
STAT 104: Section 2

4 Oct, 2007

TF: Daniel Moon


Daniel Moon G2 (A.M. in Statistics Dept) Email: [email protected] Office hour: Th. PM 4:10-5:10, 6th Floor, 600 Interest: Quantitative methods in finance I want my section to be interactive and

helpful. Any questions? Feel free to ask…

Agenda of Today

Scatter Plot Correlation Linear Regression Lurking Variable Association vs. Causation

Scatter Plot


Example: Stupid H vs. Wise W

Linear Regression

Checking Linear Regression

Lurking Variable

A variable not among the explanatory or response variables that influences the interpretation

From aggregate data Sol: Plot the residuals against time and

other variables that may influence the results

Linear Regression

Linear Regression

Association vs. Causation
