Page 1: Standard Form, Indices and Logarithm

1.0 Standard Form

State positive numbers in standard form

1. Standard form is a way of writing a number in the form A×10n, where 1≤ A<10 and the index n is an integer.

2. A number in standard form consists of two parts


3. A positive value of n shows a big number (¿1 ) whereas a negative value of n shows a small number (¿1 ).

4. Another term for standard form is scientific notation.

Example 1

State each of the following numbers in standard form.

1. 74002. 23 810 000


1. 7400=7.4×1000


2. 23 810 000

¿2.381×10 000 000


A number between 1 and 10 inclusive 1

A power of 10

Page 2: Standard Form, Indices and Logarithm


1. State each of the following numbers in standard form.I. 0.036

II. 0.00000452


I. Move the decimal point of a given number to the right in order to produce a number A such that 1≤ A<10

II. The number of places that the decimal point has moved is the negative value of n

a. 0.036=3.6×10−2

b. 0.0 0 00 04 52

Note: move to the right , index n is negative

Perform operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, involving any numbers and state the answers in standard form


Calculate the value of each of the following by stating its answer in standard form.

a. 3.1×105+4×104

b. 7×105−1.8×10−8

c. (2.4×103 )× (9×107 )




a. 3.1×105+4×104



¿ (3.1+0.4 )×105




Page 3: Standard Form, Indices and Logarithm

b. 7×105−1.8×10−8



¿ (7−0.018 )×10−6


c. (2.4×103 )× (9×107 )¿(2.4×9)×(103×107)¿21.6×1010





¿ 4.86×






Page 4: Standard Form, Indices and Logarithm

2. Laws of Indices

a. Below are the basic laws of indices

Laws Statement

1. Multiplication am x an = a m + n

2. Division am¿ an = a m - n

3. Power i. ( a m ) n = a mn

ii. (ab)n = an b n

iii. ( ab )



bn ; b 0

4. Negative Index

i. a –n =


an ; a 0




am ; a 0 dan b 0

5. Nil Index a0 = 1 ; a 0

6. Fraction Indexamn=


Example 1

Find the values of the following


(−1 14 )÷32



¿ (23 )23× (24 )

−54 ÷ ( 25 )



¿22+(−5 )−2


Change the numbers to the same base

Use the laws of indices to simplify the multiplication and division

a−n= 1


Page 5: Standard Form, Indices and Logarithm

¿ 1

25= 1


B. Use laws of indices to simplify algebraic expressionsThe laws of indices can be used to simplify algebraic expressions.

Example 2

Simplify each of the following:

a. (b4 c−6d2 )12

b. 4n+1×2n÷1634n


33−p×152 p+1×52


a. (b4 c−6d2 )12=(b4 )

12× (c−6 )

12× (d2)



¿ b2dc3

b. 4n+1×2n÷1634n

¿ (22 )n+1×2n÷ (24 )


¿22n+2×2n÷ (24 )34n





33−p×152 p+1×52

¿ 75p+2

33−p× (3×5 )2 p+1×52

¿ 3p+2×52 (p+2)

33−p×32 p+1×52 p+1×52

¿3p+2−(3− p )−( 2p+1)×52 (p+2)−(2 p+1)−2


¿ 59

Use 2 as the same base throughout

Add and subtract the indices using the laws of indices

Page 6: Standard Form, Indices and Logarithm


A. Change equations in index forms to logarithm forms and vice versa1. In the equation ¿ax , the number x is called an index.2. This equation can be written as


log aN=x

Then, x is the logarithm of N to the base a

3. In general ,N=ax log aN=x ,

Where a>0 , a≠1

A. Find logarithms of numbers1. A logarithm to the base 10 is called a common logarithm and is written as

log 10. In calculator, it is normally marked as log.2. A scientific calculator can be used to find the logarithm or antilogarithm of

a number.

B. Laws of logarithm

Let M and N is the real positive numbers

1. log a MN = log a M + log a N2. log a M/ N = log a M – log a N

3. log a (M) c = c log a M4. log aa = 15. log a a0 = 0 log aa = 0

6. log N M =

log aM

log aN ( Penukaran daripada asas N kepada asas a)

Page 7: Standard Form, Indices and Logarithm

Example 2

Express the following expressions using the laws of logarithms.

a. log a x 2 y 3 b. log a 3 b 3/2

c. lg



lg √( ab3



Using the laws of logarithms,a. log a x 2 y 3 = log a x2 + log a y 3

= 2 log a x + 3 log a y b. log a 3 b 3/2 = log a 3 + log b 3/2

= 3 log a + 3/2 log b

c. log


100b2 = log 1 – ( log 100 + log b2 )

= 0 – log 100 – 2 log b = - ( log 100 + 2 log b )

d. log √( ab



log( ab3c )1/2

= ½ ( log ab3 – log c )= ½ log ab3 – ½ log c )= ½ log a + ½ log b3 – ½ log c= ½ log a + 3/2 log b – ½ log c

Example 4:

Given that log 10 2 = 0.3010 dan log 10 3 = 0.4771 , find the value of

a. log 10 8 b. log 10 18 c. log 10 0.6


a. log 10 8 = log 10 2 3 = 3 log 10 2 = 3 ( 0.3010 )

= 0. 9010b. log 10 18 = log 10 (2 x 9 ) = log 10 2 + log 10 9

Let M and N is the real positive numbers

1. log a MN = log a M + log a N2. log a M/ N = log a M – log a N

3. log a (M) c = c log a M4. log aa = 15. log a a0 = 0 log aa = 0

6. log N M =

log aM

log aN ( Penukaran daripada asas N kepada asas a)

Laws of addition

Page 8: Standard Form, Indices and Logarithm

= log 10 2 + log103 2

= log 10 2 + 2 log 103 = 0.3010 + 2 ( 0.4771)

= 1.2552

c. log 10 0.6 = log 10 (

610 ) = log 10 6 – log 10 10

= log 10 ( 2 x 3 ) – 1 = log 10 2 + log 10 3 – 1 = 0.3010 + 0.4771 – 1 = - 0 . 2219

C. Equations involving indices and logarithms

Let x and y are the real positive numbers.

If ax = ay then x = y If log a x = log a y , then x = y

Example 5

Solve the following equations: a. 7x = 12 b. 3 5x – 8 = 9 x + 2


a. 7x = 12Take the log for the both side of equation:

x log 7 = log 12


=1. 0790 .845

=1 .277

b. 3 5x – 8 = 9 x + 2

3 5x – 8 = (3 2 ) x + 2

3 5x – 8 = 3 2x + 4

5x – 8 = 2x + 45x – 2x = 4 + 83x = 12 x = 4

Same base

( am )n = amn

If ax = ay then x = y

Page 9: Standard Form, Indices and Logarithm

Example 6:

Solve the following equations for the x: a. log 2 ( 7 + x ) = 3 b. log 50 + log x = 2 + log ( x – 1 ) c. log 2 x = log x 16 = 0


a. log 2 (7 + x ) = 3( 7 + x ) = 2 3

7 + x = 8 x = 1

b. log 50 + log x = 2 + log ( x – 1 )log 50x = log 100 + log (x – 1 )log 50x = log 100(x – 1 ) 50x = 100x – 100 100 = 50 x x = 2

Tukar bentuk log kepada bentuk indeks

log = log asas 10

log a + log b = log ab
