Page 1: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,




Monday, the 21st November, 2011.

The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House, Islamabad,

at 5.25 p.m. with Madam Speaker (Dr. Fehmida Mirza) in the Chair.


ه�ر � �  �� :[  � آآوورر آآ� � �� � ۔ ووه هتر� � � آآ� � � �� � ۔ آآ� � جكوو�ب

خآ��ن � � آآوورر � ر  آ

ت� ��ب

آ��ن �ددرر � ۔ آآ� � � �آآ � � � � � �� ���ر � �� ��۔ آآوورر � � � �رر� � آآ�  آآوورر  دد� رر� � ۔ آآ� � آ

ر� � خ �ررئ �رر� آآ� ��ر ياآ � ۔ آآوورر �ررئ �رر� �� � آآوورر  � �ئ اآ � ۔ ووه  آآوورر� �رر

خ ��ئ

ٹ، آآ� � �ف �ب

ر� � � ۔ آآخآ��ن آآوورر ر ه�ر �� � ۔�� � � � آ اآه

ظ ]۔� � آآ� � �ن � � � � وورر ووه �� � � � �� �  آآوورر � � ظ


ٹيڈ  ۔  .Question Hour�پ ر � ��بب

خ � �ووبير

ر رر� ��دد � �  )  خ ( �ر

دم � : ٹيڈ  �� ۔  not present�پ ۔ � �� آآرر� �نخ

دم � �آآل  �  ٹيڈ  :  �� �پ 75�� �� آآرر� �نخ

دم �ٹيڈ  � �� �� ۔ آآرر�  : � �� �پ اآه ��بب

شيك � ۔ � ش �� ۔ آآئ

رئ دد� � �ٹدم � آآس � آآ� �ر

ٹيڈ اآه : �پ

شآرر�   postpone � �رر� آآ� ش گ � � آ

خيفپ بررب  ب پاآوورر آف ووآآ� آآ� ئ �دد� ،� آ

 ددوو�آآ �آآل � � ۔  آبپ � ۔آ

دم � : ٹيڈ �� آآرر� ��� � ۔ �پ

تپاآوورر � �آآ�ب رئ دد� � � � � ۔  ، � ووآآ� آآ� ئ

ٹ �� ۔ � آآگ� �آآل � �� آآرر� �ر

دم � �آآل �  ٹيڈ ۔76�� �� آآرر� : �� �پ

Madam Speaker: Answer be taken as read. Supplementary.

دم � : � �� آآرر� �� ۔ ٹيڈ �پ

رھ رر� � ۔ آآوورر   constantly � : � �� �� �ن � آآس � � � � شاآل ��� �� آآرر ٹآ� � � ببر آ

پاآ� �  آ� � ئ  � آ  � � � � آآس � � � ��ن � � آآس � آآ�ل � �� ��� آآوورر رآآررخه� يك ه  آآئ آجب  آ  ووه  � � �

� � � � �� ۔  �وو� � �رر� � ۔ آآس �

Page 2: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


   آآس � �نخ اآه ��ببشدم � : � ش

ٹيڈ �ے �؟  respond�پ

دم �  ٹيڈ اآه : �پ

شآرر� �ن ۔ ، � �رر� آآ� ش  � � �م  � � � � آ � ��بب

 � � � ؟  اآه ��ببشپاآرر�� ��ئ � �رر � ش دم � : ئ

ٹيڈ �پ

اآه :ش �  � �رر� آآ� ش

تيك � � �ووع �� � � �ن وو�ب  � � � � � آآئ يك ررووآآجب اآ �� ۔ �ررے �ن آآئ

خآئ  � آ � آآنخ

�وون �خآ�� آآوورر آآ�  � آ

ت وو�ب آبپ  � � � � آ جب

ي� مئآ� commit�ووع �رر� � آآوورر � �   � آ

تون � ۔ � ووه � � � � � وو�ب


آ�� � ،  � � آآ� آت ددے دد� � ۔ �آآ�ب

تباآب آآئ

 ۔  ه�ر ��بب دم � : � ��ررئ ببرر� ظاآهٹيڈ �پ

 �رر ��  ت �آآ�ب  ��نخ  � �� � آآ� � � �ررے �آآنخ آبپ دم � آ

ٹيڈ  �پ   دم � ، 

ٹيڈ  : �� �پ ه�ر ��ررئ � ببرر� ظاآه

آ� � ۔ درر� � �ن آخيك �آآس � د  � شاآرر� ، آآئ رررآآء ��نخ

خ دد� وور آبپ ر �ن � � آ

خپاآرر�� ��بير ئ �� �� � ۔ ئ

 � � � تدم � جكوو�ب

ٹيڈ  �پ  ۔  ياآ  � �ووع �ووآآددئ

ت آآجب�س � � وو�ب آجب  � آ آبپ  � رر� � � آ هبپ  �ررے � ووه � آآوورر

اآ �� � ، � � خاآ �� � ، � آآس � � جپ�ئ

خ� � �ن آآس � � �� � � آآس � � � دد�  � آآس آآ� � جپ�ئ

اآ �� ۔ خاآ �� آآوورر آآس آآ� � � � �ئ

خ �م � � � �ئ

 ۔ اآه ��ببشدم � :  آآ� � �ے �۔� ش

ٹيڈ �پ

خد� ددآآررئ � � �  �ن ��دد �ئ

خاآ �� ۔ �ررئ د

خ � �ئ  ددرر �آآبب دم � ! �آآبب

ٹيڈ اآه : �پ

شياآ � � �رر� آآ� ش آئ اآ �� ۔آ

 دد� ووآآ� � � � � � ��رق � ر � �ن � � � آآس � �ررآآ �وو�رر � �  � � � � آآس � � �آآببخاآ �ر


 � ،   own� آآوورر � آآس �   totally responsibility� ۔ �ررئ ت � � � �آآ�ب اآ �ن ۔ �ررے � ��نخ


� � تباآب يڈد � � ئ  � ۔�ئ

تباآب  � � �آآئ

ت � �آآ�ب  � �ن آآوورر �ووم ��بب

ت �  ، �   �ن آآوورر �ے �آآ�ب ووم ��بب

د� ددآآررئ �ررئ خد� ددآآررئ � � � د

خ � � � ۔� � � د ے  ۔� ��نخ

تشكئ  � ددے   � �آآل � � �آآبب آبپ � � ۔�  آ

باآ�  ۔I am sorry� ۔ئ

ر � � خشاآررے �ر ٹاآ� � � � رر�  � آآوورر  � � آآ� � آآوورر �   آآوورر �� ووآآ� � � � ئ �بب اآه �

شباآ� ش دم � :  ئ

ٹيڈ �پ

consensus    � �  ر �نخ just�� ۔ آآس � آآس  � � � رر� � ۔  timely start� � � ��� � �ر

ensure  ر آآخ ��ر آبپ  ۔� آ رآآدده ��بب

خرخدآآ� �آآ�ددرر �ب

ٹاآ� � آآس � � �۔ د

تپاآرر�ئ ��ئ �ن ��دد  �ن ئ وورر ئ

 � �آآم � �آآ�ن �   پاآ�نخ وس آآوورر  آآس �رر � ئؤپاآرر� �و دم � ! دد� � ئ

ٹيڈ رآآدده :  � � �� �پ

خرخدآآ� �آآ�ددرر �ب

ٹآآوورر د

دشكس �� � ٹ �� � ددوو�رر � ووه د پاآرر�ن � �  � ��  �� � آآنخ اآ� � �ررئ �� ئ

ت آآ� �م �ئ � � � ۔ � آآبب

 �ررئ �رر � �  آبپ  �وون �  � آتسب  � ددرر�آآ اآه ��بب

ش آآ� � ووه � �ج �ن ��ئ دد� ۔� � ش پاآرر�ن � � آآرر�نخ � ئ

 � � �ل �� آآوورر آآس پاآرر�� �رر  �  آآنخ پاآرر�ن � آآررآآ� آآس  � ��ئ دد� �  ئ  ئ  � � �� � � �ج آآنختباآب ئ

 آآ� آآ� � �آآ  � �  اآه ��ببشه�ر � �ے   messageآآوورر ش باآه  � ئ پاآ�نخ  � � آآوورر ئ پاآ�نخ وس � � ئ

ؤپاآرر� �و � � رر� � ئ

يك �ل � � � ۔ پخپاآرر� � � ب �ل � ووه �ررئ ئ

Page 3: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


ي پاآوو�پ  ��دد �ن ۔�  ووآآ� آآ� ئ ٹاآ� �  سبب رئخ � �ر ر  � �ش �� �� � آآنخ

خپاآرر�ئ �ررر ه�ر � ئ اآه

ظدم � :  � �  � ۔ ظ

ٹرر ڈ

يك �آآل � � � ۔ � �� آآرر�  �� ۔ � آآئ

پاآس  باآررے � �ے ئ پاآوورر � ئ دم � ! ووآآ�  آآ� ئٹيڈ  : �� �پ   � ۔ �� �� آآرر� �نخ

ت �ن �آآ�ب

دم � :  �آآل � �� ۔ ٹيڈ �پ

 : �آآل �  ۔75�� �� آآرر� �نخ

Madam Speaker: Answer be taken as read. Supplementary.

Ms. Shireen Arshad Khan: Madam Speaker, I have so many questions to put here

but I would like to ask the most important one question that is it possible for the

Minister Sahib that this load shedding

د   but it is casual� � � رر� � ۔   ٹك �د

ت � ع�� � � � ئ آ �� � � � � �نخ ه�ر � � آآ�رر �  آ يك ه ووه آآئ

گ � خ ۔  .so that people can plan their plans. Thank you so much�ئ

 ۔ يڈد � ��بب پاآوورر  �ئ دم � :  � �رر ووآآ� آآ� ئٹيڈ �پ

Syed Naveed Qamar: Madam Speaker, first of all for the information of the

House, there is no load-shedding being carried out in the country, anywhere today.

If there is any area where electricity is not being provided due to some specific

problem in a particular area, then we try to solve it within that bottleneck. But

there is no national, there is no lack of electricity to be provided. So load-shedding

is basically when there is less generation and more demand. And right now, we are

only generating as much power as is being demanded through the country. So there

is no load-shedding. But perhaps in summer when we do get into a problem, when

there is more demand than there is generation, then certainly this suggestion given

by the honourable member can be considered.

Madam Speaker: When there is more demand than there is generation. So

obviously there will be load-shedding.

Syed Naveed Qamar: Yes.

Madam Speaker: So there is load-shedding.

Syed Naveed Qamar: No. When in summers I am saying there is more, right

now there is no load-shedding, but there might be time when there might be more

Page 4: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


demand than there is generation. So at that point in time, we can look at this


Madam Speaker: So it should be announced, you know the time should be


Syed Naveed Qamar: Yes I understand that. That’s precisely what I an


   ��بب ياآ� ررحماآنخ دم � :  ئٹيڈ on supplementary-�پ

��  :  ياآ� ررح�نخ گ � � �� �� ، �  �� ئخد �ئ

ٹ � � �� �ن � ��رر � �د

تباآب  � ئ دم �۔ � � ��بب

ٹيڈ �پ

we appreciate that   � آآوورر آآس � � آآسcoming to this question   � ياآ دئٹڈخد� � � � آآوورر  45آآئ

ٹ 11د

under construction   � ۔ �are they authorized, eligible to build these dams   ياآ �   illegalئ

باآررے �  پاآ� ررووك رر� � آآس � ئ ياآ � رر� �آآوورر ئ دئٹڈخد�  آآئ

ٹاآ �� ۔  accord�  1999د

خ � � � � � رر� � آآوورر � �ئ

پاآوورر  ۔ دم � :  � �رر ووآآ� آآ� ئٹيڈ �پ

Syed Naveed Qamar: Madam Speaker, first of all we are working under the

Indus Basin Treaty of 1960, not 1999 accord. And there is a prescribed procedure

given under which all these issues are dealt with. There cannot be a so called

illegal construction. If there is a construction that is started, first of all they are

supposed to give us prior information and prior notice to that. But regardless of

whether they give a notice or not, we have a remedy whereby we have a

complete prescribed procedure under which we can take them to an international

court of arbitration which we are doing for example in the case of Krishan Ganga or

now we are going again for Nimoo Bazgo and so on, we had gone earlier for Bagliar.

So we have been invoking these clauses and we continue to do so. So if ever there

is a construction on the Indian side, certainly we do take this issue up at the

international forum for arbitration.

  دم � :  ��ن � آآ� ��ببٹيڈ on supplementary-�پ

 ت � �� ��ن � �  دد� آآس وو�ب دم �۔ � � ��بب

ٹيڈ  :  �� �پ  ��ن � آآ� �نخ �ررے �   growth�بب

 �two to three percent  � � يك ددل � ��  � � آآس ه�ر آآئ  � � � �  آآوورر آآ� � �� � ه بٹخياآ � �شئ آ� ئ  آ

ت شاآب

ياآ   neighbouring country�ررے  آ� � ئ ياآ ��ر� آ  � آآ��  � � � ئ آبپ ياآ � ، � آآس � � آ دئٹڈخ � آآئ بٹ

خآ� � �شئ � آ

دئ � � رر� � ۔ٹ � د بٹ

خآ� �شئ ياآ آ  ئ

ت �  شاآب آبپ  آ

ت �� �ے � ۔آآس وو�ب

ٹآ� آآوورر � �  ، آآ�ررب are you ready toآ

Page 5: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


increase it to let’s say like in Turkey, they are doing at 17 percent.   � � �� �

د�ئ � � ۔ �� ۔ٹڈخ  �  آآئ آبپ  � � آآوورر آ بٹ

خپ�ب  � ئ آبپ آ � آآوورر آ آ � آآوورر �  آ پاآس آ  � ئ آبپ  �رر � � آآ�� آ آبپ آ

پاآوورر  ۔ دم � :  � �رر ووآآ� آآ� ئٹيڈ �پ

Syed Naveed Qamar: I am not clear….

 ۔ باآرره �� � آآ� ��بب  �آآل ددووئ آبپ دم � :  � ددئ �آآ� آٹيڈ �پ

Madam Speaker: What the question specifically was. If the question was that

do we intend to import gas in the form of LNG for example or gas through the

pipeline as through IP and KP, yes we are working diligently on all of these


 ۔ ه�ر ��بب دم � :  � � � ۔ ��ررئ ببرر� ظاآهٹيڈ �پ

 � آآوورر ياآ� �بب  آآس �آآل � ، ددررئ آجب ياآ � آ  دد ئ  � �آآبب ر� ��ببخدم � ! آآ� � وور

ٹيڈ دم �۔ �پ

ٹيڈ ه�ر :  �� �پ  ��ررئ � ببرر� ظاآه

�وون � �� �  آآوورر �رره ددخد�  آآ�

ٹاآ� � ��ر� د

تپخياآ� � � �� ئپئ ياآ�   under processررئ دم � ! ددررئ

ٹيڈ � ۔ �پ

ع��  ووه    � � ووآآ� �  ياآ� �بب  آآوورر � آآوورر ددررئ شاآل � � �� �بب  � �رره  آجب ر رر� � ۔ آٹ آآر

تيب  ررب

ت�ب  � آآس وو �بب

ع�� �  آآوورر دم � !  ��ل ٹيڈ پاآ� � � ۔  �پ د�  1959ئ

ٹون � د

ؤياآو  ددررئ

 � آآنخ اآس ��ے � � آآ� �وو�نخت� �ھ ئ

 � �  آبپ  � �� ��ن � � �ھ ظاآس ��ے � � آ ر� ��ببخ آآ�   measures�� � � � وور آبپ � � � آ

 � � � � ۔  ع��ن � رر�نخ آآنخ

دم �ٹيڈ  ۔ �پ يڈد � ��بب :  � �ئ

Syed Naveed Qamar: Madam Speaker, I thought that I had answered this


    measuresدد� �   ببب ے � �تشكئ  �  بب

ت پاآ� �   violation particularly� ۔   violation� ب  ئ ببب � � ��  ببت ب

diversion  �پاآ ياآ ئ بگ�ييهاآرر  � � � � � �� آآ�   blockage�  ئ س  � � � ، بٹپيكئ اآ � آآوورر � � � � � � � �آآ�ب

تآئ آ

ر �  � � � � � رر� � ۔ � خباآر گاآ � � � رر� �  آآوورر  � ئ

خك � � آآس   as such   �diversion�  آآوورر � گئ

تآآ� ئ

پاآ� باآ�    even � �  � �آآ  ، � � � � � ��  � ئ س � وو� � � ۔ ئٹپيكئ  �آآ�ب  � �  ووه آآنخ

ٹ� دد�ن � � رر�ووب

usages   �م آآ� �   �rivers   �� �build up   � رر� � ۔ �overall   � � ررآآ�quantum of water

availability downstream  آ� � �� � رر� � ۔ آ� آ ووه آ

دم �ٹيڈ ياآدده   So with so many dams coming up: �پ رئ

خ � �  آآس � ۔  impact� ووه � � آآوورر ر

Syed Naveed Qamar: Madam Speaker, first of all as I said, Indus Water Treaty

does not allow India to build any hydro electric project in which water will be

Page 6: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


diverted away from these three rivers: Indus, Chinab and Jhelum to any other

usage except for moving it downstream toward Pakistan.

 ووه  س � � ٹپيكئ  � � �آآ�ب باآ��ه � آآس � �ررررووآآ� �� � ۔ آآنخ ے ۔ آآ� �� � � ئ

تشكئ primarily run� � � ووه � � � 

of the river projects    پاآ� � � ووه  � �   move down� � � ئ  � ۔ � آآس � � ��  اآت�ئ

technicalities   �پاآ   divertآآ� �� � � آآ� ووه ئ � � � � ۔ � آآ� ررووك � � دد�ن � � � �ررئ �  

seasonal   � آآس �  آ   impact� � � آآنخ � � ۔ � آ we are making sure   � � يٹ يس�ي � آآس � � آآ� فئ

 رر� � �  ياآ  � � � � �ررئ �� � ئ  � ددنخ ياآ  � � ئ  ددنخ باآرره  � آآ� ررووك � ئ اآل � �ررشپاآ� �پ  ئ � � � ووه

affect   � ۔ � � �we are also working to make sure that that does not happen.

 �س �وو� �دد � ��    ر � �  � � � ۔ خد�بير

ٹڈخ آآئ آ �� � � �  پاآرر�ئ ��ئ آ  آآگ� �آآل ۔ آآ� ئ دم �: 

ٹيڈ ۔ �پ

ر �خد�بير

ٹڈخ �  آآئ آبپ ه�ره آآوورر�� �� ۔ ��دد � ۔ �س � �وو� � �� ۔   �ن  � آ  �آآل  � ��دد � ۔ آآگ� �آآل �س ظاآه

 �س �  رر� � ۔  آ  آ يڈد اآئش ش اآه  ��بب

ش � ووه � رر� � �  � � � ش ر � �آآل آآ�� �  �ن 


ٹڈخ آآئ رئ دد� � � 

ٹ ۔ �ر

�� ��۔ 

80�� � ��: �آآل �  

Madam Speaker: Answer be taken as read. Supplementary.

� ۔  � �ئ آآظ�ع � ��  �   Kohala Hydel Power Project�: � � � �ه رر� �ن � � �   �� � �

schedule   � ۔آآس � � � � آآوورر � � �  � �  آآس �وو� � � � ووه � � �ج �utilize   �

يك   observation�� � �  � آآے � � آآئ يڈدئ � � � � �وو� �  ياآن  �ئ رئٹر � �ر

ٹآ� � � �وور   delay � آ

  آبپ  �۔ آآس � آ ياآ  CEC� � رر� � ۔ � � � �ه رر� �ن � � آآس �وو� �آآ �ررجب  �  PDئ recruitment� � � آآنخ

�۔  criteria� � ووه � �ج �� � ۔ آآس � �  

دم �ٹيڈ پاآوورر �پ : � �رر ووآآ� آآ� ئ

آ�بيپبل � � � � � � ۔    �ل � � آ   �آآ  :�  يڈد Kohala Hydel Electric Project is a private� �ئ

sector project.   ياآن � � � ۔   رئٹ first of all it’s not being delayed. Secondly physicalووه �ر

work has not started as yet. So I think there is some misunderstanding that the

honourable member is going through because there is no PD, there is CEC, it is a

purely private sector project.

 � �ئ  � ۔  آبپ دم �:  � آآ�  ��ررئ ۔ آٹيڈ �پ

آ�  آآے � � � آآ�  ��ررئ:    � رر� � ۔ � �ج � آتباآب دآآ � ئ

ٹپڈ دم � ! � �� ۔ � �ن ووآآئ

ٹيڈ precautionary �پ

measures       � �low class    � fairs    دآآٹپڈ اآ � ��ر�� �  � � � ووآآئ

خوس � �ئ

ؤ �و   ر


خدآآ � مئ

ٹپڈ � ووه � � دد� ۔ � ووآآئ

employees � وون � ��رئ�خ � آآ� يك �� � �  ۔آآ س � � آآنخ ي �ن � آآئ

تي�ھي �ر دد��ن � ددئ

ش� دد� �� � ۔ � آآك�

Page 7: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


آ� ددس �وون � � ددئ �� � آآوورر آآس � � � ددوو آآے � � رر� � ۔ �  � آآ�   � � آآررآآدده رر� � �   measuresآ

دآآ � ٹپڈ ياآ �� ۔ � � ��رئ � �� ددے رر� � آآ employees� ووآآئ  � � � ددئ نخ

پاآوورر۔ دم �: � �رر ووآآ� آآ� ئٹيڈ �پ

Syed Naveed Qamar: Madam Speaker, this is related to Neelum Jhelum and the

Kohala. But nevertheless I will answer it. The answer to the question is that yes

we also agree that this facility given to employees is misused. Though at one

time, Government had considered monetizing this, because there is a limit to each

person, it is not an endless facility

ين � آآ�ل � � ۔    پيئ but because the Union raised this issue, so we are rightووه  � � �هه

now in negotiations with the Union to come to the conclusion whether this whole

process is made transparent because currently I totally agree with the honourable

member that it is being misused.

 ۔  دم �:  �آآ�� ��ببٹيڈ on supplementary�پ

ياآ   ددئ  � �آآبب رئ دد� � � ��ببٹ � �۔ � آآ� �ر هبٹ رآآ � آآس � ه

ٹدم �۔ �آآ �آآل �ر

ٹيڈ  �آآ�� :  ��  �پ �بب

� �  آبپ آ� � ۔ آ  �  � �آآ � � � � آآ� � � �ن آتباآب باآ� � ئ گ ،� � �آآ� � ۔ ووآآ� ئ

خد� ئ

ٹ � �  �د

 �ررے  آ� � � ددنخ  � � �  � دد�� � � ، آ آبپ  � � ۔ آآس � � وو� � ۔ � آ بٹؤ� � �ص � �آآ� �  �ب

گ آآ� � رر� � ۔ خد� ئ

ٹاآ � � �د

ت � � �ئ  � � سبب  � � ۔ آآ�آآرر � ددنخ سبب

گ �ن �� � ۔ خد� ئ

ٹدم �: � � �د

ٹيڈ �پ

 �آآ  ر� دد� � � ۔�ببٹبر يڈد ب رئ

خ ��:  � ددوو�ئ � �� � �  � � رروو� � � م�

 � �آآل �  � ۔ آبپ دم �:  آٹيڈ �پ

ر�� �ٹگ �ن آآوورر  � �ج � �رر� �  آآوورر � �ن ببر

خد� ئ

ٹ �آآ��: �آآ �آآل � � � آآ� �ن � رر� � � � �د  �بب

� ۔

دم �ٹيڈ پاآوورر ۔�پ ر� رر� � ۔ � �رر ووآآ� آآ� ئ

ٹگ � � رر� � آآوورر � � ببر

خد� ئ

ٹ : �د

Syed Naveed Qamar: It is totally different question and

 � آآس پاآ�نخ  ئ گ خد� ئ

ٹ �  � � �د

شدم �! �په�ي � � � � � � � � �آآررس

ٹيڈ  ددے دد� �ن ۔ �پ �  � � ۔ �آآبب

ي � ۔۔ٹ يسي � �رر� �  � �ررئ ��  كپپئ

 � رر� � ۔تباآب دم �: � � ئ

ٹيڈ �پ

آ رر� �ن ۔  يڈد �: � � � � آ گ � � رر�    .because it relates to the same issue� �ئخد� ئ

ٹآآس �  �د

ي � ۔ �ررئ � � � ٹ يسي د � ووه �ن  � �ررئ � �� كپپئ


ٹ and that is why�� � � �� � ۔  meetد

Page 8: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


there is no load-shedding  ر � � �� � آآوورر دد�� وو�ه � �� � ۔خد�بير

ٹڈخٹاآ� � �  ،�ن � آآئ so� � ئ

obviously there is lower demand and that does happen       شاآ رآآٹ � �آآ� � �ر � � آآ� آآوورر

  KESEآآس � � � �آآ� �    � � ۔ ووه  يبٹ يك �آآ�ب باآ� �   manageآآئ �� � آآوورر �آآ� � � �وول �� � ووه ئ

گ � � ۔خد� ئ

ٹباآ� آآ� �� � ۔ آآس وو� �    �ن �ررے � � �  �  رر� � � �د except some local� ئ

problems. Karachi does go through different kind of approach     �  رخياآر  آآ� � آآ�ئ يڈد اآئ

ش وو�ن ش آآوورر

 �� � � � ۔ �ن   � ��نخ پ�رآآ پي�خ ب ر� � ۔ آآبب

ٹ ببر  رر�  دم �! � 

ٹيڈ  �پ گ � رر� � ۔ 

خد� ئ

ٹ fuel adjustment�د

     ۔ � �ل � �سبٹ  �   ��ل � �  � � �  averagely��ررجب   ياآ رل � ئخدبيرٹ د ، � � ،  آ� �   ��ر� آ    �� ووه

 � ۔ اآت �ئ و

ؤ ��و  رر اآ

ت آآئ    �   �دد  �     آآس آآ�رر�   وورر  �  � �� � آآ ه�ر  ه  � � آآ�رر� � ووه  سبب and that is�� � ۔ آآنخ

directly notified by NEPRA, now it does not come to Water and Power or the

Government or the Prime Minister as it used to in the earlier times.   � � وون�خ آآ�   �

 � �� � ۔ د�  � �ررجبٹيڈ �ن �  آآ�رر�  � �دد �  �  �ل آآئ

   ر آآ�� ��ببخدم �: �� رروور

ٹيڈ on supplementary�پ

دم � �� ۔  ٹيڈ رآآ��: �� �پ

خدآآل �� رروور

ٹد�ے  � د

ٹگ � د

خد� ئ

ٹ �  � �د   � �آآل � � �� نخ �آآ �آآل  �   ��بب

  رئ �نخخد�ه �ر

ٹيك د  آآوورر آآئ يك  ددآآددوو �آآرر  �رر � � ۔ آآئ ين ��نخ ئ

خئيپؤئ�  نخ

شيس �مئ

خبرئ �آآ

ٹ � � �� � �  � ددوو ببر ياآ  آآنخ آئ �   دد� � آ

ر� � ۔ �ررآآ ��  � �� ۔ ووه � �� � � ۔خك � �� ووآآ� � ۔  آآس � � �ر

ت � � � � � �  دد� ئ آبپ آ

پاآوورر۔ دم �:� � �رر ووآآ� آآ� ئٹيڈ �پ

 � � � � تسب  ددرر

تباآب دم �! � ئ

ٹيڈ يڈد �:�پ باآ� � targets� �ئ دد� �� � � �ن � �آآل � � آآوورر ئ

unrelated  � � � �information  � � � ونؤبل � � دد� �و آ�بيپ   exactlyددے � آ  آآبب � �� � � آآوورر � ددنخ

باآ� � �  �۔ completionئ

۔ اآ �آآ�� ��ببخدم �: ��ئ

ٹيڈ �پ

 آآ�آآ� آآ� پاآ�نخ دم �!� آآ� � ��ف � �� ��ن � � � ئٹيڈ ر�: �� �پ

خاآ �آآ�� وور

خ� �ن � ���ل  ��ئ

�  پاآ�نخ  ئتيك  � � جكوو�ب ر �   height�  �ص �� � ۔آآس � ع�ووه � � آآئ

خاآ � ۔آآس � � آآ� آآ�آآر

تپاآ� � �ئ � ئ


 � �ف  � ��! � آآ� �رر � � �ص پاآ�نخ  ئت�ب �وون �  � � � �۔آآس �ج � � � �آآ � � �۔� جكوو

ر � آآ� � خير اآ۔آآ� آآس � � �ئ �ب

تآ� � آآس � آآوو� � � �ئ باآرر آ باآرر ئ � � �ن � �آآل � آآ�� �۔� � �آآل ئ

ه�ر �ن � آآ باآه اآ � آآوورر � � ئتپخياآ ��� ��ن � ررووك � � آآ� �� � ۔� � � �  ئبئ وو�  � �� � � آآ� �ن  � ئ

 � � � � ووه �  آبپ  آ ببب � � � �� � ت � ��ب آبپ شاآ� آ شاآ�  آ� � � آآس �   آ

ت�ب ڈدآآ�آآ� آآ� وو

خشاآرر� �۔ج �وو

 � � �رر�ل ��۔ آبپ � � ���۔  � ��� � � آ

پاآوورر۔ دم �: � � � ۔� � �رر ووآآ� آآ� ئٹ �پيڈ

Page 9: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


Syed Naveed Qamar: Madam Speaker! This was not a question but a suggestion

and I also completely agree with the honourable member that if we want to have

electricity which is a big impediment to the, lack of electricity is a impediment to

growth then we have to prioritize our funding towards electricity.

اآ� آآ�ق ��،شدم �: � آآگ� �آآل � ش

ٹيڈ ۔ � � �ددق ��۔ not present�پ

دم �!�آآل �ٹيڈ ۔82�� � �ددق:� �� �پ

Madam Speaker: Answer be taken as read supplementary.

يك � � � � � آآ�آآ� � International Labour Organization�� � �ددق: � � �� �� �ن � آآئ

د�ٹڈخئ �آآ� � �� ددئ �رر� � � � ووه � آآ� � �ررئ � آآوورر �آآ� � �� ددئ �رر� � آآوورر ددوو�آآ � � �� آآئ

يك � رآآ  آآئٹبر يك � ب   � آآئ  �� �۔آآنخ

ٹ آآ�ررب  �� �۔� �گ شاآ�نخ

ٹ forwarding ددرر� � � � � � آآ�ررب

agents  ببب يك  exporters�� �  � ووه � آ�  � �  � ووه � آآئ اآم � �� claim form� �ل آخ�� �۔ ووه آآ� ئ

اآ � � � تاآم � �ئ

خاآ � آآوورر آآس � � claim�۔آآس � � � ئ

ت � رر� �ئ  � ��نخ رے � � � ووآآ� آآنخ

ٹبر  � ب  آآنخ

پاآ� �� �رر� � � � �  يك forwarding agents�� ددرر� �� � � � آآ� �� ئ  � � آآئ  monopoly�۔ آآنخ

آشاآ� رر�۔� ��۔  � آآ� � �� �� � آ ر آآ� �ل � رر� �۔  آآنخخ � ووه �  ��� � آآ�رر�ر

دم �: � � �ٹيڈ د�ئ۔�پ

ٹڈخ  � �۔� �رر آآئ

  � �آآ� � � آآوورروون  ك �� � � � ۔�� � �ررئ � ۔�ف آآنختدم �! �ن ئ

ٹيڈ  آآ��:� �� �پ �ووم �بب

 � �skillsآآ �  ر � آآوورر � آآنخخرؤباآ� �ب ر �� � � �  ددوو�ے �آآل � ووه ئ

خك �ر

تيك �� �رر� � آآوورر �ن ئ ئ

 �وون � � آآ� � � � � ددے دد�تآآ� � � .I will look into it and I will have it correctedددرر�آآسب

اآء آآ�شسخ آآس � � ��۔  .I will act on this� ددے دد� آآوورر آآ� ددے دد�۔آآب

۔ ي ��ببؤكيخ ئ دم �: � �ددآآرر ظاآ�بب

ٹيڈ �پ

ر�خي: � �آآ �آآل وور

ؤكيخ � ئ �وون � �ددآآرر ظاآ�بب

خ �� � � �آآ� � � رر� � آآس � � آآ� پاآ�نخ  � � � � ئ  ��بب

 � � �1250  ٹپ�ب  � � � � � � ئ ر� ��بب

خ �رر� � ۔� وور


خپ�� � ��روو� ر� � رر� � آآوورر آآس � ئ


� تب

خ �� � آآوورر � � � ��روو�


خ � �۔�� � � آآوورر � ��روو�

دم �: � � �رر ��۔ٹيڈ �پ

پ�� �۔ پاآ� آآ� � � ئ ،ئٹپ�ب  �،�رر آآ� � ئ

ٹپ�ب يك  ئ پ�� � � ددس آآ� � آآئ  آآ��: � ووه ئ �ووم �بب

پ�� �۔ دم �: � ئٹيڈ �پ

 آآ��: �  I don’t exactly remember, how many plots are�ووم �بب

there? I can just say within 15 minutes....

دم �: � � ٹيڈ � آآ� �دد�۔ floor�پ

Page 10: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


Makhdoom Shahabuddin(Minister for Textile Industries): Within 15 minutes I

will, I can tell the.

 �ش � �رر� �   �ددوون � آآس �  problemآآوورر آآس � آآببخ

�  locally  �people interested� �  � �ص

They� ووه �� � � آآس � � � � � � � locally�۔� internationally �people interestedآآوورر 

want it on throw away prices, they

want that. So They don’t remember one thing and that is the government has spent

lot of money buying that land and then improving it then levelling it and putting

roads over there, putting electricity over there, putting, you know, building up the

infrastructures. So, government has spent lot of money �رٹ ��  19� شاآر

يك   � �ددوون � � �۔� �ے �ل � آآئ آبپ آآ� �۔� �رره � � آ

دم �: � ٹيڈ �۔ cost�per acre�پ

 آآ��: � �ن ووه � �رره � � آآ�   �وون �۔ on the floor of the House�ووم �ببخ


دم �: آآوورر � ٹيڈ � دد� �۔ criteria�پ

 آآ��: �  We got�۔� آآس � �  criteria� � � � the highest bidder�ووم �بب

to ensure, they don’t want to buy this for the sake of multiplying that income but

the question is; they have to set up a plant over there a textile plant. You see

people would like to buy and then they, and then ultimately say after two years,

three years, you know, they sell it.

دم �: � ٹيڈ   time period�پ آبپ �رر� �۔ fix� آ

 آآ��: � ووه � اآ�ن۔ fix�ووم �ببت � �ئ آبپ � �آآ�۔� آآ� �رره � � آ

 �ئ آنخ  �� آ ياآ� ررح�نخ دم �:� �۔� ئٹيڈ ۔�پ

ر�� �ن  � � � � رر� � � � ٹبر آ� ب  � آ

تباآب  � ئ آبپ دم �! � آ

ٹيڈ :�� �پ ياآ� ررح�نخ �  highest bidder�� ئ

پ�� � �  يك  State� �� �رر� � �  fix rate� � ئ اآ� آآوورر ددوو�آآ �آآل � � � �رر� ��  fix rate� � آآئت�ئ

د � وو� ٹآ� � � �ررئ  consecutive floods� �  فلڈ textile and other goods  �waive off customآ

duty � � �گ�ددخبئ  � �۔ب

تباآب آ� � � � reservations� ئ گ�دد� � آآوورر  ووه issue solveشاآ� آ

خبئ custom�� ب

duty  ��پاآ  � � ئٹ �۔goods  ،�textile goods� �ب

دم ٹيڈ ۔�پ  آآ�� ��بب �: � �ووم �بب

Makhdoom Shahabuddin (Minister for Textile Industries): We are negotiating �آآ

� �آآ۔ solveووه 

Page 11: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


دم �: آآوورر � ددوو�آآ �آآل �۔ٹيڈ �پ

 آآ��: ددوو�آآ �آآل � � � �۔ �ووم �بب

ياآ   � � ئ يبٹ دم �: رربٹيڈ � �رر� �۔ highest bidder�پ

 آآ��:�  ر� fixed�ووم �ببٹر 19� شاآر

ٹاآ�ن �رره � �  � that is minimum�وور

ت � �ئ آبپ ووه � � آآ� آ

 � � � �ceilings  � ياآدده رئخ ر آبپ ر�� � ددس آآ� � �� �،� آآ� � �� �، �ن �ن آ

ٹبر  � �رر آآ�� ب آبپ �� �۔آ

 � �� �cost ۔� � � رر� �۔� �� ��� �

دم �: �� آآرر���۔ٹيڈ �پ

گ�دد�  � آآ� خبئ آ�بيپبل � � � �� ��ن � � ب دم �! � آ

ٹيڈ : �� �پ �   economy raise�� �� آآرر� �نخ

ر  �� � خد�بير

ٹڈخ �handicrafts, small industryآآئ  � �آآبب آبپ ياآدده �   mark-up � آ رئ

خ آآ�ر يبٹ � � � آآس � ررب

 � �  � � � �at least �� �  � � �رخبر  handicrafts  �linked� �� ب آبپ  � آ -mark�گ �۔آآنخ

up دد�۔ �even  يڈد �ررئ اآئش � � �because industries� �� ��رق ��� economy�رر�ن � � � �دد� � ش

۔ � � آآبب

۔  آآ�� ��بب دم �:� �ووم �ببٹيڈ �پ

 آآ��: � �� �  ے �۔� � decision �Finance Minister�ووم �ببتشكئ  �suggest  �۔�  �� �ن آآنخ

decision ultimately Finance Minister۔� ��

� �� � � � � � تباآب  � ئ دم �: � آآنخ

ٹيڈ شاآ�  �� �پ  �  آبپ   models ��آ � � رر�  models� �ن � � آآنخ

� �ئ �� �۔ economy�� � �ن � �� � آآ� � � 

باآ� � آآوورر � آآ�۔  آآ��: � ئ �ووم �بب

 �۔تباآب �وون � ئ

خر � � آآ�


ٹڈخدم �:�ل آآئ

ٹيڈ �پ

د�بي ٹڈخ آآ��: � �ل آآئ ر � � �ووم �بب

خآ� آآس � � � آآوورر  Finance Minister Sahib���ن  suggestر �۔  آ

 � �م �۔ اآ آآنخخ �ئ آآس � آآع�نخ

 �ئ۔ آنخ ر �� آخر� آآ�ر

خدم �:�ر

ٹيڈ �پ

يك �ف  � �� � � �� ��ن � � آآئ آبپ  � آ دم �! � � ��ببٹيڈ :�� �پ ر �نخ

خر� آآ�ر

خ� � � � �  �� �ر

 �improve economy آآووررtrade ددوو�ئ �فWe are talking about the highest bidder.

Whereas, the common person, I mean, this is my question? �ووه � آآimprove  �۔��

گ�دد� آآ� ��ن  � خبئ  �  low rateب گ�دد� � � � � economy�رر� � boom� دد� � �ن � دد�۔دد� آآنخ

خبئ ۔ب

ے � � �گ � تهسئ How do� ه

we hope to improve this?

 آآ��۔ دم �: � �ووم �ببٹيڈ �پ

Page 12: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


Makhdoom Shahabuddin (Minister for Textile Industries): Thank you Speaker

Sahiba! Actually, this textile city is not meant for common man.

Madam Speaker: Yeah, yeah, exactly.

Makhdoom Shahabuddin (Minister for Textile Industries): It is meant for a

particular, you know, class of people who resource this....

Madam Speaker: Business community, foreign investment.

Makhdoom Shahabuddin (Minister for Textile Industries): Exactly and it is

meant for textiles, not for a common man.

Madam Speaker: Yeah, obviously then they will get employment in this .

Makhdoom Shahabuddin (Minister for Textile Industries): Certainly, they will


Madam Speaker: So, you need to create....

Makhdoom Shahabuddin (Minister for Textile Industries): There will be

thousands who will get employment, job employment.

Madam Speaker: Yeah, generate.

Madam Speaker: Next question. Syed Asif Hasnain Sahib.

Syed Asif Hasnain: Thank you Madam Speaker. Question No. 83.

Madam Speaker: Answer be taken as read. Supplementary.

ياآ � �   ددئ  � �آآبب دم �! �آآ �آآل � � � آآ� � ��ببٹيڈ  �پ  :  آ� �   2011� آ     2012آآوورر   � �

درر� �ووع �  2020�ووع � � آآوورر خدرر� � �� � د

خك � � � آآ� � �ووع � � � � � � � � � � د


 �  undertakingرر� � آآس � ��  د� � � �آآٹ د اآش � � � � �ش  ددوو�آآ ك � � � آآوورر

ت ئت� � � � �رره وو�ب

� � ۔ 

Madam Speaker: Minister for Water and Power.

د� � ٹاآ دش � � � �ش

تباآب ه�ي ئ

پ دم �! �ٹيڈ يڈد � : �پ  � � � � � processسپيڈد �ئ

تآآ ۔ �ووع � � � � � ددررسب

ه�ر � � �  اآهظوس �  ancillary constructionظ

ؤپاآوورر �و باآ� � ئ ر � ��� � ئ

خدرٹ � رروود To under� ووه � � � �  آآنخ

which this construction place.  � آآس  رھ � � � ground breakingآآووررٹدبيرٹ �  � د � �آآ� � ��بب

 �So the work has started.  �   � �آآٹوب

ؤآو  � آآ� � � �� آ اآ

ت � � �� � �ئ There isآآوورر

always a penalty clause.  delay  � � ��The contractor always have to pay for it. Soآآ�  

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they are mindful of it.   � �ٹاآ Total quantum of electricity to�ے آآوورر آآس � � complete� ووه ئ

be generated would be about 4000 MW.

Madam Speaker: Pervaiz Khan Advocate

Mr. Pervaiz Khan Advocate: Would the Minister let the House know as to on

which territorial limits Basha Dam is supposed to be constructed, Pakhtunkhwa,

FATA and PATA. And what is the policy for the distribution of royalty?

Madam Speaker: Minister for Water and Power.

Syed Naveed Qamar (Minister for Water and Power): Madam Speaker, as

the honourable member is probably aware, that there has been a Commission that

has been set up in order to determine the exact limits because Basha Dam is being

constructed at annexes of various territories including Gilgit Baltistan primarily but

also Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and other areas. So when it comes to royalty. Royalty

will have to be paid according to the Constitution. And whatever the Constitution

states this will be followed once its Commission has given its final

recommendations on the exact locations and so on. However, I think as per the

design of the power houses, the power houses are likely to be constructed in more

than one province.

Madam Speaker: Abdul Qadir Baloch Sahib on supplementary.

 � �رر   � ����ن � � � شاآل ��نخ ر� ��ببخدم � ! � وور

ٹيڈ  :  �� �پ  �ل (رر) �آآ�ددرر �جپ بٹ

خئخئٹيفپ �ئ

دآآ � �آآ�ٹپڈ د� ووآآئ

ٹ � �� د دئ � � آآنخ

ٹ آآ� آآس شاآل � � آآ� د اآ� � آآوورر

شد�  mention� ش

ٹڈدرر د

خد� � ددھئيپ

ٹگ د

خ� � ��ئ

 � � � �  د� � � � � ��ببٹيك آآوورر د � � �۔ drop� � �ن �  latest position� �ك � آآوورر آآئ

Madam Speaker: Minister for Water and Power.

د�  ٹ � � � �� � د �   

تباآب  ئ ه�ي

پ �  دم � !ٹيڈ  �پ : �  يڈد  �ئ   dropسپيڈد Including the dams in� �آآ

Balochistan. Some of them are to be constructed with Chinese funding and some by

the Provincial Government and some by the Federal Governments. Right now since

it was not a related question, I have not got the exact information on this status of

each one of these dams, but I can bring that and provide to the Hournable


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Madam Speaker: Mr. Iqbal Muhammad Ali Khan.

د ٹيڈ  :  �پ  آآ�ل �� �نخ  � رر� آآددآآ � ددئ � � آآ� � � �بب د� � ��� � آآنخ

ٹ د اآشم �! �آآ �آآل � � � �ش

يك   � � آآئترب

خ � آآ�ر آبپ دم آآ� آ

ٹيڈ  �پ  � ددئ �� � ددوو�آآ ك آآددآآ

ت ئ  �آآل � � � � � � ووه � KESC� � � كبب يك �آآ � آآئ


دم �  : � � ۔ ٹيڈ �پ

 آآ�ل � گ آآ� � � � رر� � �ببخد �ئ

ٹ �د اآ �ه رر� � �� �آآ� � آآ�رر

خ �ئ

تباآب يك ئ  � � � آآئ  :  � � ��بب � �نخ

 PMTs� وو�ن � �  باآوو�دد    � � �� � ئ رر� � �� � آآنخؤدآآبٹ د ك وو�ن � � 

ت ئ آ� ددس ددس ددنخ آ� آ  ووه آ ر �� � آآوورر


 � � � � � � �  اآ� �� آآنخت � وو�ن �ررآآ �ئ ه�ره ��  � آآنخ ه�ر� � �ه  آآس � وو� � � � رر� � � �ه �� آآوورر

�� �۔ 

پاآوورر ۔  اآ � ۔� � �رر ووآآ� آآ� ئتدم �  : ووه �ئ  � �ن � ��ئ

ٹيڈ �پ

  �  �  !�  دمٹيڈ  �پ :  �  يڈد  �ئ   � compensationسپيڈد �  �   �  compensationآآ�  � � � �رر �

rupees �compensation  �آآ � � � �That is the only in terms quantum of money. It

is only 10%.  �� ل And that will be given out in aووه آآددآآ �� �  compensation� �  41�ئٹ

period of three years starting from earlier this year and going on till end of 2012 or

early 2013. As far as KESC is concerned, we will take up this issue with KESC and

inform them of the problem and ask them redress it.

Madam Speaker: Next question. Ms. Nisar Tanveer Sahiba.

Ms. Nisar Tanveer: Thank you Madam Speaker. Question No. 84.

Madam Speaker: Answer be taken as read. Supplementary.

 �  ر� ��ببخ � �ددئ � � � � question�� �رر �� :  �آآ وور � � � � � آآئ آآے � آآوورر آآ�� � � آآنخ

 � �   آآنخ  � �آآ اآخ � � � �آآ �ئ

تپاآوورر question� وو�ب  ددوو�آآ � � � ئ  � رر� � آآوورر

ت� � آآس � � � � آآ�آآ�ب

 � � good Governance  رر� �۔ � ت .Thank you�� � � �  � آآ�آآ�ب

 � � � �� � آآس � �   آبپ دم �  : آآوورر �آآ �آآل � � � � آٹيڈ   progress�پ يڈد � ��بب � � �ئ

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Syed Naveed Qamar: Madam Speaker, as per parliamentary practice, the

Committee’s information is given by the Chairman of the Committee, we only

appear before the committee.

Madam Speaker: Is there any progress?

Syed Naveed Qamar: But there is a significant progress, if I may just update

you. We have had a number of meetings, where we have presented our issues and

in fact we have had three or four different kinds of presentations in front of the

Committee and we are again meeting on Wednesday to further take this issue

forward. Madam Speaker, on the question asked by the Honourable Member. First

of all. I am now forgetting some of the portion of the question. One of the question

pertains to how are we improving the governance within that. And the early

question I believe was that the whole idea is to generate more electricity at a

cheapest possible cost. Madam Speaker, first of all let me say that, that is

definitely a motto under which the Ministry of Water and Power is operating. And

the entire ambit of the policy of electricity that we give. Follows from that motto

that we want to generate more, so we give policies to generate more electricity

earliest but also at the cheapest possible cost. So initially we meet the short term

demand but then over a period of time we bring in policies, which will decrease

the price of electricity.

يك �� � �   �ن � آآئ اآتيپبل � � آآظ�ع � � �ئ آ�ب دم �! � آ

ٹيڈ   generationآآس � � �پ �To bring in

cheaper electricity is hydle power.     يبٹ پاآوورر � � � � � � �ف �رر� � � � �آآ�ب ��ل ئ

 �وو اآخر�ئ

ٹس ببر

ٹپيكئ   Completionع � � ۔ � � �� شاآررے �آآ�ب � �   �آآ� آآ� شاآل  New Bong� �بب �

complete � � ووه � دد� �ووع �ے  د� � � �  start up��� � آآووررٹ د اآ

ش � �ش a number of��بب

other dams  � ت � شاآ� آآس وو�ب آبپ  � � آ  آآنخ  � � ���progress  �  � � �A number of other

projects. There will be more projects started within the period of this Government

than at any given time before.  يك    آآس � آآئ اآء آآ� شسخ �  significant progress� آآب  � � �  � � ۔ ددوو�آآ

يك �� � � � ووه   � � � � �  nuclear power  �nuclear power generationآآئ آبپ �  1آآس � � آ

 آآ� شاآل � � � �  � آآبب اآتپاآس �ئ  آآوورر � �  2�ررے ئ  

ٹ add � � � through�ووع � � � � �ووآآب

Page 16: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


nuclear power  � 3آآوورر   اآء آآ� � � � � � � آآس � �م �ئ � �ررئ  ground breakingآآس �  4آآووررشسخ� آآب

 existing� دد� �۔ آآس � شاآ� شاآ� �ررئ �  quadrupleآآس �  nuclear generationآآ�  �ص � � � �  

generation  �  پ�� � �آآ� � � � � �ف � � آآنخ invest� �Through public� � رر� � � �ررے ئ

sector as well as through private sector.      � �   رر� � � � �  capacity� آآنخ  ووآآ� � � ووه

incentive wise  � �   � � آآنخ  آآس �  cheaper fuels� � �آآ آ� آآ�ل � رر� � � آآ�ل � � آآ� ��ر� آ

replace �� ياآ � �  boiler with coal generated �� � � � � � �� �  cost of generation� ددئ

ياآدده � � �آآس � �  measures�م  رئخاآ � � � � � � � � � � آآوورر � ر

ت phase out� � رر� � ئ

ك ددوو�ے � � � � ۔� � وو�ن  � �� ۔تدم � � good governance�ن ئ

ٹيڈ  � � � � رر� � � �پ آبپ  آ

 � � �professionals  ووه �م �ررئ � �distribution companies  �induct   �� � �وو�آآم رر� � آآنخ

�Not only at the CEO level but also at the CFO and CEO levels  يك اآ � آآئت culture changeئ

آ �� �� آآ� �   �  business as usualآ    رر� � آآوورر آ شاآل � � وو� رر� � � وو�ن  60� رر� � � � � آ

يك آ � � آآوورر آآس �  complacencyآآئ  �  shakeup� � آت There is a need to change�� � � �ووررب

and we  �اآء آآشسخ .will be changing it very soonآآوورر آآب

اآ�رر ت �آآ� ئ دم �  : �آآبب

ٹيڈ  �پ ��بب

 � �� �ه رر� �ن  آ�بيپبل � ��بب دم �! � آٹيڈ اآ�رر :  �� �پ

ت �آآ� ئ آآ�رر  about a two months back�آآبب

 � �  يبٹ  � �آآ�ب ياآ �  � � � � آآنخ آئ  آ  � �  CEO� آآ�رر يبٹ  CEO�� � � � ���� �ن � �آآ�ب

آ� �   �م � رر� � آآس � آتياآ � آآس وو�ب ر� � �  CEOs� �� � آآوورر �  worst� �ئ � � ئ

خ � � �ر � �� � آآنخ

 � � � �ررے آبپ د � �آآ� �� � ۔ ددوو�آآ �آآ � �آآل � � آٹ �ررد  كبب آبپ  آ پاآوورر پكوو � ئ پكوو � � � � ئپئيپ  ئپئيپ   ياآ پكوو � ئ  � ئپئيپ

 �آآ� � بٹخپ�ب  � ئ باآ� � � � � آآنخ  �آآ� ئ بٹ

خپ�ب  � ئ آبپ   capacity� � آ  � � آآوورر � �� آآنخ � آآس � � آآنخ

 � ووه آآ� بٹخپ�ب پاآوورر ئ  � ��آآ ئ بٹ

خپ�ب پاآوورر ئ  � ��ئ ئ بٹ

خپ�ب پاآوورر ئ � دد��ه  capacity� ددوو�ن �� � � رر� ۔ � ��رروو ئ

 ووه � رر� تآ� � رر� � � رر� � � آآس وو�ب باآ� � �ف آ باآ� � � رر� � ئ  ددے  70� � � � ئ بٹ



Madam Speaker: Minister for Water and Power.

Syed Naveed Qamar: Madam Speaker let me answer the second part first because

that immediate   � � � � � ت��  off and on � وو� � � � ��ئ � آآوورر ��رروو � � � � ددررسب

 �  باآ� � آآنخ  �ئ  �ررئ �   � � � � � آآس �  ووه  initially� � � � � �۔ باآ� � �� �  �ئ �  ببب �

generation  ووه � �four times  ياآ  five times per MMCFDئ     ٹ ووه ��  ووه �ووآآب � � �  reduce�� � آآبب

باآ�  48�   � �ئ  � �� آآبب بٹخباآرره �ه  23�شئ پ�� � ئ پاآوورر ئ  � � رر� � � آآس � � � � رر� � � � ئ بٹ


 �   � � � رر� � � آآنخ بٹخباآ� � � � �  efficiency�شئ So it is not matter of only providingئ

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them with that fuel, but also improving the efficiency of the plant  � �آآ  ياآ اآ � آآ� � � ئتئ

  ياآدده رئخآ� � � ر  �  electricity produce��ر� آ پكوو  � � ئپئيپ ياآ  � ئ پكوو ك آآ� � ئپئيپ

ت as far as I� �۔�ن ئ

know   � �رر  While I was coming here, which would perhaps passed aآآ� � �

resolution for dissolving PEPCO   �I would say that I am presuming it has already been

done but if it is not been done it will be done some time today or tomorrow.  كت�ن ئ

 � CEOsآآس آآ� � � � �  يبٹ ياآ � � � دد� �په�ي � � � � � � وو�ن �آآ�ب ياآ آآس � �ئ � � ئ آئ  � � رر� � آ

 � �  يبٹ  �آآ�ب  � ووه   رخ�خ�شيس باآ� � �ررئ �رر�ررب  ئ يك  CEOsآآ� �  �� �  performance improvement� آآئ

�There is no reason � ياآ آئ  آ پاآوورر � � � ووه � �� � ۔ آآبب ياآ � �ن �  replaceم � �م � ئ � �� � ئ

 � �  �  ياآ That will depend on the people that have applied and who might beئ

selected and then at that point in time there is a Cabinet Committee on

restructuring that will have to assess that what is best for that particular DISCO, or

what is the best for that     � �CEO  ياآ  ئ آ� �   existingآ آ� �  � � �� آ ياآ  ئ آ� � So, all thoseآ

things are obviously subject to what is on the table.

   ��بب دم �  : ررآآ� � آآ� �نخٹيڈ �پ

  دم � !ٹيڈ  : �پ  � ررآآ� � آآ� �نخ

ٹپاآررب  � �آآل � � �آآل � ئ ر� ��بب

خ وور  � � �  2�آآ ياآ � current CEOs� �ئ

criteria  يك  � � �   transparent� آآس � �� � � آآئش

 � �آآررس ��  آآ�رر � � رر� � �� �� � � �ئ آآنخ

� � � ۔  transparent� � � آآ� � �� �� � �� � � � �� � � �ج � 

پاآوورر  دم �  : � � �رر ووآآ� آآ� ئٹيڈ �پ

   � � آآس � � ووآآ� � ددوون � �  رر دم � � �� �ٹيڈ  �پ : �  يڈد  �ئ advertise  � � � �Honourableسپيڈد

member from Jamshoaro has said.    آآس � �   based on that a number of peopleآآوورر

applied. Then not only did we shift through it in the Ministry م� � � �Boards of

Directors  شاآررئ � شاآررئ � �applications �They will be shifting through these applications

also and based on the criteria given to them in terms of experience, age and

knowledge of the sector and so on     يك   short list � ��And that short list will thenووه آآئ

be sent to the Cabinet Committee on restructuring which consists of a whole

number of members of the Cabinet  يك  آآئ �  �open hearing   �  �   سبب short listedآآنخ

members    آآوورر  دد� � � �   آآنخ �If they desire   � �� �   آآ�وو� �  And then a finalآآنخ

selection will be made and then this selection will be sent to the Prime Minister for

his final approval. So � آآس � �stages  �   �I would think by and large we should not

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get any body who is really not up to the mark in this kind of a process  �  � � � ووه

د�رر� � � � � � آآ� � prerogative�ف � � ٹ So it is a huge shift from� دد� � CEO� ووه د


Madam Speaker: Next question. Justice (R) Fakharunnisa Khokhar sahiba.

Justice ® Fakharunnisa Khokhar: Question No. 85.

Madam Speaker: Answer be taken as read. Supplementary.

باآررے � د� � ئٹاآ دشر� ��ف � � �آآل � �ش

خ About launching an approval�(رر) �آآ�ء ��  : �آآ وور

of Bhasha Dam  � آآس � � ��   repayment� � آآوورر  rate of interest� آآس � � �ن  �ن � �نخ

ر�خك � آآوورر آآس �� � ر

ت ئ ددےددئ �  entire affectees   �compensation� � � آآس �  acquireكبب

باآ�  ياآ آآ� دد� � � ددوو � ئ  � � ئ �۔  missingآآس �آآبب

پاآوورر   � �رر ووآآ� آآ� ئ يڈد � ��بب دم �  : � �ئٹيڈ �پ

Syed Naveed Qamar: Minister for Water and Power, Thank you Madam Speaker په�ي �

 � � � � �The loans have not been contracted as yet. So the issue of what are the

terms of loans the interest the terms and so on has yet not been finalized . We

have had indications support from the Asian Development Bank from USAID from

the Islamic Development Bank and so on and then subsequently they will also be

supplied credit and so on. Right now whatever money is being spent from our own

PSDP   � � ددے ددئ �  ك آآس آآ� � � � � � سببت No. I had just answered that question�ن ئ

earlier that about 4 billion rupees worth of land acquisition and compensation has

been given, however, the total quantum set aside is 41 billion. So you can see

that there is still a lot of land acquisition that is to take place.

Madam Speaker: Before I take next supplementary

 � ددے دد� �۔  PIPS�آآ � � �  آبپ گ � � �ئ آخ � �ئ

Syed Naveed Qamar: (Minister for Water and Power), Tomorrow Madam Speaker.

Madam Speaker: Don’t say that. It is going to take time so you look into it.

Syed Naveed Qamar: (Minister for Water and Power), I will start process tomorrow

and Insha Allah.

Madam Speaker: Because I am hoping by end of December probably they will be

done with the construction  � �  اآت  furnishing partئ � �hopefully آآ� ووه  اآء

شسخ operational byآآب

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February  � � �There was the concern �probably  �power connection  � � � �ٹاآ So look� ئ

into it and how soon can you do it   �  آبپ ٠�ن �۔ commitmentآآس �رر � � آ

Syed Naveed Qamar: (Minister for Water and Power), Madam Speaker, as you

know this is a project that one has gone through various stages and anything that

strengthen parliament is something that should have a high priority in this country.

دم �  : ��ررئ �ٹيڈ  �پ آآ�رر ��بب

  دم � : � ��ررئ �آآ�رر ��ببٹيڈ ۔ on supplementary�پ

بل � رے �ئٹ � � آآ� � � ببر اآ �� � آآ� � م � ��بب

خ � �ئ

خدم � ، � �ص

ٹيڈ  �آآ�رر  ��ررئ : �� �پ �  �بب

د رر� � آآس � �ٹڈخد�ئ

ٹياآ  �� ��  د  ۔ � ��ر� � رر� � ئ

   ( �� � � تد� � � �آآررب

ٹ د  �� � آآوورر �بب

تدم � � �� �آآررب

ٹيڈ ( آآس �� � �پ

ياآ  دئٹڈخ آآئ ببب ب� � �� �رر� � � � �  رروو� ئ پاآوورر � � �وون آآرربب ل ئ

ٹپخ  �آآ�رر ��ررئ  : � � ررئيئ د� � ��  45�بب


ر� � خ � آآوورر �رره آآ� ر اآددرر � آآنخ

خدوو ئخاآدشد� � �� � � �ررئ �  65�  آآوورر � ش

ٹ lack of شاآ�ن � �� ��رروو آآ�ك د

political will    � �� كت ئ آجب ياآ � وو� � � آآس � � � آ ياآ � �� � �ن   arrange �  ئ دئ

ٹڈخپاآ� آآوورر � آآئ � �ئ

 � arrange    �� � Hydro Electric Power   باآ�ن � � � ۔ اآ�  � � � � ئت ئ

پاآوورر ۔ د� � : �  � �رر ووآآ� آآ� ئٹ د �بب

  يڈد � : �آآ �ل �    .There is a very very unfair comparison � �ئ  � آآرر�ن  ت � جكوو�ب پاآوورر ل ئ

ٹپخ� ررئيئ

  But, yes, it is a matter of fact that in order to buy electricity, youرروو� �� � � 

had to pay money. Whereas,       �رر� � ، � � � � �آآل � �آآببتباآب  ئ آبپ س � آ

ٹپيكئ � ��ل �آآ�ب

اآرر� � � �ت � ئ پاآ�نخ  ئ يڈد اآئ

شس �ووع �� ش

ٹپيكئ  � � � ��ل �آآ�ب

ت�رر� �  � � � � آآس �رر� �  وو�ب

period    � �� �ن ۔ � �� � � � � ��ل � ووهٹس �ررب

ٹپيكئ   priority in the past � آآ� ��ل �آآ�ب

اآ ش �ش آبپ  � �� ۔ آ

ٹس � �ررب

ٹپيكئ آددھ �آآ� � � آآ� � � � � آآوورر �آآ�ب يك آ � ددئ � � دد� �� � ۔ � آآئ

And there is a whole list of projects that ��� دد� � ، � � دد� � ، � �ررئ دد� � ۔   دد� � ،

are starting up in this including some that were, infact, signed day before

yesterday in Governor House Peshawar.   آ�بيپبل � �   � � �   I would like assure him � آ

  �  پاآ�نخ  � � � �رر� � ، � ئ يبٹ ے ووه � �آآ�بت there � � � �رر� � ، � � � � � � � �شكئ

is about seventy sites that have already been identified and, Inshah Allah, we will

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make sure that all of those sites are developed and then Hydro Electric Projects are

put up in all of them besides smaller ones that will be put up in all other areas of

the country.

 ۔  و ��ببؤپاآو  � ئ آ�بب د� � : � آ

ٹ د �بب

  �  و : �� �ببؤپاآو  � ئ  آآ� �نخ آ�بب  آ وس � � �بب

ؤ � آآ� � � �رر� �و اآ �� � �� � ��بب

خ۔ � � �آآل � �ئ

sign  � ر دد� � �آآلخ � � فگررر آبپ  آ د� �آآ� � 78�� � ، � 

ٹ storage capacity point six � � �آآ د

seven six     � � � � It is 1.2 million acre feet.   آبپ ياآ � � � �� �� �ن � �م �  آ � � فگرر ددئ

 آآس � ��   � �آآ �آآ � آآووررت � دد� �دد� ۔ � �آآ� آآ� �ب آبپ ياآ �� آآس   progress � � آ � �رر� ۔ � � �ئ

رآآ�خدبيرٹي �رر� � ۔ آآس � � آآ� د

ٹ ب�ي ياآ � آآس � �بيپ  � �ئ آبپ باآررے � ۔ آآ�  آ باآررے � � ئ اآ � ۔ � آآس � ئخ � �م �ووع �ئ

ياآ � آآ� � � � � ۔  ر� � ئٹآ� ببر ك آ

ت ئ � �� � � �م كبب

پاآوورر ۔   د� � : � � ووآآ� آآ� ئٹ د �بب

Syed Naveed Qamar (Minister for Water and Power): Sir, the honourable Member,

who has been my predecessor and I have the most respect for him, perhaps his

information might be more accurate than what has been given here. I will certainly

check into that and if that happens to be true, then we would take people to task

for providing incorrect information. But, nevertheless, it depends on how the final

design comes about. And if the final design requires larger storage, then perhaps,

that is what would be done. As far as the entire time table, I certainly will inquire

about it and present it to the honourable Member.

د� � : آآگ� �آآل � ص�ج آآ�� ۔ ٹ د �بب

 �آآل �   ۔ 87� ص�ج آآ�� : �� � ��بب

Madam Speaker: Answer be taken as read. Supplementary.

د� � : � ص�ج  آآ�� ۔ ٹ د �بب

�وون � ص�ج آآ�� : آآس �آآل � � � � �  خگ � ، آآس � � ددووررآآ� � � ع��ن � ۔� آآ�


ٹ � �� � �د � آآنخ

گ � خد�ئ

ٹباآ� � �د د� � وو�ن � ئ

ٹياآ � � � � �ن � � �آآ� � � ع��ن �  ،� د  ددئ يك � �آآبب � آآئ

آ� آآوورر ددس �  � � رر� �� ، � ددوو�ے � ع��ن � � � آ آبپ گ �� � ۔ آآس � � وو� � ؟ ددوو�آآ آخد�ئ

ٹك �د

ت ئ

 � رر� � آآس � � �  آبپ �ر آٹ  � دد� ۔ آآس � ع�ووه � � �پي�

ت� ۔ � � ووه � ��ن � � �  ، � آآس � � � وو��ب

باآررے � � �� ۔  آآس � ئ

د� � : � � ٹ د پاآوورر ۔�بب �رر ووآآ� آآ� ئ

Page 21: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


    : �  يڈد I have lost that because there are a lot of questions that have been � �ئ

asked. � � �گ �ررخد �ئ

ٹ I believe that KESC is following � �آآل � � � �آآ� � � ع��ن � �د

a different principle of load-shedding whereby they say that whichever area gives

them better return in terms of losses as well as paying of bills, they provide more

power to that particular area and this is according to them a commercial decision

that they have taken and it is perhaps working out for them. As far as the issue of

having different rates for different parts of the country is concern, that is

absolutely incorrect. There is a single rate for the whole country. It is true that

NEPRA notifies different rates for different DISCOs all over the country. But, then,

the Government, through its own budget, gives them equalization in form of a

subsidy. And, in fact, that is a subsidy which has run up the entire circular debt

of the country whereby the differential between the rate of the most efficient

DISCO, which in this case, usually is the Islamabad IESCO and the rates of other

DISCOs which are then to be neutralized by this subsidy have historically run into

something over a hundred billion per year. As far as the issue of changing the

meters in the country is concern, yes, I think there is a subsequent question also

on this issue that we do intent to bring in smart meters and smart transformers.

Ultimately, we have to do away with the kind of pilferage that is going on in the


۔ اآ� ��ببخ ئ د� �: �ددآآرر �بب

ٹ د �بب

 ووه ��   � � �� �� � آآوورر رے وو�ے � �� � � ��نخٹ �شاآ� ببر  � ، �� نخ اآ�  : �� �بب

خ ئ �ددآآرر �بب

باآررے � � � � ووه � � �� � � گ � ئخد�ئ

ٹاآ �ن � �د

ت � �آآل �ئ  � �� � ۔ � �بب  �ررے �ن ��نخ

  آبپ  آآس � آ ياآ  �� ئ اآخر�ن � �� �ئ

خ � ر  آآنخ  � آآبب

ت � � ��ب گ � ۔ � � � ��نخ


ٹباآرره � � �د �ر �ن � ئ


ر�� � � ۔ خ ر

تياآب  � � � شاآ� �م �ووررئ آجب باآ� �� �� آ �گ � �� رر� � ۔� �ئ

د� ٹ د پاآوورر ۔  �بب � : � � �رر ووآآ� آآ� ئ

 � � �� � � � رر� � ووه � آآوورر �    ��نخت آآس وو�ب س 

ٹپيكئ يڈد � �آآ�ب اآئ

ش  � � ش

شيڈد � : � �ئ �آآررس � �ئ

گ � � � ۔ آآ� � � � �ررئ   ,In terms of transmission � رر� ۔  خد�ئ

ٹ�   bottlenecks وو�ن آآ�  �د

 � transmission lines     � � ت�    different directions وو�ن �� �� � ووه � �رر� ۔ آآس وو�ب

 � � �� � ووه � � رر� �   دئ � �نخٹس جپ� رر� � ،آآس � ع�ووه � ، � ددآآددوو �آآرر �� �  آآوورر د

ٹپيكئ  �   plus �آآ�ب آآ�آآنخ

Page 22: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


آ ر � � ۔ ووه �  � � آخياآر س �  � ��� � آآوورر    actively رر�  � �� آآ�ئ

ٹپيكئ  � � ددوو �آآ�ب �آآ� � رر� � ۔ آآنخ

 � �  يك آآوورر �آآ� آآ� شاآل � ���  � ۔ آآس � شاآ� شاآ� � آآ�آآنخ further one thousand megawatt آآئ

electricity   �ووه �  � �� �� �رر  � primarily   � ئ� تپ�� �ے � آآوورر آآس � � � �ووررب �� � � سپ

there has been a demand to bring in a transmission line through D.I.Khan which, if

needed, will also be put in.   �� بل دئٹ د

تپاآوورر � � ظاآ�ب  � � ئ س � ووه � آآس � ع�ووه ��نخ

ٹپيكئ � �آآ�ب

underway and that will also start producing electricity. So, Inshah Allah,  � � � �آآ

  �  اآ � � � � ��نخت  because of terrorism, our power pylons � � �وورر �ئ �آآ دد� �� �  

اآ �تآ�ئ  آ  شاآ ي�رآآ  آآس � � آآ�ھ�  آآوورر   in different areas. So, there, we also need the help of the

local people to help us in protecting our installations over there.

 �� ۔  ياآ� ررح�نخ د� � : ئٹ د �بب

 �  آبپ   � آ  ۔� ��بب  :  �� � ��بب ياآ� ررح�نخ once again I would like to deliberate on�� ئ

the dams being built by India, we are not yet clear   � �  ببب د� �ٹبگ�ييهاآرر د يك  05-2004� ب � � آآئ

ياآ �۔   International Court of Justiceآآ� �ووع � � �  ياآ � � � � ددئ دئٹڈخ آآئ  � آآوورر پاآ�نخ  ئ ياآ � � آآوورر دئ

ٹڈخ� آآئ

پاآ� يك � � ئ  � � ۔آآئ ياآ  � � � ددئ پاآ�نخ  � � � ووه ئت � آآس وو�ب    delayed approachنخ

ٹ � �ررب پاآ�نخ � ئ

آف � � ، �  د� � � �  ، �ررآآ    delayed approach� ۔ �   delayedآٹياآ د دئ

ٹڈخ water stoppage�� � ۔ آآئ

 آآ� �   آآس � � � شاآررآآ  � آآوورر اآت kindly can you make us clear what is the issue� ۔ آآس �  �ئ

really.  ۔

پاآوورر   د� � : � �رر ووآآ� آآ� ئٹ د �بب

Syed Naveed Qamar: Mr. Speaker, let me be very categoric on it. First of all

there have been three major, major meaning about which size hydro electric

projects built by India on the western rivers. One was Baglihar, other is Krishin

Ganga and the third is Nimoo Bazgo.

بگ�ييهاآرر � �      court of arbitrationب ياآ �   � � � ددئٹ India may continue with that� �۔ � �ررب

project.  گخ � � گئ we have taken up this and only this year Mr. Speaker and I don’tاآ

know why this atmosphere has been vitiated by those who don’t want to see

Pakistan succeed that when the court gave a specific order, and I have got a copy

of the order here with me, if somebody wants to look at it, to India to stop any

work on the river belt where there may be a diversion of water from that area    ببب � �

 ٹك �ررب

تياآ وو�ن � �� � �� � �ے � ۔   arbitration   �processئ دئ

ٹڈخك آآئ

ت ئ بب

ت so we are� � �� ب

Page 23: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


not late as far Krishin Ganga is concerned, we are very much on time and we are

fighting out that case and In Sha Allah we will get the victory at the end of it. In

the meantime we are continuing with our own project which is the Neelum Jhelum

which is built on the same river and built on using the same waters downstream of

Krishin Ganga. As far as Nimoo Bazgo is concerned, we are going there to

challenge that also but this challenge frankly should have come a lot earlier than

this Government started it.  ۔

 � تر � � �آآ�ب


ٹڈخآف آآئ د� � : � �ئ آ

ٹ د we are deferring for next rota day. Question�بب

hour is over. Leave Applications.


Mr. Deputy Speaker: Ch Ghias Ahmed Mela, MNA has requested for the grant

of leave for 14th and from 16th to 18th November, 2011 due to personal

engagements. Is leave granted?

The leave was granted.

Mr. Deputy Speaker: Dr. Nafisa Shah, MNA has requested for the grant of

leave for 16th November, 2011 due to personal engagements. Is leave granted?

The leave was granted.

Mr. Deputy Speaker: Mr. Jamshaid Ahmed Dasti, MNA has requested for the

grant of leave from 16th to 18th and from 21st to 23rd November, 2011 due to

personal engagements. Is leave granted?

ranted.The leave was g

Page 24: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


Mr. Deputy Speaker: Pir Muhammad Aslam Bodla, MNA has requested for the

grant of leave for 21st and 22nd November, 2011 due to personal engagements.

Is leave granted?

The leave was granted.

Mr. Deputy Speaker: Syed Zafar Ali Shah, MNA has requested for the grant of

leave for the whole current session due to illness. Is leave granted?

The leave was granted.

Mr. Deputy Speaker: Dewan Ashiq Hussain Bokahri, MNA has requested for the

grant of leave from 21st to 24th November, 2011 due to illness. Is leave granted?

The leave was granted.

Mr. Deputy Speaker: Pir Syed Fazal Ali Shah Jeelani, MNA has requested for

the grant of leave from 21st to 25th November, 2011 due to personal

engagements. Is leave granted?

The leave was granted.

Mr. Deputy Speaker: Mr. Liaqat Ali Khan, Parliamentary Secretary, has

requested for the grant of leave from 21st November, 2011 till the conclusion of

the Session due to visit abroad. Is leave granted?

nted.The leave was gra

Mr. Deputy Speaker: Mrs. Farhat Khan, Parliamentary Secretary has requested

for the grant of leave for 18th November, 2011 due to illness. Is leave granted?

The leave was granted.

Page 25: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


For Information:

Mr. Deputy Speaker: Mr. Moula Bakhsh Chandio, Minister for Law, Justice and

Parliamentary Affair has informed that he will not be able to attend the Session on

21st November, 2011 due to official engagements.

 �� � ۔  آآ�� ��بب ر � � � � � ۔ �ووم �ببخدررر

ٹآررد آف آ د� � : �آآ� آ

ٹ د �بب


Makhdoom Shahabuddin: Thank you very much Sir. You were not in the Chair and

the honourable Speaker was in the Chair, I had made a commitment that within

fifteen twenty minutes I will give little information to this august House because

honourable member from there you know asked about the textile city. So the

question was Sir, the supplementary question was that in all you know there are

about 1250 acres and how many plots are there and how many been sold and

what are the rates.

So I would like to submit over here Sir, there are about 277 plots, nothing

has been sold so far because the moment we supply the textile city with

electricity, with the power, then people will start buying Sir. And how about the

rates Sir? Sir, an acre, a plot you know which is worth five acres, the price is 21

million Rupees per acre and if it is from five to ten acres, then the price is 20

million per acre and if it ten to fifteen acres, it is nineteen and a half million

Rupees per acre. So that’s the break-up. Now as far as, now Sir, there is a sport

industry also. For example people are making buttons and things like that. So

obviously they would like to go and for a smaller plot, it could be half an acre, it

could be one acre, it could be something like that. So half an acre, there are 30

plots, one acre there are 32 plots, two acres they are about 119 plots. So five

acres we have 96 plots over there. Thank you very much indeed Sir, that’s all.

  د� � : �� � ۔ � �� ��ببٹ د .be very brief�بب

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آ� � آآوورر � � �  آتباآب  � � �  � � � � � ئ آبپ  �! � � آ  �۔ �بب  � � �� : � �� �بب بب

وون � ررآآوو�ئ � ٹئخاآ� �ھئ

ترئٹ آآر �� �  گ � ووه �  � �� � ۔ آآبب

خد �ئ

ٹك � � � �د

ٹيسپ دمئ

ٹدرر� � � د

خياآ � د دئ

ٹيڈ �پ

 آآوورر   available� �ررآآ � � آآس � آآ�رر � آآ�رر � �ررے  باآررے �  �م � �   � ئتباآب � � � ۔آآوورر � � آآس ئ

 � �   �۔آآنخ  ��دد  � ��بب يڈد  �ئ  ۔   � � �  پاآرر�ئ ��ئ   ئ  �ل � �ن � � آآوورر  �آآ  �  آآ� � ��بب

 �� � � ررآآوو�ئ �  �گ دد�وون � � � ۔� آآ�شاآ� ��  �آآبب  آآوورر اآ� � � �ل � � خ � � ئ

تآآس وو�ب

 رر� �ن  ه�رآآ باآرره دده   � � ددووئ يڈد � ��بب  آآس � � �� �رر � �  ۔ �ررآآ ررآآوو�ئ � ، �ئ ياآ  آآوورر � � � � ئ آجب  آ ياآ  � � رر� � ئ

� � آآوورر  �تگ � مئبپ

خد �ئ

ٹياآ �� � �د گ � ئ

خد �ئ

ٹے � ۔ � � � � �د

تشكئ  دد�� � آآوورر � آآ� ��ن � � �   آآ�  �آآنخ

آ � ��  باآدد � آ آئ  � � ررآآوو�ئ � �گ �ش �� � ووه آآش�م آتاآب

خ وو شكپ

ت �� ۔ protestآآ� ��ب

يڈد �  � � �۔ � �ئ يڈد � ��بب د� � : �ئٹ د  ۔ �بب ��بب

Syed Naveed Qamar: Sir, obviously I am not aware

 �exactly  ياآ � �آآ� �آآ � ۔ � �   they are getting closer to winters, so overall� آآ� �آآ � ئ

ك � ٹيسپ دوومئ

ٹاآرر� � � ۔ � ررآآوو�ئ � � �آآ � �� د

ش۔ � آآس   priority   � ��over all other consumerش

early stages   گخ �ئ د

ٹ so let me find out, the honourable Minister has� � �� �� �د

gone out of the country because of the illness of his wife, but I will find out from

the concerned department and give you the answer.  ۔

د� � : �  �بب ٹ   Adjournment Motions د و ��بب

ؤپاآو on point of order-� � رر� � ۔� �ئ

آبپ  � آ آ� � � � آآ�� �   �� �ن � آ اآخباآدد � �ئ  � �ررك ئ آبپ  � آ د� � ! 

ٹ د  �بب  :  و

ؤپاآو  �ئ  آآ� �نخ آ�بب  آ  �بب

وس � آآ�آآؤ � وو�ن � آآ� � �� �� � ۔ � �ررے �و آبپ  � آآ� � آآوورر � �� �  آ آبپ ر �  آآوورر � � � � آ


اآ �� �ن ۔خباآدد � �ئ  � �ررك ئ آبپ  �  آآوورر � آآ� �ف � آ

تباآب ر � ئ

خوس � � آآ�آآر

ؤرئ  آآوورر �و

ٹ � � ببر � � � � � سبب

د� � : � � �� � ۔ ٹ د  ۔Adjournment Motions �بب رآآدده ��بب

خرخدآآ� �آآ�ددرر �ب

ٹ ۔ د



 ۔   � ��بب رآآدده :  � � �� �ببخرخدآآ� �آآ�ددرر �ب

ٹ We move that the business of this Houseد

may be adjourned to discuss a recent definite urgent matter of public importance,

that increase in tariff of electricity Rs 3 and 8 paisas per unit is arbitrary, unjust

and such increase will cause grave hardship to the poor people of the country.

 �  باآ� آآنخ د� � : ئٹ د  ، �  �آآ�� �بب  � ��بب دآآ� � آآ�بب

ٹ ، د ر �  � آآ� آآے آآ�ل �ددررئ ��بب

خشاآ� � �ووووررر

بڈد آآ�  ۔   ، � �رر � ، � شاآج ?Minister for Water and Power, do you oppose it��بب

Syed Naveed Qamar: Not opposed.

Page 27: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


د� � : آآس � � � ۔ ددوو�ٹ د  ووه �بب د�� �� � 

ٹيڈ  � آآئ آبپ  ۔ � � آ ه�ر ��بب آآ � � � ۔ ��ررئ � ببرر� ظاآه

�ھ � ۔

 � رروو� ��ن � � �  آبپ  �ن آ !�  يك � �بب  آآئ    �۔  �� �بب   :  ه�ر Adjournment ��ررئ � ببرر� ظاآه

Motions  پاآرر�   �   Adjournment Motion move  � � � آآ�رر� �وو �� � ۔ �رر� ئ آبپ � �� ۔ � آ

پاآرر� �  �وون �   alliesرروو� �� �ن � آآ� رروو� ئخ آآس   Adjournment Motion move � � آآ� آبپ � � ۔ آآ� آ

آ�ه � � � �  پاآرر� �  precedent� رروو� دد� � � آ  �� ۔ �� آآ� � �رر� ئ اآخھ � آآ� �ئ

ٹ يي  � ئبئ

ر� � خ � وور ياآ آآنخ  ئ

پاآرر� � �  آآس � �آآنخ  �! آآ� رروو� ئ  � شاآ�  رر� �� � � �� � � �� ۔ �ببتجكوو�ب

وس �ؤپاآرر� � � �� � ۔ آآس �و پاآرر�� ئ  آآ� ئ  �  � � � �� �� آآوورر

ت آآ� � ووه � � � � آآ� �م�ب

باآ�  جتيك آآ�آآ � �� � ،  � آآ�بي  ددئ � �ئ


خ � � آآ�ر آبپ  دد� � � � �آآ �ل � � � آ


خپاآرر� � آآ�ر  � رروو� ئ آبپ آ

پاآرر� �   ئ �آآنخ آبپ اآ �� ۔ آ

خ �! � � �ئ دشكس �� ۔� � �� ۔ Adjournment Motion �بب

ٹ � د

اآرر�خد� �: ئ

ٹ د رررئ   � � � � �بب


ٹيڈ ر� آآئ

خ ببر يڈد � ��بب  � � �  �ئ

تباآب ر�  � �ے  decide � � ئ

خ�آآ �  �  آآ�ر

 ۔ 259�ل �   �وووو �ے �  آآوورر   يڈد � ��بب د� �� � ۔  � �ئٹ د آبپ � آ

Syed Naveed Qamar: Mr. Speaker, that is correct, this is the sixth Parliament

that I have been a member of, since 88, every consecutive Parliament I have

attended. And the tradition here is, even though the rules knows specifically bar

members of a coalition party to ask questions, but it has been tradition not only of

this Parliament but also the House of Commons as well as the Indian Parliament. So

by and large I think that tradition should be maintained over here. And this is

exactly what was decided in the Business Advisory Committee also.

د� �: � � ۔آآس �ٹ د   �بب رئ � � 


ٹيڈ ر� آآئ

خ ببر  �   ��بب ه�ر  ظاآه  � آآ�   decideببرر�   �  259�آآ   ببب � �

convert   � ��Then everybody can debate on it.  � �ووآآ    � � �not as moved   ��your

one is the first one to move it.وووو � � � ۔�  آبپ ۔ آ

ه�ر: رررئ  ��ررئ � ببرر� ظاآهخرؤدووآآب

ٹيڈ ر� آآئ

خوس ببر

ؤ  �و اآ �� ۔  آآ� � 

خ  � آآس � �آآق � �ئ  � � �  � � آآ�آآنخ

ش �!  �آآررس �بب

  �    � وو�ن � �� � آآنخ آبپ  آآس � � � �� � آآ� آ  ۔   آآس � ��  آ�ه    implement� آآ� � �ررم �  ۔ � آ

 وو�ن � � � �آآ �  �� � ۔آآ� وو�ن � � آآس  آآوورر د� �� ٹآددھ � د  آ �� � Adjournment Motion ر� �وووو


پاآرر� �  اآ �� � �   allies�ے � آآوورر رروو� ئخ �ئ

تباآب ے � ۔ 259� � ۔آآ � آآس � ئ

تشكئ  � 

تباآب � �  ووه ئ

Mr. Deputy Speaker: I am treating your Adjournment Motion as the first

Adjournment Motion.

Page 28: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


 !�  ه�ر:  �بب  � �� �  259��ررئ � ببرر� ظاآه    right� � آآنخ  � �بب آبپ � � �دد� � � �آآ � � آآ� آ

 آآس � �  �ئ  باآوو�دد  � � � Adjournment Motion� ئ پاآس � ۔   � ئ آبپ  آآ� آآ� � �ف � آ � رر�  � آآ� 

ياآدده  � آآس � � � رئخ  Adjournment Motion ر  � �سبب آبپ  � � آ  آآ�جب باآوو�دد  � � آآس �  ددئ �� � ۔آآس � ئ

پاآرر�  �   ئ  � � رروو�  آبپ ياآ ��  ۔آ ب�ئ  �   allies� � � � آآ� آآ� آآ� � ئ يك � �  �ل  � ۔ آآس � � � آآ�جب � آآئ

� ۔ 

�  � �  آبپ د� �: �  آٹ د ووه � �  � رر�  Adjournment Motion    � it’s the first one to moveبب

� �  آبپ ر� )۔ first one آخآف ددئ آآ�ر  (�رر آ ر� � � � رر� � ۔  ��ررئ �رر � �نخ

خ � � رر� ۔ آآ�ر

ر�):  �� �خآف ددئ آآ�ر (�رر آ ياآدد ��ررئ �رر � �نخ ك �ئ ئ

ت آآ� �آآ� � ۔ �ن ئ

تيب  �۔  � � �ن �   � �ب بب

 � � � ۔ �� ئتب

ش ددآآس   ياآدد  � � ۔  �ئ ئ  � �وووو يك آآ�آآء آآس آآ�آآنخ   � �  � � �آآ � � جكوو� رر� � �ئ


ش ددآآس

ت وو�ب

تيك آآ�آآء جكوو�ب  � �م � � �ئ آبپ باآ� ۔ آ  ئ ياآ  ئ يك   ��بب �ف آآئ

خ ج  آآوورر   serious question� �رر�دد� �  اآ � 


  تآ� � آآوورر جكوو�ب يك آآ�آآء آ ر� � � �ئ

خ  zealously آآ�ر    space� آآ�   يك � � دد�   guard� آآس �  �� � ،آآ� آآئ

باآ�  � � دد� آآ�آآم �� � ۔ ئ رآآدده ��ببخرخ  � ۔ �ب

تيب يك � ررووآآب يك � ۔ �  � آآئ  � آآئ  آآ� � آآ� � ددوو�ن � آآس �آآ�  � آآنخ

ر� � ، �  خاآ �� ۔   tradition�� �  � � رروو� � ،� ببر

خپاآ�ل � �ئ  � � � آآس  � ئ

تر ددووسب

خ، آآس �  � �ے �ر

 � � ۔ � خ

according� � �ف � �  جكوو� رر   Adjournment Motionووه  آآس �  �وورر �� � �� آآ�آآص

to traditions, according to parliamentary norms    اآ �� ۔� �� ۔خاآ � آآوورر � �ئ

ت � � �ئ

 � �   ه�ر ��بب د� �: وو� � � آآس � آآوو� رروو� ددے  ددئ � � ببرر�  ظاآهٹ د we are treating it as the�بب

first Adjournment Motion     ��  259ووه � � � رر� � ۔ آآ� �� �  اآخد� �ئ

ٹ then they can� د

debate on it.    ه�ر ��بب Move it� ببرر� ظاآه

 ،ررآآ� آآ� آ�  ظاآررق � ��ررئ ، � آآ�ح�نخ دآٹآ� ، د  � ۔ � آآوورر �ے شاآ� �آآ� � آ ه�ر: �� �بب  ��ررئ � ببرر� ظاآه

ياآ  آآئ يك آآ�آآء � ، �ددآآرر   آآس � آآ��  آآ� آآوورر آآ� �ووررئ  �� � �ئ  آآوورر �� ��ه �رر  �  سبب  آآ�ف تر �ددق ، � �ب


ياآ � � � � � دآآل ددئٹيڈد �� د رئ

خ � رروو� آآ�� � �آآم � م� بٹ

خ � ! � �� �  �  � �ب آ�   �� � ۔ �مله � � �بب آ

 � � �ل � �ررررووآآ� � ددس ت � ۔�ررئ ددرر�آآسب


شبل ببررددآآس اآ�ئ

خيڈد �� ئ رئ

خبل آآددآآ � رر� � ۔ � م� گ � �ررئ ئ

خد� ئ

ٹ� � �د

ياآ �� ۔ �� ۔  suspend� آآوورر رروو� �   ر� � �ئخيك  آآ�آآء � ر � � �ررئ آآس �ئ

Mr. Deputy Speaker: Minister for Water and Power, do you oppose it?

Syed Naveed Qamar: Sir, I don’t oppose the Adjournment Motion.

يك ددوو�ئ � � ۔ � �رر �� ��  د� �: � آآئٹ د .is going to move it�بب

 � ��ن � � � � � ۔ آآس � ررآآ� � آآ�     � ۔   ��: �� �بب  �� �ررتهب ره

خرخ � ب  آآوورر  آآ�  اآ �دد

خ ررآآئ ، �  �نخ

يك آآ�آآء � �� � ۔ �مله � � �  �� ر � ۔ � آآ�� آآوورر آآ� �ووررئ ��  � �ئخدد�ن  �ددق �� � ۔ � �ررے �ر

� ۔۔۔۔

Page 29: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


 �ء) دآآنخ

خ (آآد

 ۔ يڈد � ��بب د� �: � �ئٹ د �بب

Syed Naveed Qamar: Sir, while not opposing it, I would just point out that the

name of the honourable member Raja Asad has appeared in both the Adjournment

Motions, which is not proper, it has to be dropped from one of the Adjournment


د� �: � آآس � دد� �ٹ د  �ددق ��   movers � ۔ آآس � � �بب

تهب ره

خرخ  آآوورر � ب اآ �دد آآ� ��بب

خ we are�  ررآآئ

clubbing it. Naveed Qamar Sahib, you want to convert it into 259? OK. We have

admitted the Adjournment Motion and the date and time for discussion will be fixed

later on.

آ� �     3آ ياآ� ررح�نخ Calling attention notice�س ئ

 دد�۔ ترب

خ آآ�ر آبپ  �وووو � � آآگ آ اآ�رر ��بب

ت:   � ئ ياآ� ررح�نخ �� ئ

Mr. Deputy Speaker: I think we will take it tomorrow because Industries

  ددے رر� � آبپ   آ آ �� ۔ �ددآآرر �ددرر ��بب    � � آ آبپ     reply۔  �� آآ� � آ آبپ �   prepared� رر� � ۔ آآ� آ

 �� ۔  .we will defer it for tomorrow� ۔ ياآ� ررح�نخ آآس � � � � � � ۔ ئ

دررآآ خ: آآس �  د ياآ� ررح�نخ آرر� � ۔  response� � آآس  �   make sure�� ئ  � � آ � �� ۔ ددوو � ددنخ

  د�ئ � �     �آآل �  �  آآوورر �� آآ� � �۔ �ببٹڈخ   � �رر آآئ يڈد � ��بب د� �: �ئ

ٹ So we can make it د

sure.  � �آ  4آ د�  ٹڈخ Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs to move�� � �ئ

Item No. 4.         ��بب  �ررووق  �  Advisor to the Prime Minister on Law, Justice and۔

Parliamentary Affairs to move Item No. 4.




Mr. Ghulam Farooq Awan (Adviser to the Prime Minister on Law, Justice and

Parliamentary Affairs): Thank you Mr. Speaker! I beg to introduce a Bill to provide

for the oath of office and terms of office including salary, allowances and privileges

of the Members, Election Commission of Pakistan [The Members, Election

Commission (Oath of office, term, salary, allowances, perks and privileges) Bill,

2011]. Thank you.

Page 30: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


Mr. Deputy Speaker: A bill to provide for the oath of office and terms of office

including salary, allowances and privileges of the Members, Election Commission of

Pakistan [The Members, Election Commission (Oath of office, term, salary,

allowances, perks and privileges) Bill, 2011] stands introduced.


Mr. Deputy Speaker: Item No.5, jee. Begum Nasim Akhtar Chaudhry,

Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs to

move item No.5.

Begum Nasim Akhtar Chaudhry: Thank you Speaker Sahib! I want to move that

the delay in the presentation of the report of the Standing Committee on the Bill

further to amend the Central Law Officers Ordinance, 1970 [The Central Law

Officers (Amendment) Bill, 2010], till today be condoned.

Mr. Deputy Speaker: Now, I put the Motion to the House. I has been moved

that the delay in the presentation of the report of the Standing Committee on the

Bill further to amend the Central Law Officers Ordinance, 1970 [The Central Law

Officers (Amendment) Bill, 2010], till today be condoned.

(The motion was adopted)

Mr. Deputy Speaker: Item No.6, jee. Begum Nasim Akhtar Chaudhry, Chairman

of Standing Committee on Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs to move item


Begum Nasim Akhtar Chaudhry: I present the report of the Standing Committee

on the Bill further to amend the Central Law Officers Ordinance, 1970 [The Central

Law Officers (Amendment) Bill, 2010].

Mr. Deputy Speaker: Jee, the report of the Standing Committee on the Bill

further to amend the Central Law Officers Ordinance, 1970 [The Central Law

Officers (Amendment) Bill, 2010] stand presented.

Mr. Deputy Speaker: Item No.7, Jee, Ch. Nisar Ali Khan Sahib, Leader of the



Page 31: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


�ف):تپخ آآ� (�بب د� �! ��ررئ �رر � �نخ

ٹ �  �� د آبپ   �آآه �ن آ

ت � �� �۔� � �رر �ن  �  point� �ررب آبپ آ

ياآدد � �۔� � �ئ دد� � آآ ياآ � �� � � آآ� �ج ئ  � ئ يڈد اآئش ش آبپ  آ ياآ۔� �ف آآس � آآ� � آآس ددنخ � � �� ددئ

يك �   آآئ �   �  seriousرر��ن۔�دد  � شاآ� � ر�آآ� ��ببخ � � وور  � آآوورر

خ �ص  وو  � �ل پاآ�نخ � � �ررے ئ

رخياآ۔وور  آآ�ئ  �رر� � آآوورر  آآس � �رر ددنخ ياآ۔آآبب آئ ك � آ

ت ئ آجب  ��  ووه � آ آ� � آآوورر � �نخ ر� آ

خ �  � � �ن � � آآس � وور �آآ� ��بب

پھ� �  ج�پ

working day  �آ� � � � �آآ ر�آخياآ�� � � وور  �ئ آ� � �ن �۔� �   آ ر


ٹڈخر� آآئ

خ � وور  �! � � �آآ � �بب

 �   � � � � �� � ��۔آآنخ ر� � آآس آآ�آآنخخ � ببر  آآنخ ببب  � � �� رر�۔�  � � �م � � � آآس آآ�آآنخ � �۔� آآنخ

 �  ر�آآ� �ن آآس آآ�آآنخخ ،  commitوور

ت آآ��ب پاآس �ے �۔�نخ  ئ درر

ٹآررد  آ �� � � � � �� � ��۔� �� � ��،�نخ

 � � �م � � � آآس آآ�آآ� �   � � �م � �، � آآنخ  ��ن � ��ئ �ن � �� ��۔� آآنخ اآ �ے  � آآنخخ �ئ

ٹ �� �ررب نخ

  آبپ  آ �   � آآس آآ�آآنخ ياآ  �ددئ اآشباآ� �گ � �۔� � �ش  � �۔ئ   اآه

ش � �، �ن � �رر� آآ� ش  �ن آآوورر س � آآ � شاآ� �آآ�ه

 ت � � آآس وو�ب ك  � �۔� � � � � آآس آآ�آآنخ

خ آآ� ���ن � � �ئ آبپ   � �� � �۔آ آبپ  �۔� � آ

تيب � �ررب

 �ن  �  �    اآت �ئ  �نخ  �آآوو�  ��بب ر�آآ�

خ وور  آآوورر   �   �ل  �شاآنخ ��   دد�۔� �  �  ر��

خ ر  آآ� �  �  �  �رر�ل

commitment � � ۔ووه � � �� � �� آآس�� �implementation  �رخ �ررے � � �م وور � ��۔�ن آآ� ددنخ

يك � � �۔� شاآ� � � � �  �� �� �۔آآئترآآررب

خ وور ر

خ رروور ه�ر  � � ۔�ن � ه


خ � وور  آآنخ  � � � � آآبب ن � آآبب

 �  ببؤ�وون � �ن � �ب

خ � �۔آآ�  آآنخ ر


ٹڈخ �� � �دد۔ behalf� آآئ

ٹپاآ� � آآ�ررب د� � � � ئ

خبڈ  ج  وو  

شرآآ �س

ٹ�  95� � ببر

 �   آآنخ �   �آآبب  آآ� �   آآنخ �   آآ�آآنخ  آآس �   آآنخ  �۔�  ددآآرر د�خ د �  �  پاآ�  ئ  �ف �  �   �۔آآس ��   �آآ �  پاآ�نخ ئ

accountable �� � �پاآ  ئ   اآ�� � � ووهخ � �ئ ل  accountable�۔� آآنخ

 �آآ� � �۔�ئٹ  �� � � �� آآوورر اآخ�ئ

� تباآب  � ئ

ت ررآآب آ� ����  �ن �� �ددئ �� آآوورر  � آآس � � � � �  � �ن � �ے �� آ  ووآآ� �آآووآآرر � �۔�دد

!�  ،� �� �ببتباآب  � ئ يك � ددنخ  آآئ  ددوو�ے ددنخ

تباآب رررآآء �  ئ

خ وور اآ�ن � آآنخ

ت � آآ� �ئ آبپ   accountable� � آ ��۔�آآ

 �  رررآآءخ وور  آآنخ ك

ت ئ �  �  �   �۔�ن �   ووآآ� آبپ  آ �  �   ��دد� �  �  آبپ  آ �  �   ددنخ  آآ�   �  �  �  �  �ل

accountable � �آآ�  �� �  پاآ�نخ   �۔ � � � ئ  ��جب ياآ �۔� � �جب  � �� وو� �ئ باآنخ رئخ � ر �آآ� � رر�  �۔آآنخ

 � �آآ� � �� � آآوورر � �ف �� � � � پاآ�نخ  � �وو��ر � �� وو�  � ۔ � ئ  � �ے � ��  وو� �۔آآنخ  �۔آآنخ  آآنخ

  �perks and privileges آآ  �  �  آجب  �۔آ  �آآ  �آآ  ��ل �  ��  يك  آآئ �   �۔�  شاآ� � �   آآ�آآنخ  آآس �  رخد�بير


accountable,    � �آآبب  � �آآل �� ۔آآنخ  � آآنخ پاآ� �  اآن ئخ � ئ ياآ  � � � ددئ  ��بب اآه

ش ���ن۔ش

ش� � � �آآررس

 � ���total production  �   � �  figures� �۔� � � �ل آآنخت جكوو�ب ياآ � وو imports, �order� آآوورر ه � ددئ

�  پاآ� � �رر� �۔� آآس آآ�آآنخ  � �ے � � � �ررآآ �۔آآس � ئ آبپ يڈد �وورر �۔آ اآئش ش  � ��ن � � �آآ �بب  �۔� � آآنخ

   � � آآس � دد�نخ ڈدآآخ �م � ��ف �رر� �۔� � �رر�� ج ياآ ��ف �رر� �۔آآس � � ��ن � ��ف �رر� � ئ

 � آآ�س ��۔� شاآررئ �� آآ�دد  � � �دد�� � آآنخ  دد�۔آآنخ  � � وو�رر � دد�نخ  دد�۔آآنخ ر � دد�نخخآووآآر  � �آآم � آ پاآ�نخ  � �۔ئ

ر� خر� آآس �آآ� � �رردد � � � آآر

خ � � آآر آبپ  � �رردد �۔� آ آبپ  �ل � ��۔� آ  � �� �شاآنخ آبپ دوو� � آآوورر آ

ٹ � � د آبپ يك � آ آآئ

� � �   آآس آآ�آآنخ  � �� آآووررش

 ��س ۔� آآس �آآبب آبپ  � �آآق � ��۔� � � آ ڈدآآ � � آآس آآ�آآنخخ �ررئ �م � � �۔ج نخ

 �  آبپ  � ! � آ �وون � � � آآ� ruling��۔�ببخ � �۔��� �۔ آآ� آبپ  آ ببب � � �  working day���ن � �

 �  �آآ  آبپ  �ن � �۔� آ ر� ��ببخ �ن وور آجب  �  rulingآ  � �رر ددنخ آجب    آ ر�آآ� ��بب

خ�� ��  � �  commit�� � وور

Page 32: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


ياآ   � ددے ددئ �وون � �نخخر� � � � � �۔آآ�

خآ�ئ ، وور ياآ۔آآس � � � �� آآوورر �آآ آآوورر آ آئ ك � آ

ت ئ We want toآآوورر ووه � آآبب

hold him accountable, �� �آآ � �� � �  پاآ�نخ ه�ر   � � � آآ� �� �ے �۔ئ باآه � � �� � ��۔ �ن ئ

  آبپ  آ  � �� آآوورر آبپ  �� �ے �۔� �ف � �� آت � ��۔آآس �ج � �آآ�ب باآدد آئ  � � � � � آ ر

خ � آآ�آآر ياآ �ے �۔ئ

ruling  � � � � �دد �  آبپ  �! � آ  ��۔� � �ج � � �بب  � � آآ�نخ ياآدد ��۔آآ� �� � آآس آآ�آآنخ پاآس �� ��رئ ئ

ruling ن آآس �۔���

۔ اآه ��ببشد� �: � ��رر�آآ� ش

ٹ د �بب

 آآس � � ��۔�ن � آجب د� �!� � � � � آٹ د اآه:�� �بب

ش � � �  � �رر� آآ� ش �  Monday� � آآس ددنخ

 �   آآس � � � �� � آآوورر آجب  آآس � �ن � آ آجب  � � �� ��۔� �آ   ياآ �وون � � آآس � � �  welcome�ررئ

 تباآب  ئ ه�ي

پ   mathematics��۔� ياآ  ئ �calculation وورر�  �   ��بب  ��ررئ  �ج � �   �وورر  آآ� �  �۔�ئ

 � �� �۔ � � �۔� �� ر��ببخ �بير اآجب

تر� � �� �۔�ئ

خ � آآ�ر ببب آ� �۔�  �� � آآس � � � آ

figures  �game ووه � � �۔  آجب   million ton 18�۔ real figure� �۔� آت �ررئ �ووررب

ت� � آآس وو�ب

 � �� ت �� � �  �million ton 17.3�۔ shortage� �دد �۔شاآب

تك �۔شاآب

ت ئت�ررئ � �آآووآآرر � آآس وو�ب

آ� � ك آتل � �  National Fertilizer Corporation�۔� port ئ

پاآ�  quantum� ددئ �� �۔�ئٹ �۔آآس � ئ

�totally shortage  � � � � ۔آآس � ددس�points  � � آآوو� �ن �  يڈد اآئش�  floor� � ووه � � ش

statement    �۔� �  �   �بب  �ن۔ووه  �  17.3دد�  �بب  آآوورر �  �  �   �بب �  �   ددس �  �۔آآس

shortage  � �اآآآخآ� � آآس � � ئ  �� � آ

تپاآ� � �  ��� � شاآب اآآآ� ئ

خباآ� جكوو�ن � ئ ياآ �ئ  � ئ

ت � جكوو�ب  �بب �۔آآبب

  � � آآ�س � ���۔  �رر ددنخ  � ددنخ  ددوو ددنخ يك ددنخ  � �ووع �� آآئ آجب باآ� � � آ  دد� �ن � �ئتر� � دد�ب

خ� � � آآ�ر

facts figure  آ� �ررئ آ� � آ د�ئ � آٹڈخ دد�  joint responsibility� شاآ� آآئ يڈد � ��بب ياآ �ئ  دد وون � ئ � � �آآبب

 آآس � �ووع � آجب ياآ �� � دد� � � آ �۔ � ئ

  ببب د� �:  �ٹ د   debate � � � � �proper motion move�بب  ��بب اآ�ے � ��ررئ �رر � �نخ

خ �ئ

رررآآء � ووه آآ� خرررآآء � � وور

خ � � وور  � آآنخ

تباآب  �وون � � وو� �آآق ووآآ� ئ

خ�ف ) : � � �ص

تپخ آآ�  (�� �بب ��ررئ �رر � �نخ

باآررے � � آآظ�  � ئتيك آآوورر � � � �ب ر� آآئ

خيك آآوورر وور  � �دد دد� � � ��  آآئ  رر� � � �رر رر� � ووه آآس آآ�آآنخ


باآررے � �ن �ے � � �   آآ�  facts and figuresئ �  پاآس  contestدد� � � �رر �وون � �� �ے ئ

 � � � � ۔ �ف � ر � � �ببخ شاآررے فگررر  � � � � آآنخ  �ف �بب

ت �ووررب

تياآ آآس وو�ب  � �م � �� ئ بب

   ر� �ببٹ � �ر آ� � � � � �ن۔ � � � �ن �بب  � � آ   �بب و� �آآبب


ٹ � د

ت � � آآ�  ررآآب

ت� � �ددب

 � ���ن � وو� � � � آبپ  آ  � شباآعب  ئ يڈد اآئ

ش � �  � � ش آبپ  � ۔ �ھ � �ف دد� � ��آآه �  آ

شباآعب ئ

  آبپ يك � � � � � ��� �ن � آ پ يك �� � � �پ پ رئ � �م �� � وو�ن � � �پٹ � � �ر �ف دد� ��نخ

 �ل  ر� � �� �شاآنخخآ� � �� �ررآآ �ن � وور  آ  � آآ�آآ آبپ  دد� آ � � � �ن � رر� � � � �� �رر

  � � �ررررووآآ� � � جكوو� ر � � � � �  � � � � � آآ�آآنخخ ��  � � � آآر ياآ � آآ�آآ � � آآنخ  آآوورر �ء �ررررووآآ� ئ  ��  

اآ��خيك � � �ئ  آآس � � �� � آآئ ياآ � ��بب  آآ�ے � � � ئ يك ��  آآوورر باآررے � آآئ  آآ� �  � ئ  ۔ ددوو�آآ � 

Page 33: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


  آبپ اآ ���ن � �ے شاآ� آخ � �� �وول �آآئ آبپ  � � � � � آآوورر � �ف آ باآررے � آآنخ  ددے رر� � � � ئ �نخ

 � ووتياآب �وون � � � � � �ررئ �ووررئ

خ آآ�  � � دد�  آبپ  �  18ه � شاآ� � � � � آآ�� � � آ  � � آآنخ  � �

 � ووه ت �ررئ � 18�ووررب

ت�وون � آآس وو�ب

خ آآوورر � آآ� ر � 

خ�خ  � ۔ آآس � �  17.3� ووه  local industry� ئٹ� ر

خ�خٹ� � ئ

�وون � �خد � � �وورر �� آآوورر آآس � � � � � �� � � آآ�

ٹياآ � � آآس � رر�ررد ه�رآآئ درر دد�  import� آآس � دده

ٹآررد � آ

 � � رر� � � �تطووط � ��ن � وو�� جكوو�ب

خاآ � ددوو �   � � � �

تپخياآ � ئبئ اآ � ئ

تپخ ئبئ بٹ

خپاآ� �شئ  � �� � � ووه ئ

  �   رر� � آآوورر � تبب  �ب  وو �quotation Federal Government  � � 

تياآب  رر� � �ووررئ � 

ت جكوو�ب وو��

باآرر � �  � � ووه � local productionآآوورر  ئ باآرر ر� �ن � ئخ � � � � وور ه�ر �سبب اآه

ظ � شاآ� � �وون � � ظ آبپ آ

 دد� � � � �   � آآس � �آآبب اآه ��ببش �رر� ش  � � �بب

خد� ددآآرر � � �� آآ�آآص

خر� � د

خ �  وور ببب � � �ن � �

ڈدآآ�آآ� �خ ووه ج  � ��  ياآ  � � �ئ ياآ  آآ� ئ  


خ وور ياآ  ئ اآ � �� آآ� � � � 

خآئ  � آ  آآس آآ�آآنخ  � ووه ه�ر باآه  � ووه � � ئ رر

 � ووه � � � آآ� آآ� � � �ن  پاآس �آآ� � �بب  � �ے ئت  �   80�� � � � � وو� � آآس وو�ب � ��بٹ

 دد� �۔ ��ن � دد� � � � fakeدد� � � ووه   آآس � � �آآبب اآه ��ببش ش  � � � �وون � آآبب د

ٹپاآس رر�ررد ےئ

 آآ� � ت � � � ووه  80�آآب

ٹ آآ�ب درر � � رر� �  Interior Minister� آآوورر �ن fake� � � ��بٹ

ٹ د درر

ٹ د دررآآ

خ� د

ياآدده آآ�دد � دد� آآوورر � رئخر � � ر

خد � ووه � آآر

ٹ � � رر�ررد  �� آآنخ آ�  آآے � � �� وو�� آآددآآرره �ررے شاآ� � � ۔ �بب ص � آآ� آ

 � شاآ� � دد� آآوورر �  ر � آآنخخي� س�

خئ بپي اآم �  �� آآ� �� �   corroborate� � آآ�ي�

خ ��ن  � �آآ ��  � � ئ ياآ � آآنخ �� ئ

 �آآ � � � �  درر � آآس � � �  رر� � ��ببٹد � � � د

ٹ � � � � رر�ررد درر �۔ ددوو�آآ � � � �بب

ٹرآآ د

ٹ� � ببر

رآآرروون خه�  ه پاآس  يك آآ� آآ� آآے �ئ يك آآئ  � شاآ� � �وون � � آآئ   آآنخ  � � � � �ن � �  اآه ��بب

ش�وون � � ووه آآ�� ش

� � � �  رخ آآبير  آآ� �  آآ� آآے آآوورر  آآ�  � � آآ�� �� ياآ يك �ررئ  آآئ يك �  آآئ  �ن  د� ددآآرر

خ � � � � � د

ش ruffآآررس

estimate  ددئ � � �ے �  رآآرروون � �ببخه�  �� �� � �ن ه ياآ  �ررئ �ررئ  � آآ� ددوو رآآ � آآوو� � � �� 

ٹ� �ر

رآآرر �خه� يك ه يك � آآس � آآئ ر� آآئ

خرآآرر � دد� � � وو�� وور

خه�  ه ر� �رر

ٹيك  � شاآر د � آآئ

ٹپاآس رر�ررد ر � � � ئ

خياآ � �  � رر�ررم�  ددئ

 � � �آآ� � دد� � � آآوول �  � � �� � � دد� � � آآنخ ر� � � � � آآنخخ  آآ� � ر رآآرر

خه� ياآ � ه  ئ رآآرر

خه�  ه پاآس ددوو  � ئ

 دد� ٹاآ�� �نخ ر � � �� � � �� �ن � � �ن �رره �ئخ آآ� آآ� آآے آآ� � آآبير آبپ  � رر� � � آآوورر ��ن � وو�ن آ

 � �   آآ� � � �ئ �ببتياآ دد� � � آآس � �آآ�ب  � � �ررئ  � آآ� � � ��ن � آآس �بب رآآرروون � �بب

خه� ه

اآ �� � � �� آآ�آآ خ � � � � � �آآ �ئ

خآدد� � � � �� آآ�آآص روون آ

خ � � �ر

ش � � �   � �آآررس


رآآ �رر �ن � � � �آآ� ٹ � ببر آبپ  � رر� � � آ

ت رر� � �آآب  ��ن � � � � �ن � آآ� �ھ � ددنخ


خ � آآ�ر آبپ � آ

 �شاآ� رر� �� �ن۔ ت � �� � جكوو�ب آبپ  � شاآ� رر��� �ن آآوورر آ آبپ آ

يك   آآئ اآه ��ببشد� �:  ش

ٹ د آ ��۔ important issue�بب  � � � �ھ � ووه آ  � ��بب آبپ � آآ� آ

 � �   �ببتاآ �۔� ررآآب

تآئ  � آ  � � �بب ر� �رر � � � � � � �آآبب

خاآه : � �� � آآ�ر

ش� �رر� آآ� ش

   �  �بب اآنخش  �ررئ ش اآ � � � �بب

ت �ررآآ آآ�  � �ررئ آ�  ووه ددنخ  دد� آ  � �آآبب ببب � �  � � � �  �� �  آآوورر �بب

 � � تباآب اآ ۔ � � ئ

ت � � �ئ آ� � �بب  � � دد�  ۔ ��ررئ �رر � � آ  ووآآ�  �آآبب  ووشاآنخ � � آآ�  259� � �رر

Page 34: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


 �  آجب  �motion moveآ نخشيس  �� � آآس � � آآ�كئ آ د� �� آآس � �� � آ

ٹ �� � � �ررئ � � � �وود

  � � �� � � � � ووه �� � �ن � آآ� �� �ھ � � ��آآه �  د � � آآووررٹڈخد�ئ

ٹ� � �ررئ د

 �ن �ن � اآت �ئ

تباآب  ئ  شاآررے ��ن � اآ

ت � �ئ

تباآب  ئ �   � �بب   shortage  �95��نخ ببب �  بٹ

خ آآ� �شئ �ررئ

د� �  � ٹاآ �ن �ن � shortage�وود

ت �ئ

تباآب اآآآ� � �رروون ��ن � ئ

خ� shortage� � � � � ��ن � � ئ

  بٹخپاآ� �شئ رھ رر� � � ئ

ٹ ببر

تيب اآآآ� � � � �� � � �ب

خ � � �آآ�  � � رر�  � �رروون ��ن � ئ � �ف �بب

اآ � وو� � � رر�خآئ  آ اآ �� �ن � 

خآئ  م� � ووه � آ آ� � آآ� � آآ� آآ� آآے �  � آآ� � آآے � �� ��بٹ  آ  رر  � � �وو

ياآ �ررے �ن  ر�آآرر � � � رر� � آآ� �م � �� � �ررئخاآ�� � � ر

خآئ �� ۔ ددوو �ررئ � � � �ررئ � � آ

شن �� � � رر� � �ن ش

شيس پاآرر� � �مئ  ئ پاآرر� � � �  ررئ � � � � � � � ئ


خاآرر� � � �ن � � آآئ

 �welcome  آجب دشكس � �۔  259�� � � آٹآ� �ھ � � د � �� � آ

 آآ�  د� �:  ��ررئ �رر ��ببٹ د آ 259�بب د�  �ھ � �ووع � �۔ �� �� �وو � � آآوورر آ

ٹ د بپ

�ف ) : � �۔ تپخ آآ�  (�� �بب ��ررئ �رر � �نخ

 �� �وو � �۔  آبپ  آ اآه ��ببشد� �:  �رر� ش

ٹ د �بب

اآه :  � دد� � � دد� ۔ ش � �رر� آآ� ش

درر � ۔ ٹآررد آف آ  �آآ� آ د� �:  رر� � ��بب

ٹ د �بب

 آآے رر� �  :  د � � آآوورر آآ� �ے آآ� � � � �ببٹرے ��آآرر �د

ٹر� �رر ببر

خ  آآ� � � �ررے آآ�ر آجب  �! آ �� �بب

�  يك � آآنخ وس �  assureآآئؤاآ�ن � آآ� �� � �و

تاآء  investigation order�� � آآوورر ��  decide�آآئ

شسخ�� � � آآب

� � �  آبپ اآء آآ� ۔  آآ� �وورر آآ�ف � � آشسخ .Thank you Sirرر� � آآب

  رآآدده ��ببخرخد� �:  �آآ�ددرر �ب

ٹ د �بب

ياآ �    �! �ررئ رآآدده  :  � �� �ببخرخدآآ� �آآ�ددرر �ب

ٹ  availabilityد  �نخ

تباآب  � رر� � آآ� � � ئ

تيب ئ  �پ

تباآب باآررے � � ئ �ئ

 �  پاآ�نخ  �رر  18� � � ئ  �� � آآوورر اآ�� �  requirementئ� � �آآخ� ببررآآببرر � � � � � �م �ئ

 � � �م �  پاآ�نخ  �  verities growئ  � آآنخ پاآ�نخ � � �  sowing first November� رر� � �ررے ئ

ك �� � آآوورر ت first irrigation� � � � � آآ� sowing� ��   ئ ر� 

خآآرروون � آآوورر ��ن �  دد� �� آآ� ر

 آآ آ�  � آآوورر  � � �� � � �دد � � � آآس � � � � � آآ� �رر � � �دد رر� �� � � ووه �رر� � �م � آ نخ

 �  first irrigation�م � � � � ووه �� � � ��ت �ررب ه�ر  آآس � � � � � �  sowingه �� �� آآوورر

 �fertilizer available  اآ�� ۔ � �ئخوس � � آآس � � �� � �� � آآس  request�ئ

ؤ� � آآس �و

 �رر� �  پاآس � � ووه  � ئت جكوو�ب رئ

خپاآس � �� �كر  ئ  � 

ت جكوو�ب باآ�  �� �ئ ررر

خرؤي�ب پ

ٹ  ��رب  � ��  اآخ � � �ئ

تباآب ئ

available  � �اآ � �ررتدآآل � وورر�   first irrigationئ

ٹ� �وورر � � �م � �ددآآ � �وورر  root formation� آآس �  د

� آآ� �ے �۔   yield� � آآوورر آآس � �ررئ 

  ر ��ببٹ سيي�� د� �:  �ددآآرر �ددرر �نخ

ٹ د �بب

Page 35: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


:  رٹ سيي��  آآ��نخ  �ددرر اآ ��  �ددآآرر

خ �ئ

خ �! � � �ص  � ���بب  ع�جب ر


ٹڈخ� ووه � � �  abroadن � � � آآئ

د� ��� �� � �مله آآ�� � � �  259� � � � آآ� � �� � � ٹآ� آآس � د � � �� � آ

  national exchequerآآوورر آآ��  �ررآآ �  رآآٹد�  contribution� آآس � آآس � ببر

ٹرھ � �ئ � آآوورر آآس � د

ٹ� �ررئ رربير

 � transparency� �� آآوورر �ے �ل � ووه �� � �خ

آ �� � � � �� آآ�آآص � � آآس  � شاآ� شاآ� آ

 دد�  �۔ د� �آآ�۔ �  آآس � �آآببٹ �رر ��ر�� آآوورر آآس �  د آبپ �� � آ

اآ �خد� �:  ررآآئ

ٹ د  �بب � � ��بب

 �   � آآجب�س �ووع �آآ ببب �  پاآ� � ددنخ ر�� �� � �� � ئٹبر آ� ب  � آ

تباآب ر� � ئ

خآف ددئ آآ�ر  آ اآ �� � : � �رر


ر�آآرر  � آآوورر خ � ووه ر

تباآب  � � ئ ر�  � �رر �� آآس آآ� � آآ� � �۔ � آآ�س � �ددآآرر �ددرر �نخ

خآف ددئ آآ�ر  آآ�رر آ نخ

 تباآب ياآ ئ درر� ئ

خد� � د

ٹ �  آآس � �م � � آآ� � د

تپاآرر� � ووه �ه � � �� � � ��دده جكوو�ب  � � ئ ر� � آآنخ

خ � � � وور

تيب ئ �پ

درر�خ  kill� د   اآ

خاآ�   resolve�ئ

تد ��ئ

ٹيڈ دئٹاآ� د

ت ووه آآ� � � �ئ ياآ ��دد �دد   � ؛ ئ

ت آآس وو�ب � �� آآس � � � �� آآوورر

 تباآب �وون � ئ

خ  �ررے �آآ� � آآ� آآ� آآے � آآ� رآآدده ��بب

خرخ � � رر� � �ج آآ� �ب

تياآ آآس � �ووررب باآ� �� �� ئ ئ

د� �  � � � � �خ�وون �  د

خد�ئ � � آآ�

ٹڈخٹاآ� � � � ��ن �ن �ے � � � رر� � � � آآئ �  � � آآ� ئ

د�ئٹڈخ�وون �  � ووه آآئ

خ آآ� اآ� آآس � �� آآس �دد � �� � رر� �� � � �ن � � �ن آآوورر

تآئ ر� � �� آ

خووآآ� وور

ٹاآ � �  � � � � � �ف � �� � آآس �   �ے ع�� � دد� � آآ� � �گ ق � � � � �ئ آآ� ��بٹ

ببب �ررے � � � ق � � � � �  يك ددوو رره � � آآنخ آ� � � � � آآئ  � �  approach� � ووه � � آ آبپ � � آ

 آآ�  � ووه  آآوورر درر� � رر� � � � �ن � خد�ئ � د

ٹڈخر� آآئ

خياآن وور رئ

ٹ � دد�ر �وون � � � � �دد

خ آآ� � ��  آ آ� � آ  � آ

آ ��   آ ياآن � � � دد� � �  رئٹ � � � �ن آآس � دد�ر

تباآب  �ررئ � ئ   رآآرر

خه�  ه  � � �رر

تباآب  � ئ � آآ� ��ررئ ��بب

 � � آآ�س   � �� �ددآآرر ��ببتباآب  ووآآ� ئ رآآرر

خه�  ه ياآ �رر  ئ رآآرر

خه� آ� � � ه  شاآ� آ ببب � �  آبپ دل � �� � � � آ

ٹڈخياآدده � شكئيپ رئ


� � � �   آآنخ  �� �� �� تباآب  � � � � ئ  آآ� � �گ � آآنخ رآآ

ٹر�آآرروون ��ن ووآآ� �� ��ن آآ� ببر

خد � ر


 آآ�رره آآ� � رروو� � �ے ع�� � � � رر� � � ت � ووه آآس وو�ب يبٹ  � � ررب  رروو  رر� � آآوورر �ه � �دد � رر� � �نخ

 آآوورر آآس � ر� � رر� � خ � � � آآ� آآس �ج � � � آآ�ر يبٹ ر� � � � �� آآوورر ررب

خر� � � وور

خ �� � � � �� وور

تباآب  ئ

 �� � �ش � �� آآوورر � �ل � � � تباآب د� ددآآررئ � آآوورر آآس آآ� �  � � �� � �ش � �� � آآس � ئ

خر� آآس � د


  آبپ  � آآ�ف دد� � آ آبپ  آآ� � � � � � آ ر� ددآآ� ��ببخ � �دد � � �ن وور آبپ  �� �  � آآ�ف دد� ووآآ� آ �نخ

�� �  آبپ  � �� � �رر� � آ آبپ  آ  ببررئ �   � �رر�  آبپ  آ اآ� � � �گ � ظ� � � �  credibilityآآ� ظ

 �� � آآ�ف دد� ووآآ� ۔   �نخ آبپ اآم � � � � � �آآق � آخ ئت �ن جكوو�ب

د� �:  ��ٹ د  �� �وو ��۔ �بب اآه ��بب

ش  ۔ �رر� ش

  اآ �� ��ببخ �� ررآآئ

تباآب  � � � ��ن � ئ

تباآب ه�ي ئ

پ رآآ � �� �۔ �ٹرآآ � �� � �� �� � ببر

ٹاآه : ببر

ش� � �رر� آآ� ش

رے �م � � � ��ن � جكوو� � �۔ ��ن � جكوو� � �۔ ٹ � � �� ببر

Page 36: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


This House may discuss the shortage of urea fertilizer in the country under Rule


د� �:  � � ٹ د We will start the debate on Wednesday. Leader of the Opposition�بب

بل � يك ئ ر � � آآئخدررر

ٹآررد آف آ ر� � �ن آآس � � �آآ� آ

خرآآ شاآ ببر

ٹ �ووع �� �۔ � �ر ۔آآس � � � �۔  ��بب

Mr. Deputy Speaker: Mr. Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar, Adviser to the Prime Minister on

Human Rights to move item No. 7.


Mr. Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Human Rights. I beg

to move that the Bill to provide for the establishment of a National Human Rights

Commission [The National Commission for Human Rights Bill, 2011], as reported by

the Standing Committee, be taken into consideration at once.

Mr. Deputy Speaker: Mr. Zahid Hamid sahib you are opposing it.

اآه : آآس � � � � � � ۔ ش � �رر� آآ� ش

ھ �� � �� آآ� �� � � �ن ۔ٹ يي  � شاآ� ئبئ رآآ� �� ��بب

خ ر آبپ د� �:  آ

ٹ د �بب



Mr. Deputy Speaker: Item No. 9. Raja Muhammad Asad Khan to move item No. 9,

calling attention of the Minister for Defence.

Raja Muhammad Asad Khan: Thank you Mr. Speaker! We invite attention of the

Minister for Defence to a matter of urgent public importance regarding delay in the

PIA flights specially Hajj flights, causing grave concern amongst the public. Thank


Mr. Deputy Speaker: Chaudhry Ahmad Mukhtar, Minister for Defence to make a

brief statement.

Chaudhry Ahmad Mukhtar (Minister for Defence): Thank you Mr. Speaker! We

know that PIA was going through difficult period and we had problems. The

problems were because of various reasons. Some of the reasons were not in our

control and so we would like to oppose what the honourable Member has said.

Mr. Deputy Speaker: Raja Asad Sahib if you want to ask any question.

Page 37: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


دئ � � �ٹ آآ� د آ� آآے � � آآ�رر � ��  � �آآل � � � آ آ�بيپبل � ��بب  آ  �  �آآ  :  �� �بب  ررآآ� � آآ� �نخ

ر�� �خر � � ۔ �آآ� ر

خ آآس � �م � �ے ۔ آآ�  � � � �ر آآ� � آآوورر � �   statement � آآوو�ن � �� � 

  �  ر � آآنخخ�ف آآ� �ن � � � ؟ �   dismiss �� � � آآر

خك آآس آآ�رر � ج

ت � � آآ� ئ

ش � �آآررس اآ ۔ �ئ آآنخ

تياآ �ئ �ددئ

رددآآرر � � ۔ �� ۔ خ ووه �� ررآآر

د� �ٹ د د� ۔�بب

ٹ  : � � �رر د

 ۔    :  �� � ��بب I think that if we take that the M.D. was talking on a ��ررئ آآ� �رر

lighter mood and   �آآ �� � �  ياآ �وون � � � ددئخ آآ�  � � آآوورر

تباآب باآ�ن � � ئ باآ�ن ئ � � �   heinous crime ئ

�ف آآ�خ � ج  � آآنخ

تباآب  � آآ� ئ آبپ آ� � � � � � �ن � �گ � �ن آ  � � � �وورر � � � آ  � �� ۔ آآنخ

So, we have taken that point well and I am sure today he will get to � �� �� ۔ 

know that the thing was called in the Assembly and he was reprimanded by the

honourable Members.

Mr. Deputy Speaker: Abdul Majeed Khan Khanan Khail to ask one question.

  �  آ� آآے � آآ� �� آآوورر  � �آآل � � �آآ� � آ  � ��بب  � ، �آآ   �� �بب پيل : خ�  اآنخ

خ �ئ  �آآ� �نخ �بب

اآ � ت�ر �� � �ئ

ؤاآ ددوو�ے آآئي�

ت�ر�� � �� �ئ

ؤ�ر�� � � � �� � ۔ آآ� �ددئ آآئي�

ؤآ� آآے ووآآ� آآئي� � ووه � � � �� ۔ � آ

پاآ�� �دد �� � � �  � �� � � �� � �ه ئتآ� آآے � ��ب  � آ  � � ۔ � آآبب پاآ�نخ  � ئ

ت � � � ووه � آآ� وو�ب

آ� آآے � � � � � يڈد �� � �� آ رئخ�ر �� � � � �� � �رر�  � م�

ؤپاآ�� � � �� � � � آآئي�  � ئ ببب � ۔ � �

� ۔ 

د� ۔ ٹدم � : � � �رر د

ٹيڈ �پ

   آ�   I would like to send these papers to you for you to see ��ررئ آآ� �رر :  د � � آٹ� � رر�ررد

 �  which have been cleared by the Saudi Air Services. This record has not ف�� 

been made by any of the PIA employees. I would appreciate if you could have a

look at it     ��    �   ف�� ��   �نخ �  �   �آآ �  � in the first five six days and to

everybody’s surprise, the punctuality of PIA, the first three days ,was more than

89%. So, the 11% flight which got late were mainly due to other reasons like

passengers not reaching that place.  � ، �آ  � � � آ آ� ، آآنخ  � دد� � � آ رر �رر � � وو�ه آآنخ

يك   � ��� � � آآئ يبٹ ئؤيك دد� ف�ب د� رر� ۔ آآس � � � آآ� آآئ


ٹ د  � آآوورر � � �   wheel ووه شاآ�نخ اآ

ت� �ئ

آرر� � ووه شاآررئ   دد� �ن   delay ف�� آ پاآس �آآ  � ئ آبپ so that you can have a�� �� � ۔ � � � آ

look and the honourable Member will appreciate that. It is not the only fault of

Page 38: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


PIA, it is a collective problem of all the countries who operates from Jeddah during


�  آبپ  آ ��  ،  �   � � ��ن  � � آآس � د� � :ٹ د They are yes� ۔ information dusk �بب

because     �  بٹؤ � ف�ب آبپ �وون � �ل � � آ

خ � آآ�

تآ� � ۔ � شاآب ر� آ

ٹ � شاآر بٹ

ؤآرر� � �ئ ف�ب  � � ��رر � آ آجب آ

    ك ت � � �� ۔   delay � ئ آ� � �� � ۔ � آآس �� � آآنخ ر� آ

ٹ � � � شاآر آ� � �نخ  � آ �� � ۔ 

ك � � �ن ۔  ��  � وو�ن � �ت ئٹ�ر �ررب

ؤآ� � � آآئي� ر� آ

ٹ � شاآر

پاآس � � آرر� � ۔ �ررے ئ رئ � آٹ �  aircraft ��ررئ آآ� �رر : � �آآ� ببر ددئ �� �   average age � آآ� آآنخ

they are 22 years old. And good airlines like Ittehad and all these planes, their

average age is five years old.   آ�� � ۔    � شاآ� �� �� � �ش � � �آآ� آ We are � � آآنخ

going through a very difficult period and the Government has decided that we

should lease the aircrafts rather than buy them out.  � گخدد� رر�   possibilities آآوورر آآس � �ئ

    � I am sure once we can approve our flyings, these things will decrease


Mr. Deputy Speaker: Malik Shakir Bashir Awan, not present. Ms. Nighat Parveen

Mir Sahiba to ask one question.

 � � �  �� � �وو� � :  �� پاآ�نخ  �آآم �� آآ� � ئ  � �آآل � � � �جب آ�بيپبل � ��بب  آ    � �آآ  �بب

 � ف��   � � � آآنخت�وون � � آآ�آآ�ب

خ � آآس � � �� � � آآ�  آآنخ ياآ �� وو�ن � ��دد �   � �ئ آ � آآبب ووه � آ

� � �ن ۔ 

د� � :ٹ د  ۔  �بب � � ��بب

آ� آآے � �    � آ  : � � ��بب    employees � � � � وو�ن �   efforts ��ررئ آآ� �رر  �  � to handle

135 thousand Hajjis   آرر� �    ووآآ� آ آ� �� ��نخ آ� آ  آ and the number of people who � آآبب

are available to them for service has daily doubled. So, I am sure that less and

less problems will be there for the Hajjis.

Mr. Deputy Speaker: Mrs. Nisar Tanveer Sahiba to ask one question, not present.

Mr. Ramesh Lal on point of order.


 رر� � : �  �وون � �ررے �م � �ببخ � � �� � ۔ آآ�

ترآآررئ � ۔ �آآ� وو�ب

خ ۔ � �ررئ �وو �م � ددلاآر � � ��بب

� �   �� � �� �� �� � � �� دد� ۔ � آآ�آآنخ  �رر  � �م آآ�م � ددوو پاآ�نخ  ئ  �م   � � �ررئ �وو ياآ  آآ�آآم �ئ

اآ �ن � آآ� �� ت �ئ

ت�وون � ددرر�آآسب

خرآآررئ �ن �رر� � ۔ � � � آآ�

خاآم �  ۔ �ررئ �م � ددلاآر

خ � ئ  � � آآنخ

ش�وو آآس � �ب

Page 39: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


 ��  آبپ  �وون � � آت � ددرر�آآسب آبپ  � وو�ددآآرر � ۔ � آ پاآ�نخ  �� � ۔ �ررئ �ررئ �وو �م ئ

تياآ � ۔ � آآس � ��ب  ددئ


آدد�  �� ۔ � آ ياآ �� ��نخ  آآ� �� رروو� رروو� دد� ئ آبپ رآآررئ � � � آخ � �� � � � آآس � �ررئ �م � ددلاآر آبپ  آآ� آ

 � ۔ تباآب �ف �� آآ� ئ

خ � ج هبب آ�� ۔ �� � � �ه ر آ

خباآر دد� � � ئ

 � � � � آآس � �� د� � : � � �رر آآ�رر� �ن � � �� � � � آآنخٹ د اآم �بب

خ � ۔ آآ� � � � � � ووه آآس � ئ

 ۔   blame � �م �� �   � ��بب  � آآ�  �دد� � ۔ � ررح�نخ اآ � � ۔ � �� رر� ��ببخ �ئ

وس � ��ل آآ� رر� �� ۔ � �ف ؤ � �و  �بب  : �   آآے ررح�نخ   دد� �� �ن  clarification �بب ۔ �� ��بب

 � �   � � �آآ �ل � � آآنخ رآآجبخ � آآوورر �ے م�

ت�� ۔ � � � � �   miscommunication �ے �آآ� ددووسب

اآ � �  توس � �ئ

ؤ �   matter � �ررآآ آآ�ف � �� � آآوورر �   investigation   � � �� investigation آآ� �و

personal level    دشكس �� � �ٹ د آ� � آآوورر  آ يك �  وس � آآئ

ؤ �و   .this is a national issue � � � ۔

Obviously, any agency, whichever agency is given the mandate to investigate,

investigate    ل � � � �آآ �  .As an Interior Minister, I just gave the assurance �� � ۔ 

ياآ �   �وون � آآس � �� � ددئخ آآ� �وون � �ددئ آآوورر

خ آآ�

تباآب ياآدده � ئ رئ

خ personal level   � it is my right to give � ر

my explanation and clear the record.   � �باآ��ه �آآ ر � � آآ� آآ� � ئخي�� �ف � � كئ

خ�ے ج

� ��  آجب  � �ه رر� � � �ف � � � �رر�دد ددئ �  ببررئ �آآ �ن ۔ آآوورر آٹ� � � �� �   appreciate ررب

ر � خي��    face � � كئ   ه�ر باآه  � آآوورر �� �ل  � � � آآس � ئ

تباآب  � آآ� �� ئ

ت � ۔ � � � �ن � � �ررئ � �سب

settle  �� � تيب ئ  �پ

تباآب �وون   personal hit  � � � � � �� � ۔ ئ

خ�ف آآس وو� � � � �� �� � آآ� آآ�

 � � � � � آآ� تباآب ر� �رر � آآ� ئ

خ � � ، دد� �ررے آآ�ر

تباآب آآس   I think � ۔ �   response � �� آآ� ئ

 � ��رر� � � �تيب ے � ۔ � آآ� �رر �� �  ��ل � آآ� رر� �� آآوورر � �ررب

ت �شكئ

تباآب آآ� � �� � �رر � ئ

يك  باآ� �� � �ف آآوورر �ف آآئ ك � �� � ۔ � آآ� � � رر� �ن � �ئت � ددوورر ئ

تباآب  � � � ئ

تباآب آآوورر � �� � ئ

� � �  هبٹ  �� � � � � هتباآب دآآ� ددوو�ے � شاآ� ددوو� آآوورر � � ئ

خيك د ياآ � �   attack  �� � � آآئ آئ this آ

is my responsibility to give the clarification. Thank you Sir.

 ۔  د� � : � �ددآآرر �ددرر ��ببٹ د �بب

آ�بيپبل � �  رے آٹ � آآوو ررببر

ت �ے ددووسب اآ ��بب

خ � ۔ ررآآئ ر  :  �� �بب

ٹ سيي�� �وون � آآ� �آآ� �ددآآرر �ددرر آآ� �نخ

خ�� آآ�

ٹاآ �� �� �   � � �ئتباآب ٹاآ �� � �آآ� س � ئ اآ �� �ن آآوورر �ئ

خ �ئ

خ � � � � �ص

تباآب درر � �ے � � ئ

ٹآررد آف آ آ

condemnable   � � ه�ر آرر� �  condemnable � ه ياآدد آ يك � ئ  � آآئ ۔ �  � ۔ ببررآآ � � ۔ � آآس � وو� � ��بب

   ره آآوورر �ن � ��ببخ �ن ووه �� � ددررووآآر

اآ � � � �  ت � آآ� �� � � ووه �ئ

 آآس � � �� ۔   آبپ  ۔آ د� � : � �رر �س ��ببٹ د �بب

  آآس � �  �� � ۔ د� � : �رر �س ��ببٹ د �بب

Page 40: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


   ��� آآس � �  � �رر �س رر�ئ : �� � ۔ � �ددآآررتباآب  � ��   �  � ��  �� ۔ �� � � � ئ ��بب

correctآآس �    �  � ددوون ۔ووه � آآس �� � � �بب

  آآوورر �ن ووآآ� ره ��ببخ �ن � �� � ددررووآآر

اآ � � � �  ت � آآ� ��� � ووه �ئ

د� � : � �ٹ د  ۔�بب  ��بب ددآآرر �ددرر �نخ

 � � ۔ � خ

باآ� � �ص  � �ئ � � ۔ ددوو�آآ �� � � ئ  :  � �� � رر�ئ ��بب رٹ سيي��  آآ� �نخ    �ددرر �ددآآرر

� خ

اآ �ن ۔� � �صتباآ� � � � �۔� آآس � آآ�ق �ئ �وون � ئ

خ رر� � �� � ووآآ� � � � � ددوو�آآ �� � ۔ آآ�

ياآ � ووه  آئ  � �� آآ� آ ببب پاآرر� � � آ � � ئ  � � � � آ اآ  ��ببخ� � � ۔ آآس � �� � �   unattended� ررآآئ

  result oriented� ، � � �آآ � ووه   � رر� � � �  خ

 �آآ � آآوورر آآ� � � �صتبب اآب

شآ� � ٢٥٩ئ  � �  � ��رآآررددآآدد  آ

 ددے دد� � ۔ ��  د� � �� �  آآوورر � آآس � �آآببٹ د ر   mechanism� � ددوو ددنخ

خآآس � � � �� � ۔ � ��ررئ �ووبير

 �� � ۔تبب اآب

شد� � �ن � آآوورر � � �رر ��� � � ئ

ٹ ووه آآس د ه�ر � ۔ � آآبب باآه   �� � � ئ آآ�هي ��بب

د� � : � رروو�ٹ د ۔�بب  آآ� ��بب

  اآخ �ئ ه�ر باآه   �� � ووه �ے �ل � � ئ اآ

خ �ئ

تباآب  آآوورر � � � ئ

تيب  � �ب آبپ  آ د� � ! 

ٹ د �ه � رروو� آآ�: � ��  �بب

اآ � ۔ � آآ� � آآخ �ئ

تاآ � � آآوورر � � � � �� � ددررسب

خ �ئ

تاآ�ن � رر��۔ �آآ � � � �ن � �  � ددررسب

شسخ� � ب

 � �ن � � آبپ  � آظ � � آآددآآ �� � ووه آآ�ط

ظ آآ�ط د� � ! 

ٹ د گ رر� � ۔ �بب

خر � �� �ئ

ٹن � آآ� � آآ� ووآآ� �� �ر

� �   � ددنخ آبپ  �� � � ددوورر � �� � ۔ � ددوورر � �� � ۔ آتباآب ر� ددآآ� � � � ئ

خ � � �� �۔آآ� وور

تباآب  ئ

آ�ه آآ� �وودد � رره   آ آبپ ردد� � �� �� � �ش �وون � � آخرخ �� � �  آآس ددووررئ � ب

ظپاآس آآ�ط � � ۔� آآ� �ے ئ

 � آآ� � آآس �  آبپ رئ �وورر�� � ۔ آخ � آآس � آآ� دد� آآ�آآر آبپ  �� ۔ � �� �ووررئ  � � � �� � � � آ

تباآب � ئ

 �وو ر دد� ددوو�وون � �ررے دد� آآوورر  �نخٹ �ر آبپ  دد� ۔آ ياآدده دد�نخ رئ

خ آآ�  � آآ�� �رر� � ر ڈدآآررآآ

خ ج آبپ  آ رر دد�� ۔ � آآس � 

آ� �  آآ درر آآوورر �ف � � �ن آٹآ� �  ووه � د اآ۔ �آآ� � � آآس � آآ�ل � رر� �ن � � �گ �ن آ

خ � �آآئ

ظوورر آآ� آآ�ط

� ظ آآ�ط د� � !  آآنخ

ٹ د  � � � �بب آجب آ� � ۔آ  � �� � � آ

ظ آآ�ط    � آآنخ آبپ  ، � �� دد� � ، � آ دررے � 

ٹ � � �� د

  ياآ � �آآ� � ��بب  ددئيبٹ  � �ررآآ �ب آبپ  �� �� آآوورر �وورر �� ۔� آ آبپ  �وون � � �� � آ

خ � ووشاآ� � �ص آبپ آ

 �   ��بب بٹخدبٹيڈ دئ

خيڈ ياآ �ئ  � ئ بٹ

خي�ئ ي

ٹ � شئ آبپ  � �� � دد� ۔ �� � � آ آبپ  ددے دد� ۔ �� آ بٹ

خي�ئ ي

ٹ � �� آآ� � شئ آبپ � آ

 � آآ� آآس �ج ��ه �� ت آآ� �عب آبپ ون � ۔ آ

ؤآ� � �و  آ

تآ� �  � وو�ب  دد� � � � � �  �ن � � �گ آ


دررآآ �ن � � � رر�خ آآ� د آبپ ر � رر� � � � � � آ

خ � � � ۔ووه � آآ� � رر� � ۔ رر�ر آبپ  آآس � �� � آ  آآوورر  

 �    � �ررك ددوون � �بب آبپ  آ  آآوورر  �ن تباآب  � � آآ� � � ئ

ش � آآ�� �رر� � آآ� �  ۔ �س آبپ آآ� �م � رر� � ، آ

 � آآ� � � �ررآآ �وول � �� ۔ �ئ  آبپ   � � آتباآب  � ووشاآ� � � � �ن � ئ آبپ  آ آجب  آ  آآوورر  � 

ش � � �آآررس آبپ آ

وس �ؤ � �ن آآس �و

خ آآ�ل �� � � آآ� ��رص

ظ � � آآس � � آآ�ط آجب  �� � � ۔ � آ  رر� آآوورر

ش �� � ��س

 � �ووتروورر ��ب

خ � �ر

ظ آآ�ط يك آآدد� � � � � �  � � � آآنخ  � � � � آآئ آبپ  آآ� آ  آآوورر  � ددوون �   �آآبب ن � آآوورر

Page 41: STARRED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS · 1 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY DEBATES . Monday, the 21. st. November, 2011. The National Assembly of Pakistan met in the Parliament House,


 � �� � ��  � �ش �وون � ۔  آ بپ  � � � � � � �رر� � �ج � �� � � � � آ آبپ  � � �  ، آ آبپ آ

� �� ۔

 ۔ د� � : �� � ۔ �� آآ� ��ل ��ببٹ د �بب

 �� آآ� ياآ ۔ � � �بب ٹاآ� ددئ  � ئ آبپ باآ� آ  �۔ �ئ � ��دد� �  Leader of the Opposition ��ل :  �� �بب

   � دد� �ن ۔ �ببش

 � �آآررستڈد�ب

خ � ج پاآوورر �  � ۔ آآنخ رے ئ

ٹ ببر  � � آآوورر ر ��بب

خ  ��  � ۔ � � �ووبير   اآ

خ �ئ

شيك �آآررس آآئ

 � �ررٹاآررب

ش ش ياآ �  اآ �� ۔ �! �ررئ

خ �آآ� � ۔ آآس � � �ئ رآآ

ٹيك � ببر   � آآئ  آآوورر  آآس � �� � � �   ع��ن �  ے 

 � � � تباآ� � � �   ��رر � �سب  � ئ

تھ � �سب

ٹ يي � آآس � ��ن � � رروول � وو�ق � � �  ۔ شاآررے � � ئبئ


ياآدده  ��� ۔آآس � � � � � � �آآررس رئخ� رر� �  suffer� � �  �� � � � رر� � � �ررآآ ��رر � ر

 �وون � ش

 � �آآررستڈد�ب

خ � ج ر � ��بب

خ  �� � دد� � ۔ �  � �ووبير آبپ ك � � آ

ت ئ ببب � � � � 


ش۔آآوورر �� �م �س

 � �م � �� �ت � جكوو�ب  آآوورر �بب ے � ۔آآوورر � ��ن � �م � 

تشكئ  �وول �  آبپ  آ درر� 

خ د  � � � ��    آآوورر اآ

خن � جپ�ئ

يك آآ�ف  �ي � �وول �  آآس �ج �ئخدبيپٹ�وون � د

خباآدد دد� �ن �  � �ج آآ� يك �آآ �� � �آآ � �  آآس � �ررك ئ  آآئ   ددوو�آآ

 � دد� �وون � � آآ� � � � ۔آآووررخ آآ�  آآبب وس � �  �ے �ل �   � �� � 

ؤ �و  �  اآ

خباآ� �ئ آ� ��ن � ئ آ

 � � � �وو آبپ پاآرر� ، �� آ اآ رر� �ن � آآررآآ� � �ف � ، �� � � ئتپخ�ر شئ

ش ددوو�آآ � آآ ك� رر آآ� � � � ۔آآوورر

 �  آبپ  �  �� ۔ آٹوب

ؤآو   individual�آآ� آ آبپ  آ ببب اآم � � � �� ۔�

خ �� � � ئ  �� � � � � سبب

تباآب پاآرر�ن � ئ ئ

 � آآ�دد   � ، ��بٹ آبپ پ��ن � آآ�دد آ  � � � ۔ ئ آبپ  � آآ�دد آ  �ووع � �  � ��بٹت � �سب آبپ  آ ببب  � �� � ۔ � آبپ �  آ

پاآرر�ن ڈدآآررآآ شاآررئ ئخ � ۔ � � � آآ�دد � � �۔ ج آبپ  � ، �� �� � آآ�دد آ آبپ nothing is equal� � رر�آآ �� ۔ آ

اآ  خ � آآ� ��ه �ئ آبپ  � ۔ وورر� آ

ش � � � � شاآررے  آآس �ج ، � � آآ�م  � �  �� ۔ � � ئ �آآررس آبپ آآوورر شاآرروون � آ

اآ �ن � � � ت �ئ جب

خ � �� آآ� آآ� آآے � جپ�ي  �ووع �  �  ، � � � 85�   � �بب

ت ء � �سب  � � آآوورر �ے ��آآنخ

  د� � � ۔ � �� � ، � آآ� �رروون � � �� � ، آآنخٹوس � �ے شاآ� د

ؤاآ �ن � �و

ت� � � � ۔� � �ئ

تپخ � � ئبئ آبپ ر� � رروول � � آ

خ � آآ�ر آبپ رئ � ��ل � � ،� � آ

ٹ �ر ڈدآآررآآ

خاآ � � � �رروون � � �� � ۔ ج

ر� � خيك آآ�ر اآ ۔ � آآئ

خ   tactics��ل � �آآ �ئ اآ  �� ۔ �بب

خك � �ئ

ت � � ئ


خاآ � ۔� ��ل � � �� �� د


رئ دد� � ٹر� ددآآ� � � ��� آآوورر �ر

خي�ر� � ۔ وورر� � � � � �ن �  آآدد� وور �

ٹپخپاآرر�ييمئ رے � ئ

ٹ � �! ببر نخ

شيس پ�پيكئ آآئ

�  ياآدده �نخ رئخپاآرر� �ر ر� ددآآ� � � ئ

خباآ� � � ۔��� � � �ن �  �ررے وور �   � � �� � ۔ � �ئ � � �م ئ

اآ �ن  ۔ � �� ۔ت � � � � �ئ اآ �ن آآوورر �نخ

ت � � � �ئ باآدد آآنخ  �۔ � � �ررك ئ

ت آآ��ب

د� �ٹ د  � �بب ��  : The House is adjourned to meet again on Tuesday the 22nd

November 2011 at 5 p.m.

[The House was adjourned to meet again on

Tuesday the 22nd November 2011 at 5.00 p.m.]

