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Staff Parish Relations Committee Gina Smith, Chairperson

February 2018 Vol. 6 Issue 2

We are formally announcing the retirement of Mike Ratliff effective June 30, 2018. Mike and Brenda have served in the North Alabama Conference of the UMC for 45 years and are so deserving of their new chapter. We feel so blessed to have had Mike and Brenda with our Latham family the past three years. We will send them off in June with many warm wishes of new adventures and much happiness as they settle next door to Mike’s dad in the Birmingham area. With Mike retiring, there will be some transitional changes. Matt will take the “directional lead”, including admin (staffing), communications, committees and wor-ship planning. Mike will take all “pastoral care” duties - visits, funerals, patient care, weddings, counseling and hospital visitations. This was approved in November by SPR and was approved at the Board of Stewards meeting on December 12, 2017.

It is with mixed emotions that we say good-bye to Susan Terry. We are so proud to have had Susan as a leader and mentor not only for our children, but for all of us, for over fifteen years. We love Susan for her kindness, her creativity, her serv-ant’s heart, and so much more. We are sad to see her go, but we are excited to see God unfolding a new adventure for her. Please be in prayer with us for Susan as she fol-lows God’s calling, and for Latham as we adjust to her absence and begin on a new path ourselves.

“I thank God, whom I serve, as my ancestors did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers.” - 2 Timothy 1:3 “Count it pure joy, my brothers and sister, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance

finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” - James 1:2-8

SPRC Committee

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From the Associate Pastor

Matt Jones

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Time stands still for no one. Things happen that we like, and things happen that we don’t like. And one of the secrets to a good life is making the transitions well. Latham has a long history of being able to make the transitions well. For over 200 years we have been intentional about seeking God and following His lead. Over these years, that has lead to relocating multiple times and undergoing several name changes. Following God has lead to the creation of multiple new worship services, each with the anticipation of reaching new people. It has also meant countless new ministry efforts, outreach events, and adjusting to changes on a pretty regular basis. And here we are again! With Mike’s announcement that he will retire this June, Latham will soon have a new Senior Pastor. As our SPRC has discussed this change, the question has been asked “what skills and personality traits are important in our next Senior Pastor?” As you can imagine, this is a rather complex question. The answer ulti-mately lies in a much deeper question - “what is God calling Latham to do and be?”. This was also the question that our leadership discussed at our January Retreat. Ultimately, they believe, and I agree, that God is leading us to find new ways to be in ministry to our community. And not just the community we can currently see, but the one that will emerge from all the new families that will arrive here over the next 5 years. South Huntsville is about to see a construction boom (not just the current overpass construction). You can see the beginnings of it now if you look around. There are new stores, new developments and the clearing of land for future use. Things are changing. And while it is within each of us to want things to “stay as they are”, that is not who we have ever been as a church family. In 200+ years we have been: The Flint River Circuit on the Tennessee River, Lebanon Church at Ditto Landing, The Methodists at the school near Farley, Bethel Methodist Church in Farley, Latham Memorial Methodist Church at Lily Flagg, and Latham United Methodist at the corner of Weatherly and the Parkway. We are so much more than a name or location. We are more than any single out-reach effort (“the Pumpkin Patch Church” or “The Farmers’ Market Church”). We are more than any one leader or any group of individuals. We are God’s people -seeking and following Him - whenever, however, and wherever He leads. Please join me and the leadership of Latham as we commit to intentional prayer and discernment about our “next steps” as we seek to follow God’s lead. Fear and un-certainty can cause us to stop moving, but faith and confidence in God will lead us to amazing places!

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From the Pastor…Rev. Mike Ratliff, Senior Pastor

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Over the last months our Wednesday study group has been reading a number of books written by Thom S. Rain-

er. One of the books we have studied is entitled I AM A CHURCH MEMBER. It is an eye opening read, to say the

least. I would like to share an excerpt from the book found on pages 36-38. A Survey That Said a Lot

“My research team recently conducted a survey of churches that were inwardly focused…In our survey we found ten

dominant behavior patterns of members of these churches.

1. Worship wars. One or more factions in the in the church want the music just the way they like it. Any devia-

tion is met with anger and demands for change. The order of worship must remain constant. Certain instru-

mentation is required while others are prohibited.

2. Prolonged minutia meetings. The church spends an inordinate amount of time in different meetings. Most

of the meetings deal with the most inconsequential items, while the Great Commission and Great Command-

ment are rarely topics of discussion.

3. Facility Focus. The church facilities develop iconic status. One of the highest priorities in the church is pro-

tection of rooms, furniture, and other visible parts of the church’s building and grounds.

4. Program driven. Every church has programs even if they don’t admit. When we start doing a ministry a cer-

tain way, it takes on programmatic status. The problem is not with programs. The program develops when

the program becomes an end instead of a means to greater.

5. Inwardly focused budget. A disproportionate share of the budget is used to meet the needs of the members

instead of reaching beyond the walls of the church.

6. Inordinate demands for pastoral care. All church members deserve care and concern, especially in times of

need and crisis. Problems develop, however, when church members have unreasonable expectations for even

minor matters. Some members expect the pastoral staff to visit them regularly merely because they have mem-

bership status.

7. Attitudes of entitlement. This issue could be a catchall for many of the points named here. The overarching

attitude is one of demanding and having a sense of deserving special treatment.

8. Greater concern about change than the gospel. Almost any noticeable changes in the church evoke the ire

of many; but those same passions are not evident about participating in the work of the gospel to change lives.

9. Anger and hostility. Members are consistently angry. They regularly express hostility toward the church

staff and other members.

10. Evangelistic apathy. Very few members share their faith on a regular basis. More are concerned about their

own needs rather than the greatest eternal needs of the world and community in which they live.”

From I AM A CHURCH MEMBER, by Thom S. Rainer

It’s an interesting read and one of the three books that our group is reading as celebrate the Body of Christ.

I AM A CHURCH MEMBER by Thom S. Rainer,


I CAN, I WILL, by Thom S. Rainer —- If you are interested in reading any of these please call the church

office. We can order them and get a copy to you.

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Searchers Sunday School Class History Betty Vaughan

In 1970 when we moved our membership to Latham and joined the Searchers Sunday School class it was already an active part of the church ministry. Two of the early members were Ernie and June Young. June shared the way the class was named. She said there was a lively discussion. At some point she suggested that as they were so dil-igently searching, maybe they should be named the “Searchers.” And so we were. This spirit of seeking God’s will in the world has prevailed

throughout the history of the class. Some church members visited and chose to attend a more traditional class. Our class enjoyed a reputation in which all opinions and all topics were welcome. Even with discussions in which members disagree at the close of the hour we, Christian friends, hold hands and ask God to bless our meditations and our witness in the world. Today we still search for God’s direction. Often we do not remember that we first met dur-ing the “Hippie Movement.” We weathered the Vietnam War, the Canadian migration, the Regan Revolution, the Clinton Era, the first and second Gulf Wars and many other man-made events. Through it all we have witnessed the Presence of God as we grew from youth questioners to sage wonderers. Each day brings a challenge to understand God’s purposes. We as “Searcher” contin-ue to search the Scriptures as well as contemporary literature to find our path. We invite all to join us in our journey.

Special Service

Ash Wednesday Service

February 14th, 6:00 p.m.

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A Member’s Moment Lynn McCarter

Sylvia Mitchell is our highlighted member this month. Some might say “ which Sylvia Mitchell”. Yes, we have 2 and their means of distinction is Al-abama Sylvia or Auburn Sylvia. This month we are talking to Alabama Sylvia. Sylvia grew up in Birmingham , Alabama. She was very active in church all the way through youth programs before she moved to Tuscaloosa to attend the University of Alabama. While at Alabama she met her future husband Ray. Ray went into the Air Force after graduation, moving Sylvia, and eventually their three children all over the United States. No matter what city they were in they always found themselves active in the Methodist church. She has been a Sunday School teacher, Sunday School superintendent, choir mother, and preschool teacher in the churches they served. Sylvia is retired and keeps busy with 5 grandchildren and spending time at their house on Smith Lake. In her spare time (which is little) she loves to sew, crochet, embroider, and read. Sylvia and Ray have been members at Latham for over 30 years. Shortly after they joined she became a youth Sunday School teacher for several years. She is currently active in UMW Circle 4 and also leads a women’s Bible study on Wednesday night. I have been part of Sylvia’s Bible study for over 10 years. She is one of the best leaders I have ever had. If any women are looking for a place to connect, Sylvia’s group Is one of the best. She has a way of making everyone welcome no matter where you are in your Christian walk. Take a moment to meet her if you haven’t already. But be ready, she will invite you to Bible study.

A Member’s Moment Liz Hall Zeman

Meet Faye Granlund

Although born in Birmingham, Alabama, Faye lived in Pueblo, Colorado and Sylacauga, Alabama before settling in Huntsville where she graduated from Butler High School. Faye has a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in speech pathology from Auburn University (War Eagle!)

Then she lived in Tupelo, Mississippi and Atlanta, Georgia where her toughest job ever was working at the Georgia State Institute for the Mentally Challenged. She returned to Huntsville with her late husband, Ray, who worked as an engineer on the space shuttle, and Faye worked as a speech ther-apist for the Huntsville City Schools for 23 years! Faye has two children, a daughter and a son, who are both lawyers!

In retirement, Faye loves spending time with her grandchildren (aged 4 and 6) and her many friends. Reading, eating out, shopping, travel, and helping ill friends are activities she enjoys. She used to do cross stitch/embroidery and participate in a Bible study group (which she hopes to get back to!)

Faye has been a member of Latham for 36 years where she feels so much at home. She especially wants to thank her Latham family for all they did for them when Ray was so ill and died. It meant so very much to her…

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Lay Leadership

Jim Gillespie

Jessica Martin

Jane Smith

Jackie Langhout

Tracy Manush

Todd Sutherland

Finance Committee

John Clausen, Chair

Johnnie Hanson

Ken Stephens

Laura Bracey

Richard Hutzler

Elizabeth Cantley

Staff Parish

Gina Smith, Chair

Chris Hazelrig

Sherri Ryan

Justin Stiles

Roger Beck

Bob Moore


Jeff Langhout, Chair

Wes Smith

Candy Trowbridge

Sandy Ekstrom

Richard Peters

Child Development Center

Sylvia Mitchell/Jo Hanson

Ronda Springer

Jana Seikel

Kim McFadden

Heather Porter

Lillie Latham Scholarship

Janet Watson

Jill Queeney

Kathleen Myles

Sally Gore

Freddia Scott

Edith Pickens

Kim McFadden

Elizabeth Savage


Senior Pastor: Mike Ratliff Youth Director: Youth Coordinator:

Trustee Rep: Jeff Langhout Senior High Leader: Buchanan Family Rep:

5 Church Members Selected by the Committee:

LIBRARY : Elaine McClure, Martha Sharkey


Bill Barnes

Dean Stone

Jennifer Marcos

Judy Moore

Jane Childress

Michele Gray

Roger Gray

Martha Sharkey

Ken Stephens

Lauren Stiles

Melissa Boyett

Don Lambert

Larry Weaver

Gerald Smith

Jim Williams

James Cope

Mack Savage

Honorary Members: Cal Blevins, Roy Willis

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Chair, Board of Stewards

John Clausen

Vice-Chair, Board of Stewards

Marty Martin

Lay Leader

Grace Langhout

Lay Delegate to Annual Conference

Alice & Eric Vosahlik

Alternate to Annual Conference

Jane Smith

Secretary of the Board

Amma Barnes


Donna Whitacre

Assistant Treasurer

Richard Peters

Chair, Finance

John Clausen

Chair, Staff Parish Relations

Gina Smith

Chair, Trustees

Jeff Langhout

Chair, Library

Elaine McClure/ Martha Sharkey

Chair, Child Development Center

Jo Hanson/ Sylvia Mitchell

Chair, Lillie Latham Scholarship


Chair, Buchanan Scholarship

Ginny Green



Coordinator, Communications

Bob Slamp

Coordinator, Hospitality (formerly Connect)


Coordinators, Children’s Department

Jennifer Barger, Mary Cope

Coordinator, Adult Discipleship

Marty Bryan

Coordinator, Congregational Care (formerly In-Reach)

Candy Trowbridge & Debbie Rose

Coordinator, Out-Reach

Doug Seay

Coordinator, Worship

Judy Gillespie/ Gina Smith

Coordinators, Youth Department

Justin Stiles; Todd Sutherland; Sandy Ekstrom

Directors, Farmer’s Market

Kim McFadden

Membership Secretary

Anita Banks

President, UMM

James Campbell

President, UMW

Cairenn Martin

President, Elderberries

Sherri Ryan

Youth Representative

Christian Sutherland

Thank each and every one of you for your willingness to

be in ministry at Latham United Methodist Church!

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#5 Abraham & Sarah (Genesis 17-18) Ah, Abraham and Sarah-the couple that traveled together, caused trouble

together and dreamed big together! Imagine when Abraham first told

Sarah they were going to move far away from their families (besides bring-

ing Lot along)-this may have seemed welcomed at first, but moving away

back then meant you were leaving for good. Abraham also let his insecuri-

ties and lack of faith get the best of him as he told Sarah to lie about who

she was. Sarah became impatient waiting around for God and took build-

ing a family into her own hands. As a highly regarded Biblical couple, their

story shows that no one is perfect. How many marriages today are broken

up because of family stress or even infidelity? See Abraham and Sarah are

an example of how God can bless your marriage if you stick together and lean to fully trust Him sooner.

#4 Jacob & Rachel (Genesis 29) I think every woman today should desire their future spouse to be a Jacob. He so adored Rachel and loved her

dearly that he became her father’s servant and sacrificed years of his life to appease Laban. Rachel was not always

happy in her marriage, especially since she had to share her husband with her sister Leah. God didn’t forget Ra-

chel, but blessed her with kids when she cried out to Him. Jacob strongly favored his sons from Rachel and this

created divisions between the kids, but Jacob and Rachel showed how marriage can still work when the situation

is not the most ideal or fair.

#3 Ruth & Boaz (Ruth 4) Ruth and Boaz’ story is sweet and charming. After experiencing the death of her first husband, Ruth stayed close

to her mother-in-law, whom she loved dearly. Boaz was attracted to Ruth’s loyalty and began leaving tokens of

extra food for her. What man doesn’t try to make life easier for the woman he is trying to impress? Their rela-

tionship is one of servanthood as their love grew while serving one another.

#2 Mary & Joseph (Matthew 1) You would think that being the parents of Jesus would have helped them create a strong bond from the very be-

ginning of their marriage, but that’s just not how their story began. They were getting ready to become united in

marriage when Mary became pregnant and Joseph knew this was impossible. God intervened and although they

were afraid-especially of what their family and community would say-they knew that Jesus was going to be special.

After surviving the first few years of Jesus’ life while moving to a foreign land for refuge, Mary and Joseph had a

larger family and realized that Jesus was very special at a young age, maybe what many would call a gifted child by

today’s terminology.

#1 Adam & Eve (Genesis 2-3) The original couple in the Bible, Adam and Eve had many blessings to share in the Garden of Eden, but ended

up choosing a life of toil and struggle. What I admire about them is that they had to learn as they went and, yes

they had guidance and council from God, but they were setting the original standards. One of their sons mur-

dered his brother. Life was certainly not easy , but they remained committed and I believe they were immensely

blessed because of it.

As you can see, all five of these love stories are so different, just as your marriage journey is unlike anyone

else’s. There are many lessons to learn in each of these stories, but the biggest is that love is an action, not just a

feeling. Sure, the rush of feelings that come with new love can be intoxicating, but being a servant for your

spouse is what mends your relationship and brings you closer to one another and God.

5 Best Love Stories From the Bible - Rewritten from article by Elise Cleary

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Farmer’s Market Kim McFaddin

This year will be the 6th year of the Farmers Market at Lat-ham and what a wonderful mission & outreach it is for our community. We serve as a gathering place for all ages to come together every Tuesday May-September to socialize, see old friends, meet new ones, learn about our church and meet caring members of the Latham congregation. This ministry allows everyone to meet their local farmers and purchase freshly grown produce & farm products.

We not only serve the farmer by providing a place to sell their products but also families with lower income who want fresh & nutritious food on their tables. Bill Voshalik, treasurer for the Market has coordinated with the Food Bank to help us provide for those in our community who are in need of food assistance. Through SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) we were able to provide over $2000 in free produce with the EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfers) Double Up Program. This program allows us to give $20 extra to theEBT cardholder to spend on fresh produce each week. We also had a grant

that allowed us to Double Up Senior Vouchers and this year we were able to give low-income sen-iors an extra $900 in fresh produce.

Dean Stone who heads up our gleaning ministry took over 1200 pounds of fresh produce to Man-na House this past year. Each Market Dean gives the farmers a large bag that they fill with pro-duce that is left over & can not be sold but is still good. This food is taken to Manna House where they give to those in need. The farmer gets tax credit for their donation.

Now that you know more about the ministry of the Farmers Market, will you please consider vol-unteering to this ministry? We have many different areas that need assistance. The Board of Stew-ards asked that we have job descriptions so people know what they are volunteering to do. You can get a list of where volun-teers are needed and a description of the job by emailing me at [email protected].

These will also be posted on bulletin boards around the church & are available in the church office. You are needed by this ministry even if it is only for a few hours once a month.

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Conversation With The Congregation Liz Hall Zeman

Jo Walton Literary Group Helen Mazur

February’s Book is also about LOVE because it is Valentines Day, Feb, 14th. The book is “Frances and Bernard,” by Charlene Bauer. It is a time when two people meet in 1957 at a writ-ers workshop and form a bond that will last a lifetime through the letters they write that open their hearts to each other.

The question asked in the January issue of the Branch was:

What activities/procedure could increase church unity between services?

1. Introduce newly confirmed at 8:30, 9:00 & 11:00 services

2. Introduce Boy Scouts at all services during Boy Scout Sunday

3. Introduce charter members at all services on LUMC’s Anniversary Sunday

4. Annual appreciation event for volunteers

5. Coordinate decorating Farley Hall/Sanctuary at same time with goodies afterwards

6. Hold quarterly “getting to know you” coffees at Sunday School hour.

7. Do Children’s Christmas Program in Farley hall for 9:00 & 11:00 service (or do one service that morning) 8. Do cantata for 9:00 & 11:00 services in the Sanctuary both times

9. Do Senior Recognition Sunday at 9:00 & 11:00 services (video interviews)

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Elderberries Sherri Ryan

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Gifts given to the

Memorial Fund...

Given by June & Ernie

Young in memory of their

parents & siblings

Tom Langhout by Mr. &

Mrs. Roger McCreless

Bill Drake, Charles Lowery,

Jim Avery & Ray Maples

by Linda Drake

Gifts given to the Pas-

tor’s Discretionary

Fund in memory of ...

Charles Lowery by Wayne

& Alison Smith

Gifts given to the

Elderberries Fund in

memory of …

Don Bowden by LaMerle


Gifts given to the

Youth Fund in

memory of…

Tom Langhout by Mr. &

Mrs. Howard Trowbridge

Gifts given to the

Hands of Christ Fund

in memory of…

Charles Lowery by Mr. &

Mrs. Howard Trowbridge

Gifts given to the

U.M.W. Missions

Fund in honor of…

John David Frey & Maggie

CoCo Frey by Rose Battle

Gifts given to the Gen-

eral Fund in memory


Floy Strange by the Cove-

nant Sunday School Class

In honor of Ann Askew

by John & Susan Askew

Gifts given to the

Lilly Latham Scholar-

ship Fund in memory

Lt. Col. George Ingleright by

Mr. & Mrs. Phil Ryan

In honor of Mac & An-

nette Cooper by Michael &

Shelley Cooper

Memorials & Honorariums

The Elderberries, or over Fifties and Fabulous group, will host speakers from “Brainfit” on Febru-ary 15th. We all try to stay “fit” in our body and now we are going to learn ways to keep our brain “fit” and working at maximum capacity. We would love for anyone to join us at 11:30 on February 15th. The program will begin at 11:30 with lunch at 12:30. Please contact Sherri Ryan at 256-656-0156 if you have any questions.



Tuesday Nights

@ 7:00 p.m.

Any subject

..any age

Calling all

Volunteers! If

you wish to help

with the tutoring

program, please

call the

church office


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Outreach—A Way Forward Doug Seay

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Because the Outreach Committee of Latham includes the important work of advocacy, which is sometimes grouped together with the Church and Society Committee, I have chosen to provide what I hope everyone will find as informative, important, and timely. This information seems informative because few Latham member seem to be aware of its existence. It seems important because it deals with issues with the potential to shape the future of the United Methodist Church (UMC) in uncertain ways perhaps as far reaching as those dealt with in 1842. And, it seems timely because these issues are scheduled to be decided upon during next year (2019). The com-mittee studying and dealing with this matter is called “A Way Forward”.

It has come to my attention that many members of Latham United Methodists Church are either unaware of one of the most significant issue facing our denomination in nearly one and three quarters centuries, or at least, they are unaware of recent actions and status of decisions being made and how they are being handled. So, I offer this piece as informative, factual reporting, with no wish to advance any agenda in any direction.

In the briefest possible terms the following matters are under consideration:

Should Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) individuals be UMC pastors?

Should marriages be performed between two LGBTQ individuals in UMC facilities?

Should UMC pastors perform same sex marriage ceremonies in any location?

What roles may LGBTQ individuals play in the UMC?

Acknowledging that others (for example Anglicans/Episcopalians) have gone before us in this matter, it is worth noting that many con-gregations withdrew or split from the Episcopal Church in America in their struggle. Should the UMC face similar contentious positions and behaviors the following matters will be thorny issues to study and discuss:

Preserving existing missions at home and abroad may be at risk.

Since all church properties belong to the UMC, not to local congregations, maintaining or disposing of them would be problematic.

Administering existing pension funds/assets would be problematic.

So, it is easy to see why these matters are indeed weighty/hot-button issues for most, if not all, UMC individuals (clergy and Lay alike). So, we in congregations would do well to undertake serious, thoughtful and prayerful consideration of these matters our-selves. This is why I feel all Latham members need and deserve to know the status of the efforts that the UMC is taking in this arena.


For over the past 20 years measures have been introduced to address the LGBTQ issue at General Conference. In May 2016, at the 2016 General Conference of the UMC, it was agreed that a Commission on a Way Forward should be formed by the Council of Bishops to study the matter and report back to the General Conference regarding what, if any, changes/amendments should be made to the UMC Book of Discipline to affect changes that this committee might recommend, if any. This committee was formed and began its work in October 2016, with Bishop Bruce R. Ough accepting the leadership role. See and hear his acceptance speech at the link below:

During this acceptance speech the Way Forward Committee made the following recommendation to the General Conference:

We Recommend that the General Conference defer all votes on human sexuality and refer this entire subject to a special Com-mission named by the Council of Bishops to develop a complete examination and possible revision of every paragraph in our Book of Discipline regarding human sexuality. We continue to hear from many people on the debate over sexuality that our current Discipline contains language which is contradictory, unnecessarily hurtful and is inadequate for the variety of local, regional and global contexts.

The Commission on a Way Forward consists of 32 members and may be described briefly as 21 from the USA, 7 from Africa, 2 from Europe, 2 from the Philippines; 21 clergy and 11 laity; 18 male, 14 female. Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett is one of these 32 members. A complete listing of members may be viewed at the following link.

In July 2017, the Way Forward Committee issued a status report that explains some of the challenges facing The United Meth-odist Church concerning Human Sexuality and the guidelines the committee will follow to make their recommendations to the Council of Bishops. Here is a link to that report: Continued on page 11

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The Committee’s News Releases may be seen at the link below.

Progress to date might be glimpsed from the Moderator Updates which may be viewed at the following link.

The most recent activity by the Committee was a meeting in Nashville, TN November 2017.

A November 9, news release from the Council of Bishops in Lake Junaluska, NC included three sketches of models for the UMC which the Committee is considering. A brief description of these models is as follows.

The Commission shared sketches of three models, with the awareness that the Com-

mission and the COB are not restricted to these sketches and are open to learn-

ing, listening and improvement. It is likely that additional models or sketches

may emerge as this process continues. Here is the summary about the sketches of

the models presented to the bishops:

One sketch of a model affirms the current Book of Discipline language and places

a high value on accountability.

Another sketch of a model removes restrictive language and places a high value

on contextualization. This sketch also specifically protects the rights of

those whose conscience will not allow them to perform same gender weddings or

ordain LGBTQ persons.

A third sketch of a model is grounded in a unified core that includes shared

doctrine and services and one COB, while also creating different branches

that have clearly defined values such as accountability, contextualization

and justice.

Each sketch represents values that are within the COB and across the church.

Each sketch includes gracious way of exit for those who feel called to exit from

the denomination.

The Way Forward Committee is scheduled meet again in February of 2018. The Committee is to report its final findings and recommendations to the Council of Bishops in the summer of 2018. February 23-26, 2019 there will be a special confer-ence, in St. Louis, MO to hear and discuss the recommendations for the UMC concerning Human Sexuality.

It is my hope that this posting has been helpfully informative and that the readers will prayerfully consider the important work of the Commission on a Way Forward of the Council of Bishops. It is also hoped that each of us will pray for the work of this Commission and for the unity and ministry of the whole United Methodist Church, its many missions world-wide and all of God’s people within and outside of the UMC’s membership.

Doug Seay

Outreach—A Way Forward Continued

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Billy Martin

Don Lambert

Grant Barger


Jane Ellen Tidmore


Windy Geisinger


Crawford Lee Hope


Zachary Wood

Matthew Charles



Mary Cope


Leisa Teed

Jim Williams

Jeannine Warren


Craig Aaron Sumner

Gabe Carmichael


Elaine McCormick

Cheryl Clausen


Virginia Anne Ess-


Page 14

Happy Birthday!


Tony Martin

Jan Burkett

Daniel Smith

Charles Michael



Mary Ann Wear

Marvin Yost


Gary Taylor

Linda Byrom


Mary Webb


Candy Trowbridge


Brian Casey McCor-



Laura Terry

Jean Jones


Mildred Stephenson


Alice Bennett

Alexanna Gray


Wes Smith

Marty Martin

Raina French


Betsy Ledbetter


Lee Burkett


Hazel Bowen

Alan Lesher

Sylvia Mitchell


Shirley Fugit

Gail Patton

Jim Geisinger

If your birthday was

not listed in the ap-

propriate month or

date, please contact

the church office to

make sure we have

your correct birth

date. We’d like to

honor you during

your special month!

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February 2018

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8:30a Bend &


2 3

8a Boy


Safety Course

1p Langhout/

McMahan Shower


7a UMM Breakfast

9:15a Confirmation

Field Trip

1:30p Discipleship


5p Prayer Ministry

Team Meeting

5p Youth Group


8:30a Bend &


2:30p Morris Elem.


6:30p LUMCDC

Board Meeting


10a Staff Meeting

2:30p Morris Elem.


7p Huntsville Concert

Band Practice

7p Tutoring


9:30a Bible Study

11:30a Bible Study

1:30p Wesley Singers

6p Bible Study

6p Boy Scouts

6:30p Women’s Bible


7p Chancel Choir



8:30a Bend &


10a In Stitches Pray-

er Quilt Ministry

9 10


8:30a Blood Pres-

sure Checks

8:30a Food Pantry


10a Confirmation


1:30p Discipleship


2p Buchanan

Scholarship Meet-


5p Youth Group


8:30a Bend &


2p Jo Walton Liter-

ary Group

2:30p Morris Elem.



9:30a Circle 3 Meeting

10a Staff Meeting

1:30 Circle 1 Meeting

2:30p Morris Elem.


7p Huntsville Concert

Band Practice

7p Tutoring


7a LUMCDC Valen-

tine’s Day Parties

9:30a Bible Study

10:30a Circle 2 Meet-

ing/Bower’s Home

11:30a Bible Study

1:30p Bible Study

6p Ash Wednesday


6p Bible Study

6p Boy Scouts

6:30p Women’s Bible


7p Chancel Choir



Deadline for Branch


8:30a Bend &


11:30a Elderberry

Luncheon & Pro-


16 17


10a Confirmation


1:30p Discipleship


5p Youth Group


8:30a Bend &


2:30p Morris Elem.



10a Staff Meeting

10a Circle 4 Meeting

1:30 Circle 1 Meeting

2:30p Morris Elem.


7p Huntsville Concert

Band Practice

7p Tutoring


9:30a Bible Study

11:30a Bible Study

1:30p Bible Study

6p Bible Study

6p Boy Scouts

6:30p Women’s Bible


7p Chancel Choir



8:30a Bend &


10a In Stiches Prayer

Quilt Ministry

23 24


9:45 a Confirma-

tion Field Trip

1:30p Discipleship


5p Youth Group


8:30a Bend &


2:30p Morris Elem.


6:30p Circle 7 Meet-



10a Staff Meeting

1:30 Circle 1 Meeting

2:30p Morris Elem.


7p Huntsville Concert

Band Practice

7p Tutoring


9a UMW Board Mtg.

9:30a Bible Study

11:30a Bible Study

1:30p Bible Study

6p Bible Study

6p Boy Scouts

6:30p Women’s Bible


7p Chancel Choir


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


8:30a Holy Communion Service

9a Contemporary Service

10a Sunday School Small Groups

11a Traditional Service

Page 16: Staff Parish Relations Committee Gina Smith, · 2018-01-31 · South Huntsville is about to see a construction

109 Weatherly Road

Huntsville, AL 35803

Phone: 256-881-4069

Fax: 256-880-0305

On the web:

Connect with the Staff

Rev. Mike Ratliff, Senior Pastor

Matt Jones, Associate Pastor

Tyler Henderson, Music Director

Children’s Ministry

Youth Ministry

Jim Geisinger, Associate Music Director

Marvene Borntrager, Staff Coordinator for Inreach

Anita Banks, Business Administrator

Traci Harris, Director of Child Development Center

Eleanor Hollobaugh, Pianist

Rachel Misheff, Organist

Michael Bryant, Custodian

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

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[email protected]

[email protected]

Latham United Methodist Church

1st Sunday Chancel Rail Offering Flowers for the Sanctuary

Every 1st Sunday, contributions left in bas-

kets or chancel rail during communion will

go to the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund

which is used to help people that need as-

sistance through Huntsville Assistance

Program, and to provide children’s lunches

at our local schools.

If you would like to donate for the two live

flower arrangements (in memory or in hon-

or of) someone for any Sunday in 2018,

please see the calendar and a designated

form (to be filled out) in the hallway outside

of the church office. The price for the two

arrangements is $50.00. You may choose to

keep the flower arrangements or have them

donated to a homebound member.
