
Start your own business workbook

P 3

Introduction: Using this workbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1. Do you have what it takes to run a business successfully? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2. Is your business feasible? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3. Will your business be profitable? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

4. Review – Does it make sense? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Part B: Other issues to consider before getting started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

5. Business structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

6. Managing staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

7. Managing risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

8. E-business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

9. Putting it all together – Your business plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

10. Review – Will it be worthwhile? Will it meet your needs? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

Part D: Getting started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

11. Registering your business name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

12. Licences and permits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

13. Trusted advisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

14. Financing your business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148

15. Safeguarding your business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

16. Monitoring the performance of your business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157

17. Records management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162

Start your own business workbook


Success in business can’t be predicted or foretold.

There are, however, some common factors that underpin success and these are worth considering before starting on the journey.

P 5

Introduction: Using this workbook

The decision to go into business is not one to take lightly.

The upside is probably easy to envisage – it can be challenging, rewarding, fulfilling and enjoyable. But there is a downside too – if it doesn’t work out it can be very difficult, distressing, and lead to financial hardship.

Success in business can’t be predicted or foretold. There are, however, some common factors that underpin success and these are worth considering before starting on the journey.

This workbook has been published by the South Australian Government Department of State Development and is intended to be a practical guide for people considering starting their own small business. It provides a structured way of thinking through the issues and making decisions before you start spending money and actually setting up the business.

It can also be used once you have set up the business to review and monitor your progress.


This workbook is divided into four related parts which you should read and use in sequence.

Part A is about testing you and your idea for a small business. In this part we ask: Do you have what it takes to run a small business successfully? Do you have a sound business idea? Will it be rewarding? Does it meet your needs? Can you make this work?

Part B introduces other issues to consider before starting your business, namely business names, managing staff, risk, and e-business.

Part C is designed to bring all your thinking together and provides a structure for you to actually write a business plan for your business.

Part D tackles some of the practical steps you need to take to get started, such as registering your business name, organising licences and permits, and records management.

Write it down

As you will see, there is an emphasis on writing things down – because writing it down helps you to be clear about your ideas and what you are going to do. It also makes it much easier for other people (especially your advisers and your financiers) to assist you if you have a written plan. It also helps you to review how things are going.

At the end of most chapters there are some worksheets you can use to develop your thoughts. These are repeated in Part C, where they come together to form the basis of your business plan.

Other sources of information

The Department of State Development Future proof your business workbook follows on and looks at the most common reasons why small businesses in South Australia fail and outlines what you can do to avoid these problems, and what you can do to manage them if they arise in your business.

Start your own business workbook

How to use this workbook

1 Do you have what it takes to run a business successfully?

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

The bigger picture

Let’s start with some basic questions: What are you doing now? What would you like to be doing? What would you like to have achieved? What do you like doing most? What don’t you like doing?

Use Worksheet 1.1: The bigger picture at the end of this chapter to spell it out and think about these questions. We will come back to this page later.

Why do you want to start a business?

OK, let’s be clear, why do you want to start a business? What is motivating you to start a small business? Will being in your own business satisfy all your desires and dreams, both personally, professionally and financially? And what impact will running your own business have on your lifestyle and family?

Use Worksheet 1.2: Why go into your own business? to clarify your thinking.

Satisfying needs

What matters most in small business – your needs or the customer’s? It is a simple question, but the answer is absolutely fundamental to success. You’re probably motivated to go into small business to satisfy your needs, and you should stay in small business only if it continues to meet your needs.

But the irony is, the key to success (i.e. satisfying your needs) is to focus on the needs of your customers and consumers. You have to satisfy their needs in order to satisfy yours.

Take a look at yourself

To be successful in business (like most things) you need to play to your strengths, and avoid your weaknesses. Sometimes the weaknesses can be avoided or ignored, but if they can’t you’ll probably need to do something to compensate for them. Otherwise there’s a big risk that sooner or later these weaknesses will undermine your new business.

So what are your strengths and weaknesses? Do you really know? Do the people who know you best agree?

Complete Worksheet 1.3: My strengths and weaknesses – A self–assessment to review your strengths and weaknesses. Better still, give a copy of the checklist to some people you trust and ask them to fill it out about you.

P 6 Start your own business workbook


One of the most important tools you’ll ever use to make your business a success is feedback, especially feedback from customers, colleagues, staff and suppliers. Listen to what they tell you.

But more importantly, actively seek feedback and make it a key part of your plan to improve your business. You don’t have to like what they say, and you don’t have to agree. But you do need to thank them for taking the time to help you (because that is what they are doing), and you should think carefully about what they say.

What you do with the feedback is your business, but a word of caution – if you keep ignoring feedback you’ll find people will stop trying to help.

Assessing your business skills

Often people want to run a business to take advantage of specific technical skills they have

(i.e. butcher, surveyor, watchmaker, computer programmer). But running a successful business needs many other skills.

So let’s take stock. What general skills do you bring to the new business? Complete Work sheet 1.4: Assessing my business skills to do a quick review of your general business skills.

The important questions are: Where are the gaps or weaknesses? Are any of these gaps or weaknesses really important to the success of your business? If so, what exactly are you going to do about it? When does this weakness need to be corrected?

For example, using Worksheet 1.4, let’s say you are weak in managing people, but you don’t intend to employ anyone else in your business. This means this weakness probably isn’t very important.

But let’s say you are also weak in negotiation, and the success of your business depends on the ability to consistently negotiate favourable terms from suppliers in order to give you a competitive edge. If you aren’t going to employ anyone else, then you need to address this weakness yourself. What exactly do you need to do to compensate for this gap?


The decision to start your own business is probably one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Business can be very rewarding, but not everyone is suited to the demands of successfully running a business.

This chapter highlights some of the personal issues you should consider before setting up your business. These issues relate to your needs, your strengths and weaknesses and the skills you bring to the business. Spending a bit of time at this stage reflecting on these issues may prove invaluable when you actually get to the stage of establishing your business.

P 7

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

P 7Start your own business workbook

Right now What am I doing?

What’s good about this?

What’s not so good?

Where will this take me five years from now?

In five years What would I like to be doing?

What would I like to have achieved?

Worksheet 1.1

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

The bigger picture

P 8 Start your own business workbook

P 9Start your own business workbook

Why go into your own business?Worksheet 1.2

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Yes /No

I’m frustrated in my present job.

To make a better living from my own ideas and abilities.

To build a solid future investment for myself and family.

To do something different.

To develop an outlet for my creativity.

To make money (my present wage or salary is not adequate).

My life is not fulfilling; I see no real future continuing to work for someone else.

I dislike working for a boss.

I’m considering starting my own business because I’m unemployed.

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P 10 Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 1.3

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

My strengths and weaknesses – A self-assessment

Yes /No

Are you a self- starter?

I do things on my own; nobody needs to tell me to get going.

If someone gets me started, I can keep going.

I’m fairly laid-back. I don’t put myself out until I have to.

How do you feel about other people?

I like people and can get along with just about anyone.

I relate well to people from all walks of life and make friends easily.

I don’t need anyone else.

People often annoy me.

Can you lead others?

I can get most people to go along with my approach when I start something.

I can give directions if someone initially tells me what we should do.

I stand back and let someone else get things moving. I get involved if I feel like it.

Can you take responsibility?

I like to be in charge of things and see them through to a satisfactory conclusion.

I’ll step into the driving seat if I have to, but I‘d prefer someone else to be responsible.

I prefer to stand back and let someone else run the show.

How good an organiser are you?

I see the merits in planning and am usually the one to get things organised when the group wants to do something.

I perform alright until things get a bit complex. Then I prefer to pass the ball.

I prefer to take things as they come. There’s no sense getting organised only to have someone or something upset the apple cart.

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P 11Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 1.3

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

My strengths and weaknesses – A self-assessment

Yes /No

How good a worker are you?

I can keep going until I achieve the goal that has been set. I don’t mind working hard for something I want.

I’ll work hard but only for so long. When I’ve had enough, that’s it!

I fail to see that hard work gets you anywhere.

Are you an effective decision maker?

I can make decisions quickly and easily. They usually turn out OK.

I can make decisions if I have plenty of time. I tend to be hesitant and unsure if I have to make up my mind fast.

Decisions and I are not a good mix.

My word is my bond. I refrain from saying things I don’t mean.

I try to be honest most of the time, but sometimes I say what is easiest.

Does it really matter if the other person doesn’t know the difference?

Can you stick to the task?

Once I’ve made up my mind to do something, nothing will stop me.

I usually finish what I start – provided it goes well.

If I encounter problems and setbacks, I quit. Why stress yourself needlessly?

How good is your health?

I watch my diet, exercise regularly and rarely get run down.

I have enough energy for most things I want to do.

I seem to run out of energy sooner than most of my friends seem to.

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P 12 Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 1.4

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Actions I need to take:

Assessing my business skills

1. Business planning

How do you rate?

Strong Ok Weak Important to my business

Yes /No

I can set realistic and attainable goals.

I can readily identify obstacles to achieving goals and develop practical strategies for overcoming them.

I’m familiar with the business planning process.

I can prepare a business plan for my own enterprise.

P 12 Start your own business workbook

P 13Start your own business workbook

2. Problem solving

How do you rate?

Strong Ok Weak Important to my business

Yes /No

I can anticipate potential problems in business.

I can analyse and plan effective actions to resolve problems.

I can deal with the details of particular problems without feeling over-burdened.

I can resolve problems quickly.

Worksheet 1.4

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Assessing my business skills

Actions I need to take:

P 13Start your own business workbook

P 14 Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 1.4

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Assessing my business skills

P 14 Start your own business workbook

Actions I need to take:

3. Communication

How do you rate?

Strong Ok Weak Important to my business

Yes /No

I can communicate clearly in writing to the public, customers, professional advisers and members of my team.

I can communicate clearly to the public, customers, professional advisers and members of my team verbally.

I’m confident in public speaking roles.

I project a strong image of my business at all times.

P 15Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 1.4

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Assessing my business skills

P 15Start your own business workbook

4. Managing people

How do you rate?

Strong Ok Weak Important to my business

Yes /No

I can write a job description and selection criteria to recruit staff.

I can conduct a selection interview.

I can develop and deliver an induction and training program.

I practise the skills required to supervise, train and motivate staff.

I’m familiar with anti-discrimination, sexual harassment and equal opportunity laws.

I can dismiss an employee without creating a claim for unfair dismissal.

Actions I need to take:

P 16 Start your own business workbook

5. Negotiating

How do you rate?

Strong Ok Weak Important to my business

Yes /No

I can negotiate effectively.

I have the ability to quickly balance the value given and value received.

I’m conversant with the skills and techniques of effective business negotiation.

Worksheet 1.4

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Assessing my business skills

P 16 Start your own business workbook

Actions I need to take:

P 17Start your own business workbook

6. Time management

How do you rate?

Strong Ok Weak Important to my business

Yes /No

I know the skills necessary for effective time management.

I can readily assess and review priorities.

Worksheet 1.4

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Assessing my business skills

Actions I need to take:

P 17Start your own business workbook

P 18 Start your own business workbook

7. Financial management

How do you rate?

Strong Ok Weak Important to my business

Yes /No

I can forecast the need for funds, and prepare and use a budget as a management tool.

I’m familiar with sources and means of short-term and long-term financing.

I know the financial requirements needed to start my business.

I possess the skills necessary to negotiate with both lenders and investors.

I can set-up and maintain a set of books for my business.

I can read and understand financial statements.

I can design, install, maintain and use financial controls.

Worksheet 1.4

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Assessing my business skills

P 18 Start your own business workbook

P 19Start your own business workbook

Financial management

How do you rate?

Strong Ok Weak Important to my business

Yes /No

I know how to determine my break-even point.

I can apply appropriate debt collection techniques.

I can monitor inventory levels and plan a purchasing program.

I can calculate an hourly rate for my labour.

I can calculate a charge-out rate for my employees.

I can converse with my accountant and ask relevant questions.

Worksheet 1.4

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Actions I need to take:

P 19Start your own business workbook

Assessing my business skills

P 20 Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 1.4

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Assessing my business skills

P 20 Start your own business workbook

8. Marketing

How do you rate?

Strong Ok Weak Important to my business

Yes /No

I can conduct and use market research to prepare a marketing plan for my business.

I have the ability to analyse the sales potential of different market segments.

I can develop and apply a range of marketing strategies.

I can plan production to meet expected consumer demand.

Actions I need to take:

P 21Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 1.4

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Assessing my business skills

P 21Start your own business workbook


How do you rate?

Strong Ok Weak Important to my business

Yes /No

I’m skilled in organising and managing the flow of product to the customer.

I’m familiar with pricing strategies and have settled on a pricing policy that is suited to my business.

I’m experienced in planning suitable advertising and promotion programs.

Actions I need to take:

P 22 Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 1.4

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

9. Legal and Tax

How do you rate?

Strong Ok Weak Important to my business

Yes /No

I’m familiar with the legal differences associated with different forms of business ownership and can make an informed choice on the best structure for my business.

I know which licences, permits and regulations apply to my business.

I have a working knowledge of contract law.

I understand the conditions of my lease.

I have a working knowledge of consumer law.

I’m conversant with my obligations and rights as a taxpayer.

I can complete BAS and PAYG withholding returns.

I can ask relevant questions of my legal adviser.

P 22 Start your own business workbookP 22

Assessing my business skills

P 23Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 1.4

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Actions I need to take:

P 23Start your own business workbook P 23Start your own business workbook

Assessing my business skills

One of the most important issues, and one of the most commonly overlooked issues when starting a small business, is to understand that the world is constantly changing.So spend some time thinking through how change will affect your business.

Is your business feasible?


In this section we want to focus on four related topics:

• Thebusiness–clarityaboutwhatexactly is the business

• Themarket–understandingthemarket in which it will compete

• Marketing–howwillyoufindand retain customers?

• Thebiggerpicture–what’shappening in the world around you that may affect your business?

Think of this step – testing whether your business is feasible – as a fact-finding mission to help you make an informed decision on whether or not to proceed. After you have confirmed the business is feasible you can turn your attention to whether it will be profitable.

Defining the business

An obvious place to start is to define, as clearly, carefully and completely as you can, what your small business will be. In particular, make sure you specify:

• Whoyouare(yourbusinessname).

• Whatyourbusinesswilldo(thekeyactivities).

• Whatitwilluse(thekeyinputs).

• Whereitwillbelocated.

• Whatitwillsell.

• Whothecustomerswillbe.

• Wherethecustomerswillbe.

• Howtheywillfindyouoryouwillfindthem.

Using Worksheet 2.1: Defining your business write this down, following the example overleaf.

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business


P 25Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 2.1 example

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Defining your business

Processes Product

Materials U





DistributionHow do you fi nd customers?



Where are you?

In our Willunga factory we will design and manufacture a limited range of distinctive wooden gates

made from cast-off materials (mainly packing crates, pallets and found timber), which we will sell directly to customers throughout

Australia via the internet.

Design using wood


wooden products

Sales (e-commerce)


Distinctive wooden gates

Scrap wood

Nails, screw

s and

other fastners paints

or stains


t’s y

our n


Across Australia

Direct to customer



They find us

via the internet

No ‘shop ‘ presence

at the factory

P 26 Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 2.1

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Defining your business

Processes Product

Materials U





DistributionHow do you fi nd customers



Where are you?

P 27Start your own business workbook

The bigger picture – PESTLE

One of the most important issues, and one of the most commonly overlooked issues when starting a small business, is to understand that the world is constantly changing. So spend some time thinking through how change will affect your business.

Before you start thinking about the specifics of your business it is useful to step back and turn your attention to the big picture. What’s happening in

the world around you that is going to affect your business and the market you will be in, and may affect the way in which your products or services are perceived?

It’s helpful to think about this question in a structured or systematic way. One commonly used method is known by the acronym PESTLE, which is explained in the table below.

Influence Examples

Politics A change of government.

Economics The Australian dollar rate, interest rates, economic growth, the labour market and skills shortages.

Society and culture Demographic change (i.e. the ageing of the baby boomer generation), generation X, Y etc.

Technology The internet, cloud computing, the NBN.

Legal and institutional

Changes to laws introduced by the government (i.e. the carbon tax), or decisions by the courts.

Enviromental and ecology

Climate change, drought, La Nina and El Nino.

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

P 28 Start your own business workbook

The PESTLE analysis is widely used in business because:

• Ithelpstothinkaboutwhatisdrivingchangeinthe world – by taking advantage of change, you are much more likely to be successful.

• Ithelpsyouavoidtakingactionthatisdoomedtofailure from the outset, for reasons beyond your control.

Worksheet 2.2: PESTLE analysis provides a template for this analysis. After completing the analysis, it’s important to answer the following questions:

• Aretherebigchangesonthehorizonthataregoing to affect your business significantly? (If there aren’t – do the analysis again).

• Iftherearebigchangesandtheywillmakebusiness more difficult, can you take steps to ensure these changes have very little impact on the business? If you can’t, re-think going into business.

• Iftherearebigchangesonthehorizonandthechanges are positive, what can you do to take advantage of these?

Understanding the market

Once you’ve clarified what business you are in, you need to understand more about the market. The key issues are:

• Marketcharacteristics

• Theproduct

• Thecustomerorconsumer

• Thecompetitors

• Howtheycompete

Market research

A brilliant idea isn’t enough. You need to clearly identify your target market – the people who will purchase your product or service – and satisfy their needs.

Constantly studying the market, and your target market in particular, is essential for business success. This involves getting to know who your customers are, where your product or service fits into the market, what your competitors offer and what the needs of your target market are.

Market research is the way to get answers to these questions. Don’t be put off by the term. Market research can be low-cost and you can do much of it yourself if you follow an orderly process.

Small business owners cannot afford to make a large investment in their business and watch it fail. Market research helps to reduce some of the risks you will take. Market research also helps you attach numbers to your plans and verify your marketing strategy.

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

P 29Start your own business workbook

Market characteristics

The key issues are:

• Howlargeisthemarket?

Trytofindoutasmuchasyoucanaboutthesizeof the market, i.e. the annual sales volume, the number of potential customers, the geographic scale (is it confined to your suburb, your city, your state or region, national or international?).

• Industrytrends

Industry trends refer to the major factors shaping an industry over a period of time (not less than 12 months), and should not be confused with short-term changes such as new seasons or fads. Herearesomeexamples:

− There has been a significant over-supply of wine grapes in the Australian wine industry for the past decade, leading to declining average grape prices.

− There has been a significant swing away from chardonnay to sauvignon blanc in that time, which has been reflected in the declining prices for chardonnay grapes but stronger prices for sauvignon blanc.

− The demand for Australian wine exports has declined in the past few years with the appreciation of the Australian dollar, compounding the pressures caused by the glut in the supply of grapes.

The most important trend of all is whether the market you are entering is growing, stable or declining.

Market segmentation

Markets usually have different segments or sub-sets. For example, the market for cars in Australia, includes the market for new cars and the market for used cars. Within these there are also markets for family cars, small cars, entry-level cars, SUVs, luxury cars, commercial vehicles, classic cars etc.

These segments can be defined by product attributes (colour, design, styling, performance, safety, country of origin) or by customer attributes (gender, age, socio-economic status etc.).

The key issue is not that segments exist; the real issue is what defines these segments and why do they exist?

• Barrierstoentry

As the term implies, barriers to entry make it harder for new companies to enter a market, and this is important because there tends to be a direct correlation between barriers to entry, the number of competitors, the degree of competition in the market, and the ability to sustain profits.

Barriers to entry take many forms, such as, the amount of start-up capital required, the time taken for new entrants to acquire special skills, the shortage of critical inputs and proximity to customers or distributors.

What are the barriers to entry in your market? Do they work in your favour and can you use them to your advantage? Do they constrain you, particularly if you want to grow?

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

P 30 Start your own business workbook

• Targetmarket

What part of the market are you going to focus on?

In the wooden gate business illustrated in Worksheet 2.1 the product is defined by a number of attributes or characteristics – it is distinctive (design), wooden (not metal), and made of recycled timber (not new timber), which competes in a segment of a national market which values appearance (not just function) and concerns about environmental sustainability (hence the use of recycled timber).

This means there may be little point in trying to sell the gates to volume builders competing in the cost-conscious market for low-cost housing. On the other hand, there may be a market for these gates with owner-occupiers who are renovating or upgrading their own houses.

Use Worksheet 2.3: Market analysis to sort through your own thinking about what is driving the market you intend to enter.

The product

It is important to understand what the product is, what its attributes are (in the eyes of the customer), the extent to which it is similar or distinct from other products in the market, and the extent to which this gives you an advantage or an edge over your competitors.

For example, let’s assume you are going to open a coffee shop. There is a fairly standard range of products (flat white, latte, cappuccino) which are well known in the market and it wouldn’t help if you ignored this and served your customers a flat white whenever they asked for a latte. You’re different but that’s not helpful. On the other hand, a consistently high standard of coffee is a positive, especially if your business is going to depend on repeat clientele.

Use Worksheet 2.4: Product or service attributes to list the key attributes of the products or services you will be providing. As much as you can, put yourself in the shoes of the potential customer – the attributes you list should be things that matter to them.

The customer or consumer

It is sometimes useful to distinguish between the customer (the purchaser) and the consumer (the person who actually uses the product). They are not always one and the same, and if they aren’t, you need to think carefully about how each behaves. To keep things simple we’ll assume they are the same.

The key issue is behaviour – what they do and why they do it. Some questions to consider:

• Productfeatures–Whatproductfeaturesmostappeal to costumers in your market? Why do these matter to the customer? What are the benefits that these features provide to the customer?

• Decision-making–Howdocustomersmakedecisions?Howdotheychoosebetweencompeting products?

• Income–Howmuchdisposableincomedothetarget customers have to spend on your products?

• Brand–Howimportantisthebrandinthebuyingdecision?

• Marketing–Whichpromotionalmediadoestheconsumer most often view?

• Whatactivitiesaretheseconsumersmostlikely to engage in during their leisure time?

Use Worksheet 2.5: Customer behaviour to record the key points from your research about customer behaviour.

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

P 31Start your own business workbook

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business


The key questions should be obvious here. Who will be your key competitors? What are their strengths and weaknesses? What opportunities does this create for you? What threats do they poseforyournewbusiness?Howwillyoucompeteagainst them?

For example, let’s assume you are a new entrant in a static market (say, coffee shops in Adelaide’s CBD) and you decide to compete on price by undercutting the competition. What do you think will happen? Does price matter? If it does, will the established competitors just sit back and let you take market share, or will they lower their prices too? If they lower their prices will your strategy still work, especially if you are the newcomer? If there is a price war, do you have the financial backing to survive? Do they? If they lower prices too, what do you do in response?

A useful way to approach these questions is to conduct a structured SWOT analysis of your key competitors. This means:

• Whataretheirstrengths(S)?

• Whataretheirweaknesses(W)?

• Whatopportunitiesdoesthispresenttoyou(O)?

• Howdotheythreatenyou(T)?

Use Worksheet 2.6: Who are your competitors? to summarise your research about your competitors.

SWOT analysis

A SWOT analysis is a widely used analytical tool. It is a simple but incredibly powerful tool if used properly.

Usually the notion of strengths and weaknesses relates to the business itself; it could be about your own business or it could be about a competitor’s business.

Opportunities and threats are about things that are happening outside the firm (yours or a competitor’s) that may affect the firm (positively or negatively).


There are four basic ways in which to compete.

• Differentiation

Differentiation means emphasising something about your product or service that is different in the market or market segment, and that difference matters to the customer. For example, differentiation can occur through:

− Product quality

− Service quality

− Brand name

− Product features

− Technical superiority

− Distribution channels

− Breadth of product line.

Several of these strategies could be used simultaneously to differentiate a product or service. The options are limited only by what the customer perceives to be different and the importance placed on the points of difference. Successful differentiation can sustain higher margins and higher profitability, provided your competition can’t copy you.

A thorough analysis of customers, competitors and your product advantages is required to differentiate you in the market.

P 32 Start your own business workbook

• Lowcost

This strategy relies on the ability to have the lowest cost in the industry at all times and therefore sell at the lowest price in the market. A low-cost strategy can be achieved by:

− Providing no-frills products.

− Product design (for example, by reducing the number of parts and simplifying manufacturing).

− Raw material sources.

− Low-cost distribution methods.

− Labour cost advantages.

− Location advantages.


− Reduced overheads.

− Experience in producing the product.

All companies will try to reduce their costs from time to time but this does not mean they are employing a low-cost strategy. The key point to note about choosing a low-cost strategy is that it is difficult to sustain unless a low-cost culture is embedded in the organisation: everything that the organisation does must focus not merely on reducing cost, but on being lowest-cost.

• Concentration

Concentration means focusing on one part of the market or one product line only. This allows the business to become expert in that area (usually a small segment of the market) and therefore gain a competitive advantage over generally much larger competitors.

Methods of concentration include:

− Focusing on a narrow product line.

− Targeting a segment.

− Focusing on a narrow geographical area.

• Niche

A niche strategy focuses on one particular [usually small] segment of the market.

The segment is generally too small or difficult for major competitors to enter and the niche competitor is left to occupy the segment substantially alone. Niche strategies require that customers see a significant difference in the competitor and see real value in the position that the competitor owns in the market.

Use Worksheet 2.7: How will you compete? to think about the strengths and weaknesses of your major competitors, the opportunities and threats that present to you, and how you think you will compete against them.

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

P 33Start your own business workbook

Marketing - Finding your customers and keeping them


Now that you’ve thought about the market it’s time to think about marketing and developing a marketing plan – that is, how you will find your customers and keep them.

Marketing means attracting and retaining customers. It’s about matching what people want with what you supply, and doing so profitably. Marketing is not the same thing as selling, and it’s not the same thing as advertising or communications.

Marketing is an essential task. It takes time and there is a logical process that can be followed to make marketing effective, efficient and profitable.

Marketing objectives

Your marketing strategy is based on your objectives for your business and it’s about achieving those objectives.

For example, your business objectives might be:

• Iwillmake$1millioninturnover during 2016–2017.

• Iwillachievea25%shareofthe South Australian market by 2020.

• Iwillearnmarginsof10%.

• Grossprofitswillbe30%ofrevenue.

Marketing strategy

Many different types of strategies can be used to achieve your objectives. Some of the key strategies are explained below.

Strategies for growth

Growth in existing product markets

This involves increasing existing product sales in the existing market. To grow you could:

• Increasemarketsharethroughcontinuingpromotional and sales support.

• Increaseproductusage.

• Increasethefrequencyofusage.

• Increasethequantityused.

• Developanewapplicationforcurrentusers.

Product development

This means providing new or modified products for the existing market. This could be achieved by:

• Addingproductfeaturesormakingproductrefinements.

• Expandingtheproductline.

• Updatingtheproducttoprovideanewmodel.

• Developingnewproductsforthesamemarket.

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

P 34 Start your own business workbook

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Market development

This means using the existing product and developing its use in new markets, for example by:

• Targetingnewsegmentsofthemarket.

• Expandinggeographically.

Non-growth strategies


A decision to withdraw from a market could be made for many reasons including:

• Youhaveinsufficientresourcestocompete.

• Yourbusinessresourcesarespreadtoothinly and you need to be focused in other areas (or on other product categories).

• Thecompetitioninthemarketistoointense,which restricts your ability to gain reasonable volumes and market share.

• Pricecompetitioninthemarketistoointenseresulting in little or no profit being made on the product.

Milking strategy

A milking strategy is designed to gain the greatest profit out of a product line with the least investment possible. This means the resources spent on the product category will be the minimum needed to maintain the current status. The greatest profit margin will be drawn from the brand with minimum price activity. The business focus will be in other areas. Milking strategies are particularly appropriate for well-established products with few growth prospects. They provide a steady cash flow for the organisation.


When the cost of achieving growth is considered too high it is often appropriate to invest only to hold the current market share. This strategy aims to keep existing consumers loyal to your product and not concentrate on gaining new customers.

P 35Start your own business workbook

A sustainable competitive advantage

What makes your business better, special or different? What gives your business an edge? Can your competitors copy you, or can you sustain this edge?

If you can establish an edge and sustain it, this gives you an advantage. In particular, it should be the reason why you don’t have to compete on price.

Key points about establishing a sustainable competitive advantage:

• Theyaresubstantialenoughtomakea difference in the market.

• Theyaresustainablewithregardto environmental changes.

• Theyaredifficultforcompetitorstoreplicate.

• Theyareleveragedintovisibleattributesthatinfluence consumer decisions.

The means by which a sustainable competitive advantage can be achieved include differentiation, low cost, concentration or niche.

Product/Brand positioning

Out of the marketing strategy should come a unique positioning for the product. There should be a clearly developed product/brand positioning within the market. Positioning is the way in which consumers perceive the product/service with respect to the rest of the market, and is a valid form of competitive advantage. It should be noted that product positioning could take years to create in a market, is difficult to change, and is often the factor that most determines the success of the product.

Once a position is decided, uniformity is required over a long time to reinforce the message to the target market. There must be consistency in the positioning through all elements of the marketing mix. Positioning can be based around such factors as:

• Productattribute.

• Consumerbenefit.

• Useorapplicationoftheproduct.

• Productclass.

• Placeoforigin.

• Typeofconsumer.

• Competitivepositioninthemarket.

P 36 Start your own business workbook

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Market mix

Once you have a clear picture and focus for your business, it is now time to sit with ‘pen and paper’ and write a plan for the marketing action. The marketing mix is made up of: price, promotion, product and place.

1. Price – Decide what pricing policy you should have and stick to it. For example, list price, discounts, allowances and credit policies.

2. Promotion – Big and expensive promotion is not always the best strategy for a small business. Examples of types of promotion can include selling, public relations, networking, word of mouth and advertising.

3. Product – what product or service are you offering and can you differentiate the product by offering additional functions or services? Look at quality, features, benefits, packaging, services, guarantees etc.

4. Place – this deals with how should you distribute your product? Consider locations, retailers, inventory, transport and warehousing.


The price must correspond with the product positioning, and also reflect what pricing position youwanttoholdinthemarket.Howimportantisprice to the target market?

In most markets, price is an indicator of quality – the higher the price the higher the perceived quality. It is tempting to fall into the trap of using a cost-based pricing system.

It is also tempting to fall into the trap of trying to offer ‘a high-quality product at a price that everyone can afford’. In most cases this is again flawed because your product will not be perceived as high-quality solely because of its price. In effect, the price of the product will override the benefits of the product.

It is wrong to assume that offering people a better price gives them better value for money. Value for money is a perception of the price compared with the benefits derived from the product. In most markets, and to most people, the price is far less important than the benefits they will receive from the product.

All types of pricing decisions should be considered and planned, including:

• Standardprice.

• Pricespecials.

• Discountstotradeanddistributors.

• Paymentterms.

• Paymentmethods.

In reality the price of your product should be ‘what the market will bear’.


The promotional element in the marketing mix determines how you communicate with customers and what promotional tools or tactics are used to achieve the marketing objectives. Again, knowing the buying behaviour of the target market is very important. What media do they view, how frequently do they view it and what is their reason for using it? The promotional mix must comply with the product positioning and it should not contradict in any way the prescribed positioning. Look at emerging trends and changing patterns. For example, many businesses use social media as a way of engaging customers and to promote their products.

Promotional activities may include:

• Advertising

• Salespromotions

• Publicity

• Personalselling

• Events

• Sponsorships

• Materialssuchasbrochuresorgifts

• Directselling

• Theinternet

• Socialmedia.

P 37Start your own business workbook

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business


Key product features and their benefits are paramount. Take into account the buying behaviour of the target market, competitive products and their features and benefits. Also consider the product range with possible line extensions or range rationalisation. What brand should be adopted for the product and what will this mean to the consumer?

Packaging is a consideration as it communicates what your product is to the consumer.

Service and back-up service all form part of the product offering. Thus, key decisions about the product include:

• Features

• Range

• Branding

• Packaging

• Additionalaccessories.

For service-oriented products, presentation of the people providing the service is an important part of the offering. This includes anything that is visible and important to the customer; for example, does the customer expect – and product positioning determine – that you be dressed in formal business attire or should you be in branded sports shirts? If the customer sees your office[s], what messages are conveyed and are the messages complementary to your product positioning?

Place (distribution)

In most industries the distribution channels tend to be fairly well-established. This does not mean that this part of the marketing mix should not be reviewed. In fact, changes to the distribution channel or changes to the way in which you sell to the channel can provide great opportunities.

Questions you should address include:

• Howandwherewilltheproductbeplacedsothatconsumers have access to it, and how will the sale be made?

• Willyoubeusingwholesalers,distributors,retailersor going direct to the consumer?

• Isacombinationofdistributionpointsappropriateand, if so, how will you balance the flow of product, discounts given, and territories covered by each distribution point?

In effect, the distribution points are also your customers and require as much consideration regarding buying habits as you give end-users. Specific communication campaigns can address the distribution channel and have success as great as, or greater than, those that address the consumer. Therefore, this suggests that a strategy for dealing with the distribution points needs to be developed and enacted in the same way that a strategy is developed for consumers.

P 38 Start your own business workbook

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

A marketing plan

A marketing plan is simply a way of putting all of this together.

Once you have determined the initial strategy, you may find that new issues arise in previous steps of the process. These should be worked and reworked into the entire marketing strategy. If key elements of the process are missing, it is very likely that the strategy devised will be flawed. Working through the whole process (if necessary with the help of marketing professionals) is important to getting the strategy right.

A good marketing strategy, correctly implemented, will give your company the edge over the competition and help guarantee business success.

Use Worksheet 2.8: Preparing your marketing plan to check that you’ve covered all the necessary elements in your marketing strategy.

Is your business feasible?

Use Worksheet 2.9: Is your business feasible? to summarise your conclusions. What are the major reasons for proceeding? What are the major reasons against proceeding? What is your conclusion?

If your analysis suggests the concept is feasible, then move on to Chapter 3 of this workbook, which looks at the profitability of the concept.

If you don’t think the concept is feasible you have two options:

• Youcanrethink,reviewandmodifytheconceptuntil you come up with a feasible alternative.

• Youcangonofurtherwiththisidea,satisfiedinthe knowledge that this process has saved you a lot of time, money and unnecessary risk.


It’s a sobering reality that a significant proportion of small businesses in South Australia fail before they reach their second anniversary. One reason is that the underlying concept for the business is not feasible. The step-by-step guide outlined in this chapter is intended to help you think through whether your business is feasible.

P 39Start your own business workbook

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Worksheet 2.1

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Defining your business

Processes Product

Materials U




Who are the customers? Distribution



or how do they fi nd us?


do we fi nd custom


My Small Business

P 40 Start your own business workbook

P 41Start your own business workbook

Step 1. Brainstorm

Use a blank piece of paper to brainstorm the relevant factors that apply to your business.

Step 2. Prioritise

Highlightthemostimportantfactors (i.e. the ones you think will have the biggest impact). Write these in the second column in the table below.

Step 3. Analyse

Howwillthesekeyfactorsinfluenceyourbusiness?Write this in the third column of the table, taking care to distinguish between the positive or beneficial changes and the negative or harmful changes.

Step 4. Conclude

What could you do to take advantage of these changes or minimise the negative impact they may have on your business? Write this in the last column.

PESTLE analysisWorksheet 2.2

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Influence Step 2What are the most important factors?

Step 3How will this affect my business?

Step 4What can I do to take advantage of this (if it is positive) or reduce the impact (if it is negative)?



Society & Culture




P 42 Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 2.3

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Market issue Market research (summarise key data, facts, evidence, conclusions)

So what? (what are the implications for your business?)

Size of the market

Industry trends

Market segmentation

Barriers to entry

Target market

Other (specify)

Market analysis

Worksheet 2.4

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Product or service Key attributes

Product 1

Product 2

Product 3

Product 4

Product 5

Product or service attributes

P 43Start your own business workbook

P 44 Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 2.5

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Key questions Your response

What are the features of your products (or service) that most appeal to customers? Why is that so?

How do customers decide what to buy?

How much disposable income do your customers have?

How important is brand awareness and recognition to your customers?

What promotional channels do your customers most often use?

What leisure activities do your customers engage in?

Any other key insights?

Customer behaviour

P 44 Start your own business workbook

P 45Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 2.5

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Key questions Implications for your business?

What are the features of your products (or service) that most appeal to customers? Why is that so?

How do customers decide what to buy?

How much disposable income do your customers have?

How important is brand awareness and recognition to your customers?

What promotional channels do your customers most often use?

What leisure activities do your customers engage in?

Any other key insights?

Customer behaviour

P 45Start your own business workbook

P 46 Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 2.6

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Competitor (insert name) Key facts







Who are your competitors?

P 46 Start your own business workbook

P 47Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 2.6

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Competitor (insert name) Key facts







Who are your competitors?

P 47Start your own business workbook

P 48 Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 2.7

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Competitor (insert name):

Them Strengths: What gives them an edge in the market?

Weaknesses: What makes them vulnerable to new competition?

You Opportunities: Thinking about their strengths and weaknesses, what are the best ways you can create an advantage in the market over them, and keep it?

Threats: What are the biggest threats they pose to you? How will they react when you start business (or they find out you are going to start – will they wait?)

How will you compete?

P 48 Start your own business workbook

P 49Start your own business workbook

You What are you going to do to take advantage of the opportunities you see to compete against them?(If you can’t think of anything, you are far too passive).

What are you going to do to counteract the threat that they pose to you? (If you can’t think of anything, you’re in trouble).

Them How will they react to you(round 1)? (If you aren’t sure, put yourself in their shoes – what would you do?).

You What will you do in response?

Them What will they do then(round 2)?

You What will you do next?

How will you compete?Worksheet 2.7

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

P 49Start your own business workbook

P 50 Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 2.8

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Key Element What to include and/or take into account

Task completed? Yes/No

Marketing objectives

What you must do to maintain a competitive edge may cover:• Competitiveprices

• Increasingsalesbyterritoryandproduct

• Thenumberofcustomers

• Increasingthevalueofsalespercustomer

• Yourbusinessprofile

• Improvingthestandardofcustomerservice

• Introducingnewproductsorservices

• Ensuretheobjectivesyousetcanbeconverted to numbers and can therefore be measured; this makes them easier to manage.

Defining your target market

Segment the market by dividing it into smaller groups based on customer characteristics such as geography, demographics and psychographics (personality, lifestyle etc.) or buying situations such as desired benefits, rate of usage and buying conditions etc.

Select the segment(s) you wish to target, based on such factors such as customer demand, your relative competitive position and profitability.

Preparing your marketing plan

P 50 Start your own business workbook

P 51Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 2.8

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Key Element What to include and/or take into account

Task completed? Yes/No

Analysis of your present market position

Industry:• Sizeofthedomesticmarket

• Sizeoftheexportmarket

• Yourexistingmarketshare

• Yourpotentialmarketshare

Customers:• Whoyourcustomers(orpotentialcustomers)are

• Whyyourcustomersdobusinesswithyou

• Demographicandothercharacteristics

• Themethodsyouuse,orproposetouse, to communicate with your customers

• Howeffectivesuchmethodsare

• Qualityofservice

• Whatyourcustomers’primedecision-makingmotivations are, such as price, quality, service

Products and services:• Adescriptionofwhatyouoffer

• Whatmakesyourproducts and services competitive

• Howtheyaredifferentiated

• Howtheysatisfycustomers

• Quality,designandappearance

• Costsofproducinganddistributing

• Youruniquesellingposition(USP)

• Whattheproductiontimeis

Preparing your marketing plan

P 51Start your own business workbook

P 52 Start your own business workbook

Key Element What to include and/or take into account

Task completed? Yes/No

Pricing Policy • Thevaluethatcustomersperceive in your products and services

• Benefitsthatyouoffer

• Costofproducinganddistributing your products and services

• Strengthsofyourproductsandservices relative to those of your competitors

• Yourbusinessimage

• Priceschargedbyyourcompetitors (exercise care: their products and services may not be truly comparable to your own)

• Sensitivityofcustomerdemandtopricevariations

• Alternativestochangesinprice

• Impactofpricechangesonyoursales volume and profits

Marketing strategies for each product or customer group (how do we get there?)

Product strategies:• Numberofitemstobeincludedinyour

product or service range

• Opportunitiesforintroducingbetteror exclusive products in the future

• Labellingandpackaging

• Branding

• Productorservicelaunches

• Approachestoraisethestandard of customer service

• Warrantiesorguaranteesyoupropose to extend to your customers

• Budget

Preparing your marketing planWorksheet 2.8

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

P 52 Start your own business workbook

P 53Start your own business workbook

Key Element What to include and/or take into account

Task completed? Yes/No

Marketing strategies for each product or customer group (how do we get there?)

Price strategies:• Targetreturnsoninvestment

• Howdoyouproposetopriceyourproductsand services so they are attractive to your customers

• Howyouintendtomaintainorimprove your profit margins

Place strategies:• Systemfordistributingyourproductsand

services (e.g. retail, wholesale, sales staff, agents)

• Whereyouproposetolocate your business and why

• Budget

Promotional strategies• Advertising

• Directmarketing

• Salespromotion

• Sponsorship

• Publicrelations

• Communicationmethodswithcustomers and potential customers

• Appearanceofpremisesandstaff

• Rangeandstandardofsalesliterature

• Budget

Preparing your marketing planWorksheet 2.8

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

P 53Start your own business workbook

P 54 Start your own business workbook

Key Element What to include and/or take into account

Task completed? Yes/No

Action plan • Whathastobedone

• Whenithastobedone

• Whowillberesponsibleforcarryingoutthe various tasks in the plan?

Monitoring, evaluation and control

• Whatyouproposetomonitorandmeasure

• Whowillberesponsibleforcarryingoutthistask?

Preparing your marketing planWorksheet 2.8

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

P 54 Start your own business workbook

P 55Start your own business workbook

Is your business feasible?

Arguments in favour of going ahead Arguments against continuing


Worksheet 2.9

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

P 55Start your own business workbook

P 56 Start your own business workbook

Will your business be profitable?


If you aren’t really interested in the financial aspects of your business, and you aren’t interested in making a profit, then you are talking about a hobby, not a business.

So far you’ve done the work and decided the business is feasible. Now you want to know whether it adds up – will it be profitable?

Understanding the financial aspects of business is fundamental to success. The purpose of this section is to give you a working knowledge of some key financial concepts, help you to produce some financial forecasts, and help you to use them. After you’ve prepared your own forecasts you would be wise to discuss them with your accountant before you outlay money to actually start the business.


Why you need capital

You need capital to start your business, to run your business and to grow your business.

In the start-up stage, before you begin operations, you will need capital for a wide range of purposes. The nature of this capital will depend on the type of small business you are going to run. For example, you may need capital to buy or lease premises and equipment, buy stock, pay for professional advice from accountants and lawyers, and to fit out your work premises and pay for a range of once-off expenses that are inevitable at this stage of business.

If your business fails you will probably lose most, if not all, of this money, so think carefully about how much start-up capital you need, and be mindful that investing too little can be as harmful to your chances of success as investing too much capital. Getting it just right isn’t easy, and this is where spending money on some professional advice up front might be money well spent.

Worksheet 3.1: Estimating business needs and Worksheet 3.2: One-off start-up costs provide templates for estimating your start-up capital requirements.

Sources of capital

Speak to your accountant about the various options for financing this phase of your business. The major sources of capital, before you have actually started to trade, are listed below, with the easiest and (probably) the cheapest sources listed first:

• Yourownsavings

• Family,friendsandcolleagues

• Suppliers

• Banks

• Businessangelsandventurecapitalists

• Publiclisting.


Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

P 57Start your own business workbook

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Working capital

Working capital refers to the money you need for normal business operations. The major components of working capital are cash on hand (and in the bank), accounts receivable (money people owe you), stock and other current assets. You need these funds to pay for normal operating expenses such as wages and salaries, accounts payable (to suppliers, for example) and other current liabilities such as utilities, insurance rates and taxes.

In the early months of your business your cash expenses will probably exceed your cash income and you will need working capital to cover the shortfall.


Income is driven by two related factors: the quantity of goods and services you sell and the price at which you sell them. The two are related because, as a general rule, the demand for goods and services is inversely related to their price. That is, demand increases as prices fall, and market supply tends to increase as prices go up.


The price at which you sell your goods or services must be sufficient to do three things:

• Coverthecostofthegoodsorrawmaterialsusedin the product or service.

• Makeasufficientcontributiontowardscoveringthe annual operating expenses of your business.

• Makeasufficientcontributiontowardsthedesirednet profit you want from your business.

You will need to research the price your competitors are charging, as you will normally meet resistance from customers if your price is noticeably higher or lower than those of your competitors.

Worksheet 3.3: Estimating income can be used to estimate the likely income you expect your business to earn.

Pricing rules

At the end of the day there is only one rule about pricing – you charge what the market will bear. If this is less than it costs you to provide your goods and services, putting up prices won’t help. You have to work out how to operate profitably or get out of that line of business.

If the price is considerably more than it costs you to provide, enjoy it while it lasts. Unless there are high barriers to entry into your market you can be pretty sure someone else will notice and you’ll find yourself with more competitors soon enough.


It is important that you try to get an accurate picture of your likely operating expenses, that is, the normal day-to-day and week-to-week expenses you expect to incur as part of running your business, apart from the cost of acquiring the goods and services you are selling. You should be able to get reasonable estimates of these operating costs by talking to suppliers.

Worksheet 3.4: Estimating operating expenses provides some prompts to help you with this task.

Note that you do not include stock purchases, depreciation or loan repayments in calculating your operating expenses. The reasons why will be explained below. When you have completed this worksheet, try to compare your expected expenses with the average for your industry. An accountant or business adviser should be able to help you with this task.

P 58 Start your own business workbook

Gross profit, mark-ups and margins

There are three concepts you should understand:

• Gross profit, which is the total sales or turnover less the expenses directly incurred in earning those sales [which is usually the cost of the goods or services sold]. You need to understand gross profit because it pays for all the other expenses of the business, provides funds for growth, and provides the balance (net profit), which is your share of the proceeds.

• Mark-up, which in retailing and some other businesses is the dollar increase in the wholesale price (the price you pay) to set the selling price. Forexample,ifyoupayaresearcher$65anhourandchargethatresearcherouttoclientsat$110anhour,yourmark-upis$45.

• Margin or gross margin is the percentage of gross profits on sales. For example, if annual turnoveris$400,000andthecostofthegoodssoldis$150,000thenthegrossprofitmarginorgrossmarginis$400,000minus$150,000(i.e.$250,000)dividedbythetotalsales,whichis62.5%.

Profit and loss

The gross profits from running your business are used to do many things, all of which have priority before you take your share. These include:

• Payingthebusiness’soperatingexpenses.

• Repayingborrowedfunds.

• Payingtax(GSTandothertaxes).

After attending to these obligations (if you ignore them you’ll find yourself in trouble with your creditors and you won’t be able to sustain your business) you have some choices to make about what to do with the balance of the gross profits.

The main choices are:

• Setasidesomeofthefundstoreplacethe assets used to produce the income earned – the depreciation expense provides an estimate of this cost.

• Makeprovisionforbaddebts.

• Growyourbusiness(forexample,byputtingfundsinto more marketing, a wider range of products, expanded premises, entering new markets).

• Provideincomeforyourself(outofwhichyou’llneed to pay your own personal income tax).

Worksheet 3.5: Estimating your annual profit (or loss) can be used to assist you with this task.

Scenarios and sensitivity analysis

It is important when preparing estimates and forecasts that you don’t just focus on one scenario and one set of numbers. You need to think of several plausible scenarios and test the implications of those scenarios on your forecasts.

For example, let’s say you plan to sell ice creams at the Test cricket next summer, and based on the average attendance of 96,800 over the previous three Tests you plan to sell 48,400 ice creams based on a ratio of one for every two people attending. Youplantocharge$4pericecream,andthereforeforecastearningagrossincomeof$193,600. Not bad for five days’ work, you think.

But what if the cricket is washed out on one day – what impact would that have on attendance and sales? Who is touring next year and how will that affect attendance?

In 2010–11 almost 135,000 people went to the Adelaide Test match, but the year before only 52,000 people went. The difference in income betweenthesetwoscenariosishuge–$270,000 inonecaseandonly$104,000intheother. And the facts show both are realistic outcomes.

As you can see, the average result masks the wide disparity from year to year. Scenarios and sensitivity analysis help to understand the consequences of such variance. It should be part of your approach to planning.

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

P 59Start your own business workbook

Cash flow

Why is cash flow important?

Forecasting and managing cash flow are the most critical skills needed to maintain the life of a business. Growth comes from profits but survival comes from cash flow. You must be able to pay your bills and meet your financial obligations when they fall due. The short-term consequences of poor cash flow may include loss of business, loss of opportunity, damage to your business reputation and staff turnover. Ultimately your creditors could force you out of business, regardless of whether it is profitable or not.

The key tool you need is a cash flow forecast. Fortunately, preparing a forecast is quite easy once you collect a few important pieces of information. It is critical that you spend time to get that information and ensure it is as accurate as possible. After that, it is just a matter of setting out some figures in columns.

Forecasting cash flow is about three things:

• Forecastinghow much cash will flow into and out of the business.

• Forecastingwhen cash flows into and out of the business.

• Workingouthowmuchcashis on hand (i.e. cash at bank) on set dates, based on those volumes and timings.

Estimating the amount of cash available at any given time allows you to make decisions and choices (to some degree) to manage the flow in a manner that best suits your needs.

Sources and uses of cash

Cash flows into the business from:

• Sales(whentheyhavebeenpaidfor).

• Owners’contributionsoffunds.

• Bankandotherloans.

Cash flows out of the business at the beginning to:

• Buythings(i.e.plant,equipmentandstock).

• Payone-offestablishmentcosts.

• Paysomeoperatingexpenseitemsinadvance,such as insurance and rent.

And, once the business is running, cash will flow out to:

• Payoperatingexpensessuchaswages, rent and utilities.

• Buyreplacementstock.

• Repaybankloansandotherborrowings.

• Providecashtotheownerforpersonal living expenses.

It is easy to see that if more cash flows in than out over a given period, then the cash at bank will increase. And, of course, the reverse can happen – more cash out than in will reduce the cash at bank.

If your cash flow forecast shows a negative bank balance, then it will be necessary to either borrow to cover the temporary shortfall (for example, by using an agreed bank overdraft), or make other arrangements to either bring cash flowing into the business earlier, or delay cash going out.

Preparing a cash flow forecast

A cash flow chart is a worksheet that shows the sources of cash coming in and the uses of cash (cash going out) in the first column, and sequence of dates (usually weeks or months) across the first row. A template for cash flow forecasting is presented in Worksheet 3.6: Cash flow forecast.

There are lots of financial packages to choose from to assist you with cash flow forecasting, or you could use a spreadsheet to develop your own. The most important thing is to understand what a cash flow forecast means and how you can use it to manage your business.

It is recommended you discuss preparing the cash flow forecast with your accountant or business adviser. Your accountant may be able to put the details into an already prepared computer spreadsheet, which will make the routine calculationseasier.However,theaccountantwill not provide the information – that is up to you.

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

P 60 Start your own business workbook


1 Business seasonality

Most business activity follows seasons. Sales of the product may relate to the weather – winter or summer, or to the holiday season – Christmas or Easter. It may relate to gift-giving time. When would you be thinking of starting your business? Before the season in order to be well established when the season breaks? Just at the beginning of the season? In the first instance you will have low cash inflows from sales for some time.

2 Estimating monthly sales

What total sales do you estimate for each month? Allow that the business is just starting and will have few, if any, customers in the early months – and a lower level of sales in its first year than later in its life. Discuss this with your accountant or business adviser.

A starting point may be the sales from your sales target divided by 12 for an ‘average’, and then revise how long it may take to get to that ‘average’ level.

3 Credit accounts If you sell your products or services on credit, how long will people take to pay? Be careful to estimate when they will actually pay – not when you say they should pay. If you offer 30 days’ credit, will it be 45 days before you have the cash in hand? Credit card purchases by customers are generally treated as cash sales.

4 Capital contributions

Initial capital will be contributed from the business owners and from loan funds and come into your business bank account in the first month of operations.

5 Capital purchases and payments

These will probably be made in the first and second months of the life of your business.

6 Regular weekly or fortnightly payments

If you employ staff you will need to pay wages, either weekly or fortnightly.

7 Regular monthly payments

Some payments, such as rent, leases, bank charges and motor vehicle running expenses, etc., will be made every month.

8 Regular quarterly payments

Some payments such as rates will be made every quarter. Try to estimate in which particular months the payments will be made.

9 Single annual payments

Some payments, such as insurance and property taxes, will be made only once each year. In which month will these be due?

Helpful tips

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Cash flow forecasting

P 61Start your own business workbook

Using your cash flow forecast

There are four key things you should do with your cash flow forecast:

• Double-check

−Haveyouplacedallthepaymentsin the correct months?

− Is it possible that you have underestimated your sales?

− Would you be able to make some purchases (e.g. of plant) several months after the start of the business?

− Can you make some annual payments half-yearly, quarterly, monthly instead?

− Are your owner’s drawings too high? In most instances you will not be able to draw cash from the business for your own needs for a number of months. If you try to draw cash from your business too early in its life, you will be withdrawing working capital.

• Update

Revise the forecast as you get more information, especially about regular payments or receipts, andasthebusinessdevelops.Hopefullyyouwillsee a transition towards stronger net cash flows over time.

• Negativecashflow?

Are there any months in which the bottom row – Cash At Bank Month End – is negative? If so, this means you anticipate over-drawing your bank account. As mentioned earlier, an overdrawn account is really a loan. You cannot overdraw your account without prior arrangement with your bank.

• Discuss

You should discuss your finished cash flow forecast with your accountant or business adviser regularly.


Tax is a complicated issue, the details and intricacies of which are beyond the scope of this workbook. You should consult an accountant about these matters for specific advice relevant to your own circumstances.

Notwithstanding this qualification, some general points can be made which are relevant to all small businesses.

Goods and Services Tax (GST)

GST is a tax paid to the Commonwealth Government, although all of the income from GST is paid directly to the states.

Most (but not all) small businesses will need to be registered for GST purposes and will need to add 10%GSTtotheirsales.Inturn,mostpurchasesincurGST at the same rate. GST is an ad valorem tax, which means it is based on the value of the transaction. Your obligation to pay the GST is calculated on the value of your net sales: that is, the amount of gross sales in the period (usually quarterly) less the value of the goods and services purchased that were subject to GST in the same period.

Payroll Tax

Payroll tax is a state government tax and the money is spent within the state.

In South Australia the liability to pay payroll tax arises where an employer has an annual wages billinexcessof$600,000forservicesrenderedbyemployees anywhere in Australia if any of those services are rendered or performed in South Australia. An annual wages bill of more than $600,000equatestoamonthlybillofmorethan$50,000,oraweeklybillofatleast$12,500.

You should speak to your accountant or contact Revenue SA (Web: ) to understand the current rate of payroll tax in South Australia and the intricacies as to what constitutes wages, and the requirements for registration and payments.

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

P 62 Start your own business workbook

Income Tax

Income tax is paid to the Commonwealth Government, and is payable by individuals and businesses. The rate paid by individuals increases in increments as their level of income increases, whereas companies pay a flat rate regardless of their income. Like GST, income tax is levied on net income: that is, the gross income earned in a period less the costs incurred to earn that income in the same period.

For the purposes of this workbook the important point is to understand that, depending on how you have structured your business affairs, both you and your company may need to pay income tax. If you have established a company to run your small business and it pays income tax, that doesn’t mean you don’t have to pay income tax as an individual taxpayer.

For further information and advice on these matters, consult your accountant.

Key ratios

As with taxation, it is beyond the scope of this workbook to delve into the details of financial analysis, and particularly the use of certain ratios to analyse and understand the performance of your business.

Suffice to say there are a number of commonly used key ratios (for example, return on equity, which is the relationship or ratio of net income to total equity) that you can use to analyse the performance of your business. Given the focus is on establishing your small business, you should seek the advice of your accountant to understand which key ratios may be of most value in analysing the performance of your business.


Making a profit is essential to surviving in business. But the key to running a sustainable and rewarding business is something more.

The profit you make must be commensurate with the effort and the risk you are taking in your business. And you have to manage your cash flow so that you can pay your bills when they fall due (to keep your creditors happy) and have sufficient funds left over to repay your debts, pay your taxes, grow your business and provide you with the income you require.

P 63Start your own business workbook

Item Specifics Estimated cost

Estimating business needsWorksheet 3.1

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

P 64 Start your own business workbook

Item Specifics Estimated Expenditure


Advertising – including artwork and signwriting

Business stationery(design and logo)

Cleaning materials and equipment

Utilities, connection, transfer, bond

Fittings, furniture, display fixtures

Lease drawing up, stamp duty, registration

Legal fees

Licences, planning application

Loan fees – establishment, valuation, stamp duty etc.

Plant and equipment purchase, lease (small items)

One-off start-up costsWorksheet 3.2

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

P 65Start your own business workbook

Item Specifics Estimated Expenditure

Rates, taxes and other outgoings

Registration of business name, trademark

Rental bond and first month’s rent

Refurbishing, repainting premises

Staff recruitment, training

Stock (3–4 months)

Storage systems

Communication equipment, installation, transfer

Workplace regulations – occupational health and safety, fire

Any others not listed above


One-off start-up costsWorksheet 3.2

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

P 66 Start your own business workbook

Estimating incomeWorksheet 3.3

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Note that there are various accounting packages or spreadsheets you could use for this purpose, especially if you want to estimate income more frequently (e.g. weekly), or for a longer period. The steps you should take are:

1. For each product, estimate the unit quantity you will sell and the unit price.

2. Multiply price and quantity to give income.

3. Add the income earned from each product to estimate your total monthly income and your total annual income.

4. Conduct a sensitivity analysis.

Product July Aug Sept

1 Unit Price



2 Unit Price



3 Unit Price



4 Unit Price



Total income

P 67Start your own business workbook

Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total

P 68 Start your own business workbook

Expense AmountMonthly Annual

1 Accounting fees

2 Administration/office expenses

3 Advertising

4 Bank charges

5 Bank interest

6 Debt collection

7 Donations

8 Insurances

9 Leased equipment

10 Legal expenses

11 Light and power

12 Marketing

13 Maintenance of plant and fixtures

14 Motor vehicle registration and running

15 Printing, stationery, postage

16 Rates and property taxes

17 Rent

18 Salaries and wages (not your own)

19 Security

20 Staff superannuation

21 Subscriptions

22 Telephone

23 Travel and accommodation

24 Other (specify)

Total estimated operating expenses

Add 5% for overlooked expenses

Total estimated operating expenses

Worksheet 3.4

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Estimating operating expenses

P 69Start your own business workbook

Estimating your annual profit (or loss)1. Use Worksheet 3.3 to provide your estimate

of sales.

2. The easiest way to estimate the cost of goods sold at this stage (before you have actually started business) is to use the typical gross margin in the industry you are entering. For example, if you have estimatedsalesof$200,000andthegrossmarginis65%thenyourcostofgoodssoldwillbe35%(100-65),whichis$70,000.

3. Use Worksheet 3.4 to provide your estimate of annual operating expenses.

4. The balance (earnings before interest, tax and depreciation) is derived from deducting operating expenses from the gross profit.

5. Remember – you have to pay tax and repay your borrowings (interest at least) from this amount before you claim your share.

Product How to calculate


A Sales $

Less Cost of goods sold

B Value of opening stock

C Plus stock purchases during the year

D Less the value of closing stock

E =b+c+d $

F Gross profit =a–e $

G Less Operating expenses Use gross margin


H Earning before interest, tax and depreciation

=f–g $

Worksheet 3.5

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

P 70 Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 3.6

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

Cash flow forecast

Key issue

Are there any months in which the cash at the end of the month (the last line) is negative? This means you expect to overdraw your bank account. You cannot overdraw your account without the prior agreement of your bank. Ignoring the issue won’t help. What are you going to do about this?

July Aug Sept

Estimated cash in:

Cash from sales

Other cash in

Total estimated cash in (a)

Estimated cash out:

Payments for supplies

Wages and salaries

Loan repayments


Lease payments


Total estimated cash out (b)

Cash flow – Cash in – cash out ((a)-(b) = (c))

Cash at bank at start of month (d)

Cash at month end ((d) + (c))

P 71Start your own business workbook

Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

Before you start spending money, there are a few important issues you should consider.

P 73Start your own business workbook

Review – Does it make sense?4

If you have got this far that means your analysis:

• Suggestsyou’vegotwhatittakesintermsofskillsand aptitudes to run a small business successfully.

• Confirmstheideaforyoursmallbusinessisfeasible.

• Suggestsitwillalsobeprofitable.

If that’s the case you’ve addressed the most important issues and things are looking good. Congratulations!

But before you start spending money there are a few more issues you should consider, and these are outlined in Part B of this workbook.

Part A: Testing you and your idea for a small business

P 74 Start your own business workbook

5 Business structures

Part B: Other issues to consider before getting started


One of the early decisions you will face when going into business is what form of legal structure you should adopt. The basic choices are:

• Anunincorporatedentitysuchassoletrader or a partnership.

• Anincorporatedentity,i.e.aproprietarycompany.

• Operatingasatrust.

• Operatingasaco-operative.

Choosing an appropriate legal structure will depend on many factors, including:

• Limitingyourexposuretoliability for business debts.

• Thesizeofthebusinessandthenumber of people involved.

• Taxationissues.

• Simplicityandcost-effectiveness.

These options are discussed on the following page. The issues relating to business names are discussed inPartDofthisworkbook.However,itisimportantyou obtain professional advice from your solicitor and accountant before you make the decision – it may save a lot of heartache in the long run.

Unincorporated entity

There are two options for an unincorporated entity:

• Soletrader–Inthisoptiontheowneristhesoletrader, and this structure is appropriate where the business is small, the capital investment is minimal, and the potential losses are not large.

• Partnership–Thisisasuitableoptionwhentwoor more people carry on a business in common with a view to making a profit. This is appropriate where the number of people involved is small and the degree of risk involved in the business is such that limited liability is not considered necessary.

Proprietary company

A proprietary company is a legal entity that is separate from its shareholders (owners). When you

form a company you form a legal entity that can acquire and sell property, take legal action (and be sued) and sign documents. It is a separate legal entity, which can own assets, incur liabilities, and make profits and losses quite separately from its shareholders.

A proprietary company is the preferred option where limited liability is desired, and the marginal tax rate of shareholder members of a family running the business exceed the company tax rate.


A trust is formed when a business is transferred to a trustee to hold assets, to run the business, distribute income to beneficiaries and observe the provisions of the trust deed. A trust is often chosen when more than one family is involved in running the business.


A co-operative is a body corporate. It can be formed by at least five people or two corporations and is registered under the Co-operatives Act 1997 (the Act). A co-operative can be formed to provide goods or services to its members or to the general public. A co-operative is voluntarily owned and controlled by the people for whom it was established and who use its services.

There are two types of co-operatives under the Act:

• Tradingco-operatives–thesehaveashare capital and may distribute profits.

• Non-tradingco-operatives–thesedonotdistribute profits or surpluses to members but they may or may not have share capital.


There is no specific formula to determine which structure best suits your business needs, but some forms are more suitable than others.

Use Worksheet 5.1: Choosing a business structure to help you decide which structures may suit your business.

P 75Start your own business workbook

Structure Characteristics of your business Relevant Not Relevant

Sole trader Business is small.

Minimal capital investment.

Potential losses not large.

Partnership Two or more owners.

Proprietary company

Limited liability is desired.

Marginal tax rate of owners is greater than the marginal personal tax rate.

Trust More than one family involved.

Which option do you think is best for your business?

Choosing a business structure

Worksheet 5.1

Part B: Other issues to consider before getting started

Start your own business workbookP 76

Before you employ someone it is important to consider what it will actually cost, and compare that with the benefits.

P 77Start your own business workbook

Managing staff6


Productive employees are perhaps your most valuable asset, but finding and keeping the right staff can be a major challenge in business.

This section covers your options when considering whether to take on staff, your role as an employer and some practical tips on recruiting and managing staff.

Understanding the cost of employing someone

Before you employ someone it is important to consider what it will actually cost, and compare that with the benefits. The cost is more than the wages and includes:

• On-costssuchassuperannuation,workers’compensation insurance, annual leave, and provision for long-service leave, which typically canaddbetween25%and30%tothewage.

• Otherdirectcostssuchasprotectiveclothing,tools, plant and equipment and work stations.

• Yourtimetosuperviseandmanagestaff,including training and performance management.

Your obligations as an employer

Managing staff is a key area of risk, not least because you have to comply with a number of regulations. As an employer, your responsibilities include the need to:

• Determinewhetheranaward,industrialagreement or enterprise agreement applies to your employees and to pay according to their provisions.

• Contributetoyouremployees’superannuation at a prescribed minimum rate.

• Haveworkers’compensationinsuranceinplace.

• Maintaintimeandwagesrecordsforeachemployee.

• Meettaxationobligationsrelatingtogroup tax, payroll tax and fringe benefits tax.

• Takestepstopreventdiscriminationagainstemployees on a range of grounds.

• Maintaintheworkplaceinasafeand healthy condition.

• Ifitbecomesnecessary,terminateemploymentina manner that is fair and complies with legislation.

This is an area where you should seek professional advice from your industry association, chamber of commerce or legal adviser.

Employment options

There are a number of employment options to consider: full-time, part-time, casual, fixed-term, apprentice or trainee and subcontractor.

Part B: Other issues to consider before getting started

P 78 Start your own business workbook P 78

Employee or subcontractor

You should understand the difference between an employee and a subcontractor because your obligations are different for each. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) (Web: / Telephone: 13 28 66) uses test questions to make the distinction that you can use.

Refer to Worksheet 6.1: Employee or subcontractor.

Hiring staff

Your aim is to hire employees who will be productive and add value to your business. Five key steps are required to achieve this goal.

1. Prepare a job description.

2. Access recruitment sources.

3. Prepare to interview job applicants.

4. Conduct interviews.

5. Appoint the successful applicant.

Worksheet 6.2: Hiring new staff provides some practical tips on the steps to follow. An alternative is to engage a professional recruitment firm to perform this service for you.


It is common practice to specify a period, usually three months from the date of commencement, during which new employees are ‘on probation’. A probation period gives you the opportunity as the employer to assess the new employee’s performance. All of the employee’s rights and entitlements apply during probation, except that they cannot claim for wrongful dismissal if their employment is terminated during the probation period.

Managing and supervising staff

Managing a business means that you need to take as much care over your investment in people as you do over your money investment or your customers.

If you are going to employ people you want them to succeed. It’s not in your interests to simply expect your staff to either sink or swim. You need to put in some effort to help them help you. If they are sinking then that’s costing you – time, money and lost business opportunities.

Your behaviour

A good manager models the kind of work performance, manners, customer service and courtesy that they expect of their employees. Courtesy, fairness, consistency and managers who give good, well-thought-out reasons for saying yes or no will gain respect.


Induction should not be something you do on an ad hoc basis. A structured induction process is a small investment in time and effort that helps to make new staff feel welcome, understand their new job and workplace quickly, and set them up for success.

Worksheet 6.3: Induction checklist provides some practical steps to implement a structured induction process.

Part B: Other issues to consider before getting started

P 79Start your own business workbook

Training and development

Managers will have more time to manage and expand the business if they train their employees well. To help you become a better manager and trainer there are several organisations that offer short courses that you might find helpful, and your local Business Advisory Centre can offer you further advice. To find your nearest centre in metropolitan or regional South Australia visit the Department of State Development Small Business website: Advisory Centres or request details via email: [email protected]


Delegating means giving authority and responsibility to another person to carry out certain activities. As your business grows, it will become necessary for you to delegate some tasks so you can concentrate onwhat’sreallyimportant.Herearesomepracticaldosanddon’tstodelegatingeffectively:

Do Don’t

Give a thorough briefing when handing over tasks

Hoard information

Delegate the entire task to one person

Delegate half a task

Encourage questions to clarify the task

Do all the talking

Give advice without interfering Fail to point out the pitfalls or key issues

Keep an eye on progress Impose controls as an after thought

Part B: Other issues to consider before getting started

P 80 Start your own business workbook

Performance management

If you and your employee(s) are to make the business work well, and progress towards a worthwhile working relationship, then you should consider making regular performance appraisals part of your routine.

The essential elements of a performance management system include setting goals, clarifying expectations, monitoring performance, providing and receiving constructive feedback, rewarding and reinforcing good performance and correcting or discouraging poor performance.

Ideally, a formal performance appraisal should be done every six months and be set out in such a way that both you and the employee can comment about how they evaluate their work performance, your (and their) expectations and discuss any requests for further training or on- the-job opportunities that might be required.

In a way, this appraisal is conducted much like a job interview, but this time the employee also has the opportunity to make comments about the things that make their job satisfying or difficult. Both you and your employee should see this as an opportunity to share suggestions about improving work processes and customer relations, identify training needs and talk about their future career opportunities. It can also provide you with a chance to praise the employee formally for good work done and to give constructive criticism that can assist him or her to improve skills and performance in areas where they need help.

Dismissing employees

It is likely that you will be faced with terminating an employee’s services at some stage. Dismissal is a major decision and it is recommended you obtain professional advice from your solicitor or employer association before you act.

Following are four practical tips to observe when faced with terminating employment:

• Givewarningsandcounselemployeesbeforedismissing them.

• Avoiddismissingpeopleforreasonsotherthanpoor work performance or redundancy.

• Keepgoodrecordswhichshowyouhavefollowed all of the required steps.

• Communicateclearlywiththeemployee(verballyand in writing) giving reasons and outlining their entitlements.

Work health and safety (WHS)

Your obligations as an employer are to:

• Provideasafeandhealthyworkenvironment.

• Providesafesystemsofwork.

• Provideplant(i.e.machineryandequipment) and substances in a safe condition.

• Provideadequatefacilities.

• Provideadequateinformation,instruction and training to your workers.

• Keepyourregistrationdetailsuptodate and appoint a rehabilitation and return to work co-ordinator (if required).

• PayyourReturnToWorkSAemployerpremium.

If someone is injured you are required to:

• Reportyourworker’sinjury.

• Lodgeaclaimforcompensation.

• Supportyourworkertostayatworkor return to work as soon as possible.

Part B: Other issues to consider before getting started

P 81Start your own business workbook

It is recommended that new business owners whowishtounderstandtheirWorkHealth&Safety(WHS)obligationsmorefully,accesstheSafeWork SA website at

SafeWork SA has recently instigated a business advisory program specifically focused on assisting small business. For assistance telephone the SafeWork SA Help Centre on: 1300 365 255.

Other contacts: ReturnToWorkSA Web: Telephone: 13 18 55

Business SA Web: Telephone: 08 8300 0000

Your trade and employer organisation.


The decision to hire employees represents one of the most significant steps you will take in your business. Finding good staff is only part of the challenge. It’s in your interests to set your staff up for success, and that requires time and effort from you. At all times your behaviour as the business owner and employer will define the standard of acceptable behaviour in your business.

If you employ staff you must dedicate a portion of your time and effort to their management. That’s your role and it’s one that you delegate at your peril.

Part B: Other issues to consider before getting started

P 82 Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 6.1

Part B: Other issues to consider before getting started

Complete this worksheet to help you understand the difference between employing staff and engaging subcontractors.

Check with your accountant to clarify the implications for your business.

Employee or subcontractor

Employee Yes/No Subcontractor Yes/No

Work under the direction and control of the business owner.

Have freedom to decide the way the work is done.

Paid for the time they work.

Paid for results achieved.

Paid leave (sick, annual etc.).

Not paid leave

Use materials or equipment provided by the business to do the job.

Provide most of the materials and equipment needed to do the job

Work hours set by agreement or award.

Free to accept or refuse work.

Take no commercial risk and cannot make profit or loss from the work performed.

Takes on commercial risks and can make a profit or suffer a loss.

Recognised part of the business.

Able to provide services to other businesses or the general public.

P 83Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 6.2

Part B: Other issues to consider before getting started

Hiring new staff

Step How to do this Task completed Yes/No

1 Prepare a job description

Define the job responsibilities.

List the duties, tasks and activities to be performed. Wherever possible, make them measurable.

Determine the level of competency required.

Identify the essential (minimum) as well as the desired personal requirements.

Write down the selection criteria that applicants must address in their formal application. The same criteria will be used to determine the best applicant for the job.

Research the wages and conditions of employment.

2 Access recruitment sources

Compile your job advertisement, taking care to avoid any suggestion of discrimination.

Place your advertisement in media suited to the type of job and your budget. Options include newspapers, your website, employment agencies, community bulletin boards, trade and professional journals.

3 Prepare to interview job applicants

Prepare a shortlist of candidates based on your selection criteria.

Choose a suitable venue for the interviews that offers privacy.

Prepare a series of questions you intend to ask related to the job description and selection criteria. Take care to ensure none of the questions could be construed as discriminatory (i.e. don’t ask about age, marital status or sexual preference).

Schedule the interviews. Allocate sufficient time to each applicant and inform applicants of anything they need to bring to the interview.

P 84 Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 6.2

Part B: Other issues to consider before getting started

Hiring new staff

Step How to do this Task completed Yes/No

4 Conduct interviews

Introduce yourself and any other interview panel members.

Pose broad questions at the start to help the applicants relax and feel comfortable with you.

Ask your series of questions.

Let the applicants do most of the talking.

Outline the terms and conditions of employment you are offering, including rate of pay and working hours.

Ask for referees to be nominated.

Give applicants the opportunity to ask questions.

Close the interview by indicating when a decision will be made.

5 Appoint successful applicant

Check with referees.

Choose the successful applicant by listing reasons for your selection on paper and matching against selection criteria.

Notify all applicants.

Issue a letter of appointment covering start date, award or agreement under which the person will be employed, probationary period if applicable, leave arrangements, hours of work, remuneration etc.

P 85Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 6.3

Part B: Other issues to consider before getting started

Induction checklist

When What to do Date completed

Before they start Confirm start date, location and start time.

Advise other staff.

Set up workstation, phone, IT access, tools and equipment necessary to do the job.

Confirm dress code and advise of any other requirements.

First day Welcome.

Introduce other staff.

Tour of workplace, including facilities.

Safetyinduction–keyhazardsandWHSrisks,location of emergency exits etc.

Reiterate job, key tasks and probation period.

Provide any other relevant and useful information.

End of the first week

Check – does the job meet the employee’s initial expectations? Any surprises (good or bad)?

Agree performance objectives.

Agree method and frequency of performance reviews (monthly, half-yearly, annual?).

Ask for their feedback.

End of the first month

Meet with new staff member to discuss work progress – how are things going?

End of the first three months

Meet with new staff member to discuss work progress – how are things going?

End of the first six months

Conduct the first formal appraisal of performance.

It is important to realise that you can’t avoid risk – that isn’t the aim of risk management.Business is inherently risky, and the rewards should be commensurate with the risks you take.The key issue is deciding what degree of risk is acceptable.

P 87Start your own business workbook

Managing risk7Introduction

One of the most important issues, and one of the most commonly overlooked issues when starting a business, is understanding the risks involved and thinking through what risks are acceptable and which are not. On the flip side of risk is opportunity – what would you need to do to take advantage if the business took off faster than you expected?

For the purposes of this workbook we’ll focus on risk (the downside).

The objective of risk management

It is important to realise that you can’t avoid risk – that isn’t the aim of risk management. Business is inherently risky, and the rewards should be commensurate with the risks you take. The key issue is deciding what degree of risk is acceptable.

In a nutshell, this means thinking about:

• Whatcouldpossiblygowrong(therisk).

• Thelikelihoodthatitcouldgowrong.

• Whattheimpactwouldbeifitdideventuate (the consequence).

• Giventhelikelihoodandtheconsequence,whether the risk is acceptable.

• Wheretherisksareunacceptable,what can be done to lessen the impact on your business (mitigation).

What could possibly go wrong?

Let’s start with the big picture. Worksheet 7.1: What could possibly go wrong? provides a framework for thinking through what the risks are in your proposed business. In this context it is useful to refer back to the PESTLE analysis you completed earlier (see Worksheet 2.2).


The likelihood of something going wrong is usually a subjective judgement you have to make. You need to strike a balance between being overly optimistic and overly pessimistic. For example, the likelihood that you’ll be injured in a car accident is statistically fairly small. What is more likely is you’ll be involved in a car accident of some kind, but on the other hand it’s much less likely that you’ll be struck by lightning.

Consequence or impact

If the event did occur (the risk materialised), what would be the impact on you? The key point here is that the consequence varies from person to person. Abillionairewholoses$20,000settingupasmallbusiness is going to be much less concerned than a personforwhom$20,000representstheirlifesavings.

Part B: Other issues to consider before getting started

P 88 Start your own business workbook

Part B: Other issues to consider before getting started










Extremely unlikely

Unlikely Likely Expected Certain


Acceptable and unacceptable risks

Thinking about the likelihood of an event and the consequences if that event were to occur is the key to deciding which risks are acceptable, and which aren’t. The diagram below illustrates the way likelihood and consequence combine to help you think about what risk is acceptable and what isn’t.

The darker blue areas represent unacceptable risks. Any event that would be catastrophic to your business (for example, a fire burning down your premises) should be unacceptable. Equally, any event that has no consequence, no matter how likely (for example, you have one or two days’ illness in the year) isn’t worth worrying about.

The more difficult judgement comes when you think about events that are expected, for example, and when they occur they will have a moderate to extreme impact on your business. What would you do?

The key point is you have to do something about the risks you find unacceptable – you can’t ignore them. What you do to reduce or mitigate these risks is up to you. But if you can’t mitigate unacceptable risks, you probably shouldn’t proceed.

Use Worksheet 7.2: Risk worksheet to analyse the risks in your business and decide what you will do to mitigate the unacceptable risk.

Managing risks – An example

Let’s assume your small business is a one-person operation – you are an electrician providing services to households. You have a vehicle with tools, you obtain clients directly and through referrals from other trades, and you work throughout the metropolitan area. The risk we are considering is the loss of mobility.

How might this occur?

• Somethingcouldhappentothevehicle–itbreaks down, it’s in an accident or is stolen.

• Somethingcouldhappentoyou,thedriver– you could be injured or lose your driver’s licence.

Howlikelyisthis?Realistically,it’ssomewherebetween likely and unlikely.

What would be the consequence if this did occur? If you were immobile for a day or two the consequences are probably slight. But if you were immobile for an extended period of weeks or months the consequence could be extreme or catastrophic, depending on your circumstances

P 89Start your own business workbook

Issue How might this happen? What mitigating options do you have?



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Vehicle failure Get a reliable vehicle (often a trade-off between up-front cost of purchasing or leasing a vehicle and the longer-term operating costs).

Vehicle accident Take out insurance to fund repairs or replace vehicle if it is written off.

Vehicle stolen Lock your car.

Park it in secure parking areas.


Injury to driver (you) Take out insurance to cover loss of income.

Loss of licence Install a speed-governing device in the vehicle to prevent speeding.

Self-test for fitness for work (drug and alcohol testing) to avoid DUI offences.

Pay close attention to road rules (speeding and drink driving in particular) to avoid infringements.

Employ a driver if licence lost.


Understanding and managing risk is often overlooked when people think about starting a business, or they just think of risk in terms of insurance. Not managing risk is one of the reasons why so many businesses fail, and why many others are unable to capitalise on the opportunities that come their way. Understanding and managing risk should be integral to planning your new business.

(i.e. loss of income, lost clientele and possibly the collapse of your business if you can’t pay your creditors).

You can’t ignore this risk – it could be catastrophic. What cost-effective options do you have (there is no point in spending more on eliminating a risk than the cost of the event if it occurs). Some of the options are illustrated in the table below.

Note that in this example, the last mitigating option (employ a driver) may be so expensive that you couldn’t afford it. The obvious solution is don’t put yourself in a position where you could lose your driver’s licence.

Part B: Other issues to consider before getting started

P 90 Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 7.1

Part B: Other issues to consider before getting started

What could possibly go wrong?

Risk type Examples

Human From individuals or organisations, illness, death, workplace safety, harassment, industrial action, malfeasance

Operational Disruption to supplies and operations, loss of access to essential assets, failures in distribution

Reputational Loss of business partner or employee confidence, harm to professional standing, or damage to reputation in the market

Procedural Failures of accountability, internal systems and controls, organisation, fraud

Project Risks of cost overruns, jobs taking too long, insufficient product or service quality

Financial Business failure (i.e. poor cash flow, poor debtor control), stock market, interest rates, unemployment, fluctuations in exchange rates

Technical Advances in technology, technical failure

Natural Threats from weather, natural disaster, accident, disease

Political Changes in tax regimes, government policy, new laws and regulations, public opinion, foreign influence

P 91Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 7.1

Part B: Other issues to consider before getting started

What could possibly go wrong?

In your small business

P 92 Start your own business workbook

Worksheet 7.2

Part B: Other issues to consider before getting started

Risk worksheet




Catastrophic 5

Extreme 4

Moderate 3

Little 2

Nil 1

Extremely unlikely

Unlikely Likely Expected Certain


Key Risk Rating Unacceptable?











1. Write down the key risks (if you can’t think of 10 you’re not trying).

2. Rank each risk according to likelihood and consequence using the table above.

3. Which of these require action? (Those darker blue in the table).

4. For each risk that requires action, what can you do to reduce the risk so that it is acceptable?

P 93Start your own business workbook

Unacceptable risk Options to mitigate What exactly will you do to mitigate?






Worksheet 7.2

Part B: Other issues to consider before getting started

Risk worksheet

P 94 Start your own business workbook



An e-business strategy will probably be an integral part of most new small businesses. The main business uses of the internet are:

• Buying,sellingandadvertisinggoods and services to customers and consumers.

• Communicatingwithbusinessesand customers around the world.

• Promotingproductsandservicesby electronically publishing brochures, manuals, product updates, etc.

• Achievingacompetitiveedgebyresearchinginformation on customers, competitors, products, industry trends etc.

Selecting an internet service provider (ISP)

To find an appropriate ISP ask business contacts or your industry association, and watch for advertisements in the press or search the internet. You should choose an ISP that:

• Isinacitynearyou.

• Hasagoodreputation.

• Isbusiness-focused.

• Runsahelpdesk.

• Iscompetitivelypriced.

• Providestrainingifrequired.

• Providesaconnectionwithalocalphonecall (this may not be available in some remote areas).

Don’t shop by price alone. The cheaper a provider, the more likely they may be skimping on some part of their service.

The cost to use the internet could be:

• Datatransferred.

• TimedconnectionfeetoISP.

• Broadbandcontract.

Some ISPs provide different price structures or packages.

Connecting to the internet (world wide web)

Access to the World Wide Web (www) and e-mail is via a modem that connects your computer to your ISP. To connect your business to the internet you need:

• Acomputer,tabletoratleastasmartphone.

• Amodem.

• AnaccountwithanISP.

• Internetsoftwaresuchasawebbrowser and e-mail software.

Part B: Other issues to consider before getting started

P 95Start your own business workbook

Domain names

A domain name is registered within the Domain Name System and gives your business authority over a particular space in the internet. You need a domain name to establish an internet presence for your small business.

It is best to register your domain name and your own email address before starting a new business so you can be certain you have your own digital space and can save on printing costs down the track. You can conduct an initial search for any conflicting ownership of names and logos at (Telephone: 1300 65 1010). If your customers are also overseas you may consider registering domain names in other countries.

If you decide to use a web hosting company or other IT service provider to register your domain, make sure you are the listed owner of the domain. A ‘Who is’ search tells you who is the owner of any domain name.

For links to the various domain names registers in Australia, visit the .au Domain Administration Ltd (auDA) website: (Telephone: 1300 732 929).

Setting up your website

To set up your website you can use the services of your ISP or a specialist website design organisation or choose to invest in web skills and develop the site yourself.

The site should:

• Beeasytofind.

• Clearlyexplainanddescribegoods, related terms and conditions.

• Beconvenientandattractivewithout too many ‘bells and whistles’.

• Beeasytoupdatebyyourself.

You should decide on the look and feel you want for your business, bearing in mind your target market. Consider engaging the services of a graphic designer to develop a common theme that will work throughout the business from website to business cards.

This can be developed electronically as a cascading style sheet (CSS) that can be used on most software platforms.

One concept you should understand is search engine optimisation, which means ensuring search engines such as Google find your website and rank it highly. Generally, the earlier your website is found by a search engine, and the more frequently it appears in search results lists, the more visitors your site will attract from people using search engines.

E-commerce on your website

You may use the services of the same ISP that will host your site or use a specialist website design organisation. If you want your customers to pay online, you will need to have a ‘merchant services agreement’ with a bank or PayPal. This needs to include approval to accept credit card details over the internet. Check whether the services offered by your bank and your ISP are compatible.

For e-commerce purposes your website needs to:

• Describetheproductsorservicesthatyouoffer.

• Explainthetermsandconditionsofsale,includingwarranties and after-sales service.

• Provideassurancesaboutwhatyoudowiththepersonal data that you collect.

• Enableyourcustomerstoselectproductsforpurchase.

• Enableyourcustomerstoprovidecreditcarddetails or arrange other payment.

• Enableyourcustomerstoprovidedeliveryinformation.

• Provideanorderformtoallowyourcustomerstofax or phone their orders with credit card details if they have a concern about security.

• Ifyouacceptcreditcarddetailsdirectlyonyourwebsite you will need a secure sockets layer (SSL) certificate that can be obtained through your domain registrar or your web developer. The SSL certificate keeps the credit card information in an encrypted format.

Part B: Other issues to consider before getting started

P 96 Start your own business workbook

The design of your website should be carefully thought through, both in the customer experience (front end) and programming (back end). Choose a software platform that allows flexibility to change to another web developer and to change content yourself.

Online sales can be a great way of increasing your potential market. Many online classified directories and auction sites exist to facilitate the process for you in exchange for a small fee.

If online sales are going to be a key part of your business strategy, a ‘shopping cart’ can manage stock and provide invoices and reporting systems to help manage the business. If you also sell products in person you will have to decide whether you use your shopping cart for all sales or choose one that integrates with your invoicing software to effectively manage the paperwork in one place rather than two.

There are four main ways of completing payments through a shopping cart:

1. Once the sale is completed you can allow customers to pay directly into your bank account.

2. You can use an external credit card processing company (such as PayPal).

3. You can collect credit card numbers yourself for manual processing through an EFTPOS terminal (security restrictions apply).

4. You can arrange for a secure gateway with your bank for the transaction to occur directly through to your bank account from their credit card centre (most secure but most costly to set up).

As mentioned previously, websites that collect payment or payment details should be protected by a ‘digital certificate’ to provide an SSL for transactions. This needs to be purchased and installed on the website.

Other ways of getting new customers

Pay per click (PPC) advertising is a useful tool for generating new customers and understanding the buying process. Because you are paying based on the action of potential customers, you can fine-tune the words that are a call to action. Careful choice of words is essential to ensure that the cost per click is relative to the number of actual sales it generates. If your advert ‘over- promises’ then you will be charged for lots of clicks but not many of them will convert into sales. In the reverse situation, if you ‘under-promise’ you will not get many customers either.

A recent growth area is ‘affiliate marketing’, where others promote your business in exchange for a commission. As with any business relationship, time should be spent evaluating the need for such a relationship.

Outsourcing is often needed for a small business to assemble a wide range of skills. More recently, the concept of ‘crowdsourcing’ as a way of gaining skills through an intermediary website means that you can access a wide range of expertise. Crowdsourcing provides many opportunities but it should be remembered that any outsourced tasks need to be project- managed to be useful.

Currently, Google provides many opportunities to promote your business free. Consider Google Places, YouTube and Picasa.

Maintaining your website

The essentials of maintaining your website require you to:

• Checkthewebsiteregularlytoensurethatitisfunctioning properly and the links are not broken.

• Makesureyoucontrolthecontentofthesiteandthat objectionable content has not been added.

• Updateyourwebsiteregularlytokeepyourcustomers interested and ensure the information is current.

• Checkincomingmailregularlyandinsertamessage if there is likely to be a delay in response (if you are away).

Part B: Other issues to consider before getting started

P 97Start your own business workbook

Part B: Other issues to consider before getting started

Social media

Decide on an e-business ‘posturing’ strategy. This is crucial for a service business but, equally, can help all by creating an information outlet that allows people to understand more of what you do and what problems you solve. Social media is a good outlet for this (depending on your customer demographic). Two commonly used options are Facebook (usually for a younger customer group) or LinkedIn (for business professionals). In addition, you could consider having a blog (free through Word Press and Google’s Blogger, for example) as a repository for articles and knowledge you want to share to demonstrate your knowledge. These avenues allow customers to follow your ‘conversation’ and eventually become customers.

Note that this is also an avenue for competitors to track your activity, and many businesses monitor Twitter using @ and # searches using their competitors’ names to see what the public are saying.


There are a wide range of internet directories that may be useful to promote your new venture, so carefully plan a consistent description and keywords that relate to your business. Most of these will be free but it will take some time to become listed. Concentrate on the ones that relate most closely to you either geographically or in your area of specialisation.

Further information

.au Domain Administration Ltd (auDA) Telephone: 1300 732 929

For businesses wanting to register a domain name or view the rules and policies for registration of domain names.

Department of Communications

Practical advice, tips and tools about getting online, creating a website, marketing, security and legal considerations.

Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC): Consumer product safety online report:

This report is for Australian and overseas-based businesses that supply, or intend to supply, products to Australian consumers via the internet. It advises of the steps you can take to address product safety issues and foster better outcomes for consumers.

Stay Smart Online Telephone: 1800 753 178

Helpsyouunderstandcybersecurityrisksandand how to protect your personal and financial information online.

P 98 Start your own business workbook

Putting it all together - Your business plan



This section of the workbook is where you can put the work from the previous sections together into a business plan for your business.

The focus of the business plan is on four key areas:

1. What you bring to the business.

2. Is the business feasible?

3. Is it profitable?

4. Risk (what could possibly go wrong?).

These areas are relevant regardless of what your business is, whereas other issues, such as employing staff, may not be relevant.

By focusing on these four areas your business plan will also be in a form which you can use in discussions with your financiers, your accountant, potential business partners and others.

What’s important?

Before you go any further, a word of caution.

Havingabusinessplanisimportantbutplans don’t make money. You have to use them. Think of business planning as the first step in a four-step process that you must follow all the time if you are going to be successful.

That process is:

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

Plan Decide what are you going to do and why.

Do Implement the plan and while you are doing so make sure you gather data about the results of your efforts.

Check Review the results and decide whether you need to make any changes in the doing.

Act If you are getting the results you wanted, keep going and then go back to the plan and decide what’s next.

If you aren’t getting the results you wanted, implement the necessary changes to achieve the results you want.

If that doesn’t work go back to your plan.

P 99Start your own business workbook

What I would like to be doing

What I would like to have achieved

Why am I starting my own business?


Business plan - What you bring to this business

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

In five years time

P 100 Start your own business workbook

Attribute Strength

Are you a self-starter?

How do you feel about other people?

Can you lead others?

Can you take responsibility?

How good an organiser are you?

How good a worker are you?

Are you an effective decision-maker?

Can you stick to the task?

How good is your health?


My strengths and weaknesses – An honest reflection

Business plan - What you bring to this business

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 101Start your own business workbook

Attribute Weakness

Are you a self-starter?

How do you feel about other people?

Can you lead others?

Can you take responsibility?

How good an organiser are you?

How good a worker are you?

Are you an effective decision-maker?

Can you stick to the task?

How good is your health?


My strengths and weaknesses – An honest reflection

Business plan - What you bring to this business

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 102 Start your own business workbook

Skill Rating your skills

Strong Ok Weak

Business planning

Problem solving


Managing people


Financial management


Legal and tax knowledge

Time management


Assessing my skillsBusiness plan - What you bring to this business

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 103Start your own business workbook

Skill Important to my business? What action will you take if it is important and you are weak in this area?Yes No

Business planning

Problem solving


Managing people


Financial management


Legal and tax knowledge

Time management


Assessing my skillsBusiness plan - What you bring to this business

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 104 Start your own business workbook

Define your small business

What is its name?

Where will you be located?

What products or services will you sell?

What processes will you use?


Defining the businessBusiness plan - Is the business feasible?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 105Start your own business workbook

What materialsor inputs will you use?

Who are your customers?

Where are your customers located?

How will you find your customers (or how will they find you)?

How will you get your products or services to your customers?


Defining the businessBusiness plan - Is the business feasible?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 106 Start your own business workbook

PESTLE analysisBusiness plan - Is the business feasible?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

Influence What are the most important factors?

How will this affect my business?

What can I do to take advantage of this (if it is positive) or reduce the impact (if it is negative)?



Society & Culture

P 107Start your own business workbook

PESTLE analysisBusiness plan - Is the business feasible?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

Influence What are the most important factors?

How will this affect my business?

What can I do to take advantage of this (if it is positive) or reduce the impact (if it is negative)?





P 108 Start your own business workbook

Market issue Market research (summarise key data, facts, evidence and conclusions)

So what? (what does this mean for your business?)

Size of the market

Industry trends

Market segmentation


Market analysisBusiness plan - Is the business feasible?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 109Start your own business workbook

Market issue Market research (summarise key data, facts, evidence and conclusions)

So what? (what does this mean for your business?)

Barriers to entry

Target market

Other issues(specify)


Market analysisBusiness plan - Is the business feasible?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 110 Start your own business workbook

Product or service Key attributes

Product 1:

Product 2:

Product 3:

Product 4:

Product 5:

Product 6:


Product or service attributesBusiness plan - Is the business feasible?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 111Start your own business workbook

Key questions Your response Implications for your business?

What are the features of your products (or service) that most appeal to customers? Why is that so?

How do your customers decide what to buy?

How much disposable income do your customers have?

How important is brand awareness and recognitionto your customers?


Customer behaviourBusiness plan - Is the business feasible?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 112 Start your own business workbook

Key questions Your response Implications for your business?

What promotion channels do your customers most often use?

What activities do your customers engage in during their leisure?

Any other key insights?


Customer behaviourBusiness plan - Is the business feasible?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 113Start your own business workbook

Customer behaviourBusiness plan - Is the business feasible?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

Competitor Key facts






P 114 Start your own business workbook

Competitor (insert name):

Them Strengths: What gives them an edge in the market?

Weaknesses: What makes them vulnerable to new competition?

You Opportunities: Thinking about their strengths and weaknesses, what are the best ways you can create an advantage in the market over them, and keep it?

Threats: What are the biggest threats they pose to you? How will they react when you start business (or they find out you are going to start – will they wait?)

How will you compete?Business plan - Is the business feasible?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 115Start your own business workbook

You What are you going to do to take advantage of the opportunities you see to compete against them?(If you can’t think of anything, you are far too passive).

What are you going to do to counteract the threat that they pose to you? (If you can’t think of anything, you’re in trouble).

Them How will they react to you(round 1)? (If you aren’t sure, put yourself in their shoes – what would you do?).

You What will you do in response?

Them What will they do then(round 2)?

You What will you do next?


How will you compete?Business plan - Is the business feasible?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 116 Start your own business workbook

Competitor (insert name):

Them Strengths: What gives them an edge in the market?

Weaknesses: What makes them vulnerable to new competition?

You Opportunities: Thinking about their strengths and weaknesses, what are the best ways you can create an advantage in the market over them, and keep it?

Threats: What are the biggest threats they pose to you? How will they react when you start business (or they find out you are going to start – will they wait?)

How will you compete?Business plan - Is the business feasible?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 117Start your own business workbook

You What are you going to do to take advantage of the opportunities you see to compete against them?(If you can’t think of anything, you are far too passive).

What are you going to do to counteract the threat that they pose to you? (If you can’t think of anything, you’re in trouble).

Them How will they react to you(round 1)? (If you aren’t sure, put yourself in their shoes – what would you do?).

You What will you do in response?

Them What will they do then(round 2)?

You What will you do next?


How will you compete?Business plan - Is the business feasible?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 118 Start your own business workbook

Competitor (insert name):

Them Strengths: What gives them an edge in the market?

Weaknesses: What makes them vulnerable to new competition?

You Opportunities: Thinking about their strengths and weaknesses, what are the best ways you can create an advantage in the market over them, and keep it?

Threats: What are the biggest threats they pose to you? How will they react when you start business (or they find out you are going to start – will they wait?)

How will you compete?Business plan - Is the business feasible?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 119Start your own business workbook

You What are you going to do to take advantage of the opportunities you see to compete against them?(If you can’t think of anything, you are far too passive).

What are you going to do to counteract the threat that they pose to you? (If you can’t think of anything, you’re in trouble).

Them How will they react to you(round 1)? (If you aren’t sure, put yourself in their shoes – what would you do?).

You What will you do in response?

Them What will they do then(round 2)?

You What will you do next?


How will you compete?Business plan - Is the business feasible?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 120 Start your own business workbook

Business plan - Is the business feasible?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

Competitor (insert name):

Them Strengths: What gives them an edge in the market?

Weaknesses: What makes them vulnerable to new competition?

You Opportunities: Thinking about their strengths and weaknesses, what are the best ways you can create an advantage in the market over them, and keep it?

Threats: What are the biggest threats they pose to you? How will they react when you start business (or they find out you are going to start – will they wait?)

How will you compete?

P 121Start your own business workbook

You What are you going to do to take advantage of the opportunities you see to compete against them?(If you can’t think of anything, you are far too passive).

What are you going to do to counteract the threat that they pose to you? (If you can’t think of anything, you’re in trouble).

Them How will they react to you(round 1)? (If you aren’t sure, put yourself in their shoes – what would you do?).

You What will you do in response?

Them What will they do then(round 2)?

You What will you do next?


How will you compete?Business plan - Is the business feasible?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 122 Start your own business workbook

Arguments in favour of going ahead Arguments against continuing

ConclusionBusiness plan - Is the business feasible?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 123Start your own business workbook

Item Specifics Estimated Cost

Estimated total cost


Estimating business needsBusiness plan - Will your business be profitable?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 124 Start your own business workbook

Estimating one-off establishment costs

Business plan - Will your business be profitable?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

Item Supplier Estimated expenditure

Accounting fees

Advertising – including artwork and signwriting

Business stationery (design and logo)

Cleaning materials and equipment

Utilities, connection, transfer, bond

Fittings, furniture, display fixtures

Lease drawing up, stamp duty, registration

Legal fees

Licences, planning application

Loan fees – establishment, valuation, stamp duty etc.

Plant and equipment purchase, lease (small items)

Rates, taxes and other outgoings

P 125Start your own business workbook

Estimating one-off establishment costs

Business plan - Will your business be profitable?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

Item Supplier Estimated expenditure

Registration of business name, trademark

Rental bond and first month’s rent

Refurbishing, repainting premises

Staff recruitment, training

Stock (3–4 months)

Storage systems

Communication equipment, installation, transfer

Workplace regulations – Workplace health and safety, fire regulations

Any others not listed above

Estimated total one-off establishment costs


P 126 Start your own business workbook

Product July Aug Sept

1 Unit price



2 Unit price



3 Unit price



4 Unit price



Total Income

Estimating incomeBusiness plan - Will your business be profitable?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 127Start your own business workbook


Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total

P 128 Start your own business workbook

Expense AmountMonthly Annual

1 Accountancy fees

2 Administration/office expenses

3 Advertising

4 Bank charges

5 Bank interest

6 Debt collection

7 Donations

8 Insurances

9 Leased equipment

10 Legal expenses

11 Light and power

12 Marketing

13 Maintenance of plant and fixtures

14 Motor vehicle registration and running

15 Printing, stationery, postage

16 Rates and property taxes

17 Rent

18 Salaries and wages (not your own)

19 Security

20 Staff superannuation

21 Subscriptions

22 Telephone

23 Travel and accommodation

24 Other (specify)

Estimated operating expenses

Add 5% for overlooked expenses

Total estimated operating expenses


Estimating operating expensesBusiness plan - Will your business be profitable?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 129Start your own business workbook

Estimating your annual profit (or loss)

Item How to calculate Amount ($)

a Sales $

Less Cost of goods sold

b Value of opening stock


c Plus stock purchases during the year


d Less the value of closing stock


e = b+c+d $

f Gross profit = a-e $

g Less Operating expenses Use gross margin $

h Earnings before interest, tax and depreciation

= f-g $


Business plan - Will your business be profitable?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 130 Start your own business workbook

July Aug Sept

Estimated cash in:

Cash from sales

Other cash in

Total estimated cash in (a)

Estimated cash out:

Payments for supplies

Wages and salaries

Loan repayments


Lease payments


Total estimated cash out (b)

Cash flow – cash in – cash out ((a)-(b) = (c))

Cash at bank at start of month (d)

Cash at month end ((d) + (c))

Cash flow forecast


Business plan - Will your business be profitable?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 131Start your own business workbook

Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

Key issue

Are there any months in which the cash at the end of the month (the last line of the forecast) is negative? This means you expect to overdraw your bank account. You cannot overdraw your account without the prior agreement of your bank. Ignoring the issue won’t help. What are you going to do about this?

P 132 Start your own business workbook

Cash flow forecast

Month Cash in bank at month end is negative? (yes or no)

If yes, what action are you going to take to rectify this?








Business plan - Will your business be profitable?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 133Start your own business workbook

Cash flow forecast

Month Cash in bank at month end is negative? (yes or no)

If yes, what action are you going to take to rectify this?








Business plan - Will your business be profitable?

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 134 Start your own business workbook

What could possibly go wrong?

Risk Type Examples What could go wrong in your business?

Human From individuals or organisations, illness, death, workplace safety, harassment, industrial action, malfeasance etc.

Operational Disruption to supplies and operations, loss of access to essential assets, failures in distribution etc.

Reputational Loss of business partner or employee confidence, harm to professional standing, or damage to reputation in the market.

Procedural Failures of accountability, internal systems and controls, organisation, fraud etc.


Business plan - Risk

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 135Start your own business workbook

Business plan - Risk

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

What could possibly go wrong?

Risk Type Examples What could go wrong in your business?

Project Risks of cost overruns, jobs taking too long, insufficient product or service quality etc.

Financial Business failure (i.e. poor cash flow, poor debtor control), stock market, interest rates, unemployment, fluctuations in exchange rates etc.

Technical Advances in technology, technical failure etc.

Natural Threats from weather, natural disaster, accident, disease etc.

Political Changes in tax regimes, government policy, new laws and regulations, public opinion, foreign influence etc.


P 136 Start your own business workbook

Business plan - Risk

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

Managing the unacceptable risks

Unacceptable risk Options to mitigate What exactly will you do to mitigate?







P 137Start your own business workbook

Unacceptable risk Options to mitigate What exactly will you do to mitigate?







Business plan - Risk

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

Managing the unacceptable risks

P 138 Start your own business workbook

Review – Will it be worthwhile? Will it meet your needs?


Does it tick the boxes?

As you can see, the process of planning your business can take a lot of time and effort. It is important to remember, though, that this is not wasted effort, especially if it helps you to avoid some of the pitfalls that you might otherwise have encountered.

And the time you put into planning is nothing compared to the effort you’re going to put in to making your small business work.

So before you take that final step and actually start to spend money and set up the business, ask yourself again the questions you answered in Worksheet 1.

• Whatwouldyouliketobedoinginfiveyears’time?

• Whatwouldyouliketohaveachievedin five years’ time?

Will your business take you there?

The last question – What will success look like?

This is the final question you need to answer before you take the plunge.

Take the time to think about this and write the answers on the following page. And once you’ve established your small business, keep coming back to these answers to decide whether all the effort is really worth your while.

Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

P 139Start your own business workbook







Part C: Writing a business plan – Putting it all together

What will success look like (how will I know if this business is successful)?

Choosing a name is important and there are a number of requirements that apply, especially if you want to protect the name and establish a brand.

P 141Start your own business workbook

Registering your business name



Choosing a name is important and there are a number of requirements that apply, especially if you want to protect the name and establish a brand. You should also be aware that your business may have more than one name; you could have a business name, company name, domain name or trademark.

Which name are we talking about?

Business names

A business name is the name under which a business operates. The registration of business names is compulsory in every state and territory from which a business operates, and must be completed before the business starts trading. Registration identifies the owners of that business.

Any business entity can choose to trade under a business name. In South Australia, you can also conduct a business under your own name (or joint names of yourself and partners) the surname(s) of the person(s) conducting the business, with first names or initials or a combination of these, provided no other word or words are added.

Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) administers business names in South Australia (Web: / Telephone: 1300 300 630).

Company names

A company name, or registerable body, must be registered with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC). If a company wishes to trade using a name other than its registered company name, it must register that trading name as a business name.

ASIC is responsible for the administration of company names in Australia (Web: / Telephone: 1300 300 630).


A trademark can be a letter, number, word, phrase, sound, smell, shape, logo, picture, and aspect of packaging, or any combination of these. Trademarks can be registered, and once you register a trademark in Australia, you have exclusive legal right to use, license or sell it.

You can still use a trademark if you do not register a trademark. There is protection against unauthorised use of your trademark under trade practices or fair-trading legislation and it is possible to take action under common law to protect against unauthorised use.However,registeringyourtrademarkisadvisablebecause it can be expensive and time-consuming to take action under common law.

IP Australia is responsible for the administration of trade marks (Web: / Telephone: 1300 65 1010).

Part D: Getting started

P 142 Start your own business workbook

Domain names

A domain name is the unique name that is both intuitive and easy to remember and is registered within the Domain Name System and gives your business authority over a particular space in the internet.

It is best to register your domain name and your own email address before you start a new business so you can be certain you have your own digital space and save on printing costs down the track. If you have customers overseas you may consider registering domain names in other countries.

.au Domain Administration Ltd (auDA) is the policy authority and industry self-regulatory body for the .au domain space (Web: / Telephone: 1300 732 929).

Protecting your business name

Unlike trademarks, business names and company names do not necessarily provide proprietary rights for the use of the trading name. Business, company and domain names are best protected when they are also registered as trademarks.

Choosing a name

The choice of name is entirely up to you, but the name chosen must not be misleading, offensive, already registered, or be likely to be confused with a name already registered.

A business name is important because it can help to create an image for your business, be easily remembered by customers and potential customers, tell the marketplace what the business is all about, give the business respectability and may highlight points of difference over other businesses.

Your decision on an appropriate business name should be made carefully. Like most things in business, it is best to approach this task in a systematic manner by establishing a simple set of criteria to help you decide whether or not a proposed name is appropriate.

When choosing a new business or company name, you should:

• Searchthebusinessnamesandcompanynamesregisters, which determine whether the name you have selected is already being used. Visit ASIC at (Telephone: 1300 300 630).

• Then,ifyouintendtouseyourcompanyorbusiness name as a trading name you should also undertake a trade mark (TM) check. If your new name is identical or similar to another person’s registered trade mark, you could be sued for infringement. Even if you decide to operate without a registered trade mark, you should search the trade marks register to ensure you are not infringing someone else’s trade mark. For more information visit IP Australia: (Telephone: 1300 65 1010).

• Checkthedomainnamesregisters.Forlinksto the various domain names registers in Australia, visit the .au Domain Administration website at: (Telephone: 1300 732 929).

It is important to understand that if you register a particular business name and then later seek a trademark, you are not automatically entitled to the same name as a trademark. A domain name may not be available to you either. This means you need to check a variety of registers to determine whether the name you want is available as a business or company name, trademark and domain name.


Worksheet 11.1: Which name? provides a simple template you can use to decide which names you require for your business.

Part D: Getting started

P 143Start your own business workbook

Is it required? Yes/No

What are your preferred options?

Have you registered the name? Yes/No

Business name

Company name


Domain name

Worksheet 11.1

Part D: Getting started

Which name?

South Australia has a well-established system you can use to find out what licences and permits you require to start and run your business.

P 145Start your own business workbook

Licences and permits12Introduction

South Australia has a well-established system you can use to find out what licences and permits you require to start and run your business.

Australian Business Licence Information Service (ABLIS)

If you are starting, operating, growing, or closing a business ABLIS helps you find the government licences, permits, approvals, registrations, codes of practice, standards and guidelines you need to know about to meet your compliance responsibilities.

ABLIS maintains direct, ongoing contact with all Commonwealth, state and local government departments and agencies, ensuring licence and associated information is current.

Visit the ABLIS website ( to find out which government licences and registrations apply to your business, and create and download a personalised report containing:

• Asummaryofstateorterritory,localandAustralian government requirements relevant to your business.

• Informationaboutlicencefees,howtoapply,periods of cover and renewals.

• Howtoaccessapplicationandrenewalforms.

• Wheretogoformorehelpandinformation.

South Australia ABLIS customer support desk: Telephone: 1800 188 018

Lodging applications

All licence applications and fees must be lodged directly with the department or agency nominated.

Australian Business Account (ABA)

The Australian Business Account (ABA) ( ) allows you to take control of your regulatory activities online 24/7. It provides businesses a single entry point to access online services across government jurisdictions with online functionality to:

• Set-upyour‘businessprofile’topre-fillonlinetransactions with government and store them

for future reference.

• Receivenotificationsfromgovernmentagencieson relevant business related matters.

• ManageFederal,StateandLocalgovernment-related licences, permits and registrations.

• SaveyourABLIS search results to a “to do list” using ABA.

• Createandmaintainanonlineidentityfor interacting with all levels of Australian Government.

• Trackandmanagecomplianceobligations.

• Keepacentralrecordoftransactionswithgovernment.

• Subscribetonotificationsofrelevant regulatory changes and other relevant government information.

Part D: Getting started

Getting the right advice from the start will help you think about your proposed business plans and can prevent you from making a bad investment or becoming a small business casualty.

P 147Start your own business workbook

Trusted advisers13


Studies of business failures show that half fail within three years and three-quarters close within five years. Getting the right advice from the start will help you think about your proposed business plans and can prevent you from making a bad investment or becoming a small business casualty.

You can’t do it alone – you don’t have all the answers (you probably don’t even know all the questions) and you certainly won’t have the time. You should consider establishing a team of professional advisers who form a sort of extended management team and are an integral part of your managerial decision-making.

The key advisers you need can be easily remembered by the acronym BASIC:

• Banker

• Attorney (lawyer or solicitor)

• Self (you)

• Insurance broker

• Chartered accountant or CPA.

Your team of advisers is there to advise and support you, but at the end of the day you make the decisions and responsibility rests with you.

Your accountant

You might have some skills in keeping books and preparing financial statements and tax returns, but are they enough to make your business succeed? After all, you are in business to grow your enterprise and make a profit, and for this you will need specialist help.

Most businesses fail because of poor management, inadequate cash resources and poor cash control. You should not go it alone unless you really understand the world of accounting and finance. Your accountant is more than someone who helps you with your tax returns, as important and essential though that is. A good accountant will be as committed as you are to making the right choices for your business.

For example, your accountant can help you by:

• Reviewingyourbusinessplanandyourprojections and providing some objective advice on the likelihood of your plan succeeding.

• Advisingontherightbusinessstructureforyourbusiness.

• Providingadviceonfinancingoptions,helpingyou find money at the best market rates, and helping to put the case for finance together.

• Assistingyouwitharecordkeepingsystem.

• Advisingonkeyratiostokeepontopofyourbusiness.

Most important of all, if you feel all is not going to plan you should immediately talk to your accountant, who can advise you and help solve your business problems.


Teamwork is one of the keys to success in business. From the outset you should establish a team of trusted advisers who can support you and your business, and you should make a habit of using them to help you succeed.

Part D: Getting started

P 148 Start your own business workbook

Financing your business14Introduction

In business, finance is the ultimate reality. Careful preparation is essential when it comes to borrowing. It begins with a study of the financial requirements of your business and matching appropriate loan facilities to those requirements.

Once you have identified your financial requirements, you will need to sell the proposal to your financier. Your ability to sustain your business as it grows will probably depend on establishing a successful relationship with your financier.

Determining your financial requirements

Distinguish between fixed or permanent investment capital and working capital. Fixed or permanent capital is used to fund fixed assets such as land, buildings, plant, machinery, vehicles, fixtures and fittings.

Assessing the requirements of a business for fixed capital therefore involves identifying all required items of expenditure in this category, determining when they will be required and totalling the cost of each.

The working capital requirements of most small businesses will revolve around five key elements – stock, debtors, cash, creditors and bank overdraft. The following checklist outlines the major considerations associated with each.

Part D: Getting started

Aspect Amount required How should it be estimated?

Stock Minimum necessary to support turnover.

Relate to turnover by dividing annual sales at cost by the number of times stock is expected to turn over each year (stock turnover).

Debtors Minimum required to support credit sales.

Relate to credit sales by multiplying estimated sales each month by percentage anticipated to be on credit.

Cash Buffer for incidentals and emergencies.

Relate to type of business and cash flow; e.g. if you have few cash transactions and ready access to short-term funds, cash on hand can be very low.

Creditors Maximum possible, while maintaining good.

Relate to monthly purchases by multiplying estimated purchases at cost by credit terms allowed.

Bank overdraft Realistic amount based on projected cash needs.

Relate to cash flow – bank will expect facility to fluctuate fully from maximum utilisation to position when the overdraft is not used and credit funds are in the account.

P 149Start your own business workbook

Types of finance

The fundamental principle of financing a business is to match short-term finance with short- term needs, medium-term finance with medium-term requirements and long-term stable sources of capital to longer-term needs.

In many cases, this matching principle will result in a package of several different types of loans, tailored to the needs of the business. This could mean, for example, an overdraft for working requirements, leasing finance for plant and equipment and a term loan for stock.

The table below describes the most common types of debt finance available to small businesses and offers practical tips for their use.

Part D: Getting started

Type Purpose Tip

Overdraft Short-term working capital or for seasonal requirements.

Ensure it moves from overdrawn balance into credit regularly.

Commercial bills Short-term, including seasonal requirements.

Interest is payable in advance of exchange bridging purposes and working capital needs.

Leasing finance Lease of plant, equipment and motor vehicles.

Working capital will not be depleted as deposit is not required.

Hire purchase and asset purchase finance

Acquisition of plant, equipment and motor vehicles.

You will need to provide a deposit.

Term loans Purchase of land, buildings, plant and equipment; assistance with associated set-up costs.

Negotiate fixed or variable interest rate and tailor repayments to the cash flow of new businesses etc. your business.

Personal instalment Purchase of motor vehicles, equipment etc.

Finance usually made available for modest loans and may be secured uncredited.

Mortgage loans Purchase of land, buildings and other fixed assets.

Interest-only loans are obtainable from some lenders.

Factoring Injection of funds from sale of the receivables.

Usually only available to businesses with credit of a business at a discount salesinexcessof$200,000perannum.

Trade finance Assist importers and exporters fund international transactions.

Banks can also advise on the creditworthiness of overseas buyers.

P 150 Start your own business workbook

The loan application

The time, effort and expense incurred in preparing a well-researched and thorough business finance application are well worth it. There are four immediate benefits:

• Ittellsyouwhereyourbusinessstandsfinancially.

• Itdrawsaquickerresponsefromalender.

• Itislikelytoresultinaloanpackagewhichistailored to the needs of your business.

• Ithelpsyouobtainthemostcompetitiveinterest rate and fee structure available.

Many lenders have a standard form of application. While such pro-formas may not have to be used, the information provided should enable the lender to make an informed credit decision.

Are you a good risk?

If you understand what a lender is looking for, preparation of your finance application can be more effective and questions likely to be posed at the loan interview can be anticipated.

An easy way to remember the critical factors in a business loan assessment is the approach offered by the five ‘c’s: Character, Capital, Conditions, Capacity and Collateral.

Part D: Getting started

Assessment factor Issues addressed

Character Honesty,reliability,trustworthiness. Integrity. Credit worthiness. Track record, if any, in business. Business skills and acumen.

Capital Financial strength. Quality of assets. Liquidity of assets. Debt-equity ratio.

Conditions General economic outlook. Conditions in your industry. Implications for profitability and debt servicing capacity.

Capacity Ability to service the loan and meet other commitments. Ability of your business to withstand a setback. Your capacity to manage the business profitably.

Collateral Your willingness to pledge security. Nature and acceptance of security offered. Adequacy of security.

P 151Start your own business workbook

Negotiating a business loan

The following table describes actions you should take and provides practical tips to negotiate your business loan.

Part D: Getting started

Action Tip

Be thoroughly familiar with your finance application or business plan

If you invite your accountant or business adviser to accompany you to the loan interview, answer all questions in the first instance.

The lender will be seeking to appraise your business acumen and financial management skills.

Practise the language of the financier

By adopting and practising some of the more common terms, you will be seen as an experienced operator, well-versed in matters financial and an able negotiator.

Develop a firm appreciation of the value of your business to the financier

Have,atyourfingertips,fulldetailsofservicesutilised,servicesyoumay tap in the future and free revenue generated by the lender as a result of its association with you.

Use the information to win a point or to obtain a concession when negotiations are under way.

Establish your negotiation strategy in advance

Determine what aspects of the financing arrangement are highly important to you (non-negotiable), any aspects on which you are prepared to deal or seek trade-offs (negotiable) and what you are prepared to give up early to demonstrate a spirit of co-operation (negotiating issues of low importance).

Determine the risk profile of your business

Identify the weaknesses of your business and where it may be vulnerable in the eyes of a financier.

P 152 Start your own business workbook

Action Tip

Negotiate the interest rate payable

Choose between a fixed or variable interest rate. If variable, link the interest rate to a market indicator.

Advance sound reasons to minimise perceived risk and seek the lowest risk margin possible.

Choose any fixed term with care.

Negotiate the repayment schedule

Determine an appropriate repayment term suited to your cash flow.

Consider interest-only finance where appropriate.

Ensure the payment arrangement is flexible.

Remember that the greater the frequency of payment of interest, the higher the return for the lender.

Check whether repayments are required in advance or in arrears.

Negotiate the security arrangement

Is the loan to be fully secured, partially secured or unsecured?

If it is secured, ensure the security adequately meets the lenders requirements without being excessive.

Negotiate the amount of fees payable

Determine once-only costs payable.

Express fees as a percentage of the amount being borrowed to determine the effective cost of borrowing.

Be alert to repayment fees if you repay a fixed term loan early.

Negotiate other issues Be prepared to negotiate the terms of settlement and covenants

and restrictions such as future presentation of financial information and ability to borrow further.

Part D: Getting started

Negotiating a business loan

P 153Start your own business workbook

Action Tip

Organise an interview with the financier

Be on time and be well-presented.

Use the interview to demonstrate commitment, enthusiasm and business acumen.

Know where any deficiencies are in your proposal

Be prepared to acknowledge deficiencies but answer related questions in a positive manner.

Maintain effectiveness of negotiation at all times

Do not:


•beoveroptimisticanddisregardthefactsthatallbusinesseshaveweaknesses and are vulnerable to risks


Summarise the essence of your proposal at the conclusion of negotiations with the financier

Indicate concisely the present and future financial needs of your business and demonstrate that you wish to build a relationship of mutual trust and confidence.

Part D: Getting started

Maintaining a successful relationship with your financier

Your financier, whether it is a bank or some other financial organisation, plays a pivotal role in the operations and success of your business. For long-term stability, an unofficial partnership needs to be developed between you and your financier. The following practical tips are offered to help you maintain good relations with your financier:

• Establishrapportandmutualconfidence.

• Conductallbusinessaffairsprofessionally.

• Doallhomeworknecessarytodeterminepreciselythe financial needs of your business.

• Keepyourfinancierregularlyinformedonprogress and developments with your business by providing accurate and timely financial information.

• Ifdifficultiesareencounteredwithaloanor a problem is foreseen, take the initiative and make an appointment to discuss the situation with the financier.


The ability to identify the financial needs of your business and source the funds necessary to operate and grow will be critical to sustaining your business. As with most other aspects of business, the time and effort you take to plan and prepare for your discussions with financiers, and your willingness to establish an appropriate relationship with them, will influence your chances of success.

Negotiating a business loan

P 154 Start your own business workbook

Safeguarding your business15Introduction

As discussed in Chapter 7, the ability to understand and manage risk is a key skill you need to run a successful and sustainable business. One way to reduce or manage the risk of operating your own business is through insurance.

Insurance principles

There are a few key principles you should understand.

Part D: Getting started

Principle What it means to you

Duty of disclosure You owe the insurer a duty to disclose all material facts when you complete a proposal for insurance or are renewing or claiming under a policy.

Indemnity principle To indemnify someone means to cover that person for their loss in a certain situation. Most insurances (except life assurance) are based on this principle. This means you can only recover the replacement value of your loss.

Written contracts Under the Insurance Contracts Act 1984, all contracts must be in writing. A cover note can be arranged over the phone but this is a temporary measure.

Insurance An insurance agent usually works for a single company and will usually only be able to provide insurance offered by that company or those companies which their company represents. An agent’s primary responsibility is to their company, not to you.

Insurance broker A broker does not work for a particular company. A broker can therefore assess the best company for your insurance requirements.

A broker is your agent, not the insurance company’s agent. This means that your interests should always be put before those of the insurer.

P 155Start your own business workbook

Insurance protection

You can obtain insurance protection for liabilities, assets and income. This is summarised in the table below.


Insurance is a key component of managing the business risks you will encounter – but it is not the only method you will use to manage risk.

Insurance is especially useful for managing the more serious, even catastrophic, risks that could threaten your ability to continue in business if they were to eventuate.

Part D: Getting started

Liabilities To employees Workers’ compensation is compulsory Visit ReturnToWorkSA: (Web: Telephone: 13 18 55)

To the public Payments may be made for damage to property and bodily or personal injury.

Assets Can cover damage caused by fire, storm and tempest, malicious damage, burglary, machinery breakdown, computer damage, and marine and motor vehicles.

Income Loss of profits or revenue

Loss of profits.

Business owner involved in personal accident

Provides income in the event of sickness or accident.

Life assurance and superannuation

Payable on death, permanent disablement or at a specified age.

Partnership insurance

Owned by one partner on the life of another so the survivor can purchase the deceased partner’s share and not have to close or sell the business.

Key Covers the death or total disability of a key employee and provides financial support until a replacement employee is found and trained.

P 156 Start your own business workbook

You will need a sound understanding of the entire operations to control your business effectively.

P 157Start your own business workbook

Monitoring the performance of your business



Once your business has been launched, it has to be controlled or navigated like a ship. A ship will have a destination in the same way that your business has an objective. To reach its destination, a ship has a number of navigational aids that can measure progress. Your business needs similar kinds of aids to control it.

If a ship veers off course, a measuring instrument tells the captain so corrective action can be taken. Similarly, your business needs measuring instruments in key areas where going far off course for too long will have serious consequences.

You will need a sound understanding of the entire operations to control your business effectively. This means getting reliable information, being aware of the significance and uses of that information and developing your capacity to identify and resolve problems before they become deep-seated.

This section focuses on three key areas where small businesses are especially vulnerable – cash, debtors and internal controls – and provides some practical management strategies.

Controlling cash

A cash budget can be used as a planning and control tool, but it will not do the control job. It will, however, highlight financial tight spots and indicate weaknesses requiring attention.

The control of cash involves controls in a number of other areas. Worksheet 16.1: Key factors and

warning signs affecting your cash position summarises the areas on which you should focus.

Your cash budget is one of your most important management tools. It should be referred to regularly and forecast results should be compared to actual results at least each month. Monthly comparisons will show how the business is performing and alert you to take corrective action where necessary.

Control of debtors

Debtors owe you money. You need to decide whether it is in your interests to extend credit to customers, but if you do, you need to take responsibility for managing debtors. The cost of extending credit includes the cost of funds tied up in debtors, and the cost of bad debts, slow- paying accounts and administration.

Controlling debtors focuses on three related areas.

Credit policy

If you are offering credit to customers you should have a policy that is appropriate and realistic for your industry.

Screening potential credit customers

There are a number of tools you can use to screen credit customers, including obtaining and checking references, obtaining credit reports from a mercantile agency or a bank, and conducting searches at the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) (Web: / Telephone: 1300 300 630) to confirm details provided.

Part D: Getting started

P 158 Start your own business workbook

You should also regularly conduct an ageing analysis of your debtors as a useful indicator of any deterioration in their quality.

In particular, you should focus on your major debtors – the failure of just one or two large debtors could have a devastating effect on your business.

Collecting money from debtors

You should implement a fair but firm collection procedure (such as credit stickers on overdue accounts, telephone calls, email communications, collection letters), and be fully aware of the tell-tale signs of a deteriorating customer account (e.g. accounts only partially paid, late payments, delaying tactics such as cheques not signed, or mistakes with dates or amounts on cheques).

Internal controls

You need to keep tight internal control of your business, especially where you employ staff. In these situations you are part of the office team but you are also an unofficial auditor, which means you need to take the time to check that the internal processes and controls are being used and are effective.

Worksheet 16.2: Internal control checklist provides a checklist that will help you to exercise effective internal controls in your business.

Further controls

This workbook has focused mainly on financial controls, but it is also important to realise that you can use a range of non-financial controls as well.

For example, such factors as absenteeism, employee turnover, salesforce performance, new product development, plant safety, employee productivity, public relations, market share and product quality all need to be controlled to ensure that established standards or business goals are met.

Lead indicators and lag indicators

It is useful to distinguish between lead and lag indicators. Lead indicators are used to look forward and detect possible problems before they grow too big. Lag indicators look backwards and tell you what has happened.

For example, the tell-tale signs of a deteriorating customer account referred to above are lead indicators. A monthly report that tells you your accounts receivable have deteriorated over the previous month is a lag indicator. If you wanted to prevent that from happening it’s too late – you should have been paying attention to the lead indicators of debtors in stress.

Balanced scorecard

Focusing on the financial aspects of your business isn’t going to be enough to ensure success; it is necessary, but not sufficient. The concept of the so-called balanced scorecard is a response to that weakness, and it may assist you in managing your small business.

Typically, a balanced scorecard will focus on:

• Thetraditionalelementsoffinancialperformance.

• Thecustomerandthecustomer’sneeds,especially customer service and product quality – after all, customer satisfaction is fundamental to success in most businesses.

• Internalbusinessprocesses,becauseallbusinessesneed efficient and effective internal processes to be successful.

• Learningandgrowth–becausetheseunderpinthe development of knowledge, new skills, innovation and staff satisfaction.


It is important that you establish processes for systematically collecting information about the performance of your business from the outset, and that you use this information regularly to make informed decisions about managing your business. As a very minimum, you should have good processes in place to manage cash, debtors and your internal business controls.

Part D: Getting started

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Factors Sales Debtors Costs Cash sales

Warning sign Sales declining and revenues falling off as a consequence

Debtors are slower than expected in paying their accounts

Increases in prices for raw materials, supplies, labour and other operating costs

The proportion of cash sales is falling and more sales are on credit

Have you seen any evidence of this? Yes/No













Worksheet 16.1

Part D: Getting started

If you have seen evidence of this (yes), what are you going to do? (These are warning signs – don’t just stand there watching.)

Key factors and warning signs affecting your cash position

P 160 Start your own business workbook

Internal control Actions I need to take

1 Open the mail

2 List mail receipts

3 Review the listing of mail receipts carried forward to the cash

4 Personally sign all cheques

5 Personally approve all documentation in support of payments

6 Review the bank reconciliation; at random intervals, perform a bank reconciliation

7 Review notices to be sent out to tardy debtors

8 Personally approve all debt write-offs and discounts

Worksheet 16.2

Part D: Getting started

Internal control checklist

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Internal control Actions I need to take

9 Periodically test-check accounts payable statements

10 Personally do all the hiring and firing

11 Personally approve and sign payroll cheques or bank documentation where a direct credit system is used

12 Become familiar with all fixed assets of your business

13 Periodically supervise a physical inventory check

14 Require all employees to take periodic holidays

15 Use the services of an external accountant to review your accounting records and systems

Worksheet 16.2

Part D: Getting started

Internal control checklist

P 162 Start your own business workbook

Records management17


You’re not alone if you hate paperwork. Who could honestly say they love it? But if you want to succeed in small business you need to get over that attitude. By all means, buy a good shredder to deal with some of the paperwork, but to run a successful small business your approach to records management will need to be a lot more sophisticated.

Tips to manage your paperwork

Once you’ve decided to go into small business it is your responsibility to keep records, keep them up to date and to review them regularly to make sure the business is really performing to expectations.

If you don’t keep control of the paperwork you may soon lose control of your business.


No one is pretending that keeping on top of paperwork brings much pleasure, and busy people usually give it a low priority. Most people need little prompting to do something else before doing paperwork, and of course there’s always something else to do.

But to be successful in business you have to keep on top of paperwork. You just don’t have a choice. So start your business with a positive attitude to paperwork as it will help you stay in control – and it is necessary to comply with a vast array of statutory obligations that you can’t avoid.

Part D: Getting started

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Tips to manage your paperwork

1 Know what to keep

You are required by law to keep some records, such as employment and taxation records. The first step is to know what to keep.

2 Dispose Get rid of paper you don’t need. Buy a good shredder and use it, especially if you have any concerns about privacy – names, addresses etc.

3 Organise the paperwork

Break it up into ‘piles’ – by topic, deadline, type, year, whatever, and work through it systematically.

4 Prioritise Work out what is urgent and what is important. Deal with the urgent and schedule time to deal with the important matters – don’t just leave it to one side until it too becomes urgent.

5 Electronic records

Manual records management is costly and inefficient compared with electronic systems. Investigate and invest in a good records management system.

6 Back-up Back up your records, and make sure the hard copies of important documents are stored in a safe and secure place, such as a fire- proof safe.

7 Handle once Be disciplined – make a decision on every piece of paper that crosses your desk, even if it’s only a decision to seek advice, or decide when to review it again.

8 Streamline processes

Regularly review your record-keeping processes to ensure they are simple, efficient and effective as possible.

9 Keep at it Don’t let the paperwork accumulate – make it part of your daily routine.

10 Use it There are essentially two reasons why you keep records: •evidenceofatransactionwhichyouneedtokeep •theyaresourcesofdatawhichyouneedtocaptureandanalyse to understand what’s happening in your business.

In many ways, the most fundamental tip of all is use the data at your fingertips.

Part D: Getting started

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The Government of South Australia gives no warranty and makes no representation, whether express or implied, as to the accuracy of information contained within this Workbook or the suitability of the information for any purpose. Any use of the information contained in this Workbook (whether authorised or not) is at the users’ sole risk and the Government of South Australia disclaims responsibility for any loss or damage incurred as a result of such use. The information is provided solely on the basis that users of the information will make their own assessment of the accuracy of the information and users are advised to verify all information contained within this document.

Any information about the law in Australia or South Australia is provided as general information only and is not legal advice. This Workbook is a starting point only and is not a substitute for legal or professional advice. While the Department has attempted to ensure the information is accurate at the time of publishing, no responsibility will be accepted for any errors or omissions and the Government of South Australia will not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by any person as a consequence of any use, reference or reliance on this information. Any such use, reference or reliance shall be at the sole risk of that person who should seek their own legal and or/professional advice if required.


Produced by the South Australian Department of State Development © July 2015

Department of State Development

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