









21ST JULY 2015

The Deputy Mayor

Minister of Local Government and Rural Development Hon Tarsizius Gowelo MP

Members of Parliament present here

Fellow Councillors

The Acting Chief Executive Officer Dr Alfred Chanza

Directors and other members of staff

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen

I am delighted this morning for the opportunity to deliver this statement at this very important extra ordinary Council meeting when the Council is expected to look at the allocation of K1.8 billion Road Rehabilitation Funds for 2015/2016 Financial year.

It is with profound gratitude and pleasure that I welcome you all to this meeting of Council Members. I hope you had pleasant and happy Eid celebrations.

The Deputy Mayor, Acting CEO and members of the Council,

Before I talk about our gratitude for the road infrastructure fund, let me from the bottom of my heart thank all council members for fully participating in the July 6 independence celebrations which our beautiful city had the privilege to host. In a special way, let me thank the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Honourable Tarsizius Gowelo for personally being with us when we officially granted Freedom of the City to President of Zambia Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu. I also would like to appreciate the support rendered by the secretariat led by the Acting Chief Executive Officer Dr Alfred Chanza. The Preparations were fantastic and I felt very proud to be the Mayor of the City. It was a momentous occasion which we should all cherish.

Deputy Mayor, Acting CEO, Members of the Council

This morning I am reminded of the words of Simon Sinek and I quote: The true price of leadership is the willingness to place the needs of others above your own. Great leaders truly care about those they are privileged to lead and understand that the true cost of the leadership privilege comes at the expense of self-interest. Whatever we do - whatever we initiate - whatever we approve we need to undoubtedly declare that its in the interest of the residents we serve.

The issue at hand today is very important. One of the basic facilities that should not to be compromised if a city or indeed a country has to develop is road infrastructure. We need a very good road network to be able to move about doing our businesses. If we improve the condition of the roads in our City, everything will fall into place. We will be able to attract potential investors that will help develop our City.

Allow me to borrow words from an American businessman, Roger McNamee, who said and I quote: We need to stop thinking about infrastructure as an economic stimulant and start thinking about it as a strategy. Economic stimulants produce Bridges to Nowhere. Strategic investment in infrastructure produces a foundation for long-term growth.

I am aware the money is coming from central government through the Roads Authority and that they have advised on which roads needs to be rehabilitated. This is commendable and on behalf of the whole council let me thank government for this timely intervention. The K1.8 billion will go a long way in transforming the road network and make mobility easier for our residents and visitors. This will also compliment our efforts as we try, with limited resources we have as a council, to improve the road infrastructure in our wards and the entire City.

Let us deliberate with the whole City in mind and not necessarily our wards. Let us give input to see if the roads that have been chosen on advice from the Roads Authority will have the much needed impact in our City. I dont think we are stopped from giving advice considering that we are the ones in touch with the residents of Blantyre and we know what they want and which roads they day by day cry for rehabilitation.

Deputy Mayor, Acting CEO, Members of the Council

I do not intend to take much of your time. Let me wish you very fruitful deliberations. Like how we have done before, let us make positive contributions for the better of our beautiful City.

I thank you all for your attention.

God bless us and God bless Blantyre.
