Page 1: St. Mary’s University Student Chapter IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting September 7, 2013 San Marcos, TX

St. Mary’s UniversityStudent Chapter

IEEE Central Texas Section

Fall Planning MeetingSeptember 7, 2013

San Marcos, TX

Page 2: St. Mary’s University Student Chapter IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting September 7, 2013 San Marcos, TX

Chapter Leadership Team

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Djaffer IbaroudeneEmail: [email protected]

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Chapter Updates: Last Year Activities

• Participated in the Annual Oyster Bake at St. Mary’s University

• Participated in SA Boosting Engineering Science and Technology Robotic competition

• Held monthly meetings with speakers (career services, recruiting companies, Alumni, and others)

• Sponsored the “Ready, Set, Connect career fair” at St. Mary’s

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Chapter Updates: Last Year Activities

• Conducted electronics workshops to introduce lower classmen to robotics

• Dinners for student members who attended the IEEE Computer Society meetings at St. Mary’s University.

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Chapter Updates: Planned Activities for the Current Year

• Host recruitment events (lasertag and visits to freshmen classes)

• Continue to participate in the annual Oyster Bake to raise funds for the chapter

• Help run SABEST and provide judges for the event.• Continue to have guest speakers at our monthly

meetings• Participate in Region 5 Conference (robotics, paper, and

design competitions)• Organize field trips to local companies

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Chapter Updates: Planned Activities for the Current Year

• Continue building show-and-tell gadgets to showcase engineering to high school students

• Continue with our community service and outreach program

• Increase the visibility of the IEEE student chapter on campus by sponsoring events in collaboration with other student organizations

• Sponsor career awareness and networking events through Career Services

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SWOT Analysis:Strengths

• Advisor is involved and engaged in meetings/events

• Good membership retention• Dynamic new group of officers • Robotics workshops helped prepare

students for participation in robotics competition at IEEE Region 5 Conference

• Availability of guest speakers at our meetings

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SWOT Analysis:Weaknesses

• Need to increase the visibility of IEEE student branch on campus• Attendance/Participation at meetings and

the level of student could be better.• Need to participate more regularly in IEEE

Region 5 conference

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SWOT Analysis:Opportunities

• Increase student attendance and participation by soliciting full membership input in program planning• Do a better job at highlighting the value of

the IEEE student membership during recruitment to increase the number of new students who may join our chapter

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SWOT Analysis:Threats

• Limited available funding • Membership involvement

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Thank You
