Page 1: "Startup Success is NOT Black Magic Anymore": Entrepreneurs Success Guide - Lesson 3 of 5

‘StartupSuccess is NOT Black Magic

Anymore’ Simple 5-Point Q&A to Gage if You Have the DNA.

Answer Them Looking Into a Mirror as the Mirrors Don’t Tell Lies.

Entrepreneurs Success Guide – Lesson THREE (3 of 5)

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Suresh SharmaWebsite:



Twitter: @suresh1sharma

1. Do you an idea, cause or a problem – however small or big – that you feel

passionate about solving it – till finish?

2. Are you willing to fail many times, fall down, get up and walk again? Your

resilience is a measure of toughness: ability to take body blows is important.

3. Are you willing to constantly learn and realign your actions all the time?

4. Do you honestly love people, and can develop a network of dispassionate

friends and mentors? Business happens with people. You need a core group

who has empathy for you – who are your champions in your success. Build

this network before you need it! They extend a hand when you fall.

5. Do you have the 3 essential legs of the stool, or at least have thought

through a clear plan for the SOUL, BODY & OXYGEN (See Lesson 2)
