lb'

  • (NOle:Addilional dOCU!1lelll:l1ioli on PrillZ Ellgell 's 01l"' rJ.tioll.'; c.:an bc found :ul1onl; (he rccords o f (he l'Ioflcllkomll/t/lldo,JI!a rlm',r;mppclIl.'O!1I lIIfIIUlo Whl :md Nurd , 31U] of German na\~11 air comll1:l!1d~. dcscribcd cJscwhcrc in (his Guide.)

    Light Cruio;crs (Bestalld KM 92, BA.MA)

    (Notc:Addition:tl documemation on opcrat ion ~ of light cruiscl"l.' dur ins (he W:lr"~ firsl IWO }"ears i~ 10Gllcd among I h(~ rccord~ of He!elJfstm/Jer (Ier IIl1jkllimllgsslreilkrjle/ He!elJfs/Jabel" der Kreuzer. dL'SCribed alllong the rccords of Ihe HOtfcllko Il/JIl(lIIdo; rccords of onoolrd l1.:connaissUlce aircrafl art deser ilx:d amonS rccords of Germ:m na\'al air c.:Olll mands.)

    fi lmlell

    Kll 16- 15 Apr 193i (Sp:mish Civil War): PG 80663. roll 3444 KTII :md Anlab>en, 24 Aug 1939- 15 I'eb 194 1: PG 479 13-952. roll 2858

    16 I'eb- I O JlIn 19-i l : no KTB :t\'ailablc (ship sen 'ing onl)' I r.lining duties during (hiS l'criod)

    11 )lIn- 15 )ul. 21 -3 1 t\US. 22-28 Sc ]) 19-'1 1: PG 47953-957, roll 2858

    29 Sel' 194 1-3 Sep 1944: no KTB :I\~li l:t hl c (no 0lleration:d dUlies for shill lhrollghout Ihis period: Eil/deli sc.:n 'nl tra ining dulies No" 194 1- M:l)' 1942, unden"ent major rt'fiuing :md o\'crhaul Jun-No\' 1942)

    -1 Sep- 30 Nov 19-14: PG 47958-962, roll 2!m~ 1-3 1 Dee 1944 : 1'G 47963-%1,roll 28(l


    K'm 28 No" 19:"\6- 12 J~n 1937 (Sp:mish Ci" il War): PG 80642, ro lls 3444-45

    KTB :md I\n lagen, 25 Allg 1939- 10 "pr 1940: PG 48 165-180, roll 2793

    Ikr icht ber d.:n Einsatz {Ies Kreuzers "Knigsbcrg" bd der llcscrzung Ik:rgens :nn 9.April und d.:n Umerg:lIlg dL"S Schiffes :ml IO.Aprii 19'10: PG 48 18 1, roll 2793

    Akten: Inn.:rpo litisc.:he Angclcgenhdten/ Reiscberid ne. fremde IHfelVAbwdlf. Nov 1929-DL"

  • 1.l!ifJz lg , KTU :md Anlagen-

    .n AIIg-8 O

  • Schriftwechsel K2pu.5. Roggc (Kommand,m "Schiff 16 ") mil Ko .... '. Kapl . KUllo Schmidt (Referem I k, I/Skl) (copit's of a running correspondcncc ocrwccn At/al/lis' (; 7Q1;64. roll 3075

    Schriflwechsel SkVKA-Komcf'Jdmiral E)'sscn OCu. I. Fdnd(.,hn des I -Iil f~kreulers -!!chiff 45 (KoI11el ).-Aug-Oet 1944: 1>(; 70962, roll 3075

    2 1 Ik~ 194 1- 20April 1942: no KTD a\':tillble (~hip (lOIl -oper.lllon:tllhroughoUilhis l)Criod)

    2 1 Apr- 30 Scp 1942 (incJuding K"n i Abschnitt ~ lJschinc for 1-3 1 AU!;): I'G 70954 - 955, roll 4(1);

    Opcr.ll ionsbcfl.'h1 rur das 2. Unternchmung, Scp 19-12: PG 70965, roll W75


  • "Sperrbreche r 12" - l li lfskn.:llzcr "Sch iff 45 (Kornel)~: Durchbnlch.wersuch zur 2. Unterne hmung und Vernichtung :1111 1 4 . 1 0 . 19~2 (3ccoum or Komcl's :l.IIempted bre:tkout lhrough the English CharlJlcl :mll desmlction wi th aU h:mlls in action on 11 Oet 1942),Scp 1942-Feh 19H: I'G 70959. roll 3074

    KOIWW/"tlll (Schiff 4 1) . KTU and Anbgen -

    90et 1940- 240et 19il : l'G 709'i5.roU 305 1

    Anlagen (1:rfahrungsbericht dL"S IJordflugzcu!,,'cs. Anilleridkriehte ,Wcgek:trlcn): PG 70947, roll 35 1

    An13ge:Anilleristisdle Ilcrichte 11. Skiaen,J:m-JtHl 194 1: 1'(1 709'1I~ , ro ll 305 1

    O pe r.llio nsbcfdll vom 24 .10. 1940 : PG 70946, roll j 05 1

    Situ:lI ;ollspl:tn (deck pl:ms of KOl"/I/(/nlll showing glln cnlplacemellls).Aug 19-B: PG 70')49/ a. roll 3052

    ErgnzullA Will Kl1i lI ilfskrcuzer "SchifT 4 1 (Korrno r.ln)" (cOlllnu.:ntaries on Ihe ship 's w:tr diary :md suhSt.."tjuent rcPOrtS b)' in,lividu:tl c rew membe rs) , l'eh 1942-Scp 194 j: I'G 70949/b, roll W52

    Michel (Schiff 28). KTU :1111,1 Anlasen-

    7 &'1' 19-' 1- 7 Mar 19 '12: I'G 70910, roll 3050

    KTU SIx:rrorcdler 2" (Iarubczcichnung fr de n "Schiff 28 (Michel)" lviilu"(:nd des KanaldurchbnK:hs n:K:h WeSten). 1- 17 ;\!:I r 1942:I'G M 12Cr.llions in the Indi:m :md I~Jeific Oel~J'lS) . 19-10-4 1: 1'(; 70927, roll 3 13j

    Funkverkehr (copics o f interccptl'd :llId dc.:cryph:d ritish merch:mt shipping signals), I.>t..-c 19 IO-l'eb 194 1: I"G 70928, rolls 3133-.H

    Anlage: KTB des lk ischiffes "Adjutant " (war diarr o r prize :trld depot sil ip "dlllfa llf , fo rme r!)' NO""'cgi:m whaler f>vl I X . in suppo n of l 'III,r.:.II;'(S ions), 18 I't"!)- I JIII 19-i I : 1>(; 70960. roll 3074

    Stier (SChiff 23). KTIJ and I\nl:tgnl-

    25 Nov 1939- 27 Scp 1941: I'G 70897-89'."). rolb j048- 49

    Anlagt: KTB 11 . Verhtl'tbc:richt (inc luding aCCOllnt of Slic,,'s I os.~ in aClio n wi th US Ubcrt )' ship St~jJl.}(!11 lIo{,kilis 27 Scp 1912), 20 M:t)'- IO I:>o..~c 1942: PG 70898. rolls jQ.18-49

    I\ nla),;c: SondcrK"1lI (kr 2. Sichc:nmgsdivision beu. Sichc mng 'Schiff 23" ("Sperrhll:cher 17 1-) auf dcm Marsch nach Wt:Sten, 8- 15 Mal' 19 'i2 : PG 7(1)05. roll 30-19

    An1:tgt': Vcrscnkungcn lind Wegekart en (list o f ships SlInk :md route-

  • Operation~bcfehl vom 3A. I 9-1 2: PG 709CH , roll 3049 Fotoalbum zum KTB (phOlogr.lphs of Stier's opcrJlions), 20 Ma)'-27 Sep 1942:PG 7()tJO I , roll ."0-'19

    1hOl' (Schiff 10). KTiI and Anl~gcn-15 M,lr 1940 -3 1 Mal' 194 1: pe 7083 1 Jolb 2942-43 Klll-Auszug 16 No" 1940-7 Jan 19-11, mit Gdechtsocridu: Gefecht mit eng!. Hilfskrcuzer Cm 11l11 .'oJ/ ClIsll" am

    5.12. 1940, und Abschni tt Maschint.."-MaschinenStrungl;JCrichte: I'G 70832, roll 29'/3

    KTlIAl>schnitt M:lschim:. 6 Jun 19-10- 11 Apr 194 1. I'G 70833, roll 29'/3

    Funk-lkricht/En:thrungen im Funkn:rkchrllHkrichtcl ['crsoncllen Berichte (inc1uding copics of inl erccpted and decrl'pled Ilril ish mcrch:mt shipping signals, amI d,ll:1 Oll shi]) 's pcrsonncl).,\ug 1940-'\1'r 194 1: I'G 70836-837 ( in re"erse chrono logic:d o rder), ro ll 29"13

    Gcfechlsbt::richt: Gekcht mit dl!m en!,tl . I-l ilfskn:uzcr Vollai/T! am 4.4. 194 1: I'G 708.~5 , roll 294}

    KTI3 19 No\' 19-1 1-4 JIII1 19-i 2: I'G 70833-834, roll 29'13

    KTU 5 ) ul1-30 No\' 1 ~J.12 : no information a":t il:tblc Opcralionslx:fehle fiir den 2. Unternehmung, No\' 1941-Jan 1942: PG 70839, roll 2943

    Kunberichtc 21.5--4 _1 1. 1942 IL KTll Prisc "1-1crborg" 19.6.-22.7 .1942 (t..'oll t..'Cled sign:ds from 11Jof . ~Iar- No" 1942, :tmlthc IV:ar diary of thc prize ship Hen'Kuy.jun-jul 1942): PG 70840, roll 2943

    Anl:Lgc: Umnb gcn !)cr dcn Walf;mg in dcr Antarktis (collectcd imdligcnce rcports Oll Wh:lli llg :Iclil'itic.:s in Ant:l fCtic wm~rs, ~ Iso information on I3ritish shipmcnts or cO:II toArgcmill:t and U.S. men:hant ship conStnlction), &:p 1910- Dcc 1912: PG 70842, roll 2944

    Ert":lhrulIgsbcricht des Leitenden Ingcnicurs (summary o f cxpcricnccs and Icssons IC:lrncd bJ' TlJo /" s engillL"Cring officcr), i\pr 19-13: PG 70838. ro ll 294 j

    Witltler (Scbiff 2 1) , Kll1 :md AnlagclI -

    30 No\' 1939- 18 Mar 1940: I'G 70887, ro ll 3 132

    22 Apr-3 1 0(;1 19-i{): pe 70888, roll 3 132 Einbringullg der Pr isen ( reports on th(- capll tfC :md COI1\'ersion I() pri~.c ships of 10 Allicd mcrch:lIlt \'cssd s),

    Jun- ScP 1940: PG 70896, roll 3037 Ikrieht i iber die Einbringung dcr Pr ise "Kross fono" (rcport on priz(; 70~, roll

    j l 32

    KT u.An1:tgcn Abschnitt Maschinc, 3-27 No,- 1940: PG 70890, roll 3 132

    ":1'./8-l)i('nsl IkricJ11C (tr.tnsl:uions of inlerceptcd :md dcu)'ptcd interccpts of British mcrch~ l' t shi]) s igo:I I ~), H M~y-26 Oel 1940; PG 70891 , roll 3 ] 32

    l.icht-Bildcr (photogr:lphs 01" Widder :md of Allicd ships sunk or clptun:d by her), 19-iO- -1! : PG 7()~92 . ro ll 3047

    Kr icgsschiffs- lklVcgungcn (signal ~ reg:mJing 1ll0\TmCnb of Allicd \\~trships), t\ pr-Oet 1940: I'G 70893. rolls 3017- 48

    l'unk~priiehc ,o n SkI und Mar.Gruppe West :m "Schiff 2 ] " (copies of r:tdio communic:nions frorn n:l\~d comm:l1ld :unhoritics tO IHt/def), 27 Scp-6 0 1..'1 19-10: PG 70894 , roll 30-18

    ordzeilung Schiff "Widder" (co pies or !Vitltler's onboanl Ilcwspaper) , 1940: PG 70895, roll 3018

    VcrscnkullJ;clL'Prist.:Il ( i isl o f AlliL"d ships sunk or Gtptun:d b)' WIiMer), jun-Scp 1940: I'G 708%, roll 3018

    1 'li1f~kreuzcr-Allgent ("incs ( llIcs m~intained by the &:ekriegslcituug pcrtaining tO act;,'it ics o r auxil iary cruiscr~)

    N:l(llCn Hir I Iilfskrcuzcr (namcs USt..-d for commerce r:tidcr~). 19-10- 42: 1>(; 70974, roll 305 I

    bersicht !;JCf Hil fskreuzer und J Ji l fsbcisehiffc, St:md 15.5. 1942 (StHllm:lr)' listing of :1\, libbk cornmc fCC r;lider~ and Ml1'poning dcpm ~hips as of 15 Ma)' (942): 1>(; 70975, rol l 305 I

    I\USZUg aus "Gt:d:l!lkcll ber Auswahl,Ausriistung, taktische \1 . opcr:lti"c Verwendung 'Get:lfIltlT \-l i lskreul cr' und hicr:tus zu ~.c llcnde Frt!crungcn " ,'on Kaptlt . ~ . D. I-!erm:mn Jung (excerpts from thc n'minisccnccs of:l Wor]d W,lr 1 commcrcc r.tidcr caplai l1 's ;pcricna:s). Ma)' 1936: PG 7()t)77, roll 3051

    lx:rsicht ber \'ersenkUllb'Cll \'on Ililfskrcuzcnt (list of knowll sinkings hy cornmClu' r:tid..: rs), !>Ia)' 1940-&:p 19-13:

    I'G 71J

  • (Hilfskrcuzer not cng;tgcd in commercc w:ufurc)

    Scbiff I , KTU}an 19-10: PG 70R I:;. roll 294 1

    SCbiff 4, KTB Oel 1939-ScI> 1 940,Apr ~Nol' 191 1,j;IIl - M:I)' 1942: 1>(; 70816-822. rolls 2941-42

    ScIJiff5 (11(/IIs(I)~

    KTB lX..: 19-12-o\pr 19'13: PG 70823. roll 2942 "''11~Scp 19-f4: 1'G 95(l 16.roIl 4269

    Schiff ?, K'I'U Ike 1939-,\':l-r 19H (wich WlpS): PG 7M24-829, roll 2942

    Schiff9. K"m No\' 1 9~9-Mar 1940: 1>(; i08W. roll 29~M:I)' 1940: 1'(; 74006-020. roll j235 Knl 3. Zcr~lrt:rflouillc , Dcc ] 939-Apr 1940: 1>(; 7402 1. m lls j2.~5-36 KTB 4. 7..crslrcrfluuilll .. ,\ug 1939-Apr 1940. Ckt 1942-No\' 1914 (wilh gaps): PG 7oi022-048b. roUs 3236-37, 1'(;

    74605. roll j3Q2

    KTU 5. 7..crstn::rf1ouillc.Aug-No\' 1 9W,Au~ 1940- I'9; KTB 1- 19 May


  • KTB 8. ZerSlrerflonille, [>ee 1940-Feb 1945 (wilh gaps): I'G 74 123- 149, rolls 3240,3287; Kll1 16-3 1 De(' 1944: PG 74 148b, roU 4266

    KTIJ 7..crstrcrgruplx, NordmL"Cr.Apr-il lay 1942: PG 74785, roll 33 16


    A lltm, Scblllitt (Z22) . KTB Sep 1939-)an 1940,Apr-)un 1940: PG 74 IS0- 154, roll 3287

    Bel'l,,1 flO II Ar" i", (Zll) , K'm Au!; 1939-Apr 1940: PG 74 155-167. rolls 3287-88

    Br/Hm /1eillellll,,11/ (Z8) , Klll Aug 1939-):m 1942: I'G 74 168-222, roll 3288

    Oielber ,IUII ocller ( ZJ 7), KTIJ Aug 1939-Fo.:b 1940,Apr 1940: PG 74223-23 1. mlls 3288-89

    l ;'r;eb Gie,n! (Z12), KTlIAllg 1939-AI)r 1940: PG 74232 -243. roll 3289: PG 74232a, ro ll 42(>6

    t:,-ieb KoeU"el' (ZU), Klll Sep 1939-Apr 1940: PG 74244-253. roll 3289

    Erle b Stel"brl,lck (Z15) -

    KTB 24 Aug 1939- 15 J:m 1940: I'G 74254-261, roll 3289

    K"I"B 16 ):m- 15 JUli. 15 Sep 1940-31 Jlll 19-i3: I'G 74262-275, roll 3290 KTB 16 )un-2 SeI' 1940, I'G 74265/1x, roll 42(>6

    K1l3 1 Sep 1943- 17 No\' 1914 (wilh gaps): I'G 74256-28 1. roUs 3290 - 91

    ,"'rie(It'leb Eckolrll (Z I6) -

    Kll124 Aug- 16 No\' 1939: I'G 74282-285, roll 3291 KTB 16-30 No\' 1939, 1'(; 7428S/b , ro114266

    KTll 1 [)ec 1939-3 1 1)(;(' 1942: PG 74286-298. rol1s 329 1-92

    ,"'r;c(It';cb 11m (Z I4)-

    Kl116 St.:p 1939-30 Juo 1944 (wil h gaps): I'G 74299-3 18, roll ... 3292-93 KTB 27 NOI'-14 [)eC 1939: I'G 74W5/b, roll 4266

    KTIJ I JIII- 50 No\' 1944: PG 743 19-320, rolls 3293-94 KT 1- 15 IX"C 1944. 1- 15 J:m 19-15: I'G 74320/ab. roll 3657

    (~em"g TI)iele (n), K'm Allg 1939-Mar 1940: I'G 7432 1-326. roll 3294

    /1(II/S Loti)' (ZJO)-KTB 4-7 1x."C 1939,8 Feb 1940- 16 Jul 194 1: I'G 74327-357, roll 3294

    KTB 17 )ul 194 1- 15 Jlll 1944 (wilh g:lpS): I'G 743S8-4OO, roUs 3295-96 Anjagen (rJdio m l"S.'i .1ges,Jun and Oe! 1940): PG 74798-799, rolls 33 14-I S

    /11ms Mitiell/wlIl (ZJ8), Kill Alig 1939-Apr 1940: I'G 74401 - 408, roll j296

    f1ermmlll Kiimle (ZJ9), KTBAug 1939- Fcb 1940.Apr 1940: PG 74409-42 1 roll 3296

    U ermmm SclJoemmm (Z7), KTB Aug-I:kX' 1939, I'o.:b 1 940-~l:Ly 19-12: PG 74422-466, roUs 3296-97

    Ku,.1 GlIlslel' (7.20) -

    KTB 3 Sep 1939-31 Dcc 1943: I'G 74467- 4RO, rolls 3297-98 KTB I Jan-20 Oc! 1944: I'G 7448 1- 48., (P:lrt),rolls 3298- 99

    Km 2 1 0

  • Richllrtl Bei/zell (24)-KTU 24 Aug-1 4 Sep 1939: I'G 74537-538, rolls 3300-0 1

    KTU 29 Nov 1939- 29 Feb 19'10, 16-30 }UIl , I SeI' 1940- 30 Nov 1944: PG 74539- 558 (pm ), rolls 3301 - 02 KTB 1-31 1kc 1944 : PG 74558 (pan), roll 3657

    TlJL'Otlur R ierlel (26)-K"m u.Anlage I !K'1}-31 Dc..-c 1939. 1 Feb 19-10-3 1 Ikc 19H: 1>(; 74559-576. rolls 3302-03 KTU 1 } an- 30 )Utl 1940: I'G 74564 (more cOlllplclC \cr:slon), roUs 3657-58

    KTU 1 }:m- .H Oel 1944: I'G 74577-579, mlls
