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Housing Services

State-wide Tenantsā€™ Advice and Referral Service Program Requirements

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Table of Contents Table of Contents ................................. ............................................................................................................ 2

1 Introduction ...................................... ........................................................................................................... 4

2 Purpose of Program ................................ ................................................................................................... 5

2.1 Objective ......................................... ................................................................................................... 5

2.2 Eligible Persons .................................. .............................................................................................. 5

2.3 Principles ........................................ ................................................................................................... 5

3 Program Response Model ............................ ............................................................................................. 6

3.1 Eligible Service Types ............................ .......................................................................................... 7

4 Service Delivery Model ............................ .................................................................................................. 7

4.1 Overview .......................................... .................................................................................................. 7

4.2 Hub ............................................... ...................................................................................................... 8

4.2.1 State-wide telephone advice line ............................................................................................ 8

4.2.2 Other responsibilities .............................................................................................................. 8

4.3 Regional Service Providers ........................ ..................................................................................... 9

5 Funding Requirements .............................. .............................................................................................. 10

5.1 Outcomes .......................................... .............................................................................................. 10

5.2 Outputs ........................................... ................................................................................................. 10

6 Operating Principles .............................. .................................................................................................. 11

6.1 Policies and Plans ................................ .......................................................................................... 11

6.1.1 Policies .................................................................................................................................. 11

6.1.2 Service Delivery Plans .......................................................................................................... 11

6.1.3 Insurance .............................................................................................................................. 12

6.1.4 Risk Management ................................................................................................................. 12

6.2 Service Delivery Principles ....................... ..................................................................................... 12

6.3 Service Delivery Integration ...................... .................................................................................... 13

6.3.1 Hub Provider ......................................................................................................................... 14

6.3.2 Regional Service Providers .................................................................................................. 14

6.4 Hours of Service - Hub ............................ ....................................................................................... 15

6.4.1 Service Operating hours ....................................................................................................... 15

6.4.2 Service Delivery Hours (Output Hours) ................................................................................ 15

6.5 Hours of Service ā€“ Regional Provider .............. ............................................................................ 15

6.5.1 Service Operating Hours ...................................................................................................... 15

6.5.2 Service Delivery Hours (Output Hours) ................................................................................ 15

6.6 Access to Services ................................ ......................................................................................... 15

6.7 Prioritisation .................................... ................................................................................................ 16

7 Reporting ......................................... .......................................................................................................... 17

7.1 Data Collection ................................... ............................................................................................. 17

7.2 Output Measures ................................... ......................................................................................... 17

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7.3 Performance Reporting ............................. ..................................................................................... 17

APPENDIX A ā€“ STARS Service Delivery Diagram ....... ................................................................................ 18

APPENDIX B ā€“ Output Measures ...................... ............................................................................................ 19

APPENDIX C ā€“ Activities Table ..................... ................................................................................................ 20

APPENDIX D ā€“ Dictionary ........................... ................................................................................................... 22

APPENDIX E ā€“ Certification ........................ ................................................................................................... 24

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1 Introduction These Program Requirements provide the policy context and service delivery model for the State-wide Tenantsā€™ Advice and Referral Service (ā€œSTARSā€) program, and expand on the requirements contained in the Service Agreement. This document forms part of the Service Agreement.

The intended audience of this document is providers of the STARS program, and relevant stakeholders in the Department of Housing and Public Works and the Queensland community.

The State of Queensland represented by the Department of Housing and Public Works (ā€œthe Departmentā€), and the Provider have entered into a Service Agreement under which the Department may provide assistance to enable the Provider to deliver funded services in accordance with the Housing Act 2003 (ā€œthe Actā€).

In these Program Requirements, unless the context otherwise requires:

1. All words and phrases have the same meaning as the Service Agreement; and

2. The rules of interpretation of the Service Agreement apply to the interpretation of the Program Requirements.

A dictionary of terms for these Program Requirements is at Appendix D.

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2 Purpose of Program

2.1 Objective

The objective of the program is to ensure Tenants and Residents in Queensland understand their rights and responsibilities under the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008, and are able to exercise those rights and fulfil their tenancy obligations.

2.2 Eligible Persons

The program targets persons requiring tenancy advice and further assistance not available through the Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) call centre. This specifically includes vulnerable people and groups, and those at risk of homelessness.

Eligible Persons are any of the following:

ā€¢ a ā€œTenantā€ as defined by the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008, or a prospective Tenant;

ā€¢ a ā€œResidentā€ as defined by the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008, or a prospective Resident;

ā€¢ a person enquiring about tenancy or residency Matters on behalf of a Queensland Tenant or Resident.

2.3 Principles

The principles of the program are:

ā€¢ Only services and activities that contribute to the achievement of the programā€™s objectives may be funded through this program.

ā€¢ Services funded through this program may only be provided to Eligible Persons.

ā€¢ Services funded through this program will be provided free-of-cost to Eligible Persons.

ā€¢ Services will be delivered flexibly to meet individual needs and circumstance.

ā€¢ The STARS program will provide assistance to all eligible Queenslanders and all reasonable efforts will be made to ensure appropriate levels of service are available in all locations.

ā€¢ The STARS program encourages innovation and the Program Requirements will be regularly reviewed to ensure service responses and service delivery models and methods are effective and efficient.

ā€¢ Services will be delivered to a high standard.

ā€¢ All STARS Providers will ensure priority is given to vulnerable and disadvantaged Queenslanders.

ā€¢ All STARS Providers will work collaboratively with other community and government agencies in the best interests of Eligible Persons.

ā€¢ All STARS Providers will be accountable to the users of the service and the Queensland government.

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3 Program Response Model The STARS program provides a tiered response based on the individualā€™s eligibility and level of need, as shown in Figure 1. Responses range from basic tenancy information which is publicly available to highly targeted responses such as individual support and assistance which would only be provided to those with the highest need.

Generic Response:


Tertiary Response:

Individual support

and assistanceService


available to







available to

all people



Specialist advice




el o

f n



Primary Response:

Targeted information

and referral

Figure 1: STARS Program Response Model

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3.1 Eligible Service Types

Response Level Service Types Description and examples

Primary Targeted information and referral

Information or guidance on accessing information, regarding tenancy/residency rights and responsibilities, and/or sustaining tenancies. Referrals to other assistance (within, or outside, the STARS Network) where appropriate.

Secondary Individual advice and assistance

Information, advice and guidance on resolving tenancy/residency issues and sustaining tenancies. Assistance to complete forms and paperwork. Assistance to prepare for dispute resolution processes, including QCAT hearings. Referrals to other organisations or services as required.

Tertiary Expert advice and professional support

Arranging and/or attending meetings with a real estate agent or landlord. Assistance to prepare for formal or informal dispute resolution processes, including QCAT hearings. Attending formal or informal dispute resolution processes, including QCAT hearings, where an Eligible Person has limited capacity to advocate on their own behalf.

Generic Community education

Developing, delivering and making available tenancy information for the general public, for example, web-based information, print materials and presentation materials.

Auxiliary Training Development and design of training content and materials for the STARS network. Delivery of training to the STARS network.

4 Service Delivery Model

4.1 Overview

The STARS service delivery model comprises a central Hub, four Regional Service Providers, and a network of organisations contracted by the Regional Service Providers to deliver STARS services. The STARS service delivery network is based on a ā€˜Hub and Spokeā€™ framework. Refer to Appendix A for a diagram of the service delivery framework outlining the relationship between all components of this framework.

A central STARS Hub will operate a state-wide telephone line which will provide information and advice to Eligible Persons over the phone. The Hub service will refer Eligible Persons requiring face to face, or more complex tenancy advice services, to one of four Regional

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Service Providers. These Regional Service Providers are for the Southern Queensland, Brisbane and North Coast, Central Queensland and Northern Queensland regions.

The Hub and Regional Service Providers will operate as an integrated network to deliver the program. Each Regional Service Provider will provide services from multiple locations and through contracted arrangements with multiple partner organisations to provide tenancy information, advice and assistance to Eligible Persons across their geographic area of responsibility.

The Hub and Regional Service Providers collaboratively deliver services underpinned by appropriate legal agreements to formalise appropriate protocols and procedures.

4.2 Hub

Service delivery by the Hub Provider will primarily be provided by telephone and web-based communication.

4.2.1 State-wide telephone advice line

The Hub Providerā€™s primary function will be to operate a state-wide telephone advice line. The advice line will focus on:

ā€¢ The provision of information and advice to Eligible Persons.

ā€¢ Referrals of Eligible Persons to the relevant STARS Regional Service Provider where a secondary service response is required (refer to 3.1).

ā€¢ Referrals of Eligible Persons to other community service providers as required.

Service responses are intended to provide the minimum assistance required to achieve a satisfactory outcome for the Eligible Person , and may include:

ā€¢ Telephone advice (general information or information specific to the personā€™s circumstances)

ā€¢ Written materials, including email communications

ā€¢ Video conferencing

ā€¢ Other communication methods as appropriate to increase the reach of service delivery

ā€¢ Referral to the STARS web page.

Assistance provided by the Hub will be tailored to the circumstances of each Eligible Person , aiming to build the personā€™s capacity to resolve tenancy issues and sustain tenancies. The Hub Provider will develop and maintain strong networks and cooperative arrangements with relevant government and non-government service providers outside the STARS Network, particularly those services aimed at supporting vulnerable and disadvantaged Queenslanders.

4.2.2 Other responsibilities

The Hub will also will have responsibility for:

ā€¢ Developing, updating and maintaining a central web page for the entire STARS Network. Web page content should include as a minimum:

o all service contact details,

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o information for Tenants (as developed for community education).

ā€¢ Developing common promotional and community education material for the STARS program (to be made available to the entire STARS network). This material must be developed within four calendar months of a new service agreement being signed. The material must be regularly reviewed to ensure accuracy and currency.

ā€¢ Developing and regularly updating training material to support the STARS Program (to be made available to the entire STARS Network).

All web page content and promotional material about STARS must be developed in conjunction with the Department, and endorsed by the Department before being published. Materials may include but are not limited to flyers, posters, advertisements, brochures and website content. You must ensure conformance of your products, services and outputs to WCAG 2.0 Level AA, preferably through the use of Sufficient Techniques. Information regarding the Web Accessibility National Transition Strategy and the implementation of WCAG 2.0, and policies relating to accessibility are available from the Australian Government Web Guide.

4.3 Regional Service Providers

The Regional Service Providers will develop and maintain strong networks and cooperative arrangements with other government and non-government service providers across its region of responsibility, particularly those services aimed at supporting vulnerable disadvantaged Queenslanders.

The service delivery model provides flexibility for the Regional Service Providers to adjust service delivery methods to local circumstances. Where necessary and with the Departmentā€™s consent, the Regional Service Providers may sub-contract service delivery to a third party and/or implement fee-for-service arrangements with other organisations to maximise accessibility and assistance for Eligible Persons across the Providerā€™s region of responsibility.

The Regional Service Providers will take all reasonable efforts to ensure appropriate levels of service are available in all locations within their region.

The Regional Service Providers must comply with the terms of the Service Agreement with regard to any sub-contracting arrangement.

The Regional Service Providers are responsible for the quality and efficiency of services offered under these arrangements within their contracted region and Regional Service Providers must deliver consistent services from all service delivery outlets. Assistance must be tailored to the circumstances of each Eligible Person , aiming to build the personā€™s capacity to resolve tenancy issues and sustain tenancies. Service responses are intended to provide the minimum assistance required achieving a satisfactory outcome for the Eligible Person ; service response intensity should be increased as required by the Eligible Person .

Where appropriate, Regional Service Providers will encourage Eligible Persons to access state-wide tenancy information provided by the STARS Hub service including the web page.

Services must be available through telephone or written advice and resources (including email communications), and face to face appointments.

In addition, video conferencing or other information technology based communication methods may be utilised to increase the reach of service delivery, particularly for the delivery of Outreach services.

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5 Funding Requirements

5.1 Outcomes

The program is funded to achieve two overarching outcomes:

ā€¢ Queenslanders are aware of their rights and responsibilities and support services available to assist them to resolve tenancy and residency issues.

ā€¢ Queenslanders can exercise their rights to resolve tenancy/residency issues, particularly in relation to security of tenure, safe and appropriate accommodation and contractual matters.

5.2 Outputs

All STARS Providers must use the funds received from the Department to deliver the approved funded outputs to Eligible Persons.

Stakeholders Description Hub Regional Service Providers

1. Targeted Information and referral

Information or guidance on accessing information, regarding tenancy/residency rights and responsibilities, and/or sustaining tenancies.


2. Individual advice and assistance

Personalised advice and assistance about tenancy rights and available related services.

ļæ½ ļæ½

3. Expert advice and professional support

Specialist advice on tenancy rights and personalised support to exercise tenancy rights.


4. Community education

Developing tenancy information for the general public, for example, web-based information, print materials and presentation materials.


Delivering tenancy information to the general public ļæ½

5. Training Provision of training, training resources and professional development to organisations and individuals to the STARS network.


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6 Operating Principles

6.1 Policies and Plans

6.1.1 Policies

Within 20 business days of the Service Agreement being executed, the Provider must develop, and implement the full complement of policies required to meet legislative and contract obligations, and achieve effective and efficient service operation and governance, including but not limited to:

ā€¢ Complaint Management Policy

ā€¢ Conflict of Interest Policy

ā€¢ Service Delivery Prioritisation Policy

ā€¢ Referral Policy

ā€¢ Risk Management Policy

Each policy requirement above must be read in conjunction with the Service Agreement and the Housing Regulation 2003. The Provider must make provision for these requirements and implement the policies to the satisfaction of the Department.

6.1.2 Service Delivery Plans

Service Delivery Plans (ā€œService Delivery Plansā€) provide a foundation for service design and delivery and assist the Provider to meet the needs of the local community. A Service Delivery Plan must be developed by the Provider for each financial year of the Service Agreement.

Service Delivery Plans must be developed by all STARS Providers in consultation with community stakeholders and take account of the program objectives and principles, and delivery in each area. The Service Delivery Plan must define the core services to be delivered under STARS in the context of each local community, and include the following:

ā€¢ a summary of community needs for the service, service gaps and/or challenges

ā€¢ objectives that can be measured and evaluated in terms of achieving agreed outcomes

ā€¢ an appropriate level and mix of services to meet identified community needs in a cost effective and coordinated manner

ā€¢ strategies to improve accessibility for particular groups

ā€¢ strategies to ensure high quality services are provided for Eligible Persons

ā€¢ a range of service delivery strategies for the delivery of services in different locations and/or to different community groups

ā€¢ A list of partner organisations and the nature of the relationship

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The initial Service Delivery Plan must be developed and approved by the Department within four weeks of the Service Agreement being signed, and must take effect within six weeks of the Service Agreement being signed.

Subsequent Service Delivery Plans must be submitted to the Department by the 31 May of each financial year, for approval by the Department for commencement from 1 July each year.

6.1.3 Insurance

In addition to the insurances detailed in the Service Agreement, The Provider must also, at their own cost, maintain effective insurance cover to the satisfaction of the State for the term of the Service Agreement for the following insurances:

ā€¢ volunteers insurance

ā€¢ professional indemnity insurance, to cover advice given by STARS Workers.

The Provider must provide a copy of the insurance policies, the receipts for the payment of the latest premium issued by the insurer and certificates of currency of all such insurance policies to the Department within 15 business days of the date of the Service Agreement.

6.1.4 Risk Management

All STARS Providers are required to develop a risk management plan to identify and manage risks which may have a significant or adverse impact on the organisation, its staff, Eligible Persons, or service delivery.

Each Providerā€™s risk management plan should be developed through consultation between the management committee and staff. It should include processes for:

ā€¢ identifying and analysing immediate and future risks

ā€¢ developing and implementing strategies to minimise the frequency and severity of those risks

ā€¢ monitoring to ensure that risk management strategies are efficient and effective, with the ability to identify emerging risks.

Risk management plans must be submitted to the contract manager appointed by the Department within 20 business days of the Service Agreement being signed.

6.2 Service Delivery Principles

1. All STARS Providers must support Tenants and Residents to establish and maintain tenancies and residencies, including integration with other housing assistance programs.

2. All STARS Providers must commit to innovation in service delivery, and ongoing review and enhancements to their ways of delivering services in response to individual need, throughout the funding period.

3. All STARS Providers must ensure the program is implemented and managed efficiently, with responses to tenancy and related needs of Eligible Persons being economical and effective.

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4. Partnerships must be fostered by STARS Providers with other STARS Providers, other Queensland government service agencies, and non-government service providers to ensure program outcomes are achieved.

5. Any contracting arrangements established by any STARS Provider with an organisation or individual for service delivery under the STARS program, must have a stipulation in the contract that the organisation or individual must deliver STARS services in adherence with these Program Requirements.

6. STARS Workers must be adequately trained in tenancy law to ensure that Eligible Persons receive accurate information and appropriate advice.

7. STARS Workers must be adequately trained to recognise people with complex needs and be able to respond appropriately.

8. STARS Workers must not provide advice through this program, to any Tenants or Residents with whom they have a tenancy management relationship.

9. STARS outlets and services must be accessible to all Eligible Persons, with STARS outlets embedded in community infrastructure and service networks.

10. The program must be delivered with appropriate quality management practices including:

ā€¢ quality assurance against predetermined standards and indicators;

ā€¢ identification and management of risks; and

ā€¢ quality improvement processes and capacity building of staff and involved organisations.

11. Any other requirements advised by the Department from time to time.

6.3 Service Delivery Integration

Appropriate legal agreements must be established between the Hub Provider, Regional Service Providers and contracted organisations that comprise the STARS network to formalise the protocols and procedures under which integrated and cooperative service delivery will take place. All STARS Providers must develop cooperative arrangements with other service providers in all service delivery regions, particularly those supporting disadvantaged and high risk Tenants, in order to promote access to services by Priority Groups and to ensure appropriate Referrals.

Examples of these arrangements and agreements include:

ā€¢ Service Delivery Referral Protocols

ā€¢ Information Sharing and Privacy Protocols

ā€¢ Systems Integration and Compatibility Arrangements/Protocols

All STARS Provider must ensure that Referrals are appropriate and relevant to the enquirer. The type of Referral used will depend on the level of service. Where the Provider is unable to assist an enquirer, or where Eligible Persons require ongoing support or assistance from other agencies, the Provider will provide Referrals to alternative organisations and agencies as necessary, and with reference to the following examples:

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ā€¢ Eligible Persons are provided with information about appropriate support or information services, to make contact themselves.

ā€¢ Eligible Persons may be assisted to make contact with the relevant STARS Provider or other relevant support or information services, if necessary.

ā€¢ Where the Provider is unable provide assistance, or where Eligible Persons require ongoing support or assistance from other agencies, the Provider will provide Referrals to alternative agencies as necessary.

ā€¢ A STARS Provider may, with permission from the Eligible Person , make contact on the personā€™s behalf or arrange for a Referral agency to contact the Eligible Person.

6.3.1 Hub Provider

The Hub Provider must enter into appropriate legal agreements with each of the four Regional Service Providers, within 20 business days of signing a Service Agreement, to formalise the protocols and procedures under which cooperative service delivery will take place. The legal agreements should include but not be limited to:

ā€¢ Referral protocols (Between Hub Provider and each Regional Service Provider)

ā€¢ Information Sharing (including how the privacy of the Eligible Person will be managed)

ā€¢ Systems integration/compatibility.

A copy of the legal agreement must be provided to the Department within 10 business days of the agreement being signed.

6.3.2 Regional Service Providers

Each Regional Service Provider must enter into appropriate legal agreements with the Hub Provider, within 20 business days of signing a Service Agreement, to formalise the protocols and procedures under which integrated and cooperative service delivery will take place. The legal agreements should include but not be limited to:

ā€¢ Referral protocols (Between Regional Service Provider and the Hub Provider)

ā€¢ Information Sharing (including how the privacy of the Eligible Person will be respected)

ā€¢ Systems integration/compatibility.

A copy of the legal agreement must be provided to the Department within 10 business days of the agreement being signed.

Regional Service Providers may, with the Departmentā€™s consent, enter into sub-contracting arrangements with individuals or organisations, consistent with the STARS service delivery model. The Regional Service Provider must enter into appropriate legal agreements with these individuals or organisations, prior to these individuals or organisations commencing service delivery under the STARS program.

The legal agreements will formalise the arrangements under which service delivery will take place, to ensure permissions for Information Sharing about the Eligible Person , and adherence to application of these Program Requirements, are in place.

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6.4 Hours of Service - Hub

6.4.1 Service Operating hours

As a minimum, the Hub Providerā€™s state-wide information and advice line must be available to receive calls from Eligible Persons and STARS Network Providers and receive Referrals from 9am until 5pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays in the Hub Providerā€™s principal place of business).

During these times the Hub Provider must ensure that suitably skilled workers are available to answer calls.

6.4.2 Service Delivery Hours (Output Hours)

The Departmentā€™s output based funding model defines service delivery as the time being spent with or on behalf of Eligible Persons, service users or the community. Service delivery may include any time spent with an Eligible Person, or any other task performed which directly contributes to achieving outcomes.

The funding provided allows for 35 hours service delivery per week for each STARS Worker, with the remaining three hours allocated for indirect or ancillary tasks. The Provider must provide a minimum number of core service delivery hours as specified in the Service Agreement Funding Schedule.

6.5 Hours of Service ā€“ Regional Provider

6.5.1 Service Operating Hours

As a minimum, the primary service outlet in the Regional Service Providerā€™s region must be available to answer phones and receive Referrals from 9am until 5pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays in the Providerā€™s principal place of business).

The Providerā€™s regular core service operating hours at each service outlet should be commensurate with community demand, and widely advertised within each local community. During the advertised hours for service delivery, the Regional Service Provider must ensure that a suitably skilled worker is present in the Providerā€™s office unless the delivery of Outreach services or an emergency requires that the worker be absent.

6.5.2 Service Delivery Hours (Output Hours)

The Departmentā€™s output based funding model defines service delivery as the time being spent with or on behalf of Eligible Persons, service users or the community. Service delivery may include any time spent with an Eligible Person, or any other task performed which directly contributes to achieving outcomes. The Provider must provide a minimum number of core service delivery hours as specified in the Funding Schedule.

6.6 Access to Services

All STARS Providers must take reasonable steps to:

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ā€¢ provide equitable access to the service for Eligible Persons in all service delivery locations;

ā€¢ ensure that any services being offered to the public are delivered in offices that are assessable for all Queenslanders requiring access to the service, regardless of level of mobility; and

ā€¢ identify and address any barriers to accessing the service that may exist for particular groups of Eligible Persons.

When undertaking service delivery planning (refer 6.1.2) the Provider must include tailored strategies to improve access for individuals and groups who are at highest risk and those who face additional needs for tenancy related assistance, including targeted tenancy information for the Priority Group. A range of strategies may be required to address demand and barriers unique to each service delivery location.

6.7 Prioritisation

All STARS Providers are required to support the Queensland Governmentā€™s strategic priorities for improving access and equity for vulnerable people and groups, and preventing or reducing the risk of homelessness.

Providers must promote access and give priority to Eligible Persons who experience particular difficulties accessing and sustaining tenancies in the rental market, and Eligible Persons with multiple and complex needs, or who may become homeless or at risk of homelessness if they do not receive appropriate assistance to resolve tenancy issues.

All STARS Providers must establish and implement a prioritisation policy for when demand for assistance exceeds the resources available. Each policy must:

ā€¢ ensure that decisions concerning allocations of services are based on need

ā€¢ ensure that allocation decisions are made in an efficient and timely manner

ā€¢ state who has the delegated authority in relation to prioritisation and allocation of services.

The policy must refer to the following prioritisation process:

i. Type of response required, i.e.: information, advice, advocacy or referral

ii. Level of need in terms of:

ā€¢ complexity of the personā€™s circumstances and tenancy or other issues impacting on housing security, or indicating a need for more intensive service delivery strategies;

ā€¢ urgency of situation, including security of housing/risk of homelessness, social or systemic barriers limiting access, or income level;

ā€¢ capacity of the person to obtain and understand tenancy information and/or advocate on their own behalf.

iii. Service response required, i.e.: level of assistance required to achieve a fair and just outcome for the Eligible Person at the earliest opportunity.

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Priority must be given to prioritised :

ā€¢ people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, including newly arrived migrants and refugees;

ā€¢ people in Rural and Remote locations;

ā€¢ people with a Disability;

ā€¢ Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders;

ā€¢ people escaping domestic violence;

ā€¢ vulnerable Residents in rooming accommodation;

ā€¢ people with limited financial capacity to access legal advice;

ā€¢ people with low levels of literacy; and

ā€¢ young people.

7 Reporting Performance and financial reports must be provided to the Department as required by the Funding Schedule. All financial and performance reports must be submitted to the Department with a signed copy of the certification set out in Appendix D to these Program Requirements.

7.1 Data Collection

The Provider must collect and report quarterly on certain data about outputs, performance measures, demographics of Eligible Persons assisted, and service provision as detailed in the Funding Schedule. Reports must be submitted to the Department electronically.

7.2 Output Measures

The measures for program outputs are the number of hours of service delivery and the number of Eligible Persons assisted per output. When delivering the data and reports, all STARS Providers must comply with the counting rules provided by the Department, to ensure consistent data collection and reporting practices.

Refer to Appendix B for details.

7.3 Performance Reporting

The Provider is required to collect and report on certain data about outputs, performance measures, demographics of Eligible Persons assisted, and service delivery as set out in the Funding Schedule. Reports must be submitted to the Department electronically. The Department may also require the Provider to collect and report additional data, collected using surveys, snapshot studies and/or case studies from time to time (for example, snapshots and/or Service user satisfaction surveys may be used to monitor outcomes, quality and access). The Provider must also supply such other information related to the Providerā€™s operations as the Department may reasonably request within 10 business days of receipt of a written request from the Department.

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APPENDIX A ā€“ STARS Service Delivery Diagram











Central Queensland Regional Service Network



rk o

f o









d b

y R







Network of organisations

contracted by Regional Provider



rk o

f org






d b

y R



al P




Network of organisations contracted by

Regional Provider



Brisbane and North Coast Regional Service Network










al P



Central Queensland

Regional Provider








al Pro


Brisbane and North Coast

Regional Provider

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APPENDIX B ā€“ Output Measures

Departmental Outputs

Output Description STARS Funded Output Name

Output Measure 1

Output Measure 2

A01.1.05 Housing/tenancy information, advice and referral about available housing options and tenancy rights.

Provision of information, advice and referral about available housing options and tenancy rights to individuals

(a) Information only 1. Targeted information and referral

Hours Households assisted

(b) Individual tenancy information and advice

2. Individual advice and assistance

Hours Households assisted

(c) Community education 4. Community

education Hours Sessions

A01.2.01 Individual advocacy

Activities aimed at enabling access to tenancy rights, services or entitlements by providing an advocate to speak for or negotiate on behalf of a Household, and or enabling self-advocacy.

3. Expert advice and professional support

Hours Households assisted

AO7.1.03 Providing training and training resources

Providing training and training resources

5. Training Hours NA

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APPENDIX C ā€“ Activities Table

STARS Funded Output

Provided by

Activities Outcomes

1. Targeted Information and referral

Hub ā€¢ Basic service level information or guidance on accessing information regarding tenancy/residency rights and responsibilities, or sustaining tenancies.

ā€¢ Referrals to other assistance (within, or outside, the STARS network) where appropriate.

Eligible Persons are aware of their rights and responsibilities and support services available to assist them to resolve tenancy and residency issues.

2. Individual advice and assistance

Hub and Regional Service Providers

ā€¢ Information, advice and guidance on resolving tenancy/residency issues and sustaining tenancies.

ā€¢ Information on effective communication with real estate agents and lessors.

ā€¢ Referrals to other organisations or services as required.

Eligible Persons can exercise their rights to resolve tenancy/residency issues, particularly in relation to security of tenure, safe and appropriate accommodation and contractual matters.

Regional Service Providers

ā€¢ Assistance to identify strengths and resources that Eligible Persons can use to solve tenancy/residency problems;

ā€¢ Assistance to complete forms and paperwork.

ā€¢ Developing a plan in conjunction with the Eligible Person to achieve resolution of issues and build the capacity of the Tenant to manage the tenancy.

3. Expert advice Regional ā€¢ Arranging and/or Eligible Persons can exercise

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and professional support

Service Providers

attending meetings with a real estate agent to assist an Eligible Person in discussing their situation.

ā€¢ Coordination with local service providers to address identified tenancy issues.

ā€¢ Assistance to prepare for formal or informal dispute resolution processes, including QCAT hearings.

ā€¢ Attending formal or informal dispute resolution processes, including QCAT hearings, where an Eligible Person has limited capacity to advocate on their own behalf.

their rights to resolve tenancy/residency issues, particularly in relation to security of tenure, safe and appropriate accommodation and contractual matters.

4. Community education

Hub ā€¢ Developing community education materials for the STARS network.

ā€¢ Developing and maintain a STARS website.

Eligible Persons are aware of their rights and responsibilities and support services available to assist them to resolve tenancy and residency issues.

Hub and Regional Service Providers

ā€¢ Tenancy information activities for groups of Tenants and Residents to increase their understanding of tenancy and Residential services accommodation Matters and related issues and to assist them to assert their rights.

5. Training Hub ā€¢ Developing, delivering and reviewing training content and materials for the STARS network.

STARS program staff have access to quality training and professional support

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APPENDIX D ā€“ Dictionary

Term Definition

Department The Queensland Government Department responsible for administering the STARS program.

Disability A Disability is a permanent intellectual, psychiatric, cognitive, neurological, sensory or physical impairment resulting in a substantial reduction of the personā€™s capacity for communication, social interaction, learning, mobility or self-care or management; and the person needing support. Refer to the Disability Services Act 2006 for a detailed definition.

Eligible Person/s Any person eligible to receive assistance under the STARS program, as identified in Section 2.2.

Household A household is a single person or a group of two or more related or unrelated people who usually reside in the same dwelling with a single tenancy agreement.

Hub Provider or Hub The Hub Provider or Hub is the organisation contracted by the Department to deliver the Hub service as described in section 2.8 Service Delivery Model.

Matter A tenancy or residency related issue or issues which an Eligible Person has sought assistance to address or resolve. A matter is finalised when: it is resolved; the Eligible Person withdraws their request for assistance, or ceases to make contact with the Provider; or the Provider is not able to provide further assistance with the matter.

Outreach Service delivery conducted outside the usual place of business of a Provider, where travel in excess of 30 minutes was required to undertake the service delivery.

Program Requirements This document and includes any amendments, additions or replacements supplied to the Provider by the Department.

Provider The Provider as party to the Service Agreement (other than the Department).

Referrals Referring Eligible Persons to other entities that provide housing or other services, including provision of information to Eligible Person /s about the entities and helping the Eligible Person /s to contact the entities; and Accepting Referrals of Eligible Persons from other entities.

Regional Service Provider The organisation contracted by the Department to deliver one of the four Regional Services as described in section 2.8 Service Delivery Model.

Residents A ā€œResidentā€ as defined by the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008

Rural and Remote Locations more than 100 kms from the Providerā€™s office location, requiring media service delivery methods, or travel of 1 hour or more to or from the service location.

Service Agreement and Funding Schedule

The Service Agreement entered into between the Department and the Provider and any other document agreed in writing by the parties relating to the provision of the STARS. The Service Agreement includes the Funding

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Service Delivery Hours Time spent on direct service delivery, or undertaking tasks that can be attributed to an Eligible Person . This may include: face to face delivery to individuals or groups; time spent on the telephone with or on behalf of an Eligible Person ; preparation of written information or advice; time spent on tasks on behalf of an Eligible Person (e.g. file notes; research, rent ledger analysis); and preparation for time spent with Eligible Persons.

Service Operating Hours Hours during which the public can access the service on the telephone and/or face to face. This includes hours of service delivery at an Outreach venue, when members of the public can access the service.

STARS Network The network of organisations delivering the STARS program, including the Hub Provider, the Regional Service Providers and any organisation partnering contracted by those organisations to deliver the STARS program.

Service Delivery Plan As defined in clause 6.1.2.

STARS Worker Any person engaged in a paid or voluntary capacity to deliver services under the STARS Network.

Tenant A ā€œTenantā€ as defined by the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008

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APPENDIX E ā€“ Certification

I certify that

ā€¢ Funds have been used as set out in the Service Agreement and that all terms and conditions of Funding have been complied with

ā€¢ Adequate internal control procedures exist in the recording of financial information and authorising payments and back reconciliations

ā€¢ This financial report and/or Quarterly Performance Report (delete if not applicable) is correct and identifies all activities and/or financial transactions to date in respect of the Funding

Certified by two management committee members or company directors, as applicable:

Name Signature

Position Contact Phone Number Date

Name Signature

Position Contact Phone Number Date
