Page 1: STAR STUDENTS TEAM PLAYERS - YTCTE | Jewish ......Ezra Bistritz benefit to those students Yossi Cohen Reuven D. Lefkowitz 5B Shaya Schwab Elisha Steinberger Avner Yeshurun 2G-R Pnina

Thursday June 16, 2011 Friday Candle Lighting 7:56 PM פרשת שלח




O ur festive TV/Video Control Banquet was held

on Monday amidst much pride and celebration.

Yasher Koach to all

of our students who

participated by virtue

of their month long

participation in this

project. The children

enjoyed a delicious

lunch, followed by an

amazing Juggling

Show. Thank you

as well to our Torah Studies teachers for their encouragement throughout the program. Please see photos.



B aruch Hashem, we enjoyed an impressive end to a most

productive and fulfilling year. The Midos assemblies fea-

tured presentations from each class culminating the Konei

Olam program. The climax of the Midos assemblies on Wednesday was the bestowing of the Dena Chern Midos Tovos Awards to seven deserving graduating fifth graders. The award has been established by family and friends of Mrs. Dena Chern, A”H, Dena bas Mordechai, to perpetuate her legacy of con-cern for transmission of proper Midos to the next generation. We were honored to have Dr. Ilya Chern and Mr. and Mrs. Chernomodik in attendance at both assemblies. The awardees received a beautiful certificate and a valuable Se-fer. Their names appear on the special plaque in our multi-purpose room for generations of Toras Emes students to see and emulate. Yasher Koach to: Zev Bistritz Rachel Elgavi

Ezra Pomper Brendel Jablon

Eli Sandhaus Penina Rosenbaum

Simcha Seltzer Chaya Sharfman

Rivka Shemesh

Sara Winter




Page 2: STAR STUDENTS TEAM PLAYERS - YTCTE | Jewish ......Ezra Bistritz benefit to those students Yossi Cohen Reuven D. Lefkowitz 5B Shaya Schwab Elisha Steinberger Avner Yeshurun 2G-R Pnina

The assemblies also featured the conferring of the coveted “Supermentsch Awards” to a select group of students, grades 2-5, who consistently demonstrated kindness to peers, respect for author-ity, following of rules and instructions, responsibility about school and homework, including coming to school on time. They are listed below. We are very proud of you!

2B Daniel Akrish

Avrami Flamholtz Yechiel Goldman

Shua Jeger Tzvi Lehrer

Mordechai Shapiro

3B Akiva Yeshurun


Ezra Bistritz Yossi Cohen

Reuven D. Lefkowitz

5B Shaya Schwab

Elisha Steinberger Avner Yeshurun

2G-R Pnina Bergida Tamar Feldman

Shira Goldenberg Esti Schwartz

2G-W Odaya Cohen Tziporah Pam

Esti Weinberger

3G Meira Entin

Chaya Mushka Greenberg Simcha Leonoff

Fraidy Thav

4G Tzivi Elias

Esther Pam Sara Seltzer

5G Chana Alber

Meital Weisskoff


O ur students received

their summer review

packets today, which are

products of great effort on

the part of our Torah

Studies teachers. The

benefit to those students

who participate is great.

We cannot over- empha-

size the long-lasting help a thorough review provides for all

participating students. The program has been modified.

Please look over the packet and determine the most produc-

tive use of the program for your child. Please help and en-

courage your children.


O ur pizza and canteen

Fridays were a huge

success, thanks to the gradu-

ating classes and the student

managers. Thank you for all

your help and responsible

management. We couldn’t

have done it without you!

Girls Rivka Shemesh & Sara Winter - Pizza

Chana Alber & Penina Rosenbaum - Canteen Boys

Eli Sandhaus, Ezra Pomper, Shmuel Dov Palgon, Shaya Schwab- Pizza

Zevi Bistritz, Yonatan El-Gad, Simcha Seltzer, Noam Schultz - Canteen

Page 3: STAR STUDENTS TEAM PLAYERS - YTCTE | Jewish ......Ezra Bistritz benefit to those students Yossi Cohen Reuven D. Lefkowitz 5B Shaya Schwab Elisha Steinberger Avner Yeshurun 2G-R Pnina


O ur students

are hard at

work collecting the

pledges they re-

ceived for the Lag

B’Omer walkathon.

Please help them

complete all of the collecting over the next few weeks

and help us honor our commitment to needy families

in our community. We are so proud of the second

grade boys who raised the most pledges of all

classes. Yasher Koach to Yechiel Goldman, our top

solicitor! T shirts were distributed today. The pledges

for this year’s walkathon totaled $6,842 and to date

we have collected $4,700. Please do your best to

bring in all outstanding pledges as soon as possible!

Tizku L’Mitzvos!


T o Dr. and Mrs. Hillel Abramson and family on the

Bar Mitzvah of their son, our alumnus, Alexan-


T o Rabbi and Mrs.

Elchonon Golden-

berg and family on the

Bar Mitzvah of their son,

our alumnus, Yaakov.

T o Rabbi and Mrs.

Refael Marlowe and

family on the forthcoming

Bar Mitzvah of their son Yehuda.

T o Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Gittleson and family on

the birth of a grandson, born to their son, our

alumnus, Gabi and Sarah Gittleson.

T o Rabbi and Mrs. Mordechai Palgon and family

on the birth of a grandson, born to their daugh-

ter, our alumna, Shoshana and Jeremy Blinder.


P rogress reports and summer

read ing l i s t s w i l l be

sent home next week. Achieve-

ment test results will be mailed as

soon as they are received.


Ruchama Aliza Sara Chana bas Esther Leba

Tziporah Feiga bas Sima Shaindel

Aliza Chaya bas Sara Freida

Tinok ben Chaya Sara

Yoseph Simcha ben Zaka Basya

Nina bas Victoria

Yitzchak ben Blima

Yehuda Pinchas ben Asna

Zev Meir ben Yael Sara

Rivka Miriam bas Ahuva Chaya

Dovid Mechoel ben Yocheved

Alter Mordechai Menachem ben Esther Frayda

Dovid ben Etta Riva

Rus Esther bas Devorah Alter

Yisraela Nechama bas Pesha Malka

Mazal bas Yaffa


T o the following students who are moving to Eretz Yis-roel: Eitan, Natalie and Ariella Aronov.

We will miss you and wish you much Bracha and Hatzlacha!


W ith feelings of tremendous appreciation for all you have done for our students and our school, our

gratitude and wishes for success go to Miss Dana Swartz, second grade girls’ teacher and Mrs. Toby Goldman, ACE Resource Room teacher.

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O ver the course of the year, 4G has been learning to sew. They have been creating dolls unique in

appearance and beautifully designed. They have also been adding on extras such as backpacks or leggings. They have been working hard the whole year. (See photos) Miriam Dreyfuss—4G


T o Mrs. Deborah Chames and family on the loss of her mother, Mrs. Roz Seidel. Shiva will be ob-

served until Wednesday morning at the Chames resi-dence, 5978 SW 37 Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale.


W e would like to take this opportunity to thank the parents who joined the fifth grade classes on

their graduation trips to Epcot. Yasher Koach to: Mrs. Sharfman and to Mr. Braunshweiger, Mr. Gittleson, Rabbi Dr. Levy, & Mr. Seltzer. We couldn’t have done it without you!


A s the year comes to a close we would like to thank Mr. Benjy Atkin for leading our Bar Mitzvah Prep

5B elective class.



O n Tuesday, June

14 we celebrated

the graduation of our

fifth grade boys in the

Toras Emes Ballroom.

Parents, grandparents,

relatives and friends

joined the graduates

and administration in

recognizing this milestone occasion. A special slide

show presentation capped off the occasion. The gradu-

ates were congratulated and given sage advice, by Rabbi

Baumann and Rabbi Grossman. The evenings were ex-

citing and bittersweet as we bid farewell to our graduating

students and wished them hatzlocha in their future en-



T he first grade girls have had a very busy and exciting end of the school year. First, each girl wrote and

illustrated her own book in Hebrew about a girl named Shira who shared her birthday presents with sick children in the hospital. Then, the entire class had a special end of the year party at Morah Rosenbaum’s house. They davened, played Shavuos bingo, baked yummy cookies, and ate delicious ices and treats. A special thank you goes to the families who helped out with the transporta-tion: Mrs. Farmer, Mrs. Fried, Mrs. Liberman, Mrs. Elka-yam, Mrs. Tamar Goldenberg, Mrs. Shapiro, Mrs. Froi-movich, Dr. Turner, and Miss Glatt. A special thanks goes to Mrs. Elkayam and Morah Adina who helped out in various ways at the party, and to Mrs. Perry Feldman who contributed in purchasing drinks and treats. To end the year with a bang, we had a Torah points store where each girl got a chance to pick prizes accord-ing to how many points she accumulated over the entire year doing her weekend check list. As you can see, first grade girls are having an amazing time participating in the many fun activities as school comes to a close. (See photos)

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Likras Shabbos Parashas Shelach 5771

Dear Parents, One of the most perplexing questions about the Meraglim, the spies, who are the focus of this week’s Parsha, is how they could have so strikingly misinterpreted what they were observing around them. They saw numerous funerals and rather than appreciating how Hashem was diverting the local populace’s attention away from them, the spies saw a land that devoured its citizens (Bamidbar, 13:32 Rashi). They saw giants and rather than giving credit to the land for nurturing such healthy, strong individuals, they assumed the land was so toxic, that only the very strong could survive (Seforno). The Meraglim went on to state that because of the giants (13:33) they felt like grasshoppers in their own eyes and projected that was how the Canaanites perceived them. The Midrash explains that Hashem said that while it’s understandable that is how they felt, it is not acceptable to assume others see you that way. It shows a lack of Bitachon, faith in Hashem. G-d intervenes as necessary and would undoubtedly put fear of Bnei Yisrael in the hearts of the Canaanim. This lack of Bitachon caused a loss of self-esteem, and a distorted impression of how others viewed them. When a person thinks little of himself, he can’t perceive that others don’t also see him in that light. The reality to everyone else might be that he’s a great person, but the person himself will never see it. True self-esteem is the essence of a successful person. Those who are involved in activities that they are good at will have enhanced self-worth, while those who are occupied with endeavors that they are either weak in or disinterested in will feel worse about themselves. A highly educated immigrant who is forced to drive a cab to make ends meet must constantly struggle with maintaining a healthy self-esteem when day after day he’s in-volved in work he would consider beneath his dignity, upbringing and education back in his native country. What about our children? If their school year was filled with daily academic and social successes, they’ve got to be feeling good about themselves. What about those who struggle? It is imperative that every child have an area of life in which they excel. For those for whom school is not where they excel, it becomes the parent’s pri-mary responsibility to find that skill or talent, nurture it and help it blossom. What better time is there to accom-plish this than summer vacation? The possibilities are endless. Your child may have latent talent in music, art, dance or a particular sport. Per-haps cooking, baking, woodworking, sculpting, sewing. It might be computers, electronics or graphics. He or she might gravitate to helping people, to being very organized or be good at languages. The non-academic avenues in which your child might be outstanding are too numerous to mention. And they have great value. Look for summer classes, team up with a talented friend or neighbor who can give lessons or even better – reig-nite an old underdeveloped passion from your past and pursue it together with your child. The summertime is a golden opportunity to unlock the treasure inside your child. Real self-esteem comes from a healthy self-appreciation of something the person does very well. Enjoy your children, bond with them and work on develop-ing the wonderful Neshama that lies inside each precious child. Best wishes for a relaxing, rejuvenating and fulfilling Shabbos. May your summer be filled with memorable times and true growth for your children.

Rabbi Kalman Baumann

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Dear Students,

I can’t believe another year has come and gone again. You have grown in so many areas

this year. You’re all taller and bigger and stronger. But you’ve also grown in other ways. You

have grown in your Torah knowledge and skills. You have grown in your secular studies. You have grown in your Midos Tovos and you have developed in so many ways.

Summer is a time to relax and have some fun (along with a little bit of learning). It is also a time to think about what you’ve gained this year and appreciate all of your amazing ac-

complishments. Sometimes our Yetzer Hora likes to make us think that we are not so important

and the things we do don’t really make much of a difference. Chazal teach us otherwise. Each of

you is so very important and the Mitzvos you do are so incredibly meaningful to Hashem.

So use your time well. Enjoy yourselves this summer, and remember how great of a per-son you already are, and come back ready for another incredible year!!

Can’t wait to see you all again,

Rabbi Grossman

Likras Shabbos Parashas Shelach 5771

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Page 8: STAR STUDENTS TEAM PLAYERS - YTCTE | Jewish ......Ezra Bistritz benefit to those students Yossi Cohen Reuven D. Lefkowitz 5B Shaya Schwab Elisha Steinberger Avner Yeshurun 2G-R Pnina
Page 9: STAR STUDENTS TEAM PLAYERS - YTCTE | Jewish ......Ezra Bistritz benefit to those students Yossi Cohen Reuven D. Lefkowitz 5B Shaya Schwab Elisha Steinberger Avner Yeshurun 2G-R Pnina
Page 10: STAR STUDENTS TEAM PLAYERS - YTCTE | Jewish ......Ezra Bistritz benefit to those students Yossi Cohen Reuven D. Lefkowitz 5B Shaya Schwab Elisha Steinberger Avner Yeshurun 2G-R Pnina


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Thank You for your shelving help!


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