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St. Patrick Catholic Church A Jewel in the Diocese

Vol. 26 Number 26 February 08, 2009

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

This Parish exists to carry out the mission of Our Lord Jesus Christ on Earth. By our participation in the Holy Mass, the perfect act of worship, the saving power of Jesus is realized in our individual lives, families,

communities and in the world. Our outreach helps extend the reign of Jesus into all the dark corners of the world. As we gather as a family here in this holy place we experience a foretaste of our own destiny…Heaven! If you are a visitor, welcome! If you are a returning member, welcome home! We are really glad you’re here.

And remember, YOU are passionately loved by Jesus Christ.

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Readings for the Weekend February 14th & 15th Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

FIRST READING: (Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46) Second Reading–(1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1) Gospel–(Mark 1:40-45). PRAY FOR OUR PARISHIONERS IN THE HOSPITAL: Rita Trifilo, Please keep her, all the sick, and their caregivers in your prayers. VISITS TO THE SICK: If you are ill and in need of the Sacraments and would like a visit from Fr. Vernon, he has asked that you (or an immediate family member if you are too ill) contact him through the church office. The surest way of getting the message to Father is by speaking to him personally during office hours or calling the church office and leaving a message either on the answering machine or with Pegi Gilmore. PRAY FOR OUR PARISHIONERS WHO ARE UNABLE TO LEAVE THEIR HOMES: Albert Billets, Mary Catherine Carroll, Joe Gagliano, Chad Galloway, Norman Gugliotta, Rose Marie Mitchell, Frances Myers, Ethel Pruitt, Stan Rogato, John Sokira, Mildred Stack, Ed Suchey, Elizabeth Sullivan, Patti Watson and Jessie White. Please keep these, all the homebound, and their caregivers in your prayers. If you know of any parishioner who should be added to or removed, please contact the church office. PRAYER BOOK: The prayer book in the narthex is available for all prayer requests. Please pray daily for these requests. PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS: Especially our families, friends and loved ones who are currently in active military service: Darren Armentrout (Stateside), Jeremy Barton (Stateside), Dane Blankenship (Stateside), Justin Bramblet (Stateside), Christopher Cates (Stateside), Michael Diamond (Stateside), Joel Dill (Japan), Erin Fadlevich (Iraq) Brian Gibson (Iraq), Heath Gober (Iraq), T. R. Gray (Stateside) Becky Hodges (Guam), Jenny Malone (Stateside), Anthony Noon (Iraq), Richard Parvin (Stateside), Tim Rowell (Iraq), Joey Serio (Iraq), Ben Perry (Quatar), Shane Thomas (Uzbekistan), and Jason C. Watson (Stateside). Please keep all of our brave men and women in your prayers. If you know of anyone who should be added to or removed from this list, please contact the church office. PLEASE JOIN OUR PARISH! We would love to have you as a registered member of St. Patrick. If you are attending Mass at St. Patrick and would like to join our parish, pick up a Census Card in the narthex, fill it out and put it in the collection basket. Not sure if you are on record? If you are not receiving contribution envelopes, you are not registered. WELCOME TO OUR PARISH FAMILY! Michael and Tracie Jones of Quinton have officially joined St. Patrick this week by completing a Census Card. May God bless them and keep them always in His care. PARISH PICTURE DIRECTORY: We ask that the leader of each parish group contact the church office to schedule a time to have their group’s picture taken for the directory. If there is anyone in the parish that is a professional photographer, or a good digital, home photographer that would be willing to volunteer to help, along with Doris Moody, in getting this task accomplished please contact the office as soon as possible. DIDN’T HAVE YOUR PICTURE TAKEN? If you were unable to have your family (or individual) picture taken due to scheduling conflicts, illness, being homebound, etc., but would like to be included in the directory, please send in a picture of your family (or yourself) or e-mail a digital photo to the church. Include the names of the family members in the photo. If you would like to have your address and phone number included in the directory please include that information as well. While we can not promise, we will do our best to see that all photos are returned to their rightful owner. NEED A PICTURE TAKEN? If you were unable to make your scheduled appointment for the church directory and would like to submit a digital photo, please see Doris Moody after Mass during the month of February and she will be happy to make your picture for you. Watch the website to see when she is scheduled for Music (either with the choir or individually). We would like to have everyone included with a photo so please take advantage of this opportunity.

FAITH FORMATION CLASSES will meet this Wednesday, February 11th at 6:30pm sharp. R.C.I.A. /ADULT EDUCATION: will meet this Thursday, February 12, 2009 at 6:30 pm and the topic will be Anointing of the Sick.

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Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Proclaiming the gospel is our Christian mission. Jesus proclaimed the Good News and healed because he was rooted in prayer. Take Jesus’ lead – pray!. (Mark 1:29-39) Let us pray for all those who minister to the sick, that they may be strengthened by the power of prayer. (Vocation View sponsored by the Serra Club.) KEEP MOVING How many miracles is enough? Jesus’ followers had to wonder at times. Watching their beloved Master ceaselessly greet and heal the masses, the disciples must have counseled Jesus to take some time off. “Come on, Lord,” they might have said “You need some down time.” But Jesus had a different vision. He had been sent to fulfill a purpose, to reach God’s people with His message, and every moment was precious. Who had time to rest? Today the church needs to feel that same passion for sharing God’s love and salvation with the world. There’s no time to waste. God has a new city, a new world for us to conquer every morning. Let’s get out there and keep moving! “Man has been created by God, not to remain unoccupied and immobile, but always to move forward, so that he may exercise and through this exercise acquire divine grace and in the future life, acquire divine glory.” St Nicodemus



ST. CAMILLUS PATRON OF HOSPITALS AND NURSES: Before St Camillus was born, his mother had a dream in which a child with a red cross embossed on his chest and a standard in his hand led a band of similarly clad children. When St. Camillus grew up, he devoted his life to the needs of the sick and became director of the hospital of San Giacomo in Rome. Later in life the Saint also formed the Servants of the Sick, a congregation dedicated to the spiritual and physical well being of the ill and the dying. PRAYER OF THE SICK The prayer of the sick person is his patience and acceptance of sickness for the love of Jesus Christ.” Charles of Sezze PRAYER FOR HEALTH Almighty God, who is the only source of health and healing, the spirit of calm and the central peace of the universe; Grant to us, your children, such a consciousness of your indwelling presence, that we may have utter confidence in you. In all pain, in weariness and anxiety may we throw ourselves upon your besetting care, that knowing ourselves fenced about by your loving omnipotence, we accept your gift of health, strength and peace. Amen

MAKE THIS A DAY OF LOVE: So often Valentine’s Day is noted only for romance. Flowers, cards and candy leave store shelves at a dizzying pace, and sentimental cards are thick on the ground. But a day celebrating love should be so much more. Love holds the hand of the lonely and dries the tears of the mournful. Love gives generously of time and tenderness to even the most unappealing. Love sacrifices with gifts of service to those who are forgotten. This is the love we celebrate today, God’s love. On Valentine’s Day this year may we find the love we need and share it with those who need it even more. ALWAYS A PERFECT GIFT: Whoever has a heart full of love always has something to give. NOTABLE QUOTE “A wise lover values not so much the gift of the lover, as the love of the giver.” Thomas a Kempis

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IRISH WIN!! We congratulate our Boys basketball team (3-2) on defeating Holy Family last Sunday, 64-32. The team has shown remarkable improvement since the beginning of the season and every player scored in the game: Darrius Davis led with 18 points, followed by Ollie Anwah with 14; Rickey Davis with 11; J.R. Morris with 6; Reid Chafin with 5; Mark McPherson and Justin Richerzhagen with 4 each; and Mike Smith with 2. A DRINK and a DOG for a DOLLAR! ... means it must be a very special day for St. Patrick Youth Basketball!! And it is!! We want to fill the gym tonight (Sunday) when our boys and girls basketball teams play at home on the same day -- it's the only day this season this will happen, so please come show your support for the Fighting Irish and the Lady Wildcats. Admission is just $2 for adults and $1 for children 6-16. Wear your colors -- green and white for the boys, pink and black for the girls -- or combine and wear all four together!! Free shakers for all who attend!!

BOOK SIGNING: Come meet the author. Br. Leo Mary of EWTN has a new book out. As seen on T.V., “HEY BR. LEO” is a child’s book teaching Catholic faith by doing. For children age 8 and up, Matters of Christian teachings are explored and shown. Br. Leo will have a meet and greet, and book sale, and signing 1 day, February 10th from 2:30 until 5 at Gardendale Jewelers, 1226 Main St. Gardendale AL. Free refreshments will be served. The $20.00 donation for each book includes personalization and the authors autograph.(all proceeds go to MFVA, the Friars Missionary works)For further information call the church office. FISH FRY AT SAINT ALOYSIUS Saint Aloysius Parish in Bessemer will hold several Fish Fries during Lent after the 5:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross. The dates are February 27, March 6, March 27, and April 3. The dinner will consist of 2 fillets of fried catfish, French Fries, coleslaw, hush puppies, and drinks and will be served at the school cafeteria. The cost for adults is $8.00 and $4.00 for children, who will receive 1 fillet of fish plus sides. Take-outs will be available. All proceeds benefit the school. Call the church office for more information. THE CURSILLO MOVEMENT The February School of Leaders will be held on Saturday, February14, 2009, at The Cathedral of Saint Paul Life Center in Birmingham from 9:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Dr. Gary Gray will present The Life and Conversion of Saint Paul, which will be followed by discussion in small groups and group reunion. Andrew Maenza will givea tolak on the Ideal Rollo. This year’s meetings will be in Huntsville in April, Tuscaloosa in June, and Madison in August, with the other meetings in Cullman. All Cursillistas who are interested in becoming more involved in the work of the Movement are urged to attend. Those interested in serving as a team member, Ultreya Facilitator, or as a member of the Secretariat should attend this meeting. Those who have been a Cursillista for at least a year and are grouping and attending Ultreya regularly may serve on a weekend team. The School now meets on the SECOND Saturday of each month, and the monthly meeting of the Secretariat follows. The agenda for each monthly meeting of the School of Leaders is posted on the Web Site (

DID YOU KNOW that the church website will soon undergo an update on the home page? We want to know what you access most from our church website. Do you download the weekly bulletin? Perhaps you are looking to get the latest news and events. Watch for a survey to be launched very soon and give your feedback. Stay in touch! Visit often. And don't forget to sign up for Notify Me to receive important reminders and alerts. MUSIC MATTERS REHEARSALS: NO CHOIR Rehearsal Monday, Feb 9th. Sunday, Feb 15th - Choir Rehearses at 9:00 a.m. for the 10:00 a.m. Mass

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Weekly Mass Schedule

Saturday 02/07 4:00pm Cera Gray - SI

Sunday 02/08 10:00am Mass for the People

Monday 02/09 No Mass

Tuesday 02/10 8:00 am @ St. Stanislaus

Wednesday 02/11 NO MASS

Thursday 02/12 9:00 am Tina Jenette – H

Friday 02/13 8:00 am @ St. Stanislaus

Saturday 02/14 4:00 pm Bill Smith - †

Weekly Events and Meetings

Sunday Feb. 08 The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Mass 10:00 AM Girls Basketball vs. OLV-B 2 PM @ OLV

Girls Basketball vs. OLS-A 5 PM @ St. Patrick Boys Basketball vs. Holy Family 7:15 p.m. @ St. Patrick Kateri Circle after Mass

Monday Feb. 09 No Choir Rehearsal Tuesday Feb. 10

Wednesday Feb. 11 Faith Formation 6:30 PM Sharp! World day of prayer for the sick. Legion of Mary - 9:45 AM Thursday Feb. 12 R.C.I.A. – Adult Faith Formation 6:30 PM Friday Feb. 13

Saturday Feb. 14 Vigil of The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Mass 4:00 PM Feast day of St. Cyril & Methodius Sunday Feb. 15 The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Mass 10:00 AM Choir Rehearsal 9:00 AM

BULLETIN NOTICES: Please have all bulletin notices in the office by Noon Wednesday. WHEELCHAIR: A wheelchair is in the Cry Room, available for Emergencies Only. LOST AND FOUND: There are several articles in lost and found. Please call the Church Office for assistance. DAILY MASS-ROSARY-NOVENA PRAYER: Daily Mass is at 9 am Wednesday & Thursday and at 10:00 am on First Fridays (Unless otherwise posted under the Weekly Mass Schedule above.) A Rosary, the Daily Prayer for Vocations, and the Miraculous Medal Novena Prayer will be prayed 30 minutes before Daily Mass begins. A Rosary is prayed at 9:30 a.m. in the chapel every Sunday morning. Volunteers are requested to lead the Rosary at each occasion. The Primary Intention of the Rosary prayed is: ‘An End to Abortion’. DAILY MASS MINISTRY: Volunteers are needed to be Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers during Daily Mass. If you would like to serve please check the sign-in sheet in the narthex. If no one is down to serve, sign your name on the appropriate line. We have a number of openings for this month. Your help is appreciated. THE CRY ROOM is provided for crying children and their parent(s) only. Please do not attend Mass in the cry room unless you have a crying child with you. If you are late for Mass please come into the church and join the congregation. You are most welcome!
