Page 1: St. Pius V Catholic Church, Pasadena, Tx July 5, 2015 · St. Pius V Catholic Church, Pasadena, Tx July 5, 2015 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time My dear friends, We have come to the end

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Catechists – Make it a PARTY!! The Office of Evangelization and

Catechesis is offering a Festival of Modules Sat. 7/18, 8 am – 5:30 pm, at

St. Dominic Center Auditorium. Contact Martin or Mary Kay if you

have not done these modules: Framework, Vocation of the Catechist,

Spirituality and Evangelization and Liturgical Catechesis. DEADLINE

for St. Pius V group registration: Monday, 7/5 in the Faith Formation


PRAYERS, please! Martin Rodriguez of this office will have surgery in

late July, and will be out of the office recovering until perhaps October.

Please pray for Martin, and also how you might assist in the ministry of

Faith Formation. To keep the office running and to begin Faith formation

classes as usual, YOUR HELP WILL BE NEEDED in MANY ways –

clerical, receptionists, closet cleaning, planning, office helpers during

classes, and so on. Contact Mary Kay and/or Martin if you feel God

nudging you to help …

¡Sus REZAS, por favor! Martín Rodríguez tendrá la cirugía al final de

julio, y estará fuera de la oficina de la recuperación hasta quizás octubre.

Favor de rezar por Martin, y también cómo Ud. puede ayudar en el

ministerio de Formación de Fe. Para que la oficina continue funcionando,

y para comenzar las clases de formación de fe de costumbre en setiembre,


armario, administrativos, recepcionistas, planificación, ayudantes de

oficina durante las clases, etc. Póngase en contacto con Mary Kay o

Martin si se siente Dios “empujando” Usted para ayudarles: (e-mail/e-

correo:) MartinStPiusV@ or [email protected];

(phone/teléfono:) 713-473-9484, x 318 (Martin) & 317 (MK).

Guide our youth in the ways of Christ! ¡Guie a nuestros jóvenes en los caminos de


Catechists NEEDED!

If you have NOT TAUGHT for a year or more, consider these particular needs:

—Help facilitate meetings once a month for unbap-tized older children and their famlies. For more in-formation, contact Mary Kay or Martin in the Faith Formation (CCE) Office.

—Help once a month (or less often) during 10am Mass to assist child OR adult catechumens under-stand more about the Gospel readings.

¡SOLICTAMOS Catequistas – favor de consi derar servir en este ministerio! Para obtener más información, contactar Martín en la Oficina de Formación en la Fe (Catecismo).

LA PARROQUIA DE ST. PIUS V TE INVITA A UN RETIRO ESPIRITUAL Sistema Integral de la Nueva Evangelización (SINE) Julio 31 y Agosto 1, 2 y 3 / 2015

“Mira que estoy a la puerta y llamo si alguno escucha

mi voz y abre, entrare´ y cenaremos juntos” Apc.3:20

¿PARA QUIEN ES ESTE RETIRO? Para mayores de 18 anos DONDE? En la CAFETERIA de la Parroquia de St. Pius V

824 Main Pasadena Tx. 77506.

HORARIO: Julio 31, 2015 de 7:00 pm a 9:00pm

Agosto 1, 2015 de 8:00 am a 5:30pm

Agosto 2, 2015 de 8:00 am a 5:30pm

Agosto 3, 2015 de 7:00 pm a 9:00pm.

(Se requiere su participación todo el tiempo del retiro)

¡Te esperamos¡

Para más información o inscribirse llame al 713-473-9484 de lunes

a jueves 9am a 2pm.— Con la Sra. Felicitas Palacios

St. Pius V Catholic Church, Pasadena, Tx July 5, 2015

Other Volunteer Opportunities: (1) Prayer Team for the needs of our catechists, students, and families. (2) Hospitality Team –

provide simple Sun. am refreshments once a month (or less often) for the RCIA group; if more folks help, you serve less often!

Otros Oportunidades por Voluntarios: (1) Equipo de Oración por las necesidades de nuestros catequistas, estudiantes y familias.

(2) Equipo de Hospitalidad – una vez al mes (o menos frecuencia), proporcionar refrescos sencillos el Domingo para el grupo de

RICA; ¡si más gente ayuda, Ud. sirve con menos frecuencia!

REGISTRATION for ALL students continues: Mon.-Wed., 10 am-1 pm, Faith Formation (CCE) Office.

INSCRIPCIÓN para TODOS los estudiantes continua: Lunes a Miércoles, 10 am - 1 pm, en la Oficina de Formación de Fe

(Catecismo). In persecution, in any weakness or trouble, we can rely on God’s power to support us.

Podemos depender de la poder de nuestro Dios para ayudar, no importa que hay problemas o persecución, ni que somos débil.

Page 2: St. Pius V Catholic Church, Pasadena, Tx July 5, 2015 · St. Pius V Catholic Church, Pasadena, Tx July 5, 2015 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time My dear friends, We have come to the end

Mass Intentions, Schedule for this Week Saturday, July 4—Weekday—Independence Day 8:00 p.m. — Frank Sisti † 5:30 p.m. — Juan Reyes † 7:00 p.m. — David Garza † Sunday, July 5—Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00a.m. — Frank Konieczny † 10:00a.m.— For the People of the Parish 12:00p.m.— Aurelia & Santa Camarillo † 1:30p.m.— Ramon Rodriguez † 7:00p.m.— Jesus Garza † Monday, July 6—Weekday 8:00 a.m. — Anthony Pham & All Souls † Tuesday, July 7—Weekday 8:00 a.m. — Joanne Rosenauer † 7:00 p.m. — Jesus Domingo Chapa † Wednesday, July 8—Weekday 8:00 a.m. — Frank Konieczny † 7:00 p.m. — Presiders Intention Thursday, July 9—Weekday 8:00 a.m. — Jerry Rogers Friday, July 10—Weekday 8:00 a.m. — James John † Saturday, July 11—St. Benedict, Abbot 8:00 p.m. — James Konieczny † 5:30 p.m. — Fredrick Earl Smith † 7:00 p.m. — Azuncian Castillo †

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

St. Pius V Catholic Church July 5, 2015

Faith Commitment Contribution Weekly Contributions for church Support For weekend—June 21, 2015

Mass time Collection 2nd Coll—Property

Total $ 9,330.00 $ 2,347.00

Grand total $11,677.00

Budgeted 1st Collection: $12,000.00

Upcoming 2nd Collections:

July 5 —Parish Social Ministry July 12— Black Bag July 19—Property Fund July 26—DSF August 2—Parish Social Ministry

$ 1,206.00

$ 565.00

$ 1,901.00

$ 2,150.00

$ 1,050.00

$ 1,320.00

$ 1,138.00








$ 214.00

$ 123.00

$ 438.00

$ 392.00

$ 542.00

$ 264.00

$ 374.00

Readings for the week of July 6th Monday: Gn 28: 10-22a; Mt 9: 18-26 Tuesday Gn 32: 23-33; Mt 9: 32-38 Wednesday: Gn 41: 55-57; 42: 5-7a, 17-24a; Mt 10: 1-7 Thursday: Gn 44: 18-21, 23b-29; 45: 1-5; mt 10: 7-15 Friday: Gn 46: 1-7, 28-30; mt 10: 16-23 Saturday: Gn 49: 29-32; 50: 15-26a; Mt 10: 24-33 Sunday: Am 7: 12-15; Eph 1: 3-14

Scripture Study in English—has returned to THURSDAY EVENINGS at 7pm in the Parish Life Center Living room...Join us any time.

Pray for Peace ~ & Remember in your Prayers — Recuerda en sus oraciones

Martin Rodriguez, Chris Rubio, Joe Vasquez, Al Clausen, Jr., Joyce Gholson, Norma Jean Trevino, Henry Harrison, Basilio Cabrales,

Guadalupe Esquival, Basilio Cabrales, Guadalupe Esquival, Irma Canamar, Ken’s wife Donna, Tom & Joyce Ratis, Avery Speaks, Daoud

Forouzan, George Martinez, Miriam Esther, Fontalvo Jimenez, Sandra Aguilar, Sylvia Lovell, Jorge Luis Solis, Alan & Ellaine Martinez,

Anthony Fineo, Jose Gonzalez, Sophia Sereni, Angela Garcia, Paula Gann, Mike Coman, Ivan Zavala, Sr. Mary John Trevino, Sr. Krysia

Pillon, Danny Corleto, Joel Arias, Sr., Petra Rodriguez, Alberta Welch, Gary Sanders, Bernice Derrough, Jose Aldo Ramon, Cynthia

Mendoza, Ida Guerra, Febronio J Rangel, Jr., Febronio J Rangel, III, Jalisa M Guerra, Philip Hebert, Gary Smith, Diane Edwards, Patsy

Ramos, Mary Henson, Denna Edwards Herreth, Valeriano Leija, Joe Rubio, Melissa Sisti, Fidencio Ruiz, Maggie Hernandez, Betty Finn,

Vicente Flores, Dennis & Kathlene Bendele, Lalo Resendez, Julia Ortega, Frank Cruz, Celia Galvan, Frances Montalvo, Jesse Hernandez, Jr.,

Nathan Gaither, Matthew Hall.

Summer Employment Opportunity: There is an opportunity

for 1 or 2 persons to assist with maintenance tasks during the

summer months. Minimum Age: 18 Years 20-30 hours/week -

$8.00/hour. Please see

employment-enquiry for more information.

Parish Social Ministry: During the month of June, the Office of Parish Social Ministry fed

677 individuals (162 Households). Every dollar donated to the

parish food bank turns into $7.00. Your monthly donation goes a

long way in providing nutritional benefits to our clients. Since our

re-opening in August 2014 we have served 523 households with

food. Thank You!

Come and Join Us! The Office of Parish Social Ministry would like to invite you to

join our team. Make plans to attend a two hour orientation on

Saturday, July 11, at 10:00 a.m. in the Parish Life Center

(PLC). We will introduce you to some of our core members who

have been providing direct service to the needy, you’ll also have

an opportunity to take a tour of the parish food bank, and hope-

fully want to join our team. So, make plans to join us, and learn

about the opportunities available at St. Pius V Office of Parish

Social Ministry. Please call Chris Rubio 713-473-9484 ext. 316

for additional information/details.

Please Help Us Fill The Pantry. Thank You!!

We Need: 100 Bags of Rice 80 Bags of Dry Beans 75 Jars of Peanut Butter

75 Jars of Jelly 70 Cans of Tuna Fish 30 Cases of Bottle Water

Page 3: St. Pius V Catholic Church, Pasadena, Tx July 5, 2015 · St. Pius V Catholic Church, Pasadena, Tx July 5, 2015 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time My dear friends, We have come to the end

St. Pius V Catholic Church, Pasadena, Tx July 5, 2015

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

My dear friends,

We have come to the end of another fiscal year as of June 30th. The parish stands in a reasonable financial position as of that date, but

faces significant financial challenges in the fiscal quarter ahead.

Summer is always a difficult time for us with increased utility costs and, generally, smaller Sunday collections because families are

away for vacation. If you will be away from the parish, please consider making a larger than normal contribution before you leave. In

any case, if you can increase your contribution, it will go a long ways towards making ends meet during this time.

In summary, our Balance Sheet at the end of fiscal year 2015 reflects the following:

Current Assets:

Checking – Parish Operating Account $30,714

Diocesan Savings and Loan $59,846 (1)

$90,560 Total Current Assets

Current Liabilities

Note Payable – Property Purchase $41,904

Other Current Liabilities $39,402 (2)

$81,306 Total Current Liabilities

Long Term Assets

Plant, Property, and Equipment $4,630,936

Includes all DS&L Accounts

Does not include future Mass stipends.

We will be publishing our budget for the coming year within the next few weeks. As always, the parish needs your support. Please

continue in generosity. We are assured that the Lord will reward us.

May your rewards be great.

Fr. Joe

Mis queridos amigos,

Hemos llegado al final de otro año fiscal a partir de 30 Junio. La parroquia se encuentra en una situación financiera razonable a partir

de esa fecha, pero enfrentará a retos financieros significativos en el trimestre fiscal por delante. El verano siempre es una estación difí-

cil para nosotros por el costo de la electricidad y, en general, las colectas reducidas porque muchas de nuestras familias están en vaca-

ciones. Si usted va a estar fuera de la parroquia, por favor considere hacer una contribución más grande que la normal antes de salir. En

cualquier caso, si usted puede aumentar su contribución, contribuirá hacia alcanzar el dinero durante este tiempo.

En resumen, nuestro Balance al final del año fiscal 2015 refleja lo siguiente:

Activos Corrientes:

Cuenta Parroquia Corriente $ 30,714

Cuenta de Ahorros (Diocesana) $ 59,846 (1)

$ 90,560 Total Activos Corrientes

Pasivos Corrientes

Préstamo (Nueva Propiedad) $ 41,904

Otros pasivos corrientes $ 39,402 (2)

$ 81.306 Total Pasivos Corriente

Activos No Corrientes

Planta, propiedades y equipo $ 4,630,936

(1) Incluye todos los cuentas DS&L

(2) No incluye estipendios futuros por las misas.

Publicaremos nuestro presupuesto para el año próximo en las semanas que vienen. Como siempre, la parroquia necesita su apoyo. Por

favor, continúe en generosidad. Estamos seguros de que el Señor nos recompensará.

Que sus recompensas sean grandes.

Padre Joe

Page 4: St. Pius V Catholic Church, Pasadena, Tx July 5, 2015 · St. Pius V Catholic Church, Pasadena, Tx July 5, 2015 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time My dear friends, We have come to the end

St. Pius V Catholic Church, Pasadena, Tx July 5, 2015

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

St. Pius V Women's Club Calendar - 2015 Our meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month from September through May. Membership is open to any ladies of the par-

ish. We have a variety of activities including praying the rosary for members' intentions, fundraisers for the parish and social events. We also

take occasional bus trips to visit various sites and to visit former parish priests.

Prayer blankets are always available. Call Grace at 713-645-2987. All ladies of the parish are invited to join our group!

First Reading Ez 2:2-5

As the LORD spoke to me, the spirit entered into me and set me on my feet, and I heard the one who was speaking say to me: Son of

man, I am sending you to the Israelites, rebels who have rebelled against me; they and their ancestors have revolted against me to this

very day. Hard of face and obstinate of heart are they to whom I am sending you. But you shall say to them: Thus says the Lord GOD!

And whether they heed or resist—for they are a rebellious house— they shall know that a prophet has been among them.

Responsorial Psalm Ps 123 R. Our eyes are fixed on the Lord, pleading for his mercy.

Second Reading2 2 Cor 12:7-10

Brothers and sisters: That I, Paul, might not become too elated, because of the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh

was given to me, an angel of Satan, to beat me, to keep me from being too elated. Three times I begged the Lord about this, that it might

leave me, but he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.”

I will rather boast most gladly of my weaknesses, in order that the power of Christ may dwell with me. Therefore, I am content

with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and constraints, for the sake of Christ; for when I am weak, then I am strong.

Gospel Mk 6:1-6

Jesus departed from there and came to his native place, accompanied by his disciples. When the Sabbath came he began to teach

in the synagogue, and many who heard him were astonished. They said, “Where did this man get all this? What kind of wisdom has been

given him? What mighty deeds are wrought by his hands! Is he not the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James and Joses and

Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him.

Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and among his own kin and in his own house.” So he

was not able to perform any mighty deed there, apart from curing a few sick people by laying his hands on them. He was amazed at their

lack of faith.

Job opening at St. Pius— Rectory Housekeeper—1

day a week—email your name and contact information

to Alice Layton—[email protected]

The Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Cursillo Movement invites you to the Southside Ultreya July 11, Aug 8, Sept 12, Nov 14, from 2

-4pm at St. Mary Catholic Church in League City. Meeting in Cargill Hall followed by 4:30pm Mass. For more information call Linda

Martiniano 281-332-5174.

Primera lectura Ez 2, 2-5

En aquellos días, el espíritu entró en mí, hizo que me pusiera en pie y oí una voz que me decía: “Hijo de hombre, yo te envío a los

israelitas, a un pueblo rebelde, que se ha sublevado contra mí. Ellos y sus padres me han traicionado hasta el día de hoy. También sus

hijos son testarudos y obstinados. A ellos te envío para que les comuniques mis palabras. Y ellos, te escuchen o no, porque son una raza

rebelde, sabrán que hay un profeta en medio de ellos”.

Salmo Responsorial Salmo 122 R. Ten piedad de nosotros, ten piedad.

Segunda lectura 1 Cor 12, 7b-10

Hermanos: Para que yo no me llene de soberbia por la sublimidad de las revelaciones que he tenido, llevo una espina clavada en mi

carne, un enviado de Satanás, que me abofetea para humillarme. Tres veces le he pedido al Señor que me libre de esto, pero él me ha

respondido: “Te basta mi gracia, porque mi poder se manifiesta en la debilidad”.

Así pues, de buena gana prefiero gloriarme de mis debilidades, para que se manifieste en mí el poder de Cristo. Por eso me alegro de las

debilidades, los insultos, las necesidades, las persecuciones y las dificultades que sufro por Cristo, porque cuando soy más débil, soy más


Evangelio Mc 6, 1-6

En aquel tiempo, Jesús fue a su tierra en compañía de sus discípulos. Cuando llegó el sábado, se puso a enseñar en la sinagoga, y la

multitud que lo escuchaba se preguntaba con asombro: “¿Dónde aprendió este hombre tantas cosas? ¿De dónde le viene esa sabiduría y

ese poder para hacer milagros? ¿Qué no es éste el carpintero, el hijo de María, el hermano de Santiago, José, Judas y Simón? ¿No viven

aquí, entre nosotros, sus hermanas?” Y estaban desconcertados.

Pero Jesús les dijo: “Todos honran a un profeta, menos los de su tierra, sus parientes y los de su casa”. Y no pudo hacer allí ningún

milagro, sólo curó a algunos enfermos imponiéndoles las manos. Y estaba extrañado de la incredulidad de aquella gente. Luego se fue a

enseñar en los pueblos vecinos.

Additional Names to keep in your prayers: Norma Jean Trevino, Tony Sierra, Noemi Sanchez,

Maria Celia Martinez, J P Rodriguez. For repose of the soul of: Jeanette Blake
