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Star Healing EquineTM

From Archangel Michael

Kelly Hampton Founder, 2011

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As founder, I wish to thank you for enrolling in Star Healing EquineTM self

learning training system. This individualized learning course reflects Introductory Level 1. In many ways this system since it was given to me in 2011 is still in its infancy. I expect its expansion to follow much of the same lines as Star Healing Intergalactic Energy for the body. As a previous horse owner I was delighted when Archangel Michael asked me to implement an extension of Star Healing for horses in 2011. They are still an integral part of my life as my teenage daughter still rides English and has been riding since age 5, a time when all of her stuffed horses were bandaged beyond belief. I myself have so many fond memories of playing with my toy horses as a young girl, later owning my two quarter horses and being presented with some challenging behaviors throughout that time. While I still have much to learn about equine behavior and illness I have a foundation of love and experience and now a powerful divinely given healing system to build upon.

--Extending love and kindness, Kelly Hampton, Healing Enterprises LLC


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Because Star Healing EquineTM is healing energy, it will never harm you or your horse. If your horse has emotional problems such as those

due to a traumatic situation such as abuse, neglect, or a riding accident this system can help release and heal those emotions for


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Introduction to the System

Archangel Michael: “Star Healing Equine is needed in your world now to honor the four legged animal kingdom. There are many similarities between Star Healing Intergalactic Energy of the human body and Star Healing Equine. I will list them now.

The same gems are used

The same crystals are used

The same oils are used

The same techniques are used

Then how is the equine program different from Star Healing Intergalactic

EnergyTM for the human body?

“It is and it isn’t. Healing a 500 lb. elephant cannot be done in the same manner as a 100 lb. human. Therefore, much of Star Healing EquineTM will be broken down into these differences with two categories—under 100 lbs. and over 100 lbs. Some examples of under 100 lbs. would be the common dog, cat. Some further examples of over 100 lbs. would be tigers, cougars, cattle and of course, the majority of equines. There will also be distinctions in how the crystals and gems are used, how the energetic techniques are implemented and some additional instruction about ascending the mother earth ground upon which the four leggeds reside upon. All should have impairments that limit their functionality. Nothing cosmetic is going to be enhanced right now, though in the future, you will be taught how to alter the dna chromosome in a race horse for example, so that its offspring run faster if this is the goal. This is a few years away at the longest. This will be proved by results.”

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Why start with horses then? Aren’t there more dogs and cats in the world?

Their numbers may be insufficient when compared with dogs and cats, but the energy of the horse helps protect mother earth in a greater way. It was the horse that was solely responsible for the development of your world, not the dog or cat.

Fair enough, but why not cattle then, if you mean horses plowed fields, so did

cattle, oxen

We are also talking about providing transportation. The heart center vibration of the equines far exceeds those others mentioned. In addition, the equine family is largely responsible for colonization. That cannot be said for the oxen, the dog, the sheep, the goat. We, the collective consciousness of angels are calling this Star Healing Equine TM because the equine as a species helped colonize your world. In honor of this, use this powerful healing system for all 4-legged beings with the teaching being separated by weight as follows: Under 100 lbs. and over 100 lbs. and will include cats, dogs, sheep, oxen, cattle and any 4 legged animal which has disease or malfunction. Much of the Star Healing system will remain the same. However, implementing this system for a 400 lb. elephant is going to present its own challenges.

There has always been an insatiable quest for healing since before Creation we have witnessed this. Now is the time for souls who are interested in promoting the healing arts to become familiar with a new form of healing which I will be naming Star Healing Equine TM. Star Healing Equine TM is not meant to replace more familiar forms of healing like reiki necessarily only to enhance it. In some cases however, souls will find that Star Healing Equine TM offers more benefits than reiki. Star Healing was set into motion long, long ago, but like a whisper it wasn't always heard. Now the time is right for all to hear. Consider yourselves light workers if you are reading this material have attended your first training session with Kelly Hampton or using the individualized learning system. It is my desire that each of you find much to be grateful for as you extend yourselves into other galaxies and other healing dimensions. You will be protected at all times.

Let me describe an overview of what the teaching will involve since the actual course may vary from time to time. I have declared this Star Healing Equine TM because the source you will be drawing from is the energy from the Star Galaxy. It makes no difference if you are familiar with this galaxy or not. My love goes to all. This energy goes to all, goes through all, extends to all. If however, you are drawn to learn more, just look up to the heavens and locate the Northern Star. This is the point most visible to locating the Star Galaxy. The energy from this galaxy is very powerful and wise.

The Awakening is now. The Awakening is a time for celebration! The Awakening continues to swirl and open up possibilities for all of mankind on a global perspective. The Awakening is a spiritual one. For many equines and other four leggeds their DNA has been restored to a more divine state. Any foal or yearling can be considered of this type. Just as crystalline children and indigo children and rainbow children and Atlantean children now inhabit the earth with higher vibrations so do some of the equine family. How will you know? Ask them. Yes, I said ask them.

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Many equines under the age of 6 have such a highly developed sensory mechanism that they too may be called, Crystalline, Indigo, Rainbow and Atlantean (Aware).

This type of healing naturally lends itself to pulling in and accessing other dimensional healing for this purpose. What is the purpose? The purpose is to restore love and kindness to Mother Earth and to all those who inhabit her. Where there is peace and calm there can be no illness in the equine (or human) body. You will be providing the equines with a powerful interdimensional form of healing, journeying them to the same 5th dimensional realm where I reside at times and in so doing, provide them with insight, peace and calm. When you educate their caregivers to this spiritual truth they, too, will benefit.” –ARCHANGEL MICHAEL

More about the Pleiadian/Star Galaxy, the Source of Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM

The Pleidian galaxy and the Star Galaxy are one in the same as taught by Archangel Michael. From the scientists, the Pleiades group is an open star cluster in the constellation of Taurus, existing approximately 400 to 500 light years from Earth. There are 250-500 stars within the cluster, though most ancient cultures claim seven stars. Mayan legend refers to one of the stars as the Great Central Sun. Archangel Michael teaches that locating the Northern Star in our skies is helpful in locating the Pleiades. It is considered 5th dimensional energy source and wisdom. With a telescope you may be able to see about one hundred stars. Unaided, depending upon where you are located, you may be able to see only six or seven stars from the Galaxy.

The Star Galaxy, the Pleiadian Galaxy is the next step in human evolution. The Awakening is happening now. Pleadians have come to the world as Starseeds to bring light to Earth. Pleaidians reside at a very high frequency that is lighter than most of mankind presently, that being-of a high 5th dimensional vibration. For the uninitiated, the higher and lighter the frequency, the closer to the God source a soul becomes. Eventually, all will become Pure Light at the center of creation, which is God or Spirit or Cosmic Infinite Mind, or whatever the name your truth calls it. If you ready to implement this home training course in Star Healing Equine you may consider yourself a Starseed and I welcome you.

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“It is important that ever soul knows what they are learning and the source for it.”

It is recommended that everyone fully understand the source for the system, that being the Star or Pleaidian Galaxy by reading 2012 and Beyond: The Truth from Archangel Michael, Kelly

Hampton, Balboa press, 2010, paperback and ebook, ireader formats.

Partial list of Conditions Benefiting from Star Healing Equine

Cataracts and other eye problems Tumors Skin conditions including rain rot, dermatitis,

Ear infections Allergies Digestive problems including colic Arthritis, muscle soreness, laminitis

Equine aggression Cribbing and other behavioral issues Fractures and other wounds which are slow to heal

“It is important that the techniques learned are kept true to their inherent nature. It is NOT wise

for those of you who have extensive healing background (or not) to MIX healing modalities,

anymore than you would mix ice cream with lettuce.”—Archangel Michael

Presently, There Are 21 Energetic Techniques, 3 Sacred Symbols and Two Oils along with stones, crystals and sound tools which are the same basic core tools

used in Star Healing Intergalactic EnergyTM for the body.

The techniques are listed generally in the order in which they can be given knowing that at times the order will be flexible and changeable. For example, when there is spot treating that work will be inserted and appropriate stones and gems will be placed as taught. The tinghas may be used at any time during a session and are used in the capsule space roughly 3 feet from the horse’s actual body. They are a powerful tool which the source energy may facilitate healing in any system. They can work on any system in the equine body for cellular repair and restoration: bone, the neuro transmitters in the brain, in rebuilding cartilage, purifying blood, adding oxygen to blood, heal emotional wounding, cellular healing for the skin, lymph, and hormone systems. At any time they move healing is taking place.

Laying of crystals in an arch

Activation the horse’s capsule

Banding, full

Small banding

Building the 5th D Triangle

Rocking the Baby

Laying the gemstones (at any time after beginning steps)



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The Zipper— 3 segments consisting of the torso, lower body and head

Pulling Weeds

The Journey

The Ribbon

The Piecrust

Giving of oils—Frankincense and Lemon in a spray form

The Molecular Massage

The Sidewinder

The Zigzag

Laying in of the figure 8 Infinity Symbol (a sacred symbol)

Laying in of Archangel Michael's white feather (sacred symbol)

List of Tools for Star Healing Equine

• A set of unweighted tuning forks, 1-d and 1-a

The aluminum D and A tuning forks create the ratio of 8 to 13—a new sonic relationship found on the planet. The ratio of love. This ratio is also found in the spirals of the Nautilus Shell. They represent an outer octave of the sacred spiral. When sounded together some can hear angels singings, others become aware of light being encoded in the physical and etheric of their equines if they are clairvoyant. They balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain and induce tranquility in the equine as they do the human. They also create balance on a sub-atomic level and active new aspects of the DNA helix. (other links/sources fine)

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• One set of Tibetan tingshas. High sounding on strong chord measuring approx. 16” long

strong chord separating them. Generally, the decorative ones are too heavy and therefore, the

sound not high enough

High sounding chimes can be used as well if necessary during workshop training. If the horse is

used to sound then use the Tingshas. If not, not on the first attunement. Consult with the

owner/caregiver and see if they have objections to using it on a second/third attunement if

they are necessary.

The tinghas are used as you walk around the capsule of the horse/cattle/swine. They will not

swing as wildly as with the human body. They offer the same molecular healing they do with

the human body—they can rebuild cartilage, they can purify blood disorders, they can and do

modify molecular structure to ease in malfunction of all types, including past life traumas which

may be present in the animal. They are one of the most universally used sound instruments for

almost any illness or infirmary in the equine system. Simply hold the tinghas at any time during

the session ONLY around the energetic capsule—not over the equine’s body. The capsule is the

outer energetic area which surrounds both the equine and the human. The equine’s energetic

capsule is larger than that of the human. You may consider 3 feet from the animal as the

capsule area. I invite you to imagine this if you do not see it as an oval sac or a cocoon.

• Stones/Crystals

Quartz crystals- Tumbled or rough are fine. Hand size for all stones/crystals. Multiples to

bundle, especially at least crystals 6 if possible. Not slivers. Quartz Crystal: quartz is the most

powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet. At a spiritual level, crystal raises energy to

the highest possible level. Quartz is a master healer and can be used for any condition. (The

crystals work on many different levels. To use your quartz, first you want to cleanse it either by

soaking in salt water or by holding it over incense such as frankincense. Once cleansed, hold the

crystal in sunlight to restore its crystal energies. To reenergize it, which you must do, attune it

with the sound tools you have available to you in this healing modality. Then you hold the

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crystal in your hand rolling it quickly back and forth, by doing this you are activating the crystal

with your personal connection.)

Hematite: most effective stone for grounding and treats any over indulgences including

overeating in the equine. A horse may benefit from grounding if they are considered panicky by

their owner, flighty, spooky and so on.

Ruby: detoxifies the body, blood and lymph and treats fevers, infectious disease and blood

flow. Beneficial for the heart, stimulates the kidneys, reproductive organs and spleen.

Autoimmune disorders like AIHA (Autoimmune hemolytic anemia) benefit from the ruby.

Sapphire: blue, green, orange, pink, white--Sapphire crystal can be used to bring harmony to

body systems, balancing the glandular, nervous, and digestive systems. It is a specific healing

crystal for the blood. Sapphire helps to eliminate toxins, purifying the circulatory system. It's

also said to fortify veins, while increasing elasticity.

Diamond: white, black, yellow/golden—diamonds are formed out of the "stuff" of the cosmos.

The same elements that make up the stars and breathtaking galaxies in our night skies also

combine to form diamonds - the "stars of the earth". Known for their power to balance energy,

diamonds are especially excellent for opening and balancing the spiritual center. When would a

person use diamonds on an equine? Use diamonds when either instructed or when the equine

shows a lack of respect for its owner/caregiver/by displaying severe aggression or generally is

considered so unruly that no other behavioral interventions have been useful.

**Diamonds may be placed energetically when instructed

Strand of Pearls/pearl: any color except black. When a strand is used they will be helpful for

treating asthma, and bronchial type conditions when laid on back of the equine that may have

severe bronchial spasms, and other respiratory conditions including cough and wheezing.

Placing the strand in the figure 8 or Infinity Symbol shape is preferred. It may be necessary to

hold the strand in place on some horses with a wrap. Do not feel as though this injures the

horse in any way. Everything stated is healing. When choosing to wrap, however, make the

wrap snug but not binding.

Dolomite: Used to stabilize health, especially blood, the heart and circulation. It dissolves

cramps in foaling mares, aids in the process and ease of delivery of a foal by relaxing the

nervous system. How would dolomite be used during a foaling situation? In conjunction with all

the other stones would be my preference.

Bloodstone: Great physical healing stone for blood disorders, circulation or removing toxins.

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Talc/baby powder: provides energetic comfort. Use talc when the equine or equine herd has

been spooked by a thundercloud or some other natural source where they respond to the

magnetic fields which have been electrified. You may also use talc in your general practice to

help provide an overall sense of ease and wellness. This would be sprinkled/spread in the stable

or stall area. How much? It depends upon this size of the space, but certainly not as much as a

top layer.

Dragon’s blood/Cinnabar: used for protection and potency. Treats disorders of the blood and

weight issues. You may wish to put it in a separate bag. It is considered toxic to skin.

Black Onyx: is strength-giving.

Tourmaline: Bluish-Green is overall healing. Black keeps negativity from attaching to the healer.

Malachite: versatile healing stone useful for cramps. It resonates with the sexual organs and

treats any sexual disease. It aligns DNA and cellular structure. Malachite stimulates the liver to

release toxins. Helps facilitates deep emotional healing, releases traumas. May need to be

supported by other stones.

Moldavite: This may be my personal favorite. Moldavite came from the Star Galaxy and has

been foretold of its’ healing properties. When used alone or bundled (as many of these stones,

gems should be) it becomes a catalyst for transformation. This is the only stone which may be

used alone. All the others should be bundled at this level of learning. Moldavite has amazing

properties and can be used as an aid in digestive disorders of a more serious nature, head

trauma, soul retrieval, memory loss such and other memory impairing illnesses. Placing the

moldavite near the head is the wisest position when it is used alone for memory impairments

or seizures. Using this gem is really very easy. It is to be used as are all the others—with the

teaching that moldavite will assist in healing horses who have suffered concussions and other

head traumas and head face wounds, insomnia, hyperactivity, and the like.

Gold: Gold is an element high in elementals. An understanding/discussion of elementals is

appropriate at this time. All three of these minerals, gold, silver and copper have come into

harmonic convergence at this time in your Earthly history, making them in essence, more

powerful, more valuable than at any time in mankind’s development. Gold, silver and copper

may be used together or in combination or singly. Experiment and see what learning you

discover. Gold can assist in elevating the equine natural immune system. These three minerals

will be discussed and used in greater detail in advancing levels of Star Healing Equine but

worthy of mention now.

Silver: Using silver is most effective when done so with pure silver. However, as this is a new

and creative form of healing, silver plated jewelry if that is what is available is an example of

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what type of silver can also be used. The benefits or properties of silver include mind clarity and

body waste elimination. May be used to aid in sleep.

Copper: Copper is going to be useful at this level for conditions like inflammation reduction,

spatial sequencing and any auditory dysfunction. Pennies are helpful with arthritis. A stack of

coins can aid in the elimination of body aches and conditions like arthritis, bursitis. Stacking and

collecting these elements may prove helpful during your session and in your practice. Copper

provides a harmonic connection between the physical and astral bodies.




Can stones also be placed directly upon the equine?

Yes, they may if the equine cooperates. They may also be placed in suitable containers at the

four corners of the equine if standing or laying, at the head on an elevated tray or ladder. See

what works with each equine. The placement will vary. Some will be tolerant of them being

placed directly on the ground as well as all gathered in a soft sac and the sac placed upon the

mid back.

• Oils--Frankincense oil and lemon oil and spray bottles to administer. Frankincense is used for

protection and lemon oil and lemons vibrate on the same frequency as joy. So for more joy,

YES, EQUINES DESERVE JOY! spray a mixture of 3 parts lemon oil and 5 parts water over the

equine’s capsule from the head and projecting downwards unless the animal is uncooperative.

Try again another time. Many equines have trust issues which become more pliable with

continued attempts.

• Crystal bowl c.d. -- to play during your session. This will elevate the environment of the

equine. (itunes or internet search of crystal bowl c.d’s as sources. Avoid c.d.s with tracks of

fluting or chanting or drumming. These frequencies are leaving your planet.)

• Nautilus, open chambered It is used as a

place in understanding the system mainly, as the horse’s 4th d. dna shape shifting does not

include this energetic work of making the spiral, but it will prove useful in having knowledge of

it as a teaching aid in understanding all of the multi-universes. So it is used indirectly as

reference for the system. The Nautilus shell contains the Fibonacci spiral. The most famous and

beautiful examples of the occurrence of the Fibonacci sequence in nature are found in a variety

of trees and flowers, generally associated with some kind of spiral structure. Sunflowers are

one such example. You are invited to read more about THE FIBONACCI SEQUENCE, SPIRALS

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spiraling is demonstrated throughout Star Healing Equine as in rocking the baby, for example.

• 2 Conch or similar smooth shells. These are used for helping with all face, head, ear, eyes,

nose and throat conditions within the equine.

• Lemon grass leaves made into a balm, Aids in digestion of ideas/digestion. Treats colic.

Leg wraps and cotton to pad any stones used in the healing

• Step stool to reach over the horse/stand for placing stones/gems

• Colorful markers (optional) to mark placement of crystals for the crystal bed

• Spray bottles to mist the frankincense and lemon oil mixtures, 1 of ea.

• Containers, bucket or soft sack in which to place the stones and crystals.

Beginning a Session/ Attuning the Environment

Is there sound energetic work to be done in advance of treating the horse like when the horse is in a barn or other stabling area?

Yes. Playing crystal bowl frequency will be wise and useful in the barn or stabling area. You may begin here. In situations where the horse may be roaming we, the collective consciousness of angels, would ask that you be informed of the area where they graze, water, or come for attention. If this is an open area such as a field, pasture or plain, circle in a clockwise direction while striking the d and a tuning forks together.

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Can crystal bowl music be played all the time for the horse’s benefit in a stable/stall setting?

Absolutely! Then all of the animals will benefit. Why? Because this is the age of crystals in your world and crystal bowl frequency sound is calming. “Where there is peace and calm in the equine and their owner and caregivers there can be no illness. Crystal bowl frequency sound should be made a mandatory requirement for treating using this healing system. Education needs to be ongoing so that those in care of equines come to accept this as spiritual healing truth.

The horse(s) may or may not be inside this large circle. If you or the owners are uncertain as to how the animal will react, they may be called upon later. Let us continue and say that the horses are roaming and not stabled. Continue to circle around a recognized, familiar area where the animal or herd congregates. Herd space should be attuned for the benefit of all recalling the concept that high vibratory frequency attaches to those of lower frequency and that the problems within the particular horse you are working with most likely stem from a) others around it or b) its’ owner.

Let me share this again, in a herd situation, the presence of illness within the

animal is either a result of others in the present or past herd, or the owner;

sometimes both are present.—Archangel Michael

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Therefore, it is important to teach the owner/or person(s) in the care of the equine to stand in this circle as you walk in a clockwise direction striking the tuning forks.

Then instruct them to stand inside a circular bed of clear quartz crystals which have been placed and spaced out on the ground prior to working with the animal in distress, even after the animal has been healed, so that their changing frequency does not adversely affect the animal you have just offered healing to as time goes on.

This circling of the owner/caretaker is mandatory, preferably once a day if contact is made once a day with the animal prior to contact with the animal (s) in distress.

If there are multiple caregivers tending to the equines, then it is recommended that each individual caretaker stand in this clear quartz crystal bed, or if preferred, all may stand in at one time. It may prove practical in large ranches and other stabling environments that the later is observed.

Clear quartz crystals, with a flat bottom or pointed, tumbled or not are the type of crystals taught to be used. Large enough to be seen and removed once the ceremony is over. You may wish to mark their placement for ease of retrieval with orange markers of some type or other colorful marking.

Let me restate that full benefit, full restoration to health will be demonstrated with the elevation of both the caregiver(s) on a regular and consistent basis along with the equine with disease, disfigurement. There are no exceptions.

If there are environments which you are called in to serve that have some of the caregivers present but not all, go ahead and have those who are present stand in the quartz crystal bed or the person most active in the care of the animal.

Begin by circling the area, whether pasture, field or desert wherever the horses are watered or fed by strike, striking, the tuning forks which are d and a’s. The horse’s natural rhythm responds best to this frequency because of their size. It is not practical to circling an entire ranch’s fence line.

For 4-legged horses under 100 lbs. (this is one point of distinction) use or instruct caregivers if not you yourself, to use c and g sounding tuning forks.

If the horse is able to lie or stand in this circle without disruption, then do it with the animal in place. It may take some trial and error to determine, but most horses will respond favorably to the sound. If an owner says, I don’t think my horse will like that sound, try it anyway. Most will be impressed. Only circle when you are outside.

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Please note: Star Healing Equine may be repeated up to 3 times for the same set of conditions. If you happen again to facilitate a second or third healing, most likely the same animal which reacted negatively to the sounding of the tuning forks will now be accepting of them.

Once around the animal or around the outside open space, with the caregivers standing inside your circle of sound vibration and crystal bed you may continue with the following techniques. Many of you will find it practical to have a short ladder or a standing stool to elevate you in working with your equine and a way to place the stone in an elevated position, especially with an equine that is known to not stand quietly. We are working in the mid heavens of their bodies, which is away from their low body, meaning 6 or more inches away from them. Star Healing Equine is molecular healing from the 5th dimension. It is one of the most powerful and highly charged energy modality on your planet today.

Next Steps A After the Outside Space and the Care Givers Have Been Attuned

Once the outside open space has been attuned move the animal to an area where it can be worked on.

Some will stand quietly in the same area which has just been attuned and others will need to be lead into a crosstie type of situation in a stable or even stall. Each setting will present its own unique solution.

Start with the horse in a direction so that their heads are facing you. If the equine is unable for whatever reason, stand to the left side and begin there.

At times, some animals will be so infirmed you will be called upon to work with them in a laying position. Consider this useful as well.

1. Laying of crystals in an arch- Next, place 7 – clear quartz crystals in an arch shape in front of the horse’s face. These may be laid on the ground in front of the horse or upon an elevated tray or table. Then gently strike them with the same tuning forks. Horses of course, have the same or similar cocoon as does the human form. What does the arch shape do? It aligns the left and right sides of the body much like a car’s alignment is done.

2. Activation of the horse’s capsule- Once the crystals are activated, travel clockwise around the horse one time striking the tuning forks to activate the energetic capsule. Traveling in a clockwise direction around the horse activates the inner magnetic forces of mother earth which are crystalline. I will use these words often—crystalline and Ascension. They are one in the same. By now, you have received the input form from the owner noting the concerns and you may continue to address any particular aches of the body or fears, phobias, or compulsions. If the horse is lying down you will circle in a clockwise direction and proceed to banding. 2b. Place the two small type conch shells near the face/head of the equine if there are any head, teeth, eye, ear, mind, behavior issues. Unless you are working with an animal in which the owner has no behavioral problems this will almost always be done. Do the

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energetic work as instructed by the founder then move on to banding and the other techniques or you may apply and distribute some of the stones now for what is termed spot treating. Imagine that you are overall placing a higher frequency engine into your equine through use of the entire system, but even a new engine may need extra or spot attuning.

Can the two small shells for all head/mind infirmaries be placed on the ground in front of the horse in a bucket or is that placement too far away from the head and these must be elevated or wrapped close to the ears?

Because the horse’s energy body is more advanced and lighter than the human body it can benefit from shells being placed on the ground as well as upwards to the face.

Some horses will not stand still while an owner is on a ladder with shells on a platform to do the work. What is done in this instance? Lastly, if

horse and owner decide to wrap or otherwise contain the two shells in a creative way of their own devices to get the energy and power of the

shells on their horse is this to be encouraged?

Everything has an alternative. In this instance move the step stool or ladder to the side of the animal and the two shells and project the same healing techniques as if you were in front of the horse, either standing with the shells in a bucket or elevated. Yes, some will find it very easy to attach shells one on each side of the head wrapped in cotton. If this is done, practice so that they do not fall loose while in place. I would prefer that you expect more out of the equine then perhaps your concerns indicate-AAMichael.

3. Applying stones/gems- From this point, you may apply any stones in a bundled fashion

to any joint, tendon or ligament that may be injured by wrapping it in cotton first, then attaching the wrap to the leg. Leave these in place for the entire session. For severe arthritis or other ligament concerns or any area that may have been injured or is simply not healing properly or fast enough follow with rocking the baby. If the condition is severe you may use the tuning forks over the stones after wrapped and in cases where a joint needs replacing you may also do the chopping technique.

4. Banding- This technique is done by standing at the side of the horse after beginning to travel clockwise—to your left. This clockwise direction honors the magnetic forces of mother earth’s inner core, which is crystalline in nature. Normally, unless the equine is able to lie down you will need to access a stool or ladder in order to be able to reach both arms over the horse’s body or capsule. Imagine it to be in a cocoon or tanning bed with an arched top to help you get a sense of what it is like energetically if you do not see it yourselves.

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When the animal is standing upright, reach up to the mid-heavens half line, pull back, and remember to finish the segment when you circle around to the other side of the animal unless you are able to project and reach over the animal in one easy motion. This technique is like peeling away layers from an onion. These energetic layers are filled with dysfunction of all types.

5. Small banding- Next, you may perform small banding. Small banding can be described like squeezing a rolled up wet towel. The water can be imagined as toxins which are no longer serving your equine.

6. Building the triangular 5thD DNA of the Equine- Of the techniques from Star Healing of the human body which will be eliminated or prove to be unnecessary for the horse, is the 5th dimensional DNA shape shifting into the shape of a beehive.

The horse’s 5th dimensional DNA is formed in a completely new way. (It is also unnecessary that the equine undergo what is referred to as the lower journey or the opening of star gates in the system for the body. Those are two other differences. One isn’t exactly an omission, but transference of concepts learned in healing the body using this system.) Instead of creating a 5th dimension energetic form like the beehive you will be asked to create a triangle. How this is done when the horse is standing can be a bit tricky as it requires a ladder or step stool but nevertheless, it is a part of this system. You may move to this step next if you wish as long as you have cooperation of your equine. It matters little in what order these techniques are given, so long as the majority of them are given you will see improvement in the horse you are treating.

Begin by drawing the bottom of this triangle with your hands in the mid heavens of the horse’s body over the sacred center, the middle. This area is away from the low energetic body where very little permanent benefits can occur. Then continue to shape shift and build the sides of this triangle. You should strive to have this 5th d. triangle at least as large as a bread box and sometimes you will be lead to create more than one or an extremely large one. If you yourselves are not lead to this, understand that the founder may be lead. Continue to create the sides and active the crystalline thread

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which connects to the Pleaidian Galaxy by running your hand up and down an energetic chord or straight line as if the triangle is hanging by a thread.

7. Rocking the Baby- Before descending, move onto a technique called rocking the baby. Rocking the baby is done by making small clockwise circles with your open hand over the sacred center or navel of the horse, where you built the triangle. Then descend. Notice any changes in the demeanor of the horse or their owner. Many will become soothed and look more relaxed even with this work completed. Rocking the Baby is the same energy they felt in the womb—peaceful and calming.

8. Chopping Technique-The chopping technique is done over the horse’s spine in the mid

heavens and creates space in their vertebrae. It can also be done outside a joint which is infirmed. In this manner it can best be described and understood as doing light worker’s surgery to remove an area of severe dysfunction and using your hands as though you are chopping a segment out of a block of wood or parallel movements with open hands facing each other. In fact, you are doing the same thing energetically….chop, chop, chopping over the disk or joint which has been severely damaged and then using the idea of regeneration to bring fresh molecular cells into place by drawing both chopped segments together.

9. Calliope Technique- For the Calliope the practitioner’s hands are closed fist and the

movement is up and down like a calliope. Tubes of light energy are entering your equine.

What if an equine does not stand still for all of the techniques?

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Can they be performed from the ground?

An entire Star Healing Equine personal session may vary in length from a min. of 15 min. to a maximum of 90 minutes. This is a very powerful form of healing just as it is for the human body. It make take longer when the practitioner is learning, but for practicality when in private session, I recommend that no more than 90 min. of Star Healing Equine be administered at any time. In addition, as you ask, many equine in need of healing do not stand or stand still continuously. When you may be presented with this type of situation, simply do what you can. Something is better than nothing. Continue again the subsequent day. An equine which may not be still on one day may likely and sometimes quick suddenly, become still after some attunement to this energy, either by direct contact or through hearing the crystal frequency.

Let us say that you are on a step stool or ladder and have completed only half of the techniques listed, do not despair. You may simply, walk the horse, water the horse, step down and continue from mother earth or take a break and rise up to the step stool again.

Let us continue with the techniques:

10. Regenerative/ Stripping-- For your training if a block is identified in a foot for example go all the way up to the shoulder or rump and imagine a line from shoulder or rump to the foot. Use both hands to pull the energy down the leg out the foot and into the salt filled bowl. *salt bowl or four black tourmaline stones which have been placed on the ground 3 feet around the equine at each of 4 corners. Either one, the salt filled bowls or black tourmaline will soften or dissolve any negativity which you may be stripping from the equine. Since most of Star Healing Equine will be done outside, mother earth will transmute much of any negativity if salt filled bowls or stones are not available to you. If no dysfunction has been identified or you the owner are simply unaware, do this technique to all for limbs regardless.

11. The Zipper- 3 segments consisting of the torso, lower body and head. This technique is very simple in terms of movement but huge in healing power/potential. This energetic technique brings both dna’s together in greater harmony. What dna’s? the 4th and the 5th. It unifies these two systems quickly. Basically you are unzipping the first segment (torso) over the horse’s side body. Imagine as you unzip that the horse body is enclosed in a giant cooking bag and once unzipped, the toxins rise out from the equine’s body as steam rises from this cooking bag. Then go to the next technique pulling weeds.

12. Pulling Weeds-is for the removal of fears. Use as instructed, the two handed technique

to rid the body of fears in this segment. If you have a knowingness or see the actual fear energy pull and pull until it is gone. If not, move down the segment one time. Then move to continue the zipper technique from horse’s rump to the end of horse’s capsule. (You most likely will need to adjust/move your stool if the horse is standing to accommodate this section.) This is where more deeply rooted fears are stored and/or fears from lifetimes further back in the equine journey. Instead, of pulling energetic roots away in the same manner as with the torso segment, the practitioner is to dig out the fears imagining they are root balls, by using a scooping technique like digging in a garden using a spade. Once the root balls of fears and attachments are energetically

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removed, fill in the holes by smoothing over the area like smoothing concrete. Then zip up this segment. Lastly, unzip a short segment from the neck to above the head understanding that as with the human form, this is where the seeds of fear begin energetically. Blow the seeds away and gently brush the seeds away with your hands. If you are lead, lay in a small feather. Zip back up.

13. The Journey- While standing in the column of light facing the horse, the Journey involves taking the horse on a journey to the Pleidian or Star Galaxy, instilling the animal just as with the human with a profound sense of peace and calm from a molecular perspective. This involves pumping, shallow breathing, then arms swooping up like angel’s wings. Hovering/sticking the position for some time. Sway gently from side to side and for the rainbow keep your arms overhead and bend fully side to side as if your body/arms are tracing a rainbow. This movement creates greater harmony frequencies within the horse’s band of soul chords. Unlike the human soul chord pattern which normally has four or five energetic strands like a guitar for example, the equine soul chord pattern consists of sever or eight different vibrating strands. More will be taught on this in relationship to doing the ribbon technique but worthy of mention now. If the animal is cooperative you may continue to airplane arms. If they are not but become compliant later with any of the stated techniques, understand that they can be performed in different order if and when necessary. The comfort of the equine is your most important consideration.

Where are the caregivers or/and owners of the horse standing during all of this?

If they are present and within 5 feet of the healing environment, they, too, are received molecular benefit and this is desired. When they are not directly involved as spectators

they should be involved in understanding of the principles described.

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14. The Ribbon- Begin in the column of light and walk alongside the horse’s body with your right side toward the animal, your right hand make a waving or ribbon-like undulating movement in the mid heavens energetically following the spine. This move is ONLY DONE on one side of the equine, not circling around. Turn at the end of the animal’s capsule and walk up towards the column of light with your left side body closest to the table, your left arm making the same movement. This may be repeated up and down the table 4 times (trips). The ribbon is used to transmute harmonies, especially sadness and depression. As stated earlier, the soul chord pattern in the equine is comprised of seven or eight chords which some see very much in color as straight linear lines. When these soul chords are healthy, greater if not, perfect health will be present in the animal.

15. The Piecrust-- Going around the outer capsule in a clockwise direction, have your right hand holding the space and the left hand denting in the outer parameter like making a pie crust with first two fingers pinching the outer energy capsule in. Arch Angel Michael says that the body can be seen as being in a capsule and this move works on restoring the outer most structure of it and is designed to be done around the perimeter of the capsule, 3 feet from the equine while imagining that the horse’s energetic genetic coded field has spread too thin like a cookie on a baking sheet--the edges are brittle and burned. This technique restores that matter on a cellular level to the Fifth Dimension.

In Star Healing for the human body, at some point individuals are often asked to turn over. Are we to work mainly on one side of the body doing

as many techniques as possible or should be circle around the horse to do some techniques on the opposite side? Does the student need to travel five times clockwise around the animal as with the body system, Angel?

Yes, traveling around a cooperative equine is desirable as it roots the animal to the healing energies of Mother Goddess Earth and also pulls up and aligns crystalline energy. Also, some equines have a dominant side and preference as do humans, so that if you find an animal unwilling for some techniques on one side, try them on the other….as long as the student remains faithful to the clockwise directed pattern. Again, if the horse needs a break, give it one.

A Star Healing Equine typical session would be anywhere from 20 min. to 3 hours in cases of huge deformity, behavioral issues

to reckon with.

16. Giving of oils—Frankincense and Lemon in a spray form. At any time during your training facing the animal in their column of light, frankincense oil in a spray and lemon oil may be given. Frankincense is used for protection-a few pumps from the mixture down the horse’s body. The lemon oil spray mixture is for more joy in your equine. If the size by height or weight or other consideration makes it more reasonable to give either of the oils from the side body, then feel free to do so. Use your

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intuition also. Some animals do not respond well to having caregivers directly in front of their vision. Some do not mind.

17. The Molecular Massage- Begin this technique in the mid-heavens of the spine, back and forth like the chopping/calliope technique. One hand is open and the side palm is pat, pat, pat, patting into the open palm of your other hand. Archangel Michael teaches that this is to smooth bumps from the energy fields. From there you continue the massage down the leg appendage (s) then the arms as you circle around still in a clockwise direction.

18. The Sidewinder- Position yourself to be on your stool at the back end of the equine. Reaching toward the equine’s sacred middle navel begin this technique at the star center and simultaneously wiggle your hands down the back and rump like a side winding snake travels in the side with palms down. This polarizes the energy and restores it to the 5th dimension. It is done quickly twice. This technique molecularly erases untruths which have been put into the equines’ consciousness by a snake.

19. The Zigzag-travel around again if possible to the side of the horse, step up and perform

the same zigzag technique as done when healing the human body as it accomplishes the same thing. Another layer of low level dysfunction is cut and transmuted by the shape itself as if imaging your continents divided and separated. Start at the head and make your segments in the mid heavens down the horse’s body.

20. Laying in of the figure 8 Infinity Symbol (a sacred symbol)-while at the horse’s side trace the symbol for infinite prosperity, the figure 8 beginning with the middle of the 8 over the horse’s middle. Trace it as large as the equine’s capsule.

21. Laying in of Archangel Michael's white feather (sacred symbol)-while in this position, finish your session by laying in my white feather of projection. It is laid in 3 times from the neck to the croup. Project its length it necessary.

Is there any closing type ceremony either for the horse or the owner/caregivers?

Yes, after the healing session is completed the last trip around the animal for the student or practitioner is to be counter clockwise. During this clockwise final trip I am asking that rocking the baby be done again for additional peace and calm and that it be done with two hands making large concentric circles at the same time. This is being

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asked as the equine has a much larger system then the average person and two concentric rings of this energy will serve like rings around a pond when a pebble is dropped into the middle, spreading additional healing benefits after you have left the area. Begin facing the horse. After this counter clockwise journey has been made you may remind the owner and caregivers the importance of following up in 24 hours noting any release symptoms within the equine and more notably, any and all improvements in the conditions expressed as a goal from this healing, including more peace and calm in the animal or animals in the herd. Entire herds can be made more peaceful and calm with the method of sound healing in Star Healing Equine. No reattunement may be given prior to the 3 week minimum passage of time unless directed or in the most of severe situations.

How is lemongrass used?

It can be made into a balm and applied to the abdomen directly.

How is a balm made and when is it used?

For a horse which suffers colic seep the lemon grass leaves in boiling water until they become mushy. Then make your salve/balm by mixing three parts lemon grass juice (much like seeping tea) with a soothing lotion as is usually used to soften calluses on the horse. Apply a thin layer to the under belly to an equine who is colicky. (This will be rather thick) and leave it in place. Warming the lotion is wise in colder climates and will feel soothing to your equine. Leave the balm on the underbelly as long as the horse is distressing.

Is this treatment done when a horse who is known to colic but not colicing? In other words, can this treatment be used outside of an episode to prevent it?

Yes, absolutely. I would recommend that in severe cases of colic or life threatening situations that the lemongrass balm will only ease in the pain and not reverse the colon.

I would like a discussion of these 2 important sacred objects which will help you understand sacred geometry used in Star Healing—the Nautilus shell and the Conch shell.

The Nautilus Shell—the Nautilus shell represents the single most important object in Star Healing Equine Energy and that is, the alignment of all the galaxies as demonstrated through the chambers of the shell itself and in understanding the restructuring of DNA. Study the Nautilus shell and you will have a commanding appreciation for this type of healing system. What does this do? It’s like explaining what the sun does. There is not one answer but infinite answers…all of them positive and having to do with Ascension and Oneness. It has the POTENTIAL to connect the equine to infinite galaxies. Liken it to dropping an engine into a car.

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The Conch Shell—in the same way that the nautilus shell demonstrates the formation and interrelation of the galaxies and the restructuring of the DNA, the conch shell demonstrates higher learning as it relates to the lost continent of Atlantis. If the student takes times to listen to it they will realize another principle of this healing—and that is, that sound connection to the underground world/underground tunnels of Atlantis and to the wisdom created within it. It is important that the techniques learned are kept true to their inherent nature. It is NOT wise for those of you who have extensive healing background (or not) to MIX healing modalities, anymore than you would mix ice cream with lettuce.—Archangel Michael

Is there specific additional instruction for students in how to treat some of

the most common conditions?

Thrush is a common problem, especially when rainy weather persists. A small amount of thrush is fairly harmless and easily treatable in the early stages. The visible signs are the black tarry, odorous substance in the hooves. Left untreated however, it can erode the hoof to the point where the horse becomes permanently lame.


COPD, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Heaves, Equine Asthma or Emphysema, Broken Wind COPD can be caused by dusty or moldy hay, dust and molds in bedding, or pollens, dust and other irritants in the environment. Any horse exposed to respiratory irritants may develop COPD. Horses kept stabled may be at higher risk.


What about conditions where a vaccine is usually given to prevent like West Nile Virus? Rabies? Strangles? Potomac Horse Fever? Can this modality affect healing in these conditions and if so, what additional healing is necessary?

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How can cribbing be improved or eliminated through this system?

Cribbing like many bad habits is reversible. It is no more difficult to treat cribbing as it is inflammation of the hoof wall. Both I say, are conditions where anxiety has played a part, either in the herd, the owners, caregivers and or the ailing equine. Cribbing is best contained with a longer session of peace and calm and a longer session of praise and a longer session of more magnified healing through sound. That would mean that instead of one trip around the pen or areas containing the cribber, including stall area, several trips with the sound tools is advised on a regular and consistent basis along with the other techniques in this teaching.

Star Healing Equine is a registered TM of Healing Enterprises LLC. The alternative practice called Star Healing Equine SM is not regulated as a

veterinary or any kind of medical practice, nor is it licensed by the state, territory, possession, country, or other jurisdiction. Client

acknowledges that the healing modality requires some physical contact with the animal. Sound and some gemstones and crystals along with

energetic movement will be used on the animal and within its environment. Client warrants that it holds full ownership rights to the animal,

including the right to authorize Star Healing Equine SM to perform the healing modality. Client further warrants that it is fully responsible for

securing any licensing and permissions which may be necessary prior to the conducted session to use the stabling or any other housing facility if

training workshops are being conducted. Client recognizes that Healing Enterprises, LLC and its certified practitioner(s) are not licensed

physicians and do not diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness, disability, or affliction, whether physical or mental. Client shall not suspend

or avoid prescribed medical treatments for its animal(s). Client or individual is solely responsible for continuing any medical treatment for the

care for its animal. Healing Enterprises, LLC shall be indemnified and held harmless for any loss, damages, liability, or expense incurred or

sustained by reason of any act performed or any omission which may occur on the premises as a result of or during the conducting of a healing

session or workshop, or by implementation of the information contained herein or found on Kelly Hampton’s web site, including any judgment,

award, settlement, reasonable attorneys’ fees, and other costs and expenses incurred in connection with the defense of any actual or

threatened action, proceeding, or claim. If Client becomes aware that someone else is presenting workshops in this healing modality, Client

must notify Healing Enterprises, LLC at [email protected]. At this time, Kelly Hampton is the only person able to conduct intensive

training workshops in Star Healing Equine, Star Healing Small Animals, Star Healing Intergalactic Energy. Copyright 2012 Healing Enterprises,

