Page 1: Stargate : SG-1 And the Quest for the  Long-Lost Library of TBN*

*To Be NamedBy: Corrina McGill

Page 2: Stargate : SG-1 And the Quest for the  Long-Lost Library of TBN*

Starring: Dr. Daniel Jackson Col. Jack O’Neill

(with two ‘L’s)

Master Teal’c of the Jaffa

Major Samantha Carter

Page 3: Stargate : SG-1 And the Quest for the  Long-Lost Library of TBN*

Why are we doing this again?

Jack, you were at the briefing. We’re looking for the Long-Lost Library of TBN. There are rumours that it holds books that can answer the Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.

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Why does every alien planet look like the forest in Vancouver?

Tax breaks for film crews?


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Page 5: Stargate : SG-1 And the Quest for the  Long-Lost Library of TBN*

Halt! None shall pass!

Wrong story.

What? I am Todd, the Evil Catfish Alien Vampire!

I am the first of the challenges you must face before reaching the Long-Lost Library of TBN! Tremble before me, puny mortals!

I’ve got this.

No! Now I need to pick up all of these grains of rice and count them! Curse you, how did you know my weakness? Oh, what a world!

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I read Dracula.Hey, dibs on all

Wizard of Oz jokes.

Halt None shall pass!

Didn’t we do this bit already?

What? I am Vala, the greatest thief ever! I am the second challenge you must face before reaching the Long-Lost Library of TBN! You must give me your greatest treasure.

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I believe there is a large ‘X’ shape over there, which commonly denotes the presence of treasure. Will that do?

Well, I’m a thief not a pirate, but I suppose. Wait, that’s not YOUR treasure.

Does that matter?

Nope. Go ahead, Muscles.

I read Treasure Island.

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Halt, I am the Black Knight. None shall pass!

Hello, we’re peaceful explorers looking for the Long-Lost Library of TBN.

Ok, this time it makes sense.

What? I wasn’t finished. None shall pass until you answer me these riddles three, ere the other side you see.

Who…are you?What…is your quest?

I already answered those two…

What…is the average air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

African or European?

Well, I don’t know.

Ok, how about you get back to us when you figure it out. Monty

Python, Jack?

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A DRAGON! You’re kidding me. Daniel, aren’t there any other libraries we could go to for that book on your meaning of life stuff? What about inter library loans?



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No, please she’s friendly, aren’t you girl? See? She’s the pet of the children’s department.

Hello, I’m the Doctor. I mean, the Librarian. The Doctor-Librarian. Hello! How can I help you?

Well, the Scarecrow could use some brains, the Lion needs some courage, the Tin Man wants a heart, and as for me…

Jack, wrong story. We’re looking for the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.

Well, you’ve come to the right place. Allons-y!

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That’s the library?

It’s bigger on the inside.

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Here you go! Was there anything else you wanted?

Well, while we’re here…

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Page 14: Stargate : SG-1 And the Quest for the  Long-Lost Library of TBN*

How are we going to get all of this home? It won’t fit through the Gate.

Do you know about our eBook collection?

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The End
