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Definition: Gram +ve cocci arranged in clusters.

All Catalase test +ve # [ streptococci] .All Oxidase negative #


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Gram positive cocci in clusters staphylococci

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White colonies Pigmented golden yellow



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Pigmented colonies of staph on NA

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Complete ( β )2


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Hemolytic staphylococci on BA

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Hemolytic staphylococci on BA

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Ferment mannitol

(yellow color)

Don’t Ferment mannitol (red

color )


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Staphylococci on mannitol salt agarpathogenic (F+) non pathogenic(F-)

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Staphylococci on mannitol salt agar pathogenic (F+)

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Oxidase Catalase-ve +ve



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2H2O2 O2 + 2H2OStreptococci vs. Staphylococci

Differential Characteristics

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Catalase POS


Catalase NEG

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S. aureus


Fibrinogen Fibrin

Differential Characteristics

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Coagulase NEG

Coagulase POS

Staphylococcus aureus

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Coagulase +ve


Coagulase –ve


Staph. aureusStaph.




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Pathogenic Non-pathogenic

1- coagulase +ve 1- Coagulase –ve.

Culture media 2- Pigmented golden yellow on NA 2- White colonies.

3- Haemolysis on BA. 3- No hemolysis on BA

4- Ferment mannitol on MSA . 4- Don not ferment


Biochemical reactions of staphylococci

Coagulase +ve Coagulase –veMannitol fermentation +ve Mannitol fermentation –ve

1-Novobiocin sensitive.* S. epidermidis.

2-Nov. resistant* S. saprophyticus.

Difference between pathogenic and non pathogenic

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Novobiocin testStaph epidermidis ---S Staph saprophytics ---R

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Staph. aureus has several cell wall components and antigens: 1- Peptidoglycan polymer. 2- Telchoic acids that mediate adherence of the organism to mucosal cells.

3- Protein A: 90% of staph. aureus posses this antigen. It is antiphagocytic. Protein A binds IgG molecule non-specifically through Fc portion leaving specific Fab sites free to combine with specific antigen. When suspension of such sensitized staphylococci is treated with homologous (test) antigen, the antigen combines with free Fab sites of IgG attached to staph cells leading to visible clumping of staphylococci within two minutes. It is known as “coagglutination”.

Antigenic structure

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4- Clumping factor: which binds to fibrinogen yielding aggregation of the bacteria.

5- Capsular polysaccharide: A few strains of staph. aureus are encapsulated and tend to be more virulent that non capsulated strains.

6- Surface receptors: for specific bacterial phages, permit phage typing for epidemiological purposes.

Antigenic structure

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Toxins and Enzymes produced by Staph. aureus

Toxins :



Toxic shock syndrome

toxin-1 (TSST-1)

Exfoliative toxin


Enzymes :

Coagulase enzyme



B- lactamase

(penicillinase )


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Diseases produced by Staph. aureus

Pyogenic infection (enzymes)DisseminatedFocal

Toxin mediated: Food poisoning .Toxic shock syndrome .Scalded skin syndrome.

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Staphylococcal Disease


Range from localized to systemicLocalized cutaneous infections – invade skin

through wounds, follicles, or glandsfolliculitis – superficial inflammation of hair follicle;

usually resolved with no complications but can progress

furuncle – boil; inflammation of hair follicle or sebaceous gland progresses into abscess or pustule

carbuncle – larger and deeper lesion created by aggregation and interconnection of a cluster of furuncles

impetigo – bubble-like swellings that can break and peel away; most common in newborns

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Nonbullous Lesions of Impetigo

Figure 21.4

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Staphylococcal Disease


Systemic infections osteomyelitis – infection is established in

the metaphysis; abscess formsbacteremia - primary origin is bacteria

from another infected site or medical devices; endocarditis possible

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Figure 23.4

Bacterial Endocarditis

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Staphylococcal Disease


Toxigenic disease food intoxication – ingestion of heat stable

enterotoxins; gastrointestinal distressstaphylococcal scalded skin syndrome –

toxin induces bright red flush, blisters, then desquamation of the epidermis

toxic shock syndrome – toxemia leading to shock and organ failure

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Lesions of Skin Syndrome

Figure 21.5

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Staphylococcal Food Poisoning

Pathogen Staphylococcus aureusSymptoms Nausea, vomiting, and


Intoxication/Infection IntoxicationEnterotoxin (superantigen)

Diagnosis Phage typingTreatment None

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Events in Staphylococcal Food Poisoning

Figure 25.6

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Importance in hospital infection:· Carriage of staph. by medical personnel→hospital

infection (nosocomial infection of patients) or food poisoning.

Carriage in : Nose.§Hands.

Tracing the source of infection = (epidemiological study of the isolated strains)phage typing. Detection of carriers nasal or skin swabblood agar. staph (identification).

Carriers of Staph. aureus

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Phage typing

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Figure 10.13

Phage Typing

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Methicillin-resistant Staph.aureus (MRSA)

Resistant to all beta lactam antibiotics. resistant to other drugs (aminoglycosides).

sensitive to vancomycin.

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Other Staphylococci


Coagulase-negative staphylococcus; frequently involved in nosocomial and opportunistic infections

S. epidermidis – lives on skin and mucous membranes; endocarditis, bacteremia, UTI

S. saprophyticus – infrequently lives on skin, intestine, vagina; UTI

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Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci

Staphylococcus epidermidis

S. saprophyticus

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Novobiocin testStaph epidermidis ---S Staph saprophytics ---R

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Staph. saprophytics:urinary tract infections in

young females

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Staphylococcal Biofilms

Figure 21.3
