Page 1: Statement of Maharadjah Tabunaway Descendants Council of the Philippines, Inc. on the Mamasapano Clash in Maguindanao

Statement of Maharadjah Tabunaway Descendants Council of the

Philippines, Inc. (MTDCPI) on the Mamasapano Clash in Maguindanao

A clash was committed in Tukanalipao, Mamasapano, Maguindanao on the

25th day of January 2015 that springs from dozens of casualties of young police

officers from the Special Action Force (SAF) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front

(MILF). I, and the Royal House of Maharadjah Tabunaway Clan as well as the

MTDCPI and its members express our sincere and heartfelt sympathy to the families

and loved ones of our fallen policemen and members of the MILF. Our thoughts and

prayers are with them this sad moment of time and no enough words to console the

feelings of their families for the loss. We pray for their souls to rest in peace and

angels are always near to their families who are grieving, to whisper to them that

their loved ones are safe in the hand of God.

We called our fellow Bangsamoro to remain sober in the wake of the tragedy

and highlighted the necessity to recommence with the peace process. Peace is not

just the absence of conflict; peace is the creation of an environment where all can

flourish, regardless of race, colour, creed, religion, gender, class, caste, or any other

social markers of difference.

We want to continue to believe the trust and confidence build between the

GPH and the MILF. As a Filipino and Bangsamoro people, we need to remain as

peacemakers of our own homeland as well as around the world. We must stand up

for human life wherever it is threatened. This is the essence of our consistent life ethic

and the starting point for genuine peace-making. We must find the will and the ways

to pursue justice contain conflict and replace violence and war with peaceful and

effective means to address injustices and resolve disputes.

We need to be reminded about the importance of peace in Mindanao. Our

struggle has reached a decisive moment. We call for sobriety for all Filipinos and

Bangsamoro and most of all, our policy makers and the Statesmen’s not to seize nor

derail or interrupt this moment of legislating the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) so that

the peace process towards the lasting peace in Mindanao will finally be realized.

We have waited for too long for the genuine peace. Now is the time to end the

struggle on all fronts and intensify the trust towards autonomy, the sight of self-

determination looming on the horizon should encourage us to redouble our efforts.

As a Nation and has a “Bangsa”, should ask ourselves the question: “Have I

done everything in my power to bring about lasting peace and prosperity in my city

and my country?”

We, the MTDCPI reiterate and renew our call for enduring peace. Our march

to genuine peace is irreversible. We must not allow war to stand in our way. As we

rebuild trust and confidence, we should remain vigilant against the enemies of

development and peace, even if they come from within our own ranks because

violence will not bring us closer to our objectives.

Cotabato City, 30th of January 2015.