Page 1: Star construction – Chris Brown

Star Construction – Chris Brown

Page 2: Star construction – Chris Brown

He is wearing a multi coloured bucket-hat.

Which could suggest/connote it is summer. He also switches between different outfits in

the video to suit the theme of an urban area.

By the clothes he is wearing, weCan assume he is very chill and Urban.

What kind of clothes are they wearing? What does this tell us about their


Page 3: Star construction – Chris Brown

As he is wearing a Bucket-hat throughout the

video we don’t get a visual of the way his hair is possibly styled. During the editing process filters could have been applied to get a different tone and feeling in the certain scene.

This suggest he isn‘t insecure about himself as he doesn’t mind hiding any scratches, bruises, scars, blemishes etc. Their image is being represented as a person who is confident about the way they look.

Consider their hair and makeup – What do these tell you about them and how their image is


Page 4: Star construction – Chris Brown

The setting looks as some sort of urban

setting. We get this representation by the big graffiti and the tower blocks. This gives us an connotation that he is a city person.

We can also see different parts of the city / urban area for each of the stars in such as Tyga and Lil Wayne who are both in their own individual locations and come together in the middle

What kind of setting are they shown in – does this tell you about them and how their image is


Page 5: Star construction – Chris Brown

This was possibly after the

accusation of Chris Brown Domestic Violence on Rihanna. The possible angle of this story/article/cover was to inform readers or Chris Brown fans that he wont be apologizing anymore to her or that he has done enough to apologize.

If you can find any mag articles/celebrity magazine stories – what is the angle of these? And what do they tell us

about the star?

Page 6: Star construction – Chris Brown

His site has a navigation bar which allows users to

go different sections on the site such as the shop or tour dates which informs fans.

There is also a community section. This is a forum which users can discuss anything about Chris Brown. This allows the audience and fan base to feel as if they have a some sort of interaction between them and Chris Brown.

The news section displays all types of information such as awards or nominations to release dates of songs and albums.

What does their website tell you about how they want to be seen by


Page 7: Star construction – Chris Brown

There is a site called Chris-Brown.USThe site is supposedly aimed at the People who enjoy listening to Chris Browns Music and those that just like Chris Brown in general.

Do they have any fan sites? – Who are they targeted at?

Page 8: Star construction – Chris Brown

Most posts consist of Links and photos to the

most recent song he has released or album. Sometimes tour dates, Ticket prices, Promotions or events.

Look at all their social media. What does this tell you about the way they promote themselves.

Page 9: Star construction – Chris Brown

Most comments are from the female

demographic expressing their feelings for Chris Brown. The percentage would range between 35%-40% of the comments. And there are many spam comments to go to sites for getting views.

Other types of comments include the smaller artists promoting themselves by saying ‘ check my channel ‘ etc.

Look at youtube videos for your artist and read the comments underneath. What does this tell you about the
